blob: 81c8e97548034710fe450a0354b250fd84d2d53d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <utility>
#include "lib/support/logging/CHIPLogging.h"
#include <inet/IPAddress.h>
#include <inet/InetInterface.h>
#include <inet/UDPEndPoint.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
#include <lib/core/Optional.h>
#include <lib/core/PeerId.h>
#include <lib/dnssd/Constants.h>
#include <lib/support/BytesToHex.h>
#include <messaging/ReliableMessageProtocolConfig.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Dnssd {
/// Node resolution data common to both operational and commissionable discovery
struct CommonResolutionData
static constexpr unsigned kMaxIPAddresses = CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_MAX_DISCOVERED_IP_ADDRESSES;
Inet::InterfaceId interfaceId;
size_t numIPs = 0; // number of valid IP addresses
Inet::IPAddress ipAddress[kMaxIPAddresses];
uint16_t port = 0;
char hostName[kHostNameMaxLength + 1] = {};
bool supportsTcp = false;
Optional<System::Clock::Milliseconds32> mrpRetryIntervalIdle;
Optional<System::Clock::Milliseconds32> mrpRetryIntervalActive;
Optional<System::Clock::Milliseconds16> mrpRetryActiveThreshold;
CommonResolutionData() { Reset(); }
bool IsValid() const { return !IsHost("") && (numIPs > 0) && (ipAddress[0] != chip::Inet::IPAddress::Any); }
ReliableMessageProtocolConfig GetRemoteMRPConfig() const
const ReliableMessageProtocolConfig defaultConfig = GetDefaultMRPConfig();
return ReliableMessageProtocolConfig(GetMrpRetryIntervalIdle().ValueOr(defaultConfig.mIdleRetransTimeout),
Optional<System::Clock::Milliseconds32> GetMrpRetryIntervalIdle() const { return mrpRetryIntervalIdle; }
Optional<System::Clock::Milliseconds32> GetMrpRetryIntervalActive() const { return mrpRetryIntervalActive; }
Optional<System::Clock::Milliseconds16> GetMrpRetryActiveThreshold() const { return mrpRetryActiveThreshold; }
bool IsDeviceTreatedAsSleepy(const ReliableMessageProtocolConfig * defaultMRPConfig) const
// If either sleepy interval (Idle - SII, Active - SAI) has a value and that value is greater
// than the value passed to this function, then the peer device will be treated as if it is
// a Sleepy End Device (SED)
return (mrpRetryIntervalIdle.HasValue() && (mrpRetryIntervalIdle.Value() > defaultMRPConfig->mIdleRetransTimeout)) ||
(mrpRetryIntervalActive.HasValue() && (mrpRetryIntervalActive.Value() > defaultMRPConfig->mActiveRetransTimeout));
bool IsHost(const char * host) const { return strcmp(host, hostName) == 0; }
void Reset()
memset(hostName, 0, sizeof(hostName));
mrpRetryIntervalIdle = NullOptional;
mrpRetryIntervalActive = NullOptional;
numIPs = 0;
port = 0;
supportsTcp = false;
interfaceId = Inet::InterfaceId::Null();
for (auto & addr : ipAddress)
addr = chip::Inet::IPAddress::Any;
void LogDetail() const
if (!IsHost(""))
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tHostname: %s", hostName);
for (unsigned j = 0; j < numIPs; j++)
char buf[Inet::IPAddress::kMaxStringLength];
char * ipAddressOut = ipAddress[j].ToString(buf);
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tIP Address #%d: %s", j + 1, ipAddressOut);
if (port > 0)
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tPort: %u", port);
if (mrpRetryIntervalIdle.HasValue())
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tMrp Interval idle: %" PRIu32 " ms", mrpRetryIntervalIdle.Value().count());
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tMrp Interval idle: not present");
if (mrpRetryIntervalActive.HasValue())
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tMrp Interval active: %" PRIu32 " ms", mrpRetryIntervalActive.Value().count());
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tMrp Interval active: not present");
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tTCP Supported: %d", supportsTcp);
/// Data that is specific to Operational Discovery of nodes
struct OperationalNodeData
PeerId peerId;
void Reset() { peerId = PeerId(); }
inline constexpr size_t kMaxDeviceNameLen = 32;
inline constexpr size_t kMaxRotatingIdLen = 50;
inline constexpr size_t kMaxPairingInstructionLen = 128;
/// Data that is specific to commisionable/commissioning node discovery
struct CommissionNodeData
char instanceName[Commission::kInstanceNameMaxLength + 1] = {};
uint16_t longDiscriminator = 0;
uint16_t vendorId = 0;
uint16_t productId = 0;
uint8_t commissioningMode = 0;
uint32_t deviceType = 0;
char deviceName[kMaxDeviceNameLen + 1] = {};
uint8_t rotatingId[kMaxRotatingIdLen] = {};
size_t rotatingIdLen = 0;
uint16_t pairingHint = 0;
char pairingInstruction[kMaxPairingInstructionLen + 1] = {};
CommissionNodeData() {}
void Reset()
// Let constructor clear things as default
new (this) CommissionNodeData();
bool IsInstanceName(const char * instance) const { return strcmp(instance, instanceName) == 0; }
void LogDetail() const
if (rotatingIdLen > 0)
char rotatingIdString[chip::Dnssd::kMaxRotatingIdLen * 2 + 1] = "";
Encoding::BytesToUppercaseHexString(rotatingId, rotatingIdLen, rotatingIdString, sizeof(rotatingIdString));
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tRotating ID: %s", rotatingIdString);
if (strlen(deviceName) != 0)
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tDevice Name: %s", deviceName);
if (vendorId > 0)
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tVendor ID: %u", vendorId);
if (productId > 0)
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tProduct ID: %u", productId);
if (deviceType > 0)
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tDevice Type: %" PRIu32, deviceType);
if (longDiscriminator > 0)
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tLong Discriminator: %u", longDiscriminator);
if (strlen(pairingInstruction) != 0)
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tPairing Instruction: %s", pairingInstruction);
if (pairingHint > 0)
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tPairing Hint: %u", pairingHint);
if (!IsInstanceName(""))
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tInstance Name: %s", instanceName);
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "\tCommissioning Mode: %u", commissioningMode);
struct ResolvedNodeData
CommonResolutionData resolutionData;
OperationalNodeData operationalData;
void LogNodeIdResolved() const
// Would be nice to log the interface id, but sorting out how to do so
// across our different InterfaceId implementations is a pain.
ChipLogProgress(Discovery, "Node ID resolved for " ChipLogFormatX64 ":" ChipLogFormatX64,
struct DiscoveredNodeData
CommonResolutionData resolutionData;
CommissionNodeData commissionData;
void Reset()
DiscoveredNodeData() { Reset(); }
void LogDetail() const
ChipLogDetail(Discovery, "Discovered node:");
enum class DiscoveryFilterType : uint8_t
struct DiscoveryFilter
DiscoveryFilterType type;
uint64_t code = 0;
const char * instanceName = nullptr;
DiscoveryFilter() : type(DiscoveryFilterType::kNone), code(0) {}
DiscoveryFilter(const DiscoveryFilterType newType) : type(newType) {}
DiscoveryFilter(const DiscoveryFilterType newType, uint64_t newCode) : type(newType), code(newCode) {}
DiscoveryFilter(const DiscoveryFilterType newType, const char * newInstanceName) : type(newType), instanceName(newInstanceName)
bool operator==(const DiscoveryFilter & other) const
if (type != other.type)
return false;
if (type == DiscoveryFilterType::kInstanceName)
return (instanceName != nullptr) && (other.instanceName != nullptr) && (strcmp(instanceName, other.instanceName) == 0);
return code == other.code;
enum class DiscoveryType
/// Callbacks for resolving operational node resolution
class OperationalResolveDelegate
virtual ~OperationalResolveDelegate() = default;
/// Called within the CHIP event loop after a successful node resolution.
/// May be called multiple times: implementations may call this once per
/// received packet and MDNS packets may arrive over different interfaces
/// which will make nodeData have different content.
virtual void OnOperationalNodeResolved(const ResolvedNodeData & nodeData) = 0;
/// Notify a final failure for a node operational resolution.
/// Called within the chip event loop if node resolution could not be performed.
/// This may be due to internal errors or timeouts.
/// This will be called only if 'OnOperationalNodeResolved' is never called.
virtual void OnOperationalNodeResolutionFailed(const PeerId & peerId, CHIP_ERROR error) = 0;
/// Callbacks for discovering nodes advertising non-operational status:
/// - Commissioners
/// - Nodes in commissioning modes over IP (e.g. ethernet devices, devices already
/// connected to thread/wifi or devices with a commissioning window open)
class CommissioningResolveDelegate
virtual ~CommissioningResolveDelegate() = default;
/// Called within the CHIP event loop once a node is discovered.
/// May be called multiple times as more nodes send their answer to a
/// multicast discovery query
virtual void OnNodeDiscovered(const DiscoveredNodeData & nodeData) = 0;
* Interface for resolving CHIP DNS-SD services
class Resolver
virtual ~Resolver() {}
* Initializes the resolver.
* The method must be called before other methods of this class.
* If the resolver has already been initialized, the method exits immediately with no error.
virtual CHIP_ERROR Init(Inet::EndPointManager<Inet::UDPEndPoint> * endPointManager) = 0;
* Returns whether the resolver has completed the initialization.
* Returns true if the resolver is ready to take node resolution and discovery requests.
virtual bool IsInitialized() = 0;
* Shuts down the resolver if it has been initialized before.
virtual void Shutdown() = 0;
* If nullptr is passed, the previously registered delegate is unregistered.
virtual void SetOperationalDelegate(OperationalResolveDelegate * delegate) = 0;
* If nullptr is passed, the previously registered delegate is unregistered.
virtual void SetCommissioningDelegate(CommissioningResolveDelegate * delegate) = 0;
* Requests resolution of the given operational node service.
* This will trigger a DNSSD query.
* When the operation succeeds or fails, and a resolver delegate has been registered,
* the result of the operation is passed to the delegate's `OnOperationalNodeResolved` or
* `OnOperationalNodeResolutionFailed` method, respectively.
* Multiple calls to ResolveNodeId may be coalesced by the implementation
* and lead to just one call to
* OnOperationalNodeResolved/OnOperationalNodeResolutionFailed, as long as
* the later calls cause the underlying querying mechanism to re-query as if
* there were no coalescing.
* A single call to ResolveNodeId may lead to multiple calls to
* OnOperationalNodeResolved with different IP addresses.
* @see NodeIdResolutionNoLongerNeeded.
virtual CHIP_ERROR ResolveNodeId(const PeerId & peerId) = 0;
* Notify the resolver that one of the consumers that called ResolveNodeId
* successfully no longer needs the resolution result (e.g. because it got
* the result via OnOperationalNodeResolved, or got an via
* OnOperationalNodeResolutionFailed, or no longer cares about future
* updates).
* There must be a NodeIdResolutionNoLongerNeeded call that matches every
* successful ResolveNodeId call. In particular, implementations of
* OnOperationalNodeResolved and OnOperationalNodeResolutionFailed must call
* NodeIdResolutionNoLongerNeeded once for each prior successful call to
* ResolveNodeId for the relevant PeerId that has not yet had a matching
* NodeIdResolutionNoLongerNeeded call made.
virtual void NodeIdResolutionNoLongerNeeded(const PeerId & peerId) = 0;
* Finds all commissionable nodes matching the given filter.
* Whenever a new matching node is found and a resolver delegate has been registered,
* the node information is passed to the delegate's `OnNodeDiscoveryComplete` method.
virtual CHIP_ERROR DiscoverCommissionableNodes(DiscoveryFilter filter = DiscoveryFilter()) = 0;
* Finds all commissioner nodes matching the given filter.
* Whenever a new matching node is found and a resolver delegate has been registered,
* the node information is passed to the delegate's `OnNodeDiscoveryComplete` method.
virtual CHIP_ERROR DiscoverCommissioners(DiscoveryFilter filter = DiscoveryFilter()) = 0;
* Stop discovery (of commissionable or commissioner nodes).
* Some back ends may not support stopping discovery, so consumers should
* not assume they will stop getting callbacks after calling this.
virtual CHIP_ERROR StopDiscovery() = 0;
* Verify the validity of an address that appears to be out of date (for example
* because establishing a connection to it has failed).
virtual CHIP_ERROR ReconfirmRecord(const char * hostname, Inet::IPAddress address, Inet::InterfaceId interfaceId) = 0;
* Provides the system-wide implementation of the service resolver
static Resolver & Instance();
} // namespace Dnssd
} // namespace chip