blob: 6a7aa18b09404e6b54b5b590c97bdb34c2caae06 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines objects for a CHIP Interaction Data model Engine which handle unsolicited IM message, and
* manage different kinds of IM client and handlers.
#pragma once
#include <access/AccessControl.h>
#include <app/MessageDef/AttributeReportIBs.h>
#include <app/MessageDef/ReportDataMessage.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPCore.h>
#include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <lib/support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <lib/support/Pool.h>
#include <lib/support/logging/CHIPLogging.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeContext.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeMgr.h>
#include <messaging/Flags.h>
#include <protocols/Protocols.h>
#include <protocols/interaction_model/Constants.h>
#include <system/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
#include <app/ClusterInfo.h>
#include <app/CommandHandler.h>
#include <app/CommandHandlerInterface.h>
#include <app/CommandSender.h>
#include <app/ConcreteAttributePath.h>
#include <app/ConcreteCommandPath.h>
#include <app/ReadClient.h>
#include <app/ReadHandler.h>
#include <app/StatusResponse.h>
#include <app/TimedHandler.h>
#include <app/WriteClient.h>
#include <app/WriteHandler.h>
#include <app/reporting/Engine.h>
#include <app/util/basic-types.h>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
* @class InteractionModelEngine
* @brief This is a singleton hosting all CHIP unsolicited message processing and managing interaction model related clients and
* handlers
class InteractionModelEngine : public Messaging::ExchangeDelegate, public CommandHandler::Callback, public ReadHandler::Callback
* @brief Retrieve the singleton Interaction Model Engine.
* @return A pointer to the shared InteractionModel Engine
static InteractionModelEngine * GetInstance(void);
* Initialize the InteractionModel Engine.
* @param[in] apExchangeMgr A pointer to the ExchangeManager object.
* @retval #CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE If the state is not equal to
* kState_NotInitialized.
* @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR On success.
CHIP_ERROR Init(Messaging::ExchangeManager * apExchangeMgr);
void Shutdown();
Messaging::ExchangeManager * GetExchangeManager(void) const { return mpExchangeMgr; };
* Tears down an active subscription.
* @retval #CHIP_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND If the subscription is not found.
* @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR On success.
CHIP_ERROR ShutdownSubscription(uint64_t aSubscriptionId);
* Tears down active subscriptions for a given peer node ID.
* @retval #CHIP_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND If no active subscription is found.
* @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR On success.
CHIP_ERROR ShutdownSubscriptions(FabricIndex aFabricIndex, NodeId aPeerNodeId);
uint32_t GetNumActiveReadHandlers() const;
uint32_t GetNumActiveReadHandlers(ReadHandler::InteractionType type) const;
uint32_t GetNumActiveWriteHandlers() const;
* Returns the handler at a particular index within the active handler list.
ReadHandler * ActiveHandlerAt(unsigned int aIndex);
* The Magic number of this InteractionModelEngine, the magic number is set during Init()
uint32_t GetMagicNumber() { return mMagic; }
reporting::Engine & GetReportingEngine() { return mReportingEngine; }
void ReleaseClusterInfoList(ClusterInfo *& aClusterInfo);
CHIP_ERROR PushFront(ClusterInfo *& aClusterInfoLisst, ClusterInfo & aClusterInfo);
bool IsOverlappedAttributePath(ClusterInfo & aAttributePath);
CHIP_ERROR RegisterCommandHandler(CommandHandlerInterface * handler);
CHIP_ERROR UnregisterCommandHandler(CommandHandlerInterface * handler);
CommandHandlerInterface * FindCommandHandler(EndpointId endpointId, ClusterId clusterId);
void UnregisterCommandHandlers(EndpointId endpointId);
* Called when a timed interaction has failed (i.e. the exchange it was
* happening on has closed while the exchange delegate was the timed
* handler).
void OnTimedInteractionFailed(TimedHandler * apTimedHandler);
* Called when a timed invoke is received. This function takes over all
* handling of the exchange, status reporting, and so forth.
void OnTimedInvoke(TimedHandler * apTimedHandler, Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext,
const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader, System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload);
* Called when a timed write is received. This function takes over all
* handling of the exchange, status reporting, and so forth.
void OnTimedWrite(TimedHandler * apTimedHandler, Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext,
const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader, System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload);
* Add a read client to the internally tracked list of weak references. This list is used to
* correctly dispatch unsolicited reports to the right matching handler by subscription ID.
void AddReadClient(ReadClient * apReadClient);
* Remove a read client from the internally tracked list of weak references.
void RemoveReadClient(ReadClient * apReadClient);
* Test to see if a read client is in the actively tracked list.
bool InActiveReadClientList(ReadClient * apReadClient);
* Return the number of active read clients being tracked by the engine.
size_t GetNumActiveReadClients();
// Get direct access to the underlying read handler pool
auto & GetReadHandlerPool() { return mReadHandlers; }
// Override the maximal capacity of the underlying read handler pool to mimic
// out of memory scenarios in unit-tests.
// If -1 is passed in, no override is instituted and default behavior resumes.
void SetHandlerCapacity(int32_t sz) { mReadHandlerCapacityOverride = sz; }
// When testing subscriptions using the high-level APIs in src/controller/ReadInteraction.h,
// they don't provide for the ability to shut down those subscriptions after they've been established.
// So for the purposes of unit tests, add a helper here to shut down and clean-up all active handlers.
void ShutdownActiveReads()
for (auto * readClient = mpActiveReadClientList; readClient != nullptr;)
readClient->mpImEngine = nullptr;
auto * tmpClient = readClient->GetNextClient();
readClient = tmpClient;
// After that, we just null out our tracker.
mpActiveReadClientList = nullptr;
friend class reporting::Engine;
friend class TestCommandInteraction;
using Status = Protocols::InteractionModel::Status;
void OnDone(CommandHandler & apCommandObj) override;
void OnDone(ReadHandler & apReadObj) override;
* Called when Interaction Model receives a Command Request message. Errors processing
* the Command Request are handled entirely within this function. The caller pre-sets status to failure and the callee is
* expected to set it to success if it does not want an automatic status response message to be sent.
CHIP_ERROR OnInvokeCommandRequest(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader,
System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload, bool aIsTimedInvoke,
Protocols::InteractionModel::Status & aStatus);
CHIP_ERROR OnMessageReceived(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader,
System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload) override;
void OnResponseTimeout(Messaging::ExchangeContext * ec) override;
* Called when Interaction Model receives a Read Request message. Errors processing
* the Read Request are handled entirely within this function. The caller pre-sets status to failure and the callee is
* expected to set it to success if it does not want an automatic status response message to be sent.
CHIP_ERROR OnReadInitialRequest(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader,
System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload, ReadHandler::InteractionType aInteractionType,
Protocols::InteractionModel::Status & aStatus);
* Called when Interaction Model receives a Write Request message. Errors processing
* the Write Request are handled entirely within this function. If the
* status returned is not Status::Success, the caller will send a status
* response message with that status.
Status OnWriteRequest(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader,
System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload, bool aIsTimedWrite);
* Called when Interaction Model receives a Timed Request message. Errors processing
* the Timed Request are handled entirely within this function. The caller pre-sets status to failure and the callee is
* expected to set it to success if it does not want an automatic status response message to be sent.
CHIP_ERROR OnTimedRequest(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader,
System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload, Protocols::InteractionModel::Status & aStatus);
/**This function handles processing of un-solicited ReportData messages on the client, which can
* only occur post subscription establishment
CHIP_ERROR OnUnsolicitedReportData(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext, const PayloadHeader & aPayloadHeader,
System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload);
void DispatchCommand(CommandHandler & apCommandObj, const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath,
TLV::TLVReader & apPayload) override;
Protocols::InteractionModel::Status CommandExists(const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath) override;
bool HasActiveRead();
CHIP_ERROR ShutdownExistingSubscriptionsIfNeeded(Messaging::ExchangeContext * apExchangeContext,
System::PacketBufferHandle && aPayload);
Messaging::ExchangeManager * mpExchangeMgr = nullptr;
CommandHandlerInterface * mCommandHandlerList = nullptr;
ObjectPool<CommandHandler, CHIP_IM_MAX_NUM_COMMAND_HANDLER> mCommandHandlerObjs;
ObjectPool<TimedHandler, CHIP_IM_MAX_NUM_TIMED_HANDLER> mTimedHandlers;
ObjectPool<ReadHandler, CHIP_IM_MAX_NUM_READ_HANDLER> mReadHandlers;
WriteHandler mWriteHandlers[CHIP_IM_MAX_NUM_WRITE_HANDLER];
reporting::Engine mReportingEngine;
ObjectPool<ClusterInfo, CHIP_IM_SERVER_MAX_NUM_PATH_GROUPS> mClusterInfoPool;
ReadClient * mpActiveReadClientList = nullptr;
int mReadHandlerCapacityOverride = -1;
// A magic number for tracking values between stack Shutdown()-s and Init()-s.
// An ObjectHandle is valid iff. its magic equals to this one.
uint32_t mMagic = 0;
void DispatchSingleClusterCommand(const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath, chip::TLV::TLVReader & aReader,
CommandHandler * apCommandObj);
* Check whether the given cluster exists on the given endpoint and supports
* the given command. If it does, Success will be returned. If it does not,
* one of UnsupportedEndpoint, UnsupportedCluster, or UnsupportedCommand
* will be returned, depending on how the command fails to exist.
Protocols::InteractionModel::Status ServerClusterCommandExists(const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath);
* Fetch attribute value and version info and write to the AttributeReport provided.
* The ReadSingleClusterData will do everything required for encoding an attribute, i.e. it will try to put one or more
* AttributeReportIB to the AttributeReportIBs::Builder.
* When the endpoint / cluster / attribute / event data specified by aClusterInfo does not exist, corresponding interaction model
* error code will be put into the writer, and CHIP_NO_ERROR will be returned.
* If the data exists on the server, the data (with tag kData) and the data version (with tag kDataVersion) will be put
* into the TLVWriter. TLVWriter error will be returned if any error occurred during encoding
* these values.
* This function is implemented by CHIP as a part of cluster data storage & management.
* The apWriter and apDataExists can be nullptr.
* @param[in] aSubjectDescriptor The subject descriptor for the read.
* @param[in] aPath The concrete path of the data being read.
* @param[in] aAttributeReports The TLV Builder for Cluter attribute builder.
* @retval CHIP_NO_ERROR on success
CHIP_ERROR ReadSingleClusterData(const Access::SubjectDescriptor & aSubjectDescriptor, bool aIsFabricFiltered,
const ConcreteReadAttributePath & aPath, AttributeReportIBs::Builder & aAttributeReports,
AttributeValueEncoder::AttributeEncodeState * apEncoderState);
* TODO: Document.
CHIP_ERROR WriteSingleClusterData(const Access::SubjectDescriptor & aSubjectDescriptor,
const ConcreteDataAttributePath & aAttributePath, TLV::TLVReader & aReader,
WriteHandler * apWriteHandler);
* Check if the given cluster has the given DataVersion.
bool IsClusterDataVersionEqual(EndpointId aEndpointId, ClusterId aClusterId, DataVersion aRequiredVersion);
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip