blob: f0c175237e7b8a23babcfd22394839b2bec19a89 [file] [log] [blame]
import ctypes
import glob
import os
import platform
import construct
def _AllDirsToRoot(dir):
"""Return all parent paths of a directory."""
dir = os.path.abspath(dir)
while True:
yield dir
parent = os.path.dirname(dir)
if parent == "" or parent == dir:
dir = parent
def FindNativeLibraryPath() -> str:
"""Find the native CHIP dll/so path."""
scriptDir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
# When properly installed in the chip package, the Chip Device Manager DLL will
# be located in the package root directory, along side the package's
# modules.
dmDLLPath = os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(scriptDir), # file should be inside 'chip'
if os.path.exists(dmDLLPath):
return dmDLLPath
# For the convenience of developers, search the list of parent paths relative to the
# running script looking for an CHIP build directory containing the Chip Device
# Manager DLL. This makes it possible to import and use the ChipDeviceMgr module
# directly from a built copy of the CHIP source tree.
buildMachineGlob = "%s-*-%s*" % (platform.machine(),
relDMDLLPathGlob = os.path.join(
for dir in _AllDirsToRoot(scriptDir):
dmDLLPathGlob = os.path.join(dir, relDMDLLPathGlob)
for dmDLLPath in glob.glob(dmDLLPathGlob):
if os.path.exists(dmDLLPath):
return dmDLLPath
raise Exception(
"Unable to locate Chip Device Manager DLL (%s); expected location: %s" %
class NativeLibraryHandleMethodArguments:
"""Convenience wrapper to set native method argtype and restype for methods."""
def __init__(self, handle):
self.handle = handle
def Set(self, methodName: str, resultType, argumentTypes: list):
method = getattr(self.handle, methodName)
method.restype = resultType
method.argtype = argumentTypes
_nativeLibraryHandle: ctypes.CDLL = None
def _GetLibraryHandle(shouldInit: bool) -> ctypes.CDLL:
"""Get a memoized handle to the chip native code dll."""
global _nativeLibraryHandle
if _nativeLibraryHandle is None:
if shouldInit:
raise Exception("Common stack has not been initialized!")
_nativeLibraryHandle = ctypes.CDLL(FindNativeLibraryPath())
setter = NativeLibraryHandleMethodArguments(_nativeLibraryHandle)
setter.Set("pychip_CommonStackInit", ctypes.c_uint32, [ctypes.c_char_p])
return _nativeLibraryHandle
def Init(bluetoothAdapter: int = None):
CommonStackParams = construct.Struct(
"BluetoothAdapterId" / construct.Int32ul,
params = CommonStackParams.parse(b'\x00' * CommonStackParams.sizeof())
params.BluetoothAdapterId = bluetoothAdapter if bluetoothAdapter is not None else 0
params =
def GetLibraryHandle():
return _GetLibraryHandle(True)