blob: 62a93c3f38a0a7fe31a24a7519ed4aa8011c2972 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Prevent multiple inclusion
#pragma once
#include <app/util/privilege-storage.h>
// Prevent changing generated format
// clang-format off
// Parallel array data (*cluster*, attribute, privilege) for read attribute
/* Cluster: On/Off, Attribute: StartUpOnOff, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Level Control, Attribute: start up current level, Privilege: view */ \
31, /* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: ACL, Privilege: administer */ \
31, /* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: Extension, Privilege: administer */ \
/* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: TargetsPerAccessControlEntry, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: AccessControlEntriesPerFabric, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: NodeLabel, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: Location, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: LocalConfigDisabled, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: General Commissioning, Attribute: Breadcrumb, Privilege: view */ \
49, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: MaxNetworks, Privilege: administer */ \
49, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: Networks, Privilege: administer */ \
/* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: InterfaceEnabled, Privilege: view */ \
49, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: LastNetworkingStatus, Privilege: administer */ \
49, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: LastNetworkID, Privilege: administer */ \
49, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: LastConnectErrorValue, Privilege: administer */ \
62, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Attribute: NOCs, Privilege: administer */ \
/* Cluster: Group Key Management, Attribute: GroupKeyMap, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: User Label, Attribute: label list, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: DoorOpenEvents, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: DoorClosedEvents, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: OpenPeriod, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: Language, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: AutoRelockTime, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: SoundVolume, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: OperatingMode, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnableOneTouchLocking, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnableInsideStatusLED, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnablePrivacyModeButton, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: WrongCodeEntryLimit, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: RequirePINforRemoteOperation, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Window Covering, Attribute: Mode, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: LifetimeRunningHours, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: OperationMode, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: ControlMode, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinHeatSetpointLimit, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MaxHeatSetpointLimit, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinCoolSetpointLimit, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MaxCoolSetpointLimit, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinSetpointDeadBand, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: ControlSequenceOfOperation, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: SystemMode, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat User Interface Configuration, Attribute: keypad lockout, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat User Interface Configuration, Attribute: schedule programming visibility, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: WhitePointX, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: WhitePointY, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRX, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRY, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRIntensity, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGX, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGY, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGIntensity, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBX, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBY, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBIntensity, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: StartUpColorTemperatureMireds, Privilege: view */ \
// Parallel array data (cluster, *attribute*, privilege) for read attribute
/* Cluster: On/Off, Attribute: StartUpOnOff, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Level Control, Attribute: start up current level, Privilege: view */ \
0, /* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: ACL, Privilege: administer */ \
1, /* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: Extension, Privilege: administer */ \
/* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: TargetsPerAccessControlEntry, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: AccessControlEntriesPerFabric, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: NodeLabel, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: Location, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: LocalConfigDisabled, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: General Commissioning, Attribute: Breadcrumb, Privilege: view */ \
0, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: MaxNetworks, Privilege: administer */ \
1, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: Networks, Privilege: administer */ \
/* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: InterfaceEnabled, Privilege: view */ \
5, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: LastNetworkingStatus, Privilege: administer */ \
6, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: LastNetworkID, Privilege: administer */ \
7, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: LastConnectErrorValue, Privilege: administer */ \
0, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Attribute: NOCs, Privilege: administer */ \
/* Cluster: Group Key Management, Attribute: GroupKeyMap, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: User Label, Attribute: label list, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: DoorOpenEvents, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: DoorClosedEvents, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: OpenPeriod, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: Language, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: AutoRelockTime, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: SoundVolume, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: OperatingMode, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnableOneTouchLocking, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnableInsideStatusLED, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnablePrivacyModeButton, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: WrongCodeEntryLimit, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: RequirePINforRemoteOperation, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Window Covering, Attribute: Mode, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: LifetimeRunningHours, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: OperationMode, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: ControlMode, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinHeatSetpointLimit, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MaxHeatSetpointLimit, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinCoolSetpointLimit, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MaxCoolSetpointLimit, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinSetpointDeadBand, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: ControlSequenceOfOperation, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: SystemMode, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat User Interface Configuration, Attribute: keypad lockout, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat User Interface Configuration, Attribute: schedule programming visibility, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: WhitePointX, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: WhitePointY, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRX, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRY, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRIntensity, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGX, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGY, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGIntensity, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBX, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBY, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBIntensity, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: StartUpColorTemperatureMireds, Privilege: view */ \
// Parallel array data (cluster, attribute, *privilege*) for read attribute
/* Cluster: On/Off, Attribute: StartUpOnOff, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Level Control, Attribute: start up current level, Privilege: view */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: ACL, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: Extension, Privilege: administer */ \
/* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: TargetsPerAccessControlEntry, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: AccessControlEntriesPerFabric, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: NodeLabel, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: Location, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: LocalConfigDisabled, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: General Commissioning, Attribute: Breadcrumb, Privilege: view */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: MaxNetworks, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: Networks, Privilege: administer */ \
/* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: InterfaceEnabled, Privilege: view */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: LastNetworkingStatus, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: LastNetworkID, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: LastConnectErrorValue, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Attribute: NOCs, Privilege: administer */ \
/* Cluster: Group Key Management, Attribute: GroupKeyMap, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: User Label, Attribute: label list, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: DoorOpenEvents, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: DoorClosedEvents, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: OpenPeriod, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: Language, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: AutoRelockTime, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: SoundVolume, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: OperatingMode, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnableOneTouchLocking, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnableInsideStatusLED, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnablePrivacyModeButton, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: WrongCodeEntryLimit, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: RequirePINforRemoteOperation, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Window Covering, Attribute: Mode, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: LifetimeRunningHours, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: OperationMode, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: ControlMode, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinHeatSetpointLimit, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MaxHeatSetpointLimit, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinCoolSetpointLimit, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MaxCoolSetpointLimit, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinSetpointDeadBand, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: ControlSequenceOfOperation, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: SystemMode, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat User Interface Configuration, Attribute: keypad lockout, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Thermostat User Interface Configuration, Attribute: schedule programming visibility, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: WhitePointX, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: WhitePointY, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRX, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRY, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRIntensity, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGX, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGY, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGIntensity, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBX, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBY, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBIntensity, Privilege: view */ \
/* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: StartUpColorTemperatureMireds, Privilege: view */ \
// Parallel array data (*cluster*, attribute, privilege) for write attribute
6, /* Cluster: On/Off, Attribute: StartUpOnOff, Privilege: manage */ \
8, /* Cluster: Level Control, Attribute: start up current level, Privilege: manage */ \
31, /* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: ACL, Privilege: administer */ \
31, /* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: Extension, Privilege: administer */ \
40, /* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: NodeLabel, Privilege: manage */ \
40, /* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: Location, Privilege: administer */ \
40, /* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: LocalConfigDisabled, Privilege: manage */ \
48, /* Cluster: General Commissioning, Attribute: Breadcrumb, Privilege: administer */ \
49, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: InterfaceEnabled, Privilege: administer */ \
63, /* Cluster: Group Key Management, Attribute: GroupKeyMap, Privilege: manage */ \
65, /* Cluster: User Label, Attribute: label list, Privilege: manage */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: DoorOpenEvents, Privilege: manage */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: DoorClosedEvents, Privilege: manage */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: OpenPeriod, Privilege: manage */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: Language, Privilege: manage */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: AutoRelockTime, Privilege: manage */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: SoundVolume, Privilege: manage */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: OperatingMode, Privilege: manage */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnableOneTouchLocking, Privilege: manage */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnableInsideStatusLED, Privilege: manage */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnablePrivacyModeButton, Privilege: manage */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: WrongCodeEntryLimit, Privilege: administer */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime, Privilege: administer */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: RequirePINforRemoteOperation, Privilege: administer */ \
258, /* Cluster: Window Covering, Attribute: Mode, Privilege: manage */ \
512, /* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: LifetimeRunningHours, Privilege: manage */ \
512, /* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed, Privilege: manage */ \
512, /* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: OperationMode, Privilege: manage */ \
512, /* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: ControlMode, Privilege: manage */ \
513, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinHeatSetpointLimit, Privilege: manage */ \
513, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MaxHeatSetpointLimit, Privilege: manage */ \
513, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinCoolSetpointLimit, Privilege: manage */ \
513, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MaxCoolSetpointLimit, Privilege: manage */ \
513, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinSetpointDeadBand, Privilege: manage */ \
513, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: ControlSequenceOfOperation, Privilege: manage */ \
513, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: SystemMode, Privilege: manage */ \
516, /* Cluster: Thermostat User Interface Configuration, Attribute: keypad lockout, Privilege: manage */ \
516, /* Cluster: Thermostat User Interface Configuration, Attribute: schedule programming visibility, Privilege: manage */ \
768, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: WhitePointX, Privilege: manage */ \
768, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: WhitePointY, Privilege: manage */ \
768, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRX, Privilege: manage */ \
768, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRY, Privilege: manage */ \
768, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRIntensity, Privilege: manage */ \
768, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGX, Privilege: manage */ \
768, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGY, Privilege: manage */ \
768, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGIntensity, Privilege: manage */ \
768, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBX, Privilege: manage */ \
768, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBY, Privilege: manage */ \
768, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBIntensity, Privilege: manage */ \
768, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: StartUpColorTemperatureMireds, Privilege: manage */ \
// Parallel array data (cluster, *attribute*, privilege) for write attribute
16387, /* Cluster: On/Off, Attribute: StartUpOnOff, Privilege: manage */ \
16384, /* Cluster: Level Control, Attribute: start up current level, Privilege: manage */ \
0, /* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: ACL, Privilege: administer */ \
1, /* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: Extension, Privilege: administer */ \
5, /* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: NodeLabel, Privilege: manage */ \
6, /* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: Location, Privilege: administer */ \
16, /* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: LocalConfigDisabled, Privilege: manage */ \
0, /* Cluster: General Commissioning, Attribute: Breadcrumb, Privilege: administer */ \
4, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: InterfaceEnabled, Privilege: administer */ \
0, /* Cluster: Group Key Management, Attribute: GroupKeyMap, Privilege: manage */ \
0, /* Cluster: User Label, Attribute: label list, Privilege: manage */ \
4, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: DoorOpenEvents, Privilege: manage */ \
5, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: DoorClosedEvents, Privilege: manage */ \
6, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: OpenPeriod, Privilege: manage */ \
33, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: Language, Privilege: manage */ \
35, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: AutoRelockTime, Privilege: manage */ \
36, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: SoundVolume, Privilege: manage */ \
37, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: OperatingMode, Privilege: manage */ \
41, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnableOneTouchLocking, Privilege: manage */ \
42, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnableInsideStatusLED, Privilege: manage */ \
43, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnablePrivacyModeButton, Privilege: manage */ \
48, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: WrongCodeEntryLimit, Privilege: administer */ \
49, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime, Privilege: administer */ \
51, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: RequirePINforRemoteOperation, Privilege: administer */ \
23, /* Cluster: Window Covering, Attribute: Mode, Privilege: manage */ \
21, /* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: LifetimeRunningHours, Privilege: manage */ \
23, /* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed, Privilege: manage */ \
32, /* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: OperationMode, Privilege: manage */ \
33, /* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: ControlMode, Privilege: manage */ \
21, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinHeatSetpointLimit, Privilege: manage */ \
22, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MaxHeatSetpointLimit, Privilege: manage */ \
23, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinCoolSetpointLimit, Privilege: manage */ \
24, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MaxCoolSetpointLimit, Privilege: manage */ \
25, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinSetpointDeadBand, Privilege: manage */ \
27, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: ControlSequenceOfOperation, Privilege: manage */ \
28, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: SystemMode, Privilege: manage */ \
1, /* Cluster: Thermostat User Interface Configuration, Attribute: keypad lockout, Privilege: manage */ \
2, /* Cluster: Thermostat User Interface Configuration, Attribute: schedule programming visibility, Privilege: manage */ \
48, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: WhitePointX, Privilege: manage */ \
49, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: WhitePointY, Privilege: manage */ \
50, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRX, Privilege: manage */ \
51, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRY, Privilege: manage */ \
52, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRIntensity, Privilege: manage */ \
54, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGX, Privilege: manage */ \
55, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGY, Privilege: manage */ \
56, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGIntensity, Privilege: manage */ \
58, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBX, Privilege: manage */ \
59, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBY, Privilege: manage */ \
60, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBIntensity, Privilege: manage */ \
16400, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: StartUpColorTemperatureMireds, Privilege: manage */ \
// Parallel array data (cluster, attribute, *privilege*) for write attribute
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: On/Off, Attribute: StartUpOnOff, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Level Control, Attribute: start up current level, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: ACL, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Access Control, Attribute: Extension, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: NodeLabel, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: Location, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Basic, Attribute: LocalConfigDisabled, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: General Commissioning, Attribute: Breadcrumb, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Attribute: InterfaceEnabled, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Group Key Management, Attribute: GroupKeyMap, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: User Label, Attribute: label list, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: DoorOpenEvents, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: DoorClosedEvents, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: OpenPeriod, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: Language, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: AutoRelockTime, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: SoundVolume, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: OperatingMode, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnableOneTouchLocking, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnableInsideStatusLED, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: EnablePrivacyModeButton, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: WrongCodeEntryLimit, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Attribute: RequirePINforRemoteOperation, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Window Covering, Attribute: Mode, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: LifetimeRunningHours, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: LifetimeEnergyConsumed, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: OperationMode, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Pump Configuration and Control, Attribute: ControlMode, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinHeatSetpointLimit, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MaxHeatSetpointLimit, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinCoolSetpointLimit, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MaxCoolSetpointLimit, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: MinSetpointDeadBand, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: ControlSequenceOfOperation, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Thermostat, Attribute: SystemMode, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Thermostat User Interface Configuration, Attribute: keypad lockout, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Thermostat User Interface Configuration, Attribute: schedule programming visibility, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: WhitePointX, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: WhitePointY, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRX, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRY, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointRIntensity, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGX, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGY, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointGIntensity, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBX, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBY, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: ColorPointBIntensity, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Color Control, Attribute: StartUpColorTemperatureMireds, Privilege: manage */ \
// Parallel array data (*cluster*, command, privilege) for invoke command
3, /* Cluster: Identify, Command: Identify, Privilege: manage */ \
3, /* Cluster: Identify, Command: TriggerEffect, Privilege: manage */ \
4, /* Cluster: Groups, Command: AddGroup, Privilege: manage */ \
4, /* Cluster: Groups, Command: RemoveGroup, Privilege: manage */ \
4, /* Cluster: Groups, Command: RemoveAllGroups, Privilege: manage */ \
4, /* Cluster: Groups, Command: AddGroupIfIdentifying, Privilege: manage */ \
5, /* Cluster: Scenes, Command: AddScene, Privilege: manage */ \
5, /* Cluster: Scenes, Command: RemoveScene, Privilege: manage */ \
5, /* Cluster: Scenes, Command: RemoveAllScenes, Privilege: manage */ \
5, /* Cluster: Scenes, Command: StoreScene, Privilege: manage */ \
48, /* Cluster: General Commissioning, Command: ArmFailSafe, Privilege: administer */ \
48, /* Cluster: General Commissioning, Command: SetRegulatoryConfig, Privilege: administer */ \
48, /* Cluster: General Commissioning, Command: CommissioningComplete, Privilege: administer */ \
49, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: ScanNetworks, Privilege: administer */ \
49, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork, Privilege: administer */ \
49, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork, Privilege: administer */ \
49, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: RemoveNetwork, Privilege: administer */ \
49, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: ConnectNetwork, Privilege: administer */ \
49, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: ReorderNetwork, Privilege: administer */ \
51, /* Cluster: General Diagnostics, Command: TestEventTrigger, Privilege: manage */ \
60, /* Cluster: AdministratorCommissioning, Command: OpenCommissioningWindow, Privilege: administer */ \
60, /* Cluster: AdministratorCommissioning, Command: OpenBasicCommissioningWindow, Privilege: administer */ \
60, /* Cluster: AdministratorCommissioning, Command: RevokeCommissioning, Privilege: administer */ \
62, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: AttestationRequest, Privilege: administer */ \
62, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: CertificateChainRequest, Privilege: administer */ \
62, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: CSRRequest, Privilege: administer */ \
62, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: AddNOC, Privilege: administer */ \
62, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: UpdateNOC, Privilege: administer */ \
62, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: UpdateFabricLabel, Privilege: administer */ \
62, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: RemoveFabric, Privilege: administer */ \
62, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: AddTrustedRootCertificate, Privilege: administer */ \
63, /* Cluster: Group Key Management, Command: KeySetWrite, Privilege: administer */ \
63, /* Cluster: Group Key Management, Command: KeySetRead, Privilege: administer */ \
63, /* Cluster: Group Key Management, Command: KeySetRemove, Privilege: administer */ \
63, /* Cluster: Group Key Management, Command: KeySetReadAllIndices, Privilege: administer */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: SetWeekDaySchedule, Privilege: administer */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: GetWeekDaySchedule, Privilege: administer */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: ClearWeekDaySchedule, Privilege: administer */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: SetYearDaySchedule, Privilege: administer */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: GetYearDaySchedule, Privilege: administer */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: SetUser, Privilege: administer */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: GetUser, Privilege: administer */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: ClearUser, Privilege: administer */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: SetCredential, Privilege: administer */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: GetCredentialStatus, Privilege: administer */ \
257, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: ClearCredential, Privilege: administer */ \
// Parallel array data (cluster, *command*, privilege) for invoke command
0, /* Cluster: Identify, Command: Identify, Privilege: manage */ \
64, /* Cluster: Identify, Command: TriggerEffect, Privilege: manage */ \
0, /* Cluster: Groups, Command: AddGroup, Privilege: manage */ \
3, /* Cluster: Groups, Command: RemoveGroup, Privilege: manage */ \
4, /* Cluster: Groups, Command: RemoveAllGroups, Privilege: manage */ \
5, /* Cluster: Groups, Command: AddGroupIfIdentifying, Privilege: manage */ \
0, /* Cluster: Scenes, Command: AddScene, Privilege: manage */ \
2, /* Cluster: Scenes, Command: RemoveScene, Privilege: manage */ \
3, /* Cluster: Scenes, Command: RemoveAllScenes, Privilege: manage */ \
4, /* Cluster: Scenes, Command: StoreScene, Privilege: manage */ \
0, /* Cluster: General Commissioning, Command: ArmFailSafe, Privilege: administer */ \
2, /* Cluster: General Commissioning, Command: SetRegulatoryConfig, Privilege: administer */ \
4, /* Cluster: General Commissioning, Command: CommissioningComplete, Privilege: administer */ \
0, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: ScanNetworks, Privilege: administer */ \
2, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork, Privilege: administer */ \
3, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork, Privilege: administer */ \
4, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: RemoveNetwork, Privilege: administer */ \
6, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: ConnectNetwork, Privilege: administer */ \
8, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: ReorderNetwork, Privilege: administer */ \
0, /* Cluster: General Diagnostics, Command: TestEventTrigger, Privilege: manage */ \
0, /* Cluster: AdministratorCommissioning, Command: OpenCommissioningWindow, Privilege: administer */ \
1, /* Cluster: AdministratorCommissioning, Command: OpenBasicCommissioningWindow, Privilege: administer */ \
2, /* Cluster: AdministratorCommissioning, Command: RevokeCommissioning, Privilege: administer */ \
0, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: AttestationRequest, Privilege: administer */ \
2, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: CertificateChainRequest, Privilege: administer */ \
4, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: CSRRequest, Privilege: administer */ \
6, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: AddNOC, Privilege: administer */ \
7, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: UpdateNOC, Privilege: administer */ \
9, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: UpdateFabricLabel, Privilege: administer */ \
10, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: RemoveFabric, Privilege: administer */ \
11, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: AddTrustedRootCertificate, Privilege: administer */ \
0, /* Cluster: Group Key Management, Command: KeySetWrite, Privilege: administer */ \
1, /* Cluster: Group Key Management, Command: KeySetRead, Privilege: administer */ \
3, /* Cluster: Group Key Management, Command: KeySetRemove, Privilege: administer */ \
4, /* Cluster: Group Key Management, Command: KeySetReadAllIndices, Privilege: administer */ \
11, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: SetWeekDaySchedule, Privilege: administer */ \
12, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: GetWeekDaySchedule, Privilege: administer */ \
13, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: ClearWeekDaySchedule, Privilege: administer */ \
14, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: SetYearDaySchedule, Privilege: administer */ \
15, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: GetYearDaySchedule, Privilege: administer */ \
26, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: SetUser, Privilege: administer */ \
27, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: GetUser, Privilege: administer */ \
29, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: ClearUser, Privilege: administer */ \
34, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: SetCredential, Privilege: administer */ \
36, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: GetCredentialStatus, Privilege: administer */ \
38, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: ClearCredential, Privilege: administer */ \
// Parallel array data (cluster, command, *privilege*) for invoke command
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Identify, Command: Identify, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Identify, Command: TriggerEffect, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Groups, Command: AddGroup, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Groups, Command: RemoveGroup, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Groups, Command: RemoveAllGroups, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Groups, Command: AddGroupIfIdentifying, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Scenes, Command: AddScene, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Scenes, Command: RemoveScene, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Scenes, Command: RemoveAllScenes, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: Scenes, Command: StoreScene, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: General Commissioning, Command: ArmFailSafe, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: General Commissioning, Command: SetRegulatoryConfig, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: General Commissioning, Command: CommissioningComplete, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: ScanNetworks, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: RemoveNetwork, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: ConnectNetwork, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Network Commissioning, Command: ReorderNetwork, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeManage, /* Cluster: General Diagnostics, Command: TestEventTrigger, Privilege: manage */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: AdministratorCommissioning, Command: OpenCommissioningWindow, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: AdministratorCommissioning, Command: OpenBasicCommissioningWindow, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: AdministratorCommissioning, Command: RevokeCommissioning, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: AttestationRequest, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: CertificateChainRequest, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: CSRRequest, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: AddNOC, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: UpdateNOC, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: UpdateFabricLabel, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: RemoveFabric, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Operational Credentials, Command: AddTrustedRootCertificate, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Group Key Management, Command: KeySetWrite, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Group Key Management, Command: KeySetRead, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Group Key Management, Command: KeySetRemove, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Group Key Management, Command: KeySetReadAllIndices, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: SetWeekDaySchedule, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: GetWeekDaySchedule, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: ClearWeekDaySchedule, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: SetYearDaySchedule, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: GetYearDaySchedule, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: SetUser, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: GetUser, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: ClearUser, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: SetCredential, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: GetCredentialStatus, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Door Lock, Command: ClearCredential, Privilege: administer */ \
// Parallel array data (*cluster*, event, privilege) for read event
31, /* Cluster: Access Control, Event: AccessControlEntryChanged, Privilege: administer */ \
31, /* Cluster: Access Control, Event: AccessControlExtensionChanged, Privilege: administer */ \
// Parallel array data (cluster, *event*, privilege) for read event
0, /* Cluster: Access Control, Event: AccessControlEntryChanged, Privilege: administer */ \
1, /* Cluster: Access Control, Event: AccessControlExtensionChanged, Privilege: administer */ \
// Parallel array data (cluster, event, *privilege*) for read event
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Access Control, Event: AccessControlEntryChanged, Privilege: administer */ \
kMatterAccessPrivilegeAdminister, /* Cluster: Access Control, Event: AccessControlExtensionChanged, Privilege: administer */ \
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