blob: 9957ecac07c73cca8b0df3425d406e6ffc30727f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Copyright (c) 2019 Nest Labs, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* Provides a generic implementation of ThreadStackManager features
* for use on platforms that use OpenThread.
#pragma once
#include <openthread/instance.h>
namespace chip {
namespace DeviceLayer {
class ThreadStackManagerImpl;
namespace Internal {
class DeviceNetworkInfo;
* Provides a generic implementation of ThreadStackManager features that works in conjunction
* with OpenThread.
* This class contains implementations of select features from the ThreadStackManager abstract
* interface that are suitable for use on devices that employ OpenThread. It is intended to
* be inherited, directly or indirectly, by the ThreadStackManagerImpl class, which also appears
* as the template's ImplClass parameter.
* The class is designed to be independent of the choice of host OS (e.g. RTOS or posix) and
* network stack (e.g. LwIP or other IP stack).
template <class ImplClass>
class GenericThreadStackManagerImpl_OpenThread
// ===== Platform-specific methods directly callable by the application.
otInstance * OTInstance() const;
static void OnOpenThreadStateChange(uint32_t flags, void * context);
// ===== Methods that implement the ThreadStackManager abstract interface.
void _ProcessThreadActivity(void);
bool _HaveRouteToAddress(const Inet::IPAddress & destAddr);
void _OnPlatformEvent(const ChipDeviceEvent * event);
bool _IsThreadEnabled(void);
CHIP_ERROR _SetThreadEnabled(bool val);
bool _IsThreadProvisioned(void);
bool _IsThreadAttached(void);
CHIP_ERROR _GetThreadProvision(DeviceNetworkInfo & netInfo, bool includeCredentials);
CHIP_ERROR _SetThreadProvision(const DeviceNetworkInfo & netInfo);
void _ErasePersistentInfo(void);
ConnectivityManager::ThreadDeviceType _GetThreadDeviceType(void);
CHIP_ERROR _SetThreadDeviceType(ConnectivityManager::ThreadDeviceType deviceType);
void _GetThreadPollingConfig(ConnectivityManager::ThreadPollingConfig & pollingConfig);
CHIP_ERROR _SetThreadPollingConfig(const ConnectivityManager::ThreadPollingConfig & pollingConfig);
bool _HaveMeshConnectivity(void);
void _OnMessageLayerActivityChanged(bool messageLayerIsActive);
CHIP_ERROR _GetAndLogThreadStatsCounters(void);
CHIP_ERROR _GetAndLogThreadTopologyMinimal(void);
CHIP_ERROR _GetAndLogThreadTopologyFull(void);
CHIP_ERROR _GetPrimary802154MACAddress(uint8_t * buf);
void _OnWoBLEAdvertisingStart(void);
void _OnWoBLEAdvertisingStop(void);
// ===== Members available to the implementation subclass.
CHIP_ERROR DoInit(otInstance * otInst);
bool IsThreadAttachedNoLock(void);
bool IsThreadInterfaceUpNoLock(void);
CHIP_ERROR AdjustPollingInterval(void);
CHIP_ERROR _JoinerStart(void);
// ===== Private members for use by this class only.
otInstance * mOTInst;
ConnectivityManager::ThreadPollingConfig mPollingConfig;
static void OnJoinerComplete(otError aError, void * aContext);
void OnJoinerComplete(otError aError);
inline ImplClass * Impl() { return static_cast<ImplClass *>(this); }
// Instruct the compiler to instantiate the template only when explicitly told to do so.
extern template class GenericThreadStackManagerImpl_OpenThread<ThreadStackManagerImpl>;
* Returns the underlying OpenThread instance object.
template <class ImplClass>
inline otInstance * GenericThreadStackManagerImpl_OpenThread<ImplClass>::OTInstance() const
return mOTInst;
template <class ImplClass>
inline void GenericThreadStackManagerImpl_OpenThread<ImplClass>::_OnWoBLEAdvertisingStart(void)
// Do nothing by default.
template <class ImplClass>
inline void GenericThreadStackManagerImpl_OpenThread<ImplClass>::_OnWoBLEAdvertisingStop(void)
// Do nothing by default.
} // namespace Internal
} // namespace DeviceLayer
} // namespace chip