blob: 8c044929ad21d6ffd5ad0703c23d0746bc417f77 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file implements unit tests for CommandPathParams
#include <app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h>
#include <app/AttributeAccessInterface.h>
#include <app/MessageDef/AttributeDataIB.h>
#include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <lib/support/UnitTestRegistration.h>
#include <nlunit-test.h>
using namespace chip;
using namespace chip::app;
using namespace chip::TLV;
// TODO: This unit tests contains hard code TLV data, they should be replaced with some decoding code to improve readability.
namespace {
// These values are easier to be recognized in the encoded buffer
constexpr EndpointId kRandomEndpointId = 0x55;
constexpr ClusterId kRandomClusterId = 0xaa;
constexpr AttributeId kRandomAttributeId = 0xcc;
constexpr DataVersion kRandomDataVersion = 0x99;
constexpr FabricIndex kTestFabricIndex = 1;
template <size_t N>
struct LimitedTestSetup
LimitedTestSetup(nlTestSuite * aSuite, const FabricIndex aFabricIndex = kUndefinedFabricIndex,
const AttributeValueEncoder::AttributeEncodeState & aState = AttributeValueEncoder::AttributeEncodeState()) :
encoder(builder, aFabricIndex, ConcreteAttributePath(kRandomEndpointId, kRandomClusterId, kRandomAttributeId),
kRandomDataVersion, aFabricIndex != kUndefinedFabricIndex, aState)
TLVType ignored;
CHIP_ERROR err = writer.StartContainer(AnonymousTag(), kTLVType_Structure, ignored);
CHIP_ERROR err = builder.Init(&writer, 1);
AttributeReportIBs::Builder builder;
AttributeValueEncoder encoder;
uint8_t buf[N];
TLVWriter writer;
using TestSetup = LimitedTestSetup<1024>;
// Macro so we get better error reporting in terms of which test failed, because
// the reporting uses __LINE__.
#define VERIFY_BUFFER_STATE(aSuite, aSetup, aExpected) \
do \
{ \
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, aSetup.writer.GetLengthWritten() == sizeof(aExpected)); \
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, memcmp(aSetup.buf, aExpected, sizeof(aExpected)) == 0); \
if (aSetup.writer.GetLengthWritten() != sizeof(aExpected) || memcmp(aSetup.buf, aExpected, sizeof(aExpected)) != 0) \
{ \
printf("Encoded: \n"); \
for (size_t i = 0; i < aSetup.writer.GetLengthWritten(); i++) \
{ \
printf("0x%02x,", aSetup.buf[i]); \
} \
printf("\n"); \
printf("Expected: \n"); \
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(aExpected); i++) \
{ \
printf("0x%02x,", aExpected[i]); \
} \
printf("\n"); \
} \
} while (0)
void TestEncodeNothing(nlTestSuite * aSuite, void * aContext)
TestSetup test(aSuite);
// Just have an anonymous struct marker, and the AttributeReportIBs opened.
const uint8_t expected[] = { 0x15, 0x36, 0x01 };
VERIFY_BUFFER_STATE(aSuite, test, expected);
void TestEncodeBool(nlTestSuite * aSuite, void * aContext)
TestSetup test(aSuite);
CHIP_ERROR err = test.encoder.Encode(true);
const uint8_t expected[] = {
// clang-format off
0x15, 0x36, 0x01, // Test overhead, Start Anonymous struct + Start 1 byte Tag Array + Tag (01)
0x15, // Start anonymous struct
0x35, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag struct + Tag (01)
0x24, 0x00, 0x99, // Tag (00) Value (1 byte uint) 0x99 (Attribute Version)
0x37, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag list + Tag (01) (Attribute Path)
0x24, 0x02, 0x55, // Tag (02) Value (1 byte uint) 0x55
0x24, 0x03, 0xaa, // Tag (03) Value (1 byte uint) 0xaa
0x24, 0x04, 0xcc, // Tag (04) Value (1 byte uint) 0xcc
0x18, // End of container
0x29, 0x02, // Tag (02) Value True (Attribute Value)
0x18, // End of container
0x18, // End of container
// clang-format on
VERIFY_BUFFER_STATE(aSuite, test, expected);
void TestEncodeListOfBools1(nlTestSuite * aSuite, void * aContext)
TestSetup test(aSuite);
bool list[] = { true, false };
CHIP_ERROR err = test.encoder.Encode(DataModel::List<bool>(list));
const uint8_t expected[] = {
// clang-format off
0x15, 0x36, 0x01, // Test overhead, Start Anonymous struct + Start 1 byte Tag Array + Tag (01)
0x15, // Start anonymous struct
0x35, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag struct + Tag (01)
0x24, 0x00, 0x99, // Tag (00) Value (1 byte uint) 0x99 (Attribute Version)
0x37, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag list + Tag (01) (Attribute Path)
0x24, 0x02, 0x55, // Tag (02) Value (1 byte uint) 0x55
0x24, 0x03, 0xaa, // Tag (03) Value (1 byte uint) 0xaa
0x24, 0x04, 0xcc, // Tag (04) Value (1 byte uint) 0xcc
0x18, // End of container
0x36, 0x02, // Start 1 byte tag array + Tag (02) (Attribute Value)
0x09, // True
0x08, // False
0x18, // End of container
0x18, // End of container
// clang-format on
VERIFY_BUFFER_STATE(aSuite, test, expected);
void TestEncodeListOfBools2(nlTestSuite * aSuite, void * aContext)
TestSetup test(aSuite);
bool list[] = { true, false };
CHIP_ERROR err = test.encoder.EncodeList([&list](const auto & encoder) -> CHIP_ERROR {
for (auto & item : list)
const uint8_t expected[] = {
// clang-format off
0x15, 0x36, 0x01, // Test overhead, Start Anonymous struct + Start 1 byte Tag Array + Tag (01)
0x15, // Start anonymous struct
0x35, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag struct + Tag (01)
0x24, 0x00, 0x99, // Tag (00) Value (1 byte uint) 0x99 (Attribute Version)
0x37, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag list + Tag (01) (Attribute Path)
0x24, 0x02, 0x55, // Tag (02) Value (1 byte uint) 0x55
0x24, 0x03, 0xaa, // Tag (03) Value (1 byte uint) 0xaa
0x24, 0x04, 0xcc, // Tag (04) Value (1 byte uint) 0xcc
0x18, // End of container
// Intended empty array
0x36, 0x02, // Start 1 byte tag array + Tag (02) (Attribute Value)
0x18, // End of container
0x18, // End of container
0x18, // End of container
0x15, // Start anonymous struct
0x35, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag struct + Tag (01)
0x24, 0x00, 0x99, // Tag (00) Value (1 byte uint) 0x99 (Attribute Version)
0x37, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag list + Tag (01) (Attribute Path)
0x24, 0x02, 0x55, // Tag (02) Value (1 byte uint) 0x55
0x24, 0x03, 0xaa, // Tag (03) Value (1 byte uint) 0xaa
0x24, 0x04, 0xcc, // Tag (04) Value (1 byte uint) 0xcc
0x34, 0x05, // Tag (05) Null
0x18, // End of container
0x29, 0x02, // Tag (02) Value True (Attribute Value)
0x18, // End of container
0x18, // End of container
0x15, // Start anonymous struct
0x35, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag struct + Tag (01)
0x24, 0x00, 0x99, // Tag (00) Value (1 byte uint) 0x99 (Attribute Version)
0x37, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag list + Tag (01) (Attribute Path)
0x24, 0x02, 0x55, // Tag (02) Value (1 byte uint) 0x55
0x24, 0x03, 0xaa, // Tag (03) Value (1 byte uint) 0xaa
0x24, 0x04, 0xcc, // Tag (04) Value (1 byte uint) 0xcc
0x34, 0x05, // Tag (05) Null
0x18, // End of container
0x28, 0x02, // Tag (02) Value False (Attribute Value)
0x18, // End of container
0x18, // End of container
// clang-format on
VERIFY_BUFFER_STATE(aSuite, test, expected);
constexpr uint8_t emptyListExpected[] = {
// clang-format off
0x15, 0x36, 0x01, // Test overhead, Start Anonymous struct + Start 1 byte Tag Array + Tag (01)
0x15, // Start anonymous struct
0x35, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag struct + Tag (01)
0x24, 0x00, 0x99, // Tag (00) Value (1 byte uint) 0x99 (Attribute Version)
0x37, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag list + Tag (01) (Attribute Path)
0x24, 0x02, 0x55, // Tag (02) Value (1 byte uint) 0x55
0x24, 0x03, 0xaa, // Tag (03) Value (1 byte uint) 0xaa
0x24, 0x04, 0xcc, // Tag (04) Value (1 byte uint) 0xcc
0x18, // End of container
// Intended empty array
0x36, 0x02, // Start 1 byte tag array + Tag (02) (Attribute Value)
0x18, // End of container
0x18, // End of container
0x18, // End of container
// clang-format on
void TestEncodeEmptyList1(nlTestSuite * aSuite, void * aContext)
TestSetup test(aSuite);
CHIP_ERROR err = test.encoder.EncodeList([](const auto & encoder) -> CHIP_ERROR { return CHIP_NO_ERROR; });
VERIFY_BUFFER_STATE(aSuite, test, emptyListExpected);
void TestEncodeEmptyList2(nlTestSuite * aSuite, void * aContext)
TestSetup test(aSuite);
CHIP_ERROR err = test.encoder.EncodeEmptyList();
VERIFY_BUFFER_STATE(aSuite, test, emptyListExpected);
void TestEncodeFabricScoped(nlTestSuite * aSuite, void * aContext)
TestSetup test(aSuite, kTestFabricIndex);
Clusters::AccessControl::Structs::AccessControlExtensionStruct::Type items[3];
items[0].fabricIndex = 1;
items[1].fabricIndex = 2;
items[2].fabricIndex = 3;
// We tried to encode three items, however, the encoder should only put the item with matching fabric index into the final list.
CHIP_ERROR err = test.encoder.EncodeList([items](const auto & encoder) -> CHIP_ERROR {
for (const auto & item : items)
const uint8_t expected[] = {
// clang-format off
0x15, 0x36, 0x01, // Test overhead, Start Anonymous struct + Start 1 byte Tag Array + Tag (01)
0x15, // Start anonymous struct
0x35, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag struct + Tag (01)
0x24, 0x00, 0x99, // Tag (00) Value (1 byte uint) 0x99 (Attribute Version)
0x37, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag list + Tag (01) (Attribute Path)
0x24, 0x02, 0x55, // Tag (02) Value (1 byte uint) 0x55
0x24, 0x03, 0xaa, // Tag (03) Value (1 byte uint) 0xaa
0x24, 0x04, 0xcc, // Tag (04) Value (1 byte uint) 0xcc
0x18, // End of container
// Intended empty array
0x36, 0x02, // Start 1 byte tag array + Tag (02) (Attribute Value)
0x18, // End of container
0x18, // End of container
0x18, // End of container
0x15, // Start anonymous struct
0x35, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag struct + Tag (01)
0x24, 0x00, 0x99, // Tag (00) Value (1 byte uint) 0x99 (Attribute Version)
0x37, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag list + Tag (01) (Attribute Path)
0x24, 0x02, 0x55, // Tag (02) Value (1 byte uint) 0x55
0x24, 0x03, 0xaa, // Tag (03) Value (1 byte uint) 0xaa
0x24, 0x04, 0xcc, // Tag (04) Value (1 byte uint) 0xcc
0x34, 0x05, // Tag (05) Null
0x18, // End of container (attribute path)
0x35, 0x02, // Tag 02 (attribute data)
0x30, 0x01, 0x00, // Tag 1, OCTET_STRING length 0 (data)
0x24, 0xFE, 0x01, // Tag 0xFE, UINT8 Value 1 (fabric index)
// clang-format on
VERIFY_BUFFER_STATE(aSuite, test, expected);
void TestEncodeListChunking(nlTestSuite * aSuite, void * aContext)
AttributeValueEncoder::AttributeEncodeState state;
bool list[] = { true, false };
auto listEncoder = [&list](const auto & encoder) -> CHIP_ERROR {
for (auto & item : list)
// Use 60 bytes buffer to force chunking. The kTestFabricIndex is not effective in this test.
LimitedTestSetup<60> test1(aSuite, kTestFabricIndex);
CHIP_ERROR err = test1.encoder.EncodeList(listEncoder);
state = test1.encoder.GetState();
const uint8_t expected[] = {
// clang-format off
0x15, 0x36, 0x01, // Test overhead, Start Anonymous struct + Start 1 byte Tag Array + Tag (01)
0x15, // Start anonymous struct
0x35, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag struct + Tag (01)
0x24, 0x00, 0x99, // Tag (00) Value (1 byte uint) 0x99 (Attribute Version)
0x37, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag list + Tag (01) (Attribute Path)
0x24, 0x02, 0x55, // Tag (02) Value (1 byte uint) 0x55
0x24, 0x03, 0xaa, // Tag (03) Value (1 byte uint) 0xaa
0x24, 0x04, 0xcc, // Tag (04) Value (1 byte uint) 0xcc
0x18, // End of container
// Intended empty array
0x36, 0x02, // Start 1 byte tag array + Tag (02) (Attribute Value)
0x18, // End of container
0x18, // End of container
0x18, // End of container
0x15, // Start anonymous struct
0x35, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag struct + Tag (01)
0x24, 0x00, 0x99, // Tag (00) Value (1 byte uint) 0x99 (Attribute Version)
0x37, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag list + Tag (01) (Attribute Path)
0x24, 0x02, 0x55, // Tag (02) Value (1 byte uint) 0x55
0x24, 0x03, 0xaa, // Tag (03) Value (1 byte uint) 0xaa
0x24, 0x04, 0xcc, // Tag (04) Value (1 byte uint) 0xcc
0x34, 0x05, // Tag (05) Null
0x18, // End of container
0x29, 0x02, // Tag (02) Value True (Attribute Value)
0x18, // End of container
0x18, // End of container
// clang-format on
VERIFY_BUFFER_STATE(aSuite, test1, expected);
// Use 60 bytes buffer to force chunking. The kTestFabricIndex is not effective in this test.
LimitedTestSetup<60> test2(aSuite, 0, state);
CHIP_ERROR err = test2.encoder.EncodeList(listEncoder);
const uint8_t expected[] = {
// clang-format off
0x15, 0x36, 0x01, // Test overhead, Start Anonymous struct + Start 1 byte Tag Array + Tag (01)
0x15, // Start anonymous struct
0x35, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag struct + Tag (01)
0x24, 0x00, 0x99, // Tag (00) Value (1 byte uint) 0x99 (Attribute Version)
0x37, 0x01, // Start 1 byte tag list + Tag (01) (Attribute Path)
0x24, 0x02, 0x55, // Tag (02) Value (1 byte uint) 0x55
0x24, 0x03, 0xaa, // Tag (03) Value (1 byte uint) 0xaa
0x24, 0x04, 0xcc, // Tag (04) Value (1 byte uint) 0xcc
0x34, 0x05, // Tag (05) Null
0x18, // End of container
0x28, 0x02, // Tag (02) Value False (Attribute Value)
0x18, // End of container
0x18, // End of container
// clang-format on
VERIFY_BUFFER_STATE(aSuite, test2, expected);
} // anonymous namespace
namespace {
const nlTest sTests[] = { NL_TEST_DEF("TestEncodeNothing", TestEncodeNothing),
NL_TEST_DEF("TestEncodeBool", TestEncodeBool),
NL_TEST_DEF("TestEncodeEmptyList1", TestEncodeEmptyList1),
NL_TEST_DEF("TestEncodeEmptyList2", TestEncodeEmptyList2),
NL_TEST_DEF("TestEncodeListOfBools1", TestEncodeListOfBools1),
NL_TEST_DEF("TestEncodeListOfBools2", TestEncodeListOfBools2),
NL_TEST_DEF("TestEncodeListChunking", TestEncodeListChunking),
NL_TEST_DEF("TestEncodeFabricScoped", TestEncodeFabricScoped),
int TestAttributeValueEncoder()
nlTestSuite theSuite = { "AttributeValueEncoder", &sTests[0], nullptr, nullptr };
nlTestRunner(&theSuite, nullptr);
return (nlTestRunnerStats(&theSuite));