| EnumsNotUsedAsTypeInXML: |
| # List of enums that are not used as a type in XML. By adding an enum |
| # to this list you prevent incorrectly assuming from code that you are |
| # able to use kUnknownEnumValue safely. This happens for derived clusters |
| # such as ModeBase where there are CommonTag, DerivedClusterTags, MfgTags. |
| - "DishwasherMode::ModeTag" |
| - "LaundryWasherMode::ModeTag" |
| - "RefrigeratorAndTemperatureControlledCabinetMode::ModeTag" |
| - "RvcRunMode::ModeTag" |
| - "RvcRunMode::StatusCode" |
| - "RvcCleanMode::ModeTag" |
| - "RvcCleanMode::StatusCode" |
| - "RvcOperationalState::OperationalStateEnum" |
| - "RvcOperationalState::ErrorStateEnum" |
| - "EnergyEvseMode::ModeTag" |
| - "DeviceEnergyManagementMode::ModeTag" |
| |
| CommandHandlerInterfaceOnlyClusters: |
| # List of clusters that are implemented entirely with |
| # CommandHandlerInterface and hence do not need generated command dispatch. |
| # This uses asUpperCamelCase versions of the cluster name. |
| - Network Commissioning |
| - Scenes Management |
| - RVC Run Mode |
| - RVC Clean Mode |
| - Dishwasher Mode |
| - Laundry Washer Mode |
| - Oven Mode |
| - Oven Cavity Operational State |
| - Refrigerator And Temperature Controlled Cabinet Mode |
| - Operational State |
| - Activated Carbon Filter Monitoring |
| - HEPA Filter Monitoring |
| - RVC Operational State |
| - Sample MEI |
| - Microwave Oven Control |
| - Energy EVSE |
| - Energy EVSE Mode |
| - Device Energy Management |
| - Device Energy Management Mode |
| - Electrical Power Measurement |
| - Electrical Energy Measurement |
| - Wi-Fi Network Management |
| |
| # We need a more configurable way of deciding which clusters have which init functions.... |
| # See https://github.com/project-chip/connectedhomeip/issues/4369 |
| ClustersWithInitFunctions: |
| - Color Control |
| - Groups |
| - Identify |
| - Level Control |
| - Localization Configuration |
| - Occupancy Sensing |
| - On/Off |
| - Pump Configuration and Control |
| - Time Format Localization |
| - Thermostat |
| - Mode Select |
| - Sample MEI |
| - Scenes Management |
| - Wi-Fi Network Management |
| |
| ClustersWithAttributeChangedFunctions: |
| - Bridged Device Basic |
| - Door Lock |
| - Identify |
| - Pump Configuration and Control |
| - Window Covering |
| - Fan Control |
| |
| ClustersWithShutdownFunctions: |
| - Barrier Control |
| - On/Off |
| - Door Lock |
| - Level Control |
| - Color Control |
| - Sample MEI |
| - Scenes Management |
| |
| ClustersWithPreAttributeChangeFunctions: |
| - Door Lock |
| - Pump Configuration and Control |
| - Thermostat User Interface Configuration |
| - Time Format Localization |
| - Localization Configuration |
| - Mode Select |
| - Fan Control |
| - Thermostat |
| - Energy Preference |
| - Laundry Washer Controls |
| - Laundry Dryer Controls |