blob: 02b09969a22f8a7ca26890830d8f1de6f817f225 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <app/AttributePathExpandIterator.h>
#include <app-common/zap-generated/att-storage.h>
#include <app/ClusterInfo.h>
#include <app/ConcreteAttributePath.h>
#include <app/EventManagement.h>
#include <app/InteractionModelDelegate.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPCore.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPTLVDebug.hpp>
#include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <lib/support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <lib/support/logging/CHIPLogging.h>
using namespace chip;
// TODO: Need to make it so that declarations of things that don't depend on generated files are not intermixed in af.h with
// dependencies on generated files, so we don't have to re-declare things here.
// Note: Some of the generated files that depended by af.h are gen_config.h and gen_tokens.h
typedef uint8_t EmberAfClusterMask;
extern uint16_t emberAfEndpointCount(void);
extern uint16_t emberAfIndexFromEndpoint(EndpointId endpoint);
extern uint8_t emberAfClusterCount(EndpointId endpoint, bool server);
extern uint16_t emberAfGetServerAttributeCount(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster);
extern uint16_t emberAfGetServerAttributeIndexByAttributeId(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster,
chip::AttributeId attributeId);
extern chip::EndpointId emberAfEndpointFromIndex(uint16_t index);
extern Optional<ClusterId> emberAfGetNthClusterId(chip::EndpointId endpoint, uint8_t n, bool server);
extern Optional<AttributeId> emberAfGetServerAttributeIdByIndex(chip::EndpointId endpoint, chip::ClusterId cluster,
uint16_t attributeIndex);
extern uint8_t emberAfClusterIndex(EndpointId endpoint, ClusterId clusterId, EmberAfClusterMask mask);
namespace chip {
namespace app {
AttributePathExpandIterator::AttributePathExpandIterator(ClusterInfo * aClusterInfo)
mpClusterInfo = aClusterInfo;
// Reset iterator state
mEndpointIndex = UINT16_MAX;
mClusterIndex = UINT8_MAX;
mAttributeIndex = UINT16_MAX;
// Make the iterator ready to emit the first valid path in the list.
void AttributePathExpandIterator::PrepareEndpointIndexRange(const ClusterInfo & aClusterInfo)
if (aClusterInfo.HasWildcardEndpointId())
mEndpointIndex = 0;
mEndEndpointIndex = emberAfEndpointCount();
mEndpointIndex = emberAfIndexFromEndpoint(aClusterInfo.mEndpointId);
// If the given cluster id does not exist on the given endpoint, it will return uint16(0xFFFF), then endEndpointIndex
// will be 0, means we should iterate a null endpoint set (skip it).
mEndEndpointIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(mEndpointIndex + 1);
void AttributePathExpandIterator::PrepareClusterIndexRange(const ClusterInfo & aClusterInfo, EndpointId aEndpointId)
if (aClusterInfo.HasWildcardClusterId())
mClusterIndex = 0;
mEndClusterIndex = emberAfClusterCount(aEndpointId, true /* server */);
mClusterIndex = emberAfClusterIndex(aEndpointId, aClusterInfo.mClusterId, CLUSTER_MASK_SERVER);
// If the given cluster id does not exist on the given endpoint, it will return uint8(0xFF), then endClusterIndex
// will be 0, means we should iterate a null cluster set (skip it).
mEndClusterIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(mClusterIndex + 1);
void AttributePathExpandIterator::PrepareAttributeIndexRange(const ClusterInfo & aClusterInfo, EndpointId aEndpointId,
ClusterId aClusterId)
if (aClusterInfo.HasWildcardAttributeId())
mAttributeIndex = 0;
mEndAttributeIndex = emberAfGetServerAttributeCount(aEndpointId, aClusterId);
mAttributeIndex = emberAfGetServerAttributeIndexByAttributeId(aEndpointId, aClusterId, aClusterInfo.mAttributeId);
// If the given attribute id does not exist on the given endpoint, it will return uint16(0xFFFF), then endAttributeIndex
// will be 0, means we should iterate a null attribute set (skip it).
mEndAttributeIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(mAttributeIndex + 1);
bool AttributePathExpandIterator::Next()
for (; mpClusterInfo != nullptr; (mpClusterInfo = mpClusterInfo->mpNext, mEndpointIndex = UINT16_MAX))
mOutputPath.mExpanded = mpClusterInfo->HasAttributeWildcard();
if (mEndpointIndex == UINT16_MAX)
// Special case: If this is a concrete path, we just return its value as-is.
if (!mpClusterInfo->HasAttributeWildcard())
mOutputPath.mEndpointId = mpClusterInfo->mEndpointId;
mOutputPath.mClusterId = mpClusterInfo->mClusterId;
mOutputPath.mAttributeId = mpClusterInfo->mAttributeId;
// Prepare for next iteration
mEndpointIndex = mEndEndpointIndex = 0;
return true;
mClusterIndex = UINT8_MAX;
for (; mEndpointIndex < mEndEndpointIndex; (mEndpointIndex++, mClusterIndex = UINT8_MAX, mAttributeIndex = UINT16_MAX))
EndpointId endpointId = emberAfEndpointFromIndex(mEndpointIndex);
if (mClusterIndex == UINT8_MAX)
PrepareClusterIndexRange(*mpClusterInfo, endpointId);
mAttributeIndex = UINT16_MAX;
for (; mClusterIndex < mEndClusterIndex; (mClusterIndex++, mAttributeIndex = UINT16_MAX))
// emberAfGetNthClusterId must return a valid cluster id here since we have verified the mClusterIndex does
// not exceed the mEndClusterIndex.
ClusterId clusterId = emberAfGetNthClusterId(endpointId, mClusterIndex, true /* server */).Value();
if (mAttributeIndex == UINT16_MAX)
PrepareAttributeIndexRange(*mpClusterInfo, endpointId, clusterId);
if (mAttributeIndex < mEndAttributeIndex)
// GetServerAttributeIdByIdex must return a valid attribute here since we have verified the mAttributeIndex does
// not exceed the mEndAttributeIndex.
mOutputPath.mAttributeId = emberAfGetServerAttributeIdByIndex(endpointId, clusterId, mAttributeIndex).Value();
mOutputPath.mClusterId = clusterId;
mOutputPath.mEndpointId = endpointId;
// We found a valid attribute path, now return and increase the attribute index for next iteration.
// Return true will skip the increment of mClusterIndex, mEndpointIndex and mpClusterInfo.
return true;
// We have exhausted all attributes of this cluster, continue iterating over attributes of next cluster.
// We have exhausted all clusters of this endpoint, continue iterating over clusters of next endpoint.
// We have exhausted all endpoints in this cluster info, continue iterating over next cluster info item.
// Reset to default, invalid value.
mOutputPath = ConcreteReadAttributePath();
return false;
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip