blob: b1de8a20517024ec18700adc976179dec47928d3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "../common/CHIPCommand.h"
#include <app/tests/suites/commands/commissioner/CommissionerCommands.h>
#include <app/tests/suites/commands/delay/DelayCommands.h>
#include <app/tests/suites/commands/discovery/DiscoveryCommands.h>
#include <app/tests/suites/commands/interaction_model/InteractionModel.h>
#include <app/tests/suites/commands/log/LogCommands.h>
#include <app/tests/suites/commands/system/SystemCommands.h>
#include <app/tests/suites/include/ConstraintsChecker.h>
#include <app/tests/suites/include/PICSChecker.h>
#include <app/tests/suites/include/TestRunner.h>
#include <app/tests/suites/include/ValueChecker.h>
constexpr uint16_t kTimeoutInSeconds = 90;
class TestCommand : public TestRunner,
public CHIPCommand,
public ValueChecker,
public ConstraintsChecker,
public PICSChecker,
public LogCommands,
public CommissionerCommands,
public DiscoveryCommands,
public SystemCommands,
public DelayCommands,
public InteractionModel
TestCommand(const char * commandName, uint16_t testsCount, CredentialIssuerCommands * credsIssuerConfig) :
TestRunner(commandName, testsCount), CHIPCommand(commandName, credsIssuerConfig),
mOnDeviceConnectedCallback(OnDeviceConnectedFn, this), mOnDeviceConnectionFailureCallback(OnDeviceConnectionFailureFn, this)
AddArgument("continueOnFailure", 0, 1, &mContinueOnFailure,
"Boolean indicating if the test runner should continue execution if a test fails. Default to false.");
AddArgument("delayInMs", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mDelayInMs);
AddArgument("PICS", &mPICSFilePath);
/////////// CHIPCommand Interface /////////
CHIP_ERROR RunCommand() override;
/////////// DelayCommands Interface /////////
CHIP_ERROR WaitForCommissionee(const char * identity,
const chip::app::Clusters::DelayCommands::Commands::WaitForCommissionee::Type & value) override;
void OnWaitForMs() override { NextTest(); };
/////////// Interaction Model Interface /////////
chip::DeviceProxy * GetDevice(const char * identity) override { return mDevices[identity].get(); }
void OnResponse(const chip::app::StatusIB & status, chip::TLV::TLVReader * data) override{};
static void OnDeviceConnectedFn(void * context, chip::Messaging::ExchangeManager & exchangeMgr,
const chip::SessionHandle & sessionHandle);
static void OnDeviceConnectionFailureFn(void * context, const chip::ScopedNodeId & peerId, CHIP_ERROR error);
CHIP_ERROR ContinueOnChipMainThread(CHIP_ERROR err) override;
chip::Controller::DeviceCommissioner & GetCommissioner(const char * identity) override
return CHIPCommand::GetCommissioner(identity);
static void ExitAsync(intptr_t context);
void Exit(std::string message, CHIP_ERROR err = CHIP_ERROR_INTERNAL) override;
chip::Callback::Callback<chip::OnDeviceConnected> mOnDeviceConnectedCallback;
chip::Callback::Callback<chip::OnDeviceConnectionFailure> mOnDeviceConnectionFailureCallback;
bool IsUnsupported(const chip::app::StatusIB & status)
return status.mStatus == chip::Protocols::InteractionModel::Status::UnsupportedAttribute ||
status.mStatus == chip::Protocols::InteractionModel::Status::UnsupportedCommand;
chip::Optional<char *> mPICSFilePath;
chip::Optional<uint16_t> mTimeout;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<chip::OperationalDeviceProxy>> mDevices;
// When set to false, prevents interaction model events from affecting the current test status.
// This flag exists because if an error happens while processing a response the allocated
// command client/sender (ReadClient/WriteClient/CommandSender) can not be deallocated
// as it still used by the stack afterward. So a task is scheduled to run to close the
// test suite as soon as possible, and pending events are ignored in between.
bool mContinueProcessing = true;
// When set to true, the test runner continue to run after a test failure.
chip::Optional<bool> mContinueOnFailure;
std::vector<std::string> mErrorMessages;