blob: 1f26ea4f8354bc2866ccaf77f67df11accbd09bc [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the 'License');
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an 'AS IS' BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import yaml
_ERROR_START_TAG = '__error_start__'
_ERROR_END_TAG = '__error_end__'
class TestStepError(Exception):
"""Raise when a step is malformed."""
def __init__(self, message):
self.step_index = 0
self.context = None
self.message = message
def __str__(self):
return self.message
def update_context(self, context, step_index):
self.context = yaml.dump(
self.step_index = step_index
def tag_key_with_error(self, content, target_key):
self.__tag_key(content, target_key, _ERROR_START_TAG, _ERROR_END_TAG)
def untag_keys_with_error(self, content):
self.__untag_keys(content, _ERROR_START_TAG, _ERROR_END_TAG)
def __tag_key(self, content, target_key, tag_start, tag_end):
"""This method replaces the key for the dictionary with the tag provided while preserving the order of the dictionary."""
reversed_dictionary = {}
# Build a reversed dictionary, tagging the target key.
for _ in range(len(content)):
key, value = content.popitem()
if key == target_key:
reversed_dictionary[tag_start + key + tag_end] = value
reversed_dictionary[key] = value
# Revert back the dictionary to the original order.
for _ in range(len(reversed_dictionary)):
key, value = reversed_dictionary.popitem()
content[key] = value
def __untag_keys(self, content, tag_start, tag_end):
"""This method replaces the tagged key for the dictionary with the original key while preserving the order of the dictionary."""
reversed_dictionary = {}
# Build a reversed dictionary, untagging the tagged key.
for _ in range(len(content)):
key, value = content.popitem()
if key.startswith(tag_start) and key.endswith(tag_end):
tag_start, '').replace(tag_end, '')] = value
reversed_dictionary[key] = value
# Revert back the dictionary to the original order.
for _ in range(len(reversed_dictionary)):
key, value = reversed_dictionary.popitem()
content[key] = value
class TestStepKeyError(TestStepError):
"""Raise when a key is unknown."""
def __init__(self, content, key):
message = f'Unknown key "{key}"'
self.tag_key_with_error(content, key)
class TestStepValueNameError(TestStepError):
"""Raise when a value name is unknown."""
def __init__(self, content, key, candidate_keys):
message = f'Unknown key: "{key}". Candidates are: "{candidate_keys}"'
for candidate_key in candidate_keys:
if candidate_key.lower() == key.lower():
message = f'Unknown key: "{key}". Did you mean "{candidate_key}" ?'
self.tag_key_with_error(content, 'name')
class TestStepInvalidTypeError(TestStepError):
"""Raise when the value for a given key is not of the expected type."""
def __init__(self, content, key, expected_type):
if isinstance(expected_type, tuple):
expected_name = ''
for _type in expected_type:
expected_name += _type.__name__ + ','
expected_name = expected_name[:-1]
expected_name = expected_type.__name__
received_name = type(content[key]).__name__
message = f'Unexpected type. Expecting "{expected_name}", got "{received_name}"'
self.tag_key_with_error(content, key)
class TestStepGroupResponseError(TestStepError):
"""Raise when a test step targeting a group of nodes expects a response."""
def __init__(self, content):
message = 'Group command should not expect a response'
self.tag_key_with_error(content, 'groupId')
self.tag_key_with_error(content, 'response')
class TestStepGroupEndPointError(TestStepError):
"""Raise when a test step targeting a group of nodes targets an endpoint."""
def __init__(self, content):
message = 'Group command should not target an endpoint'
self.tag_key_with_error(content, 'groupId')
self.tag_key_with_error(content, 'endpoint')
class TestStepVerificationStandaloneError(TestStepError):
"""Raise when a test step with a verification key is enabled and not interactive."""
def __init__(self, content):
message = 'Step using "verification" key should either set "disabled: true" or "PICS: PICS_USER_PROMPT"'
self.tag_key_with_error(content, 'verification')
class TestStepNodeIdAndGroupIdError(TestStepError):
"""Raise when a test step contains both "nodeId" and "groupId" keys."""
def __init__(self, content):
message = '"nodeId" and "groupId" are mutually exclusive'
self.tag_key_with_error(content, 'nodeId')
self.tag_key_with_error(content, 'groupId')
class TestStepValueAndValuesError(TestStepError):
"""Raise when a test step response contains both "value" and "values" keys."""
def __init__(self, content):
message = '"value" and "values" are mutually exclusive'
self.tag_key_with_error(content, 'value')
self.tag_key_with_error(content, 'values')
class TestStepWaitResponseError(TestStepError):
"""Raise when a test step is waiting for a particular event (e.g an attribute read) using the
wait keyword but also specify a response.
def __init__(self, content):
message = 'The "wait" key can not be used in conjuction with the "response" key'
self.tag_key_with_error(content, 'wait')
self.tag_key_with_error(content, 'response')
class TestStepResponseVariableError(TestStepError):
"""Raise when a test step response use a variable but this variable does not exist in the config section.
def __init__(self, content):
message = 'The variable does not exist in the config section.'
self.tag_key_with_error(content, 'response')
class TestStepArgumentsValueError(TestStepError):
"""Raise when a test step arguments use the 'value' keyword but the command is not trying to write to an attribute"""
def __init__(self, content):
message = 'The "value" key can not be used in conjuction with a command that is not "writeAttribute"'
self.tag_key_with_error(content, 'command')
arguments = content.get('arguments')
self.tag_key_with_error(arguments, 'value')
class TestStepSaveAsNameError(TestStepError):
"""Raise when a test step response save an attribute response with the same name than the attribute itself"""
def __init__(self, content):
message = 'The "saveAs" key can not be the same than the "attribute" key'
self.tag_key_with_error(content, 'attribute')
response = content.get('response')
self.tag_key_with_error(response, 'saveAs')
class TestStepEnumError(TestStepError):
Raise when an enum value or an enum name is not found in the definitions.
- enum_name_or_value (str|int): The name (str) or value (int) of the enumeration in the step.
If a string is provided, it is considered the name of the enumeration; if an integer is provided, it is considered the value of the enumeration.
- enum_candidates (dict): A dictionary mapping enumeration names (as strings) to their corresponding values
(as integers). This dictionary represents all known values of the enumeration.
def __init__(self, enum_name_or_value, enum_candidates: dict):
if type(enum_name_or_value) is str:
message = f'Unknown enum name: "{enum_name_or_value}". The possible values are: "{enum_candidates}"'
for enum_name in enum_candidates:
if enum_name.lower() == enum_name_or_value.lower():
message = f'Unknown enum name: "{enum_name_or_value}". Did you mean "{enum_name}" ?'
message = f'Unknown enum value: "{enum_name_or_value}". The possible values are: "{enum_candidates}"'
class TestStepEnumSpecifierNotUnknownError(TestStepError):
"""Raise when an enum value declared as unknown is in fact a known enum value from the definitions."""
def __init__(self, specified_value, enum_name):
message = f'The value "{specified_value}" is not unknown. It is the value of "{enum_name}"'
class TestStepEnumSpecifierWrongError(TestStepError):
"""Raise when an enum value is specified for a given enum name but it does not match the enum value from the definitions."""
def __init__(self, specified_value, enum_name, enum_value):
message = f'The value "{specified_value}" is not the value of "{enum_name}({enum_value})"'