blob: df906ec318b83ed13efe974ef6e13de22e948d9e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import base64
import json
# These constants represent the vocabulary used for the incoming JSON.
_CLUSTER_ID = 'clusterId'
_ENDPOINT_ID = 'endpointId'
_RESPONSE_ID = 'commandId'
_ATTRIBUTE_ID = 'attributeId'
_EVENT_ID = 'eventId'
# These constants represent the vocabulary used for the outgoing data.
_CLUSTER = 'cluster'
_ENDPOINT = 'endpoint'
_RESPONSE = 'command'
_ATTRIBUTE = 'attribute'
_EVENT = 'event'
# These constants represent the common vocabulary between input and output.
_ERROR = 'error'
_CLUSTER_ERROR = 'clusterError'
_VALUE = 'value'
# FabricIndex is a special case where the field is added as a struct field by the SDK
# if needed but is not part of the XML definition of the struct.
# These constants are used to map from the field code (254) to the field name if such
# a field is used for a fabric scoped struct.
class Decoder:
This class implement decoding a test step response from the adapter format to the
matter_yamltests format.
def __init__(self, specifications):
self.__specs = specifications
self.__converter = Converter(specifications)
def decode(self, payload):
payload, logs = self.__get_payload_content(payload)
payload = self.__translate_names(payload)
payload = self.__converter.convert(payload)
if len(payload) == 0:
payload = [{}]
elif len(payload) > 1 and payload[-1] == {'error': 'FAILURE'}:
payload = payload[:-1]
return payload, logs
def __translate_names(self, payloads):
translated_payloads = []
specs = self.__specs
for payload in payloads:
translated_payload = {}
for key, value in payload.items():
if key == _CLUSTER_ID:
key = _CLUSTER
value = specs.get_cluster_name(value)
elif key == _ENDPOINT_ID:
elif key == _RESPONSE_ID:
value = specs.get_response_name(
payload[_CLUSTER_ID], value)
elif key == _ATTRIBUTE_ID:
value = specs.get_attribute_name(
payload[_CLUSTER_ID], value)
elif key == _EVENT_ID:
key = _EVENT
value = specs.get_event_name(payload[_CLUSTER_ID], value)
elif key == _VALUE or key == _ERROR or key == _CLUSTER_ERROR:
# Raise an error since the other fields probably needs to be translated too.
raise KeyError(f'Error: field "{key}" not supported')
if value is None and (key == _CLUSTER or key == _RESPONSE or key == _ATTRIBUTE or key == _EVENT):
# If the definition for this cluster/command/attribute/event is missing, there is not
# much we can do to convert the response to the proper format. It usually indicates that
# the cluster definition is missing something. So we just raise an exception to tell the
# user something is wrong and the cluster definition needs to be updated.
cluster_code = hex(payload[_CLUSTER_ID])
if key == _CLUSTER:
raise KeyError(
f'Error: The cluster ({cluster_code}) definition can not be found. Please update the cluster definition.')
value_code = hex(payload[key + 'Id'])
raise KeyError(
f'Error: The cluster ({cluster_code}) {key} ({value_code}) definition can not be found. Please update the cluster definition.')
translated_payload[key] = value
return translated_payloads
def __get_payload_content(self, payload):
json_payload = json.loads(payload)
results = json_payload.get('results')
logs = MatterLog.decode_logs(json_payload.get('logs'))
return results, logs
class MatterLog:
def __init__(self, log):
self.module = log['module']
self.level = log['category']
base64_message = log["message"].encode('utf-8')
decoded_message_bytes = base64.b64decode(base64_message)
# TODO We do assume utf-8 encoding is used, it may not be true though.
self.message = decoded_message_bytes.decode('utf-8')
def decode_logs(logs):
return list(map(MatterLog, logs))
class Converter():
This class converts between the JSON representation used by chip-tool to transmit
information and the response format expected by the test suite.
There is not much differences and ideally we won't have to do any conversion.
For example chip-tool could do the field name mapping directly instead of relying on
the adapter, or floats can be converted to the right format directly. But in the
meantime the conversion is done here.
def __init__(self, specifications):
self.__specs = specifications
self.__converters = [
def convert(self, payloads):
return [self._convert(payload) for payload in payloads]
def _convert(self, rv):
if _VALUE not in rv or _CLUSTER not in rv:
return rv
if _RESPONSE in rv:
out_value = self.__convert_command(rv)
elif _ATTRIBUTE in rv:
out_value = self.__convert_attribute(rv)
elif _EVENT in rv:
out_value = self.__convert_event(rv)
out_value = rv[_VALUE]
rv[_VALUE] = out_value
return rv
def __convert_command(self, rv):
specs = self.__specs
cluster_name = rv[_CLUSTER]
response_name = rv[_RESPONSE]
value = rv[_VALUE]
response = specs.get_response_by_name(cluster_name, response_name)
if not response:
raise KeyError(f'Error: response "{response_name}" not found.')
typename =
array = False
return self.__run(value, cluster_name, typename, array)
def __convert_attribute(self, rv):
specs = self.__specs
cluster_name = rv[_CLUSTER]
attribute_name = rv[_ATTRIBUTE]
value = rv[_VALUE]
attribute = specs.get_attribute_by_name(cluster_name, attribute_name)
if not attribute:
raise KeyError(f'Error: attribute "{attribute_name}" not found.')
typename =
array = attribute.definition.is_list
return self.__run(value, cluster_name, typename, array)
def __convert_event(self, rv):
specs = self.__specs
cluster_name = rv[_CLUSTER]
event_name = rv[_EVENT]
value = rv[_VALUE]
event = specs.get_event_by_name(cluster_name, event_name)
if not event:
raise KeyError(f'Error: event "{event_name}" not found.')
typename =
array = False
return self.__run(value, cluster_name, typename, array)
def __run(self, value, cluster_name: str, typename: str, array: bool):
for converter in self.__converters:
value =, value,
cluster_name, typename, array)
return value
class BaseConverter:
def run(self, specs, value, cluster_name: str, typename: str, array: bool):
if isinstance(value, dict) and not array:
struct = specs.get_struct_by_name(
cluster_name, typename) or specs.get_event_by_name(cluster_name, typename)
for field in struct.fields:
field_name =
field_type =
field_array = field.is_list
if field_name in value:
value[field_name] =
specs, value[field_name], cluster_name, field_type, field_array)
elif isinstance(value, list) and array:
value = [, v, cluster_name, typename, False)
for v in value]
elif value is not None:
value = self.maybe_convert(typename.lower(), value)
return value
def maybe_convert(self, typename: str, value):
return value
class FloatConverter(BaseConverter):
Jsoncpp stores floats as double.
For float values that are just stored as an approximation it ends up with
a different output than expected when reading them back
def maybe_convert(self, typename, value):
if typename == 'single':
value = float('%g' % value)
return value
class OctetStringConverter(BaseConverter):
def maybe_convert(self, typename, value):
if typename == 'octet_string' or typename == 'long_octet_string':
if value == '':
value = bytes()
elif value.startswith('base64:'):
value = base64.b64decode(value.removeprefix('base64:'))
return value
class StructFieldsNameConverter():
Converts fields identifiers to the field names specified in the cluster definition.
def run(self, specs, value, cluster_name: str, typename: str, array: bool):
if isinstance(value, dict) and not array:
struct = specs.get_struct_by_name(
cluster_name, typename) or specs.get_event_by_name(cluster_name, typename)
for field in struct.fields:
field_code = field.code
field_name =
field_type =
field_array = field.is_list
# chip-tool returns the field code as an integer but the test suite expects
# a field name.
# To not confuse the test suite, the field code is replaced by its field name
# equivalent and then removed.
if str(field_code) in value:
value[field_name] =
del value[str(field_code)]
if specs.is_fabric_scoped(struct):
elif isinstance(value, list) and array:
value = [, v, cluster_name, typename, False)
for v in value]
return value