blob: d81b67424f0b60a2533c7a1514d11f3ac2f75246 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/* This file contains the declaration for the OTA Requestor interface.
* Any implementation of the OTA Requestor must implement this interface.
#include <app-common/zap-generated/cluster-objects.h>
#include <app/util/af-enums.h>
#include <lib/core/ClusterEnums.h>
#pragma once
namespace chip {
namespace app {
class CommandHandler;
struct ConcreteCommandPath;
} // namespace app
* A class to represent a list of the provider locations
class ProviderLocationList
* A class to iterate over an instance of ProviderLocationList
class Iterator
* Initialize iterator values, must be called before calling Next()/GetValue()
Iterator(const Optional<app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Structs::ProviderLocation::Type> * const list,
size_t size)
mList = list;
mListSize = size;
mCurrentIndex = 0;
mNextIndex = 0;
* Search for the next provider location found in the list
bool Next()
for (size_t i = mNextIndex; i < mListSize; i++)
if (mList[i].HasValue())
mCurrentIndex = i;
mNextIndex = mCurrentIndex + 1;
return true;
return false;
* Retrieves a reference to the provider location found on a previous call to Next()
const app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Structs::ProviderLocation::Type & GetValue() const
return mList[mCurrentIndex].Value();
const Optional<app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Structs::ProviderLocation::Type> * mList;
size_t mListSize;
size_t mCurrentIndex;
size_t mNextIndex;
* Retrieve an iterator to the list
Iterator Begin() const { return Iterator(mList, CHIP_CONFIG_MAX_FABRICS); }
* Add a provider location to the list if there is space available
CHIP_ERROR Add(const app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Structs::ProviderLocation::Type & providerLocation)
for (size_t i = 0; i < mMaxSize; i++)
if (!mList[i].HasValue())
* Delete a provider location for the given fabric index.
CHIP_ERROR Delete(FabricIndex fabricIndex)
for (size_t i = 0; i < mMaxSize; i++)
if (mList[i].HasValue() && mList[i].Value().GetFabricIndex() == fabricIndex)
Optional<app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Structs::ProviderLocation::Type> mList[CHIP_CONFIG_MAX_FABRICS];
size_t mListSize = 0;
// Interface class to connect the OTA Software Update Requestor cluster command processing
// with the core OTA Requestor logic
class OTARequestorInterface
using OTAUpdateStateEnum = chip::app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::OTAUpdateStateEnum;
using ProviderLocationType = app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Structs::ProviderLocation::Type;
// Reset any relevant states
virtual void Reset(void) = 0;
* Called to handle an AnnounceOTAProvider command and is responsible for sending the status. The caller is responsible for
* validating fields in the command.
virtual void HandleAnnounceOTAProvider(
chip::app::CommandHandler * commandObj, const chip::app::ConcreteCommandPath & commandPath,
const chip::app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Commands::AnnounceOTAProvider::DecodableType & commandData) = 0;
// Destructor
virtual ~OTARequestorInterface() = default;
// Application API to send the QueryImage command and start the image update process.
// The `fabricIndex` optional argument can be used to explicitly select the OTA provider.
virtual CHIP_ERROR TriggerImmediateQuery(FabricIndex fabricIndex = kUndefinedFabricIndex) = 0;
// Internal API meant for use by OTARequestorDriver to send the QueryImage command and start the image update process
// with the preset provider
virtual void TriggerImmediateQueryInternal() = 0;
// Download image
virtual void DownloadUpdate() = 0;
// Image download delayed on user consent
virtual void DownloadUpdateDelayedOnUserConsent() = 0;
// Initiate the session to send ApplyUpdateRequest command
virtual void ApplyUpdate() = 0;
// Initiate the session to send NotifyUpdateApplied command
virtual void NotifyUpdateApplied() = 0;
// Get the value of the UpdateStateProgress attribute (in percentage) of the OTA Software Update Requestor Cluster on the given
// endpoint
virtual CHIP_ERROR GetUpdateStateProgressAttribute(EndpointId endpointId,
chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> & progress) = 0;
// Get the value of the UpdateState attribute of the OTA Software Update Requestor Cluster on the given endpoint
virtual CHIP_ERROR GetUpdateStateAttribute(EndpointId endpointId, OTAUpdateStateEnum & state) = 0;
// Get the current state of the OTA update
virtual OTAUpdateStateEnum GetCurrentUpdateState() = 0;
// Get the target version of the OTA update
virtual uint32_t GetTargetVersion() = 0;
// Application directs the Requestor to cancel image update in progress. All the Requestor state is
// cleared, UpdateState is reset to Idle
virtual void CancelImageUpdate() = 0;
// Clear all entries with the specified fabric index in the default OTA provider list
virtual CHIP_ERROR ClearDefaultOtaProviderList(FabricIndex fabricIndex) = 0;
// Set the provider location to be used in the next query and OTA update process
virtual void SetCurrentProviderLocation(ProviderLocationType providerLocation) = 0;
// Set the metadata value for the provider to be used in the next query and OTA update process
virtual void SetMetadataForProvider(chip::ByteSpan metadataForProvider) = 0;
// If there is an OTA update in progress, returns the provider location for the current OTA update, otherwise, returns the
// provider location that was last used
virtual void GetProviderLocation(Optional<ProviderLocationType> & providerLocation) = 0;
// Add a default OTA provider to the cached list
virtual CHIP_ERROR AddDefaultOtaProvider(const ProviderLocationType & providerLocation) = 0;
// Retrieve an iterator to the cached default OTA provider list
virtual ProviderLocationList::Iterator GetDefaultOTAProviderListIterator(void) = 0;
// The instance of the class implementing OTARequestorInterface must be managed through
// the following global getter and setter functions.
// Set the object implementing OTARequestorInterface
void SetRequestorInstance(OTARequestorInterface * instance);
// Get the object implementing OTARequestorInterface
OTARequestorInterface * GetRequestorInstance();
} // namespace chip