blob: 65091250a0d8091911bbe07b90fe6e78ea5d4a90 [file] [log] [blame]
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/** @file
* Button manager defines generic interface for button events and button type configurations.
* It exposes interface to configure platform button events (like click,long press) with user configurable timing.
#pragma once
#include "platform_button.h"
#include "wiced.h"
#include "wiced_rtos.h"
#include "wiced_timer.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
* Macros
* Constants
* Enumerations
* @brief Button Manager events.
typedef enum
BUTTON_CLICK_EVENT = (1 << 0), /**< A click is a combination of press and release button events. Typically ~ < 200 ms. */
BUTTON_SHORT_DURATION_EVENT = (1 << 1), /**< Short duration click event */
BUTTON_MEDIUM_DURATION_EVENT = (1 << 2), /**< Medium duration click event */
BUTTON_LONG_DURATION_EVENT = (1 << 3), /**< Long duration click event */
BUTTON_VERY_LONG_DURATION_EVENT = (1 << 4), /**< Very long duration click event */
(1 << 5), /**< A double click is a combination of two single clicks with some delay between them */
BUTTON_HOLDING_EVENT = (1 << 6), /**< Button is holding over at least two long duration. */
} button_manager_event_t;
* @brief Button states.
typedef enum
BUTTON_STATE_HELD = (0), /**< Button state held */
BUTTON_STATE_RELEASED = (1), /**< Button state released */
} button_manager_button_state_t;
* Type Definitions
* @brief Worker thread structure.
typedef struct
wiced_thread_t * thread; /**< Button event thread */
wiced_queue_t * event_queue; /**< Button event queue */
} button_worker_thread_t;
* @brief Button Event Message.
typedef struct
event_handler_t function; /**< Button event handler function */
void * arg; /**< Button event message arguments to be passed */
} button_event_message_t;
* Structures
* @brief Button configuration.
typedef struct
platform_button_t button; /**< Logical Button-ids which map to physical buttons on the board */
uint16_t button_event_mask; /**< Button event mask */
uint32_t application_event; /**< Application event */
} wiced_button_configuration_t;
* @brief Button Information.
typedef struct
const wiced_button_configuration_t * configuration; /**< Button configuration */
button_manager_button_state_t current_state; /**< Button current state */
button_manager_event_t last_sent_event; /**< Button last sent event */
uint64_t pressed_timestamp; /**< Button pressed time stamp (us) */
uint64_t released_timestamp; /**< Button released time stamp (us) */
uint32_t last_released_timestamp; /**< Button last released time stamp */
wiced_bool_t check_for_double_click; /**< Button double click event or not */
uint32_t repeat; /**< Button holding counter */
int32_t debounce_counter; /**< Button debounce counter */
wiced_timer_t debounce_timer; /**< Button debounce timer */
wiced_bool_t debouncing; /**< Button debounce state indication */
wiced_timer_t long_press_timer; /**< Button long press detection timer */
uint64_t timer_timestamp; /**< Button event time stamp (us) */
} button_manager_button_t;
* Button event handler
* @param button Which button in the list has been pressed/released/held
* @param event What exact event the button is generating.
* @param state What exact state the button is in.
* @return void Library should not care whether app handled the button-events correctly or not.
typedef void (*wiced_button_event_handler_t)(const button_manager_button_t * button, button_manager_event_t event,
button_manager_button_state_t state);
* @brief Button manager Configuration.
typedef struct
uint16_t short_hold_duration; /**< held for short duration (ms) */
uint16_t medium_hold_duration; /**< held for medium duration (ms) */
uint16_t long_hold_duration; /**< held for long duration (ms) */
uint16_t very_long_hold_duration; /**< held for very long duration (ms) */
uint16_t debounce_duration; /**< duration taken to de-bounce (ms) */
uint16_t double_click_interval; /**< Time interval between two RELEASE events */
wiced_bool_t continuous_hold_detect; /**< Flag to enable button holding detection.\n
If this is set to true, the BUTTON_VERY_LONG_DURATION_EVENT is disabled
and a BUTTON_HOLDING_EVENT will be triggered if a button is pressed over
twice the long_hold_duration.\n
The BUTTON_HOLDING_EVENT will continuous be sent every long_hold_duration
after the first BUTTON_HOLDING_EVENT event been sent. */
wiced_button_event_handler_t event_handler;
} wiced_button_manager_configuration_t;
* @brief Button Manager structure.
typedef struct
const wiced_button_manager_configuration_t * configuration; /**< Button manager configuration */
button_manager_button_t * buttons; /**< Button information */
uint32_t number_of_buttons; /**< Number of buttons */
wiced_button_event_handler_t button_callback; /**< Button event handler */
} button_manager_t;
* Button's state change call back
* @param id Id of the button
* @param new_state What exact new state the button is going to.
* @return void Library should not care whether app handled the button-events correctly or not.
typedef void (*wiced_button_state_change_callback_t)(platform_button_t id, wiced_bool_t new_state);
* Global Variables
* Function Declarations
* The application should call this function to Initialize the Button Manager
* @param manager : pointer to button manager.
* @param configuration : Configuration for the button.
* @param buttons : Button information.
* @param number_of_buttons : Number of buttons.
* @return : result.
extern wiced_result_t wiced_button_manager_init(button_manager_t * manager,
const wiced_button_manager_configuration_t * configuration,
button_manager_button_t * buttons, uint32_t number_of_buttons);
* The application should call this function to de-Initialize the Button Manager
* @param manager : Pointer to button manager to de-initialize.
* @return : result.
extern wiced_result_t wiced_button_manager_deinit(button_manager_t * manager);
* Checks if there is pending event and then re-send the event.
* @return void : no return value is expected.
extern void wiced_button_manager_pending_event_handle(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
} /* extern "C" */