blob: b8c9f37b1d179a962ec1979f62d6729fe44d1a23 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import enum
import logging
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Optional, Union
from matter_idl import matter_idl_types # to explicitly say 'Enum'
from matter_idl.matter_idl_types import DataType
def ToPowerOfTwo(bits: int) -> int:
Given a number, find the next power of two that is >= to the given value.
Can be used to figure out a variable size given non-standard bit sizes in
matter: eg. a int24 can be stored in an int32, so ToPortOfTwo(24) == 32.
# probably bit manipulation can be faster, but this should be ok as well
result = 1
while result < bits:
result = result * 2
return result
class BasicInteger:
Represents something that is stored as a basic integer.
idl_name: str
byte_count: int # NOTE: may NOT be a power of 2 for odd sized integers
is_signed: bool
def bits(self):
return self.byte_count * 8
def power_of_two_bits(self):
return ToPowerOfTwo(self.bits)
class BasicString:
Represents either a string or a binary string (blob).
idl_name: str
is_binary: bool
max_length: Union[int, None] = None
class FundamentalType(enum.Enum):
Native types, generally available across C++/ObjC/Java/python/other.
def idl_name(self):
if self == FundamentalType.BOOL:
return "bool"
elif self == FundamentalType.FLOAT:
return "single"
elif self == FundamentalType.DOUBLE:
return "double"
raise Exception("Type not handled: %r" % self)
def byte_count(self):
if self == FundamentalType.BOOL:
return 1
elif self == FundamentalType.FLOAT:
return 4
elif self == FundamentalType.DOUBLE:
return 8
raise Exception("Type not handled: %r" % self)
def bits(self):
return self.byte_count * 8
class IdlEnumType:
An enumeration type. Enumerations are constants with an underlying
base type that is an interger.
idl_name: str
base_type: BasicInteger
def byte_count(self):
return self.base_type.byte_count
def bits(self):
return self.base_type.bits
class IdlBitmapType:
Bitmaps mark that each bit (or a subset of said bits) have a meaning.
Examples include "feature maps" where bits represent feature available or not.
idl_name: str
base_type: BasicInteger
def byte_count(self):
return self.base_type.byte_count
def bits(self):
return self.base_type.bits
class IdlItemType(enum.Enum):
class IdlType:
A type defined within the IDL.
IDLs would generally only define structures as all other types are
described in other things like enums/bitmaps/basic types etc.
However since IDL parsing is not yet codegen just syntactically, we allow
the option to have a type that is marked 'unknown' (likely invalid/never
idl_name: str
item_type: IdlItemType
def is_struct(self) -> bool:
return self.item_type == IdlItemType.STRUCT
# Data types, held by ZAP in chip-types.xml and generally by the spec.
"bitmap16": BasicInteger(idl_name="bitmap16", byte_count=2, is_signed=False),
"bitmap24": BasicInteger(idl_name="bitmap24", byte_count=3, is_signed=False),
"bitmap32": BasicInteger(idl_name="bitmap32", byte_count=4, is_signed=False),
"bitmap64": BasicInteger(idl_name="bitmap64", byte_count=8, is_signed=False),
"bitmap8": BasicInteger(idl_name="bitmap8", byte_count=1, is_signed=False),
"enum16": BasicInteger(idl_name="enum16", byte_count=2, is_signed=False),
"enum32": BasicInteger(idl_name="enum32", byte_count=4, is_signed=False),
"enum8": BasicInteger(idl_name="enum8", byte_count=1, is_signed=False),
"int16s": BasicInteger(idl_name="int16s", byte_count=2, is_signed=True),
"int16u": BasicInteger(idl_name="int16u", byte_count=2, is_signed=False),
"int24s": BasicInteger(idl_name="int24s", byte_count=3, is_signed=True),
"int24u": BasicInteger(idl_name="int24u", byte_count=3, is_signed=False),
"int32s": BasicInteger(idl_name="int32s", byte_count=4, is_signed=True),
"int32u": BasicInteger(idl_name="int32u", byte_count=4, is_signed=False),
"int40s": BasicInteger(idl_name="int40s", byte_count=5, is_signed=True),
"int40u": BasicInteger(idl_name="int40u", byte_count=5, is_signed=False),
"int48s": BasicInteger(idl_name="int48s", byte_count=6, is_signed=True),
"int48u": BasicInteger(idl_name="int48u", byte_count=6, is_signed=False),
"int56s": BasicInteger(idl_name="int56s", byte_count=7, is_signed=True),
"int56u": BasicInteger(idl_name="int56u", byte_count=7, is_signed=False),
"int64s": BasicInteger(idl_name="int64s", byte_count=8, is_signed=True),
"int64u": BasicInteger(idl_name="int64u", byte_count=8, is_signed=False),
"int8s": BasicInteger(idl_name="int8s", byte_count=1, is_signed=True),
"int8u": BasicInteger(idl_name="int8u", byte_count=1, is_signed=False),
# Derived types
# Specification describes them in section '7.18.2. Derived Data Types'
"action_id": BasicInteger(idl_name="action_id", byte_count=1, is_signed=False),
"attrib_id": BasicInteger(idl_name="attrib_id", byte_count=4, is_signed=False),
"cluster_id": BasicInteger(idl_name="cluster_id", byte_count=4, is_signed=False),
"command_id": BasicInteger(idl_name="command_id", byte_count=4, is_signed=False),
"data_ver": BasicInteger(idl_name="data_ver", byte_count=4, is_signed=False),
"date": BasicInteger(idl_name="date", byte_count=4, is_signed=False),
"devtype_id": BasicInteger(idl_name="devtype_id", byte_count=4, is_signed=False),
"endpoint_no": BasicInteger(idl_name="endpoint_no", byte_count=2, is_signed=False),
"epoch_s": BasicInteger(idl_name="epoch_s", byte_count=4, is_signed=False),
"epoch_us": BasicInteger(idl_name="epoch_us", byte_count=8, is_signed=False),
"elapsed_s": BasicInteger(idl_name="elapsed_s", byte_count=4, is_signed=False),
"event_id": BasicInteger(idl_name="event_id", byte_count=4, is_signed=False),
"event_no": BasicInteger(idl_name="event_no", byte_count=8, is_signed=False),
"fabric_id": BasicInteger(idl_name="fabric_id", byte_count=8, is_signed=False),
"fabric_idx": BasicInteger(idl_name="fabric_idx", byte_count=1, is_signed=False),
"field_id": BasicInteger(idl_name="field_id", byte_count=4, is_signed=False),
"group_id": BasicInteger(idl_name="group_id", byte_count=2, is_signed=False),
"node_id": BasicInteger(idl_name="node_id", byte_count=8, is_signed=False),
"percent": BasicInteger(idl_name="percent", byte_count=1, is_signed=False),
"percent100ths": BasicInteger(idl_name="percent100ths", byte_count=2, is_signed=False),
"posix_ms": BasicInteger(idl_name="posix_ms", byte_count=8, is_signed=False),
"status": BasicInteger(idl_name="status", byte_count=2, is_signed=False),
"systime_us": BasicInteger(idl_name="systime_us", byte_count=8, is_signed=False),
"systime_ms": BasicInteger(idl_name="systime_ms", byte_count=8, is_signed=False),
"tod": BasicInteger(idl_name="tod", byte_count=4, is_signed=False),
"trans_id": BasicInteger(idl_name="trans_id", byte_count=4, is_signed=False),
"vendor_id": BasicInteger(idl_name="vendor_id", byte_count=2, is_signed=False),
class TypeLookupContext:
Handles type lookups within a scope.
Generally when looking for a struct/enum, the lookup will be first done
at a cluster level, then at a global level.
================ test.matter ==============
enum A {}
server cluster X {
struct A {}
struct B {}
server cluster Y {
enum C {}
When considering a lookup context of global (i.e. cluster is not set)
"A" is defined as an enum (::A)
"B" is undefined
"C" is undefined
When considering a lookup context of cluster X
"A" is defined as a struct (X::A)
"B" is defined as a struct (X::B)
"C" is undefined
When considering a lookup context of cluster Y
"A" is defined as an enum (::A)
"B" is undefined
"C" is defined as an enum (Y::C)
def __init__(self, idl: matter_idl_types.Idl, cluster: Optional[matter_idl_types.Cluster]):
self.idl = idl
self.cluster = cluster
def find_enum(self, name) -> Optional[matter_idl_types.Enum]:
Find the first enumeration matching the given name for the given
lookup rules (searches cluster first, then global).
for e in self.all_enums:
if == name:
return e
return None
def find_struct(self, name) -> Optional[matter_idl_types.Struct]:
for s in self.all_structs:
if == name:
return s
return None
def find_bitmap(self, name) -> Optional[matter_idl_types.Bitmap]:
for s in self.all_bitmaps:
if == name:
return s
return None
def all_enums(self):
All enumerations, ordered by lookup priority.
If an enum A is defined both in the cluster and globally, this WILL
return both instances, however it will return the cluster version first.
if self.cluster:
for e in self.cluster.enums:
yield e
for e in self.idl.enums:
yield e
def all_bitmaps(self):
All bitmaps defined within this lookup context.
bitmaps are only defined at cluster level. If lookup context does not
include a cluster, the bitmal list will be empty.
if self.cluster:
for b in self.cluster.bitmaps:
yield b
def all_structs(self):
"""All structs, ordered by lookup prioroty.
If a struct A is defined both in the cluster and globally, this WILL
return both instances, however it will return the cluster version first.
if self.cluster:
for e in self.cluster.structs:
yield e
for e in self.idl.structs:
yield e
def is_enum_type(self, name: str):
Determine if the given type name is an enumeration.
Handles both standard names (like enum8) as well as enumerations defined
within the current lookup context.
if name.lower() in ["enum8", "enum16", "enum32"]:
return True
return any(map(lambda e: == name, self.all_enums))
def is_struct_type(self, name: str):
Determine if the given type name is type that is known to be a struct
return any(map(lambda s: == name, self.all_structs))
def is_bitmap_type(self, name: str):
Determine if the given type name is type that is known to be a bitmap.
Handles both standard/zcl names (like bitmap32) and types defined within
the current lookup context.
if name.lower() in ["bitmap8", "bitmap16", "bitmap24", "bitmap32", "bitmap64"]:
return True
return any(map(lambda s: == name, self.all_bitmaps))
def ParseDataType(data_type: DataType, lookup: TypeLookupContext) -> Union[BasicInteger, BasicString, FundamentalType, IdlType, IdlEnumType, IdlBitmapType]:
Given a AST data type and a lookup context, match it to a type that can be later
be used for generation.
AST parsing is textual, so it does not understand what "foo" means. This method
looks up what "foo" actually means: includes basic types (e.g. bool),
zcl types (like enums or bitmaps) and does lookups to find structs/enums/bitmaps/etc
that are defined in the given lookup context.
lowercase_name =
if lowercase_name == 'boolean':
return FundamentalType.BOOL
if lowercase_name == 'single':
return FundamentalType.FLOAT
elif lowercase_name == 'double':
return FundamentalType.DOUBLE
elif lowercase_name in ['char_string', 'long_char_string']:
return BasicString(idl_name=lowercase_name, is_binary=False, max_length=data_type.max_length)
elif lowercase_name in ['octet_string', 'long_octet_string']:
return BasicString(idl_name=lowercase_name, is_binary=True, max_length=data_type.max_length)
elif lowercase_name in ['enum8', 'enum16', 'enum32']:
return IdlEnumType(idl_name=lowercase_name, base_type=__CHIP_SIZED_TYPES__[lowercase_name])
elif lowercase_name in ['bitmap8', 'bitmap16', 'bitmap24', 'bitmap32']:
return IdlBitmapType(idl_name=lowercase_name, base_type=__CHIP_SIZED_TYPES__[lowercase_name])
int_type = __CHIP_SIZED_TYPES__.get(lowercase_name, None)
if int_type is not None:
return int_type
# All fast checks done, now check against known data types
e = lookup.find_enum(
if e:
# Valid enum found. it MUST be based on a valid data type
return IdlEnumType(, base_type=__CHIP_SIZED_TYPES__[e.base_type.lower()])
b = lookup.find_bitmap(
if b:
# Valid enum found. it MUST be based on a valid data type
return IdlBitmapType(, base_type=__CHIP_SIZED_TYPES__[b.base_type.lower()])
result = IdlType(, item_type=IdlItemType.UNKNOWN)
if lookup.find_struct(
result.item_type = IdlItemType.STRUCT
"Data type %s is NOT known, but treating it as a generic IDL type." % data_type)
return result