blob: 26463550e6a28a3d78236bc250d8f52612f07803 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
from matter_idl.generators import CodeGenerator, GeneratorStorage
from matter_idl.matter_idl_types import Cluster, Command, Field, Idl
def toUpperSnakeCase(s):
""" Convert camelCaseString to UPPER_SNAKE_CASE with proper handling of acronyms and numerals. """
lastLower = False
letters = []
for c in s:
if c.isupper():
if lastLower:
lastLower = False
lastLower = True
return ''.join(letters)
def toLowerSnakeCase(s):
""" Convert camelCaseString to lower_snake_case with proper handling of acronyms and numerals. """
return toUpperSnakeCase(s).lower()
def toUpperAcronym(s):
""" Remove lower case letters and numbers from the given string"""
return ''.join([i for i in s if i.isupper() or i.isnumeric()]).upper()
def toEnumEntryName(enumEntry, enumName):
""" Create enum entry name by prepending that acronym of the enum name and converting to upper snake case """
prefix = toUpperAcronym(enumName)
if (enumEntry[0] == 'k'):
enumEntry = enumEntry[1:]
return prefix + '_' + toUpperSnakeCase(enumEntry)
def toProtobufType(zapType: str) -> str:
""" Convert zap type to protobuf type """
u32Types = [
"uint32", "enum8", "enum16", "bitmap8",
"bitmap16", "bitmap32", "cluster_id", "attrib_id",
"event_id", "command_id", "endpoint_no", "group_id",
"devtype_id", "fabric_idx", "vendor_id", "status_code",
"faulttype", "levelcontroloptions", "percent100ths",
u64Types = [
"uint64", "enum64", "bitmap64", "node_id", "fabric_id",
"int40u", "int48u", "int56u", "int64u"
i32Types = ["int32", "int8s", "int16s", "int24s", "int32s"]
i64Types = ["int64", "int40s", "int48s", "int56s", "int64s"]
floatTypes = ["float", "double"]
stringTypes = ["char_string", "long_char_string"]
bytesTypes = ["octet_string", "long_octet_string"]
zapTypeLower = zapType.lower()
if zapTypeLower in u32Types:
return "uint32"
if zapTypeLower in u64Types:
return "uint64"
if zapTypeLower in i32Types:
return "int32"
if zapTypeLower in i64Types:
return "int64"
if zapTypeLower in floatTypes:
return "float"
if zapTypeLower == "double":
return "double"
if zapTypeLower == "boolean":
return "bool"
if zapTypeLower in stringTypes:
return "string"
if zapTypeLower in bytesTypes:
return "bytes"
# If no match, return the original type name for the Struct, Enum, or Bitmap.
return zapType
# Enum for encoding the type information into protobuf field tag for stateless translation.
# These values encoded to the upper range of the protobuf field tag.
class EncodingDataType:
UINT = 1
INT = 2
BOOL = 3
def fromType(protobufType: str):
if protobufType == "uint32":
return EncodingDataType.UINT
if protobufType == "uint64":
return EncodingDataType.UINT
if protobufType == "int32":
return EncodingDataType.INT
if protobufType == "int64":
return EncodingDataType.INT
if protobufType == "bool":
return EncodingDataType.BOOL
if protobufType == "string":
return EncodingDataType.CHAR_STRING
if protobufType == "bytes":
return EncodingDataType.OCT_STRING
if protobufType == "float":
return EncodingDataType.FLOAT
if protobufType == "double":
return EncodingDataType.DOUBLE
# If not a primitive type, it is a named type; assume it is a Struct.
# NOTE: the actual type may be an Enum or Bitmap.
return EncodingDataType.STRUCT
def commandArgs(command: Command, cluster: Cluster):
"""Return the list of fields for the command request for the given command and cluster."""
for struct in cluster.structs:
if == command.input_param:
return struct.fields
# If the command has no input parameters, just return an empty list.
return []
def commandResponseArgs(command: Command, cluster: Cluster):
"""Return the list of fields for the command response for the given command and cluster."""
for struct in cluster.structs:
if == command.output_param:
return struct.fields
return []
def toEncodedTag(tag, typeNum: EncodingDataType):
""" Return the final encoded tag from the given field number and field encoded data type.
The Matter field type information is encoded into the upper range of the protobuf field
tag for stateless translation to Matter TLV. """
tag = (int(typeNum) << 19) | int(tag)
return tag
def toProtobufFullType(field: Field):
"""Return the full protobuf type for the given field, including repeated and optional specifiers."""
prefix = ""
protobufType = toProtobufType(
if field.is_list:
prefix = "repeated " + prefix
elif field.is_optional:
prefix = "optional " + prefix
return prefix + protobufType
def toFieldTag(field: Field):
protobufType = toProtobufType(
typeNum = EncodingDataType.fromType(protobufType)
tag = toEncodedTag(field.code, typeNum)
return tag
def toFieldComment(field: Field):
protobufType = toProtobufType(
typeNum = EncodingDataType.fromType(protobufType)
tagComment = "/** %s Type: %d IsList: %d FieldId: %d */" % (, typeNum, field.is_list, field.code)
return tagComment
class CustomGenerator(CodeGenerator):
Example of a custom generator. Outputs protobuf representation of Matter clusters.
def __init__(self, storage: GeneratorStorage, idl: Idl, **kargs):
Inintialization is specific for java generation and will add
filters as required by the java .jinja templates to function.
super().__init__(storage, idl, fs_loader_searchpath=os.path.dirname(__file__))
if 'package' not in kargs:
raise Exception(
'Please provide a "--option package:<name>" argument')
self.package = kargs['package']
# String helpers
self.jinja_env.filters['toLowerSnakeCase'] = toLowerSnakeCase
self.jinja_env.filters['toUpperSnakeCase'] = toUpperSnakeCase
# Type helpers
self.jinja_env.filters['toEnumEntryName'] = toEnumEntryName
self.jinja_env.filters['toProtobufType'] = toProtobufType
self.jinja_env.filters['toEncodedTag'] = toEncodedTag
# Tag helpers
self.jinja_env.filters['toFieldTag'] = toFieldTag
self.jinja_env.filters['toProtobufFullType'] = toProtobufFullType
self.jinja_env.filters['toFieldComment'] = toFieldComment
# Command helpers
self.jinja_env.filters['commandArgs'] = commandArgs
self.jinja_env.filters['commandResponseArgs'] = commandResponseArgs
def internal_render_all(self):
Renders the given custom template to the given output filename.
# Every cluster has its own impl, to avoid
# very large compilations (running out of RAM)
for cluster in self.idl.clusters:
filename = "proto/%s_cluster.proto" % toLowerSnakeCase(
# Header containing a macro to initialize all cluster plugins
'cluster': cluster,
'package': self.package,