blob: 7d383bb6669225931dfa7b8539adc9e508a1eb00 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "Endpoint.h"
#include "Types.h"
#include "support/ChipDeviceEventHandler.h"
#include "support/EndpointListLoader.h"
#include "lib/support/logging/CHIPLogging.h"
#include <inet/IPAddress.h>
#include <inet/InetInterface.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <vector>
namespace matter {
namespace casting {
namespace core {
const int kPortMaxLength = 5; // port is uint16_t
// +1 for the : between the hostname and the port.
const int kIdMaxLength = chip::Dnssd::kHostNameMaxLength + kPortMaxLength + 1;
const unsigned long long int kCommissioningWindowTimeoutSec = 3 * 60; // 3 minutes
* @brief Describes an Endpoint that the client wants to connect to
struct EndpointFilter
// value of 0 means unspecified
uint16_t vendorId = 0;
uint16_t productId = 0;
std::vector<chip::app::Clusters::Descriptor::Structs::DeviceTypeStruct::DecodableType> requiredDeviceTypes;
class CastingPlayerAttributes
char id[kIdMaxLength + 1] = {};
char deviceName[chip::Dnssd::kMaxDeviceNameLen + 1] = {};
char hostName[chip::Dnssd::kHostNameMaxLength + 1] = {};
char instanceName[chip::Dnssd::Commission::kInstanceNameMaxLength + 1] = {};
unsigned int numIPs; // number of valid IP addresses
chip::Inet::IPAddress ipAddresses[chip::Dnssd::CommonResolutionData::kMaxIPAddresses];
chip::Inet::InterfaceId interfaceId;
uint16_t port;
uint16_t productId;
uint16_t vendorId;
uint32_t deviceType;
chip::NodeId nodeId = 0;
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = 0;
class Endpoint;
* @brief Represents CastingPlayer ConnectionState.
enum ConnectionState
class ConnectionContext;
class CastingPlayer;
using ConnectCallback = std::function<void(CHIP_ERROR, CastingPlayer *)>;
* @brief CastingPlayer represents a Matter commissioner that is able to play media to a physical
* output or to a display screen which is part of the device.
class CastingPlayer : public std::enable_shared_from_this<CastingPlayer>
CastingPlayer(CastingPlayerAttributes playerAttributes) { mAttributes = playerAttributes; }
* @brief Get the CastingPlayer object targeted currently (may not be connected)
static CastingPlayer * GetTargetCastingPlayer() { return mTargetCastingPlayer; }
* @brief Compares based on the Id
bool operator==(const CastingPlayer & other) const
int compareResult = strcmp(this->,;
return (compareResult == 0) ? 1 : 0;
* @return true if this CastingPlayer is connected to the CastingApp
bool IsConnected() const { return mConnectionState == CASTING_PLAYER_CONNECTED; }
* @brief Verifies that a connection exists with this CastingPlayer, or triggers a new session
* request. If the CastingApp does not have the nodeId and fabricIndex of this CastingPlayer cached on disk,
* this will execute the user directed commissioning process.
* @param onCompleted for success - called back with CHIP_NO_ERROR and CastingPlayer *.
* For failure - called back with an error and nullptr.
* @param commissioningWindowTimeoutSec (Optional) time (in sec) to keep the commissioning window open, if commissioning is
* required. Needs to be >= kCommissioningWindowTimeoutSec.
* @param desiredEndpointFilter (Optional) Attributes (such as VendorId) describing an Endpoint that the client wants to
* interact with after commissioning. If this value is passed in, the VerifyOrEstablishConnection will force User Directed
* Commissioning, in case the desired Endpoint is not found in the on device CastingStore.
void VerifyOrEstablishConnection(ConnectCallback onCompleted,
unsigned long long int commissioningWindowTimeoutSec = kCommissioningWindowTimeoutSec,
EndpointFilter desiredEndpointFilter = EndpointFilter());
* @brief Sets the internal connection state of this CastingPlayer to "disconnected"
void Disconnect();
* @brief Find an existing session for this CastingPlayer, or trigger a new session
* request.
* The caller can optionally provide `onDeviceConnected` and `onDeviceConnectionFailure` callback
* objects. If provided, these will be used to inform the caller about
* successful or failed connection establishment.
* If the connection is already established, the `onDeviceConnected` callback
* will be immediately called, before FindOrEstablishSession returns.
* The `onDeviceConnectionFailure` callback may be called before the FindOrEstablishSession
* call returns, for error cases that are detected synchronously.
void FindOrEstablishSession(void * clientContext, chip::OnDeviceConnected onDeviceConnected,
chip::OnDeviceConnectionFailure onDeviceConnectionFailure);
* @brief Register an endpoint on this CastingPlayer. If the provided endpoint was already registered, its information will be
* updated in the registry.
void RegisterEndpoint(const memory::Strong<Endpoint> endpoint);
const std::vector<memory::Strong<Endpoint>> GetEndpoints() const { return mEndpoints; }
void LogDetail() const;
const char * GetId() const { return; }
const char * GetDeviceName() const { return mAttributes.deviceName; }
const char * GetHostName() const { return mAttributes.hostName; }
const char * GetInstanceName() const { return mAttributes.instanceName; }
uint GetNumIPs() const { return mAttributes.numIPs; }
chip::Inet::IPAddress * GetIPAddresses() { return mAttributes.ipAddresses; }
uint16_t GetPort() { return mAttributes.port; }
uint16_t GetProductId() const { return mAttributes.productId; }
uint16_t GetVendorId() const { return mAttributes.vendorId; }
uint32_t GetDeviceType() const { return mAttributes.deviceType; }
chip::NodeId GetNodeId() const { return mAttributes.nodeId; }
chip::FabricIndex GetFabricIndex() const { return mAttributes.fabricIndex; }
void SetNodeId(chip::NodeId nodeId) { mAttributes.nodeId = nodeId; }
void SetFabricIndex(chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex) { mAttributes.fabricIndex = fabricIndex; }
std::vector<memory::Strong<Endpoint>> mEndpoints;
ConnectionState mConnectionState = CASTING_PLAYER_NOT_CONNECTED;
CastingPlayerAttributes mAttributes;
static CastingPlayer * mTargetCastingPlayer;
unsigned long long int mCommissioningWindowTimeoutSec = kCommissioningWindowTimeoutSec;
ConnectCallback mOnCompleted = {};
* @brief Sends the user directed commissioning request to this CastingPlayer
CHIP_ERROR SendUserDirectedCommissioningRequest();
* @brief Selects an IP Address to send the UDC request to.
* Prioritizes IPV4 addresses over IPV6.
* @return chip::Inet::IPAddress*
chip::Inet::IPAddress * GetIpAddressForUDCRequest();
* @brief Checks if the cachedCastingPlayer contains an Endpoint that matches the description of the desiredEndpointFilter
* @return true - cachedCastingPlayer contains at least one endpoint that matches all the (non-default) values in
* desiredEndpointFilter, false otherwise
bool ContainsDesiredEndpoint(core::CastingPlayer * cachedCastingPlayer, EndpointFilter desiredEndpointFilter);
// ChipDeviceEventHandler handles chip::DeviceLayer::ChipDeviceEvent events and helps the CastingPlayer class commission with
// and connect to a CastingPlayer
friend class support::ChipDeviceEventHandler;
friend class ConnectionContext;
friend class support::EndpointListLoader;
class ConnectionContext
ConnectionContext(void * clientContext, core::CastingPlayer * targetCastingPlayer, chip::OnDeviceConnected onDeviceConnected,
chip::OnDeviceConnectionFailure onDeviceConnectionFailure);
void * mClientContext = nullptr;
core::CastingPlayer * mTargetCastingPlayer = nullptr;
chip::OnDeviceConnected mOnDeviceConnectedFn = nullptr;
chip::OnDeviceConnectionFailure mOnDeviceConnectionFailureFn = nullptr;
chip::Callback::Callback<chip::OnDeviceConnected> * mOnConnectedCallback = nullptr;
chip::Callback::Callback<chip::OnDeviceConnectionFailure> * mOnConnectionFailureCallback = nullptr;
}; // namespace core
}; // namespace casting
}; // namespace matter