blob: 5bb8e7c8eebbc7b892ea3e410250d7059bcedefe [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Needed to use types in type hints before they are fully defined.
from __future__ import annotations
import builtins
import ctypes
import inspect
import logging
import sys
from asyncio.futures import Future
from ctypes import CFUNCTYPE, POINTER, c_size_t, c_uint8, c_uint16, c_uint32, c_uint64, c_void_p, cast, py_object
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum, unique
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
import chip
import chip.exceptions
import chip.interaction_model
import chip.tlv
import construct
from chip.interaction_model import PyWriteAttributeData
from chip.native import ErrorSDKPart, PyChipError
from rich.pretty import pprint
from .ClusterObjects import Cluster, ClusterAttributeDescriptor, ClusterEvent
class EventTimestampType(Enum):
class EventPriority(Enum):
INFO = 1
class AttributePath:
EndpointId: int = None
ClusterId: int = None
AttributeId: int = None
def from_cluster(EndpointId: int, Cluster: Cluster) -> AttributePath:
if Cluster is None:
raise ValueError("Cluster cannot be None")
return AttributePath(EndpointId=EndpointId,
def from_attribute(EndpointId: int, Attribute: ClusterAttributeDescriptor) -> AttributePath:
if Attribute is None:
raise ValueError("Attribute cannot be None")
return AttributePath(EndpointId=EndpointId, ClusterId=Attribute.cluster_id, AttributeId=Attribute.attribute_id)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.EndpointId}/{self.ClusterId}/{self.AttributeId}"
class DataVersionFilter:
EndpointId: int = None
ClusterId: int = None
DataVersion: int = None
def from_cluster(EndpointId: int, Cluster: Cluster, DataVersion: int = None) -> AttributePath:
if Cluster is None:
raise ValueError("Cluster cannot be None")
return DataVersionFilter(EndpointId=EndpointId,, DataVersion=DataVersion)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.EndpointId}/{self.ClusterId}/{self.DataVersion}"
class TypedAttributePath:
''' Encapsulates an attribute path that has strongly typed references to cluster and attribute
cluster object types. These types serve as keys into the attribute cache.
ClusterType: Cluster = None
AttributeType: ClusterAttributeDescriptor = None
AttributeName: str = None
Path: AttributePath = None
def __init__(self, ClusterType: Cluster = None, AttributeType: ClusterAttributeDescriptor = None,
Path: AttributePath = None):
''' Only one of either ClusterType and AttributeType OR Path may be provided.
# First, let's populate ClusterType and AttributeType. If it's already provided,
# we can continue onwards to deriving the label. Otherwise, we'll need to
# walk the attribute index to find the right type information.
if (ClusterType is not None and AttributeType is not None):
self.ClusterType = ClusterType
self.AttributeType = AttributeType
if (Path is None):
raise ValueError("Path should have a valid value")
for cluster, attribute in _AttributeIndex:
attributeType = _AttributeIndex[(cluster, attribute)][0]
clusterType = _AttributeIndex[(cluster, attribute)][1]
if ( == Path.ClusterId and attributeType.attribute_id == Path.AttributeId):
self.ClusterType = clusterType
self.AttributeType = attributeType
if (self.ClusterType is None or self.AttributeType is None):
raise KeyError(f"No Schema found for Attribute {Path}")
# Next, let's figure out the label.
for c_field in self.ClusterType.descriptor.Fields:
if (c_field.Tag != self.AttributeType.attribute_id):
self.AttributeName = c_field.Label
if (self.AttributeName is None):
raise KeyError(f"Unable to resolve name for Attribute {Path}")
self.Path = Path
self.ClusterId =
self.AttributeId = self.AttributeType.attribute_id
class EventPath:
EndpointId: int = None
ClusterId: int = None
EventId: int = None
Urgent: int = None
def from_cluster(EndpointId: int, Cluster: Cluster, EventId: int = None, Urgent: int = None) -> "EventPath":
if Cluster is None:
raise ValueError("Cluster cannot be None")
return EventPath(EndpointId=EndpointId,, EventId=EventId, Urgent=Urgent)
def from_event(EndpointId: int, Event: ClusterEvent, Urgent: int = None) -> "EventPath":
if Event is None:
raise ValueError("Event cannot be None")
return EventPath(EndpointId=EndpointId, ClusterId=Event.cluster_id, EventId=Event.event_id, Urgent=Urgent)
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"{self.EndpointId}/{self.ClusterId}/{self.EventId}/{self.Urgent}"
class EventHeader:
EndpointId: int = None
ClusterId: int = None
EventId: int = None
EventNumber: int = None
Priority: EventPriority = None
Timestamp: int = None
TimestampType: EventTimestampType = None
def __init__(self, EndpointId: int = None, ClusterId: int = None,
EventId: int = None, EventNumber=None, Priority=None, Timestamp=None, TimestampType=None):
self.EndpointId = EndpointId
self.ClusterId = ClusterId
self.EventId = EventId
self.EventNumber = EventNumber
self.Priority = Priority
self.Timestamp = Timestamp
self.TimestampType = TimestampType
def __str__(self) -> str:
return (f"{self.EndpointId}/{self.ClusterId}/{self.EventId}/"
class AttributeStatus:
Path: AttributePath
Status: Union[chip.interaction_model.Status, int]
class EventStatus:
Header: EventHeader
Status: chip.interaction_model.Status
AttributeWriteResult = AttributeStatus
class AttributeDescriptorWithEndpoint:
EndpointId: int
Attribute: ClusterAttributeDescriptor
DataVersion: int
HasDataVersion: int
class EventDescriptorWithEndpoint:
EndpointId: int
Event: ClusterEvent
class AttributeWriteRequest(AttributeDescriptorWithEndpoint):
Data: Any
AttributeReadRequest = AttributeDescriptorWithEndpoint
EventReadRequest = EventDescriptorWithEndpoint
class AttributeReadResult(AttributeStatus):
Data: Any = None
DataVersion: int = 0
class ValueDecodeFailure:
''' Encapsulates a failure to decode a TLV value into a cluster object.
Some exceptions have custom fields, so run str(ReasonException) to get more info.
TLVValue: Any = None
Reason: Exception = None
class EventReadResult(EventStatus):
Data: Any = None
_AttributeIndex = {}
_EventIndex = {}
_ClusterIndex = {}
def _BuildAttributeIndex():
''' Build internal attribute index for locating the corresponding cluster object by path in the future.
We do this because this operation will take a long time when there are lots of attributes,
it takes about 300ms for a single query.
This is acceptable during init, but unacceptable when the server returns lots of attributes at the same time.
for clusterName, obj in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules['chip.clusters.Objects']):
if ('chip.clusters.Objects' in str(obj)) and inspect.isclass(obj):
for objName, subclass in inspect.getmembers(obj):
if inspect.isclass(subclass) and (('Attributes') in str(subclass)):
for attributeName, attribute in inspect.getmembers(subclass):
if inspect.isclass(attribute):
base_classes = inspect.getmro(attribute)
# Only match on classes that extend the ClusterAttributeDescriptor class
matched = [
value for value in base_classes if 'ClusterAttributeDescriptor' in str(value)]
if (matched == []):
_AttributeIndex[(attribute.cluster_id, attribute.attribute_id)] = (eval(
'chip.clusters.Objects.' + clusterName + '.Attributes.' + attributeName), obj)
def _BuildClusterIndex():
''' Build internal cluster index for locating the corresponding cluster object by path in the future.
for clusterName, obj in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules['chip.clusters.Objects']):
if ('chip.clusters.Objects' in str(obj)) and inspect.isclass(obj):
_ClusterIndex[] = obj
class SubscriptionParameters:
MinReportIntervalFloorSeconds: int
MaxReportIntervalCeilingSeconds: int
class DataVersion:
A helper class as a key for getting cluster data version when reading attributes without returnClusterObject.
class AttributeCache:
''' A cache that stores data & errors returned in read/subscribe reports, but organizes it topologically
in a collection of nested dictionaries. The organization follows the natural data model composition of
the device: endpoint, then cluster, then attribute.
TLV data (or ValueDecodeFailure in the case of IM status codes) are stored for each attribute in
Upon completion of data population, it can be retrieved in a more friendly cluster object format,
with two options available. In both options, data is in the dictionary is key'ed not by the raw numeric
cluster and attribute IDs, but instead by the cluster object descriptor types for each of those generated
cluster objects.
E.g the literal key for indexing the test cluster.
Clusters.UnitTesting.Attributes.Int16u is the listeral key for indexing an attribute in the test cluster.
This strongly typed keys permit a more natural and safer form of indexing.
returnClusterObject: bool = False
attributeTLVCache: Dict[int, Dict[int, Dict[int, bytes]]] = field(
default_factory=lambda: {})
attributeCache: Dict[int, List[Cluster]] = field(
default_factory=lambda: {})
versionList: Dict[int, Dict[int, Dict[int, int]]] = field(
default_factory=lambda: {})
def UpdateTLV(self, path: AttributePath, dataVersion: int, data: Union[bytes, ValueDecodeFailure]):
''' Store data in TLV since that makes it easiest to eventually convert to either the
cluster or attribute view representations (see below in UpdateCachedData).
if (path.EndpointId not in self.attributeTLVCache):
self.attributeTLVCache[path.EndpointId] = {}
if (path.EndpointId not in self.versionList):
self.versionList[path.EndpointId] = {}
endpointCache = self.attributeTLVCache[path.EndpointId]
endpointVersion = self.versionList[path.EndpointId]
if (path.ClusterId not in endpointCache):
endpointCache[path.ClusterId] = {}
# All attributes from the same cluster instance should have the same dataVersion,
# so we can set the dataVersion of the cluster to the dataVersion with a random attribute.
endpointVersion[path.ClusterId] = dataVersion
clusterCache = endpointCache[path.ClusterId]
if (path.AttributeId not in clusterCache):
clusterCache[path.AttributeId] = None
clusterCache[path.AttributeId] = data
def UpdateCachedData(self, changedPathSet: set[AttributePath]):
''' This converts the raw TLV data into a cluster object format.
Two formats are available:
1. Attribute-View (returnClusterObject=False): Dict[EndpointId,
Dict[AttributeObjectType, Dict[AttributeValue, DataVersion]]]]
2. Cluster-View (returnClusterObject=True): Dict[EndpointId, Dict[ClusterObjectType, ClusterValue]]
In the attribute-view, only attributes that match the original path criteria are present in the dictionary.
The attribute values can either be the actual data for the attribute, or a ValueDecodeFailure in the case of
non-success IM status codes, or other errors encountered during decode.
In the cluster-view, a cluster object that corresponds to all attributes on a given cluster instance is returned,
regardless of the subset of attributes read. For attributes not returned in the report,
defaults are used. If a cluster cannot be decoded,
instead of a cluster object value, a ValueDecodeFailure shall be present.
def handle_cluster_view(endpointId, clusterId, clusterType):
decodedData = clusterType.FromDict(
data=clusterType.descriptor.TagDictToLabelDict([], self.attributeTLVCache[endpointId][clusterId]))
decodedData.SetDataVersion(self.versionList.get(endpointId, {}).get(clusterId))
return decodedData
except Exception as ex:
return ValueDecodeFailure(self.attributeTLVCache[endpointId][clusterId], ex)
def handle_attribute_view(endpointId, clusterId, attributeId, attributeType):
value = self.attributeTLVCache[endpointId][clusterId][attributeId]
if isinstance(value, ValueDecodeFailure):
return value
return attributeType.FromTagDictOrRawValue(value)
except Exception as ex:
return ValueDecodeFailure(value, ex)
for attributePath in changedPathSet:
endpointId, clusterId, attributeId = attributePath.EndpointId, attributePath.ClusterId, attributePath.AttributeId
if endpointId not in self.attributeCache:
self.attributeCache[endpointId] = {}
endpointCache = self.attributeCache[endpointId]
if clusterId not in _ClusterIndex:
# #22599 tracks dealing with unknown clusters more
# gracefully so that clients can still access this data.
clusterType = _ClusterIndex[clusterId]
if self.returnClusterObject:
endpointCache[clusterType] = handle_cluster_view(endpointId, clusterId, clusterType)
if clusterType not in endpointCache:
endpointCache[clusterType] = {}
clusterCache = endpointCache[clusterType]
clusterCache[DataVersion] = self.versionList.get(endpointId, {}).get(clusterId)
if (clusterId, attributeId) not in _AttributeIndex:
# #22599 tracks dealing with unknown clusters more
# gracefully so that clients can still access this data.
attributeType = _AttributeIndex[(clusterId, attributeId)][0]
clusterCache[attributeType] = handle_attribute_view(endpointId, clusterId, attributeId, attributeType)
class SubscriptionTransaction:
def __init__(self, transaction: AsyncReadTransaction, subscriptionId, devCtrl):
self._onResubscriptionAttemptedCb = DefaultResubscriptionAttemptedCallback
self._onAttributeChangeCb = DefaultAttributeChangeCallback
self._onEventChangeCb = DefaultEventChangeCallback
self._onErrorCb = DefaultErrorCallback
self._readTransaction = transaction
self._subscriptionId = subscriptionId
self._devCtrl = devCtrl
self._isDone = False
self._onResubscriptionSucceededCb = None
self._onResubscriptionSucceededCb_isAsync = False
self._onResubscriptionAttemptedCb_isAsync = False
def GetAttributes(self):
''' Returns the attribute value cache tracking the latest state on the publisher.
return self._readTransaction._cache.attributeCache
def GetAttribute(self, path: TypedAttributePath) -> Any:
''' Returns a specific attribute given a TypedAttributePath.
data = self._readTransaction._cache.attributeCache
if (self._readTransaction._cache.returnClusterObject):
return eval(f'data[path.Path.EndpointId][path.ClusterType].{path.AttributeName}')
return data[path.Path.EndpointId][path.ClusterType][path.AttributeType]
def GetEvents(self):
return self._readTransaction.GetAllEventValues()
def OverrideLivenessTimeoutMs(self, timeoutMs: int):
handle = chip.native.GetLibraryHandle()
lambda: handle.pychip_ReadClient_OverrideLivenessTimeout(self._readTransaction._pReadClient, timeoutMs)
async def TriggerResubscribeIfScheduled(self, reason: str):
handle = chip.native.GetLibraryHandle()
await builtins.chipStack.CallAsync(
lambda: handle.pychip_ReadClient_TriggerResubscribeIfScheduled(
self._readTransaction._pReadClient, reason.encode("utf-8"))
def GetReportingIntervalsSeconds(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
Retrieve the reporting intervals associated with an active subscription.
This should only be called if we're of subscription interaction type and after a subscription has been established.
handle = chip.native.GetLibraryHandle()
handle.pychip_ReadClient_GetReportingIntervals.argtypes = [
ctypes.c_void_p, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint16), ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint16)]
handle.pychip_ReadClient_GetReportingIntervals.restype = PyChipError
minIntervalSec = ctypes.c_uint16(0)
maxIntervalSec = ctypes.c_uint16(0)
lambda: handle.pychip_ReadClient_GetReportingIntervals(
self._readTransaction._pReadClient, ctypes.pointer(minIntervalSec), ctypes.pointer(maxIntervalSec))
return minIntervalSec.value, maxIntervalSec.value
def GetSubscriptionTimeoutMs(self) -> int:
Returns the timeout(milliseconds) after which we consider the subscription to have
dropped, if we have received no messages within that amount of time.
Returns 0 milliseconds if a subscription has not yet been established (and
hence the MaxInterval is not yet known), or if the subscription session
is gone and hence the relevant MRP parameters can no longer be determined.
timeoutMs = ctypes.c_uint32(0)
handle = chip.native.GetLibraryHandle()
lambda: handle.pychip_ReadClient_GetSubscriptionTimeoutMs(self._readTransaction._pReadClient, ctypes.pointer(timeoutMs))
return timeoutMs.value
def SetResubscriptionAttemptedCallback(self, callback: Callable[[SubscriptionTransaction, int, int], None], isAsync=False):
Sets the callback function that gets invoked anytime a re-subscription is attempted. The callback is expected
to have the following signature:
def Callback(transaction: SubscriptionTransaction, errorEncountered: int, nextResubscribeIntervalMsec: int)
If the callback is an awaitable co-routine, isAsync should be set to True.
if callback is not None:
self._onResubscriptionAttemptedCb = callback
self._onResubscriptionAttemptedCb_isAsync = isAsync
def SetResubscriptionSucceededCallback(self, callback: Callable[[SubscriptionTransaction], None], isAsync=False):
Sets the callback function that gets invoked when a re-subscription attempt succeeds. The callback
is expected to have the following signature:
def Callback(transaction: SubscriptionTransaction)
If the callback is an awaitable co-routine, isAsync should be set to True.
if callback is not None:
self._onResubscriptionSucceededCb = callback
self._onResubscriptionSucceededCb_isAsync = isAsync
def SetAttributeUpdateCallback(self, callback: Callable[[TypedAttributePath, SubscriptionTransaction], None]):
Sets the callback function for the attribute value change event,
accepts a Callable accepts an attribute path and the cached data.
if callback is not None:
self._onAttributeChangeCb = callback
def SetEventUpdateCallback(self, callback: Callable[[EventReadResult, SubscriptionTransaction], None]):
if callback is not None:
self._onEventChangeCb = callback
def SetErrorCallback(self, callback: Callable[[int, SubscriptionTransaction], None]):
Sets the callback function in case a subscription error occured,
accepts a Callable accepts an error code and the cached data.
if callback is not None:
self._onErrorCb = callback
def OnAttributeChangeCb(self) -> Callable[[TypedAttributePath, SubscriptionTransaction], None]:
return self._onAttributeChangeCb
def OnEventChangeCb(self) -> Callable[[EventReadResult, SubscriptionTransaction], None]:
return self._onEventChangeCb
def OnErrorCb(self) -> Callable[[int, SubscriptionTransaction], None]:
return self._onErrorCb
def subscriptionId(self) -> int:
return self._subscriptionId
def Shutdown(self):
if (self._isDone):
print("Subscription was already terminated previously!")
handle = chip.native.GetLibraryHandle()
lambda: handle.pychip_ReadClient_Abort(
self._readTransaction._pReadClient, self._readTransaction._pReadCallback))
self._isDone = True
def __del__(self):
def __repr__(self):
return f'<Subscription (Id={self._subscriptionId})>'
def DefaultResubscriptionAttemptedCallback(transaction: SubscriptionTransaction,
terminationError, nextResubscribeIntervalMsec):
print(f"Previous subscription failed with Error: {terminationError} - re-subscribing in {nextResubscribeIntervalMsec}ms...")
def DefaultAttributeChangeCallback(path: TypedAttributePath, transaction: SubscriptionTransaction):
data = transaction.GetAttribute(path)
value = {
'Endpoint': path.Path.EndpointId,
'Attribute': path.AttributeType,
'Value': data
print("Attribute Changed:")
pprint(value, expand_all=True)
def DefaultEventChangeCallback(data: EventReadResult, transaction: SubscriptionTransaction):
print("Received Event:")
pprint(data, expand_all=True)
def DefaultErrorCallback(chipError: int, transaction: SubscriptionTransaction):
print(f"Error during Subscription: Chip Stack Error {chipError}")
def _BuildEventIndex():
''' Build internal event index for locating the corresponding cluster object by path in the future.
We do this because this operation will take a long time when there are lots of events, it takes about 300ms for a single query.
This is acceptable during init, but unacceptable when the server returns lots of events at the same time.
for clusterName, obj in inspect.getmembers(sys.modules['chip.clusters.Objects']):
if ('chip.clusters.Objects' in str(obj)) and inspect.isclass(obj):
for objName, subclass in inspect.getmembers(obj):
if inspect.isclass(subclass) and (('Events' == objName)):
for eventName, event in inspect.getmembers(subclass):
if inspect.isclass(event):
base_classes = inspect.getmro(event)
# Only match on classes that extend the ClusterEventescriptor class
matched = [
value for value in base_classes if 'ClusterEvent' in str(value)]
if (matched == []):
_EventIndex[str(EventPath(ClusterId=event.cluster_id, EventId=event.event_id))] = eval(
'chip.clusters.Objects.' + clusterName + '.Events.' + eventName)
class AsyncReadTransaction:
class ReadResponse:
attributes: dict[Any, Any]
events: list[ClusterEvent]
tlvAttributes: dict[int, Any]
def __init__(self, future: Future, eventLoop, devCtrl, returnClusterObject: bool):
self._event_loop = eventLoop
self._future = future
self._subscription_handler = None
self._events = []
self._devCtrl = devCtrl
self._cache = AttributeCache(returnClusterObject=returnClusterObject)
self._changedPathSet = set()
self._pReadClient = None
self._pReadCallback = None
self._resultError = None
def SetClientObjPointers(self, pReadClient, pReadCallback):
self._pReadClient = pReadClient
self._pReadCallback = pReadCallback
def GetAllEventValues(self):
return self._events
def handleAttributeData(self, path: AttributePath, dataVersion: int, status: int, data: bytes):
imStatus = chip.interaction_model.Status(status)
if (imStatus != chip.interaction_model.Status.Success):
attributeValue = ValueDecodeFailure(
None, chip.interaction_model.InteractionModelError(imStatus))
tlvData = chip.tlv.TLVReader(data).get().get("Any", {})
attributeValue = tlvData
self._cache.UpdateTLV(path, dataVersion, attributeValue)
except Exception as ex:
def handleEventData(self, header: EventHeader, path: EventPath, data: bytes, status: int):
eventType = _EventIndex.get(str(path), None)
eventValue = None
if data:
# data will be an empty buffer when we received an EventStatusIB instead of an EventDataIB.
tlvData = chip.tlv.TLVReader(data).get().get("Any", {})
if eventType is None:
eventValue = ValueDecodeFailure(
tlvData, LookupError("event schema not found"))
eventValue = eventType.FromTLV(data)
except Exception as ex:
f"Error convering TLV to Cluster Object for path: Endpoint = {path.EndpointId}/"
f"Cluster = {path.ClusterId}/Event = {path.EventId}")
f"Failed Cluster Object: {str(eventType)}")
eventValue = ValueDecodeFailure(
tlvData, ex)
# If we're in debug mode, raise the exception so that we can better debug what's happening.
if (builtins.enableDebugMode):
eventResult = EventReadResult(
Header=header, Data=eventValue, Status=chip.interaction_model.Status(status))
if (self._subscription_handler is not None):
eventResult, self._subscription_handler)
except Exception as ex:
def handleError(self, chipError: PyChipError):
self._resultError = chipError.code
def _handleSubscriptionEstablished(self, subscriptionId):
if not self._future.done():
self._subscription_handler = SubscriptionTransaction(
self, subscriptionId, self._devCtrl)
else:"Re-subscription succeeded!")
if self._subscription_handler._onResubscriptionSucceededCb is not None:
if (self._subscription_handler._onResubscriptionSucceededCb_isAsync):
def handleSubscriptionEstablished(self, subscriptionId):
self._handleSubscriptionEstablished, subscriptionId)
def handleResubscriptionAttempted(self, terminationCause: PyChipError, nextResubscribeIntervalMsec: int):
if not self._subscription_handler:
if (self._subscription_handler._onResubscriptionAttemptedCb_isAsync):
self._subscription_handler, terminationCause.code, nextResubscribeIntervalMsec))
self._subscription_handler, terminationCause.code, nextResubscribeIntervalMsec)
def _handleReportBegin(self):
def _handleReportEnd(self):
if (self._subscription_handler is not None):
for change in self._changedPathSet:
attribute_path = TypedAttributePath(Path=change)
except (KeyError, ValueError) as err:
# path could not be resolved into a TypedAttributePath
attribute_path, self._subscription_handler)
# Clear it out once we've notified of all changes in this transaction.
self._changedPathSet = set()
def _handleDone(self):
# We only set the exception/result on the future in this _handleDone call (if it hasn't
# already been set yet, which can be in the case of subscriptions) since doing so earlier
# would result in the callers awaiting the result to
# move on, possibly invalidating the provided _event_loop.
if not self._future.done():
if self._resultError:
if self._subscription_handler:
self._subscription_handler.OnErrorCb(self._resultError, self._subscription_handler)
attributes=self._cache.attributeCache, events=self._events, tlvAttributes=self._cache.attributeTLVCache))
# Decrement the ref on ourselves to match the increment that happened at allocation.
# This happens synchronously as part of handling done to ensure the object remains valid
# right till the very end.
def handleDone(self):
def handleReportBegin(self):
def handleReportEnd(self):
# self._event_loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self._handleReportEnd)
class AsyncWriteTransaction:
def __init__(self, future: Future, eventLoop):
self._event_loop = eventLoop
self._future = future
self._resultData = []
self._resultError = None
def handleResponse(self, path: AttributePath, status: int):
imStatus = chip.interaction_model.Status(status)
self._resultData.append(AttributeWriteResult(Path=path, Status=imStatus))
except ValueError as ex:
def handleError(self, chipError: PyChipError):
self._resultError = chipError
def _handleDone(self):
# We only set the exception/result on the future in this _handleDone call,
# since doing so earlier would result in the callers awaiting the result to
# move on, possibly invalidating the provided _event_loop.
if self._resultError is not None:
if self._resultError.sdk_part is ErrorSDKPart.IM_GLOBAL_STATUS:
im_status = chip.interaction_model.Status(self._resultError.sdk_code)
# Decrement the ref on ourselves to match the increment that happened at allocation.
# This happens synchronously as part of handling done to ensure the object remains valid
# right till the very end.
def handleDone(self):
_OnReadAttributeDataCallbackFunct = CFUNCTYPE(
None, py_object, c_uint32, c_uint16, c_uint32, c_uint32, c_uint8, c_void_p, c_size_t)
_OnSubscriptionEstablishedCallbackFunct = CFUNCTYPE(None, py_object, c_uint32)
_OnResubscriptionAttemptedCallbackFunct = CFUNCTYPE(None, py_object, PyChipError, c_uint32)
_OnReadEventDataCallbackFunct = CFUNCTYPE(
None, py_object, c_uint16, c_uint32, c_uint32, c_uint64, c_uint8, c_uint64, c_uint8, c_void_p, c_size_t, c_uint8)
_OnReadErrorCallbackFunct = CFUNCTYPE(
None, py_object, PyChipError)
_OnReadDoneCallbackFunct = CFUNCTYPE(
None, py_object)
_OnReportBeginCallbackFunct = CFUNCTYPE(
None, py_object)
_OnReportEndCallbackFunct = CFUNCTYPE(
None, py_object)
def _OnReadAttributeDataCallback(closure, dataVersion: int, endpoint: int, cluster: int, attribute: int, status, data, len):
dataBytes = ctypes.string_at(data, len)
EndpointId=endpoint, ClusterId=cluster, AttributeId=attribute), dataVersion, status, dataBytes[:])
def _OnReadEventDataCallback(closure, endpoint: int, cluster: int, event: c_uint64,
number: int, priority: int, timestamp: int, timestampType: int, data, len, status):
dataBytes = ctypes.string_at(data, len)
path = EventPath(ClusterId=cluster, EventId=event)
# EventHeader is valid only when successful
eventHeader = None
if status == chip.interaction_model.Status.Success.value:
eventHeader = EventHeader(
EndpointId=endpoint, ClusterId=cluster, EventId=event, EventNumber=number, Priority=EventPriority(priority), Timestamp=timestamp, TimestampType=EventTimestampType(timestampType))
closure.handleEventData(eventHeader, path, dataBytes[:], status)
def _OnSubscriptionEstablishedCallback(closure, subscriptionId):
def _OnResubscriptionAttemptedCallback(closure, terminationCause: PyChipError, nextResubscribeIntervalMsec: int):
closure.handleResubscriptionAttempted(terminationCause, nextResubscribeIntervalMsec)
def _OnReadErrorCallback(closure, chiperror: PyChipError):
def _OnReportBeginCallback(closure):
def _OnReportEndCallback(closure):
def _OnReadDoneCallback(closure):
_OnWriteResponseCallbackFunct = CFUNCTYPE(
None, py_object, c_uint16, c_uint32, c_uint32, c_uint16)
_OnWriteErrorCallbackFunct = CFUNCTYPE(
None, py_object, PyChipError)
_OnWriteDoneCallbackFunct = CFUNCTYPE(
None, py_object)
def _OnWriteResponseCallback(closure, endpoint: int, cluster: int, attribute: int, status):
EndpointId=endpoint, ClusterId=cluster, AttributeId=attribute), status)
def _OnWriteErrorCallback(closure, chiperror: PyChipError):
def _OnWriteDoneCallback(closure):
def WriteAttributes(future: Future, eventLoop, device,
attributes: List[AttributeWriteRequest], timedRequestTimeoutMs: Union[None, int] = None,
interactionTimeoutMs: Union[None, int] = None, busyWaitMs: Union[None, int] = None) -> PyChipError:
handle = chip.native.GetLibraryHandle()
numberOfAttributes = len(attributes)
pyWriteAttributesArrayType = PyWriteAttributeData * numberOfAttributes
pyWriteAttributes = pyWriteAttributesArrayType()
for idx, attr in enumerate(attributes):
if attr.Attribute.must_use_timed_write and timedRequestTimeoutMs is None or timedRequestTimeoutMs == 0:
raise chip.interaction_model.InteractionModelError(chip.interaction_model.Status.NeedsTimedInteraction)
tlv = attr.Attribute.ToTLV(None, attr.Data)
pyWriteAttributes[idx].attributePath.endpointId = c_uint16(attr.EndpointId)
pyWriteAttributes[idx].attributePath.clusterId = c_uint32(attr.Attribute.cluster_id)
pyWriteAttributes[idx].attributePath.attributeId = c_uint32(attr.Attribute.attribute_id)
pyWriteAttributes[idx].attributePath.dataVersion = c_uint32(attr.DataVersion)
pyWriteAttributes[idx].attributePath.hasDataVersion = c_uint8(attr.HasDataVersion)
pyWriteAttributes[idx].tlvData = cast(ctypes.c_char_p(bytes(tlv)), c_void_p)
pyWriteAttributes[idx].tlvLength = c_size_t(len(tlv))
transaction = AsyncWriteTransaction(future, eventLoop)
res = builtins.chipStack.Call(
lambda: handle.pychip_WriteClient_WriteAttributes(
ctypes.py_object(transaction), device,
ctypes.c_size_t(0 if timedRequestTimeoutMs is None else timedRequestTimeoutMs),
ctypes.c_size_t(0 if interactionTimeoutMs is None else interactionTimeoutMs),
ctypes.c_size_t(0 if busyWaitMs is None else busyWaitMs),
pyWriteAttributes, ctypes.c_size_t(numberOfAttributes))
if not res.is_success:
return res
def WriteGroupAttributes(groupId: int, devCtrl: c_void_p, attributes: List[AttributeWriteRequest], busyWaitMs: Union[None, int] = None) -> PyChipError:
handle = chip.native.GetLibraryHandle()
numberOfAttributes = len(attributes)
pyWriteAttributesArrayType = PyWriteAttributeData * numberOfAttributes
pyWriteAttributes = pyWriteAttributesArrayType()
for idx, attr in enumerate(attributes):
tlv = attr.Attribute.ToTLV(None, attr.Data)
pyWriteAttributes[idx].attributePath.endpointId = c_uint16(attr.EndpointId)
pyWriteAttributes[idx].attributePath.clusterId = c_uint32(attr.Attribute.cluster_id)
pyWriteAttributes[idx].attributePath.attributeId = c_uint32(attr.Attribute.attribute_id)
pyWriteAttributes[idx].attributePath.dataVersion = c_uint32(attr.DataVersion)
pyWriteAttributes[idx].attributePath.hasDataVersion = c_uint8(attr.HasDataVersion)
pyWriteAttributes[idx].tlvData = cast(ctypes.c_char_p(bytes(tlv)), c_void_p)
pyWriteAttributes[idx].tlvLength = c_size_t(len(tlv))
return builtins.chipStack.Call(
lambda: handle.pychip_WriteClient_WriteGroupAttributes(
ctypes.c_size_t(groupId), devCtrl,
ctypes.c_size_t(0 if busyWaitMs is None else busyWaitMs),
pyWriteAttributes, ctypes.c_size_t(numberOfAttributes))
# This struct matches the PyReadAttributeParams in attribute.cpp, for passing various params together.
_ReadParams = construct.Struct(
"MinInterval" / construct.Int16ul,
"MaxInterval" / construct.Int16ul,
"IsSubscription" / construct.Flag,
"IsFabricFiltered" / construct.Flag,
"KeepSubscriptions" / construct.Flag,
"AutoResubscribe" / construct.Flag,
def Read(future: Future, eventLoop, device, devCtrl,
attributes: List[AttributePath] = None, dataVersionFilters: List[DataVersionFilter] = None,
events: List[EventPath] = None, eventNumberFilter: Optional[int] = None, returnClusterObject: bool = True,
subscriptionParameters: SubscriptionParameters = None,
fabricFiltered: bool = True, keepSubscriptions: bool = False, autoResubscribe: bool = True) -> PyChipError:
if (not attributes) and dataVersionFilters:
raise ValueError(
"Must provide valid attribute list when data version filters is not null")
handle = chip.native.GetLibraryHandle()
transaction = AsyncReadTransaction(
future, eventLoop, devCtrl, returnClusterObject)
attributePathsForCffi = None
if attributes is not None:
numberOfAttributePaths = len(attributes)
attributePathsForCffiArrayType = c_void_p * numberOfAttributePaths
attributePathsForCffi = attributePathsForCffiArrayType()
for idx, attr in enumerate(attributes):
path = chip.interaction_model.AttributePathIBstruct.parse(
b'\xff' * chip.interaction_model.AttributePathIBstruct.sizeof())
if attr.EndpointId is not None:
path.EndpointId = attr.EndpointId
if attr.ClusterId is not None:
path.ClusterId = attr.ClusterId
if attr.AttributeId is not None:
path.AttributeId = attr.AttributeId
path =
attributePathsForCffi[idx] = cast(ctypes.c_char_p(path), c_void_p)
dataVersionFiltersForCffi = None
if dataVersionFilters is not None:
numberOfDataVersionFilters = len(dataVersionFilters)
dataVersionFiltersForCffiArrayType = c_void_p * numberOfDataVersionFilters
dataVersionFiltersForCffi = dataVersionFiltersForCffiArrayType()
for idx, f in enumerate(dataVersionFilters):
filter = chip.interaction_model.DataVersionFilterIBstruct.parse(
b'\xff' * chip.interaction_model.DataVersionFilterIBstruct.sizeof())
if f.EndpointId is not None:
filter.EndpointId = f.EndpointId
raise ValueError(
"DataVersionFilter must provide EndpointId.")
if f.ClusterId is not None:
filter.ClusterId = f.ClusterId
raise ValueError(
"DataVersionFilter must provide ClusterId.")
if f.DataVersion is not None:
filter.DataVersion = f.DataVersion
raise ValueError(
"DataVersionFilter must provide DataVersion.")
filter =
dataVersionFiltersForCffi[idx] = cast(ctypes.c_char_p(filter), c_void_p)
eventPathsForCffi = None
if events is not None:
numberOfEvents = len(events)
eventPathsForCffiArrayType = c_void_p * numberOfEvents
eventPathsForCffi = eventPathsForCffiArrayType()
for idx, event in enumerate(events):
path = chip.interaction_model.EventPathIBstruct.parse(
b'\xff' * chip.interaction_model.EventPathIBstruct.sizeof())
if event.EndpointId is not None:
path.EndpointId = event.EndpointId
if event.ClusterId is not None:
path.ClusterId = event.ClusterId
if event.EventId is not None:
path.EventId = event.EventId
if event.Urgent is not None and subscriptionParameters is not None:
path.Urgent = event.Urgent
path.Urgent = 0
path =
eventPathsForCffi[idx] = cast(ctypes.c_char_p(path), c_void_p)
readClientObj = ctypes.POINTER(c_void_p)()
readCallbackObj = ctypes.POINTER(c_void_p)()
params = _ReadParams.parse(b'\x00' * _ReadParams.sizeof())
if subscriptionParameters is not None:
params.MinInterval = subscriptionParameters.MinReportIntervalFloorSeconds
params.MaxInterval = subscriptionParameters.MaxReportIntervalCeilingSeconds
params.AutoResubscribe = autoResubscribe
params.IsSubscription = True
params.KeepSubscriptions = keepSubscriptions
params.IsFabricFiltered = fabricFiltered
params =
eventNumberFilterPtr = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulonglong)()
if eventNumberFilter is not None:
eventNumberFilterPtr = ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_ulonglong)(ctypes.c_ulonglong(eventNumberFilter))
res = builtins.chipStack.Call(
lambda: handle.pychip_ReadClient_Read(
ctypes.c_size_t(0 if attributes is None else len(attributes)),
0 if dataVersionFilters is None else len(dataVersionFilters)),
ctypes.c_size_t(0 if events is None else len(events)),
transaction.SetClientObjPointers(readClientObj, readCallbackObj)
if not res.is_success:
return res
def ReadAttributes(future: Future, eventLoop, device, devCtrl,
attributes: List[AttributePath], dataVersionFilters: List[DataVersionFilter] = None,
returnClusterObject: bool = True,
subscriptionParameters: SubscriptionParameters = None, fabricFiltered: bool = True) -> int:
return Read(future=future, eventLoop=eventLoop, device=device,
devCtrl=devCtrl, attributes=attributes, dataVersionFilters=dataVersionFilters,
events=None, returnClusterObject=returnClusterObject,
subscriptionParameters=subscriptionParameters, fabricFiltered=fabricFiltered)
def ReadEvents(future: Future, eventLoop, device, devCtrl,
events: List[EventPath], eventNumberFilter=None, returnClusterObject: bool = True,
subscriptionParameters: SubscriptionParameters = None, fabricFiltered: bool = True) -> int:
return Read(future=future, eventLoop=eventLoop, device=device, devCtrl=devCtrl, attributes=None,
dataVersionFilters=None, events=events, eventNumberFilter=eventNumberFilter,
subscriptionParameters=subscriptionParameters, fabricFiltered=fabricFiltered)
def Init():
handle = chip.native.GetLibraryHandle()
# Uses one of the type decorators as an indicator for everything being
# initialized.
if not handle.pychip_WriteClient_InitCallbacks.argtypes:
setter = chip.native.NativeLibraryHandleMethodArguments(handle)
handle.pychip_WriteClient_WriteAttributes.restype = PyChipError
handle.pychip_WriteClient_WriteGroupAttributes.restype = PyChipError
# Both WriteAttributes and WriteGroupAttributes are variadic functions. As per ctype documentation
#, it is critical that we
# specify the argtypes attribute for the regular, non-variadic, function arguments for this to work
# on ARM64 for Apple Platforms.
# TODO We could move away from a variadic function to one where we provide a vector of the
# attribute information we want written using a vector. This possibility was not implemented at the
# time where simply specified the argtypes, because of time constraints. This solution was quicker
# to fix the crash on ARM64 Apple platforms without a refactor.
handle.pychip_WriteClient_WriteAttributes.argtypes = [py_object, c_void_p,
c_size_t, c_size_t, c_size_t, POINTER(PyWriteAttributeData), c_size_t]
handle.pychip_WriteClient_WriteGroupAttributes.argtypes = [
c_size_t, c_void_p, c_size_t, POINTER(PyWriteAttributeData), c_size_t]
setter.Set('pychip_WriteClient_InitCallbacks', None, [
_OnWriteResponseCallbackFunct, _OnWriteErrorCallbackFunct, _OnWriteDoneCallbackFunct])
handle.pychip_ReadClient_Read.restype = PyChipError
setter.Set('pychip_ReadClient_InitCallbacks', None, [
_OnReadAttributeDataCallbackFunct, _OnReadEventDataCallbackFunct,
_OnSubscriptionEstablishedCallbackFunct, _OnResubscriptionAttemptedCallbackFunct,
_OnReadErrorCallbackFunct, _OnReadDoneCallbackFunct,
_OnReportBeginCallbackFunct, _OnReportEndCallbackFunct])
_OnWriteResponseCallback, _OnWriteErrorCallback, _OnWriteDoneCallback)
_OnReadAttributeDataCallback, _OnReadEventDataCallback,
_OnSubscriptionEstablishedCallback, _OnResubscriptionAttemptedCallback, _OnReadErrorCallback, _OnReadDoneCallback,
_OnReportBeginCallback, _OnReportEndCallback)