blob: cc5e8b4856cf635dd503908b9963ac67fc7165a7 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Auto-generated scripts for harness use only, please review before automation. The endpoints and cluster names are currently set to default
name: 3.3.5. [TC-DD-3.5] Commissioning Flow - Concurrent [DUT - Commissioner]
nodeId: 0x12344321
cluster: "Basic Information"
endpoint: 0
- label: "Note"
verification: |
Chip-tool command used below are an example to verify the DUT as commissioner test cases. For certification test, we expect DUT should have a capability or way to run the equivalent command.
disabled: true
- label: "Preconditions"
verification: |
1 - 5.5 - Commissioner is on a network. - The network can either be WiFi or Thread.
2 - 5.5 - Commissionee can either be a Matter device which is already on a network or the test harness connected to the network.
disabled: true
- label:
"Commissioner has regulatory and fabric information available and has
accurate date, time and timezone"
verification: |
sudo ./chip-all-clusters-app --wifi --discriminator 3841
Verify in TH as commissionee side:
[1653471956.966855][10713:10713] CHIP:SPT: PASE PBKDF iterations set to 1000
[1653471956.966887][10713:10713] CHIP:SPT: LinuxCommissionableDataProvider didn"t get a PASE salt, generating one.
[1653471956.972152][10713:10713] CHIP:DL: Device Configuration:
[1653471956.972270][10713:10713] CHIP:DL: Serial Number: TEST_SN
[1653471956.972315][10713:10713] CHIP:DL: Vendor Id: 65521 (0xFFF1)
[1653471956.972354][10713:10713] CHIP:DL: Product Id: 32769 (0x8001)
[1653471956.972388][10713:10713] CHIP:DL: Hardware Version: 0
[1653471956.972413][10713:10713] CHIP:DL: Setup Pin Code (0 for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 20202021
[1653471956.972435][10713:10713] CHIP:DL: Setup Discriminator (0xFFFF for UNKNOWN/ERROR): 3841 (0xF01)
[1653471956.972464][10713:10713] CHIP:DL: Manufacturing Date: (not set)
[1653471956.972488][10713:10713] CHIP:DL: Device Type: 65535 (0xFFFF)
[1653471956.972509][10713:10713] CHIP:-: ==== Onboarding payload for Standard Commissioning Flow ====
[1653471956.972546][10713:10713] CHIP:SVR: SetupQRCode: [MT:-24J0CEK01KA0648G00]
[1653471956.972579][10713:10713] CHIP:SVR: Copy/paste the below URL in a browser to see the QR Code:
[1653471956.972600][10713:10713] CHIP:SVR:
[1653471956.972632][10713:10713] CHIP:SVR: Manual pairing code: [34970112332]
[1653471956.972654][10713:10713] CHIP:-: ==== Onboarding payload for Custom Commissioning Flows ====
[1653471956.972715][10713:10713] CHIP:SVR: SetupQRCode: [MT:-24J048N01KA0648G00]
[1653471956.972748][10713:10713] CHIP:SVR: Copy/paste the below URL in a browser to see the QR Code:
[1653471956.972769][10713:10713] CHIP:SVR:
[1653471956.972803][10713:10713] CHIP:SVR: Manual pairing code: [749701123365521327694]
./chip-tool pairing code 1 MT:-24J0CEK01KA0648G00
Verify in DUT as commissioner side:
[1657226543861] [30621:16744161] CHIP: [IN] SecureSession[0x6000007cc000]: Activated - Type:1 LSID:47293
[1657226543861] [30621:16744161] CHIP: [IN] New secure session activated for device <FFFFFFFB00000000, 0>, LSID:47293 PSID:201!
[1657226543861] [30621:16744161] CHIP: [CTL] Remote device completed SPAKE2+ handshake
[1657226543861] [30621:16744161] CHIP: [CTL] Stopping commissioning discovery over DNS-SD
[1657226543861] [30621:16744161] CHIP: [TOO] Pairing Success
[1657226543861] [30621:16744161] CHIP: [TOO] PASE establishment successful
[1657226543861] [30621:16744161] CHIP: [CTL] Commissioning stage next step: "SecurePairing" -> "ReadCommissioningInfo"
disabled: true
- label:
"Commissioner and Commissionee discover each other and connect via the
discovery mode applicable for the DUT. If (MCORE.DD.DT_IP), TH device
is advertising over IP Network using DNS-based Service Discovery
verification: |
Verify in DUT as commissioner side:
./chip-tool pairing code 1 MT:-24J0AFN00KA0648G00
[1657226543861] [30621:16744161] CHIP: [IN] SecureSession[0x6000007cc000]: Activated - Type:1 LSID:47293
[1657226543861] [30621:16744161] CHIP: [IN] New secure session activated for device <FFFFFFFB00000000, 0>, LSID:47293 PSID:201!
[1657226543861] [30621:16744161] CHIP: [CTL] Remote device completed SPAKE2+ handshake
[1657226543861] [30621:16744161] CHIP: [CTL] Stopping commissioning discovery over DNS-SD
[1657226543861] [30621:16744161] CHIP: [TOO] Pairing Success
[1657226543861] [30621:16744161] CHIP: [TOO] PASE establishment successful
[1657226543861] [30621:16744161] CHIP: [CTL] Commissioning stage next step: "SecurePairing" -> "ReadCommissioningInfo"
Verify in TH as commissionee side:
$ ./out/all-clusters-app/chip-all-clusters-app
[1657226543.948995][369114:369114] CHIP:IN: SecureSession[0xaaaab60788e0]: Activated - Type:1 LSID:201
[1657226543.949023][369114:369114] CHIP:IN: New secure session created for device <FFFFFFFB00000000, 0>, LSID:201 PSID:47293!
[1657226543.949048][369114:369114] CHIP:SVR: Commissioning completed session establishment step
disabled: true
- label:
"Establish encryption keys with Password Authenticated Session
Establishment on the commissioning channel"
verification: |
Verify that the responder receives the PBKDFParamRequest message
Verify in DUT as commissioner side:
CHIP:SC: Received PBKDF param request
CHIP:SC: Peer assigned session ID 18450
CHIP:SC: Found MRP parameters in the message
CHIP:SC: Including MRP parameters in PBKDF param response
CHIP:EM: Piggybacking Ack for MessageCounter:850320430 on exchange: 63762r
CHIP:IN: Prepared unauthenticated message 0xaaaaad340560 to 0x0000000000000000 (0) of type 0x21 and protocolId (0, 0) on exchange 63762r with MessageCounter:1341084110.
CHIP:IN: Sending unauthenticated msg 0xaaaaad340560 with MessageCounter:1341084110 to 0x0000000000000000 at monotonic time: 0000000000FBA380 msec
CHIP:SC: Sent PBKDF param response
Verify in TH as commissionee side:
Sent PBKDF param request
[1653471961.364996][30157:30162] CHIP:CTL: Setting wifi credentials from parameters
[1653471961.365051][30157:30162] CHIP:CTL: Setting attestation nonce to random value
[1653471961.365166][30157:30162] CHIP:CTL: Setting CSR nonce to random value
[1653471961.365285][30157:30162] CHIP:CTL: Commission called for node ID 0x0000000000000001
[1653471961.365797][30157:30163] CHIP:DL: TRACE: Bluez mainloop starting Thread
[1653471961.366157][30157:30160] CHIP:DL: TRACE: Bus acquired for name C-75cd
[1653471961.382240][30157:30162] CHIP:DL: PlatformBlueZInit init success
[1653471961.393893][30157:30160] CHIP:BLE: BLE removing known devices.
[1653471961.397319][30157:30160] CHIP:BLE: BLE initiating scan.
[1653471961.415415][30157:30160] CHIP:BLE: Device 21:2D:EF:B9:9D:46 does not look like a CHIP device.
disabled: true
- label:
"Commissioner SHALL re-arm Fail-safe timer on Commissionee within 60s
(the autonomously Fail-safe timer length set by Commissionee)"
verification: |
Verify in TH as commissionee side:
CHIP:DL: NVS set: chip-config/fail-safe-armed = true
Verify in DUT as commissioner side:
: Performing next commissioning step "ArmFailSafe"
[1653471968.064493][30157:30162] CHIP:CTL: Arming failsafe (60 seconds)
disabled: true
- label:
"Commissioner SHALL configure regulatory information in the
verification: |
Verify in TH as commissionee side
NVS set: chip-config/regulatory-location = 0 (0x0)
disabled: true
- label:
"Commissioner requests operational CSR from Commissionee with
OperationalCSRRequest command"
verification: |
1. Verify the following on DUT after commissioning
Verify in TH as commissionee side:
[1646909537.102263][3145:3150] CHIP:CTL: Received Attestation Information from the device
[1646909537.102418][3145:3150] CHIP:CTL: Verifying attestation
[1646909537.115081][3145:3150] CHIP:CTL: Successfully validated "Attestation Information" command received from the device.
Verify in DUT as commissioner side
CHIP:ZCL: OpCreds: commissioner has requested a CSR
CHIP:ZCL: OpCreds: NewCertificateSigningRequest returned ../../third_party/connectedhomeip/src/crypto/CHIPCryptoPALOpenSSL.cpp:1114: Success
disabled: true
- label:
"Commissioner configures operational credentials on DUT if not
previously installed"
verification: |
Verify in TH as commissionee side:
OpCreds: Received an AddTrustedRootCertificate command
disabled: true
- label:
"Commissioner configures itself as administrator in ACL on TH if
verification: |
Verify in DUT as commissioner side after commissioning:
CHIP:CTL: Commissioning stage next step: "SendTrustedRootCert" -> "SendNOC"
[1653471969.812357][30157:30162] CHIP:CTL: Performing next commissioning step "SendNOC"
[1653471969.812478][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AddingComm]
[1653471969.812559][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AddedComma]
[1653471969.812778][30157:30162] CHIP:IN: Prepared secure message 0xffffa4ce0998 to 0xFFFFFFFB00000000 (0) of type 0x8 and protocolId (0, 1) on exchange 24000i with MessageCounter:211813.
[1653471969.812871][30157:30162] CHIP:IN: Sending encrypted msg 0xffffa4ce0998 with MessageCounter:211813 to 0xFFFFFFFB00000000 (0) at monotonic time: 00000000010D077D msec
[1653471969.813068][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [CommandSen]
[1653471969.813137][30157:30162] CHIP:CTL: Sent operational certificate to the device
[1653471969.813237][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [AwaitingDe]
[1653471969.952613][30157:30162] CHIP:DL: HandlePlatformSpecificBLEEvent 16387
[1653471970.050705][30157:30162] CHIP:DL: HandlePlatformSpecificBLEEvent 16387
[1653471970.148491][30157:30162] CHIP:DL: HandlePlatformSpecificBLEEvent 16387
[1653471970.344099][30157:30160] CHIP:DL: Indication received, conn = 0xffff9c04df70
[1653471970.344351][30157:30162] CHIP:DL: HandlePlatformSpecificBLEEvent 16389
[1653471970.344611][30157:30162] CHIP:EM: Received message of type 0x9 with protocolId (0, 1) and MessageCounter:1000769 on exchange 24000i
[1653471970.344688][30157:30162] CHIP:EM: Found matching exchange: 24000i, Delegate: 0xffff9c06f0a0
[1653471970.344771][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: ICR moving to [ResponseRe]
[1653471970.344870][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseMessage =
[1653471970.345060][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: {
[1653471970.345124][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: suppressResponse = false,
[1653471970.345198][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIBs =
[1653471970.345276][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: [
[1653471970.345338][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: InvokeResponseIB =
[1653471970.345422][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: {
[1653471970.345501][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: CommandDataIB =
[1653471970.345586][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: {
[1653471970.345666][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: CommandPathIB =
[1653471970.345748][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: {
[1653471970.345835][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: EndpointId = 0x0,
[1653471970.345924][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: ClusterId = 0x3e,
[1653471970.346017][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: CommandId = 0x8,
[1653471970.346105][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: },
[1653471970.346198][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG:
[1653471970.346280][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: CommandData =
[1653471970.346361][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: {
[1653471970.346452][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: 0x0 = 0,
[1653471970.346539][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: 0x1 = 1,
[1653471970.346628][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: },
[1653471970.346702][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: },
[1653471970.346767][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG:
[1653471970.346889][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: },
[1653471970.346954][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG:
[1653471970.346999][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1653471970.347056][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG:
[1653471970.347101][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1653471970.347144][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: },
[1653471970.347251][30157:30162] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003E Command=0x0000_0008
[1653471970.347339][30157:30162] CHIP:CTL: Device returned status 0 on receiving the NOC
[1653471970.347381][30157:30162] CHIP:CTL: Operational credentials provisioned on device 0xffff90000b60
[1653471970.347439][30157:30162] CHIP:TOO: Secure Pairing Success
[1653471970.347485][30157:30162] CHIP:CTL: Successfully finished commissioning step "SendNOC"
Verify in TH as commissionee side:
OpCreds: Received an AddNOC command
disabled: true
- label:
"Commissioner configures operational network on TH if TH both supports
and requires"
verification: |
Verifiy on TH as commissionee side:
[1660151567834] [99153:10411339] CHIP: [CTL] Received certificate signing request from the device
[1660151567834] [99153:10411339] CHIP: [CTL] Successfully finished commissioning step 'SendOpCertSigningRequest'
disabled: true
- label:
"Commissioner instructs Commissionee to connect to operational network
if not already connected"
verification: |
Verifiy on TH as commissionee side:
[1660152735.835717][648909:648909] CHIP:ZCL: OpCreds: successfully created fabric index 0x1 via AddNOC
disabled: true
- label: "Commissioner starts discovery of TH using Operational Discovery"
verification: |
Verifiy on TH as commissionee side:
[1660152735.835315][648909:648909] CHIP:DIS: Broadcasting mDns reply for query from fe80::808c:7ff:fefd:3b1
[1660152735.835522][648909:648909] CHIP:DIS: mDNS service published: _matter._tcp
[1660152735.835565][648909:648909] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint 0, Cluster 0x0000_003E update version to 553aae1
[1660152735.835594][648909:648909] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint 0, Cluster 0x0000_003E update version to 553aae2
disabled: true
- label:
"Commissioner opens a CASE session with TH over operational network"
verification: |
Verify in TH as commissionee side:
CASE Server enabling CASE session setups
[1653471957.713139][10713:10713] CHIP:SVR: Joining Multicast groups
[1653471957.713654][10713:10713] CHIP:ZCL: Emitting StartUp event
[1653471957.714762][10713:10713] CHIP:EVL: LogEvent event number: 0x0000000000000000 priority: 2, endpoint id: 0x0 cluster id: 0x0000_0028 event id: 0x0 Sys timestamp: 0x000000000059AC88
[1653471957.715456][10713:10713] CHIP:ZCL: GeneralDiagnosticsDelegate: OnDeviceRebooted
disabled: true
- label: "Commissioner sends CommissioningComplete command"
verification: |
Verifiy on TH as commissionee side:
[1660154248.898113][7143:7143] CHIP:SVR: Commissioning completed successfully
disabled: true
- label:
"Commissioning channel between the Commissioner and Commissionee is
verification: |
Verify on TH as commissionee side:
[1660154249.008047][7143:7143] CHIP:IN: Expiring all PASE sessions
[1660154249.008069][7143:7143] CHIP:IN: SecureSession[0xaaab09155000]: MarkForEviction Type:1 LSID:5786
[1660154249.008090][7143:7143] CHIP:SC: SecureSession[0xaaab09155000]: Moving from state 'kActive' --> 'kPendingEviction'
disabled: true