blob: ab5035d6a97d64b611624896c5986783cf6089df [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Auto-generated scripts for harness use only, please review before automation. The endpoints and cluster names are currently set to default
19.1.1. [TC-SC-5.1] Adding member to a group - TH as Admin and DUT as Group
nodeId: 0x12344321
cluster: "Basic Information"
endpoint: 0
- label: "Precondition"
verification: |
Group Member is commissioned with Admin
disabled: true
- label: "TH writes ACL entry by setting AuthMode as Group to DUT"
verification: |
./chip-tool accesscontrol write acl "[{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 5, "authMode": 2, "subjects": [112233], "targets": null },{"fabricIndex": 1, "privilege": 4, "authMode": 3, "subjects": [1], "targets": null }]" 1 0
Verify success response on the TH Log:
[1652330385.328196][3240:3245] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1652330385.328229][3240:3245] CHIP:DMG: {
[1652330385.328264][3240:3245] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1652330385.328298][3240:3245] CHIP:DMG: },
disabled: true
- label:
"Admin generates fabric-unique GroupID, GroupName, random key,
EpochKey0 and GroupKeySetID. Admin sets GroupKeySecurityPolicy =
TrustFirst (1) GroupKeyMulticastPolicy = PerGroupID (0)
EpochStartTime0 = 0"
verification: |
As Admin generates it is not required to verify
disabled: true
- label:
"Admin sends KeySetWrite command to GroupKeyManagement cluster to DUT
verification: |
./chip-tool groupkeymanagement key-set-write "{"groupKeySetID": 42,"groupKeySecurityPolicy": 0, "epochKey0":"d0d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dadbdcdddedf", "epochStartTime0": 2220000,"epochKey1":"d1d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dadbdcdddedf", "epochStartTime1": 2220001,"epochKey2":"d2d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dadbdcdddedf", "epochStartTime2": 2220002 }" 1 0
Verify success response on the TH Log:
[1650610345.847233][2626:2631] CHIP:DMG:
[1650610345.847274][2626:2631] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1650610345.847317][2626:2631] CHIP:DMG: {
[1650610345.847383][2626:2631] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1650610345.847429][2626:2631] CHIP:DMG: },
[1650610345.847477][2626:2631] CHIP:DMG:
disabled: true
- label:
"Admin binds GroupId with GroupKeySetID in the GroupKeyMap attribute
list on GroupKeyManagement cluster"
verification: |
./chip-tool groupkeymanagement write group-key-map "[{"groupId": 1, "groupKeySetID": 42, "fabricIndex": 1}]" 1 0
Verify success response on the TH Log:
[1652352019.875893][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: WriteResponseMessage =
[1652352019.875922][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: {
[1652352019.875946][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIBs =
[1652352019.875981][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: [
[1652352019.876008][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1652352019.876041][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: {
[1652352019.876070][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1652352019.876104][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: {
[1652352019.876143][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0,
[1652352019.876183][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x3f,
[1652352019.876225][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000,
[1652352019.876263][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: }
[1652352019.876303][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG:
[1652352019.876337][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1652352019.876375][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: {
[1652352019.876414][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1652352019.876450][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: },
[1652352019.876489][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG:
[1652352019.876519][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: },
[1652352019.876562][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG:
[1652352019.876590][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: AttributeStatusIB =
[1652352019.876622][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: {
[1652352019.876652][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: AttributePathIB =
[1652352019.876690][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: {
[1652352019.876728][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: Endpoint = 0x0,
[1652352019.876768][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: Cluster = 0x3f,
[1652352019.876809][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: Attribute = 0x0000_0000,
[1652352019.876849][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: ListIndex = Null,
[1652352019.876885][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: }
[1652352019.876923][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG:
[1652352019.876961][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: StatusIB =
[1652352019.876995][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: {
[1652352019.877029][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: status = 0x00 (SUCCESS),
[1652352019.877077][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: },
[1652352019.877132][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG:
[1652352019.877179][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: },
[1652352019.877224][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG:
[1652352019.877262][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: ],
[1652352019.877339][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG:
[1652352019.877381][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: InteractionModelRevision = 1
[1652352019.877419][2552:2557] CHIP:DMG: }
disabled: true
- label:
"Admin sends AddGroup Command to DUT with the GroupID and GroupName
set by Admin on PIXIT.G.ENDPOINT"
verification: |
./chip-tool groups add-group 0x0001 grp1 1 1
Verify AddGroupResponse on the TH Log:
[1651218084.427102][2526:2531] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0004 Command 0x0000_0000
[1651218084.427203][2526:2531] CHIP:TOO: AddGroupResponse: {
[1651218084.427241][2526:2531] CHIP:TOO: Status: 0
[1651218084.427264][2526:2531] CHIP:TOO: GroupID: 1
[1651218084.427314][2526:2531] CHIP:TOO: }
disabled: true
- label:
"Admin sends ViewGroup command with the GroupID to the Group cluster
verification: |
./chip-tool groups view-group 0x0001 1 1
Verify ViewGroupResponse on the TH Log:
[1651218576.149152][2635:2640] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0004 Command 0x0000_0001
[1651218576.149231][2635:2640] CHIP:TOO: ViewGroupResponse: {
[1651218576.149265][2635:2640] CHIP:TOO: Status: 0
[1651218576.149289][2635:2640] CHIP:TOO: GroupID: 1
[1651218576.149311][2635:2640] CHIP:TOO: groupName: grp1
[1651218576.149335][2635:2640] CHIP:TOO: }
disabled: true
- label:
"Verify DUT sends a ViewGroupResponse command with the same GroupName
created by Admin in step 1b."
verification: |
./chip-tool groups view-group 0x0001 1 1
Verify ViewGroupResponse on the TH Log:
[1651218576.149152][2635:2640] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_0004 Command 0x0000_0001
[1651218576.149231][2635:2640] CHIP:TOO: ViewGroupResponse: {
[1651218576.149265][2635:2640] CHIP:TOO: Status: 0
[1651218576.149289][2635:2640] CHIP:TOO: GroupID: 1
[1651218576.149311][2635:2640] CHIP:TOO: groupName: grp1
[1651218576.149335][2635:2640] CHIP:TOO: }
disabled: true
- label: "Admin sends KeySetRead Command to DUT"
verification: |
./chip-tool groupkeymanagement key-set-read 42 1 0
Verify KeySetReadResponse on the TH Log:
[1650610759.578043][2739:2744] CHIP:DMG: Received Command Response Data, Endpoint=0 Cluster=0x0000_003F Command=0x0000_0002
[1650610759.578099][2739:2744] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003F Command 0x0000_0002
[1650610759.578220][2739:2744] CHIP:TOO: KeySetReadResponse: {
[1650610759.578251][2739:2744] CHIP:TOO: groupKeySet: {
[1650610759.578291][2739:2744] CHIP:TOO: GroupKeySetID: 42
[1650610759.578334][2739:2744] CHIP:TOO: GroupKeySecurityPolicy: 0
[1650610759.578363][2739:2744] CHIP:TOO: EpochKey0: null
[1650610759.578391][2739:2744] CHIP:TOO: EpochStartTime0: 2220000
[1650610759.578418][2739:2744] CHIP:TOO: EpochKey1: null
[1650610759.578445][2739:2744] CHIP:TOO: EpochStartTime1: 2220001
[1650610759.578472][2739:2744] CHIP:TOO: EpochKey2: null
[1650610759.578498][2739:2744] CHIP:TOO: EpochStartTime2: 2220002
[1650610759.578527][2739:2744] CHIP:TOO: }
[1650610759.578553][2739:2744] CHIP:TOO: }
disabled: true
- label:
"TH reads GroupKeyMap Attribute from the GroupKeyManagement cluster
from DUT"
verification: |
./chip-tool groupkeymanagement read group-key-map 1 0
Verify GroupKeyMapStruct on the TH Log:
1652429573.936605][2883:2888] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003F Attribute 0x0000_0000 DataVersion: 75110822
[1652429573.936744][2883:2888] CHIP:TOO: GroupKeyMap: 1 entries
[1652429573.936819][2883:2888] CHIP:TOO: [1]: {
[1652429573.936860][2883:2888] CHIP:TOO: GroupId: 1
[1652429573.936896][2883:2888] CHIP:TOO: GroupKeySetID: 42
[1652429573.936932][2883:2888] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1
[1652429573.936969][2883:2888] CHIP:TOO: }
disabled: true
- label:
"TH reads GroupTable attribute from GroupKeyManagement cluster on DUT."
verification: |
./chip-tool groupkeymanagement read group-table 1 0
Verify GroupTable on the TH Log:
[1655965817.917300][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003F Attribute 0x0000_0001 DataVersion: 1208492408
[1655965817.917408][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: GroupTable: 1 entries
[1655965817.917506][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: [1]: {
[1655965817.917559][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: GroupId: 1
[1655965817.917600][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: Endpoints: 1 entries
[1655965817.917680][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: [1]: 1
[1655965817.917718][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: GroupName: grp1
[1655965817.917752][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1
[1655965817.917784][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: }
disabled: true
- label:
"Verify each returned GroupInfoMapStruct contains an expected
GroupName as generated in step 1b."
verification: |
./chip-tool groupkeymanagement read group-table 1 0
Verify GroupTable on the TH Log:
[1655965817.917300][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: Endpoint: 0 Cluster: 0x0000_003F Attribute 0x0000_0001 DataVersion: 1208492408
[1655965817.917408][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: GroupTable: 1 entries
[1655965817.917506][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: [1]: {
[1655965817.917559][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: GroupId: 1
[1655965817.917600][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: Endpoints: 1 entries
[1655965817.917680][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: [1]: 1
[1655965817.917718][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: GroupName: grp1
[1655965817.917752][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: FabricIndex: 1
[1655965817.917784][3012:3017] CHIP:TOO: }
disabled: true
- label:
"Configure the TH for sending Group message Add the group that was
created in step 3 to the client side Add the keysets with the
GroupKeySetID from the step 2 for the client side Bind the
GroupKeySetID with the GroupID created View the GroupID, GroupName and
GroupKeySetID which is binded for sending the Group message"
verification: |
./chip-tool groupsettings add-group grp1 0x0001
./chip-tool groupsettings add-keysets 0x0042 0 0x000000000021dfe0 hex:d0d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8d9dadbdcdddedf
./chip-tool groupsettings bind-keyset 0x0001 0x0042
./chip-tool groupsettings show-groups
Verify groups on the TH Log:
| Available Groups : |
| Group Id | KeySet Id | Group Name |
| 0x101 0x1a1 Group #1 |
| 0x102 0x1a2 Group #2 |
| 0x1 0x42 grp1 |
disabled: true