blob: 3361375efaa65af12f8a954db2a8a4e8304bab50 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This header file defines the <tt>Inet::TCPEndPoint</tt>
* class, where the Nest Inet Layer encapsulates methods for
* interacting with TCP transport endpoints (SOCK_DGRAM sockets
* on Linux and BSD-derived systems) or LwIP TCP protocol
* control blocks, as the system is configured accordingly.
#include <EndPointBasis.h>
#include <IPAddress.h>
#include <system/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Inet {
class InetLayer;
* @brief Objects of this class represent TCP transport endpoints.
* @details
* Nest Inet Layer encapsulates methods for interacting with TCP transport
* endpoints (SOCK_STREAM sockets on Linux and BSD-derived systems) or LwIP
* TCP protocol control blocks, as the system is configured accordingly.
class DLL_EXPORT TCPEndPoint : public EndPointBasis
friend class InetLayer;
/** Control switch indicating whether the application is receiving data. */
bool ReceiveEnabled;
* @brief Basic dynamic state of the underlying endpoint.
* @details
* Objects are initialized in the "ready" state, proceed to subsequent
* states corresponding to a simplification of the states of the TCP
* transport state machine.
* @note
* The \c kBasisState_Closed state enumeration is mapped to \c kState_Ready for historical binary-compatibility reasons. The
* existing \c kState_Closed exists to identify separately the distinction between "not opened yet" and "previously opened now
* closed" that existed previously in the \c kState_Ready and \c kState_Closed states.
enum {
kState_Ready = kBasisState_Closed, /**< Endpoint initialized, but not bound. */
kState_Bound = 1, /**< Endpoint bound, but not listening. */
kState_Listening = 2, /**< Endpoint receiving connections. */
kState_Connecting = 3, /**< Endpoint attempting to connect. */
kState_Connected = 4, /**< Endpoint connected, ready for tx/rx. */
kState_SendShutdown = 5, /**< Endpoint initiated its half-close. */
kState_ReceiveShutdown = 6, /**< Endpoint responded to half-close. */
kState_Closing = 7, /**< Endpoint closing bidirectionally. */
kState_Closed = 8 /**< Endpoint closed, ready for release. */
} State;
* @brief Bind the endpoint to an interface IP address.
* @param[in] addrType the protocol version of the IP address
* @param[in] addr the IP address (must be an interface address)
* @param[in] port the TCP port
* @param[in] reuseAddr option to share binding with other endpoints
* @retval INET_NO_ERROR success: endpoint bound to address
* @retval INET_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE endpoint has been bound previously
* @retval INET_NO_MEMORY insufficient memory for endpoint
* \c addrType does not match \c IPVer.
* \c addrType is \c kIPAddressType_Any, or the type of \c addr is not
* equal to \c addrType.
* @retval other another system or platform error
* @details
* Binds the endpoint to the specified network interface IP address.
* On LwIP, this method must not be called with the LwIP stack lock
* already acquired.
INET_ERROR Bind(IPAddressType addrType, IPAddress addr, uint16_t port, bool reuseAddr = false);
* @brief Prepare the endpoint to receive TCP messages.
* @param[in] backlog maximum depth of connection acceptance queue
* @retval INET_NO_ERROR success: endpoint ready to receive messages.
* @retval INET_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE endpoint is already listening.
* @details
* If \c State is already \c kState_Listening, then no operation is
* performed, otherwise the \c State is set to \c kState_Listening and
* the endpoint is prepared to received TCP messages, according to the
* semantics of the platform.
* On some platforms, the \c backlog argument is not used (the depth of
* the queue is fixed; only one connection may be accepted at a time).
* On LwIP systems, this method must not be called with the LwIP stack
* lock already acquired
INET_ERROR Listen(uint16_t backlog);
* @brief Initiate a TCP connection.
* @param[in] addr the destination IP address
* @param[in] port the destination TCP port
* @param[in] intf an optional network interface indicator
* @retval INET_NO_ERROR success: \c msg is queued for transmit.
* @retval INET_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED system implementation not complete.
* the destination address and the bound interface address do not
* have matching protocol versions or address type, or the destination
* address is an IPv6 link-local address and \c intf is not specified.
* @retval other another system or platform error
* @details
* If possible, then this method initiates a TCP connection to the
* destination \c addr (with \c intf used as the scope
* identifier for IPv6 link-local destinations) and \c port.
INET_ERROR Connect(IPAddress addr, uint16_t port, InterfaceId intf = INET_NULL_INTERFACEID);
* @brief Extract IP address and TCP port of remote endpoint.
* @param[out] retAddr IP address of remote endpoint.
* @param[out] retPort TCP port of remote endpoint.
* @retval INET_NO_ERROR success: address and port extracted.
* @retval INET_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE TCP connection not established.
* @retval INET_ERROR_CONNECTION_ABORTED TCP connection no longer open.
* @details
* Do not use \c NULL pointer values for either argument.
INET_ERROR GetPeerInfo(IPAddress *retAddr, uint16_t *retPort) const;
* @brief Extract IP address and TCP port of local endpoint.
* @param[out] retAddr IP address of local endpoint.
* @param[out] retPort TCP port of local endpoint.
* @retval INET_NO_ERROR success: address and port extracted.
* @retval INET_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE TCP connection not established.
* @retval INET_ERROR_CONNECTION_ABORTED TCP connection no longer open.
* @details
* Do not use \c NULL pointer values for either argument.
INET_ERROR GetLocalInfo(IPAddress *retAddr, uint16_t *retPort);
* @brief Send message text on TCP connection.
* @param[out] data Message text to send.
* @param[out] push If \c true, then send immediately, otherwise queue.
* @retval INET_NO_ERROR success: address and port extracted.
* @retval INET_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE TCP connection not established.
* @details
* The <tt>chip::System::PacketBuffer::Free</tt> method is called on the \c data argument
* regardless of whether the transmission is successful or failed.
INET_ERROR Send(chip::System::PacketBuffer *data, bool push = true);
* @brief Disable reception.
* @details
* Disable all event handlers. Data sent to an endpoint that disables
* reception will be acknowledged until the receive window is exhausted.
void DisableReceive(void);
* @brief Enable reception.
* @details
* Enable all event handlers. Data sent to an endpoint that disables
* reception will be acknowledged until the receive window is exhausted.
void EnableReceive(void);
* @brief EnableNoDelay
INET_ERROR EnableNoDelay(void);
* @brief Enable the TCP "keep-alive" option.
* @param[in] interval time in seconds between probe requests.
* @param[in] timeoutCount number of probes to send before timeout.
* @retval INET_NO_ERROR success: address and port extracted.
* @retval INET_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE TCP connection not established.
* @retval INET_ERROR_CONNECTION_ABORTED TCP connection no longer open.
* @retval INET_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED system implementation not complete.
* @retval other another system or platform error
* @details
* Start automatically transmitting TCP "keep-alive" probe segments every
* \c interval seconds. The connection will abort automatically after
* receiving a negative response, or after sending \c timeoutCount
* probe segments without receiving a positive response.
* See RFC 1122, section for specification details.
INET_ERROR EnableKeepAlive(uint16_t interval, uint16_t timeoutCount);
* @brief Disable the TCP "keep-alive" option.
* @retval INET_NO_ERROR success: address and port extracted.
* @retval INET_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE TCP connection not established.
* @retval INET_ERROR_CONNECTION_ABORTED TCP connection no longer open.
* @retval INET_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED system implementation not complete.
* @retval other another system or platform error
INET_ERROR DisableKeepAlive(void);
* @brief Set the TCP TCP_USER_TIMEOUT socket option.
* @param[in] userTimeoutMillis Tcp user timeout value in milliseconds.
* @retval INET_NO_ERROR success: address and port extracted.
* @retval INET_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED system implementation not complete.
* @retval other another system or platform error
* @details
* When the value is greater than 0, it specifies the maximum amount of
* time in milliseconds that transmitted data may remain
* unacknowledged before TCP will forcibly close the
* corresponding connection. If the option value is specified as 0,
* TCP will to use the system default.
* See RFC 5482, for further details.
INET_ERROR SetUserTimeout(uint32_t userTimeoutMillis);
* @brief Acknowledge receipt of message text.
* @param[in] len number of bytes to acknowledge.
* @retval INET_NO_ERROR success: reception acknowledged.
* @retval INET_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE TCP connection not established.
* @retval INET_ERROR_CONNECTION_ABORTED TCP connection no longer open.
* @details
* Use this method to acknowledge reception of all or part of the data
* received. The operational semantics are undefined if \c len is larger
* than the total outstanding unacknowledged received data.
INET_ERROR AckReceive(uint16_t len);
* @brief Push message text back to the head of the receive queue.
* @param[out] data Message text to push.
* @retval INET_NO_ERROR success: reception acknowledged.
* @retval INET_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE TCP connection not established.
* @details
* This method may only be called by data reception event handlers to
* put an unacknowledged portion of data back on the receive queue. The
* operational semantics are undefined if the caller is outside the scope
* of a data reception event handler, \c data is not the \c chip::System::PacketBuffer
* provided to the handler, or \c data does not contain the unacknowledged
* portion remaining after the bytes acknowledged by a prior call to the
* <tt>AckReceive(uint16_t len)</tt> method.
INET_ERROR PutBackReceivedData(chip::System::PacketBuffer *data);
* @brief Extract the length of the data awaiting first transmit.
* @return Number of untransmitted bytes in the transmit queue.
uint32_t PendingSendLength(void);
* @brief Extract the length of the unacknowledged receive data.
* @return Number of bytes in the receive queue that have not yet been
* acknowledged with <tt>AckReceive(uint16_t len)</tt>.
uint32_t PendingReceiveLength(void);
* @brief Initiate TCP half close, in other words, finished with sending.
* @retval INET_NO_ERROR success: address and port extracted.
* @retval INET_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE TCP connection not established.
* @retval other another system or platform error
INET_ERROR Shutdown(void);
* @brief Initiate TCP full close, in other words, finished with both send and
* receive.
* @retval INET_NO_ERROR success: address and port extracted.
* @retval INET_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE TCP connection not established.
* @retval other another system or platform error
INET_ERROR Close(void);
* @brief Abortively close the endpoint, in other words, send RST packets.
void Abort(void);
* @brief Initiate (or continue) TCP full close, ignoring errors.
* @details
* The object is returned to the free pool, and all remaining user
* references are subsequently invalid.
void Free(void);
* @brief Extract whether TCP connection is established.
bool IsConnected(void) const;
void SetConnectTimeout(const uint32_t connTimeoutMsecs);
* @brief Set timer event for idle activity.
* @param[in] timeoutMS
* @details
* Set the idle timer interval to \c timeoutMS milliseconds. A zero
* time interval implies the idle timer is disabled.
void SetIdleTimeout(uint32_t timeoutMS);
* @brief Note activity, in other words, reset the idle timer.
* @details
* Reset the idle timer to zero.
void MarkActive(void);
* @brief Obtain an identifier for the endpoint.
* @return Returns an opaque unique identifier for use logs.
uint16_t LogId(void);
* @brief Type of connection establishment event handling function.
* @param[in] endPoint The TCP endpoint associated with the event.
* @param[in] err \c INET_NO_ERROR if success, else another code.
* @details
* Provide a function of this type to the \c OnConnectComplete delegate
* member to process connection establishment events on \c endPoint. The
* \c err argument distinguishes successful connections from failures.
typedef void (*OnConnectCompleteFunct)(TCPEndPoint *endPoint, INET_ERROR err);
* The endpoint's connection establishment event handling function
* delegate.
OnConnectCompleteFunct OnConnectComplete;
* @brief Type of data reception event handling function.
* @param[in] endPoint The TCP endpoint associated with the event.
* @param[in] data The data received.
* @details
* Provide a function of this type to the \c OnDataReceived delegate
* member to process data reception events on \c endPoint where \c data
* is the message text received.
* A data reception event handler must acknowledge data processed using
* the \c AckReceive method. The \c Free method on the data buffer must
* also be invoked unless the \c PutBackReceivedData is used instead.
typedef void (*OnDataReceivedFunct)(TCPEndPoint *endPoint, chip::System::PacketBuffer *data);
* The endpoint's message text reception event handling function delegate.
OnDataReceivedFunct OnDataReceived;
* @brief Type of data transmission event handling function.
* @param[in] endPoint The TCP endpoint associated with the event.
* @param[in] len Number of bytes added to the transmit window.
* @details
* Provide a function of this type to the \c OnDataSent delegate
* member to process data transmission events on \c endPoint where \c len
* is the length of the message text added to the TCP transmit window,
* which are eligible for sending by the underlying network stack.
typedef void (*OnDataSentFunct)(TCPEndPoint *endPoint, uint16_t len);
* The endpoint's message text transmission event handling function
* delegate.
OnDataSentFunct OnDataSent;
* @brief Type of connection establishment event handling function.
* @param[in] endPoint The TCP endpoint associated with the event.
* @param[in] err \c INET_NO_ERROR if success, else another code.
* @details
* Provide a function of this type to the \c OnConnectionClosed delegate
* member to process connection termination events on \c endPoint. The
* \c err argument distinguishes successful terminations from failures.
typedef void (*OnConnectionClosedFunct)(TCPEndPoint *endPoint, INET_ERROR err);
/** The endpoint's close event handling function delegate. */
OnConnectionClosedFunct OnConnectionClosed;
* @brief Type of half-close reception event handling function.
* @param[in] endPoint The TCP endpoint associated with the event.
* @details
* Provide a function of this type to the \c OnPeerClose delegate member
* to process connection termination events on \c endPoint.
typedef void (*OnPeerCloseFunct)(TCPEndPoint *endPoint);
/** The endpoint's half-close receive event handling function delegate. */
OnPeerCloseFunct OnPeerClose;
* @brief Type of connection received event handling function.
* @param[in] listeningEndPoint The listening TCP endpoint.
* @param[in] conEndPoint The newly received TCP endpoint.
* @param[in] peerAddr The IP address of the remote peer.
* @param[in] peerPort The TCP port of the remote peer.
* @details
* Provide a function of this type to the \c OnConnectionReceived delegate
* member to process connection reception events on \c listeningEndPoint.
* The newly received endpoint \c conEndPoint is located at IP address
* \c peerAddr and TCP port \c peerPort.
typedef void (*OnConnectionReceivedFunct)(TCPEndPoint *listeningEndPoint, TCPEndPoint *conEndPoint,
const IPAddress &peerAddr, uint16_t peerPort);
/** The endpoint's connection receive event handling function delegate. */
OnConnectionReceivedFunct OnConnectionReceived;
* @brief Type of connection acceptance error event handling function.
* @param[in] endPoint The TCP endpoint associated with the event.
* @param[in] err The reason for the error.
* @details
* Provide a function of this type to the \c OnAcceptError delegate
* member to process connection acceptance error events on \c endPoint. The
* \c err argument provides specific detail about the type of the error.
typedef void (*OnAcceptErrorFunct)(TCPEndPoint *endPoint, INET_ERROR err);
* The endpoint's connection acceptance event handling function delegate.
OnAcceptErrorFunct OnAcceptError;
* @brief Type of TCP SendIdle changed signal handling function.
* @param[in] endPoint The TCP endpoint associated with the event.
* @param[in] isIdle True if the send channel of the TCP endpoint
* is Idle, otherwise false.
* @details
* Provide a function of this type to the \c OnTCPSendIdleChanged delegate
* member to process the event of the send channel of the TCPEndPoint
* changing state between being idle and not idle.
typedef void (*OnTCPSendIdleChangedFunct)(TCPEndPoint *endPoint, bool isIdle);
/** The event handling function delegate of the endpoint signaling when the
* idleness of the TCP connection's send channel changes. This is utilized
* by upper layers to take appropriate actions based on whether sent data
* has been reliably delivered to the peer. */
OnTCPSendIdleChangedFunct OnTCPSendIdleChanged;
static chip::System::ObjectPool<TCPEndPoint, INET_CONFIG_NUM_TCP_ENDPOINTS> sPool;
chip::System::PacketBuffer *mRcvQueue;
chip::System::PacketBuffer *mSendQueue;
uint16_t mIdleTimeout; // in units of INET_TCP_IDLE_CHECK_INTERVAL; zero means no timeout
uint16_t mRemainingIdleTime; // in units of INET_TCP_IDLE_CHECK_INTERVAL
uint32_t mConnectTimeoutMsecs; // This is the timeout to wait for a Connect call to succeed or
// return an error; zero means use system defaults.
uint32_t mUserTimeoutMillis; // The configured TCP user timeout value in milliseconds.
// If 0, assume not set.
bool mIsTCPSendIdle; // Indicates whether the send channel of the TCPEndPoint is Idle.
uint16_t mTCPSendQueueRemainingPollCount; // The current remaining number of TCP SendQueue polls before
// the TCP User timeout period is reached.
uint32_t mTCPSendQueuePollPeriodMillis; // The configured period of active polling of the TCP
// SendQueue. If 0, assume not set.
void SetTCPSendIdleAndNotifyChange(bool aIsSendIdle);
bool mUserTimeoutTimerRunning; // Indicates whether the TCP UserTimeout timer has been started.
static void TCPUserTimeoutHandler(chip::System::Layer* aSystemLayer, void* aAppState, chip::System::Error aError);
void StartTCPUserTimeoutTimer(void);
void StopTCPUserTimeoutTimer(void);
void RestartTCPUserTimeoutTimer(void);
void ScheduleNextTCPUserTimeoutPoll(uint32_t aTimeOut);
uint16_t MaxTCPSendQueuePolls(void);
uint32_t mBytesWrittenSinceLastProbe; // This counts the number of bytes written on the TCP socket since the
// last probe into the TCP outqueue was made.
uint32_t mLastTCPKernelSendQueueLen; // This is the measured size(in bytes) of the kernel TCP send queue
// at the end of the last user timeout window.
INET_ERROR CheckConnectionProgress(bool &IsProgressing);
TCPEndPoint(void); // not defined
TCPEndPoint(const TCPEndPoint&); // not defined
~TCPEndPoint(void); // not defined
void Init(InetLayer *inetLayer);
INET_ERROR DriveSending(void);
void DriveReceiving(void);
void HandleConnectComplete(INET_ERROR err);
void HandleAcceptError(INET_ERROR err);
INET_ERROR DoClose(INET_ERROR err, bool suppressCallback);
static bool IsConnected(int state);
static void TCPConnectTimeoutHandler(chip::System::Layer* aSystemLayer, void* aAppState, chip::System::Error aError);
void StartConnectTimerIfSet(void);
void StopConnectTimer(void);
chip::System::PacketBuffer *mUnsentQueue;
uint16_t mUnsentOffset;
INET_ERROR GetPCB(IPAddressType addrType);
void HandleDataSent(uint16_t len);
void HandleDataReceived(chip::System::PacketBuffer *buf);
void HandleIncomingConnection(TCPEndPoint *pcb);
void HandleError(INET_ERROR err);
static err_t LwIPHandleConnectComplete(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, err_t lwipErr);
static err_t LwIPHandleIncomingConnection(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tcpConPCB, err_t lwipErr);
static err_t LwIPHandleDataReceived(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, struct pbuf *p, err_t err);
static err_t LwIPHandleDataSent(void *arg, struct tcp_pcb *tpcb, u16_t len);
static void LwIPHandleError(void *arg, err_t err);
INET_ERROR GetSocket(IPAddressType addrType);
SocketEvents PrepareIO(void);
void HandlePendingIO(void);
void ReceiveData(void);
void HandleIncomingConnection(void);
INET_ERROR BindSrcAddrFromIntf(IPAddressType addrType, InterfaceId intf);
inline uint16_t TCPEndPoint::MaxTCPSendQueuePolls(void)
// If the UserTimeout is configured less than or equal to the poll interval,
// return 1 to poll at least once instead of returning zero and timing out
// immediately.
return (mUserTimeoutMillis > mTCPSendQueuePollPeriodMillis) ?
(mUserTimeoutMillis / mTCPSendQueuePollPeriodMillis) : 1;
inline bool TCPEndPoint::IsConnected(void) const
return IsConnected(State);
inline uint16_t TCPEndPoint::LogId(void)
return static_cast<uint16_t>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(this));
inline void TCPEndPoint::MarkActive(void)
mRemainingIdleTime = mIdleTimeout;
} // namespace Inet
} // namespace chip
#endif // !defined(TCPENDPOINT_H)