blob: f9143d5e2ab504fa534b19437a29e2862375865d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include "lib/core/CHIPError.h"
#include "system/SystemPacketBuffer.h"
#include "system/TLVPacketBufferBackingStore.h"
#include <app/AttributePathParams.h>
#include <app/BufferedReadCallback.h>
#include <app/ReadClient.h>
#include <app/data-model/DecodableList.h>
#include <app/data-model/Decode.h>
#include <lib/support/Variant.h>
#include <list>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
* This implements an attribute cache designed to aggregate attribute data received by a client
* from either read or subscribe interactions and keep it resident and available for clients to
* query at any time while the cache is active.
* The cache can be used with either read/subscribe, with the consumer connecting it up appropriately
* to the right ReadClient instance.
* The cache provides an up-to-date and consistent view of the state of a target node, with the scope of the
* state being determined by the associated ReadClient's path set.
* The cache provides a number of getters and helper functions to iterate over the topology
* of the received data which is organized by endpoint, cluster and attribute ID. These permit greater
* flexibility when dealing with interactions that use wildcards heavily.
* The data is stored internally in the cache as TLV. This permits re-use of the existing cluster objects
* to de-serialize the state on-demand.
* The cache serves as a callback adapter as well in that it 'forwards' the ReadClient::Callback calls transparently
* through to a registered callback. In addition, it provides its own enhancements to the base ReadClient::Callback
* to make it easier to know what has changed in the cache.
* **NOTE** This already includes the BufferedReadCallback, so there is no need to add that to the ReadClient callback chain.
class AttributeCache : protected ReadClient::Callback
class Callback : public ReadClient::Callback
* Called anytime an attribute value has changed in the cache
virtual void OnAttributeChanged(AttributeCache * cache, const ConcreteAttributePath & path){};
* Called anytime any attribute in a cluster has changed in the cache
virtual void OnClusterChanged(AttributeCache * cache, EndpointId endpointId, ClusterId clusterId){};
* Called anytime an endpoint was added to the cache
virtual void OnEndpointAdded(AttributeCache * cache, EndpointId endpointId){};
AttributeCache(Callback & callback) : mCallback(callback), mBufferedReader(*this) {}
* When registering as a callback to the ReadClient, the AttributeCache cannot not be passed as a callback
* directly. Instead, utilize this method below to correctly set up the callback chain such that
* the buffered reader is the first callback in the chain before calling into cache subsequently.
ReadClient::Callback & GetBufferedCallback() { return mBufferedReader; }
* Retrieve the value of an attribute from the cache (if present) given a concrete path and decode
* is using DataModel::Decode into the in-out argument 'value'.
* For some types of attributes, the value for the attribute is directly backed by the underlying TLV buffer
* and has pointers into that buffer. (e.g octet strings, char strings and lists). This buffer only remains
* valid until the cached value for that path is updated, so it must not be held
* across any async call boundaries.
* The template parameter AttributeObjectTypeT is generally expected to be a
* ClusterName::Attributes::AttributeName::DecodableType, but any
* object that can be decoded using the DataModel::Decode machinery will work.
* Notable return values:
* - If the provided attribute object's Cluster and Attribute IDs don't match that of the provided path,
* a CHIP_ERROR_SCHEMA_MISMATCH shall be returned.
* - If neither data or status for the specified path don't exist in the cache, CHIP_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND
* shall be returned.
* - If a StatusIB is present in the cache instead of data, a CHIP_ERROR_IM_STATUS_CODE_RECEIVED error
* shall be returned from this call instead. The actual StatusIB can be retrieved using the GetStatus() API below.
template <typename AttributeObjectTypeT>
CHIP_ERROR Get(const ConcreteAttributePath & path, typename AttributeObjectTypeT::DecodableType & value)
TLV::TLVReader reader;
if (path.mClusterId != AttributeObjectTypeT::GetClusterId() || path.mAttributeId != AttributeObjectTypeT::GetAttributeId())
ReturnErrorOnFailure(Get(path, reader));
return DataModel::Decode(reader, value);
* Retrieve the StatusIB for a given attribute if one exists currently in the cache.
* Notable return values:
* - If neither data or status for the specified path don't exist in the cache, CHIP_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND
* shall be returned.
* - If data exists in the cache instead of status, CHIP_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT shall be returned.
CHIP_ERROR GetStatus(const ConcreteAttributePath & path, StatusIB & status);
* Encapsulates a StatusIB and a ConcreteAttributePath pair.
struct AttributeStatus
AttributeStatus(const ConcreteAttributePath & path, StatusIB & status) : mPath(path), mStatus(status) {}
ConcreteAttributePath mPath;
StatusIB mStatus;
* Retrieve the value of an entire cluster instance from the cache (if present) given a path
* and decode it using DataModel::Decode into the in-out argument 'value'. If any StatusIBs
* are present in the cache instead of data, they will be provided in the statusList argument.
* For some types of attributes, the value for the attribute is directly backed by the underlying TLV buffer
* and has pointers into that buffer. (e.g octet strings, char strings and lists). This buffer only remains
* valid until the cached value for that path is updated, so it must not be held
* across any async call boundaries.
* The template parameter ClusterObjectT is generally expected to be a
* ClusterName::Attributes::DecodableType, but any
* object that can be decoded using the DataModel::Decode machinery will work.
* Notable return values:
* - If neither data or status for the specified path exist in the cache, CHIP_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND
* shall be returned.
template <typename ClusterObjectTypeT>
CHIP_ERROR Get(EndpointId endpointId, ClusterId clusterId, ClusterObjectTypeT & value, std::list<AttributeStatus> & statusList)
return ForEachAttribute(endpointId, clusterId, [&value, this, &statusList](const ConcreteAttributePath & path) {
TLV::TLVReader reader;
err = Get(path, reader);
StatusIB status;
ReturnErrorOnFailure(GetStatus(path, status));
statusList.push_back(AttributeStatus(path, status));
else if (err == CHIP_NO_ERROR)
ReturnErrorOnFailure(DataModel::Decode(reader, path, value));
return err;
* Retrieve the value of an attribute by updating a in-out TLVReader to be positioned
* right at the attribute value.
* The underlying TLV buffer only remains valid until the cached value for that path is updated, so it must
* not be held across any async call boundaries.
* Notable return values:
* - If neither data nor status for the specified path exist in the cache, CHIP_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND
* shall be returned.
* - If a StatusIB is present in the cache instead of data, a CHIP_ERROR_IM_STATUS_CODE_RECEIVED error
* shall be returned from this call instead. The actual StatusIB can be retrieved using the GetStatus() API above.
CHIP_ERROR Get(const ConcreteAttributePath & path, TLV::TLVReader & reader);
* Execute an iterator function that is called for every attribute
* in a given endpoint and cluster. The function when invoked is provided a concrete attribute path
* to every attribute that matches in the cache.
* The iterator is expected to have this signature:
* CHIP_ERROR IteratorFunc(const ConcreteAttributePath &path);
* Notable return values:
* - If a cluster instance corresponding to endpointId and clusterId doesn't exist in the cache,
* CHIP_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND shall be returned.
* - If func returns an error, that will result in termination of any further iteration over attributes
* and that error shall be returned back up to the original call to this function.
template <typename IteratorFunc>
CHIP_ERROR ForEachAttribute(EndpointId endpointId, ClusterId clusterId, IteratorFunc func)
auto clusterState = GetClusterState(endpointId, clusterId, err);
for (auto & attributeIter : *clusterState)
const ConcreteAttributePath path(endpointId, clusterId, attributeIter.first);
* Execute an iterator function that is called for every attribute
* for a given cluster across all endpoints in the cache. The function is passed a
* concrete attribute path to every attribute that matches in the cache.
* The iterator is expected to have this signature:
* CHIP_ERROR IteratorFunc(const ConcreteAttributePath &path);
* Notable return values:
* - If func returns an error, that will result in termination of any further iteration over attributes
* and that error shall be returned back up to the original call to this function.
template <typename IteratorFunc>
CHIP_ERROR ForEachAttribute(ClusterId clusterId, IteratorFunc func)
for (auto & endpointIter : mCache)
for (auto & clusterIter : endpointIter.second)
if (clusterIter.first == clusterId)
for (auto & attributeIter : clusterIter.second)
const ConcreteAttributePath path(endpointIter.first, clusterId, attributeIter.first);
* Execute an iterator function that is called for every cluster
* in a given endpoint and passed a ClusterId for every cluster that
* matches.
* The iterator is expected to have this signature:
* CHIP_ERROR IteratorFunc(ClusterId clusterId);
* Notable return values:
* - If func returns an error, that will result in termination of any further iteration over attributes
* and that error shall be returned back up to the original call to this function.
template <typename IteratorFunc>
CHIP_ERROR ForEachCluster(EndpointId endpointId, IteratorFunc func)
auto endpointIter = mCache.find(endpointId);
if (endpointIter->first == endpointId)
for (auto & clusterIter : endpointIter->second)
using AttributeState = Variant<System::PacketBufferHandle, StatusIB>;
using ClusterState = std::map<AttributeId, AttributeState>;
using EndpointState = std::map<ClusterId, ClusterState>;
using NodeState = std::map<EndpointId, EndpointState>;
* These functions provide a way to index into the cached state with different sub-sets of a path, returning
* appropriate slices of the data as requested.
* In all variants, the respective slice is returned if a valid path is provided. 'err' is updated to reflect
* the status of the operation.
* Notable status values:
* - If a cluster instance corresponding to endpointId and clusterId doesn't exist in the cache,
* CHIP_ERROR_KEY_NOT_FOUND shall be returned.
EndpointState * GetEndpointState(EndpointId endpointId, CHIP_ERROR & err);
ClusterState * GetClusterState(EndpointId endpointId, ClusterId clusterId, CHIP_ERROR & err);
AttributeState * GetAttributeState(EndpointId endpointId, ClusterId clusterId, AttributeId attributeId, CHIP_ERROR & err);
* Updates the state of an attribute in the cache given a reader. If the reader is null, the state is updated
* with the provided status.
CHIP_ERROR UpdateCache(const ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVReader * apData, const StatusIB & aStatus);
// ReadClient::Callback
void OnReportBegin() override;
void OnReportEnd() override;
void OnAttributeData(const ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, TLV::TLVReader * apData, const StatusIB & aStatus) override;
void OnError(CHIP_ERROR aError) override { return mCallback.OnError(aError); }
void OnEventData(const EventHeader & aEventHeader, TLV::TLVReader * apData, const StatusIB * apStatus) override
return mCallback.OnEventData(aEventHeader, apData, apStatus);
void OnDone() override { return mCallback.OnDone(); }
void OnSubscriptionEstablished(uint64_t aSubscriptionId) override { mCallback.OnSubscriptionEstablished(aSubscriptionId); }
void OnDeallocatePaths(chip::app::ReadPrepareParams && aReadPrepareParams) override
return mCallback.OnDeallocatePaths(std::move(aReadPrepareParams));
Callback & mCallback;
NodeState mCache;
std::set<ConcreteAttributePath> mChangedAttributeSet;
std::vector<EndpointId> mAddedEndpoints;
BufferedReadCallback mBufferedReader;
}; // namespace app
}; // namespace chip