blob: aeed9550ca6e5100b485ea1876fdf2b6255d040b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020-2021 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* This file defines the reliable message context for the CHIP Message
* Layer. The context is one-on-one relationship with a chip session.
#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <messaging/ReliableMessageProtocolConfig.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
#include <lib/core/ReferenceCounted.h>
#include <lib/support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <messaging/ReliableMessageProtocolConfig.h>
#include <system/SystemLayer.h>
#include <transport/raw/MessageHeader.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Messaging {
class ChipMessageInfo;
class ExchangeContext;
enum class MessageFlagValues : uint32_t;
class ReliableMessageMgr;
class ReliableMessageContext
* Flush the pending Ack for current exchange.
CHIP_ERROR FlushAcks();
* Take the pending peer ack message counter from the context. This must
* only be called when HasPiggybackAckPending() is true. After this call,
* IsAckPending() will be false; it's the caller's responsibility to send
* the ack.
uint32_t TakePendingPeerAckMessageCounter()
return mPendingPeerAckMessageCounter;
* Check whether we have an ack to piggyback on the message we are sending.
* If true, TakePendingPeerAckMessageCounter will return a valid value that
* should be included as an ack in the message.
bool HasPiggybackAckPending() const;
* Send a SecureChannel::StandaloneAck message.
* @note When sent via UDP, the null message is sent *without* requesting an acknowledgment,
* even in the case where the auto-request acknowledgment feature has been enabled on the
* exchange.
* @retval #CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY If no available PacketBuffers.
* @retval #CHIP_NO_ERROR If the method succeeded or the error wasn't critical.
* @retval other Another critical error returned by SendMessage().
CHIP_ERROR SendStandaloneAckMessage();
* Determine whether an acknowledgment will be requested whenever a message is sent for the exchange.
* @return Returns 'true' an acknowledgment will be requested whenever a message is sent, else 'false'.
bool AutoRequestAck() const;
* Set whether an acknowledgment should be requested whenever a message is sent.
* @param[in] autoReqAck A Boolean indicating whether or not an
* acknowledgment should be requested whenever a
* message is sent.
void SetAutoRequestAck(bool autoReqAck);
* Determine whether the ChipExchangeManager should not send an
* acknowledgement.
* For internal, debug use only.
bool ShouldDropAckDebug() const;
* Set whether the ChipExchangeManager should not send acknowledgements
* for this context.
* For internal, debug use only.
* @param[in] inDropAckDebug A Boolean indicating whether (true) or not
* (false) the acknowledgements should be not
* sent for the exchange.
void SetDropAckDebug(bool inDropAckDebug);
* Determine whether there is already an acknowledgment pending to be sent to the peer on this exchange.
* @return Returns 'true' if there is already an acknowledgment pending on this exchange, else 'false'.
bool IsAckPending() const;
* Determine whether at least one message has been received
* on this exchange from peer.
* @return Returns 'true' if message received, else 'false'.
bool HasRcvdMsgFromPeer() const;
* Set if a message has been received from the peer
* on this exchange.
* @param[in] inMsgRcvdFromPeer A Boolean indicating whether (true) or not
* (false) a message has been received
* from the peer on this exchange context.
void SetMsgRcvdFromPeer(bool inMsgRcvdFromPeer);
/// Determine whether there is message hasn't been acknowledged.
bool IsMessageNotAcked() const;
/// Set whether there is a message hasn't been acknowledged.
void SetMessageNotAcked(bool messageNotAcked);
/// Set if this exchange is requesting Sleepy End Device fast-polling mode
void SetRequestingFastPollingMode(bool fastPollingMode);
/// Determine whether this exchange is requesting Sleepy End Device fast-polling mode
bool IsRequestingFastPollingMode() const;
* Get the reliable message manager that corresponds to this reliable
* message context.
ReliableMessageMgr * GetReliableMessageMgr();
enum class Flags : uint16_t
/// When set, signifies that this context is the initiator of the exchange.
kFlagInitiator = (1u << 0),
/// When set, signifies that a response is expected for a message that is being sent.
kFlagResponseExpected = (1u << 1),
/// When set, automatically request an acknowledgment whenever a message is sent via UDP.
kFlagAutoRequestAck = (1u << 2),
/// Internal and debug only: when set, the exchange layer does not send an acknowledgment.
kFlagDropAckDebug = (1u << 3),
/// When set, signifies there is a message which hasn't been acknowledged.
kFlagMessageNotAcked = (1u << 4),
/// When set, signifies that there is an acknowledgment pending to be sent back.
kFlagAckPending = (1u << 5),
/// When set, signifies that there has once been an acknowledgment
/// pending to be sent back. In that case,
/// mPendingPeerAckMessageCounter is a valid message counter value for
/// some message we have needed to acknowledge in the past.
kFlagAckMessageCounterIsValid = (1u << 6),
/// When set, signifies that at least one message has been received from peer on this exchange context.
kFlagMsgRcvdFromPeer = (1u << 7),
/// When set, signifies that this exchange is waiting for a call to SendMessage.
kFlagWillSendMessage = (1u << 8),
/// When set, signifies that we are currently in the middle of HandleMessage.
kFlagHandlingMessage = (1u << 9),
/// When set, we have had Close() or Abort() called on us already.
kFlagClosed = (1u << 10),
/// When set, signifies that the exchange is requesting Sleepy End Device fast-polling mode.
kFlagFastPollingMode = (1u << 11),
BitFlags<Flags> mFlags; // Internal state flags
void HandleRcvdAck(uint32_t ackMessageCounter);
CHIP_ERROR HandleNeedsAck(uint32_t messageCounter, BitFlags<MessageFlagValues> messageFlags);
CHIP_ERROR HandleNeedsAckInner(uint32_t messageCounter, BitFlags<MessageFlagValues> messageFlags);
ExchangeContext * GetExchangeContext();
* Set if an acknowledgment needs to be sent back to the peer on this exchange.
* @param[in] inAckPending A Boolean indicating whether (true) or not
* (false) an acknowledgment should be sent back
* in response to a received message.
void SetAckPending(bool inAckPending);
// Set our pending peer ack message counter and any other state needed to ensure that we
// will send that ack at some point.
void SetPendingPeerAckMessageCounter(uint32_t aPeerAckMessageCounter);
friend class ReliableMessageMgr;
friend class ExchangeContext;
friend class ExchangeMessageDispatch;
System::Clock::Timestamp mNextAckTime; // Next time for triggering Solo Ack
uint32_t mPendingPeerAckMessageCounter;
inline bool ReliableMessageContext::AutoRequestAck() const
return mFlags.Has(Flags::kFlagAutoRequestAck);
inline bool ReliableMessageContext::IsAckPending() const
return mFlags.Has(Flags::kFlagAckPending);
inline bool ReliableMessageContext::HasRcvdMsgFromPeer() const
return mFlags.Has(Flags::kFlagMsgRcvdFromPeer);
inline bool ReliableMessageContext::IsMessageNotAcked() const
return mFlags.Has(Flags::kFlagMessageNotAcked);
inline bool ReliableMessageContext::ShouldDropAckDebug() const
return mFlags.Has(Flags::kFlagDropAckDebug);
inline bool ReliableMessageContext::HasPiggybackAckPending() const
return mFlags.Has(Flags::kFlagAckMessageCounterIsValid);
inline bool ReliableMessageContext::IsRequestingFastPollingMode() const
return mFlags.Has(Flags::kFlagFastPollingMode);
inline void ReliableMessageContext::SetAutoRequestAck(bool autoReqAck)
mFlags.Set(Flags::kFlagAutoRequestAck, autoReqAck);
inline void ReliableMessageContext::SetMsgRcvdFromPeer(bool inMsgRcvdFromPeer)
mFlags.Set(Flags::kFlagMsgRcvdFromPeer, inMsgRcvdFromPeer);
inline void ReliableMessageContext::SetAckPending(bool inAckPending)
mFlags.Set(Flags::kFlagAckPending, inAckPending);
inline void ReliableMessageContext::SetDropAckDebug(bool inDropAckDebug)
mFlags.Set(Flags::kFlagDropAckDebug, inDropAckDebug);
inline void ReliableMessageContext::SetMessageNotAcked(bool messageNotAcked)
mFlags.Set(Flags::kFlagMessageNotAcked, messageNotAcked);
inline void ReliableMessageContext::SetRequestingFastPollingMode(bool fastPollingMode)
mFlags.Set(Flags::kFlagFastPollingMode, fastPollingMode);
} // namespace Messaging
} // namespace chip