blob: 319a080dfa377fd413b3aba4f7dcaf1311c1f26b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <lib/dnssd/Resolver.h>
#include <lib/dnssd/Types.h>
#include <lib/dnssd/minimal_mdns/Parser.h>
#include <lib/dnssd/minimal_mdns/RecordData.h>
#include <lib/dnssd/minimal_mdns/core/QName.h>
#include <lib/support/BitFlags.h>
#include <lib/support/Variant.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Dnssd {
/// Allows storing and retrieving of a SerializedQName for later recall.
/// This is a convenience storage as MDNS generally provides data as QNames
/// and comparisons between QNames is more convenient than replacing them with
/// null-terminated character strings.
class StoredServerName
StoredServerName() {}
void Clear() { memset(mNameBuffer, 0, sizeof(mNameBuffer)); }
/// Set the underlying value. Will return CHIP_ERROR_NO_MEMORY
/// on insufficient storage space.
/// If insufficient space, buffer will be cleared.
CHIP_ERROR Set(mdns::Minimal::SerializedQNameIterator value);
/// Return the underlying value in this object.
/// Value valid as long as this object is valid and underlying Set() is
/// not called.
mdns::Minimal::SerializedQNameIterator Get() const;
// Try to have space for at least:
// L1234._sub._matterc._udp.local => 30 chars
// <fabric>-<node>._matter._tcp.local => 52 chars
// <hostname>.local (where hostname is kHostNameMaxLength == 16)
// This does not try to optimize out ".local" suffix which is always expected
// since comparisons are easier when suffix is still present.
static constexpr size_t kMaxStoredNameLength = 64;
uint8_t mNameBuffer[kMaxStoredNameLength] = {};
/// Incrementally accumulates data from DNSSD packets. It is geared twoards
/// resource-constrained dns-sd querier implementations.
/// It all starts with processing SRV records which define the type of record
/// (could be operational, commissionable or commissioner), after which the
/// additional data is accumulated, specifically TXT information and A/AAAA
/// Class can also be used to determine what additional data is missing from a
/// record so that additional DNSSD queries can be made recursively (e.g. if
/// only a SRV/TXT records are available, ask for AAAA records).
class IncrementalResolver
// Elements that the incremental resolve still needs
enum class RequiredInformationBitFlags : uint8_t
kSrvInitialization = (1 << 0), // server being initialized
kIpAddress = (1 << 1), // IP address missing
using RequiredInformationFlags = BitFlags<RequiredInformationBitFlags>;
// Type of service name that is contained in this resolver
enum class ServiceNameType
kInvalid, // not a matter service name
IncrementalResolver() = default;
/// Checks if object has been initialized using the `InitializeParsing`
/// method.
bool IsActive() const { return mSpecificResolutionData.Valid(); }
bool IsActiveCommissionParse() const { return mSpecificResolutionData.Is<CommissionNodeData>(); }
bool IsActiveOperationalParse() const { return mSpecificResolutionData.Is<OperationalNodeData>(); }
ServiceNameType GetCurrentType() const { return mServiceNameType; }
PeerId OperationalParsePeerId() const
VerifyOrReturnValue(IsActiveOperationalParse(), PeerId());
return mSpecificResolutionData.Get<OperationalNodeData>().peerId;
/// Start parsing a new record. SRV records are the records we are mainly
/// interested on, after which TXT and A/AAAA are looked for.
/// If this function returns with error, the object will be in an inactive state.
CHIP_ERROR InitializeParsing(mdns::Minimal::SerializedQNameIterator name, const uint64_t ttl,
const mdns::Minimal::SrvRecord & srv);
/// Notify that a new record is being processed.
/// Will handle filtering and processing of data to determine if the entry is relevant for
/// the current resolver.
/// Providing a data that is not relevant to the current parser is not considered and error,
/// however if the resource fails parsing completely an error will be returned.
/// [data] represents the record received via [interface] and [packetRange] represents the range
/// of valid bytes within the packet for the purpose of QName parsing
CHIP_ERROR OnRecord(Inet::InterfaceId interface, const mdns::Minimal::ResourceData & data,
mdns::Minimal::BytesRange packetRange);
/// Return what additional data is required until the object can be extracted
/// If `!GetREquiredInformation().HasAny()` the parsed information is ready
/// to be processed.
RequiredInformationFlags GetMissingRequiredInformation() const;
/// Fetch the target host name set by `InitializeParsing`
/// VALIDITY: Data references internal storage of this object and is valid as long
/// as this object is valid and InitializeParsing is not called again.
mdns::Minimal::SerializedQNameIterator GetTargetHostName() const { return mTargetHostName.Get(); }
/// Fetch the record name set by `InitializeParsing`.
/// VALIDITY: Data references internal storage of this object and is valid as long
/// as this object is valid and InitializeParsing is not called again.
mdns::Minimal::SerializedQNameIterator GetRecordName() const { return mRecordName.Get(); }
/// Take the current value of the object and clear it once returned.
/// Object must be in `IsActive()` for this to succeed.
/// Data will be returned (and cleared) even if not yet complete based
/// on `GetMissingRequiredInformation()`. This method takes as much data as
/// it was parsed so far.
CHIP_ERROR Take(DiscoveredNodeData & outputData);
/// Take the current value of the object and clear it once returned.
/// Object must be in `IsActiveOperationalParse()` for this to succeed.
/// Data will be returned (and cleared) even if not yet complete based
/// on `GetMissingRequiredInformation()`. This method takes as much data as
/// it was parsed so far.
CHIP_ERROR Take(ResolvedNodeData & outputData);
/// Clears current state, setting as inactive
void ResetToInactive()
mSpecificResolutionData = ParsedRecordSpecificData();
/// Notify that a PTR record can be parsed.
/// Input data MUST have GetType() == QType::TXT
CHIP_ERROR OnTxtRecord(const mdns::Minimal::ResourceData & data, mdns::Minimal::BytesRange packetRange);
/// Notify that a new IP address has been found.
/// This is to be called on both A (if IPv4 support is enabled) and AAAA
/// addresses.
/// Prerequisite: IP address belongs to the right nost name
CHIP_ERROR OnIpAddress(Inet::InterfaceId interface, const Inet::IPAddress & addr);
using ParsedRecordSpecificData = Variant<OperationalNodeData, CommissionNodeData>;
StoredServerName mRecordName; // Record name for what is parsed (SRV/PTR/TXT)
StoredServerName mTargetHostName; // `Target` for the SRV record
ServiceNameType mServiceNameType = ServiceNameType::kInvalid;
CommonResolutionData mCommonResolutionData;
ParsedRecordSpecificData mSpecificResolutionData;
} // namespace Dnssd
} // namespace chip