blob: 642fa7f5cf854d5751ac51d05cc8637f330fd3f0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <core/CHIPError.h>
#include <core/Optional.h>
#include <core/PeerId.h>
#include <inet/InetLayer.h>
#include <lib/support/Span.h>
#include <support/CHIPMemString.h>
#include <support/SafeString.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Mdns {
static constexpr uint16_t kMdnsPort = 5353;
// Need 8 bytes to fit a thread mac.
static constexpr size_t kMaxMacSize = 8;
// Operational node TXT entries
static constexpr size_t kTxtRetryIntervalIdleMaxLength = 7; // [CRI] 0-3600000
static constexpr size_t kTxtRetryIntervalActiveMaxLength = 7; // [CRA] 0-3600000
// Commissionable/commissioner node TXT entries
static constexpr size_t kKeyDiscriminatorMaxLength = 5;
static constexpr size_t kKeyVendorProductMaxLength = 11;
static constexpr size_t kKeyAdditionalPairingMaxLength = 1;
static constexpr size_t kKeyCommissioningModeMaxLength = 1;
static constexpr size_t kKeyDeviceTypeMaxLength = 5;
static constexpr size_t kKeyDeviceNameMaxLength = 32;
static constexpr size_t kKeyRotatingIdMaxLength = 100;
static constexpr size_t kKeyPairingInstructionMaxLength = 128;
static constexpr size_t kKeyPairingHintMaxLength = 10;
// Commissionable/commissioner node subtypes
static constexpr size_t kSubTypeShortDiscriminatorMaxLength = 4; // _S<dd>
static constexpr size_t kSubTypeLongDiscriminatorMaxLength = 6; // _L<dddd>
static constexpr size_t kSubTypeVendorMaxLength = 7; // _V<ddddd>
static constexpr size_t kSubTypeDeviceTypeMaxLength = 5; // _T<ddd>
static constexpr size_t kSubTypeCommissioningModeMaxLength = 3; // _C<d>
static constexpr size_t kSubTypeAdditionalPairingMaxLength = 3; // _A<d>
static constexpr size_t kSubTypeMaxNumber = 6;
static constexpr size_t kSubTypeTotalLength = kSubTypeShortDiscriminatorMaxLength + kSubTypeLongDiscriminatorMaxLength +
kSubTypeVendorMaxLength + kSubTypeDeviceTypeMaxLength + kSubTypeCommissioningModeMaxLength + kSubTypeAdditionalPairingMaxLength;
enum class CommssionAdvertiseMode : uint8_t
template <class Derived>
class BaseAdvertisingParams
Derived & SetPort(uint16_t port)
mPort = port;
return *reinterpret_cast<Derived *>(this);
uint64_t GetPort() const { return mPort; }
Derived & EnableIpV4(bool enable)
mEnableIPv4 = enable;
return *reinterpret_cast<Derived *>(this);
bool IsIPv4Enabled() const { return mEnableIPv4; }
Derived & SetMac(chip::ByteSpan mac)
mMacLength = std::min(mac.size(), kMaxMacSize);
memcpy(mMacStorage,, mMacLength);
return *reinterpret_cast<Derived *>(this);
const chip::ByteSpan GetMac() const { return chip::ByteSpan(mMacStorage, mMacLength); }
uint16_t mPort = CHIP_PORT;
bool mEnableIPv4 = true;
uint8_t mMacStorage[kMaxMacSize] = {};
size_t mMacLength = 0;
}; // namespace Mdns
/// Defines parameters required for advertising a CHIP node
/// over mDNS as an 'operationally ready' node.
class OperationalAdvertisingParameters : public BaseAdvertisingParams<OperationalAdvertisingParameters>
static constexpr uint8_t kTxtMaxNumber = 2;
static constexpr uint8_t kTxtMaxKeySize = MaxStringLength("CRI", "CRA"); // possible keys
static constexpr uint8_t kTxtMaxValueSize = std::max({ kTxtRetryIntervalIdleMaxLength, kTxtRetryIntervalActiveMaxLength });
static constexpr size_t kTxtTotalKeySize = TotalStringLength("CRI", "CRA"); // possible keys
static constexpr size_t kTxtTotalValueSize = kTxtRetryIntervalIdleMaxLength + kTxtRetryIntervalActiveMaxLength;
OperationalAdvertisingParameters & SetPeerId(const PeerId & peerId)
mPeerId = peerId;
return *this;
PeerId GetPeerId() const { return mPeerId; }
OperationalAdvertisingParameters & SetMRPRetryIntervals(uint32_t intervalIdle, uint32_t intervalActive)
mMrpRetryIntervalIdle = intervalIdle;
mMrpRetryIntervalActive = intervalActive;
return *this;
void GetMRPRetryIntervals(uint32_t & intervalIdle, uint32_t & intervalActive) const
intervalIdle = mMrpRetryIntervalIdle;
intervalActive = mMrpRetryIntervalActive;
PeerId mPeerId;
uint32_t mMrpRetryIntervalIdle = 0;
uint32_t mMrpRetryIntervalActive = 0;
class CommissionAdvertisingParameters : public BaseAdvertisingParams<CommissionAdvertisingParameters>
static constexpr uint8_t kTxtMaxNumber = 9;
static constexpr uint8_t kTxtMaxKeySize = MaxStringLength("D", "VP", "CM", "DT", "DN", "RI", "PI", "PH"); // possible keys
static constexpr uint8_t kTxtMaxValueSize =
std::max({ kKeyDiscriminatorMaxLength, kKeyVendorProductMaxLength, kKeyAdditionalPairingMaxLength,
kKeyCommissioningModeMaxLength, kKeyDeviceTypeMaxLength, kKeyDeviceNameMaxLength, kKeyRotatingIdMaxLength,
kKeyPairingInstructionMaxLength, kKeyPairingHintMaxLength });
static constexpr size_t kTxtTotalKeySize = TotalStringLength("D", "VP", "CM", "DT", "DN", "RI", "PI", "PH"); // possible keys
static constexpr size_t kTxtTotalValueSize = kKeyDiscriminatorMaxLength + kKeyVendorProductMaxLength +
kKeyAdditionalPairingMaxLength + kKeyCommissioningModeMaxLength + kKeyDeviceTypeMaxLength + kKeyDeviceNameMaxLength +
kKeyRotatingIdMaxLength + kKeyPairingInstructionMaxLength + kKeyPairingHintMaxLength;
CommissionAdvertisingParameters & SetShortDiscriminator(uint8_t discriminator)
mShortDiscriminator = discriminator;
return *this;
uint8_t GetShortDiscriminator() const { return mShortDiscriminator; }
CommissionAdvertisingParameters & SetLongDiscriminator(uint16_t discriminator)
mLongDiscriminator = discriminator;
return *this;
uint16_t GetLongDiscriminator() const { return mLongDiscriminator; }
CommissionAdvertisingParameters & SetVendorId(Optional<uint16_t> vendorId)
mVendorId = vendorId;
return *this;
Optional<uint16_t> GetVendorId() const { return mVendorId; }
CommissionAdvertisingParameters & SetProductId(Optional<uint16_t> productId)
mProductId = productId;
return *this;
Optional<uint16_t> GetProductId() const { return mProductId; }
CommissionAdvertisingParameters & SetCommissioningMode(bool modeEnabled, bool openWindow)
mCommissioningModeEnabled = modeEnabled;
mOpenWindowCommissioningMode = openWindow;
return *this;
bool GetCommissioningMode() const { return mCommissioningModeEnabled; }
bool GetOpenWindowCommissioningMode() const { return mOpenWindowCommissioningMode; }
CommissionAdvertisingParameters & SetDeviceType(Optional<uint16_t> deviceType)
mDeviceType = deviceType;
return *this;
Optional<uint16_t> GetDeviceType() const { return mDeviceType; }
CommissionAdvertisingParameters & SetDeviceName(Optional<const char *> deviceName)
if (deviceName.HasValue())
Platform::CopyString(mDeviceName, sizeof(mDeviceName), deviceName.Value());
mDeviceNameHasValue = true;
mDeviceNameHasValue = false;
return *this;
Optional<const char *> GetDeviceName() const
return mDeviceNameHasValue ? Optional<const char *>::Value(mDeviceName) : Optional<const char *>::Missing();
CommissionAdvertisingParameters & SetRotatingId(Optional<const char *> rotatingId)
if (rotatingId.HasValue())
Platform::CopyString(mRotatingId, sizeof(mRotatingId), rotatingId.Value());
mRotatingIdHasValue = true;
mRotatingIdHasValue = false;
return *this;
Optional<const char *> GetRotatingId() const
return mRotatingIdHasValue ? Optional<const char *>::Value(mRotatingId) : Optional<const char *>::Missing();
CommissionAdvertisingParameters & SetPairingInstr(Optional<const char *> pairingInstr)
if (pairingInstr.HasValue())
Platform::CopyString(mPairingInstr, sizeof(mPairingInstr), pairingInstr.Value());
mPairingInstrHasValue = true;
mPairingInstrHasValue = false;
return *this;
Optional<const char *> GetPairingInstr() const
return mPairingInstrHasValue ? Optional<const char *>::Value(mPairingInstr) : Optional<const char *>::Missing();
CommissionAdvertisingParameters & SetPairingHint(Optional<uint16_t> pairingHint)
mPairingHint = pairingHint;
return *this;
Optional<uint16_t> GetPairingHint() const { return mPairingHint; }
CommissionAdvertisingParameters & SetCommissionAdvertiseMode(CommssionAdvertiseMode mode)
mMode = mode;
return *this;
CommssionAdvertiseMode GetCommissionAdvertiseMode() const { return mMode; }
uint8_t mShortDiscriminator = 0;
uint16_t mLongDiscriminator = 0; // 12-bit according to spec
CommssionAdvertiseMode mMode = CommssionAdvertiseMode::kCommissionableNode;
bool mCommissioningModeEnabled = false;
bool mOpenWindowCommissioningMode = false;
chip::Optional<uint16_t> mVendorId;
chip::Optional<uint16_t> mProductId;
chip::Optional<uint16_t> mDeviceType;
chip::Optional<uint16_t> mPairingHint;
char mDeviceName[kKeyDeviceNameMaxLength + 1];
bool mDeviceNameHasValue = false;
char mRotatingId[kKeyRotatingIdMaxLength + 1];
bool mRotatingIdHasValue = false;
char mPairingInstr[kKeyPairingInstructionMaxLength + 1];
bool mPairingInstrHasValue = false;
/// Handles advertising of CHIP nodes
class ServiceAdvertiser
virtual ~ServiceAdvertiser() {}
/// Starts the advertiser. Items 'Advertised' will become visible.
/// Must be called before Advertise() calls.
virtual CHIP_ERROR Start(chip::Inet::InetLayer * inetLayer, uint16_t port) = 0;
/// Advertises the CHIP node as an operational node
virtual CHIP_ERROR Advertise(const OperationalAdvertisingParameters & params) = 0;
/// Advertises the CHIP node as a commissioner/commissionable node
virtual CHIP_ERROR Advertise(const CommissionAdvertisingParameters & params) = 0;
/// Stops the advertiser.
virtual CHIP_ERROR StopPublishDevice() = 0;
/// Provides the system-wide implementation of the service advertiser
static ServiceAdvertiser & Instance();
/// Returns DNS-SD instance name formatted as hex string
virtual CHIP_ERROR GetCommissionableInstanceName(char * instanceName, size_t maxLength) = 0;
} // namespace Mdns
} // namespace chip