blob: 546151c7dd28066e3535e3e32e42b8d67b61154b [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <app/AttributePathParams.h>
#include <app/ConcreteAttributePath.h>
#include <app/data-model-interface/DataModel.h>
#include <lib/support/LinkedList.h>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
* AttributePathExpandIteratorDataModel is used to iterate over a linked list of AttributePathParams-s.
* The AttributePathExpandIteratorDataModel is copiable, however, the given cluster info must be valid when calling Next().
* AttributePathExpandIteratorDataModel will expand attribute paths with wildcards, and only emit existing paths for
* AttributePathParams with wildcards. For AttributePathParams with a concrete path (i.e. does not contain wildcards),
* AttributePathExpandIteratorDataModel will emit them as-is.
* The typical use of AttributePathExpandIteratorDataModel may look like:
* ConcreteAttributePath path;
* for (AttributePathExpandIteratorDataModel iterator(AttributePathParams); iterator.Get(path); iterator.Next()) {...}
* The iterator does not copy the given AttributePathParams, The given AttributePathParams must be valid when using the iterator.
* If the set of endpoints, clusters, or attributes that are supported changes, AttributePathExpandIteratorDataModel must be
* reinitialized.
* A initialized iterator will return the first valid path, no need to call Next() before calling Get() for the first time.
* Note: The Next() and Get() are two separate operations by design since a possible call of this iterator might be:
* - Get()
* - Chunk full, return
* - In a new chunk, Get()
* TODO: The AttributePathParams may support a group id, the iterator should be able to call group data provider to expand the group
* id.
class AttributePathExpandIteratorDataModel
AttributePathExpandIteratorDataModel(InteractionModel::DataModel * dataModel,
SingleLinkedListNode<AttributePathParams> * attributePath);
* Proceed the iterator to the next attribute path in the given cluster info.
* Returns false if AttributePathExpandIteratorDataModeDataModel has exhausted all paths in the given AttributePathParams list.
bool Next();
* Fills the aPath with the path the iterator currently points to.
* Returns false if the iterator is not pointing to a valid path (i.e. it has exhausted the cluster info).
bool Get(ConcreteAttributePath & aPath)
aPath = mOutputPath;
return (mpAttributePath != nullptr);
* Reset the iterator to the beginning of current cluster if we are in the middle of expanding a wildcard attribute id for some
* cluster.
* When attributes are changed in the middle of expanding a wildcard attribute, we need to reset the iterator, to provide the
* client with a consistent state of the cluster.
void ResetCurrentCluster();
/** Start iterating over the given `paths` */
inline void ResetTo(SingleLinkedListNode<AttributePathParams> * paths)
*this = AttributePathExpandIteratorDataModel(mDataModel, paths);
InteractionModel::DataModel * mDataModel;
SingleLinkedListNode<AttributePathParams> * mpAttributePath;
ConcreteAttributePath mOutputPath;
/// Move to the next endpoint/cluster/attribute triplet that is valid given
/// the current mOutputPath and mpAttributePath
/// returns true if such a next value was found.
bool AdvanceOutputPath();
/// Get the next attribute ID in mOutputPath(endpoint/cluster) if one is available.
/// Will start from the beginning if current mOutputPath.mAttributeId is kInvalidAttributeId
/// Respects path expansion/values in mpAttributePath
/// Handles Global attributes (which are returned at the end)
std::optional<AttributeId> NextAttributeId();
/// Get the next cluster ID in mOutputPath(endpoint) if one is available.
/// Will start from the beginning if current mOutputPath.mClusterId is kInvalidClusterId
/// Respects path expansion/values in mpAttributePath
std::optional<ClusterId> NextClusterId();
/// Get the next endpoint ID in mOutputPath if one is available.
/// Will start from the beginning if current mOutputPath.mEndpointId is kInvalidEndpointId
/// Respects path expansion/values in mpAttributePath
std::optional<ClusterId> NextEndpointId();
/// Checks if the given attributeId is valid for the current mOutputPath(endpoint/cluster)
/// Meaning that it is known to the data model OR it is a always-there global attribute.
bool IsValidAttributeId(AttributeId attributeId);
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip