blob: 0c54e8124e19a121bf31631d2df50270fbe8534c [file] [log] [blame]
{{#if isOptional}}
if ({{source}} != nil) {
auto & definedValue_{{depth}} = {{target}}.Emplace();
{{>encode_value target=(concat "definedValue_" depth) source=source cluster=cluster errorCode=errorCode depth=(incrementDepth depth) isOptional=false}}
{{else if isNullable}}
if ({{source}} == nil) {
} else {
auto & nonNullValue_{{depth}} = {{target}}.SetNonNull();
{{>encode_value target=(concat "nonNullValue_" depth) source=source cluster=cluster errorCode=errorCode depth=(incrementDepth depth) isNullable=false}}
{{else if isArray}}
{{! TODO: This is not great, with its fallible allocation and
whatnot. Maybe we should just switch to encoding our ObjC types
directly to TLV... We need the listFreer thing because we want
our allocation to live long enough, and if it's scoped to where
we are right now it may not (e.g. for a nullable list we're
inside an "else" block here). }}
using ListType_{{depth}} = std::remove_reference_t<decltype({{target}})>;
using ListMemberType_{{depth}} = ListMemberTypeGetter<ListType_{{depth}}>::Type;
if ({{source}}.count != 0) {
auto * listHolder_{{depth}} = new ListHolder<ListMemberType_{{depth}}>({{source}}.count);
if (listHolder_{{depth}} == nullptr || listHolder_{{depth}}->mList == nullptr) {
for (size_t i_{{depth}} = 0; i_{{depth}} < {{source}}.count; ++i_{{depth}}) {
if ( ! [{{source}}[i_{{depth}}] isKindOfClass: [{{asObjectiveCClass type cluster forceNotList=true}} class]] ) {
// Wrong kind of value.
auto element_{{depth}} = ({{asObjectiveCClass type cluster forceNotList=true}} *){{source}}[i_{{depth}}];
{{>encode_value target=(concat "listHolder_" depth "->mList[i_" depth "]") source=(concat "element_" depth) cluster=cluster errorCode=errorCode depth=(incrementDepth depth) isArray=false}}
{{target}} = ListType_{{depth}}(listHolder_{{depth}}->mList, {{source}}.count);
} else {
{{target}} = ListType_{{depth}}();
{{else if (isOctetString type)}}
{{target}} = [self asByteSpan:{{source}}];
{{else if (isCharString type)}}
{{target}} = [self asCharSpan:{{source}}];
{{#if_is_struct type}}
{{#zcl_struct_items_by_struct_name type}}
{{>encode_value target=(concat ../target "." (asLowerCamelCase label)) source=(concat ../source "." (asStructPropertyName label)) cluster=../cluster errorCode=../errorCode depth=(incrementDepth ../depth)}}
{{#if_is_strongly_typed_chip_enum type}}
{{target}} = static_cast<std::remove_reference_t<decltype({{target}})>>({{source}}.{{asObjectiveCNumberType source type true}}Value);
{{#if_is_strongly_typed_bitmap type}}
{{target}} = static_cast<std::remove_reference_t<decltype({{target}})>>({{source}}.{{asObjectiveCNumberType source type true}}Value);
{{target}} = {{source}}.{{asObjectiveCNumberType source type true}}Value;