blob: 9bebb56ed3b1d5ea3b29f01aa8e60d9ce6f38c59 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* DeviceControllerSystemState is a representation of all the runtime state
* inside of CHIP that can be shared across Controllers and Commissioners.
* The System State assumes it's being owned by and managed by the DeviceControllerFactory.
* It will automatically shutdown the underlying CHIP Stack when its reference count
* decreases to "1".
#pragma once
#include <app/CASEClientPool.h>
#include <app/CASESessionManager.h>
#include <credentials/FabricTable.h>
#include <credentials/GroupDataProvider.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPConfig.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/CASEServer.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/MessageCounterManager.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/SimpleSessionResumptionStorage.h>
#include <protocols/secure_channel/UnsolicitedStatusHandler.h>
#include <transport/TransportMgr.h>
#include <transport/raw/UDP.h>
#include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
#include <ble/BleLayer.h>
#include <transport/raw/BLE.h>
namespace chip {
constexpr size_t kMaxDeviceTransportBlePendingPackets = 1;
using DeviceTransportMgr = TransportMgr<Transport::UDP /* IPv6 */
Transport::UDP /* IPv4 */
Transport::BLE<kMaxDeviceTransportBlePendingPackets> /* BLE */
namespace Controller {
struct DeviceControllerSystemStateParams
using OperationalDevicePool = OperationalDeviceProxyPool<CHIP_CONFIG_CONTROLLER_MAX_ACTIVE_DEVICES>;
// Params that can outlive the DeviceControllerSystemState
System::Layer * systemLayer = nullptr;
Inet::EndPointManager<Inet::TCPEndPoint> * tcpEndPointManager = nullptr;
Inet::EndPointManager<Inet::UDPEndPoint> * udpEndPointManager = nullptr;
FabricTable * fabricTable = nullptr;
Ble::BleLayer * bleLayer = nullptr;
Credentials::GroupDataProvider * groupDataProvider = nullptr;
// Params that will be deallocated via Platform::Delete in
// DeviceControllerSystemState::Shutdown.
DeviceTransportMgr * transportMgr = nullptr;
Platform::UniquePtr<SimpleSessionResumptionStorage> sessionResumptionStorage;
Credentials::CertificateValidityPolicy * certificateValidityPolicy = nullptr;
SessionManager * sessionMgr = nullptr;
Protocols::SecureChannel::UnsolicitedStatusHandler * unsolicitedStatusHandler = nullptr;
Messaging::ExchangeManager * exchangeMgr = nullptr;
secure_channel::MessageCounterManager * messageCounterManager = nullptr;
CASEServer * caseServer = nullptr;
CASESessionManager * caseSessionManager = nullptr;
OperationalDevicePool * operationalDevicePool = nullptr;
CASEClientPool * caseClientPool = nullptr;
FabricTable::Delegate * fabricTableDelegate = nullptr;
// A representation of the internal state maintained by the DeviceControllerFactory.
// This class automatically maintains a count of active device controllers and
// shuts down Matter when there are none remaining.
// NB: Lifetime of the object itself is not managed by reference counting; it is
// owned by DeviceControllerFactory.
class DeviceControllerSystemState
using OperationalDevicePool = DeviceControllerSystemStateParams::OperationalDevicePool;
using CASEClientPool = DeviceControllerSystemStateParams::CASEClientPool;
// We could get here if a DeviceControllerFactory is shut down
// without ever creating any controllers, so our refcount never goes
// above 1. In that case we need to make sure we call Shutdown().
DeviceControllerSystemState(DeviceControllerSystemStateParams params) :
mSystemLayer(params.systemLayer), mTCPEndPointManager(params.tcpEndPointManager),
mUDPEndPointManager(params.udpEndPointManager), mTransportMgr(params.transportMgr), mSessionMgr(params.sessionMgr),
mUnsolicitedStatusHandler(params.unsolicitedStatusHandler), mExchangeMgr(params.exchangeMgr),
mMessageCounterManager(params.messageCounterManager), mFabrics(params.fabricTable), mCASEServer(params.caseServer),
mCASESessionManager(params.caseSessionManager), mOperationalDevicePool(params.operationalDevicePool),
mCASEClientPool(params.caseClientPool), mGroupDataProvider(params.groupDataProvider),
mFabricTableDelegate(params.fabricTableDelegate), mSessionResumptionStorage(std::move(params.sessionResumptionStorage))
mBleLayer = params.bleLayer;
// Acquires a reference to the system state.
// While a reference is held, the shared state is kept alive. Release()
// should be called to release the reference once it is no longer needed.
DeviceControllerSystemState * Retain()
VerifyOrDie(mRefCount < std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max());
return this;
// Releases a reference to the system state.
// The stack will shut down when all references are released.
// NB: The system state is owned by the factory; Relase() will not free it
// but will free its members (Shutdown()).
void Release()
VerifyOrDie(mRefCount > 0);
if (--mRefCount == 0)
bool IsInitialized()
return mSystemLayer != nullptr && mUDPEndPointManager != nullptr && mTransportMgr != nullptr && mSessionMgr != nullptr &&
mUnsolicitedStatusHandler != nullptr && mExchangeMgr != nullptr && mMessageCounterManager != nullptr &&
mFabrics != nullptr && mCASESessionManager != nullptr && mOperationalDevicePool != nullptr &&
mCASEClientPool != nullptr && mGroupDataProvider != nullptr;
System::Layer * SystemLayer() const { return mSystemLayer; };
Inet::EndPointManager<Inet::TCPEndPoint> * TCPEndPointManager() const { return mTCPEndPointManager; };
Inet::EndPointManager<Inet::UDPEndPoint> * UDPEndPointManager() const { return mUDPEndPointManager; };
DeviceTransportMgr * TransportMgr() const { return mTransportMgr; };
SessionManager * SessionMgr() const { return mSessionMgr; };
Messaging::ExchangeManager * ExchangeMgr() const { return mExchangeMgr; }
secure_channel::MessageCounterManager * MessageCounterManager() const { return mMessageCounterManager; };
FabricTable * Fabrics() const { return mFabrics; };
Ble::BleLayer * BleLayer() const { return mBleLayer; };
CASESessionManager * CASESessionMgr() const { return mCASESessionManager; }
Credentials::GroupDataProvider * GetGroupDataProvider() const { return mGroupDataProvider; }
void SetTempFabricTable(FabricTable * tempFabricTable) { mTempFabricTable = tempFabricTable; }
DeviceControllerSystemState() {}
System::Layer * mSystemLayer = nullptr;
Inet::EndPointManager<Inet::TCPEndPoint> * mTCPEndPointManager = nullptr;
Inet::EndPointManager<Inet::UDPEndPoint> * mUDPEndPointManager = nullptr;
Ble::BleLayer * mBleLayer = nullptr;
DeviceTransportMgr * mTransportMgr = nullptr;
SessionManager * mSessionMgr = nullptr;
Protocols::SecureChannel::UnsolicitedStatusHandler * mUnsolicitedStatusHandler = nullptr;
Messaging::ExchangeManager * mExchangeMgr = nullptr;
secure_channel::MessageCounterManager * mMessageCounterManager = nullptr;
FabricTable * mFabrics = nullptr;
CASEServer * mCASEServer = nullptr;
CASESessionManager * mCASESessionManager = nullptr;
OperationalDevicePool * mOperationalDevicePool = nullptr;
CASEClientPool * mCASEClientPool = nullptr;
Credentials::GroupDataProvider * mGroupDataProvider = nullptr;
FabricTable::Delegate * mFabricTableDelegate = nullptr;
Platform::UniquePtr<SimpleSessionResumptionStorage> mSessionResumptionStorage;
// If mTempFabricTable is not null, it was created during
// DeviceControllerFactory::InitSystemState and needs to be
// freed during shutdown
FabricTable * mTempFabricTable = nullptr;
std::atomic<uint32_t> mRefCount{ 0 };
bool mHaveShutDown = false;
void Shutdown();
} // namespace Controller
} // namespace chip