blob: 54f56a5c572a724d2ed173c42f6db1460eae811f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import math
import re
import string
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import List
from .errors import TestStepError
class ConstraintParseError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
class ConstraintCheckError(TestStepError):
def __init__(self, context, key, reason):
self.tag_key_with_error(context, key)
class ConstraintTypeError(ConstraintCheckError):
def __init__(self, context, reason):
super().__init__(context, 'type', reason)
class ConstraintContainsError(ConstraintCheckError):
def __init__(self, context, reason):
super().__init__(context, 'contains', reason)
class ConstraintExcludesError(ConstraintCheckError):
def __init__(self, context, reason):
super().__init__(context, 'excludes', reason)
class ConstraintHasMaskClearError(ConstraintCheckError):
def __init__(self, context, reason):
super().__init__(context, 'hasMasksClear', reason)
class ConstraintHasMaskSetError(ConstraintCheckError):
def __init__(self, context, reason):
super().__init__(context, 'hasMasksSet', reason)
class ConstraintHasValueError(ConstraintCheckError):
def __init__(self, context, reason):
super().__init__(context, 'hasValue', reason)
class ConstraintMinLengthError(ConstraintCheckError):
def __init__(self, context, reason):
super().__init__(context, 'minLength', reason)
class ConstraintMaxLengthError(ConstraintCheckError):
def __init__(self, context, reason):
super().__init__(context, 'maxLength', reason)
class ConstraintIsHexStringError(ConstraintCheckError):
def __init__(self, context, reason):
super().__init__(context, 'isHexString', reason)
class ConstraintStartsWithError(ConstraintCheckError):
def __init__(self, context, reason):
super().__init__(context, 'startsWith', reason)
class ConstraintEndsWithError(ConstraintCheckError):
def __init__(self, context, reason):
super().__init__(context, 'endsWith', reason)
class ConstraintIsUpperCaseError(ConstraintCheckError):
def __init__(self, context, reason):
super().__init__(context, 'isUpperCase', reason)
class ConstraintIsLowerCaseError(ConstraintCheckError):
def __init__(self, context, reason):
super().__init__(context, 'isLowerCase', reason)
class ConstraintMinValueError(ConstraintCheckError):
def __init__(self, context, reason):
super().__init__(context, 'minValue', reason)
class ConstraintMaxValueError(ConstraintCheckError):
def __init__(self, context, reason):
super().__init__(context, 'maxValue', reason)
class ConstraintNotValueError(ConstraintCheckError):
def __init__(self, context, reason):
super().__init__(context, 'notValue', reason)
class ConstraintAnyOfError(ConstraintCheckError):
def __init__(self, context, reason):
super().__init__(context, 'anyOf', reason)
class BaseConstraint(ABC):
'''Constraint Interface'''
def __init__(self, context, types: list, is_null_allowed: bool = False):
'''An empty type list provided that indicates any type is accepted'''
self._types = types
self._is_null_allowed = is_null_allowed
self._context = context
def validate(self, value, value_type_name):
if value is None and self._is_null_allowed:
response_type = type(value)
if self._types:
found_type_match = any(
[issubclass(response_type, expected) for expected in self._types])
if not found_type_match:
if len(self._types) == 1:
expected_str = f'type "{self._types[0].__name__}"'
expected_str = f'one of those types: {[x.__name__ for x in self._types]}'
reason = f'This constraint can only be used with a value of {expected_str} but the value is of type "{response_type.__name__}".'
if self.check_response(value, value_type_name):
reason = self.get_reason(value, value_type_name)
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
"""Get the a human readable explanation about the failure."""
def _raise_error(self, reason):
if isinstance(self, _ConstraintType):
raise ConstraintTypeError(self._context, reason)
elif isinstance(self, _ConstraintContains):
raise ConstraintContainsError(self._context, reason)
elif isinstance(self, _ConstraintExcludes):
raise ConstraintExcludesError(self._context, reason)
elif isinstance(self, _ConstraintHasMaskClear):
raise ConstraintHasMaskClearError(self._context, reason)
elif isinstance(self, _ConstraintHasMaskSet):
raise ConstraintHasMaskSetError(self._context, reason)
elif isinstance(self, _ConstraintMinLength):
raise ConstraintMinLengthError(self._context, reason)
elif isinstance(self, _ConstraintMaxLength):
raise ConstraintMaxLengthError(self._context, reason)
elif isinstance(self, _ConstraintIsHexString):
raise ConstraintIsHexStringError(self._context, reason)
elif isinstance(self, _ConstraintStartsWith):
raise ConstraintStartsWithError(self._context, reason)
elif isinstance(self, _ConstraintEndsWith):
raise ConstraintEndsWithError(self._context, reason)
elif isinstance(self, _ConstraintIsUpperCase):
raise ConstraintIsUpperCaseError(self._context, reason)
elif isinstance(self, _ConstraintIsLowerCase):
raise ConstraintIsLowerCaseError(self._context, reason)
elif isinstance(self, _ConstraintMinValue):
raise ConstraintMinValueError(self._context, reason)
elif isinstance(self, _ConstraintMaxValue):
raise ConstraintMaxValueError(self._context, reason)
elif isinstance(self, _ConstraintNotValue):
raise ConstraintNotValueError(self._context, reason)
elif isinstance(self, _ConstraintAnyOf):
raise ConstraintAnyOfError(self._context, reason)
# This should not happens.
raise ConstraintParseError('Unknown constraint instance.')
class _ConstraintHasValue(BaseConstraint):
def __init__(self, context, has_value):
super().__init__(context, types=[])
self._has_value = has_value
def validate(self, value, value_type_name):
# We are overriding the BaseConstraint of validate since has value is a special case where
# we might not be expecting a value at all, but the basic null check in BaseConstraint
# is not what we want.
if self.check_response(value, value_type_name):
reason = self.get_reason(value, value_type_name)
raise ConstraintHasValueError(self._context, reason)
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
has_value = value is not None
return self._has_value == has_value
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
if self._has_value:
return "The constraint expects a value but there isn't one."
return f"The response contains the value ({value}), but wasn't expecting any value."
class _ConstraintType(BaseConstraint):
def __init__(self, context, type):
super().__init__(context, types=[], is_null_allowed=True)
self._type = type
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
success = False
if self._type == 'boolean' and type(value) is bool:
success = True
elif self._type == 'struct' and type(value) is dict:
success = True
elif self._type == 'list' and type(value) is list:
success = True
elif self._type == 'char_string' and type(value) is str:
success = True
elif self._type == 'long_char_string' and type(value) is str:
success = True
elif self._type == 'octet_string' and type(value) is bytes:
success = True
elif self._type == 'long_octet_string' and type(value) is bytes:
success = True
elif self._type == 'group_id' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFF
elif self._type == 'vendor_id' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFF
elif self._type == 'devtype_id' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'nullable_cluster_id' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFE
elif self._type == 'cluster_id' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'attribute_id' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'field_id' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'command_id' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'event_id' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'action_id' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFF
elif self._type == 'transaction_id' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'nullable_node_id' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE
elif self._type == 'node_id' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'bitmap8' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFF
elif self._type == 'bitmap16' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFF
elif self._type == 'bitmap32' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'bitmap64' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'enum8' and isinstance(value, int):
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFF
elif self._type == 'enum16' and isinstance(value, int):
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFF
elif self._type == 'Percent' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFF
elif self._type == 'Percent100ths' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFF
elif self._type == 'epoch_us' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'epoch_s' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'utc' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'date' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'tod' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'int8u' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFF
elif self._type == 'int16u' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFF
elif self._type == 'int24u' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'int32u' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'int40u' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'int48u' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'int56u' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'int64u' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
elif self._type == 'nullable_int8u' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFE
elif self._type == 'nullable_int16u' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFE
elif self._type == 'nullable_int24u' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFE
elif self._type == 'nullable_int32u' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFE
elif self._type == 'nullable_int40u' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFE
elif self._type == 'nullable_int48u' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFE
elif self._type == 'nullable_int56u' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFE
elif self._type == 'nullable_int64u' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE
elif self._type == 'int8s' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= -128 and value <= 127
elif self._type == 'int16s' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= -32768 and value <= 32767
elif self._type == 'int24s' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= -8388608 and value <= 8388607
elif self._type == 'int32s' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= -2147483648 and value <= 2147483647
elif self._type == 'int40s' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= -549755813888 and value <= 549755813887
elif self._type == 'int48s' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= -140737488355328 and value <= 140737488355327
elif self._type == 'int56s' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= -36028797018963968 and value <= 36028797018963967
elif self._type == 'int64s' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= -9223372036854775808 and value <= 9223372036854775807
elif self._type == 'nullable_int8s' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= -127 and value <= 127
elif self._type == 'nullable_int16s' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= -32767 and value <= 32767
elif self._type == 'nullable_int24s' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= -8388607 and value <= 8388607
elif self._type == 'nullable_int32s' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= -2147483647 and value <= 2147483647
elif self._type == 'nullable_int40s' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= -549755813887 and value <= 549755813887
elif self._type == 'nullable_int48s' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= -140737488355327 and value <= 140737488355327
elif self._type == 'nullable_int56s' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= -36028797018963967 and value <= 36028797018963967
elif self._type == 'nullable_int64s' and type(value) is int:
success = value >= -9223372036854775807 and value <= 9223372036854775807
elif self._type == 'single' and type(value) is float:
success = self._is_single(value)
elif self._type == 'double' and type(value) is float:
success = self._is_double(value)
success = self._type == value_type_name
return success
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
types = []
if type(value) is bool:
elif type(value) is dict:
elif type(value) is list:
elif type(value) is str:
elif type(value) is bytes:
elif type(value) is int:
if value >= 0 and value <= 0xFE:
if value >= 0 and value <= 0xFF:
if value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFE:
if value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFF:
if value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFE:
if value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFF:
if value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFE:
if value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFF:
if value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFE:
if value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFF:
if value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFE:
if value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFF:
if value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFE:
if value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:
if value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE:
if value >= 0 and value <= 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF:
if value >= -128 and value <= 127:
if value >= -32768 and value <= 32767:
if value >= -8388608 and value <= 8388607:
if value >= -2147483648 and value <= 2147483647:
if value >= -549755813888 and value <= 549755813887:
if value >= -140737488355328 and value <= 140737488355327:
if value >= -36028797018963968 and value <= 36028797018963967:
if value >= -9223372036854775808 and value <= 9223372036854775807:
if value >= -127 and value <= 127:
if value >= -32767 and value <= 32767:
if value >= -8388607 and value <= 8388607:
if value >= -2147483647 and value <= 2147483647:
if value >= -549755813887 and value <= 549755813887:
if value >= -140737488355327 and value <= 140737488355327:
if value >= -36028797018963967 and value <= 36028797018963967:
if value >= -9223372036854775807 and value <= 9223372036854775807:
if self._is_single(value):
if self._is_double(value):
types.sort(key=lambda input_type: [int(c) if c.isdigit(
) else c for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', input_type)])
if value_type_name not in types:
if len(types) == 1:
reason = f'The response type ({types[0]}) does not match the constraint.'
reason = f'The response value ({value}) is of one of those types: {types}.'
return reason
def _is_single(self, value):
return (value >= -1.7976931348623157E+308 and value <= -2.2250738585072014E-308) or value == 0.0 or (
value >= 2.2250738585072014E-308 and value <= 1.7976931348623157E+308) or math.isnan(value) or math.isinf(value)
def _is_double(self, value):
return (value >= -1.7976931348623157E+308 and value <= -2.2250738585072014E-308) or value == 0.0 or (
value >= 2.2250738585072014E-308 and value <= 1.7976931348623157E+308) or math.isnan(value) or math.isinf(value)
class _ConstraintMinLength(BaseConstraint):
def __init__(self, context, min_length):
super().__init__(context, types=[
str, bytes, list], is_null_allowed=True)
self._min_length = min_length
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
return len(value) >= self._min_length
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
return f'The response length ({len(value)}) should be greater or equal to the constraint but {len(value)} < {self._min_length}.'
class _ConstraintMaxLength(BaseConstraint):
def __init__(self, context, max_length):
super().__init__(context, types=[
str, bytes, list], is_null_allowed=True)
self._max_length = max_length
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
return len(value) <= self._max_length
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
return f'The response length ({len(value)}) should be lower or equal to the constraint but {len(value)} > {self._max_length}.'
class _ConstraintIsHexString(BaseConstraint):
def __init__(self, context, is_hex_string: bool):
super().__init__(context, types=[str])
self._is_hex_string = is_hex_string
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
return all(c in string.hexdigits for c in value) == self._is_hex_string
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
if self._is_hex_string:
chars = []
for char in value:
if char not in string.hexdigits:
if len(chars) == 1:
reason = f'The response "{value}" contains an invalid hexadecimal character: "{chars[0]}".'
reason = f'The response "{value}" contains invalid hexadecimal characters: {chars}.'
reason = f'The response "{value}" is an hexadecimal string.'
return reason
class _ConstraintStartsWith(BaseConstraint):
def __init__(self, context, starts_with):
super().__init__(context, types=[str])
self._starts_with = starts_with
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
return value.startswith(self._starts_with)
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
return f'The response "{value}" starts with "{value[:len(self._starts_with)]}" which does not match the constraint.'
class _ConstraintEndsWith(BaseConstraint):
def __init__(self, context, ends_with):
super().__init__(context, types=[str])
self._ends_with = ends_with
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
return value.endswith(self._ends_with)
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
return f'The response "{value}" ends with "{value[-len(self._ends_with):]}" which does not match the constraint.'
class _ConstraintIsUpperCase(BaseConstraint):
def __init__(self, context, is_upper_case):
super().__init__(context, types=[str])
self._is_upper_case = is_upper_case
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
# Make sure we don't have any lowercase characters.
hasLower = any(c.islower() for c in value)
return hasLower != self._is_upper_case
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
if self._is_upper_case:
chars = []
for char in value:
if not char.upper() == char:
if len(chars) == 1:
reason = f'The response "{value}" contains a lowercase character: "{chars[0]}".'
reason = f'The response "{value}" contains lowercase characters: {chars}.'
reason = f'The response "{value}" is uppercased.'
return reason
class _ConstraintIsLowerCase(BaseConstraint):
def __init__(self, context, is_lower_case):
super().__init__(context, types=[str])
self._is_lower_case = is_lower_case
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
# Make sure we don't have any uppercase characters.
hasUpper = any(c.isupper() for c in value)
return hasUpper != self._is_lower_case
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
if self._is_lower_case:
chars = []
for char in value:
if not char.lower() == char:
if len(chars) == 1:
reason = f'The response "{value}" contains a uppercase character: "{chars[0]}".'
reason = f'The response "{value}" contains uppercase characters: {chars}.'
reason = f'The response "{value}" is lowercased.'
return reason
class _ConstraintMinValue(BaseConstraint):
def __init__(self, context, min_value):
super().__init__(context, types=[int, float], is_null_allowed=True)
self._min_value = min_value
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
return value >= self._min_value
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
return f'The response value ({value}) should be greater or equal to the constraint but {value} < {self._min_value}.'
class _ConstraintMaxValue(BaseConstraint):
def __init__(self, context, max_value):
super().__init__(context, types=[int, float], is_null_allowed=True)
self._max_value = max_value
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
return value <= self._max_value
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
return f'The response value ({value}) should be lower or equal to the constraint but {value} > {self._max_value}.'
def _values_match(expected_value, received_value):
# TODO: This is a copy of _response_value_validation over in,
# but with the recursive calls renamed.
if isinstance(expected_value, list):
if len(expected_value) != len(received_value):
return False
for index, expected_item in enumerate(expected_value):
received_item = received_value[index]
if not _values_match(expected_item, received_item):
return False
return True
elif isinstance(expected_value, dict):
for key, expected_item in expected_value.items():
received_item = received_value.get(key)
if not _values_match(expected_item, received_item):
return False
return True
return expected_value == received_value
class _ConstraintContains(BaseConstraint):
def __init__(self, context, contains):
super().__init__(context, types=[list])
self._contains = contains
def _find_missing_values(self, expected_values, received_values):
# Make a copy of received_values, so that we can remove things from the
# list as they match up against our expected values.
received_values = list(received_values)
missing_values = []
for expected_value in expected_values:
for index, received_value in enumerate(received_values):
if _values_match(expected_value, received_value):
# We've used up this received value
del received_values[index]
return missing_values
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
return len(self._find_missing_values(self._contains, value)) == 0
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
expected_values = self._find_missing_values(self._contains, value)
return f'The response ({value}) is missing {expected_values}.'
class _ConstraintExcludes(BaseConstraint):
def __init__(self, context, excludes):
super().__init__(context, types=[list])
self._excludes = excludes
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
for expected_value in self._excludes:
for received_value in value:
if _values_match(expected_value, received_value):
return False
return True
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
unexpected_values = []
for unexpected_value in self._excludes:
for received_value in value:
if _values_match(unexpected_value, received_value):
return f'The response ({value}) contains {unexpected_values}.'
class _ConstraintHasMaskSet(BaseConstraint):
def __init__(self, context, has_masks_set):
super().__init__(context, types=[int])
self._has_masks_set = has_masks_set
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
return all([(value & mask) != 0 for mask in self._has_masks_set])
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
expected_masks = []
for expected_mask in self._has_masks_set:
if (value & expected_mask) != expected_mask:
return f'The response ({hex(value)}) does not match the masks: {expected_masks}.'
class _ConstraintHasMaskClear(BaseConstraint):
def __init__(self, context, has_masks_clear):
super().__init__(context, types=[int])
self._has_masks_clear = has_masks_clear
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
return all([(value & mask) == 0 for mask in self._has_masks_clear])
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
unexpected_masks = []
for unexpected_mask in self._has_masks_clear:
if (value & unexpected_mask) == unexpected_mask:
return f'The response ({hex(value)}) match the masks: {unexpected_masks}.'
class _ConstraintNotValue(BaseConstraint):
def __init__(self, context, not_value):
# NOTE: do not use is_null_allowed=True here, because 'notValue: null' needs to work.
super().__init__(context, types=[])
self._not_value = not_value
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
return value != self._not_value
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
return f'The response value "{value}" should differ from the constraint.'
class _ConstraintAnyOf(BaseConstraint):
def __init__(self, context, any_of):
super().__init__(context, types=[], is_null_allowed=True)
self._any_of = any_of
def check_response(self, value, value_type_name) -> bool:
return value in self._any_of
def get_reason(self, value, value_type_name) -> str:
return f'The response value "{value}" is not a value from {self._any_of}.'
def get_constraints(constraints: dict) -> List[BaseConstraint]:
_constraints = []
context = constraints
for constraint, constraint_value in constraints.items():
if 'hasValue' == constraint:
context, constraint_value))
elif 'type' == constraint:
_constraints.append(_ConstraintType(context, constraint_value))
elif 'minLength' == constraint:
context, constraint_value))
elif 'maxLength' == constraint:
context, constraint_value))
elif 'isHexString' == constraint:
context, constraint_value))
elif 'startsWith' == constraint:
context, constraint_value))
elif 'endsWith' == constraint:
context, constraint_value))
elif 'isUpperCase' == constraint:
context, constraint_value))
elif 'isLowerCase' == constraint:
context, constraint_value))
elif 'minValue' == constraint:
context, constraint_value))
elif 'maxValue' == constraint:
context, constraint_value))
elif 'contains' == constraint:
context, constraint_value))
elif 'excludes' == constraint:
context, constraint_value))
elif 'hasMasksSet' == constraint:
context, constraint_value))
elif 'hasMasksClear' == constraint:
context, constraint_value))
elif 'notValue' == constraint:
context, constraint_value))
elif 'anyOf' == constraint:
context, constraint_value))
raise ConstraintParseError(f'Unknown constraint type:{constraint}')
return _constraints
def is_typed_constraint(constraint: str):
constraints = {
'hasValue': False,
'type': False,
'minLength': False,
'maxLength': False,
'isHexString': False,
'startsWith': True,
'endsWith': True,
'isUpperCase': False,
'isLowerCase': False,
'minValue': True,
'maxValue': True,
'contains': True,
'excludes': True,
'hasMasksSet': False,
'hasMasksClear': False,
'notValue': True,
'anyOf': True,
is_typed = constraints.get(constraint)
if is_typed is None:
raise ConstraintParseError(f'Unknown constraint type:{constraint}')
return is_typed