blob: c35ba378c1822c23fa08617ae3ae234c1d442ed7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <app-common/zap-generated/enums.h>
#include <app-common/zap-generated/ids/Attributes.h>
#include <app-common/zap-generated/ids/Clusters.h>
#include <app-common/zap-generated/ids/Commands.h>
#include <app-common/zap-generated/ids/Events.h>
#include <app/ConcreteAttributePath.h>
#include <app/EventLoggingTypes.h>
#include <app/data-model/DecodableList.h>
#include <app/data-model/Decode.h>
#include <app/data-model/Encode.h>
#include <app/data-model/List.h>
#include <app/data-model/NullObject.h>
#include <app/util/basic-types.h>
#include <lib/core/ClusterEnums.h>
#include <lib/support/BitMask.h>
#include <protocols/interaction_model/Constants.h>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
namespace Clusters {
namespace detail {
// Structs shared across multiple clusters.
namespace Structs {
namespace LabelStruct {
enum class Fields
kLabel = 0,
kValue = 1,
struct Type
chip::CharSpan label;
chip::CharSpan value;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace LabelStruct
} // namespace Structs
} // namespace detail
namespace Globals {
namespace Attributes {
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = DataModel::List<const chip::CommandId>;
using DecodableType = DataModel::DecodableList<chip::CommandId>;
using DecodableArgType = const DataModel::DecodableList<chip::CommandId> &;
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = DataModel::List<const chip::CommandId>;
using DecodableType = DataModel::DecodableList<chip::CommandId>;
using DecodableArgType = const DataModel::DecodableList<chip::CommandId> &;
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = DataModel::List<const chip::AttributeId>;
using DecodableType = DataModel::DecodableList<chip::AttributeId>;
using DecodableArgType = const DataModel::DecodableList<chip::AttributeId> &;
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AttributeList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::FeatureMap::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ClusterRevision::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace Globals
namespace Identify {
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace Identify {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace Identify
namespace TriggerEffect {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TriggerEffect
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace Identify {
enum class Fields
kIdentifyTime = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Identify::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Identify::Id; }
uint16_t identifyTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Identify::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Identify::Id; }
uint16_t identifyTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace Identify
namespace TriggerEffect {
enum class Fields
kEffectIdentifier = 0,
kEffectVariant = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TriggerEffect::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Identify::Id; }
IdentifyEffectIdentifier effectIdentifier = static_cast<IdentifyEffectIdentifier>(0);
IdentifyEffectVariant effectVariant = static_cast<IdentifyEffectVariant>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TriggerEffect::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Identify::Id; }
IdentifyEffectIdentifier effectIdentifier = static_cast<IdentifyEffectIdentifier>(0);
IdentifyEffectVariant effectVariant = static_cast<IdentifyEffectVariant>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TriggerEffect
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace IdentifyTime {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Identify::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::IdentifyTime::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace IdentifyTime
namespace IdentifyType {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Identify::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::IdentifyType::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace IdentifyType
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Identify::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Identify::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Identify::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Identify::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Identify::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Identify::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::IdentifyTime::TypeInfo::DecodableType identifyTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::IdentifyType::TypeInfo::DecodableType identifyType = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace Identify
namespace Groups {
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace AddGroup {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace AddGroup
namespace AddGroupResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace AddGroupResponse
namespace ViewGroup {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ViewGroup
namespace ViewGroupResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ViewGroupResponse
namespace GetGroupMembership {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetGroupMembership
namespace GetGroupMembershipResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetGroupMembershipResponse
namespace RemoveGroup {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace RemoveGroup
namespace RemoveGroupResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace RemoveGroupResponse
namespace RemoveAllGroups {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace RemoveAllGroups
namespace AddGroupIfIdentifying {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace AddGroupIfIdentifying
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace AddGroup {
enum class Fields
kGroupId = 0,
kGroupName = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddGroup::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
chip::CharSpan groupName;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::Groups::Commands::AddGroupResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddGroup::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
chip::CharSpan groupName;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace AddGroup
namespace AddGroupResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kGroupId = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddGroupResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddGroupResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace AddGroupResponse
namespace ViewGroup {
enum class Fields
kGroupId = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ViewGroup::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::Groups::Commands::ViewGroupResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ViewGroup::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ViewGroup
namespace ViewGroupResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kGroupId = 1,
kGroupName = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ViewGroupResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
chip::CharSpan groupName;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ViewGroupResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
chip::CharSpan groupName;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ViewGroupResponse
namespace GetGroupMembership {
enum class Fields
kGroupList = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetGroupMembership::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
DataModel::List<const chip::GroupId> groupList;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::Groups::Commands::GetGroupMembershipResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetGroupMembership::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
DataModel::DecodableList<chip::GroupId> groupList;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetGroupMembership
namespace GetGroupMembershipResponse {
enum class Fields
kCapacity = 0,
kGroupList = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetGroupMembershipResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> capacity;
DataModel::List<const chip::GroupId> groupList;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetGroupMembershipResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> capacity;
DataModel::DecodableList<chip::GroupId> groupList;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetGroupMembershipResponse
namespace RemoveGroup {
enum class Fields
kGroupId = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveGroup::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::Groups::Commands::RemoveGroupResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveGroup::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace RemoveGroup
namespace RemoveGroupResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kGroupId = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveGroupResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveGroupResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace RemoveGroupResponse
namespace RemoveAllGroups {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveAllGroups::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveAllGroups::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace RemoveAllGroups
namespace AddGroupIfIdentifying {
enum class Fields
kGroupId = 0,
kGroupName = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddGroupIfIdentifying::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
chip::CharSpan groupName;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddGroupIfIdentifying::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
chip::CharSpan groupName;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace AddGroupIfIdentifying
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace NameSupport {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NameSupport::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NameSupport
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Groups::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::NameSupport::TypeInfo::DecodableType nameSupport = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace Groups
namespace Scenes {
namespace Structs {
namespace AttributeValuePair {
enum class Fields
kAttributeId = 0,
kAttributeValue = 1,
struct Type
Optional<chip::AttributeId> attributeId;
DataModel::List<const uint8_t> attributeValue;
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
Optional<chip::AttributeId> attributeId;
DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t> attributeValue;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
} // namespace AttributeValuePair
namespace ExtensionFieldSet {
enum class Fields
kClusterId = 0,
kAttributeValueList = 1,
struct Type
chip::ClusterId clusterId = static_cast<chip::ClusterId>(0);
DataModel::List<const Structs::AttributeValuePair::Type> attributeValueList;
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
chip::ClusterId clusterId = static_cast<chip::ClusterId>(0);
DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::AttributeValuePair::DecodableType> attributeValueList;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
} // namespace ExtensionFieldSet
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace AddScene {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace AddScene
namespace AddSceneResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace AddSceneResponse
namespace ViewScene {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ViewScene
namespace ViewSceneResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ViewSceneResponse
namespace RemoveScene {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace RemoveScene
namespace RemoveSceneResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace RemoveSceneResponse
namespace RemoveAllScenes {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace RemoveAllScenes
namespace RemoveAllScenesResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace RemoveAllScenesResponse
namespace StoreScene {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace StoreScene
namespace StoreSceneResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace StoreSceneResponse
namespace RecallScene {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace RecallScene
namespace GetSceneMembership {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetSceneMembership
namespace GetSceneMembershipResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetSceneMembershipResponse
namespace EnhancedAddScene {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace EnhancedAddScene
namespace EnhancedAddSceneResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace EnhancedAddSceneResponse
namespace EnhancedViewScene {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace EnhancedViewScene
namespace EnhancedViewSceneResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace EnhancedViewSceneResponse
namespace CopyScene {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace CopyScene
namespace CopySceneResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace CopySceneResponse
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace AddScene {
enum class Fields
kGroupId = 0,
kSceneId = 1,
kTransitionTime = 2,
kSceneName = 3,
kExtensionFieldSets = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
chip::CharSpan sceneName;
DataModel::List<const Structs::ExtensionFieldSet::Type> extensionFieldSets;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::Scenes::Commands::AddSceneResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
chip::CharSpan sceneName;
DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::ExtensionFieldSet::DecodableType> extensionFieldSets;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace AddScene
namespace AddSceneResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kGroupId = 1,
kSceneId = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddSceneResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddSceneResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace AddSceneResponse
namespace ViewScene {
enum class Fields
kGroupId = 0,
kSceneId = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ViewScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::Scenes::Commands::ViewSceneResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ViewScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ViewScene
namespace ViewSceneResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kGroupId = 1,
kSceneId = 2,
kTransitionTime = 3,
kSceneName = 4,
kExtensionFieldSets = 5,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ViewSceneResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Optional<uint16_t> transitionTime;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> sceneName;
Optional<DataModel::List<const Structs::ExtensionFieldSet::Type>> extensionFieldSets;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ViewSceneResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Optional<uint16_t> transitionTime;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> sceneName;
Optional<DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::ExtensionFieldSet::DecodableType>> extensionFieldSets;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ViewSceneResponse
namespace RemoveScene {
enum class Fields
kGroupId = 0,
kSceneId = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RemoveSceneResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace RemoveScene
namespace RemoveSceneResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kGroupId = 1,
kSceneId = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveSceneResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveSceneResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace RemoveSceneResponse
namespace RemoveAllScenes {
enum class Fields
kGroupId = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveAllScenes::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::Scenes::Commands::RemoveAllScenesResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveAllScenes::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace RemoveAllScenes
namespace RemoveAllScenesResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kGroupId = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveAllScenesResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveAllScenesResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace RemoveAllScenesResponse
namespace StoreScene {
enum class Fields
kGroupId = 0,
kSceneId = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StoreScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::Scenes::Commands::StoreSceneResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StoreScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace StoreScene
namespace StoreSceneResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kGroupId = 1,
kSceneId = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StoreSceneResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StoreSceneResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace StoreSceneResponse
namespace RecallScene {
enum class Fields
kGroupId = 0,
kSceneId = 1,
kTransitionTime = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RecallScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>> transitionTime;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RecallScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>> transitionTime;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace RecallScene
namespace GetSceneMembership {
enum class Fields
kGroupId = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetSceneMembership::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::Scenes::Commands::GetSceneMembershipResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetSceneMembership::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetSceneMembership
namespace GetSceneMembershipResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kCapacity = 1,
kGroupId = 2,
kSceneList = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetSceneMembershipResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> capacity;
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
Optional<DataModel::List<const uint8_t>> sceneList;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetSceneMembershipResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> capacity;
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
Optional<DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t>> sceneList;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetSceneMembershipResponse
namespace EnhancedAddScene {
enum class Fields
kGroupId = 0,
kSceneId = 1,
kTransitionTime = 2,
kSceneName = 3,
kExtensionFieldSets = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnhancedAddScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
chip::CharSpan sceneName;
DataModel::List<const Structs::ExtensionFieldSet::Type> extensionFieldSets;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::Scenes::Commands::EnhancedAddSceneResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnhancedAddScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
chip::CharSpan sceneName;
DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::ExtensionFieldSet::DecodableType> extensionFieldSets;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace EnhancedAddScene
namespace EnhancedAddSceneResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kGroupId = 1,
kSceneId = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnhancedAddSceneResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnhancedAddSceneResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace EnhancedAddSceneResponse
namespace EnhancedViewScene {
enum class Fields
kGroupId = 0,
kSceneId = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnhancedViewScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::Scenes::Commands::EnhancedViewSceneResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnhancedViewScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace EnhancedViewScene
namespace EnhancedViewSceneResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kGroupId = 1,
kSceneId = 2,
kTransitionTime = 3,
kSceneName = 4,
kExtensionFieldSets = 5,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnhancedViewSceneResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Optional<uint16_t> transitionTime;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> sceneName;
Optional<DataModel::List<const Structs::ExtensionFieldSet::Type>> extensionFieldSets;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnhancedViewSceneResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Optional<uint16_t> transitionTime;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> sceneName;
Optional<DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::ExtensionFieldSet::DecodableType>> extensionFieldSets;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace EnhancedViewSceneResponse
namespace CopyScene {
enum class Fields
kMode = 0,
kGroupIdFrom = 1,
kSceneIdFrom = 2,
kGroupIdTo = 3,
kSceneIdTo = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::CopyScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::BitMask<ScenesCopyMode> mode = static_cast<chip::BitMask<ScenesCopyMode>>(0);
chip::GroupId groupIdFrom = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneIdFrom = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupIdTo = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneIdTo = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::Scenes::Commands::CopySceneResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::CopyScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
chip::BitMask<ScenesCopyMode> mode = static_cast<chip::BitMask<ScenesCopyMode>>(0);
chip::GroupId groupIdFrom = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneIdFrom = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupIdTo = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneIdTo = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace CopyScene
namespace CopySceneResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kGroupIdFrom = 1,
kSceneIdFrom = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::CopySceneResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupIdFrom = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneIdFrom = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::CopySceneResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::GroupId groupIdFrom = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint8_t sceneIdFrom = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace CopySceneResponse
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace SceneCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SceneCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SceneCount
namespace CurrentScene {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentScene::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentScene
namespace CurrentGroup {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::GroupId;
using DecodableType = chip::GroupId;
using DecodableArgType = chip::GroupId;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentGroup::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentGroup
namespace SceneValid {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SceneValid::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SceneValid
namespace NameSupport {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NameSupport::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NameSupport
namespace LastConfiguredBy {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::NodeId>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::NodeId>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::NodeId> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LastConfiguredBy::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LastConfiguredBy
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Scenes::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::SceneCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType sceneCount = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::CurrentScene::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentScene = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::CurrentGroup::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentGroup = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
Attributes::SceneValid::TypeInfo::DecodableType sceneValid = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::NameSupport::TypeInfo::DecodableType nameSupport = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::LastConfiguredBy::TypeInfo::DecodableType lastConfiguredBy;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace Scenes
namespace OnOff {
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace Off {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace Off
namespace On {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace On
namespace Toggle {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace Toggle
namespace OffWithEffect {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace OffWithEffect
namespace OnWithRecallGlobalScene {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace OnWithRecallGlobalScene
namespace OnWithTimedOff {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace OnWithTimedOff
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace Off {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Off::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Off::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace Off
namespace On {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::On::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::On::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace On
namespace Toggle {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Toggle::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Toggle::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace Toggle
namespace OffWithEffect {
enum class Fields
kEffectId = 0,
kEffectVariant = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::OffWithEffect::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
OnOffEffectIdentifier effectId = static_cast<OnOffEffectIdentifier>(0);
OnOffDelayedAllOffEffectVariant effectVariant = static_cast<OnOffDelayedAllOffEffectVariant>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::OffWithEffect::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
OnOffEffectIdentifier effectId = static_cast<OnOffEffectIdentifier>(0);
OnOffDelayedAllOffEffectVariant effectVariant = static_cast<OnOffDelayedAllOffEffectVariant>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace OffWithEffect
namespace OnWithRecallGlobalScene {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::OnWithRecallGlobalScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::OnWithRecallGlobalScene::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace OnWithRecallGlobalScene
namespace OnWithTimedOff {
enum class Fields
kOnOffControl = 0,
kOnTime = 1,
kOffWaitTime = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::OnWithTimedOff::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
chip::BitMask<OnOffControl> onOffControl = static_cast<chip::BitMask<OnOffControl>>(0);
uint16_t onTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t offWaitTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::OnWithTimedOff::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
chip::BitMask<OnOffControl> onOffControl = static_cast<chip::BitMask<OnOffControl>>(0);
uint16_t onTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t offWaitTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace OnWithTimedOff
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace OnOff {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OnOff::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OnOff
namespace GlobalSceneControl {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::GlobalSceneControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace GlobalSceneControl
namespace OnTime {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OnTime::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OnTime
namespace OffWaitTime {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OffWaitTime::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OffWaitTime
namespace StartUpOnOff {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::OnOffStartUpOnOff>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::OnOffStartUpOnOff>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::OnOff::OnOffStartUpOnOff> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::StartUpOnOff::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace StartUpOnOff
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOff::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::OnOff::TypeInfo::DecodableType onOff = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::GlobalSceneControl::TypeInfo::DecodableType globalSceneControl = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::OnTime::TypeInfo::DecodableType onTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::OffWaitTime::TypeInfo::DecodableType offWaitTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::StartUpOnOff::TypeInfo::DecodableType startUpOnOff;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace OnOff
namespace OnOffSwitchConfiguration {
namespace Attributes {
namespace SwitchType {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOffSwitchConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SwitchType::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SwitchType
namespace SwitchActions {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOffSwitchConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SwitchActions::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SwitchActions
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOffSwitchConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOffSwitchConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOffSwitchConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOffSwitchConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOffSwitchConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OnOffSwitchConfiguration::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::SwitchType::TypeInfo::DecodableType switchType = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::SwitchActions::TypeInfo::DecodableType switchActions = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace OnOffSwitchConfiguration
namespace LevelControl {
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace MoveToLevel {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace MoveToLevel
namespace Move {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace Move
namespace Step {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace Step
namespace Stop {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace Stop
namespace MoveToLevelWithOnOff {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace MoveToLevelWithOnOff
namespace MoveWithOnOff {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace MoveWithOnOff
namespace StepWithOnOff {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace StepWithOnOff
namespace StopWithOnOff {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace StopWithOnOff
namespace MoveToClosestFrequency {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace MoveToClosestFrequency
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace MoveToLevel {
enum class Fields
kLevel = 0,
kTransitionTime = 1,
kOptionsMask = 2,
kOptionsOverride = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveToLevel::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
uint8_t level = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> transitionTime;
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveToLevel::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
uint8_t level = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> transitionTime;
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace MoveToLevel
namespace Move {
enum class Fields
kMoveMode = 0,
kRate = 1,
kOptionsMask = 2,
kOptionsOverride = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Move::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
MoveMode moveMode = static_cast<MoveMode>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> rate;
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Move::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
MoveMode moveMode = static_cast<MoveMode>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> rate;
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace Move
namespace Step {
enum class Fields
kStepMode = 0,
kStepSize = 1,
kTransitionTime = 2,
kOptionsMask = 3,
kOptionsOverride = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Step::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
StepMode stepMode = static_cast<StepMode>(0);
uint8_t stepSize = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> transitionTime;
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Step::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
StepMode stepMode = static_cast<StepMode>(0);
uint8_t stepSize = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> transitionTime;
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace Step
namespace Stop {
enum class Fields
kOptionsMask = 0,
kOptionsOverride = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Stop::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Stop::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace Stop
namespace MoveToLevelWithOnOff {
enum class Fields
kLevel = 0,
kTransitionTime = 1,
kOptionsMask = 2,
kOptionsOverride = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveToLevelWithOnOff::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
uint8_t level = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> transitionTime;
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveToLevelWithOnOff::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
uint8_t level = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> transitionTime;
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace MoveToLevelWithOnOff
namespace MoveWithOnOff {
enum class Fields
kMoveMode = 0,
kRate = 1,
kOptionsMask = 2,
kOptionsOverride = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveWithOnOff::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
MoveMode moveMode = static_cast<MoveMode>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> rate;
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveWithOnOff::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
MoveMode moveMode = static_cast<MoveMode>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> rate;
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace MoveWithOnOff
namespace StepWithOnOff {
enum class Fields
kStepMode = 0,
kStepSize = 1,
kTransitionTime = 2,
kOptionsMask = 3,
kOptionsOverride = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StepWithOnOff::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
StepMode stepMode = static_cast<StepMode>(0);
uint8_t stepSize = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> transitionTime;
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StepWithOnOff::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
StepMode stepMode = static_cast<StepMode>(0);
uint8_t stepSize = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> transitionTime;
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace StepWithOnOff
namespace StopWithOnOff {
enum class Fields
kOptionsMask = 0,
kOptionsOverride = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StopWithOnOff::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StopWithOnOff::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace StopWithOnOff
namespace MoveToClosestFrequency {
enum class Fields
kFrequency = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveToClosestFrequency::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
uint16_t frequency = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveToClosestFrequency::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
uint16_t frequency = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace MoveToClosestFrequency
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace CurrentLevel {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentLevel::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentLevel
namespace RemainingTime {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RemainingTime::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RemainingTime
namespace MinLevel {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinLevel::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinLevel
namespace MaxLevel {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxLevel::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxLevel
namespace CurrentFrequency {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentFrequency::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentFrequency
namespace MinFrequency {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinFrequency::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinFrequency
namespace MaxFrequency {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxFrequency::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxFrequency
namespace Options {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Options::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Options
namespace OnOffTransitionTime {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OnOffTransitionTime::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OnOffTransitionTime
namespace OnLevel {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OnLevel::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OnLevel
namespace OnTransitionTime {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OnTransitionTime::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OnTransitionTime
namespace OffTransitionTime {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OffTransitionTime::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OffTransitionTime
namespace DefaultMoveRate {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DefaultMoveRate::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DefaultMoveRate
namespace StartUpCurrentLevel {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::StartUpCurrentLevel::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace StartUpCurrentLevel
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LevelControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::CurrentLevel::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentLevel;
Attributes::RemainingTime::TypeInfo::DecodableType remainingTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::MinLevel::TypeInfo::DecodableType minLevel = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::MaxLevel::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxLevel = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::CurrentFrequency::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentFrequency = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::MinFrequency::TypeInfo::DecodableType minFrequency = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::MaxFrequency::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxFrequency = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::Options::TypeInfo::DecodableType options = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::OnOffTransitionTime::TypeInfo::DecodableType onOffTransitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::OnLevel::TypeInfo::DecodableType onLevel;
Attributes::OnTransitionTime::TypeInfo::DecodableType onTransitionTime;
Attributes::OffTransitionTime::TypeInfo::DecodableType offTransitionTime;
Attributes::DefaultMoveRate::TypeInfo::DecodableType defaultMoveRate;
Attributes::StartUpCurrentLevel::TypeInfo::DecodableType startUpCurrentLevel;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace LevelControl
namespace BinaryInputBasic {
namespace Attributes {
namespace ActiveText {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BinaryInputBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActiveText::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 16; }
} // namespace ActiveText
namespace Description {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BinaryInputBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Description::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 16; }
} // namespace Description
namespace InactiveText {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BinaryInputBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::InactiveText::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 16; }
} // namespace InactiveText
namespace OutOfService {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BinaryInputBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OutOfService::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OutOfService
namespace Polarity {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BinaryInputBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Polarity::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Polarity
namespace PresentValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BinaryInputBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PresentValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PresentValue
namespace Reliability {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BinaryInputBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Reliability::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Reliability
namespace StatusFlags {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BinaryInputBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::StatusFlags::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace StatusFlags
namespace ApplicationType {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BinaryInputBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ApplicationType::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ApplicationType
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BinaryInputBasic::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BinaryInputBasic::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BinaryInputBasic::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BinaryInputBasic::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BinaryInputBasic::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BinaryInputBasic::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::ActiveText::TypeInfo::DecodableType activeText;
Attributes::Description::TypeInfo::DecodableType description;
Attributes::InactiveText::TypeInfo::DecodableType inactiveText;
Attributes::OutOfService::TypeInfo::DecodableType outOfService = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::Polarity::TypeInfo::DecodableType polarity = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::PresentValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType presentValue = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::Reliability::TypeInfo::DecodableType reliability = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::StatusFlags::TypeInfo::DecodableType statusFlags = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::ApplicationType::TypeInfo::DecodableType applicationType = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace BinaryInputBasic
namespace PulseWidthModulation {
namespace Attributes {
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PulseWidthModulation::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PulseWidthModulation::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PulseWidthModulation::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PulseWidthModulation::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PulseWidthModulation::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PulseWidthModulation::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace PulseWidthModulation
namespace Descriptor {
namespace Structs {
namespace DeviceType {
enum class Fields
kType = 0,
kRevision = 1,
struct Type
chip::DeviceTypeId type = static_cast<chip::DeviceTypeId>(0);
uint16_t revision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace DeviceType
} // namespace Structs
namespace Attributes {
namespace DeviceList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::Descriptor::Structs::DeviceType::Type>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::Descriptor::Structs::DeviceType::DecodableType>;
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::Descriptor::Structs::DeviceType::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Descriptor::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DeviceList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DeviceList
namespace ServerList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::ClusterId>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::ClusterId>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::ClusterId> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Descriptor::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ServerList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ServerList
namespace ClientList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::ClusterId>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::ClusterId>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::ClusterId> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Descriptor::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ClientList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ClientList
namespace PartsList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::EndpointId>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::EndpointId>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::EndpointId> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Descriptor::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PartsList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PartsList
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Descriptor::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Descriptor::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Descriptor::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Descriptor::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Descriptor::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Descriptor::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::DeviceList::TypeInfo::DecodableType deviceList;
Attributes::ServerList::TypeInfo::DecodableType serverList;
Attributes::ClientList::TypeInfo::DecodableType clientList;
Attributes::PartsList::TypeInfo::DecodableType partsList;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace Descriptor
namespace Binding {
namespace Structs {
namespace TargetStruct {
enum class Fields
kNode = 1,
kGroup = 2,
kEndpoint = 3,
kCluster = 4,
kFabricIndex = 254,
struct Type
Optional<chip::NodeId> node;
Optional<chip::GroupId> group;
Optional<chip::EndpointId> endpoint;
Optional<chip::ClusterId> cluster;
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = true;
auto GetFabricIndex() const { return fabricIndex; }
void SetFabricIndex(chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex_) { fabricIndex = fabricIndex_; }
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForWrite(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForRead(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, FabricIndex accessingFabricIndex) const;
CHIP_ERROR DoEncode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, const Optional<FabricIndex> & accessingFabricIndex) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace TargetStruct
} // namespace Structs
namespace Attributes {
namespace Binding {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::Binding::Structs::TargetStruct::Type>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::Binding::Structs::TargetStruct::DecodableType>;
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::Binding::Structs::TargetStruct::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Binding::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Binding::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Binding
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Binding::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Binding::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Binding::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Binding::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Binding::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Binding::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::Binding::TypeInfo::DecodableType binding;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace Binding
namespace AccessControl {
namespace Structs {
namespace Target {
enum class Fields
kCluster = 0,
kEndpoint = 1,
kDeviceType = 2,
struct Type
DataModel::Nullable<chip::ClusterId> cluster;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::EndpointId> endpoint;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::DeviceTypeId> deviceType;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace Target
namespace AccessControlEntry {
enum class Fields
kPrivilege = 1,
kAuthMode = 2,
kSubjects = 3,
kTargets = 4,
kFabricIndex = 254,
struct Type
Privilege privilege = static_cast<Privilege>(0);
AuthMode authMode = static_cast<AuthMode>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::List<const uint64_t>> subjects;
DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::List<const Structs::Target::Type>> targets;
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = true;
auto GetFabricIndex() const { return fabricIndex; }
void SetFabricIndex(chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex_) { fabricIndex = fabricIndex_; }
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForWrite(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForRead(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, FabricIndex accessingFabricIndex) const;
CHIP_ERROR DoEncode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, const Optional<FabricIndex> & accessingFabricIndex) const;
struct DecodableType
Privilege privilege = static_cast<Privilege>(0);
AuthMode authMode = static_cast<AuthMode>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::DecodableList<uint64_t>> subjects;
DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::Target::DecodableType>> targets;
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = true;
auto GetFabricIndex() const { return fabricIndex; }
void SetFabricIndex(chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex_) { fabricIndex = fabricIndex_; }
} // namespace AccessControlEntry
namespace ExtensionEntry {
enum class Fields
kData = 1,
kFabricIndex = 254,
struct Type
chip::ByteSpan data;
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = true;
auto GetFabricIndex() const { return fabricIndex; }
void SetFabricIndex(chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex_) { fabricIndex = fabricIndex_; }
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForWrite(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForRead(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, FabricIndex accessingFabricIndex) const;
CHIP_ERROR DoEncode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, const Optional<FabricIndex> & accessingFabricIndex) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace ExtensionEntry
} // namespace Structs
namespace Attributes {
namespace Acl {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::AccessControl::Structs::AccessControlEntry::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::AccessControl::Structs::AccessControlEntry::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccessControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Acl::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Acl
namespace Extension {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::AccessControl::Structs::ExtensionEntry::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::AccessControl::Structs::ExtensionEntry::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccessControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Extension::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Extension
namespace SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccessControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry
namespace TargetsPerAccessControlEntry {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccessControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TargetsPerAccessControlEntry::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TargetsPerAccessControlEntry
namespace AccessControlEntriesPerFabric {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccessControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AccessControlEntriesPerFabric::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AccessControlEntriesPerFabric
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccessControl::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccessControl::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccessControl::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccessControl::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccessControl::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccessControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::Acl::TypeInfo::DecodableType acl;
Attributes::Extension::TypeInfo::DecodableType extension;
Attributes::SubjectsPerAccessControlEntry::TypeInfo::DecodableType subjectsPerAccessControlEntry = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::TargetsPerAccessControlEntry::TypeInfo::DecodableType targetsPerAccessControlEntry = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::AccessControlEntriesPerFabric::TypeInfo::DecodableType accessControlEntriesPerFabric = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
namespace Events {
namespace AccessControlEntryChanged {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kAdminNodeID = 1,
kAdminPasscodeID = 2,
kChangeType = 3,
kLatestValue = 4,
kFabricIndex = 254,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::AccessControlEntryChanged::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccessControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = true;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::NodeId> adminNodeID;
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> adminPasscodeID;
ChangeTypeEnum changeType = static_cast<ChangeTypeEnum>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<Structs::AccessControlEntry::Type> latestValue;
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
auto GetFabricIndex() const { return fabricIndex; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::AccessControlEntryChanged::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccessControl::Id; }
DataModel::Nullable<chip::NodeId> adminNodeID;
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> adminPasscodeID;
ChangeTypeEnum changeType = static_cast<ChangeTypeEnum>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<Structs::AccessControlEntry::DecodableType> latestValue;
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace AccessControlEntryChanged
namespace AccessControlExtensionChanged {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kAdminNodeID = 1,
kAdminPasscodeID = 2,
kChangeType = 3,
kLatestValue = 4,
kFabricIndex = 254,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::AccessControlExtensionChanged::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccessControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = true;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::NodeId> adminNodeID;
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> adminPasscodeID;
ChangeTypeEnum changeType = static_cast<ChangeTypeEnum>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<Structs::ExtensionEntry::Type> latestValue;
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
auto GetFabricIndex() const { return fabricIndex; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::AccessControlExtensionChanged::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccessControl::Id; }
DataModel::Nullable<chip::NodeId> adminNodeID;
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> adminPasscodeID;
ChangeTypeEnum changeType = static_cast<ChangeTypeEnum>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<Structs::ExtensionEntry::DecodableType> latestValue;
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace AccessControlExtensionChanged
} // namespace Events
} // namespace AccessControl
namespace Actions {
namespace Structs {
namespace ActionStruct {
enum class Fields
kActionID = 0,
kName = 1,
kType = 2,
kEndpointListID = 3,
kSupportedCommands = 4,
kState = 5,
struct Type
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
chip::CharSpan name;
ActionTypeEnum type = static_cast<ActionTypeEnum>(0);
uint16_t endpointListID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
chip::BitMask<CommandBits> supportedCommands = static_cast<chip::BitMask<CommandBits>>(0);
ActionStateEnum state = static_cast<ActionStateEnum>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace ActionStruct
namespace EndpointListStruct {
enum class Fields
kEndpointListID = 0,
kName = 1,
kType = 2,
kEndpoints = 3,
struct Type
uint16_t endpointListID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
chip::CharSpan name;
EndpointListTypeEnum type = static_cast<EndpointListTypeEnum>(0);
DataModel::List<const chip::EndpointId> endpoints;
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
uint16_t endpointListID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
chip::CharSpan name;
EndpointListTypeEnum type = static_cast<EndpointListTypeEnum>(0);
DataModel::DecodableList<chip::EndpointId> endpoints;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
} // namespace EndpointListStruct
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace InstantAction {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace InstantAction
namespace InstantActionWithTransition {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace InstantActionWithTransition
namespace StartAction {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace StartAction
namespace StartActionWithDuration {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace StartActionWithDuration
namespace StopAction {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace StopAction
namespace PauseAction {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace PauseAction
namespace PauseActionWithDuration {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace PauseActionWithDuration
namespace ResumeAction {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ResumeAction
namespace EnableAction {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace EnableAction
namespace EnableActionWithDuration {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace EnableActionWithDuration
namespace DisableAction {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace DisableAction
namespace DisableActionWithDuration {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace DisableActionWithDuration
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace InstantAction {
enum class Fields
kActionID = 0,
kInvokeID = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::InstantAction::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::InstantAction::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace InstantAction
namespace InstantActionWithTransition {
enum class Fields
kActionID = 0,
kInvokeID = 1,
kTransitionTime = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::InstantActionWithTransition::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::InstantActionWithTransition::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace InstantActionWithTransition
namespace StartAction {
enum class Fields
kActionID = 0,
kInvokeID = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StartAction::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StartAction::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace StartAction
namespace StartActionWithDuration {
enum class Fields
kActionID = 0,
kInvokeID = 1,
kDuration = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StartActionWithDuration::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
uint32_t duration = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StartActionWithDuration::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
uint32_t duration = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace StartActionWithDuration
namespace StopAction {
enum class Fields
kActionID = 0,
kInvokeID = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StopAction::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StopAction::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace StopAction
namespace PauseAction {
enum class Fields
kActionID = 0,
kInvokeID = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::PauseAction::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::PauseAction::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace PauseAction
namespace PauseActionWithDuration {
enum class Fields
kActionID = 0,
kInvokeID = 1,
kDuration = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::PauseActionWithDuration::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
uint32_t duration = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::PauseActionWithDuration::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
uint32_t duration = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace PauseActionWithDuration
namespace ResumeAction {
enum class Fields
kActionID = 0,
kInvokeID = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ResumeAction::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ResumeAction::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ResumeAction
namespace EnableAction {
enum class Fields
kActionID = 0,
kInvokeID = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnableAction::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnableAction::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace EnableAction
namespace EnableActionWithDuration {
enum class Fields
kActionID = 0,
kInvokeID = 1,
kDuration = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnableActionWithDuration::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
uint32_t duration = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnableActionWithDuration::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
uint32_t duration = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace EnableActionWithDuration
namespace DisableAction {
enum class Fields
kActionID = 0,
kInvokeID = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::DisableAction::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::DisableAction::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace DisableAction
namespace DisableActionWithDuration {
enum class Fields
kActionID = 0,
kInvokeID = 1,
kDuration = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::DisableActionWithDuration::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
uint32_t duration = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::DisableActionWithDuration::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> invokeID;
uint32_t duration = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace DisableActionWithDuration
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace ActionList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::Actions::Structs::ActionStruct::Type>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::Actions::Structs::ActionStruct::DecodableType>;
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::Actions::Structs::ActionStruct::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActionList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActionList
namespace EndpointLists {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::Actions::Structs::EndpointListStruct::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::Actions::Structs::EndpointListStruct::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::EndpointLists::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace EndpointLists
namespace SetupURL {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SetupURL::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 512; }
} // namespace SetupURL
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::ActionList::TypeInfo::DecodableType actionList;
Attributes::EndpointLists::TypeInfo::DecodableType endpointLists;
Attributes::SetupURL::TypeInfo::DecodableType setupURL;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
namespace Events {
namespace StateChanged {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kActionID = 0,
kInvokeID = 1,
kNewState = 2,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::StateChanged::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint32_t invokeID = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
ActionStateEnum newState = static_cast<ActionStateEnum>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::StateChanged::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint32_t invokeID = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
ActionStateEnum newState = static_cast<ActionStateEnum>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace StateChanged
namespace ActionFailed {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kActionID = 0,
kInvokeID = 1,
kNewState = 2,
kError = 3,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ActionFailed::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint32_t invokeID = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
ActionStateEnum newState = static_cast<ActionStateEnum>(0);
ActionErrorEnum error = static_cast<ActionErrorEnum>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ActionFailed::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Actions::Id; }
uint16_t actionID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint32_t invokeID = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
ActionStateEnum newState = static_cast<ActionStateEnum>(0);
ActionErrorEnum error = static_cast<ActionErrorEnum>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace ActionFailed
} // namespace Events
} // namespace Actions
namespace Basic {
namespace Structs {
namespace CapabilityMinimaStruct {
enum class Fields
kCaseSessionsPerFabric = 0,
kSubscriptionsPerFabric = 1,
struct Type
uint16_t caseSessionsPerFabric = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t subscriptionsPerFabric = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace CapabilityMinimaStruct
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace MfgSpecificPing {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace MfgSpecificPing
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace MfgSpecificPing {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MfgSpecificPing::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MfgSpecificPing::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace MfgSpecificPing
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace DataModelRevision {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DataModelRevision::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DataModelRevision
namespace VendorName {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::VendorName::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace VendorName
namespace VendorID {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::VendorId;
using DecodableType = chip::VendorId;
using DecodableArgType = chip::VendorId;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::VendorID::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace VendorID
namespace ProductName {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ProductName::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace ProductName
namespace ProductID {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ProductID::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ProductID
namespace NodeLabel {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NodeLabel::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace NodeLabel
namespace Location {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Location::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 2; }
} // namespace Location
namespace HardwareVersion {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::HardwareVersion::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace HardwareVersion
namespace HardwareVersionString {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::HardwareVersionString::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 64; }
} // namespace HardwareVersionString
namespace SoftwareVersion {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SoftwareVersion::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SoftwareVersion
namespace SoftwareVersionString {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SoftwareVersionString::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 64; }
} // namespace SoftwareVersionString
namespace ManufacturingDate {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ManufacturingDate::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 16; }
} // namespace ManufacturingDate
namespace PartNumber {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PartNumber::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace PartNumber
namespace ProductURL {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ProductURL::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 256; }
} // namespace ProductURL
namespace ProductLabel {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ProductLabel::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 64; }
} // namespace ProductLabel
namespace SerialNumber {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SerialNumber::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace SerialNumber
namespace LocalConfigDisabled {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LocalConfigDisabled::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LocalConfigDisabled
namespace Reachable {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Reachable::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Reachable
namespace UniqueID {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::UniqueID::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace UniqueID
namespace CapabilityMinima {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::Basic::Structs::CapabilityMinimaStruct::Type;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::Basic::Structs::CapabilityMinimaStruct::DecodableType;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::Clusters::Basic::Structs::CapabilityMinimaStruct::DecodableType &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CapabilityMinima::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CapabilityMinima
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::DataModelRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType dataModelRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::VendorName::TypeInfo::DecodableType vendorName;
Attributes::VendorID::TypeInfo::DecodableType vendorID = static_cast<chip::VendorId>(0);
Attributes::ProductName::TypeInfo::DecodableType productName;
Attributes::ProductID::TypeInfo::DecodableType productID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::NodeLabel::TypeInfo::DecodableType nodeLabel;
Attributes::Location::TypeInfo::DecodableType location;
Attributes::HardwareVersion::TypeInfo::DecodableType hardwareVersion = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::HardwareVersionString::TypeInfo::DecodableType hardwareVersionString;
Attributes::SoftwareVersion::TypeInfo::DecodableType softwareVersion = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::SoftwareVersionString::TypeInfo::DecodableType softwareVersionString;
Attributes::ManufacturingDate::TypeInfo::DecodableType manufacturingDate;
Attributes::PartNumber::TypeInfo::DecodableType partNumber;
Attributes::ProductURL::TypeInfo::DecodableType productURL;
Attributes::ProductLabel::TypeInfo::DecodableType productLabel;
Attributes::SerialNumber::TypeInfo::DecodableType serialNumber;
Attributes::LocalConfigDisabled::TypeInfo::DecodableType localConfigDisabled = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::Reachable::TypeInfo::DecodableType reachable = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::UniqueID::TypeInfo::DecodableType uniqueID;
Attributes::CapabilityMinima::TypeInfo::DecodableType capabilityMinima;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
namespace Events {
namespace StartUp {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Critical;
enum class Fields
kSoftwareVersion = 0,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::StartUp::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
uint32_t softwareVersion = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::StartUp::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
uint32_t softwareVersion = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace StartUp
namespace ShutDown {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Critical;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ShutDown::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ShutDown::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace ShutDown
namespace Leave {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kFabricIndex = 0,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::Leave::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::Leave::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace Leave
namespace ReachableChanged {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kReachableNewValue = 0,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ReachableChanged::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
bool reachableNewValue = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ReachableChanged::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Basic::Id; }
bool reachableNewValue = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace ReachableChanged
} // namespace Events
} // namespace Basic
namespace OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider {
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace QueryImage {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace QueryImage
namespace QueryImageResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace QueryImageResponse
namespace ApplyUpdateRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ApplyUpdateRequest
namespace ApplyUpdateResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ApplyUpdateResponse
namespace NotifyUpdateApplied {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace NotifyUpdateApplied
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace QueryImage {
enum class Fields
kVendorId = 0,
kProductId = 1,
kSoftwareVersion = 2,
kProtocolsSupported = 3,
kHardwareVersion = 4,
kLocation = 5,
kRequestorCanConsent = 6,
kMetadataForProvider = 7,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::QueryImage::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Id; }
chip::VendorId vendorId = static_cast<chip::VendorId>(0);
uint16_t productId = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint32_t softwareVersion = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
DataModel::List<const OTADownloadProtocol> protocolsSupported;
Optional<uint16_t> hardwareVersion;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> location;
Optional<bool> requestorCanConsent;
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> metadataForProvider;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Commands::QueryImageResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::QueryImage::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Id; }
chip::VendorId vendorId = static_cast<chip::VendorId>(0);
uint16_t productId = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint32_t softwareVersion = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
DataModel::DecodableList<OTADownloadProtocol> protocolsSupported;
Optional<uint16_t> hardwareVersion;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> location;
Optional<bool> requestorCanConsent;
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> metadataForProvider;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace QueryImage
namespace QueryImageResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kDelayedActionTime = 1,
kImageURI = 2,
kSoftwareVersion = 3,
kSoftwareVersionString = 4,
kUpdateToken = 5,
kUserConsentNeeded = 6,
kMetadataForRequestor = 7,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::QueryImageResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Id; }
OTAQueryStatus status = static_cast<OTAQueryStatus>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> delayedActionTime;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> imageURI;
Optional<uint32_t> softwareVersion;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> softwareVersionString;
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> updateToken;
Optional<bool> userConsentNeeded;
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> metadataForRequestor;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::QueryImageResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Id; }
OTAQueryStatus status = static_cast<OTAQueryStatus>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> delayedActionTime;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> imageURI;
Optional<uint32_t> softwareVersion;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> softwareVersionString;
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> updateToken;
Optional<bool> userConsentNeeded;
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> metadataForRequestor;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace QueryImageResponse
namespace ApplyUpdateRequest {
enum class Fields
kUpdateToken = 0,
kNewVersion = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ApplyUpdateRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan updateToken;
uint32_t newVersion = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Commands::ApplyUpdateResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ApplyUpdateRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan updateToken;
uint32_t newVersion = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ApplyUpdateRequest
namespace ApplyUpdateResponse {
enum class Fields
kAction = 0,
kDelayedActionTime = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ApplyUpdateResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Id; }
OTAApplyUpdateAction action = static_cast<OTAApplyUpdateAction>(0);
uint32_t delayedActionTime = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ApplyUpdateResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Id; }
OTAApplyUpdateAction action = static_cast<OTAApplyUpdateAction>(0);
uint32_t delayedActionTime = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ApplyUpdateResponse
namespace NotifyUpdateApplied {
enum class Fields
kUpdateToken = 0,
kSoftwareVersion = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::NotifyUpdateApplied::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan updateToken;
uint32_t softwareVersion = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::NotifyUpdateApplied::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan updateToken;
uint32_t softwareVersion = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace NotifyUpdateApplied
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider
namespace OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor {
namespace Structs {
namespace ProviderLocation {
enum class Fields
kProviderNodeID = 1,
kEndpoint = 2,
kFabricIndex = 254,
struct Type
chip::NodeId providerNodeID = static_cast<chip::NodeId>(0);
chip::EndpointId endpoint = static_cast<chip::EndpointId>(0);
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = true;
auto GetFabricIndex() const { return fabricIndex; }
void SetFabricIndex(chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex_) { fabricIndex = fabricIndex_; }
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForWrite(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForRead(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, FabricIndex accessingFabricIndex) const;
CHIP_ERROR DoEncode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, const Optional<FabricIndex> & accessingFabricIndex) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace ProviderLocation
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace AnnounceOtaProvider {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace AnnounceOtaProvider
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace AnnounceOtaProvider {
enum class Fields
kProviderNodeId = 0,
kVendorId = 1,
kAnnouncementReason = 2,
kMetadataForNode = 3,
kEndpoint = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AnnounceOtaProvider::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
chip::NodeId providerNodeId = static_cast<chip::NodeId>(0);
chip::VendorId vendorId = static_cast<chip::VendorId>(0);
OTAAnnouncementReason announcementReason = static_cast<OTAAnnouncementReason>(0);
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> metadataForNode;
chip::EndpointId endpoint = static_cast<chip::EndpointId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AnnounceOtaProvider::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
chip::NodeId providerNodeId = static_cast<chip::NodeId>(0);
chip::VendorId vendorId = static_cast<chip::VendorId>(0);
OTAAnnouncementReason announcementReason = static_cast<OTAAnnouncementReason>(0);
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> metadataForNode;
chip::EndpointId endpoint = static_cast<chip::EndpointId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace AnnounceOtaProvider
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace DefaultOtaProviders {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Structs::ProviderLocation::Type>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<
chip::app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Structs::ProviderLocation::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DefaultOtaProviders::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DefaultOtaProviders
namespace UpdatePossible {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::UpdatePossible::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace UpdatePossible
namespace UpdateState {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::OTAUpdateStateEnum;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::OTAUpdateStateEnum;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::OTAUpdateStateEnum;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::UpdateState::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace UpdateState
namespace UpdateStateProgress {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::UpdateStateProgress::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace UpdateStateProgress
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::DefaultOtaProviders::TypeInfo::DecodableType defaultOtaProviders;
Attributes::UpdatePossible::TypeInfo::DecodableType updatePossible = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::UpdateState::TypeInfo::DecodableType updateState =
Attributes::UpdateStateProgress::TypeInfo::DecodableType updateStateProgress;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
namespace Events {
namespace StateTransition {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kPreviousState = 0,
kNewState = 1,
kReason = 2,
kTargetSoftwareVersion = 3,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::StateTransition::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
OTAUpdateStateEnum previousState = static_cast<OTAUpdateStateEnum>(0);
OTAUpdateStateEnum newState = static_cast<OTAUpdateStateEnum>(0);
OTAChangeReasonEnum reason = static_cast<OTAChangeReasonEnum>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> targetSoftwareVersion;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::StateTransition::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
OTAUpdateStateEnum previousState = static_cast<OTAUpdateStateEnum>(0);
OTAUpdateStateEnum newState = static_cast<OTAUpdateStateEnum>(0);
OTAChangeReasonEnum reason = static_cast<OTAChangeReasonEnum>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> targetSoftwareVersion;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace StateTransition
namespace VersionApplied {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Critical;
enum class Fields
kSoftwareVersion = 0,
kProductID = 1,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::VersionApplied::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
uint32_t softwareVersion = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
uint16_t productID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::VersionApplied::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
uint32_t softwareVersion = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
uint16_t productID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace VersionApplied
namespace DownloadError {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kSoftwareVersion = 0,
kBytesDownloaded = 1,
kProgressPercent = 2,
kPlatformCode = 3,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::DownloadError::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
uint32_t softwareVersion = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
uint64_t bytesDownloaded = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> progressPercent;
DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> platformCode;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::DownloadError::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor::Id; }
uint32_t softwareVersion = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
uint64_t bytesDownloaded = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> progressPercent;
DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> platformCode;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace DownloadError
} // namespace Events
} // namespace OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor
namespace LocalizationConfiguration {
namespace Attributes {
namespace ActiveLocale {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LocalizationConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActiveLocale::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 35; }
} // namespace ActiveLocale
namespace SupportedLocales {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::CharSpan>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::CharSpan>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::CharSpan> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LocalizationConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SupportedLocales::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SupportedLocales
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LocalizationConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LocalizationConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LocalizationConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LocalizationConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LocalizationConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LocalizationConfiguration::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::ActiveLocale::TypeInfo::DecodableType activeLocale;
Attributes::SupportedLocales::TypeInfo::DecodableType supportedLocales;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace LocalizationConfiguration
namespace TimeFormatLocalization {
namespace Attributes {
namespace HourFormat {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::HourFormat;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::HourFormat;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::HourFormat;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::HourFormat::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace HourFormat
namespace ActiveCalendarType {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::CalendarType;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::CalendarType;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::CalendarType;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActiveCalendarType::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActiveCalendarType
namespace SupportedCalendarTypes {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::CalendarType>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::CalendarType>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::CalendarType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SupportedCalendarTypes::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SupportedCalendarTypes
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TimeFormatLocalization::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::HourFormat::TypeInfo::DecodableType hourFormat =
Attributes::ActiveCalendarType::TypeInfo::DecodableType activeCalendarType =
Attributes::SupportedCalendarTypes::TypeInfo::DecodableType supportedCalendarTypes;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace TimeFormatLocalization
namespace UnitLocalization {
namespace Attributes {
namespace TemperatureUnit {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::UnitLocalization::TempUnit;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::UnitLocalization::TempUnit;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::UnitLocalization::TempUnit;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::UnitLocalization::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TemperatureUnit::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TemperatureUnit
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::UnitLocalization::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::UnitLocalization::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::UnitLocalization::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::UnitLocalization::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::UnitLocalization::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::UnitLocalization::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::TemperatureUnit::TypeInfo::DecodableType temperatureUnit =
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace UnitLocalization
namespace PowerSourceConfiguration {
namespace Attributes {
namespace Sources {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSourceConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Sources::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Sources
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSourceConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSourceConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSourceConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSourceConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSourceConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSourceConfiguration::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::Sources::TypeInfo::DecodableType sources;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace PowerSourceConfiguration
namespace PowerSource {
namespace Structs {
namespace BatChargeFaultChangeType {
enum class Fields
kCurrent = 0,
kPrevious = 1,
struct Type
DataModel::List<const BatChargeFault> current;
DataModel::List<const BatChargeFault> previous;
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
DataModel::DecodableList<BatChargeFault> current;
DataModel::DecodableList<BatChargeFault> previous;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
} // namespace BatChargeFaultChangeType
namespace BatFaultChangeType {
enum class Fields
kCurrent = 0,
kPrevious = 1,
struct Type
DataModel::List<const BatFault> current;
DataModel::List<const BatFault> previous;
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
DataModel::DecodableList<BatFault> current;
DataModel::DecodableList<BatFault> previous;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
} // namespace BatFaultChangeType
namespace WiredFaultChangeType {
enum class Fields
kCurrent = 0,
kPrevious = 1,
struct Type
DataModel::List<const WiredFault> current;
DataModel::List<const WiredFault> previous;
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
DataModel::DecodableList<WiredFault> current;
DataModel::DecodableList<WiredFault> previous;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
} // namespace WiredFaultChangeType
} // namespace Structs
namespace Attributes {
namespace Status {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::PowerSourceStatus;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::PowerSourceStatus;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::PowerSourceStatus;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Status::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Status
namespace Order {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Order::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Order
namespace Description {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Description::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 60; }
} // namespace Description
namespace WiredAssessedInputVoltage {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::WiredAssessedInputVoltage::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace WiredAssessedInputVoltage
namespace WiredAssessedInputFrequency {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::WiredAssessedInputFrequency::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace WiredAssessedInputFrequency
namespace WiredCurrentType {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::WiredCurrentType;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::WiredCurrentType;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::WiredCurrentType;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::WiredCurrentType::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace WiredCurrentType
namespace WiredAssessedCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::WiredAssessedCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace WiredAssessedCurrent
namespace WiredNominalVoltage {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::WiredNominalVoltage::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace WiredNominalVoltage
namespace WiredMaximumCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::WiredMaximumCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace WiredMaximumCurrent
namespace WiredPresent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::WiredPresent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace WiredPresent
namespace ActiveWiredFaults {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::WiredFault>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::WiredFault>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::WiredFault> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActiveWiredFaults::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActiveWiredFaults
namespace BatVoltage {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatVoltage::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BatVoltage
namespace BatPercentRemaining {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatPercentRemaining::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BatPercentRemaining
namespace BatTimeRemaining {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatTimeRemaining::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BatTimeRemaining
namespace BatChargeLevel {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::BatChargeLevel;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::BatChargeLevel;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::BatChargeLevel;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatChargeLevel::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BatChargeLevel
namespace BatReplacementNeeded {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatReplacementNeeded::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BatReplacementNeeded
namespace BatReplaceability {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::BatReplaceability;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::BatReplaceability;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::BatReplaceability;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatReplaceability::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BatReplaceability
namespace BatPresent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatPresent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BatPresent
namespace ActiveBatFaults {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::BatFault>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::BatFault>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::BatFault> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActiveBatFaults::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActiveBatFaults
namespace BatReplacementDescription {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatReplacementDescription::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 60; }
} // namespace BatReplacementDescription
namespace BatCommonDesignation {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatCommonDesignation::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BatCommonDesignation
namespace BatANSIDesignation {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatANSIDesignation::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 20; }
} // namespace BatANSIDesignation
namespace BatIECDesignation {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatIECDesignation::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 20; }
} // namespace BatIECDesignation
namespace BatApprovedChemistry {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatApprovedChemistry::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BatApprovedChemistry
namespace BatCapacity {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatCapacity::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BatCapacity
namespace BatQuantity {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatQuantity::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BatQuantity
namespace BatChargeState {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::BatChargeState;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::BatChargeState;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::BatChargeState;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatChargeState::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BatChargeState
namespace BatTimeToFullCharge {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatTimeToFullCharge::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BatTimeToFullCharge
namespace BatFunctionalWhileCharging {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatFunctionalWhileCharging::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BatFunctionalWhileCharging
namespace BatChargingCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BatChargingCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BatChargingCurrent
namespace ActiveBatChargeFaults {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::BatChargeFault>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::BatChargeFault>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::BatChargeFault> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActiveBatChargeFaults::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActiveBatChargeFaults
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PowerSource::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::Status::TypeInfo::DecodableType status = static_cast<chip::app::Clusters::PowerSource::PowerSourceStatus>(0);
Attributes::Order::TypeInfo::DecodableType order = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::Description::TypeInfo::DecodableType description;
Attributes::WiredAssessedInputVoltage::TypeInfo::DecodableType wiredAssessedInputVoltage;
Attributes::WiredAssessedInputFrequency::TypeInfo::DecodableType wiredAssessedInputFrequency;
Attributes::WiredCurrentType::TypeInfo::DecodableType wiredCurrentType =
Attributes::WiredAssessedCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType wiredAssessedCurrent;
Attributes::WiredNominalVoltage::TypeInfo::DecodableType wiredNominalVoltage = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::WiredMaximumCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType wiredMaximumCurrent = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::WiredPresent::TypeInfo::DecodableType wiredPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::ActiveWiredFaults::TypeInfo::DecodableType activeWiredFaults;
Attributes::BatVoltage::TypeInfo::DecodableType batVoltage;
Attributes::BatPercentRemaining::TypeInfo::DecodableType batPercentRemaining;
Attributes::BatTimeRemaining::TypeInfo::DecodableType batTimeRemaining;
Attributes::BatChargeLevel::TypeInfo::DecodableType batChargeLevel =
Attributes::BatReplacementNeeded::TypeInfo::DecodableType batReplacementNeeded = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::BatReplaceability::TypeInfo::DecodableType batReplaceability =
Attributes::BatPresent::TypeInfo::DecodableType batPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::ActiveBatFaults::TypeInfo::DecodableType activeBatFaults;
Attributes::BatReplacementDescription::TypeInfo::DecodableType batReplacementDescription;
Attributes::BatCommonDesignation::TypeInfo::DecodableType batCommonDesignation = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::BatANSIDesignation::TypeInfo::DecodableType batANSIDesignation;
Attributes::BatIECDesignation::TypeInfo::DecodableType batIECDesignation;
Attributes::BatApprovedChemistry::TypeInfo::DecodableType batApprovedChemistry = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::BatCapacity::TypeInfo::DecodableType batCapacity = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::BatQuantity::TypeInfo::DecodableType batQuantity = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::BatChargeState::TypeInfo::DecodableType batChargeState =
Attributes::BatTimeToFullCharge::TypeInfo::DecodableType batTimeToFullCharge;
Attributes::BatFunctionalWhileCharging::TypeInfo::DecodableType batFunctionalWhileCharging = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::BatChargingCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType batChargingCurrent;
Attributes::ActiveBatChargeFaults::TypeInfo::DecodableType activeBatChargeFaults;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace PowerSource
namespace GeneralCommissioning {
namespace Structs {
namespace BasicCommissioningInfo {
enum class Fields
kFailSafeExpiryLengthSeconds = 0,
kMaxCumulativeFailsafeSeconds = 1,
struct Type
uint16_t failSafeExpiryLengthSeconds = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t maxCumulativeFailsafeSeconds = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace BasicCommissioningInfo
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace ArmFailSafe {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ArmFailSafe
namespace ArmFailSafeResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ArmFailSafeResponse
namespace SetRegulatoryConfig {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SetRegulatoryConfig
namespace SetRegulatoryConfigResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SetRegulatoryConfigResponse
namespace CommissioningComplete {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace CommissioningComplete
namespace CommissioningCompleteResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace CommissioningCompleteResponse
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace ArmFailSafe {
enum class Fields
kExpiryLengthSeconds = 0,
kBreadcrumb = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ArmFailSafe::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
uint16_t expiryLengthSeconds = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint64_t breadcrumb = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Commands::ArmFailSafeResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ArmFailSafe::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
uint16_t expiryLengthSeconds = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint64_t breadcrumb = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ArmFailSafe
namespace ArmFailSafeResponse {
enum class Fields
kErrorCode = 0,
kDebugText = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ArmFailSafeResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
CommissioningError errorCode = static_cast<CommissioningError>(0);
chip::CharSpan debugText;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ArmFailSafeResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
CommissioningError errorCode = static_cast<CommissioningError>(0);
chip::CharSpan debugText;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ArmFailSafeResponse
namespace SetRegulatoryConfig {
enum class Fields
kNewRegulatoryConfig = 0,
kCountryCode = 1,
kBreadcrumb = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetRegulatoryConfig::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
RegulatoryLocationType newRegulatoryConfig = static_cast<RegulatoryLocationType>(0);
chip::CharSpan countryCode;
uint64_t breadcrumb = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Commands::SetRegulatoryConfigResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetRegulatoryConfig::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
RegulatoryLocationType newRegulatoryConfig = static_cast<RegulatoryLocationType>(0);
chip::CharSpan countryCode;
uint64_t breadcrumb = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SetRegulatoryConfig
namespace SetRegulatoryConfigResponse {
enum class Fields
kErrorCode = 0,
kDebugText = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetRegulatoryConfigResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
CommissioningError errorCode = static_cast<CommissioningError>(0);
chip::CharSpan debugText;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetRegulatoryConfigResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
CommissioningError errorCode = static_cast<CommissioningError>(0);
chip::CharSpan debugText;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SetRegulatoryConfigResponse
namespace CommissioningComplete {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::CommissioningComplete::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Commands::CommissioningCompleteResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::CommissioningComplete::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace CommissioningComplete
namespace CommissioningCompleteResponse {
enum class Fields
kErrorCode = 0,
kDebugText = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::CommissioningCompleteResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
CommissioningError errorCode = static_cast<CommissioningError>(0);
chip::CharSpan debugText;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::CommissioningCompleteResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
CommissioningError errorCode = static_cast<CommissioningError>(0);
chip::CharSpan debugText;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace CommissioningCompleteResponse
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace Breadcrumb {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint64_t;
using DecodableType = uint64_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Breadcrumb::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Breadcrumb
namespace BasicCommissioningInfo {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Structs::BasicCommissioningInfo::Type;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Structs::BasicCommissioningInfo::DecodableType;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Structs::BasicCommissioningInfo::DecodableType &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BasicCommissioningInfo::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BasicCommissioningInfo
namespace RegulatoryConfig {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationType;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationType;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationType;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RegulatoryConfig::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RegulatoryConfig
namespace LocationCapability {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationType;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationType;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::RegulatoryLocationType;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LocationCapability::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LocationCapability
namespace SupportsConcurrentConnection {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SupportsConcurrentConnection::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SupportsConcurrentConnection
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralCommissioning::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::Breadcrumb::TypeInfo::DecodableType breadcrumb = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Attributes::BasicCommissioningInfo::TypeInfo::DecodableType basicCommissioningInfo;
Attributes::RegulatoryConfig::TypeInfo::DecodableType regulatoryConfig =
Attributes::LocationCapability::TypeInfo::DecodableType locationCapability =
Attributes::SupportsConcurrentConnection::TypeInfo::DecodableType supportsConcurrentConnection = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace GeneralCommissioning
namespace NetworkCommissioning {
namespace Structs {
namespace NetworkInfo {
enum class Fields
kNetworkID = 0,
kConnected = 1,
struct Type
chip::ByteSpan networkID;
bool connected = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace NetworkInfo
namespace ThreadInterfaceScanResult {
enum class Fields
kPanId = 0,
kExtendedPanId = 1,
kNetworkName = 2,
kChannel = 3,
kVersion = 4,
kExtendedAddress = 5,
kRssi = 6,
kLqi = 7,
struct Type
uint16_t panId = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint64_t extendedPanId = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
chip::CharSpan networkName;
uint16_t channel = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t version = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::ByteSpan extendedAddress;
int8_t rssi = static_cast<int8_t>(0);
uint8_t lqi = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace ThreadInterfaceScanResult
namespace WiFiInterfaceScanResult {
enum class Fields
kSecurity = 0,
kSsid = 1,
kBssid = 2,
kChannel = 3,
kWiFiBand = 4,
kRssi = 5,
struct Type
chip::BitMask<WiFiSecurity> security = static_cast<chip::BitMask<WiFiSecurity>>(0);
chip::ByteSpan ssid;
chip::ByteSpan bssid;
uint16_t channel = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
WiFiBand wiFiBand = static_cast<WiFiBand>(0);
int8_t rssi = static_cast<int8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace WiFiInterfaceScanResult
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace ScanNetworks {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ScanNetworks
namespace ScanNetworksResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ScanNetworksResponse
namespace AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork
namespace AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork
namespace RemoveNetwork {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace RemoveNetwork
namespace NetworkConfigResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace NetworkConfigResponse
namespace ConnectNetwork {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ConnectNetwork
namespace ConnectNetworkResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ConnectNetworkResponse
namespace ReorderNetwork {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ReorderNetwork
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace ScanNetworks {
enum class Fields
kSsid = 0,
kBreadcrumb = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ScanNetworks::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan>> ssid;
Optional<uint64_t> breadcrumb;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Commands::ScanNetworksResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ScanNetworks::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan>> ssid;
Optional<uint64_t> breadcrumb;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ScanNetworks
namespace ScanNetworksResponse {
enum class Fields
kNetworkingStatus = 0,
kDebugText = 1,
kWiFiScanResults = 2,
kThreadScanResults = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ScanNetworksResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
NetworkCommissioningStatus networkingStatus = static_cast<NetworkCommissioningStatus>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> debugText;
Optional<DataModel::List<const Structs::WiFiInterfaceScanResult::Type>> wiFiScanResults;
Optional<DataModel::List<const Structs::ThreadInterfaceScanResult::Type>> threadScanResults;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ScanNetworksResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
NetworkCommissioningStatus networkingStatus = static_cast<NetworkCommissioningStatus>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> debugText;
Optional<DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::WiFiInterfaceScanResult::DecodableType>> wiFiScanResults;
Optional<DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::ThreadInterfaceScanResult::DecodableType>> threadScanResults;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ScanNetworksResponse
namespace AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork {
enum class Fields
kSsid = 0,
kCredentials = 1,
kBreadcrumb = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan ssid;
chip::ByteSpan credentials;
Optional<uint64_t> breadcrumb;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Commands::NetworkConfigResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan ssid;
chip::ByteSpan credentials;
Optional<uint64_t> breadcrumb;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace AddOrUpdateWiFiNetwork
namespace AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork {
enum class Fields
kOperationalDataset = 0,
kBreadcrumb = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan operationalDataset;
Optional<uint64_t> breadcrumb;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Commands::NetworkConfigResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan operationalDataset;
Optional<uint64_t> breadcrumb;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork
namespace RemoveNetwork {
enum class Fields
kNetworkID = 0,
kBreadcrumb = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveNetwork::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan networkID;
Optional<uint64_t> breadcrumb;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Commands::NetworkConfigResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveNetwork::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan networkID;
Optional<uint64_t> breadcrumb;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace RemoveNetwork
namespace NetworkConfigResponse {
enum class Fields
kNetworkingStatus = 0,
kDebugText = 1,
kNetworkIndex = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::NetworkConfigResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
NetworkCommissioningStatus networkingStatus = static_cast<NetworkCommissioningStatus>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> debugText;
Optional<uint8_t> networkIndex;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::NetworkConfigResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
NetworkCommissioningStatus networkingStatus = static_cast<NetworkCommissioningStatus>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> debugText;
Optional<uint8_t> networkIndex;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace NetworkConfigResponse
namespace ConnectNetwork {
enum class Fields
kNetworkID = 0,
kBreadcrumb = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ConnectNetwork::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan networkID;
Optional<uint64_t> breadcrumb;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Commands::ConnectNetworkResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ConnectNetwork::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan networkID;
Optional<uint64_t> breadcrumb;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ConnectNetwork
namespace ConnectNetworkResponse {
enum class Fields
kNetworkingStatus = 0,
kDebugText = 1,
kErrorValue = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ConnectNetworkResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
NetworkCommissioningStatus networkingStatus = static_cast<NetworkCommissioningStatus>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> debugText;
DataModel::Nullable<int32_t> errorValue;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ConnectNetworkResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
NetworkCommissioningStatus networkingStatus = static_cast<NetworkCommissioningStatus>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> debugText;
DataModel::Nullable<int32_t> errorValue;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ConnectNetworkResponse
namespace ReorderNetwork {
enum class Fields
kNetworkID = 0,
kNetworkIndex = 1,
kBreadcrumb = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ReorderNetwork::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan networkID;
uint8_t networkIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Optional<uint64_t> breadcrumb;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Commands::NetworkConfigResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ReorderNetwork::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan networkID;
uint8_t networkIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Optional<uint64_t> breadcrumb;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ReorderNetwork
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace MaxNetworks {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxNetworks::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxNetworks
namespace Networks {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Structs::NetworkInfo::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Structs::NetworkInfo::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Networks::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Networks
namespace ScanMaxTimeSeconds {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ScanMaxTimeSeconds::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ScanMaxTimeSeconds
namespace ConnectMaxTimeSeconds {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ConnectMaxTimeSeconds::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ConnectMaxTimeSeconds
namespace InterfaceEnabled {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::InterfaceEnabled::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace InterfaceEnabled
namespace LastNetworkingStatus {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::NetworkCommissioningStatus>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::NetworkCommissioningStatus>;
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::NetworkCommissioningStatus> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LastNetworkingStatus::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LastNetworkingStatus
namespace LastNetworkID {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LastNetworkID::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace LastNetworkID
namespace LastConnectErrorValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LastConnectErrorValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LastConnectErrorValue
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::NetworkCommissioning::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::MaxNetworks::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxNetworks = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::Networks::TypeInfo::DecodableType networks;
Attributes::ScanMaxTimeSeconds::TypeInfo::DecodableType scanMaxTimeSeconds = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::ConnectMaxTimeSeconds::TypeInfo::DecodableType connectMaxTimeSeconds = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::InterfaceEnabled::TypeInfo::DecodableType interfaceEnabled = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::LastNetworkingStatus::TypeInfo::DecodableType lastNetworkingStatus;
Attributes::LastNetworkID::TypeInfo::DecodableType lastNetworkID;
Attributes::LastConnectErrorValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType lastConnectErrorValue;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace NetworkCommissioning
namespace DiagnosticLogs {
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace RetrieveLogsRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace RetrieveLogsRequest
namespace RetrieveLogsResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace RetrieveLogsResponse
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace RetrieveLogsRequest {
enum class Fields
kIntent = 0,
kRequestedProtocol = 1,
kTransferFileDesignator = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RetrieveLogsRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DiagnosticLogs::Id; }
LogsIntent intent = static_cast<LogsIntent>(0);
LogsTransferProtocol requestedProtocol = static_cast<LogsTransferProtocol>(0);
chip::ByteSpan transferFileDesignator;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::DiagnosticLogs::Commands::RetrieveLogsResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RetrieveLogsRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DiagnosticLogs::Id; }
LogsIntent intent = static_cast<LogsIntent>(0);
LogsTransferProtocol requestedProtocol = static_cast<LogsTransferProtocol>(0);
chip::ByteSpan transferFileDesignator;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace RetrieveLogsRequest
namespace RetrieveLogsResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kContent = 1,
kTimeStamp = 2,
kTimeSinceBoot = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RetrieveLogsResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DiagnosticLogs::Id; }
LogsStatus status = static_cast<LogsStatus>(0);
chip::ByteSpan content;
uint32_t timeStamp = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
uint32_t timeSinceBoot = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RetrieveLogsResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DiagnosticLogs::Id; }
LogsStatus status = static_cast<LogsStatus>(0);
chip::ByteSpan content;
uint32_t timeStamp = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
uint32_t timeSinceBoot = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace RetrieveLogsResponse
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DiagnosticLogs::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DiagnosticLogs::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DiagnosticLogs::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DiagnosticLogs::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DiagnosticLogs::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DiagnosticLogs::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace DiagnosticLogs
namespace GeneralDiagnostics {
namespace Structs {
namespace NetworkInterfaceType {
enum class Fields
kName = 0,
kIsOperational = 1,
kOffPremiseServicesReachableIPv4 = 2,
kOffPremiseServicesReachableIPv6 = 3,
kHardwareAddress = 4,
kIPv4Addresses = 5,
kIPv6Addresses = 6,
kType = 7,
struct Type
chip::CharSpan name;
bool isOperational = static_cast<bool>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<bool> offPremiseServicesReachableIPv4;
DataModel::Nullable<bool> offPremiseServicesReachableIPv6;
chip::ByteSpan hardwareAddress;
DataModel::List<const chip::ByteSpan> IPv4Addresses;
DataModel::List<const chip::ByteSpan> IPv6Addresses;
InterfaceType type = static_cast<InterfaceType>(0);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
chip::CharSpan name;
bool isOperational = static_cast<bool>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<bool> offPremiseServicesReachableIPv4;
DataModel::Nullable<bool> offPremiseServicesReachableIPv6;
chip::ByteSpan hardwareAddress;
DataModel::DecodableList<chip::ByteSpan> IPv4Addresses;
DataModel::DecodableList<chip::ByteSpan> IPv6Addresses;
InterfaceType type = static_cast<InterfaceType>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
} // namespace NetworkInterfaceType
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace TestEventTrigger {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestEventTrigger
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace TestEventTrigger {
enum class Fields
kEnableKey = 0,
kEventTrigger = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestEventTrigger::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan enableKey;
uint64_t eventTrigger = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestEventTrigger::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan enableKey;
uint64_t eventTrigger = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestEventTrigger
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace NetworkInterfaces {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Structs::NetworkInterfaceType::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<
chip::app::Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Structs::NetworkInterfaceType::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NetworkInterfaces::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NetworkInterfaces
namespace RebootCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RebootCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RebootCount
namespace UpTime {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint64_t;
using DecodableType = uint64_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::UpTime::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace UpTime
namespace TotalOperationalHours {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TotalOperationalHours::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TotalOperationalHours
namespace BootReasons {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BootReasons::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BootReasons
namespace ActiveHardwareFaults {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActiveHardwareFaults::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActiveHardwareFaults
namespace ActiveRadioFaults {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActiveRadioFaults::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActiveRadioFaults
namespace ActiveNetworkFaults {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActiveNetworkFaults::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActiveNetworkFaults
namespace TestEventTriggersEnabled {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TestEventTriggersEnabled::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TestEventTriggersEnabled
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::NetworkInterfaces::TypeInfo::DecodableType networkInterfaces;
Attributes::RebootCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rebootCount = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::UpTime::TypeInfo::DecodableType upTime = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Attributes::TotalOperationalHours::TypeInfo::DecodableType totalOperationalHours = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::BootReasons::TypeInfo::DecodableType bootReasons = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::ActiveHardwareFaults::TypeInfo::DecodableType activeHardwareFaults;
Attributes::ActiveRadioFaults::TypeInfo::DecodableType activeRadioFaults;
Attributes::ActiveNetworkFaults::TypeInfo::DecodableType activeNetworkFaults;
Attributes::TestEventTriggersEnabled::TypeInfo::DecodableType testEventTriggersEnabled = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
namespace Events {
namespace HardwareFaultChange {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Critical;
enum class Fields
kCurrent = 0,
kPrevious = 1,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::HardwareFaultChange::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
DataModel::List<const HardwareFaultType> current;
DataModel::List<const HardwareFaultType> previous;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::HardwareFaultChange::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
DataModel::DecodableList<HardwareFaultType> current;
DataModel::DecodableList<HardwareFaultType> previous;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace HardwareFaultChange
namespace RadioFaultChange {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Critical;
enum class Fields
kCurrent = 0,
kPrevious = 1,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::RadioFaultChange::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
DataModel::List<const RadioFaultType> current;
DataModel::List<const RadioFaultType> previous;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::RadioFaultChange::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
DataModel::DecodableList<RadioFaultType> current;
DataModel::DecodableList<RadioFaultType> previous;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace RadioFaultChange
namespace NetworkFaultChange {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Critical;
enum class Fields
kCurrent = 0,
kPrevious = 1,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::NetworkFaultChange::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
DataModel::List<const NetworkFaultType> current;
DataModel::List<const NetworkFaultType> previous;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::NetworkFaultChange::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
DataModel::DecodableList<NetworkFaultType> current;
DataModel::DecodableList<NetworkFaultType> previous;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace NetworkFaultChange
namespace BootReason {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Critical;
enum class Fields
kBootReason = 0,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::BootReason::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
BootReasonType bootReason = static_cast<BootReasonType>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::BootReason::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GeneralDiagnostics::Id; }
BootReasonType bootReason = static_cast<BootReasonType>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace BootReason
} // namespace Events
} // namespace GeneralDiagnostics
namespace SoftwareDiagnostics {
namespace Structs {
namespace ThreadMetrics {
enum class Fields
kId = 0,
kName = 1,
kStackFreeCurrent = 2,
kStackFreeMinimum = 3,
kStackSize = 4,
struct Type
uint64_t id = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> name;
Optional<uint32_t> stackFreeCurrent;
Optional<uint32_t> stackFreeMinimum;
Optional<uint32_t> stackSize;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace ThreadMetrics
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace ResetWatermarks {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ResetWatermarks
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace ResetWatermarks {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ResetWatermarks::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ResetWatermarks::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ResetWatermarks
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace ThreadMetrics {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics::Structs::ThreadMetrics::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<
chip::app::Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics::Structs::ThreadMetrics::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ThreadMetrics::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ThreadMetrics
namespace CurrentHeapFree {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint64_t;
using DecodableType = uint64_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentHeapFree::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentHeapFree
namespace CurrentHeapUsed {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint64_t;
using DecodableType = uint64_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentHeapUsed::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentHeapUsed
namespace CurrentHeapHighWatermark {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint64_t;
using DecodableType = uint64_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentHeapHighWatermark::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentHeapHighWatermark
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::ThreadMetrics::TypeInfo::DecodableType threadMetrics;
Attributes::CurrentHeapFree::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentHeapFree = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Attributes::CurrentHeapUsed::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentHeapUsed = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Attributes::CurrentHeapHighWatermark::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentHeapHighWatermark = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
namespace Events {
namespace SoftwareFault {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kId = 0,
kName = 1,
kFaultRecording = 2,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::SoftwareFault::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
uint64_t id = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> name;
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> faultRecording;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::SoftwareFault::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::SoftwareDiagnostics::Id; }
uint64_t id = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> name;
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> faultRecording;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace SoftwareFault
} // namespace Events
} // namespace SoftwareDiagnostics
namespace ThreadNetworkDiagnostics {
namespace Structs {
namespace NeighborTable {
enum class Fields
kExtAddress = 0,
kAge = 1,
kRloc16 = 2,
kLinkFrameCounter = 3,
kMleFrameCounter = 4,
kLqi = 5,
kAverageRssi = 6,
kLastRssi = 7,
kFrameErrorRate = 8,
kMessageErrorRate = 9,
kRxOnWhenIdle = 10,
kFullThreadDevice = 11,
kFullNetworkData = 12,
kIsChild = 13,
struct Type
uint64_t extAddress = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
uint32_t age = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
uint16_t rloc16 = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint32_t linkFrameCounter = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
uint32_t mleFrameCounter = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
uint8_t lqi = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<int8_t> averageRssi;
DataModel::Nullable<int8_t> lastRssi;
uint8_t frameErrorRate = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t messageErrorRate = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
bool rxOnWhenIdle = static_cast<bool>(0);
bool fullThreadDevice = static_cast<bool>(0);
bool fullNetworkData = static_cast<bool>(0);
bool isChild = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace NeighborTable
namespace OperationalDatasetComponents {
enum class Fields
kActiveTimestampPresent = 0,
kPendingTimestampPresent = 1,
kMasterKeyPresent = 2,
kNetworkNamePresent = 3,
kExtendedPanIdPresent = 4,
kMeshLocalPrefixPresent = 5,
kDelayPresent = 6,
kPanIdPresent = 7,
kChannelPresent = 8,
kPskcPresent = 9,
kSecurityPolicyPresent = 10,
kChannelMaskPresent = 11,
struct Type
bool activeTimestampPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
bool pendingTimestampPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
bool masterKeyPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
bool networkNamePresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
bool extendedPanIdPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
bool meshLocalPrefixPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
bool delayPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
bool panIdPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
bool channelPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
bool pskcPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
bool securityPolicyPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
bool channelMaskPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace OperationalDatasetComponents
namespace RouteTable {
enum class Fields
kExtAddress = 0,
kRloc16 = 1,
kRouterId = 2,
kNextHop = 3,
kPathCost = 4,
kLQIIn = 5,
kLQIOut = 6,
kAge = 7,
kAllocated = 8,
kLinkEstablished = 9,
struct Type
uint64_t extAddress = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
uint16_t rloc16 = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t routerId = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t nextHop = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t pathCost = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t LQIIn = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t LQIOut = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t age = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
bool allocated = static_cast<bool>(0);
bool linkEstablished = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace RouteTable
namespace SecurityPolicy {
enum class Fields
kRotationTime = 0,
kFlags = 1,
struct Type
uint16_t rotationTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t flags = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace SecurityPolicy
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace ResetCounts {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ResetCounts
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace ResetCounts {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ResetCounts::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ResetCounts::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ResetCounts
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace Channel {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Channel::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Channel
namespace RoutingRole {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::RoutingRole>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::RoutingRole>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::RoutingRole> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RoutingRole::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RoutingRole
namespace NetworkName {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NetworkName::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 16; }
} // namespace NetworkName
namespace PanId {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PanId::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PanId
namespace ExtendedPanId {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ExtendedPanId::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ExtendedPanId
namespace MeshLocalPrefix {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MeshLocalPrefix::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 17; }
} // namespace MeshLocalPrefix
namespace OverrunCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint64_t;
using DecodableType = uint64_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OverrunCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OverrunCount
namespace NeighborTableList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Structs::NeighborTable::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<
chip::app::Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Structs::NeighborTable::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NeighborTableList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NeighborTableList
namespace RouteTableList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Structs::RouteTable::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<
chip::app::Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Structs::RouteTable::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RouteTableList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RouteTableList
namespace PartitionId {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PartitionId::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PartitionId
namespace Weighting {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Weighting::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Weighting
namespace DataVersion {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DataVersion::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DataVersion
namespace StableDataVersion {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::StableDataVersion::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace StableDataVersion
namespace LeaderRouterId {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LeaderRouterId::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LeaderRouterId
namespace DetachedRoleCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DetachedRoleCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DetachedRoleCount
namespace ChildRoleCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ChildRoleCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ChildRoleCount
namespace RouterRoleCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RouterRoleCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RouterRoleCount
namespace LeaderRoleCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LeaderRoleCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LeaderRoleCount
namespace AttachAttemptCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AttachAttemptCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AttachAttemptCount
namespace PartitionIdChangeCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PartitionIdChangeCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PartitionIdChangeCount
namespace BetterPartitionAttachAttemptCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BetterPartitionAttachAttemptCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BetterPartitionAttachAttemptCount
namespace ParentChangeCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ParentChangeCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ParentChangeCount
namespace TxTotalCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxTotalCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxTotalCount
namespace TxUnicastCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxUnicastCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxUnicastCount
namespace TxBroadcastCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxBroadcastCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxBroadcastCount
namespace TxAckRequestedCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxAckRequestedCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxAckRequestedCount
namespace TxAckedCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxAckedCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxAckedCount
namespace TxNoAckRequestedCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxNoAckRequestedCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxNoAckRequestedCount
namespace TxDataCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxDataCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxDataCount
namespace TxDataPollCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxDataPollCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxDataPollCount
namespace TxBeaconCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxBeaconCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxBeaconCount
namespace TxBeaconRequestCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxBeaconRequestCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxBeaconRequestCount
namespace TxOtherCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxOtherCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxOtherCount
namespace TxRetryCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxRetryCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxRetryCount
namespace TxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount
namespace TxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount
namespace TxErrCcaCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxErrCcaCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxErrCcaCount
namespace TxErrAbortCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxErrAbortCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxErrAbortCount
namespace TxErrBusyChannelCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxErrBusyChannelCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxErrBusyChannelCount
namespace RxTotalCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RxTotalCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RxTotalCount
namespace RxUnicastCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RxUnicastCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RxUnicastCount
namespace RxBroadcastCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RxBroadcastCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RxBroadcastCount
namespace RxDataCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RxDataCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RxDataCount
namespace RxDataPollCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RxDataPollCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RxDataPollCount
namespace RxBeaconCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RxBeaconCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RxBeaconCount
namespace RxBeaconRequestCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RxBeaconRequestCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RxBeaconRequestCount
namespace RxOtherCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RxOtherCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RxOtherCount
namespace RxAddressFilteredCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RxAddressFilteredCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RxAddressFilteredCount
namespace RxDestAddrFilteredCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RxDestAddrFilteredCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RxDestAddrFilteredCount
namespace RxDuplicatedCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RxDuplicatedCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RxDuplicatedCount
namespace RxErrNoFrameCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RxErrNoFrameCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RxErrNoFrameCount
namespace RxErrUnknownNeighborCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RxErrUnknownNeighborCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RxErrUnknownNeighborCount
namespace RxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount
namespace RxErrSecCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RxErrSecCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RxErrSecCount
namespace RxErrFcsCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RxErrFcsCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RxErrFcsCount
namespace RxErrOtherCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RxErrOtherCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RxErrOtherCount
namespace ActiveTimestamp {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActiveTimestamp::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActiveTimestamp
namespace PendingTimestamp {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PendingTimestamp::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PendingTimestamp
namespace Delay {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Delay::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Delay
namespace SecurityPolicy {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Structs::SecurityPolicy::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<
chip::app::Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Structs::SecurityPolicy::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SecurityPolicy::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SecurityPolicy
namespace ChannelPage0Mask {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ChannelPage0Mask::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 4; }
} // namespace ChannelPage0Mask
namespace OperationalDatasetComponents {
struct TypeInfo
using Type =
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<
chip::app::Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Structs::OperationalDatasetComponents::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OperationalDatasetComponents::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OperationalDatasetComponents
namespace ActiveNetworkFaultsList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::NetworkFault>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::NetworkFault>;
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::NetworkFault> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActiveNetworkFaultsList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActiveNetworkFaultsList
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::Channel::TypeInfo::DecodableType channel;
Attributes::RoutingRole::TypeInfo::DecodableType routingRole;
Attributes::NetworkName::TypeInfo::DecodableType networkName;
Attributes::PanId::TypeInfo::DecodableType panId;
Attributes::ExtendedPanId::TypeInfo::DecodableType extendedPanId;
Attributes::MeshLocalPrefix::TypeInfo::DecodableType meshLocalPrefix;
Attributes::OverrunCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType overrunCount = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Attributes::NeighborTableList::TypeInfo::DecodableType neighborTableList;
Attributes::RouteTableList::TypeInfo::DecodableType routeTableList;
Attributes::PartitionId::TypeInfo::DecodableType partitionId;
Attributes::Weighting::TypeInfo::DecodableType weighting;
Attributes::DataVersion::TypeInfo::DecodableType dataVersion;
Attributes::StableDataVersion::TypeInfo::DecodableType stableDataVersion;
Attributes::LeaderRouterId::TypeInfo::DecodableType leaderRouterId;
Attributes::DetachedRoleCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType detachedRoleCount = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ChildRoleCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType childRoleCount = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RouterRoleCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType routerRoleCount = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::LeaderRoleCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType leaderRoleCount = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::AttachAttemptCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType attachAttemptCount = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::PartitionIdChangeCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType partitionIdChangeCount = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::BetterPartitionAttachAttemptCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType betterPartitionAttachAttemptCount =
Attributes::ParentChangeCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType parentChangeCount = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::TxTotalCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txTotalCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::TxUnicastCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txUnicastCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::TxBroadcastCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txBroadcastCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::TxAckRequestedCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txAckRequestedCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::TxAckedCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txAckedCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::TxNoAckRequestedCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txNoAckRequestedCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::TxDataCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txDataCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::TxDataPollCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txDataPollCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::TxBeaconCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txBeaconCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::TxBeaconRequestCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txBeaconRequestCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::TxOtherCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txOtherCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::TxRetryCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txRetryCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::TxDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txDirectMaxRetryExpiryCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::TxIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txIndirectMaxRetryExpiryCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::TxErrCcaCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txErrCcaCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::TxErrAbortCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txErrAbortCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::TxErrBusyChannelCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txErrBusyChannelCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::RxTotalCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rxTotalCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::RxUnicastCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rxUnicastCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::RxBroadcastCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rxBroadcastCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::RxDataCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rxDataCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::RxDataPollCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rxDataPollCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::RxBeaconCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rxBeaconCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::RxBeaconRequestCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rxBeaconRequestCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::RxOtherCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rxOtherCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::RxAddressFilteredCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rxAddressFilteredCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::RxDestAddrFilteredCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rxDestAddrFilteredCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::RxDuplicatedCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rxDuplicatedCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::RxErrNoFrameCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rxErrNoFrameCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::RxErrUnknownNeighborCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rxErrUnknownNeighborCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::RxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rxErrInvalidSrcAddrCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::RxErrSecCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rxErrSecCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::RxErrFcsCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rxErrFcsCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::RxErrOtherCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType rxErrOtherCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ActiveTimestamp::TypeInfo::DecodableType activeTimestamp;
Attributes::PendingTimestamp::TypeInfo::DecodableType pendingTimestamp;
Attributes::Delay::TypeInfo::DecodableType delay;
Attributes::SecurityPolicy::TypeInfo::DecodableType securityPolicy;
Attributes::ChannelPage0Mask::TypeInfo::DecodableType channelPage0Mask;
Attributes::OperationalDatasetComponents::TypeInfo::DecodableType operationalDatasetComponents;
Attributes::ActiveNetworkFaultsList::TypeInfo::DecodableType activeNetworkFaultsList;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
namespace Events {
namespace ConnectionStatus {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kConnectionStatus = 0,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ConnectionStatus::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
ThreadConnectionStatus connectionStatus = static_cast<ThreadConnectionStatus>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ConnectionStatus::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
ThreadConnectionStatus connectionStatus = static_cast<ThreadConnectionStatus>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace ConnectionStatus
namespace NetworkFaultChange {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kCurrent = 0,
kPrevious = 1,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::NetworkFaultChange::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
DataModel::List<const NetworkFault> current;
DataModel::List<const NetworkFault> previous;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::NetworkFaultChange::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThreadNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
DataModel::DecodableList<NetworkFault> current;
DataModel::DecodableList<NetworkFault> previous;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace NetworkFaultChange
} // namespace Events
} // namespace ThreadNetworkDiagnostics
namespace WiFiNetworkDiagnostics {
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace ResetCounts {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ResetCounts
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace ResetCounts {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ResetCounts::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ResetCounts::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ResetCounts
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace Bssid {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Bssid::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 6; }
} // namespace Bssid
namespace SecurityType {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::SecurityType>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::SecurityType>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::SecurityType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SecurityType::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SecurityType
namespace WiFiVersion {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::WiFiVersionType>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::WiFiVersionType>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::WiFiVersionType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::WiFiVersion::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace WiFiVersion
namespace ChannelNumber {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ChannelNumber::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ChannelNumber
namespace Rssi {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Rssi::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Rssi
namespace BeaconLostCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BeaconLostCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BeaconLostCount
namespace BeaconRxCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BeaconRxCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BeaconRxCount
namespace PacketMulticastRxCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PacketMulticastRxCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PacketMulticastRxCount
namespace PacketMulticastTxCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PacketMulticastTxCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PacketMulticastTxCount
namespace PacketUnicastRxCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PacketUnicastRxCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PacketUnicastRxCount
namespace PacketUnicastTxCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PacketUnicastTxCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PacketUnicastTxCount
namespace CurrentMaxRate {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentMaxRate::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentMaxRate
namespace OverrunCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OverrunCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OverrunCount
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::Bssid::TypeInfo::DecodableType bssid;
Attributes::SecurityType::TypeInfo::DecodableType securityType;
Attributes::WiFiVersion::TypeInfo::DecodableType wiFiVersion;
Attributes::ChannelNumber::TypeInfo::DecodableType channelNumber;
Attributes::Rssi::TypeInfo::DecodableType rssi;
Attributes::BeaconLostCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType beaconLostCount;
Attributes::BeaconRxCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType beaconRxCount;
Attributes::PacketMulticastRxCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType packetMulticastRxCount;
Attributes::PacketMulticastTxCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType packetMulticastTxCount;
Attributes::PacketUnicastRxCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType packetUnicastRxCount;
Attributes::PacketUnicastTxCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType packetUnicastTxCount;
Attributes::CurrentMaxRate::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentMaxRate;
Attributes::OverrunCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType overrunCount;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
namespace Events {
namespace Disconnection {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kReasonCode = 0,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::Disconnection::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
uint16_t reasonCode = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::Disconnection::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
uint16_t reasonCode = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace Disconnection
namespace AssociationFailure {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kAssociationFailure = 0,
kStatus = 1,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::AssociationFailure::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
AssociationFailureCause associationFailure = static_cast<AssociationFailureCause>(0);
uint16_t status = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::AssociationFailure::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
AssociationFailureCause associationFailure = static_cast<AssociationFailureCause>(0);
uint16_t status = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace AssociationFailure
namespace ConnectionStatus {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kConnectionStatus = 0,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ConnectionStatus::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
WiFiConnectionStatus connectionStatus = static_cast<WiFiConnectionStatus>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ConnectionStatus::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WiFiNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
WiFiConnectionStatus connectionStatus = static_cast<WiFiConnectionStatus>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace ConnectionStatus
} // namespace Events
} // namespace WiFiNetworkDiagnostics
namespace EthernetNetworkDiagnostics {
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace ResetCounts {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ResetCounts
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace ResetCounts {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ResetCounts::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ResetCounts::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ResetCounts
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace PHYRate {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::PHYRateType>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::PHYRateType>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::PHYRateType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PHYRate::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PHYRate
namespace FullDuplex {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<bool>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<bool>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<bool> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::FullDuplex::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace FullDuplex
namespace PacketRxCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint64_t;
using DecodableType = uint64_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PacketRxCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PacketRxCount
namespace PacketTxCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint64_t;
using DecodableType = uint64_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PacketTxCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PacketTxCount
namespace TxErrCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint64_t;
using DecodableType = uint64_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TxErrCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TxErrCount
namespace CollisionCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint64_t;
using DecodableType = uint64_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CollisionCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CollisionCount
namespace OverrunCount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint64_t;
using DecodableType = uint64_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OverrunCount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OverrunCount
namespace CarrierDetect {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<bool>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<bool>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<bool> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CarrierDetect::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CarrierDetect
namespace TimeSinceReset {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint64_t;
using DecodableType = uint64_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TimeSinceReset::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TimeSinceReset
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::EthernetNetworkDiagnostics::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::PHYRate::TypeInfo::DecodableType PHYRate;
Attributes::FullDuplex::TypeInfo::DecodableType fullDuplex;
Attributes::PacketRxCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType packetRxCount = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Attributes::PacketTxCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType packetTxCount = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Attributes::TxErrCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType txErrCount = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Attributes::CollisionCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType collisionCount = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Attributes::OverrunCount::TypeInfo::DecodableType overrunCount = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Attributes::CarrierDetect::TypeInfo::DecodableType carrierDetect;
Attributes::TimeSinceReset::TypeInfo::DecodableType timeSinceReset = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace EthernetNetworkDiagnostics
namespace TimeSynchronization {
namespace Attributes {
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TimeSynchronization::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace TimeSynchronization
namespace BridgedDeviceBasic {
namespace Attributes {
namespace VendorName {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::VendorName::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace VendorName
namespace VendorID {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::VendorId;
using DecodableType = chip::VendorId;
using DecodableArgType = chip::VendorId;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::VendorID::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace VendorID
namespace ProductName {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ProductName::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace ProductName
namespace NodeLabel {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NodeLabel::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace NodeLabel
namespace HardwareVersion {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::HardwareVersion::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace HardwareVersion
namespace HardwareVersionString {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::HardwareVersionString::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 64; }
} // namespace HardwareVersionString
namespace SoftwareVersion {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SoftwareVersion::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SoftwareVersion
namespace SoftwareVersionString {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SoftwareVersionString::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 64; }
} // namespace SoftwareVersionString
namespace ManufacturingDate {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ManufacturingDate::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 16; }
} // namespace ManufacturingDate
namespace PartNumber {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PartNumber::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace PartNumber
namespace ProductURL {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ProductURL::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 256; }
} // namespace ProductURL
namespace ProductLabel {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ProductLabel::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 64; }
} // namespace ProductLabel
namespace SerialNumber {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SerialNumber::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace SerialNumber
namespace Reachable {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Reachable::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Reachable
namespace UniqueID {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::UniqueID::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace UniqueID
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::VendorName::TypeInfo::DecodableType vendorName;
Attributes::VendorID::TypeInfo::DecodableType vendorID = static_cast<chip::VendorId>(0);
Attributes::ProductName::TypeInfo::DecodableType productName;
Attributes::NodeLabel::TypeInfo::DecodableType nodeLabel;
Attributes::HardwareVersion::TypeInfo::DecodableType hardwareVersion = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::HardwareVersionString::TypeInfo::DecodableType hardwareVersionString;
Attributes::SoftwareVersion::TypeInfo::DecodableType softwareVersion = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::SoftwareVersionString::TypeInfo::DecodableType softwareVersionString;
Attributes::ManufacturingDate::TypeInfo::DecodableType manufacturingDate;
Attributes::PartNumber::TypeInfo::DecodableType partNumber;
Attributes::ProductURL::TypeInfo::DecodableType productURL;
Attributes::ProductLabel::TypeInfo::DecodableType productLabel;
Attributes::SerialNumber::TypeInfo::DecodableType serialNumber;
Attributes::Reachable::TypeInfo::DecodableType reachable = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::UniqueID::TypeInfo::DecodableType uniqueID;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
namespace Events {
namespace StartUp {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Critical;
enum class Fields
kSoftwareVersion = 0,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::StartUp::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
uint32_t softwareVersion = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::StartUp::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
uint32_t softwareVersion = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace StartUp
namespace ShutDown {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Critical;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ShutDown::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ShutDown::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace ShutDown
namespace Leave {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::Leave::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::Leave::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace Leave
namespace ReachableChanged {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kReachableNewValue = 0,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ReachableChanged::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
bool reachableNewValue = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ReachableChanged::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BridgedDeviceBasic::Id; }
bool reachableNewValue = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace ReachableChanged
} // namespace Events
} // namespace BridgedDeviceBasic
namespace Switch {
namespace Attributes {
namespace NumberOfPositions {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NumberOfPositions::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NumberOfPositions
namespace CurrentPosition {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentPosition::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentPosition
namespace MultiPressMax {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MultiPressMax::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MultiPressMax
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::NumberOfPositions::TypeInfo::DecodableType numberOfPositions = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::CurrentPosition::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentPosition = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::MultiPressMax::TypeInfo::DecodableType multiPressMax = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
namespace Events {
namespace SwitchLatched {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kNewPosition = 0,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::SwitchLatched::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
uint8_t newPosition = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::SwitchLatched::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
uint8_t newPosition = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace SwitchLatched
namespace InitialPress {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kNewPosition = 0,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::InitialPress::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
uint8_t newPosition = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::InitialPress::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
uint8_t newPosition = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace InitialPress
namespace LongPress {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kNewPosition = 0,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::LongPress::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
uint8_t newPosition = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::LongPress::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
uint8_t newPosition = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace LongPress
namespace ShortRelease {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kPreviousPosition = 0,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ShortRelease::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
uint8_t previousPosition = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ShortRelease::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
uint8_t previousPosition = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace ShortRelease
namespace LongRelease {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kPreviousPosition = 0,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::LongRelease::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
uint8_t previousPosition = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::LongRelease::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
uint8_t previousPosition = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace LongRelease
namespace MultiPressOngoing {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kNewPosition = 0,
kCurrentNumberOfPressesCounted = 1,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::MultiPressOngoing::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
uint8_t newPosition = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t currentNumberOfPressesCounted = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::MultiPressOngoing::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
uint8_t newPosition = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t currentNumberOfPressesCounted = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace MultiPressOngoing
namespace MultiPressComplete {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kNewPosition = 0,
kTotalNumberOfPressesCounted = 1,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::MultiPressComplete::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
uint8_t newPosition = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t totalNumberOfPressesCounted = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::MultiPressComplete::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Switch::Id; }
uint8_t newPosition = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t totalNumberOfPressesCounted = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace MultiPressComplete
} // namespace Events
} // namespace Switch
namespace AdministratorCommissioning {
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace OpenCommissioningWindow {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace OpenCommissioningWindow
namespace OpenBasicCommissioningWindow {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace OpenBasicCommissioningWindow
namespace RevokeCommissioning {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace RevokeCommissioning
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace OpenCommissioningWindow {
enum class Fields
kCommissioningTimeout = 0,
kPAKEVerifier = 1,
kDiscriminator = 2,
kIterations = 3,
kSalt = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::OpenCommissioningWindow::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Id; }
uint16_t commissioningTimeout = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
chip::ByteSpan PAKEVerifier;
uint16_t discriminator = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint32_t iterations = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
chip::ByteSpan salt;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return true; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::OpenCommissioningWindow::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Id; }
uint16_t commissioningTimeout = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
chip::ByteSpan PAKEVerifier;
uint16_t discriminator = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint32_t iterations = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
chip::ByteSpan salt;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace OpenCommissioningWindow
namespace OpenBasicCommissioningWindow {
enum class Fields
kCommissioningTimeout = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Id; }
uint16_t commissioningTimeout = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return true; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::OpenBasicCommissioningWindow::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Id; }
uint16_t commissioningTimeout = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace OpenBasicCommissioningWindow
namespace RevokeCommissioning {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RevokeCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return true; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RevokeCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace RevokeCommissioning
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace WindowStatus {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::CommissioningWindowStatus;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::CommissioningWindowStatus;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::CommissioningWindowStatus;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::WindowStatus::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace WindowStatus
namespace AdminFabricIndex {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::FabricIndex>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::FabricIndex>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::FabricIndex> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AdminFabricIndex::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AdminFabricIndex
namespace AdminVendorId {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AdminVendorId::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AdminVendorId
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AdministratorCommissioning::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::WindowStatus::TypeInfo::DecodableType windowStatus =
Attributes::AdminFabricIndex::TypeInfo::DecodableType adminFabricIndex;
Attributes::AdminVendorId::TypeInfo::DecodableType adminVendorId;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace AdministratorCommissioning
namespace OperationalCredentials {
namespace Structs {
namespace FabricDescriptor {
enum class Fields
kRootPublicKey = 1,
kVendorId = 2,
kFabricId = 3,
kNodeId = 4,
kLabel = 5,
kFabricIndex = 254,
struct Type
chip::ByteSpan rootPublicKey;
chip::VendorId vendorId = static_cast<chip::VendorId>(0);
chip::FabricId fabricId = static_cast<chip::FabricId>(0);
chip::NodeId nodeId = static_cast<chip::NodeId>(0);
chip::CharSpan label;
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = true;
auto GetFabricIndex() const { return fabricIndex; }
void SetFabricIndex(chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex_) { fabricIndex = fabricIndex_; }
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForWrite(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForRead(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, FabricIndex accessingFabricIndex) const;
CHIP_ERROR DoEncode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, const Optional<FabricIndex> & accessingFabricIndex) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace FabricDescriptor
namespace NOCStruct {
enum class Fields
kNoc = 1,
kIcac = 2,
kFabricIndex = 254,
struct Type
chip::ByteSpan noc;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan> icac;
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = true;
auto GetFabricIndex() const { return fabricIndex; }
void SetFabricIndex(chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex_) { fabricIndex = fabricIndex_; }
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForWrite(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForRead(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, FabricIndex accessingFabricIndex) const;
CHIP_ERROR DoEncode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, const Optional<FabricIndex> & accessingFabricIndex) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace NOCStruct
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace AttestationRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace AttestationRequest
namespace AttestationResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace AttestationResponse
namespace CertificateChainRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace CertificateChainRequest
namespace CertificateChainResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace CertificateChainResponse
namespace CSRRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace CSRRequest
namespace CSRResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace CSRResponse
namespace AddNOC {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace AddNOC
namespace UpdateNOC {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace UpdateNOC
namespace NOCResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace NOCResponse
namespace UpdateFabricLabel {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace UpdateFabricLabel
namespace RemoveFabric {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace RemoveFabric
namespace AddTrustedRootCertificate {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace AddTrustedRootCertificate
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace AttestationRequest {
enum class Fields
kAttestationNonce = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AttestationRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan attestationNonce;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::AttestationResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AttestationRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan attestationNonce;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace AttestationRequest
namespace AttestationResponse {
enum class Fields
kAttestationElements = 0,
kSignature = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AttestationResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan attestationElements;
chip::ByteSpan signature;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AttestationResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan attestationElements;
chip::ByteSpan signature;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace AttestationResponse
namespace CertificateChainRequest {
enum class Fields
kCertificateType = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::CertificateChainRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
uint8_t certificateType = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::CertificateChainResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::CertificateChainRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
uint8_t certificateType = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace CertificateChainRequest
namespace CertificateChainResponse {
enum class Fields
kCertificate = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::CertificateChainResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan certificate;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::CertificateChainResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan certificate;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace CertificateChainResponse
namespace CSRRequest {
enum class Fields
kCSRNonce = 0,
kIsForUpdateNOC = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::CSRRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan CSRNonce;
Optional<bool> isForUpdateNOC;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::CSRResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::CSRRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan CSRNonce;
Optional<bool> isForUpdateNOC;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace CSRRequest
namespace CSRResponse {
enum class Fields
kNOCSRElements = 0,
kAttestationSignature = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::CSRResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan NOCSRElements;
chip::ByteSpan attestationSignature;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::CSRResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan NOCSRElements;
chip::ByteSpan attestationSignature;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace CSRResponse
namespace AddNOC {
enum class Fields
kNOCValue = 0,
kICACValue = 1,
kIPKValue = 2,
kCaseAdminSubject = 3,
kAdminVendorId = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddNOC::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan NOCValue;
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> ICACValue;
chip::ByteSpan IPKValue;
uint64_t caseAdminSubject = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
chip::VendorId adminVendorId = static_cast<chip::VendorId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::NOCResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddNOC::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan NOCValue;
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> ICACValue;
chip::ByteSpan IPKValue;
uint64_t caseAdminSubject = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
chip::VendorId adminVendorId = static_cast<chip::VendorId>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace AddNOC
namespace UpdateNOC {
enum class Fields
kNOCValue = 0,
kICACValue = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::UpdateNOC::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan NOCValue;
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> ICACValue;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::NOCResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::UpdateNOC::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan NOCValue;
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> ICACValue;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace UpdateNOC
namespace NOCResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatusCode = 0,
kFabricIndex = 1,
kDebugText = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::NOCResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
OperationalCertStatus statusCode = static_cast<OperationalCertStatus>(0);
Optional<chip::FabricIndex> fabricIndex;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> debugText;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::NOCResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
OperationalCertStatus statusCode = static_cast<OperationalCertStatus>(0);
Optional<chip::FabricIndex> fabricIndex;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> debugText;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace NOCResponse
namespace UpdateFabricLabel {
enum class Fields
kLabel = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::UpdateFabricLabel::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::CharSpan label;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::NOCResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::UpdateFabricLabel::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::CharSpan label;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace UpdateFabricLabel
namespace RemoveFabric {
enum class Fields
kFabricIndex = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveFabric::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Commands::NOCResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RemoveFabric::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace RemoveFabric
namespace AddTrustedRootCertificate {
enum class Fields
kRootCertificate = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddTrustedRootCertificate::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan rootCertificate;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::AddTrustedRootCertificate::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
chip::ByteSpan rootCertificate;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace AddTrustedRootCertificate
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace NOCs {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Structs::NOCStruct::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Structs::NOCStruct::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NOCs::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NOCs
namespace Fabrics {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Structs::FabricDescriptor::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<
chip::app::Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Structs::FabricDescriptor::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Fabrics::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Fabrics
namespace SupportedFabrics {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SupportedFabrics::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SupportedFabrics
namespace CommissionedFabrics {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CommissionedFabrics::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CommissionedFabrics
namespace TrustedRootCertificates {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::ByteSpan>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::ByteSpan>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::ByteSpan> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TrustedRootCertificates::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TrustedRootCertificates
namespace CurrentFabricIndex {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentFabricIndex::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentFabricIndex
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OperationalCredentials::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::NOCs::TypeInfo::DecodableType NOCs;
Attributes::Fabrics::TypeInfo::DecodableType fabrics;
Attributes::SupportedFabrics::TypeInfo::DecodableType supportedFabrics = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::CommissionedFabrics::TypeInfo::DecodableType commissionedFabrics = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::TrustedRootCertificates::TypeInfo::DecodableType trustedRootCertificates;
Attributes::CurrentFabricIndex::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentFabricIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace OperationalCredentials
namespace GroupKeyManagement {
namespace Structs {
namespace GroupInfoMapStruct {
enum class Fields
kGroupId = 1,
kEndpoints = 2,
kGroupName = 3,
kFabricIndex = 254,
struct Type
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
DataModel::List<const chip::EndpointId> endpoints;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> groupName;
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = true;
auto GetFabricIndex() const { return fabricIndex; }
void SetFabricIndex(chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex_) { fabricIndex = fabricIndex_; }
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForWrite(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForRead(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, FabricIndex accessingFabricIndex) const;
CHIP_ERROR DoEncode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, const Optional<FabricIndex> & accessingFabricIndex) const;
struct DecodableType
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
DataModel::DecodableList<chip::EndpointId> endpoints;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> groupName;
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = true;
auto GetFabricIndex() const { return fabricIndex; }
void SetFabricIndex(chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex_) { fabricIndex = fabricIndex_; }
} // namespace GroupInfoMapStruct
namespace GroupKeyMapStruct {
enum class Fields
kGroupId = 1,
kGroupKeySetID = 2,
kFabricIndex = 254,
struct Type
chip::GroupId groupId = static_cast<chip::GroupId>(0);
uint16_t groupKeySetID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = true;
auto GetFabricIndex() const { return fabricIndex; }
void SetFabricIndex(chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex_) { fabricIndex = fabricIndex_; }
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForWrite(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForRead(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, FabricIndex accessingFabricIndex) const;
CHIP_ERROR DoEncode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, const Optional<FabricIndex> & accessingFabricIndex) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace GroupKeyMapStruct
namespace GroupKeySetStruct {
enum class Fields
kGroupKeySetID = 0,
kGroupKeySecurityPolicy = 1,
kEpochKey0 = 2,
kEpochStartTime0 = 3,
kEpochKey1 = 4,
kEpochStartTime1 = 5,
kEpochKey2 = 6,
kEpochStartTime2 = 7,
struct Type
uint16_t groupKeySetID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
GroupKeySecurityPolicy groupKeySecurityPolicy = static_cast<GroupKeySecurityPolicy>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan> epochKey0;
DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> epochStartTime0;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan> epochKey1;
DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> epochStartTime1;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan> epochKey2;
DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> epochStartTime2;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace GroupKeySetStruct
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace KeySetWrite {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace KeySetWrite
namespace KeySetRead {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace KeySetRead
namespace KeySetReadResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace KeySetReadResponse
namespace KeySetRemove {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace KeySetRemove
namespace KeySetReadAllIndices {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace KeySetReadAllIndices
namespace KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace KeySetWrite {
enum class Fields
kGroupKeySet = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::KeySetWrite::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
Structs::GroupKeySetStruct::Type groupKeySet;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::KeySetWrite::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
Structs::GroupKeySetStruct::DecodableType groupKeySet;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace KeySetWrite
namespace KeySetRead {
enum class Fields
kGroupKeySetID = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::KeySetRead::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
uint16_t groupKeySetID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Commands::KeySetReadResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::KeySetRead::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
uint16_t groupKeySetID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace KeySetRead
namespace KeySetReadResponse {
enum class Fields
kGroupKeySet = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::KeySetReadResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
Structs::GroupKeySetStruct::Type groupKeySet;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::KeySetReadResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
Structs::GroupKeySetStruct::DecodableType groupKeySet;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace KeySetReadResponse
namespace KeySetRemove {
enum class Fields
kGroupKeySetID = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::KeySetRemove::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
uint16_t groupKeySetID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::KeySetRemove::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
uint16_t groupKeySetID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace KeySetRemove
namespace KeySetReadAllIndices {
enum class Fields
kGroupKeySetIDs = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::KeySetReadAllIndices::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
DataModel::List<const uint16_t> groupKeySetIDs;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Commands::KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::KeySetReadAllIndices::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
DataModel::DecodableList<uint16_t> groupKeySetIDs;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace KeySetReadAllIndices
namespace KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse {
enum class Fields
kGroupKeySetIDs = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
DataModel::List<const uint16_t> groupKeySetIDs;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
DataModel::DecodableList<uint16_t> groupKeySetIDs;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace GroupKeyMap {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Structs::GroupKeyMapStruct::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<
chip::app::Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Structs::GroupKeyMapStruct::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::GroupKeyMap::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace GroupKeyMap
namespace GroupTable {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Structs::GroupInfoMapStruct::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<
chip::app::Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Structs::GroupInfoMapStruct::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::GroupTable::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace GroupTable
namespace MaxGroupsPerFabric {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxGroupsPerFabric::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxGroupsPerFabric
namespace MaxGroupKeysPerFabric {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxGroupKeysPerFabric::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxGroupKeysPerFabric
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::GroupKeyManagement::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::GroupKeyMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType groupKeyMap;
Attributes::GroupTable::TypeInfo::DecodableType groupTable;
Attributes::MaxGroupsPerFabric::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxGroupsPerFabric = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::MaxGroupKeysPerFabric::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxGroupKeysPerFabric = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace GroupKeyManagement
namespace FixedLabel {
namespace Structs {
namespace LabelStruct = Clusters::detail::Structs::LabelStruct;
} // namespace Structs
namespace Attributes {
namespace LabelList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::FixedLabel::Structs::LabelStruct::Type>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::FixedLabel::Structs::LabelStruct::DecodableType>;
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::FixedLabel::Structs::LabelStruct::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FixedLabel::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LabelList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LabelList
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FixedLabel::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FixedLabel::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FixedLabel::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FixedLabel::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FixedLabel::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FixedLabel::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::LabelList::TypeInfo::DecodableType labelList;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace FixedLabel
namespace UserLabel {
namespace Structs {
namespace LabelStruct = Clusters::detail::Structs::LabelStruct;
} // namespace Structs
namespace Attributes {
namespace LabelList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::UserLabel::Structs::LabelStruct::Type>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::UserLabel::Structs::LabelStruct::DecodableType>;
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::UserLabel::Structs::LabelStruct::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::UserLabel::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LabelList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LabelList
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::UserLabel::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::UserLabel::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::UserLabel::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::UserLabel::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::UserLabel::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::UserLabel::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::LabelList::TypeInfo::DecodableType labelList;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace UserLabel
namespace ProxyConfiguration {
namespace Attributes {
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyConfiguration::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace ProxyConfiguration
namespace ProxyDiscovery {
namespace Attributes {
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyDiscovery::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyDiscovery::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyDiscovery::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyDiscovery::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyDiscovery::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyDiscovery::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace ProxyDiscovery
namespace ProxyValid {
namespace Attributes {
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyValid::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyValid::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyValid::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyValid::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyValid::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ProxyValid::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace ProxyValid
namespace BooleanState {
namespace Attributes {
namespace StateValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BooleanState::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::StateValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace StateValue
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BooleanState::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BooleanState::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BooleanState::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BooleanState::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BooleanState::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BooleanState::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::StateValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType stateValue = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
namespace Events {
namespace StateChange {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kStateValue = 0,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::StateChange::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BooleanState::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
bool stateValue = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::StateChange::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BooleanState::Id; }
bool stateValue = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace StateChange
} // namespace Events
} // namespace BooleanState
namespace ModeSelect {
namespace Structs {
namespace SemanticTag {
enum class Fields
kMfgCode = 0,
kValue = 1,
struct Type
uint16_t mfgCode = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t value = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace SemanticTag
namespace ModeOptionStruct {
enum class Fields
kLabel = 0,
kMode = 1,
kSemanticTags = 2,
struct Type
chip::CharSpan label;
uint8_t mode = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
DataModel::List<const Structs::SemanticTag::Type> semanticTags;
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
chip::CharSpan label;
uint8_t mode = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::SemanticTag::DecodableType> semanticTags;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
} // namespace ModeOptionStruct
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace ChangeToMode {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ChangeToMode
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace ChangeToMode {
enum class Fields
kNewMode = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ChangeToMode::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ModeSelect::Id; }
uint8_t newMode = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ChangeToMode::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ModeSelect::Id; }
uint8_t newMode = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ChangeToMode
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace Description {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ModeSelect::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Description::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace Description
namespace StandardNamespace {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ModeSelect::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::StandardNamespace::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace StandardNamespace
namespace SupportedModes {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::ModeSelect::Structs::ModeOptionStruct::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::ModeSelect::Structs::ModeOptionStruct::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ModeSelect::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SupportedModes::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SupportedModes
namespace CurrentMode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ModeSelect::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentMode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentMode
namespace StartUpMode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ModeSelect::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::StartUpMode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace StartUpMode
namespace OnMode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ModeSelect::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OnMode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OnMode
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ModeSelect::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ModeSelect::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ModeSelect::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ModeSelect::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ModeSelect::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ModeSelect::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::Description::TypeInfo::DecodableType description;
Attributes::StandardNamespace::TypeInfo::DecodableType standardNamespace;
Attributes::SupportedModes::TypeInfo::DecodableType supportedModes;
Attributes::CurrentMode::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentMode = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::StartUpMode::TypeInfo::DecodableType startUpMode;
Attributes::OnMode::TypeInfo::DecodableType onMode;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace ModeSelect
namespace DoorLock {
namespace Structs {
namespace DlCredential {
enum class Fields
kCredentialType = 0,
kCredentialIndex = 1,
struct Type
DlCredentialType credentialType = static_cast<DlCredentialType>(0);
uint16_t credentialIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace DlCredential
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace LockDoor {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace LockDoor
namespace UnlockDoor {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace UnlockDoor
namespace UnlockWithTimeout {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace UnlockWithTimeout
namespace SetWeekDaySchedule {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SetWeekDaySchedule
namespace GetWeekDaySchedule {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetWeekDaySchedule
namespace GetWeekDayScheduleResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetWeekDayScheduleResponse
namespace ClearWeekDaySchedule {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ClearWeekDaySchedule
namespace SetYearDaySchedule {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SetYearDaySchedule
namespace GetYearDaySchedule {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetYearDaySchedule
namespace GetYearDayScheduleResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetYearDayScheduleResponse
namespace ClearYearDaySchedule {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ClearYearDaySchedule
namespace SetHolidaySchedule {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SetHolidaySchedule
namespace GetHolidaySchedule {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetHolidaySchedule
namespace GetHolidayScheduleResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetHolidayScheduleResponse
namespace ClearHolidaySchedule {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ClearHolidaySchedule
namespace SetUser {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SetUser
namespace GetUser {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetUser
namespace GetUserResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetUserResponse
namespace ClearUser {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ClearUser
namespace SetCredential {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SetCredential
namespace SetCredentialResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SetCredentialResponse
namespace GetCredentialStatus {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetCredentialStatus
namespace GetCredentialStatusResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetCredentialStatusResponse
namespace ClearCredential {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ClearCredential
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace LockDoor {
enum class Fields
kPinCode = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::LockDoor::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> pinCode;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return true; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::LockDoor::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> pinCode;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace LockDoor
namespace UnlockDoor {
enum class Fields
kPinCode = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::UnlockDoor::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> pinCode;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return true; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::UnlockDoor::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> pinCode;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace UnlockDoor
namespace UnlockWithTimeout {
enum class Fields
kTimeout = 0,
kPinCode = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::UnlockWithTimeout::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint16_t timeout = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> pinCode;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return true; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::UnlockWithTimeout::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint16_t timeout = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> pinCode;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace UnlockWithTimeout
namespace SetWeekDaySchedule {
enum class Fields
kWeekDayIndex = 0,
kUserIndex = 1,
kDaysMask = 2,
kStartHour = 3,
kStartMinute = 4,
kEndHour = 5,
kEndMinute = 6,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetWeekDaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t weekDayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
chip::BitMask<DlDaysMaskMap> daysMask = static_cast<chip::BitMask<DlDaysMaskMap>>(0);
uint8_t startHour = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t startMinute = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t endHour = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t endMinute = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetWeekDaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t weekDayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
chip::BitMask<DlDaysMaskMap> daysMask = static_cast<chip::BitMask<DlDaysMaskMap>>(0);
uint8_t startHour = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t startMinute = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t endHour = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t endMinute = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SetWeekDaySchedule
namespace GetWeekDaySchedule {
enum class Fields
kWeekDayIndex = 0,
kUserIndex = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetWeekDaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t weekDayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetWeekDayScheduleResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetWeekDaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t weekDayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetWeekDaySchedule
namespace GetWeekDayScheduleResponse {
enum class Fields
kWeekDayIndex = 0,
kUserIndex = 1,
kStatus = 2,
kDaysMask = 3,
kStartHour = 4,
kStartMinute = 5,
kEndHour = 6,
kEndMinute = 7,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetWeekDayScheduleResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t weekDayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
DlStatus status = static_cast<DlStatus>(0);
Optional<chip::BitMask<DlDaysMaskMap>> daysMask;
Optional<uint8_t> startHour;
Optional<uint8_t> startMinute;
Optional<uint8_t> endHour;
Optional<uint8_t> endMinute;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetWeekDayScheduleResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t weekDayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
DlStatus status = static_cast<DlStatus>(0);
Optional<chip::BitMask<DlDaysMaskMap>> daysMask;
Optional<uint8_t> startHour;
Optional<uint8_t> startMinute;
Optional<uint8_t> endHour;
Optional<uint8_t> endMinute;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetWeekDayScheduleResponse
namespace ClearWeekDaySchedule {
enum class Fields
kWeekDayIndex = 0,
kUserIndex = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ClearWeekDaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t weekDayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ClearWeekDaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t weekDayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ClearWeekDaySchedule
namespace SetYearDaySchedule {
enum class Fields
kYearDayIndex = 0,
kUserIndex = 1,
kLocalStartTime = 2,
kLocalEndTime = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetYearDaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t yearDayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint32_t localStartTime = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
uint32_t localEndTime = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetYearDaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t yearDayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint32_t localStartTime = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
uint32_t localEndTime = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SetYearDaySchedule
namespace GetYearDaySchedule {
enum class Fields
kYearDayIndex = 0,
kUserIndex = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetYearDaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t yearDayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetYearDayScheduleResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetYearDaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t yearDayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetYearDaySchedule
namespace GetYearDayScheduleResponse {
enum class Fields
kYearDayIndex = 0,
kUserIndex = 1,
kStatus = 2,
kLocalStartTime = 3,
kLocalEndTime = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetYearDayScheduleResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t yearDayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
DlStatus status = static_cast<DlStatus>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> localStartTime;
Optional<uint32_t> localEndTime;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetYearDayScheduleResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t yearDayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
DlStatus status = static_cast<DlStatus>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> localStartTime;
Optional<uint32_t> localEndTime;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetYearDayScheduleResponse
namespace ClearYearDaySchedule {
enum class Fields
kYearDayIndex = 0,
kUserIndex = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ClearYearDaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t yearDayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ClearYearDaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t yearDayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ClearYearDaySchedule
namespace SetHolidaySchedule {
enum class Fields
kHolidayIndex = 0,
kLocalStartTime = 1,
kLocalEndTime = 2,
kOperatingMode = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetHolidaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t holidayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint32_t localStartTime = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
uint32_t localEndTime = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
DlOperatingMode operatingMode = static_cast<DlOperatingMode>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetHolidaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t holidayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint32_t localStartTime = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
uint32_t localEndTime = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
DlOperatingMode operatingMode = static_cast<DlOperatingMode>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SetHolidaySchedule
namespace GetHolidaySchedule {
enum class Fields
kHolidayIndex = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetHolidaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t holidayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetHolidayScheduleResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetHolidaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t holidayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetHolidaySchedule
namespace GetHolidayScheduleResponse {
enum class Fields
kHolidayIndex = 0,
kStatus = 1,
kLocalStartTime = 2,
kLocalEndTime = 3,
kOperatingMode = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetHolidayScheduleResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t holidayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
DlStatus status = static_cast<DlStatus>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> localStartTime;
Optional<uint32_t> localEndTime;
Optional<DlOperatingMode> operatingMode;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetHolidayScheduleResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t holidayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
DlStatus status = static_cast<DlStatus>(0);
Optional<uint32_t> localStartTime;
Optional<uint32_t> localEndTime;
Optional<DlOperatingMode> operatingMode;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetHolidayScheduleResponse
namespace ClearHolidaySchedule {
enum class Fields
kHolidayIndex = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ClearHolidaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t holidayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ClearHolidaySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint8_t holidayIndex = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ClearHolidaySchedule
namespace SetUser {
enum class Fields
kOperationType = 0,
kUserIndex = 1,
kUserName = 2,
kUserUniqueId = 3,
kUserStatus = 4,
kUserType = 5,
kCredentialRule = 6,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetUser::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
DlDataOperationType operationType = static_cast<DlDataOperationType>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan> userName;
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> userUniqueId;
DataModel::Nullable<DlUserStatus> userStatus;
DataModel::Nullable<DlUserType> userType;
DataModel::Nullable<DlCredentialRule> credentialRule;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return true; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetUser::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
DlDataOperationType operationType = static_cast<DlDataOperationType>(0);
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan> userName;
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> userUniqueId;
DataModel::Nullable<DlUserStatus> userStatus;
DataModel::Nullable<DlUserType> userType;
DataModel::Nullable<DlCredentialRule> credentialRule;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SetUser
namespace GetUser {
enum class Fields
kUserIndex = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetUser::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetUserResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetUser::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetUser
namespace GetUserResponse {
enum class Fields
kUserIndex = 0,
kUserName = 1,
kUserUniqueId = 2,
kUserStatus = 3,
kUserType = 4,
kCredentialRule = 5,
kCredentials = 6,
kCreatorFabricIndex = 7,
kLastModifiedFabricIndex = 8,
kNextUserIndex = 9,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetUserResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan> userName;
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> userUniqueId;
DataModel::Nullable<DlUserStatus> userStatus;
DataModel::Nullable<DlUserType> userType;
DataModel::Nullable<DlCredentialRule> credentialRule;
DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::List<const Structs::DlCredential::Type>> credentials;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::FabricIndex> creatorFabricIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::FabricIndex> lastModifiedFabricIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> nextUserIndex;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetUserResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan> userName;
DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> userUniqueId;
DataModel::Nullable<DlUserStatus> userStatus;
DataModel::Nullable<DlUserType> userType;
DataModel::Nullable<DlCredentialRule> credentialRule;
DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::DlCredential::DecodableType>> credentials;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::FabricIndex> creatorFabricIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::FabricIndex> lastModifiedFabricIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> nextUserIndex;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetUserResponse
namespace ClearUser {
enum class Fields
kUserIndex = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ClearUser::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return true; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ClearUser::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
uint16_t userIndex = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ClearUser
namespace SetCredential {
enum class Fields
kOperationType = 0,
kCredential = 1,
kCredentialData = 2,
kUserIndex = 3,
kUserStatus = 4,
kUserType = 5,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetCredential::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
DlDataOperationType operationType = static_cast<DlDataOperationType>(0);
Structs::DlCredential::Type credential;
chip::ByteSpan credentialData;
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> userIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<DlUserStatus> userStatus;
DataModel::Nullable<DlUserType> userType;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::SetCredentialResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return true; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetCredential::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
DlDataOperationType operationType = static_cast<DlDataOperationType>(0);
Structs::DlCredential::DecodableType credential;
chip::ByteSpan credentialData;
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> userIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<DlUserStatus> userStatus;
DataModel::Nullable<DlUserType> userType;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SetCredential
namespace SetCredentialResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kUserIndex = 1,
kNextCredentialIndex = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetCredentialResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
DlStatus status = static_cast<DlStatus>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> userIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> nextCredentialIndex;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetCredentialResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
DlStatus status = static_cast<DlStatus>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> userIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> nextCredentialIndex;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SetCredentialResponse
namespace GetCredentialStatus {
enum class Fields
kCredential = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetCredentialStatus::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
Structs::DlCredential::Type credential;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::DoorLock::Commands::GetCredentialStatusResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetCredentialStatus::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
Structs::DlCredential::DecodableType credential;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetCredentialStatus
namespace GetCredentialStatusResponse {
enum class Fields
kCredentialExists = 0,
kUserIndex = 1,
kCreatorFabricIndex = 2,
kLastModifiedFabricIndex = 3,
kNextCredentialIndex = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetCredentialStatusResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
bool credentialExists = static_cast<bool>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> userIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::FabricIndex> creatorFabricIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::FabricIndex> lastModifiedFabricIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> nextCredentialIndex;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetCredentialStatusResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
bool credentialExists = static_cast<bool>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> userIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::FabricIndex> creatorFabricIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::FabricIndex> lastModifiedFabricIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> nextCredentialIndex;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetCredentialStatusResponse
namespace ClearCredential {
enum class Fields
kCredential = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ClearCredential::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
DataModel::Nullable<Structs::DlCredential::Type> credential;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return true; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ClearCredential::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
DataModel::Nullable<Structs::DlCredential::DecodableType> credential;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ClearCredential
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace LockState {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlLockState>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlLockState>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlLockState> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LockState::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LockState
namespace LockType {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlLockType;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlLockType;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlLockType;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LockType::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LockType
namespace ActuatorEnabled {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActuatorEnabled::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActuatorEnabled
namespace DoorState {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlDoorState>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlDoorState>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlDoorState> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DoorState::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DoorState
namespace DoorOpenEvents {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DoorOpenEvents::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DoorOpenEvents
namespace DoorClosedEvents {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DoorClosedEvents::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DoorClosedEvents
namespace OpenPeriod {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OpenPeriod::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OpenPeriod
namespace NumberOfTotalUsersSupported {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NumberOfTotalUsersSupported::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NumberOfTotalUsersSupported
namespace NumberOfPINUsersSupported {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NumberOfPINUsersSupported::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NumberOfPINUsersSupported
namespace NumberOfRFIDUsersSupported {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NumberOfRFIDUsersSupported::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NumberOfRFIDUsersSupported
namespace NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser
namespace NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser
namespace NumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported
namespace MaxPINCodeLength {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxPINCodeLength::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxPINCodeLength
namespace MinPINCodeLength {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinPINCodeLength::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinPINCodeLength
namespace MaxRFIDCodeLength {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxRFIDCodeLength::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxRFIDCodeLength
namespace MinRFIDCodeLength {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinRFIDCodeLength::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinRFIDCodeLength
namespace CredentialRulesSupport {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlCredentialRuleMask>;
using DecodableType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlCredentialRuleMask>;
using DecodableArgType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlCredentialRuleMask>;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CredentialRulesSupport::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CredentialRulesSupport
namespace NumberOfCredentialsSupportedPerUser {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NumberOfCredentialsSupportedPerUser::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NumberOfCredentialsSupportedPerUser
namespace Language {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Language::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 3; }
} // namespace Language
namespace LEDSettings {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LEDSettings::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LEDSettings
namespace AutoRelockTime {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AutoRelockTime::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AutoRelockTime
namespace SoundVolume {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SoundVolume::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SoundVolume
namespace OperatingMode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlOperatingMode;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlOperatingMode;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlOperatingMode;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OperatingMode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OperatingMode
namespace SupportedOperatingModes {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlSupportedOperatingModes>;
using DecodableType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlSupportedOperatingModes>;
using DecodableArgType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlSupportedOperatingModes>;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SupportedOperatingModes::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SupportedOperatingModes
namespace DefaultConfigurationRegister {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlDefaultConfigurationRegister>;
using DecodableType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlDefaultConfigurationRegister>;
using DecodableArgType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlDefaultConfigurationRegister>;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DefaultConfigurationRegister::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DefaultConfigurationRegister
namespace EnableLocalProgramming {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::EnableLocalProgramming::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace EnableLocalProgramming
namespace EnableOneTouchLocking {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::EnableOneTouchLocking::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace EnableOneTouchLocking
namespace EnableInsideStatusLED {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::EnableInsideStatusLED::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace EnableInsideStatusLED
namespace EnablePrivacyModeButton {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::EnablePrivacyModeButton::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace EnablePrivacyModeButton
namespace LocalProgrammingFeatures {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlLocalProgrammingFeatures>;
using DecodableType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlLocalProgrammingFeatures>;
using DecodableArgType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlLocalProgrammingFeatures>;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LocalProgrammingFeatures::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LocalProgrammingFeatures
namespace WrongCodeEntryLimit {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::WrongCodeEntryLimit::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace WrongCodeEntryLimit
namespace UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime
namespace SendPINOverTheAir {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SendPINOverTheAir::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SendPINOverTheAir
namespace RequirePINforRemoteOperation {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RequirePINforRemoteOperation::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RequirePINforRemoteOperation
namespace ExpiringUserTimeout {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ExpiringUserTimeout::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ExpiringUserTimeout
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::LockState::TypeInfo::DecodableType lockState;
Attributes::LockType::TypeInfo::DecodableType lockType = static_cast<chip::app::Clusters::DoorLock::DlLockType>(0);
Attributes::ActuatorEnabled::TypeInfo::DecodableType actuatorEnabled = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::DoorState::TypeInfo::DecodableType doorState;
Attributes::DoorOpenEvents::TypeInfo::DecodableType doorOpenEvents = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::DoorClosedEvents::TypeInfo::DecodableType doorClosedEvents = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::OpenPeriod::TypeInfo::DecodableType openPeriod = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::NumberOfTotalUsersSupported::TypeInfo::DecodableType numberOfTotalUsersSupported = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::NumberOfPINUsersSupported::TypeInfo::DecodableType numberOfPINUsersSupported = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::NumberOfRFIDUsersSupported::TypeInfo::DecodableType numberOfRFIDUsersSupported = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::NumberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser::TypeInfo::DecodableType numberOfWeekDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser =
Attributes::NumberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser::TypeInfo::DecodableType numberOfYearDaySchedulesSupportedPerUser =
Attributes::NumberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported::TypeInfo::DecodableType numberOfHolidaySchedulesSupported =
Attributes::MaxPINCodeLength::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxPINCodeLength = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::MinPINCodeLength::TypeInfo::DecodableType minPINCodeLength = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::MaxRFIDCodeLength::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxRFIDCodeLength = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::MinRFIDCodeLength::TypeInfo::DecodableType minRFIDCodeLength = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::CredentialRulesSupport::TypeInfo::DecodableType credentialRulesSupport =
Attributes::NumberOfCredentialsSupportedPerUser::TypeInfo::DecodableType numberOfCredentialsSupportedPerUser =
Attributes::Language::TypeInfo::DecodableType language;
Attributes::LEDSettings::TypeInfo::DecodableType LEDSettings = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::AutoRelockTime::TypeInfo::DecodableType autoRelockTime = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::SoundVolume::TypeInfo::DecodableType soundVolume = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::OperatingMode::TypeInfo::DecodableType operatingMode =
Attributes::SupportedOperatingModes::TypeInfo::DecodableType supportedOperatingModes =
Attributes::DefaultConfigurationRegister::TypeInfo::DecodableType defaultConfigurationRegister =
Attributes::EnableLocalProgramming::TypeInfo::DecodableType enableLocalProgramming = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::EnableOneTouchLocking::TypeInfo::DecodableType enableOneTouchLocking = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::EnableInsideStatusLED::TypeInfo::DecodableType enableInsideStatusLED = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::EnablePrivacyModeButton::TypeInfo::DecodableType enablePrivacyModeButton = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::LocalProgrammingFeatures::TypeInfo::DecodableType localProgrammingFeatures =
Attributes::WrongCodeEntryLimit::TypeInfo::DecodableType wrongCodeEntryLimit = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::UserCodeTemporaryDisableTime::TypeInfo::DecodableType userCodeTemporaryDisableTime = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::SendPINOverTheAir::TypeInfo::DecodableType sendPINOverTheAir = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::RequirePINforRemoteOperation::TypeInfo::DecodableType requirePINforRemoteOperation = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::ExpiringUserTimeout::TypeInfo::DecodableType expiringUserTimeout = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
namespace Events {
namespace DoorLockAlarm {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Critical;
enum class Fields
kAlarmCode = 0,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::DoorLockAlarm::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
DlAlarmCode alarmCode = static_cast<DlAlarmCode>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::DoorLockAlarm::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
DlAlarmCode alarmCode = static_cast<DlAlarmCode>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace DoorLockAlarm
namespace DoorStateChange {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Critical;
enum class Fields
kDoorState = 0,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::DoorStateChange::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
DlDoorState doorState = static_cast<DlDoorState>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::DoorStateChange::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
DlDoorState doorState = static_cast<DlDoorState>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace DoorStateChange
namespace LockOperation {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Critical;
enum class Fields
kLockOperationType = 0,
kOperationSource = 1,
kUserIndex = 2,
kFabricIndex = 3,
kSourceNode = 4,
kCredentials = 5,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::LockOperation::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
DlLockOperationType lockOperationType = static_cast<DlLockOperationType>(0);
DlOperationSource operationSource = static_cast<DlOperationSource>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> userIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::FabricIndex> fabricIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::NodeId> sourceNode;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::List<const Structs::DlCredential::Type>>> credentials;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::LockOperation::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
DlLockOperationType lockOperationType = static_cast<DlLockOperationType>(0);
DlOperationSource operationSource = static_cast<DlOperationSource>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> userIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::FabricIndex> fabricIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::NodeId> sourceNode;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::DlCredential::DecodableType>>> credentials;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace LockOperation
namespace LockOperationError {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Critical;
enum class Fields
kLockOperationType = 0,
kOperationSource = 1,
kOperationError = 2,
kUserIndex = 3,
kFabricIndex = 4,
kSourceNode = 5,
kCredentials = 6,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::LockOperationError::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
DlLockOperationType lockOperationType = static_cast<DlLockOperationType>(0);
DlOperationSource operationSource = static_cast<DlOperationSource>(0);
DlOperationError operationError = static_cast<DlOperationError>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> userIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::FabricIndex> fabricIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::NodeId> sourceNode;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::List<const Structs::DlCredential::Type>>> credentials;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::LockOperationError::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
DlLockOperationType lockOperationType = static_cast<DlLockOperationType>(0);
DlOperationSource operationSource = static_cast<DlOperationSource>(0);
DlOperationError operationError = static_cast<DlOperationError>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> userIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::FabricIndex> fabricIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::NodeId> sourceNode;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::DlCredential::DecodableType>>> credentials;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace LockOperationError
namespace LockUserChange {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kLockDataType = 0,
kDataOperationType = 1,
kOperationSource = 2,
kUserIndex = 3,
kFabricIndex = 4,
kSourceNode = 5,
kDataIndex = 6,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::LockUserChange::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
DlLockDataType lockDataType = static_cast<DlLockDataType>(0);
DlDataOperationType dataOperationType = static_cast<DlDataOperationType>(0);
DlOperationSource operationSource = static_cast<DlOperationSource>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> userIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::FabricIndex> fabricIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::NodeId> sourceNode;
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> dataIndex;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::LockUserChange::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::DoorLock::Id; }
DlLockDataType lockDataType = static_cast<DlLockDataType>(0);
DlDataOperationType dataOperationType = static_cast<DlDataOperationType>(0);
DlOperationSource operationSource = static_cast<DlOperationSource>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> userIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::FabricIndex> fabricIndex;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::NodeId> sourceNode;
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> dataIndex;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace LockUserChange
} // namespace Events
} // namespace DoorLock
namespace WindowCovering {
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace UpOrOpen {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace UpOrOpen
namespace DownOrClose {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace DownOrClose
namespace StopMotion {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace StopMotion
namespace GoToLiftValue {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GoToLiftValue
namespace GoToLiftPercentage {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GoToLiftPercentage
namespace GoToTiltValue {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GoToTiltValue
namespace GoToTiltPercentage {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GoToTiltPercentage
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace UpOrOpen {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::UpOrOpen::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::UpOrOpen::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace UpOrOpen
namespace DownOrClose {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::DownOrClose::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::DownOrClose::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace DownOrClose
namespace StopMotion {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StopMotion::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StopMotion::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace StopMotion
namespace GoToLiftValue {
enum class Fields
kLiftValue = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GoToLiftValue::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
uint16_t liftValue = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GoToLiftValue::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
uint16_t liftValue = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GoToLiftValue
namespace GoToLiftPercentage {
enum class Fields
kLiftPercent100thsValue = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GoToLiftPercentage::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
chip::Percent100ths liftPercent100thsValue = static_cast<chip::Percent100ths>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GoToLiftPercentage::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
chip::Percent100ths liftPercent100thsValue = static_cast<chip::Percent100ths>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GoToLiftPercentage
namespace GoToTiltValue {
enum class Fields
kTiltValue = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GoToTiltValue::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
uint16_t tiltValue = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GoToTiltValue::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
uint16_t tiltValue = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GoToTiltValue
namespace GoToTiltPercentage {
enum class Fields
kTiltPercent100thsValue = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GoToTiltPercentage::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
chip::Percent100ths tiltPercent100thsValue = static_cast<chip::Percent100ths>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GoToTiltPercentage::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
chip::Percent100ths tiltPercent100thsValue = static_cast<chip::Percent100ths>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GoToTiltPercentage
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace Type {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Type;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Type;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Type;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Type::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Type
namespace PhysicalClosedLimitLift {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PhysicalClosedLimitLift::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PhysicalClosedLimitLift
namespace PhysicalClosedLimitTilt {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PhysicalClosedLimitTilt::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PhysicalClosedLimitTilt
namespace CurrentPositionLift {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentPositionLift::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentPositionLift
namespace CurrentPositionTilt {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentPositionTilt::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentPositionTilt
namespace NumberOfActuationsLift {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NumberOfActuationsLift::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NumberOfActuationsLift
namespace NumberOfActuationsTilt {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NumberOfActuationsTilt::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NumberOfActuationsTilt
namespace ConfigStatus {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::ConfigStatus>;
using DecodableType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::ConfigStatus>;
using DecodableArgType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::ConfigStatus>;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ConfigStatus::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ConfigStatus
namespace CurrentPositionLiftPercentage {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercentage::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentPositionLiftPercentage
namespace CurrentPositionTiltPercentage {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercentage::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentPositionTiltPercentage
namespace OperationalStatus {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::OperationalStatus>;
using DecodableType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::OperationalStatus>;
using DecodableArgType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::OperationalStatus>;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OperationalStatus::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OperationalStatus
namespace TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent100ths>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent100ths>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent100ths> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths
namespace TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent100ths>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent100ths>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent100ths> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths
namespace EndProductType {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::EndProductType;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::EndProductType;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::EndProductType;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::EndProductType::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace EndProductType
namespace CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent100ths>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent100ths>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent100ths> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths
namespace CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent100ths>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent100ths>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::Percent100ths> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths
namespace InstalledOpenLimitLift {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::InstalledOpenLimitLift::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace InstalledOpenLimitLift
namespace InstalledClosedLimitLift {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::InstalledClosedLimitLift::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace InstalledClosedLimitLift
namespace InstalledOpenLimitTilt {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::InstalledOpenLimitTilt::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace InstalledOpenLimitTilt
namespace InstalledClosedLimitTilt {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::InstalledClosedLimitTilt::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace InstalledClosedLimitTilt
namespace Mode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Mode>;
using DecodableType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Mode>;
using DecodableArgType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Mode>;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Mode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Mode
namespace SafetyStatus {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::SafetyStatus>;
using DecodableType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::SafetyStatus>;
using DecodableArgType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::SafetyStatus>;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SafetyStatus::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SafetyStatus
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WindowCovering::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::Type::TypeInfo::DecodableType type = static_cast<chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Type>(0);
Attributes::PhysicalClosedLimitLift::TypeInfo::DecodableType physicalClosedLimitLift = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::PhysicalClosedLimitTilt::TypeInfo::DecodableType physicalClosedLimitTilt = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::CurrentPositionLift::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentPositionLift;
Attributes::CurrentPositionTilt::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentPositionTilt;
Attributes::NumberOfActuationsLift::TypeInfo::DecodableType numberOfActuationsLift = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::NumberOfActuationsTilt::TypeInfo::DecodableType numberOfActuationsTilt = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ConfigStatus::TypeInfo::DecodableType configStatus =
Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercentage::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentPositionLiftPercentage;
Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercentage::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentPositionTiltPercentage;
Attributes::OperationalStatus::TypeInfo::DecodableType operationalStatus =
Attributes::TargetPositionLiftPercent100ths::TypeInfo::DecodableType targetPositionLiftPercent100ths;
Attributes::TargetPositionTiltPercent100ths::TypeInfo::DecodableType targetPositionTiltPercent100ths;
Attributes::EndProductType::TypeInfo::DecodableType endProductType =
Attributes::CurrentPositionLiftPercent100ths::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentPositionLiftPercent100ths;
Attributes::CurrentPositionTiltPercent100ths::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentPositionTiltPercent100ths;
Attributes::InstalledOpenLimitLift::TypeInfo::DecodableType installedOpenLimitLift = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::InstalledClosedLimitLift::TypeInfo::DecodableType installedClosedLimitLift = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::InstalledOpenLimitTilt::TypeInfo::DecodableType installedOpenLimitTilt = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::InstalledClosedLimitTilt::TypeInfo::DecodableType installedClosedLimitTilt = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::Mode::TypeInfo::DecodableType mode = static_cast<chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::WindowCovering::Mode>>(0);
Attributes::SafetyStatus::TypeInfo::DecodableType safetyStatus =
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace WindowCovering
namespace BarrierControl {
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace BarrierControlGoToPercent {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace BarrierControlGoToPercent
namespace BarrierControlStop {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace BarrierControlStop
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace BarrierControlGoToPercent {
enum class Fields
kPercentOpen = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::BarrierControlGoToPercent::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
uint8_t percentOpen = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::BarrierControlGoToPercent::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
uint8_t percentOpen = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace BarrierControlGoToPercent
namespace BarrierControlStop {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::BarrierControlStop::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::BarrierControlStop::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace BarrierControlStop
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace BarrierMovingState {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BarrierMovingState::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BarrierMovingState
namespace BarrierSafetyStatus {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BarrierSafetyStatus::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BarrierSafetyStatus
namespace BarrierCapabilities {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BarrierCapabilities::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BarrierCapabilities
namespace BarrierOpenEvents {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BarrierOpenEvents::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BarrierOpenEvents
namespace BarrierCloseEvents {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BarrierCloseEvents::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BarrierCloseEvents
namespace BarrierCommandOpenEvents {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BarrierCommandOpenEvents::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BarrierCommandOpenEvents
namespace BarrierCommandCloseEvents {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BarrierCommandCloseEvents::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BarrierCommandCloseEvents
namespace BarrierOpenPeriod {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BarrierOpenPeriod::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BarrierOpenPeriod
namespace BarrierClosePeriod {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BarrierClosePeriod::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BarrierClosePeriod
namespace BarrierPosition {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BarrierPosition::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BarrierPosition
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BarrierControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::BarrierMovingState::TypeInfo::DecodableType barrierMovingState = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::BarrierSafetyStatus::TypeInfo::DecodableType barrierSafetyStatus = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::BarrierCapabilities::TypeInfo::DecodableType barrierCapabilities = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::BarrierOpenEvents::TypeInfo::DecodableType barrierOpenEvents = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::BarrierCloseEvents::TypeInfo::DecodableType barrierCloseEvents = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::BarrierCommandOpenEvents::TypeInfo::DecodableType barrierCommandOpenEvents = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::BarrierCommandCloseEvents::TypeInfo::DecodableType barrierCommandCloseEvents = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::BarrierOpenPeriod::TypeInfo::DecodableType barrierOpenPeriod = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::BarrierClosePeriod::TypeInfo::DecodableType barrierClosePeriod = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::BarrierPosition::TypeInfo::DecodableType barrierPosition = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace BarrierControl
namespace PumpConfigurationAndControl {
namespace Attributes {
namespace MaxPressure {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxPressure::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxPressure
namespace MaxSpeed {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxSpeed::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxSpeed
namespace MaxFlow {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxFlow::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxFlow
namespace MinConstPressure {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinConstPressure::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinConstPressure
namespace MaxConstPressure {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxConstPressure::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxConstPressure
namespace MinCompPressure {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinCompPressure::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinCompPressure
namespace MaxCompPressure {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxCompPressure::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxCompPressure
namespace MinConstSpeed {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinConstSpeed::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinConstSpeed
namespace MaxConstSpeed {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxConstSpeed::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxConstSpeed
namespace MinConstFlow {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinConstFlow::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinConstFlow
namespace MaxConstFlow {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxConstFlow::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxConstFlow
namespace MinConstTemp {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinConstTemp::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinConstTemp
namespace MaxConstTemp {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxConstTemp::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxConstTemp
namespace PumpStatus {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::PumpStatus>;
using DecodableType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::PumpStatus>;
using DecodableArgType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::PumpStatus>;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PumpStatus::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PumpStatus
namespace EffectiveOperationMode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::PumpOperationMode;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::PumpOperationMode;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::PumpOperationMode;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::EffectiveOperationMode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace EffectiveOperationMode
namespace EffectiveControlMode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::PumpControlMode;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::PumpControlMode;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::PumpControlMode;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::EffectiveControlMode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace EffectiveControlMode
namespace Capacity {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Capacity::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Capacity
namespace Speed {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Speed::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Speed
namespace LifetimeRunningHours {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LifetimeRunningHours::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LifetimeRunningHours
namespace Power {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Power::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Power
namespace LifetimeEnergyConsumed {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LifetimeEnergyConsumed::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LifetimeEnergyConsumed
namespace OperationMode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::PumpOperationMode;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::PumpOperationMode;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::PumpOperationMode;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OperationMode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OperationMode
namespace ControlMode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::PumpControlMode;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::PumpControlMode;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::PumpControlMode;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ControlMode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ControlMode
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::MaxPressure::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxPressure;
Attributes::MaxSpeed::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxSpeed;
Attributes::MaxFlow::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxFlow;
Attributes::MinConstPressure::TypeInfo::DecodableType minConstPressure;
Attributes::MaxConstPressure::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxConstPressure;
Attributes::MinCompPressure::TypeInfo::DecodableType minCompPressure;
Attributes::MaxCompPressure::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxCompPressure;
Attributes::MinConstSpeed::TypeInfo::DecodableType minConstSpeed;
Attributes::MaxConstSpeed::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxConstSpeed;
Attributes::MinConstFlow::TypeInfo::DecodableType minConstFlow;
Attributes::MaxConstFlow::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxConstFlow;
Attributes::MinConstTemp::TypeInfo::DecodableType minConstTemp;
Attributes::MaxConstTemp::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxConstTemp;
Attributes::PumpStatus::TypeInfo::DecodableType pumpStatus =
Attributes::EffectiveOperationMode::TypeInfo::DecodableType effectiveOperationMode =
Attributes::EffectiveControlMode::TypeInfo::DecodableType effectiveControlMode =
Attributes::Capacity::TypeInfo::DecodableType capacity;
Attributes::Speed::TypeInfo::DecodableType speed;
Attributes::LifetimeRunningHours::TypeInfo::DecodableType lifetimeRunningHours;
Attributes::Power::TypeInfo::DecodableType power;
Attributes::LifetimeEnergyConsumed::TypeInfo::DecodableType lifetimeEnergyConsumed;
Attributes::OperationMode::TypeInfo::DecodableType operationMode =
Attributes::ControlMode::TypeInfo::DecodableType controlMode =
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
namespace Events {
namespace SupplyVoltageLow {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::SupplyVoltageLow::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::SupplyVoltageLow::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace SupplyVoltageLow
namespace SupplyVoltageHigh {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::SupplyVoltageHigh::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::SupplyVoltageHigh::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace SupplyVoltageHigh
namespace PowerMissingPhase {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::PowerMissingPhase::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::PowerMissingPhase::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace PowerMissingPhase
namespace SystemPressureLow {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::SystemPressureLow::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::SystemPressureLow::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace SystemPressureLow
namespace SystemPressureHigh {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::SystemPressureHigh::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::SystemPressureHigh::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace SystemPressureHigh
namespace DryRunning {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Critical;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::DryRunning::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::DryRunning::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace DryRunning
namespace MotorTemperatureHigh {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::MotorTemperatureHigh::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::MotorTemperatureHigh::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace MotorTemperatureHigh
namespace PumpMotorFatalFailure {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Critical;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::PumpMotorFatalFailure::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::PumpMotorFatalFailure::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace PumpMotorFatalFailure
namespace ElectronicTemperatureHigh {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ElectronicTemperatureHigh::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ElectronicTemperatureHigh::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace ElectronicTemperatureHigh
namespace PumpBlocked {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Critical;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::PumpBlocked::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::PumpBlocked::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace PumpBlocked
namespace SensorFailure {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::SensorFailure::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::SensorFailure::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace SensorFailure
namespace ElectronicNonFatalFailure {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ElectronicNonFatalFailure::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ElectronicNonFatalFailure::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace ElectronicNonFatalFailure
namespace ElectronicFatalFailure {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Critical;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ElectronicFatalFailure::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::ElectronicFatalFailure::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace ElectronicFatalFailure
namespace GeneralFault {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::GeneralFault::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::GeneralFault::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace GeneralFault
namespace Leakage {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::Leakage::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::Leakage::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace Leakage
namespace AirDetection {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::AirDetection::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::AirDetection::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace AirDetection
namespace TurbineOperation {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::TurbineOperation::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::TurbineOperation::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PumpConfigurationAndControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace TurbineOperation
} // namespace Events
} // namespace PumpConfigurationAndControl
namespace Thermostat {
namespace Structs {
namespace ThermostatScheduleTransition {
enum class Fields
kTransitionTime = 0,
kHeatSetpoint = 1,
kCoolSetpoint = 2,
struct Type
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> heatSetpoint;
DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> coolSetpoint;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace ThermostatScheduleTransition
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace SetpointRaiseLower {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SetpointRaiseLower
namespace GetWeeklyScheduleResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetWeeklyScheduleResponse
namespace SetWeeklySchedule {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SetWeeklySchedule
namespace GetWeeklySchedule {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetWeeklySchedule
namespace ClearWeeklySchedule {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ClearWeeklySchedule
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace SetpointRaiseLower {
enum class Fields
kMode = 0,
kAmount = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetpointRaiseLower::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
SetpointAdjustMode mode = static_cast<SetpointAdjustMode>(0);
int8_t amount = static_cast<int8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetpointRaiseLower::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
SetpointAdjustMode mode = static_cast<SetpointAdjustMode>(0);
int8_t amount = static_cast<int8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SetpointRaiseLower
namespace GetWeeklyScheduleResponse {
enum class Fields
kNumberOfTransitionsForSequence = 0,
kDayOfWeekForSequence = 1,
kModeForSequence = 2,
kTransitions = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetWeeklyScheduleResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
uint8_t numberOfTransitionsForSequence = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::BitMask<DayOfWeek> dayOfWeekForSequence = static_cast<chip::BitMask<DayOfWeek>>(0);
chip::BitMask<ModeForSequence> modeForSequence = static_cast<chip::BitMask<ModeForSequence>>(0);
DataModel::List<const Structs::ThermostatScheduleTransition::Type> transitions;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetWeeklyScheduleResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
uint8_t numberOfTransitionsForSequence = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::BitMask<DayOfWeek> dayOfWeekForSequence = static_cast<chip::BitMask<DayOfWeek>>(0);
chip::BitMask<ModeForSequence> modeForSequence = static_cast<chip::BitMask<ModeForSequence>>(0);
DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::ThermostatScheduleTransition::DecodableType> transitions;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetWeeklyScheduleResponse
namespace SetWeeklySchedule {
enum class Fields
kNumberOfTransitionsForSequence = 0,
kDayOfWeekForSequence = 1,
kModeForSequence = 2,
kTransitions = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetWeeklySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
uint8_t numberOfTransitionsForSequence = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::BitMask<DayOfWeek> dayOfWeekForSequence = static_cast<chip::BitMask<DayOfWeek>>(0);
chip::BitMask<ModeForSequence> modeForSequence = static_cast<chip::BitMask<ModeForSequence>>(0);
DataModel::List<const Structs::ThermostatScheduleTransition::Type> transitions;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SetWeeklySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
uint8_t numberOfTransitionsForSequence = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::BitMask<DayOfWeek> dayOfWeekForSequence = static_cast<chip::BitMask<DayOfWeek>>(0);
chip::BitMask<ModeForSequence> modeForSequence = static_cast<chip::BitMask<ModeForSequence>>(0);
DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::ThermostatScheduleTransition::DecodableType> transitions;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SetWeeklySchedule
namespace GetWeeklySchedule {
enum class Fields
kDaysToReturn = 0,
kModeToReturn = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetWeeklySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
chip::BitMask<DayOfWeek> daysToReturn = static_cast<chip::BitMask<DayOfWeek>>(0);
chip::BitMask<ModeForSequence> modeToReturn = static_cast<chip::BitMask<ModeForSequence>>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::Thermostat::Commands::GetWeeklyScheduleResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetWeeklySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
chip::BitMask<DayOfWeek> daysToReturn = static_cast<chip::BitMask<DayOfWeek>>(0);
chip::BitMask<ModeForSequence> modeToReturn = static_cast<chip::BitMask<ModeForSequence>>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetWeeklySchedule
namespace ClearWeeklySchedule {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ClearWeeklySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ClearWeeklySchedule::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ClearWeeklySchedule
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace LocalTemperature {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LocalTemperature::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LocalTemperature
namespace OutdoorTemperature {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OutdoorTemperature::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OutdoorTemperature
namespace Occupancy {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Occupancy::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Occupancy
namespace AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit
namespace AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit
namespace AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit
namespace AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit
namespace PICoolingDemand {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PICoolingDemand::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PICoolingDemand
namespace PIHeatingDemand {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PIHeatingDemand::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PIHeatingDemand
namespace HVACSystemTypeConfiguration {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::HVACSystemTypeConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace HVACSystemTypeConfiguration
namespace LocalTemperatureCalibration {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int8_t;
using DecodableType = int8_t;
using DecodableArgType = int8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LocalTemperatureCalibration::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LocalTemperatureCalibration
namespace OccupiedCoolingSetpoint {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OccupiedCoolingSetpoint::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OccupiedCoolingSetpoint
namespace OccupiedHeatingSetpoint {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OccupiedHeatingSetpoint::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OccupiedHeatingSetpoint
namespace UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint
namespace UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint
namespace MinHeatSetpointLimit {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinHeatSetpointLimit::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinHeatSetpointLimit
namespace MaxHeatSetpointLimit {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxHeatSetpointLimit::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxHeatSetpointLimit
namespace MinCoolSetpointLimit {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinCoolSetpointLimit::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinCoolSetpointLimit
namespace MaxCoolSetpointLimit {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxCoolSetpointLimit::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxCoolSetpointLimit
namespace MinSetpointDeadBand {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int8_t;
using DecodableType = int8_t;
using DecodableArgType = int8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinSetpointDeadBand::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinSetpointDeadBand
namespace RemoteSensing {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RemoteSensing::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RemoteSensing
namespace ControlSequenceOfOperation {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::Thermostat::ThermostatControlSequence;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::Thermostat::ThermostatControlSequence;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::Thermostat::ThermostatControlSequence;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ControlSequenceOfOperation::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ControlSequenceOfOperation
namespace SystemMode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SystemMode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SystemMode
namespace ThermostatRunningMode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ThermostatRunningMode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ThermostatRunningMode
namespace StartOfWeek {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::StartOfWeek::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace StartOfWeek
namespace NumberOfWeeklyTransitions {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NumberOfWeeklyTransitions::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NumberOfWeeklyTransitions
namespace NumberOfDailyTransitions {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NumberOfDailyTransitions::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NumberOfDailyTransitions
namespace TemperatureSetpointHold {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TemperatureSetpointHold::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TemperatureSetpointHold
namespace TemperatureSetpointHoldDuration {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TemperatureSetpointHoldDuration::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TemperatureSetpointHoldDuration
namespace ThermostatProgrammingOperationMode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ThermostatProgrammingOperationMode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ThermostatProgrammingOperationMode
namespace ThermostatRunningState {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ThermostatRunningState::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ThermostatRunningState
namespace SetpointChangeSource {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SetpointChangeSource::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SetpointChangeSource
namespace SetpointChangeAmount {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SetpointChangeAmount::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SetpointChangeAmount
namespace SetpointChangeSourceTimestamp {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SetpointChangeSourceTimestamp::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SetpointChangeSourceTimestamp
namespace OccupiedSetback {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OccupiedSetback::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OccupiedSetback
namespace OccupiedSetbackMin {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OccupiedSetbackMin::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OccupiedSetbackMin
namespace OccupiedSetbackMax {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OccupiedSetbackMax::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OccupiedSetbackMax
namespace UnoccupiedSetback {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::UnoccupiedSetback::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace UnoccupiedSetback
namespace UnoccupiedSetbackMin {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::UnoccupiedSetbackMin::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace UnoccupiedSetbackMin
namespace UnoccupiedSetbackMax {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::UnoccupiedSetbackMax::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace UnoccupiedSetbackMax
namespace EmergencyHeatDelta {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::EmergencyHeatDelta::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace EmergencyHeatDelta
namespace ACType {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ACType::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ACType
namespace ACCapacity {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ACCapacity::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ACCapacity
namespace ACRefrigerantType {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ACRefrigerantType::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ACRefrigerantType
namespace ACCompressorType {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ACCompressorType::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ACCompressorType
namespace ACErrorCode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ACErrorCode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ACErrorCode
namespace ACLouverPosition {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ACLouverPosition::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ACLouverPosition
namespace ACCoilTemperature {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ACCoilTemperature::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ACCoilTemperature
namespace ACCapacityformat {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ACCapacityformat::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ACCapacityformat
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Thermostat::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::LocalTemperature::TypeInfo::DecodableType localTemperature;
Attributes::OutdoorTemperature::TypeInfo::DecodableType outdoorTemperature;
Attributes::Occupancy::TypeInfo::DecodableType occupancy = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::AbsMinHeatSetpointLimit::TypeInfo::DecodableType absMinHeatSetpointLimit = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::AbsMaxHeatSetpointLimit::TypeInfo::DecodableType absMaxHeatSetpointLimit = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::AbsMinCoolSetpointLimit::TypeInfo::DecodableType absMinCoolSetpointLimit = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::AbsMaxCoolSetpointLimit::TypeInfo::DecodableType absMaxCoolSetpointLimit = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::PICoolingDemand::TypeInfo::DecodableType PICoolingDemand = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::PIHeatingDemand::TypeInfo::DecodableType PIHeatingDemand = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::HVACSystemTypeConfiguration::TypeInfo::DecodableType HVACSystemTypeConfiguration = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::LocalTemperatureCalibration::TypeInfo::DecodableType localTemperatureCalibration = static_cast<int8_t>(0);
Attributes::OccupiedCoolingSetpoint::TypeInfo::DecodableType occupiedCoolingSetpoint = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::OccupiedHeatingSetpoint::TypeInfo::DecodableType occupiedHeatingSetpoint = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::UnoccupiedCoolingSetpoint::TypeInfo::DecodableType unoccupiedCoolingSetpoint = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::UnoccupiedHeatingSetpoint::TypeInfo::DecodableType unoccupiedHeatingSetpoint = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::MinHeatSetpointLimit::TypeInfo::DecodableType minHeatSetpointLimit = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::MaxHeatSetpointLimit::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxHeatSetpointLimit = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::MinCoolSetpointLimit::TypeInfo::DecodableType minCoolSetpointLimit = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::MaxCoolSetpointLimit::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxCoolSetpointLimit = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::MinSetpointDeadBand::TypeInfo::DecodableType minSetpointDeadBand = static_cast<int8_t>(0);
Attributes::RemoteSensing::TypeInfo::DecodableType remoteSensing = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::ControlSequenceOfOperation::TypeInfo::DecodableType controlSequenceOfOperation =
Attributes::SystemMode::TypeInfo::DecodableType systemMode = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::ThermostatRunningMode::TypeInfo::DecodableType thermostatRunningMode = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::StartOfWeek::TypeInfo::DecodableType startOfWeek = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::NumberOfWeeklyTransitions::TypeInfo::DecodableType numberOfWeeklyTransitions = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::NumberOfDailyTransitions::TypeInfo::DecodableType numberOfDailyTransitions = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::TemperatureSetpointHold::TypeInfo::DecodableType temperatureSetpointHold = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::TemperatureSetpointHoldDuration::TypeInfo::DecodableType temperatureSetpointHoldDuration;
Attributes::ThermostatProgrammingOperationMode::TypeInfo::DecodableType thermostatProgrammingOperationMode =
Attributes::ThermostatRunningState::TypeInfo::DecodableType thermostatRunningState = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::SetpointChangeSource::TypeInfo::DecodableType setpointChangeSource = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::SetpointChangeAmount::TypeInfo::DecodableType setpointChangeAmount;
Attributes::SetpointChangeSourceTimestamp::TypeInfo::DecodableType setpointChangeSourceTimestamp = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::OccupiedSetback::TypeInfo::DecodableType occupiedSetback;
Attributes::OccupiedSetbackMin::TypeInfo::DecodableType occupiedSetbackMin;
Attributes::OccupiedSetbackMax::TypeInfo::DecodableType occupiedSetbackMax;
Attributes::UnoccupiedSetback::TypeInfo::DecodableType unoccupiedSetback;
Attributes::UnoccupiedSetbackMin::TypeInfo::DecodableType unoccupiedSetbackMin;
Attributes::UnoccupiedSetbackMax::TypeInfo::DecodableType unoccupiedSetbackMax;
Attributes::EmergencyHeatDelta::TypeInfo::DecodableType emergencyHeatDelta = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::ACType::TypeInfo::DecodableType ACType = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::ACCapacity::TypeInfo::DecodableType ACCapacity = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ACRefrigerantType::TypeInfo::DecodableType ACRefrigerantType = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::ACCompressorType::TypeInfo::DecodableType ACCompressorType = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::ACErrorCode::TypeInfo::DecodableType ACErrorCode = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ACLouverPosition::TypeInfo::DecodableType ACLouverPosition = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::ACCoilTemperature::TypeInfo::DecodableType ACCoilTemperature;
Attributes::ACCapacityformat::TypeInfo::DecodableType ACCapacityformat = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace Thermostat
namespace FanControl {
namespace Attributes {
namespace FanMode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::FanControl::FanModeType;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::FanControl::FanModeType;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::FanControl::FanModeType;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FanControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::FanMode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace FanMode
namespace FanModeSequence {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::FanControl::FanModeSequenceType;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::FanControl::FanModeSequenceType;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::FanControl::FanModeSequenceType;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FanControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::FanModeSequence::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace FanModeSequence
namespace PercentSetting {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FanControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PercentSetting::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PercentSetting
namespace PercentCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FanControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PercentCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PercentCurrent
namespace SpeedMax {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FanControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SpeedMax::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SpeedMax
namespace SpeedSetting {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FanControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SpeedSetting::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SpeedSetting
namespace SpeedCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FanControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SpeedCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SpeedCurrent
namespace RockSupport {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FanControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RockSupport::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RockSupport
namespace RockSetting {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FanControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RockSetting::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RockSetting
namespace WindSupport {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FanControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::WindSupport::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace WindSupport
namespace WindSetting {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FanControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::WindSetting::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace WindSetting
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FanControl::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FanControl::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FanControl::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FanControl::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FanControl::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FanControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::FanMode::TypeInfo::DecodableType fanMode = static_cast<chip::app::Clusters::FanControl::FanModeType>(0);
Attributes::FanModeSequence::TypeInfo::DecodableType fanModeSequence =
Attributes::PercentSetting::TypeInfo::DecodableType percentSetting;
Attributes::PercentCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType percentCurrent = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::SpeedMax::TypeInfo::DecodableType speedMax = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::SpeedSetting::TypeInfo::DecodableType speedSetting;
Attributes::SpeedCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType speedCurrent = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::RockSupport::TypeInfo::DecodableType rockSupport = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::RockSetting::TypeInfo::DecodableType rockSetting = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::WindSupport::TypeInfo::DecodableType windSupport = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::WindSetting::TypeInfo::DecodableType windSetting = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace FanControl
namespace ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration {
namespace Attributes {
namespace TemperatureDisplayMode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TemperatureDisplayMode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TemperatureDisplayMode
namespace KeypadLockout {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::KeypadLockout::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace KeypadLockout
namespace ScheduleProgrammingVisibility {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ScheduleProgrammingVisibility::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ScheduleProgrammingVisibility
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::TemperatureDisplayMode::TypeInfo::DecodableType temperatureDisplayMode = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::KeypadLockout::TypeInfo::DecodableType keypadLockout = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::ScheduleProgrammingVisibility::TypeInfo::DecodableType scheduleProgrammingVisibility = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace ThermostatUserInterfaceConfiguration
namespace ColorControl {
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace MoveToHue {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace MoveToHue
namespace MoveHue {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace MoveHue
namespace StepHue {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace StepHue
namespace MoveToSaturation {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace MoveToSaturation
namespace MoveSaturation {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace MoveSaturation
namespace StepSaturation {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace StepSaturation
namespace MoveToHueAndSaturation {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace MoveToHueAndSaturation
namespace MoveToColor {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace MoveToColor
namespace MoveColor {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace MoveColor
namespace StepColor {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace StepColor
namespace MoveToColorTemperature {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace MoveToColorTemperature
namespace EnhancedMoveToHue {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace EnhancedMoveToHue
namespace EnhancedMoveHue {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace EnhancedMoveHue
namespace EnhancedStepHue {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace EnhancedStepHue
namespace EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation
namespace ColorLoopSet {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ColorLoopSet
namespace StopMoveStep {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace StopMoveStep
namespace MoveColorTemperature {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace MoveColorTemperature
namespace StepColorTemperature {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace StepColorTemperature
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace MoveToHue {
enum class Fields
kHue = 0,
kDirection = 1,
kTransitionTime = 2,
kOptionsMask = 3,
kOptionsOverride = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveToHue::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
uint8_t hue = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
HueDirection direction = static_cast<HueDirection>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveToHue::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
uint8_t hue = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
HueDirection direction = static_cast<HueDirection>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace MoveToHue
namespace MoveHue {
enum class Fields
kMoveMode = 0,
kRate = 1,
kOptionsMask = 2,
kOptionsOverride = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveHue::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
HueMoveMode moveMode = static_cast<HueMoveMode>(0);
uint8_t rate = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveHue::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
HueMoveMode moveMode = static_cast<HueMoveMode>(0);
uint8_t rate = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace MoveHue
namespace StepHue {
enum class Fields
kStepMode = 0,
kStepSize = 1,
kTransitionTime = 2,
kOptionsMask = 3,
kOptionsOverride = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StepHue::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
HueStepMode stepMode = static_cast<HueStepMode>(0);
uint8_t stepSize = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StepHue::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
HueStepMode stepMode = static_cast<HueStepMode>(0);
uint8_t stepSize = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace StepHue
namespace MoveToSaturation {
enum class Fields
kSaturation = 0,
kTransitionTime = 1,
kOptionsMask = 2,
kOptionsOverride = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveToSaturation::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
uint8_t saturation = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveToSaturation::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
uint8_t saturation = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace MoveToSaturation
namespace MoveSaturation {
enum class Fields
kMoveMode = 0,
kRate = 1,
kOptionsMask = 2,
kOptionsOverride = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveSaturation::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
SaturationMoveMode moveMode = static_cast<SaturationMoveMode>(0);
uint8_t rate = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveSaturation::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
SaturationMoveMode moveMode = static_cast<SaturationMoveMode>(0);
uint8_t rate = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace MoveSaturation
namespace StepSaturation {
enum class Fields
kStepMode = 0,
kStepSize = 1,
kTransitionTime = 2,
kOptionsMask = 3,
kOptionsOverride = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StepSaturation::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
SaturationStepMode stepMode = static_cast<SaturationStepMode>(0);
uint8_t stepSize = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StepSaturation::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
SaturationStepMode stepMode = static_cast<SaturationStepMode>(0);
uint8_t stepSize = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace StepSaturation
namespace MoveToHueAndSaturation {
enum class Fields
kHue = 0,
kSaturation = 1,
kTransitionTime = 2,
kOptionsMask = 3,
kOptionsOverride = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveToHueAndSaturation::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
uint8_t hue = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t saturation = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveToHueAndSaturation::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
uint8_t hue = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t saturation = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace MoveToHueAndSaturation
namespace MoveToColor {
enum class Fields
kColorX = 0,
kColorY = 1,
kTransitionTime = 2,
kOptionsMask = 3,
kOptionsOverride = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveToColor::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
uint16_t colorX = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t colorY = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveToColor::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
uint16_t colorX = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t colorY = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace MoveToColor
namespace MoveColor {
enum class Fields
kRateX = 0,
kRateY = 1,
kOptionsMask = 2,
kOptionsOverride = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveColor::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
int16_t rateX = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
int16_t rateY = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveColor::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
int16_t rateX = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
int16_t rateY = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace MoveColor
namespace StepColor {
enum class Fields
kStepX = 0,
kStepY = 1,
kTransitionTime = 2,
kOptionsMask = 3,
kOptionsOverride = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StepColor::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
int16_t stepX = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
int16_t stepY = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StepColor::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
int16_t stepX = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
int16_t stepY = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace StepColor
namespace MoveToColorTemperature {
enum class Fields
kColorTemperature = 0,
kTransitionTime = 1,
kOptionsMask = 2,
kOptionsOverride = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveToColorTemperature::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
uint16_t colorTemperature = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveToColorTemperature::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
uint16_t colorTemperature = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace MoveToColorTemperature
namespace EnhancedMoveToHue {
enum class Fields
kEnhancedHue = 0,
kDirection = 1,
kTransitionTime = 2,
kOptionsMask = 3,
kOptionsOverride = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
uint16_t enhancedHue = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
HueDirection direction = static_cast<HueDirection>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnhancedMoveToHue::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
uint16_t enhancedHue = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
HueDirection direction = static_cast<HueDirection>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace EnhancedMoveToHue
namespace EnhancedMoveHue {
enum class Fields
kMoveMode = 0,
kRate = 1,
kOptionsMask = 2,
kOptionsOverride = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnhancedMoveHue::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
HueMoveMode moveMode = static_cast<HueMoveMode>(0);
uint16_t rate = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnhancedMoveHue::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
HueMoveMode moveMode = static_cast<HueMoveMode>(0);
uint16_t rate = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace EnhancedMoveHue
namespace EnhancedStepHue {
enum class Fields
kStepMode = 0,
kStepSize = 1,
kTransitionTime = 2,
kOptionsMask = 3,
kOptionsOverride = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnhancedStepHue::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
HueStepMode stepMode = static_cast<HueStepMode>(0);
uint16_t stepSize = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnhancedStepHue::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
HueStepMode stepMode = static_cast<HueStepMode>(0);
uint16_t stepSize = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace EnhancedStepHue
namespace EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation {
enum class Fields
kEnhancedHue = 0,
kSaturation = 1,
kTransitionTime = 2,
kOptionsMask = 3,
kOptionsOverride = 4,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
uint16_t enhancedHue = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t saturation = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
uint16_t enhancedHue = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t saturation = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace EnhancedMoveToHueAndSaturation
namespace ColorLoopSet {
enum class Fields
kUpdateFlags = 0,
kAction = 1,
kDirection = 2,
kTime = 3,
kStartHue = 4,
kOptionsMask = 5,
kOptionsOverride = 6,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ColorLoopSet::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
chip::BitMask<ColorLoopUpdateFlags> updateFlags = static_cast<chip::BitMask<ColorLoopUpdateFlags>>(0);
ColorLoopAction action = static_cast<ColorLoopAction>(0);
ColorLoopDirection direction = static_cast<ColorLoopDirection>(0);
uint16_t time = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t startHue = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ColorLoopSet::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
chip::BitMask<ColorLoopUpdateFlags> updateFlags = static_cast<chip::BitMask<ColorLoopUpdateFlags>>(0);
ColorLoopAction action = static_cast<ColorLoopAction>(0);
ColorLoopDirection direction = static_cast<ColorLoopDirection>(0);
uint16_t time = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t startHue = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ColorLoopSet
namespace StopMoveStep {
enum class Fields
kOptionsMask = 0,
kOptionsOverride = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StopMoveStep::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StopMoveStep::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace StopMoveStep
namespace MoveColorTemperature {
enum class Fields
kMoveMode = 0,
kRate = 1,
kColorTemperatureMinimumMireds = 2,
kColorTemperatureMaximumMireds = 3,
kOptionsMask = 4,
kOptionsOverride = 5,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveColorTemperature::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
HueMoveMode moveMode = static_cast<HueMoveMode>(0);
uint16_t rate = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t colorTemperatureMinimumMireds = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t colorTemperatureMaximumMireds = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::MoveColorTemperature::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
HueMoveMode moveMode = static_cast<HueMoveMode>(0);
uint16_t rate = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t colorTemperatureMinimumMireds = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t colorTemperatureMaximumMireds = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace MoveColorTemperature
namespace StepColorTemperature {
enum class Fields
kStepMode = 0,
kStepSize = 1,
kTransitionTime = 2,
kColorTemperatureMinimumMireds = 3,
kColorTemperatureMaximumMireds = 4,
kOptionsMask = 5,
kOptionsOverride = 6,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StepColorTemperature::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
HueStepMode stepMode = static_cast<HueStepMode>(0);
uint16_t stepSize = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t colorTemperatureMinimumMireds = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t colorTemperatureMaximumMireds = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StepColorTemperature::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
HueStepMode stepMode = static_cast<HueStepMode>(0);
uint16_t stepSize = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t transitionTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t colorTemperatureMinimumMireds = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t colorTemperatureMaximumMireds = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t optionsOverride = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace StepColorTemperature
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace CurrentHue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentHue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentHue
namespace CurrentSaturation {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentSaturation::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentSaturation
namespace RemainingTime {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RemainingTime::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RemainingTime
namespace CurrentX {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentX::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentX
namespace CurrentY {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentY::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentY
namespace DriftCompensation {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DriftCompensation::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DriftCompensation
namespace CompensationText {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CompensationText::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 254; }
} // namespace CompensationText
namespace ColorTemperature {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorTemperature::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorTemperature
namespace ColorMode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorMode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorMode
namespace Options {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Options::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Options
namespace NumberOfPrimaries {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NumberOfPrimaries::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NumberOfPrimaries
namespace Primary1X {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary1X::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary1X
namespace Primary1Y {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary1Y::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary1Y
namespace Primary1Intensity {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary1Intensity::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary1Intensity
namespace Primary2X {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary2X::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary2X
namespace Primary2Y {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary2Y::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary2Y
namespace Primary2Intensity {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary2Intensity::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary2Intensity
namespace Primary3X {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary3X::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary3X
namespace Primary3Y {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary3Y::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary3Y
namespace Primary3Intensity {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary3Intensity::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary3Intensity
namespace Primary4X {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary4X::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary4X
namespace Primary4Y {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary4Y::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary4Y
namespace Primary4Intensity {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary4Intensity::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary4Intensity
namespace Primary5X {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary5X::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary5X
namespace Primary5Y {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary5Y::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary5Y
namespace Primary5Intensity {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary5Intensity::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary5Intensity
namespace Primary6X {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary6X::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary6X
namespace Primary6Y {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary6Y::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary6Y
namespace Primary6Intensity {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Primary6Intensity::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Primary6Intensity
namespace WhitePointX {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::WhitePointX::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace WhitePointX
namespace WhitePointY {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::WhitePointY::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace WhitePointY
namespace ColorPointRX {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorPointRX::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorPointRX
namespace ColorPointRY {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorPointRY::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorPointRY
namespace ColorPointRIntensity {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorPointRIntensity::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorPointRIntensity
namespace ColorPointGX {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorPointGX::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorPointGX
namespace ColorPointGY {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorPointGY::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorPointGY
namespace ColorPointGIntensity {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorPointGIntensity::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorPointGIntensity
namespace ColorPointBX {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorPointBX::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorPointBX
namespace ColorPointBY {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorPointBY::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorPointBY
namespace ColorPointBIntensity {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorPointBIntensity::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorPointBIntensity
namespace EnhancedCurrentHue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace EnhancedCurrentHue
namespace EnhancedColorMode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace EnhancedColorMode
namespace ColorLoopActive {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorLoopActive::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorLoopActive
namespace ColorLoopDirection {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorLoopDirection::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorLoopDirection
namespace ColorLoopTime {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorLoopTime::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorLoopTime
namespace ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue
namespace ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue
namespace ColorCapabilities {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorCapabilities::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorCapabilities
namespace ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds
namespace ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds
namespace CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds
namespace StartUpColorTemperatureMireds {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::StartUpColorTemperatureMireds::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace StartUpColorTemperatureMireds
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ColorControl::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::CurrentHue::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentHue = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::CurrentSaturation::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentSaturation = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::RemainingTime::TypeInfo::DecodableType remainingTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::CurrentX::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentX = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::CurrentY::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentY = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::DriftCompensation::TypeInfo::DecodableType driftCompensation = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::CompensationText::TypeInfo::DecodableType compensationText;
Attributes::ColorTemperature::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorTemperature = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ColorMode::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorMode = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::Options::TypeInfo::DecodableType options = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::NumberOfPrimaries::TypeInfo::DecodableType numberOfPrimaries;
Attributes::Primary1X::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary1X = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::Primary1Y::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary1Y = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::Primary1Intensity::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary1Intensity;
Attributes::Primary2X::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary2X = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::Primary2Y::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary2Y = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::Primary2Intensity::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary2Intensity;
Attributes::Primary3X::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary3X = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::Primary3Y::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary3Y = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::Primary3Intensity::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary3Intensity;
Attributes::Primary4X::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary4X = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::Primary4Y::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary4Y = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::Primary4Intensity::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary4Intensity;
Attributes::Primary5X::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary5X = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::Primary5Y::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary5Y = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::Primary5Intensity::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary5Intensity;
Attributes::Primary6X::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary6X = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::Primary6Y::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary6Y = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::Primary6Intensity::TypeInfo::DecodableType primary6Intensity;
Attributes::WhitePointX::TypeInfo::DecodableType whitePointX = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::WhitePointY::TypeInfo::DecodableType whitePointY = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ColorPointRX::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorPointRX = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ColorPointRY::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorPointRY = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ColorPointRIntensity::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorPointRIntensity;
Attributes::ColorPointGX::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorPointGX = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ColorPointGY::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorPointGY = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ColorPointGIntensity::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorPointGIntensity;
Attributes::ColorPointBX::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorPointBX = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ColorPointBY::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorPointBY = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ColorPointBIntensity::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorPointBIntensity;
Attributes::EnhancedCurrentHue::TypeInfo::DecodableType enhancedCurrentHue = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::EnhancedColorMode::TypeInfo::DecodableType enhancedColorMode = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::ColorLoopActive::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorLoopActive = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::ColorLoopDirection::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorLoopDirection = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::ColorLoopTime::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorLoopTime = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ColorLoopStartEnhancedHue::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorLoopStartEnhancedHue = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ColorLoopStoredEnhancedHue::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorLoopStoredEnhancedHue = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ColorCapabilities::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorCapabilities = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMinMireds::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorTempPhysicalMinMireds = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ColorTempPhysicalMaxMireds::TypeInfo::DecodableType colorTempPhysicalMaxMireds = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::CoupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds::TypeInfo::DecodableType coupleColorTempToLevelMinMireds =
Attributes::StartUpColorTemperatureMireds::TypeInfo::DecodableType startUpColorTemperatureMireds = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace ColorControl
namespace BallastConfiguration {
namespace Attributes {
namespace PhysicalMinLevel {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PhysicalMinLevel::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PhysicalMinLevel
namespace PhysicalMaxLevel {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PhysicalMaxLevel::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PhysicalMaxLevel
namespace BallastStatus {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BallastStatus::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BallastStatus
namespace MinLevel {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinLevel::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinLevel
namespace MaxLevel {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxLevel::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxLevel
namespace IntrinsicBalanceFactor {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::IntrinsicBalanceFactor::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace IntrinsicBalanceFactor
namespace BallastFactorAdjustment {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::BallastFactorAdjustment::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace BallastFactorAdjustment
namespace LampQuantity {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LampQuantity::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LampQuantity
namespace LampType {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LampType::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 16; }
} // namespace LampType
namespace LampManufacturer {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LampManufacturer::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 16; }
} // namespace LampManufacturer
namespace LampRatedHours {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LampRatedHours::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LampRatedHours
namespace LampBurnHours {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LampBurnHours::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LampBurnHours
namespace LampAlarmMode {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LampAlarmMode::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LampAlarmMode
namespace LampBurnHoursTripPoint {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LampBurnHoursTripPoint::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LampBurnHoursTripPoint
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::BallastConfiguration::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::PhysicalMinLevel::TypeInfo::DecodableType physicalMinLevel = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::PhysicalMaxLevel::TypeInfo::DecodableType physicalMaxLevel = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::BallastStatus::TypeInfo::DecodableType ballastStatus = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::MinLevel::TypeInfo::DecodableType minLevel = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::MaxLevel::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxLevel = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::IntrinsicBalanceFactor::TypeInfo::DecodableType intrinsicBalanceFactor;
Attributes::BallastFactorAdjustment::TypeInfo::DecodableType ballastFactorAdjustment;
Attributes::LampQuantity::TypeInfo::DecodableType lampQuantity = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::LampType::TypeInfo::DecodableType lampType;
Attributes::LampManufacturer::TypeInfo::DecodableType lampManufacturer;
Attributes::LampRatedHours::TypeInfo::DecodableType lampRatedHours;
Attributes::LampBurnHours::TypeInfo::DecodableType lampBurnHours;
Attributes::LampAlarmMode::TypeInfo::DecodableType lampAlarmMode = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::LampBurnHoursTripPoint::TypeInfo::DecodableType lampBurnHoursTripPoint;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace BallastConfiguration
namespace IlluminanceMeasurement {
namespace Attributes {
namespace MeasuredValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::IlluminanceMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MeasuredValue
namespace MinMeasuredValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::IlluminanceMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinMeasuredValue
namespace MaxMeasuredValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::IlluminanceMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxMeasuredValue
namespace Tolerance {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::IlluminanceMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Tolerance::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Tolerance
namespace LightSensorType {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::IlluminanceMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LightSensorType::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LightSensorType
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::IlluminanceMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::IlluminanceMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::IlluminanceMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::IlluminanceMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::IlluminanceMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::IlluminanceMeasurement::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::MeasuredValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType measuredValue;
Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType minMeasuredValue;
Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxMeasuredValue;
Attributes::Tolerance::TypeInfo::DecodableType tolerance = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::LightSensorType::TypeInfo::DecodableType lightSensorType;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace IlluminanceMeasurement
namespace TemperatureMeasurement {
namespace Attributes {
namespace MeasuredValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TemperatureMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MeasuredValue
namespace MinMeasuredValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TemperatureMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinMeasuredValue
namespace MaxMeasuredValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TemperatureMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxMeasuredValue
namespace Tolerance {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TemperatureMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Tolerance::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Tolerance
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TemperatureMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TemperatureMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TemperatureMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TemperatureMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TemperatureMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TemperatureMeasurement::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::MeasuredValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType measuredValue;
Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType minMeasuredValue;
Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxMeasuredValue;
Attributes::Tolerance::TypeInfo::DecodableType tolerance = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace TemperatureMeasurement
namespace PressureMeasurement {
namespace Attributes {
namespace MeasuredValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PressureMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MeasuredValue
namespace MinMeasuredValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PressureMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinMeasuredValue
namespace MaxMeasuredValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PressureMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxMeasuredValue
namespace Tolerance {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PressureMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Tolerance::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Tolerance
namespace ScaledValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PressureMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ScaledValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ScaledValue
namespace MinScaledValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PressureMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinScaledValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinScaledValue
namespace MaxScaledValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PressureMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxScaledValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxScaledValue
namespace ScaledTolerance {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PressureMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ScaledTolerance::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ScaledTolerance
namespace Scale {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int8_t;
using DecodableType = int8_t;
using DecodableArgType = int8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PressureMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Scale::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Scale
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PressureMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PressureMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PressureMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PressureMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PressureMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::PressureMeasurement::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::MeasuredValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType measuredValue;
Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType minMeasuredValue;
Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxMeasuredValue;
Attributes::Tolerance::TypeInfo::DecodableType tolerance = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ScaledValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType scaledValue;
Attributes::MinScaledValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType minScaledValue;
Attributes::MaxScaledValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxScaledValue;
Attributes::ScaledTolerance::TypeInfo::DecodableType scaledTolerance = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::Scale::TypeInfo::DecodableType scale = static_cast<int8_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace PressureMeasurement
namespace FlowMeasurement {
namespace Attributes {
namespace MeasuredValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FlowMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MeasuredValue
namespace MinMeasuredValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FlowMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinMeasuredValue
namespace MaxMeasuredValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FlowMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxMeasuredValue
namespace Tolerance {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FlowMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Tolerance::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Tolerance
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FlowMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FlowMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FlowMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FlowMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FlowMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::FlowMeasurement::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::MeasuredValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType measuredValue;
Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType minMeasuredValue;
Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxMeasuredValue;
Attributes::Tolerance::TypeInfo::DecodableType tolerance = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace FlowMeasurement
namespace RelativeHumidityMeasurement {
namespace Attributes {
namespace MeasuredValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MeasuredValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MeasuredValue
namespace MinMeasuredValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MinMeasuredValue
namespace MaxMeasuredValue {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MaxMeasuredValue
namespace Tolerance {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Tolerance::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Tolerance
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::RelativeHumidityMeasurement::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::MeasuredValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType measuredValue;
Attributes::MinMeasuredValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType minMeasuredValue;
Attributes::MaxMeasuredValue::TypeInfo::DecodableType maxMeasuredValue;
Attributes::Tolerance::TypeInfo::DecodableType tolerance = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace RelativeHumidityMeasurement
namespace OccupancySensing {
namespace Attributes {
namespace Occupancy {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Occupancy::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Occupancy
namespace OccupancySensorType {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OccupancySensorType::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OccupancySensorType
namespace OccupancySensorTypeBitmap {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OccupancySensorTypeBitmap::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OccupancySensorTypeBitmap
namespace PirOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PirOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PirOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay
namespace PirUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PirUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PirUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay
namespace PirUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PirUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PirUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold
namespace UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay
namespace UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay
namespace UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold
namespace PhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay
namespace PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay
namespace PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::OccupancySensing::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::Occupancy::TypeInfo::DecodableType occupancy = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::OccupancySensorType::TypeInfo::DecodableType occupancySensorType = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::OccupancySensorTypeBitmap::TypeInfo::DecodableType occupancySensorTypeBitmap = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::PirOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay::TypeInfo::DecodableType pirOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::PirUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay::TypeInfo::DecodableType pirUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::PirUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold::TypeInfo::DecodableType pirUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold =
Attributes::UltrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay::TypeInfo::DecodableType ultrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay =
Attributes::UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay::TypeInfo::DecodableType ultrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay =
Attributes::UltrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold::TypeInfo::DecodableType ultrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold =
Attributes::PhysicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay::TypeInfo::DecodableType physicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay =
Attributes::PhysicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay::TypeInfo::DecodableType physicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay =
physicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace OccupancySensing
namespace WakeOnLan {
namespace Attributes {
namespace MACAddress {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WakeOnLan::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MACAddress::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace MACAddress
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WakeOnLan::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WakeOnLan::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WakeOnLan::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WakeOnLan::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WakeOnLan::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::WakeOnLan::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::MACAddress::TypeInfo::DecodableType MACAddress;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace WakeOnLan
namespace Channel {
namespace Structs {
namespace ChannelInfo {
enum class Fields
kMajorNumber = 0,
kMinorNumber = 1,
kName = 2,
kCallSign = 3,
kAffiliateCallSign = 4,
struct Type
uint16_t majorNumber = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t minorNumber = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> name;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> callSign;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> affiliateCallSign;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace ChannelInfo
namespace LineupInfo {
enum class Fields
kOperatorName = 0,
kLineupName = 1,
kPostalCode = 2,
kLineupInfoType = 3,
struct Type
chip::CharSpan operatorName;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> lineupName;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> postalCode;
LineupInfoTypeEnum lineupInfoType = static_cast<LineupInfoTypeEnum>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace LineupInfo
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace ChangeChannel {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ChangeChannel
namespace ChangeChannelResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ChangeChannelResponse
namespace ChangeChannelByNumber {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ChangeChannelByNumber
namespace SkipChannel {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SkipChannel
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace ChangeChannel {
enum class Fields
kMatch = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ChangeChannel::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Channel::Id; }
chip::CharSpan match;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::Channel::Commands::ChangeChannelResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ChangeChannel::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Channel::Id; }
chip::CharSpan match;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ChangeChannel
namespace ChangeChannelResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kData = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ChangeChannelResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Channel::Id; }
ChannelStatusEnum status = static_cast<ChannelStatusEnum>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> data;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ChangeChannelResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Channel::Id; }
ChannelStatusEnum status = static_cast<ChannelStatusEnum>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> data;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ChangeChannelResponse
namespace ChangeChannelByNumber {
enum class Fields
kMajorNumber = 0,
kMinorNumber = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ChangeChannelByNumber::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Channel::Id; }
uint16_t majorNumber = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t minorNumber = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ChangeChannelByNumber::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Channel::Id; }
uint16_t majorNumber = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint16_t minorNumber = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ChangeChannelByNumber
namespace SkipChannel {
enum class Fields
kCount = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SkipChannel::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Channel::Id; }
uint16_t count = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SkipChannel::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Channel::Id; }
uint16_t count = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SkipChannel
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace ChannelList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::Channel::Structs::ChannelInfo::Type>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::Channel::Structs::ChannelInfo::DecodableType>;
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::Channel::Structs::ChannelInfo::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Channel::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ChannelList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ChannelList
namespace Lineup {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::Channel::Structs::LineupInfo::Type>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::Channel::Structs::LineupInfo::DecodableType>;
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::Channel::Structs::LineupInfo::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Channel::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Lineup::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Lineup
namespace CurrentChannel {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::Channel::Structs::ChannelInfo::Type>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::Channel::Structs::ChannelInfo::DecodableType>;
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::Channel::Structs::ChannelInfo::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Channel::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentChannel::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentChannel
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Channel::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Channel::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Channel::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Channel::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Channel::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::Channel::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::ChannelList::TypeInfo::DecodableType channelList;
Attributes::Lineup::TypeInfo::DecodableType lineup;
Attributes::CurrentChannel::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentChannel;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace Channel
namespace TargetNavigator {
namespace Structs {
namespace TargetInfo {
enum class Fields
kIdentifier = 0,
kName = 1,
struct Type
uint8_t identifier = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::CharSpan name;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace TargetInfo
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace NavigateTarget {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace NavigateTarget
namespace NavigateTargetResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace NavigateTargetResponse
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace NavigateTarget {
enum class Fields
kTarget = 0,
kData = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::NavigateTarget::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TargetNavigator::Id; }
uint8_t target = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> data;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TargetNavigator::Commands::NavigateTargetResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::NavigateTarget::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TargetNavigator::Id; }
uint8_t target = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> data;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace NavigateTarget
namespace NavigateTargetResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kData = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::NavigateTargetResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TargetNavigator::Id; }
TargetNavigatorStatusEnum status = static_cast<TargetNavigatorStatusEnum>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> data;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::NavigateTargetResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TargetNavigator::Id; }
TargetNavigatorStatusEnum status = static_cast<TargetNavigatorStatusEnum>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> data;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace NavigateTargetResponse
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace TargetList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TargetNavigator::Structs::TargetInfo::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::TargetNavigator::Structs::TargetInfo::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TargetNavigator::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TargetList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TargetList
namespace CurrentTarget {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TargetNavigator::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentTarget::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentTarget
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TargetNavigator::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TargetNavigator::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TargetNavigator::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TargetNavigator::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TargetNavigator::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TargetNavigator::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::TargetList::TypeInfo::DecodableType targetList;
Attributes::CurrentTarget::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentTarget = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace TargetNavigator
namespace MediaPlayback {
namespace Structs {
namespace PlaybackPosition {
enum class Fields
kUpdatedAt = 0,
kPosition = 1,
struct Type
uint64_t updatedAt = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> position;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace PlaybackPosition
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace Play {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace Play
namespace Pause {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace Pause
namespace StopPlayback {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace StopPlayback
namespace StartOver {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace StartOver
namespace Previous {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace Previous
namespace Next {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace Next
namespace Rewind {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace Rewind
namespace FastForward {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace FastForward
namespace SkipForward {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SkipForward
namespace SkipBackward {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SkipBackward
namespace PlaybackResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace PlaybackResponse
namespace Seek {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace Seek
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace Play {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Play::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::PlaybackResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Play::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace Play
namespace Pause {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Pause::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::PlaybackResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Pause::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace Pause
namespace StopPlayback {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StopPlayback::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::PlaybackResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StopPlayback::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace StopPlayback
namespace StartOver {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StartOver::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::PlaybackResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StartOver::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace StartOver
namespace Previous {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Previous::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::PlaybackResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Previous::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace Previous
namespace Next {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Next::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::PlaybackResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Next::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace Next
namespace Rewind {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Rewind::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::PlaybackResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Rewind::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace Rewind
namespace FastForward {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::FastForward::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::PlaybackResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::FastForward::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace FastForward
namespace SkipForward {
enum class Fields
kDeltaPositionMilliseconds = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SkipForward::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
uint64_t deltaPositionMilliseconds = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::PlaybackResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SkipForward::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
uint64_t deltaPositionMilliseconds = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SkipForward
namespace SkipBackward {
enum class Fields
kDeltaPositionMilliseconds = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SkipBackward::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
uint64_t deltaPositionMilliseconds = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::PlaybackResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SkipBackward::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
uint64_t deltaPositionMilliseconds = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SkipBackward
namespace PlaybackResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kData = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::PlaybackResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
MediaPlaybackStatusEnum status = static_cast<MediaPlaybackStatusEnum>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> data;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::PlaybackResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
MediaPlaybackStatusEnum status = static_cast<MediaPlaybackStatusEnum>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> data;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace PlaybackResponse
namespace Seek {
enum class Fields
kPosition = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Seek::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
uint64_t position = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::MediaPlayback::Commands::PlaybackResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Seek::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
uint64_t position = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace Seek
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace CurrentState {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::PlaybackStateEnum;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::PlaybackStateEnum;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::PlaybackStateEnum;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentState::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentState
namespace StartTime {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::StartTime::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace StartTime
namespace Duration {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Duration::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Duration
namespace SampledPosition {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Structs::PlaybackPosition::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::MediaPlayback::Structs::PlaybackPosition::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SampledPosition::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SampledPosition
namespace PlaybackSpeed {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = float;
using DecodableType = float;
using DecodableArgType = float;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PlaybackSpeed::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PlaybackSpeed
namespace SeekRangeEnd {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SeekRangeEnd::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SeekRangeEnd
namespace SeekRangeStart {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SeekRangeStart::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SeekRangeStart
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaPlayback::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::CurrentState::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentState =
Attributes::StartTime::TypeInfo::DecodableType startTime;
Attributes::Duration::TypeInfo::DecodableType duration;
Attributes::SampledPosition::TypeInfo::DecodableType sampledPosition;
Attributes::PlaybackSpeed::TypeInfo::DecodableType playbackSpeed = static_cast<float>(0);
Attributes::SeekRangeEnd::TypeInfo::DecodableType seekRangeEnd;
Attributes::SeekRangeStart::TypeInfo::DecodableType seekRangeStart;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace MediaPlayback
namespace MediaInput {
namespace Structs {
namespace InputInfo {
enum class Fields
kIndex = 0,
kInputType = 1,
kName = 2,
kDescription = 3,
struct Type
uint8_t index = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
InputTypeEnum inputType = static_cast<InputTypeEnum>(0);
chip::CharSpan name;
chip::CharSpan description;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace InputInfo
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace SelectInput {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SelectInput
namespace ShowInputStatus {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace ShowInputStatus
namespace HideInputStatus {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace HideInputStatus
namespace RenameInput {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace RenameInput
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace SelectInput {
enum class Fields
kIndex = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SelectInput::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaInput::Id; }
uint8_t index = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SelectInput::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaInput::Id; }
uint8_t index = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SelectInput
namespace ShowInputStatus {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ShowInputStatus::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaInput::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::ShowInputStatus::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaInput::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace ShowInputStatus
namespace HideInputStatus {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::HideInputStatus::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaInput::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::HideInputStatus::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaInput::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace HideInputStatus
namespace RenameInput {
enum class Fields
kIndex = 0,
kName = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RenameInput::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaInput::Id; }
uint8_t index = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::CharSpan name;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RenameInput::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaInput::Id; }
uint8_t index = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::CharSpan name;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace RenameInput
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace InputList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::MediaInput::Structs::InputInfo::Type>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::MediaInput::Structs::InputInfo::DecodableType>;
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::MediaInput::Structs::InputInfo::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaInput::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::InputList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace InputList
namespace CurrentInput {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaInput::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentInput::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentInput
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaInput::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaInput::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaInput::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaInput::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaInput::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::MediaInput::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::InputList::TypeInfo::DecodableType inputList;
Attributes::CurrentInput::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentInput = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace MediaInput
namespace LowPower {
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace Sleep {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace Sleep
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace Sleep {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Sleep::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LowPower::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Sleep::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LowPower::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace Sleep
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LowPower::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LowPower::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LowPower::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LowPower::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LowPower::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::LowPower::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace LowPower
namespace KeypadInput {
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace SendKey {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SendKey
namespace SendKeyResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SendKeyResponse
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace SendKey {
enum class Fields
kKeyCode = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SendKey::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::KeypadInput::Id; }
CecKeyCode keyCode = static_cast<CecKeyCode>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::KeypadInput::Commands::SendKeyResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SendKey::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::KeypadInput::Id; }
CecKeyCode keyCode = static_cast<CecKeyCode>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SendKey
namespace SendKeyResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SendKeyResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::KeypadInput::Id; }
KeypadInputStatusEnum status = static_cast<KeypadInputStatusEnum>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SendKeyResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::KeypadInput::Id; }
KeypadInputStatusEnum status = static_cast<KeypadInputStatusEnum>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SendKeyResponse
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::KeypadInput::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::KeypadInput::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::KeypadInput::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::KeypadInput::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::KeypadInput::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::KeypadInput::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace KeypadInput
namespace ContentLauncher {
namespace Structs {
namespace Dimension {
enum class Fields
kWidth = 0,
kHeight = 1,
kMetric = 2,
struct Type
double width = static_cast<double>(0);
double height = static_cast<double>(0);
MetricTypeEnum metric = static_cast<MetricTypeEnum>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace Dimension
namespace AdditionalInfo {
enum class Fields
kName = 0,
kValue = 1,
struct Type
chip::CharSpan name;
chip::CharSpan value;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace AdditionalInfo
namespace Parameter {
enum class Fields
kType = 0,
kValue = 1,
kExternalIDList = 2,
struct Type
ParameterEnum type = static_cast<ParameterEnum>(0);
chip::CharSpan value;
Optional<DataModel::List<const Structs::AdditionalInfo::Type>> externalIDList;
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
ParameterEnum type = static_cast<ParameterEnum>(0);
chip::CharSpan value;
Optional<DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::AdditionalInfo::DecodableType>> externalIDList;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
} // namespace Parameter
namespace ContentSearch {
enum class Fields
kParameterList = 0,
struct Type
DataModel::List<const Structs::Parameter::Type> parameterList;
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::Parameter::DecodableType> parameterList;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
} // namespace ContentSearch
namespace StyleInformation {
enum class Fields
kImageUrl = 0,
kColor = 1,
kSize = 2,
struct Type
Optional<chip::CharSpan> imageUrl;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> color;
Optional<Structs::Dimension::Type> size;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace StyleInformation
namespace BrandingInformation {
enum class Fields
kProviderName = 0,
kBackground = 1,
kLogo = 2,
kProgressBar = 3,
kSplash = 4,
kWaterMark = 5,
struct Type
chip::CharSpan providerName;
Optional<Structs::StyleInformation::Type> background;
Optional<Structs::StyleInformation::Type> logo;
Optional<Structs::StyleInformation::Type> progressBar;
Optional<Structs::StyleInformation::Type> splash;
Optional<Structs::StyleInformation::Type> waterMark;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace BrandingInformation
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace LaunchContent {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace LaunchContent
namespace LaunchURL {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace LaunchURL
namespace LaunchResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace LaunchResponse
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace LaunchContent {
enum class Fields
kSearch = 0,
kAutoPlay = 1,
kData = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::LaunchContent::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ContentLauncher::Id; }
Structs::ContentSearch::Type search;
bool autoPlay = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> data;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::LaunchContent::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ContentLauncher::Id; }
Structs::ContentSearch::DecodableType search;
bool autoPlay = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> data;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace LaunchContent
namespace LaunchURL {
enum class Fields
kContentURL = 0,
kDisplayString = 1,
kBrandingInformation = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::LaunchURL::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ContentLauncher::Id; }
chip::CharSpan contentURL;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> displayString;
Optional<Structs::BrandingInformation::Type> brandingInformation;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::ContentLauncher::Commands::LaunchResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::LaunchURL::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ContentLauncher::Id; }
chip::CharSpan contentURL;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> displayString;
Optional<Structs::BrandingInformation::DecodableType> brandingInformation;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace LaunchURL
namespace LaunchResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kData = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::LaunchResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ContentLauncher::Id; }
ContentLaunchStatusEnum status = static_cast<ContentLaunchStatusEnum>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> data;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::LaunchResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ContentLauncher::Id; }
ContentLaunchStatusEnum status = static_cast<ContentLaunchStatusEnum>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> data;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace LaunchResponse
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace AcceptHeader {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::CharSpan>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::CharSpan>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::CharSpan> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ContentLauncher::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcceptHeader::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcceptHeader
namespace SupportedStreamingProtocols {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ContentLauncher::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::SupportedStreamingProtocols::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace SupportedStreamingProtocols
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ContentLauncher::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ContentLauncher::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ContentLauncher::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ContentLauncher::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ContentLauncher::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ContentLauncher::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::AcceptHeader::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptHeader;
Attributes::SupportedStreamingProtocols::TypeInfo::DecodableType supportedStreamingProtocols = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace ContentLauncher
namespace AudioOutput {
namespace Structs {
namespace OutputInfo {
enum class Fields
kIndex = 0,
kOutputType = 1,
kName = 2,
struct Type
uint8_t index = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
OutputTypeEnum outputType = static_cast<OutputTypeEnum>(0);
chip::CharSpan name;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace OutputInfo
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace SelectOutput {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SelectOutput
namespace RenameOutput {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace RenameOutput
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace SelectOutput {
enum class Fields
kIndex = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SelectOutput::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AudioOutput::Id; }
uint8_t index = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SelectOutput::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AudioOutput::Id; }
uint8_t index = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SelectOutput
namespace RenameOutput {
enum class Fields
kIndex = 0,
kName = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RenameOutput::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AudioOutput::Id; }
uint8_t index = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::CharSpan name;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::RenameOutput::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AudioOutput::Id; }
uint8_t index = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
chip::CharSpan name;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace RenameOutput
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace OutputList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::AudioOutput::Structs::OutputInfo::Type>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::AudioOutput::Structs::OutputInfo::DecodableType>;
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::AudioOutput::Structs::OutputInfo::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AudioOutput::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OutputList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OutputList
namespace CurrentOutput {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AudioOutput::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentOutput::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentOutput
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AudioOutput::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AudioOutput::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AudioOutput::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AudioOutput::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AudioOutput::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AudioOutput::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::OutputList::TypeInfo::DecodableType outputList;
Attributes::CurrentOutput::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentOutput = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace AudioOutput
namespace ApplicationLauncher {
namespace Structs {
namespace Application {
enum class Fields
kCatalogVendorId = 0,
kApplicationId = 1,
struct Type
uint16_t catalogVendorId = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
chip::CharSpan applicationId;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace Application
namespace ApplicationEP {
enum class Fields
kApplication = 0,
kEndpoint = 1,
struct Type
Structs::Application::Type application;
Optional<chip::EndpointId> endpoint;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace ApplicationEP
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace LaunchApp {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace LaunchApp
namespace StopApp {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace StopApp
namespace HideApp {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace HideApp
namespace LauncherResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace LauncherResponse
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace LaunchApp {
enum class Fields
kApplication = 0,
kData = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::LaunchApp::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Id; }
Structs::Application::Type application;
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> data;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Commands::LauncherResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::LaunchApp::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Id; }
Structs::Application::DecodableType application;
Optional<chip::ByteSpan> data;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace LaunchApp
namespace StopApp {
enum class Fields
kApplication = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StopApp::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Id; }
Structs::Application::Type application;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Commands::LauncherResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::StopApp::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Id; }
Structs::Application::DecodableType application;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace StopApp
namespace HideApp {
enum class Fields
kApplication = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::HideApp::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Id; }
Structs::Application::Type application;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Commands::LauncherResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::HideApp::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Id; }
Structs::Application::DecodableType application;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace HideApp
namespace LauncherResponse {
enum class Fields
kStatus = 0,
kData = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::LauncherResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Id; }
ApplicationLauncherStatusEnum status = static_cast<ApplicationLauncherStatusEnum>(0);
chip::ByteSpan data;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::LauncherResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Id; }
ApplicationLauncherStatusEnum status = static_cast<ApplicationLauncherStatusEnum>(0);
chip::ByteSpan data;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace LauncherResponse
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace CatalogList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CatalogList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CatalogList
namespace CurrentApp {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Structs::ApplicationEP::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Structs::ApplicationEP::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentApp::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentApp
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationLauncher::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::CatalogList::TypeInfo::DecodableType catalogList;
Attributes::CurrentApp::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentApp;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace ApplicationLauncher
namespace ApplicationBasic {
namespace Structs {
namespace ApplicationBasicApplication {
enum class Fields
kCatalogVendorId = 0,
kApplicationId = 1,
struct Type
uint16_t catalogVendorId = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
chip::CharSpan applicationId;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace ApplicationBasicApplication
} // namespace Structs
namespace Attributes {
namespace VendorName {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::VendorName::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace VendorName
namespace VendorID {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::VendorId;
using DecodableType = chip::VendorId;
using DecodableArgType = chip::VendorId;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::VendorID::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace VendorID
namespace ApplicationName {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ApplicationName::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace ApplicationName
namespace ProductID {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ProductID::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ProductID
namespace Application {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationBasic::Structs::ApplicationBasicApplication::Type;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationBasic::Structs::ApplicationBasicApplication::DecodableType;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationBasic::Structs::ApplicationBasicApplication::DecodableType &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Application::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Application
namespace Status {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationBasic::ApplicationStatusEnum;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationBasic::ApplicationStatusEnum;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::ApplicationBasic::ApplicationStatusEnum;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Status::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Status
namespace ApplicationVersion {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ApplicationVersion::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 32; }
} // namespace ApplicationVersion
namespace AllowedVendorList {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::VendorId>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::VendorId>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::VendorId> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationBasic::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AllowedVendorList::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AllowedVendorList
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationBasic::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationBasic::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationBasic::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationBasic::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationBasic::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ApplicationBasic::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::VendorName::TypeInfo::DecodableType vendorName;
Attributes::VendorID::TypeInfo::DecodableType vendorID = static_cast<chip::VendorId>(0);
Attributes::ApplicationName::TypeInfo::DecodableType applicationName;
Attributes::ProductID::TypeInfo::DecodableType productID = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::Application::TypeInfo::DecodableType application;
Attributes::Status::TypeInfo::DecodableType status =
Attributes::ApplicationVersion::TypeInfo::DecodableType applicationVersion;
Attributes::AllowedVendorList::TypeInfo::DecodableType allowedVendorList;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace ApplicationBasic
namespace AccountLogin {
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace GetSetupPIN {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetSetupPIN
namespace GetSetupPINResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetSetupPINResponse
namespace Login {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace Login
namespace Logout {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace Logout
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace GetSetupPIN {
enum class Fields
kTempAccountIdentifier = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetSetupPIN::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccountLogin::Id; }
chip::CharSpan tempAccountIdentifier;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::AccountLogin::Commands::GetSetupPINResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return true; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetSetupPIN::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccountLogin::Id; }
chip::CharSpan tempAccountIdentifier;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetSetupPIN
namespace GetSetupPINResponse {
enum class Fields
kSetupPIN = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetSetupPINResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccountLogin::Id; }
chip::CharSpan setupPIN;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetSetupPINResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccountLogin::Id; }
chip::CharSpan setupPIN;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetSetupPINResponse
namespace Login {
enum class Fields
kTempAccountIdentifier = 0,
kSetupPIN = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Login::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccountLogin::Id; }
chip::CharSpan tempAccountIdentifier;
chip::CharSpan setupPIN;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return true; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Login::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccountLogin::Id; }
chip::CharSpan tempAccountIdentifier;
chip::CharSpan setupPIN;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace Login
namespace Logout {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Logout::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccountLogin::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return true; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Logout::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccountLogin::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace Logout
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccountLogin::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccountLogin::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccountLogin::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccountLogin::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccountLogin::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::AccountLogin::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace AccountLogin
namespace ElectricalMeasurement {
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace GetProfileInfoResponseCommand {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetProfileInfoResponseCommand
namespace GetProfileInfoCommand {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetProfileInfoCommand
namespace GetMeasurementProfileResponseCommand {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetMeasurementProfileResponseCommand
namespace GetMeasurementProfileCommand {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace GetMeasurementProfileCommand
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace GetProfileInfoResponseCommand {
enum class Fields
kProfileCount = 0,
kProfileIntervalPeriod = 1,
kMaxNumberOfIntervals = 2,
kListOfAttributes = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetProfileInfoResponseCommand::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
uint8_t profileCount = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t profileIntervalPeriod = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t maxNumberOfIntervals = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
DataModel::List<const uint16_t> listOfAttributes;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetProfileInfoResponseCommand::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
uint8_t profileCount = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t profileIntervalPeriod = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t maxNumberOfIntervals = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
DataModel::DecodableList<uint16_t> listOfAttributes;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetProfileInfoResponseCommand
namespace GetProfileInfoCommand {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetProfileInfoCommand::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetProfileInfoCommand::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetProfileInfoCommand
namespace GetMeasurementProfileResponseCommand {
enum class Fields
kStartTime = 0,
kStatus = 1,
kProfileIntervalPeriod = 2,
kNumberOfIntervalsDelivered = 3,
kAttributeId = 4,
kIntervals = 5,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetMeasurementProfileResponseCommand::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
uint32_t startTime = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t profileIntervalPeriod = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t numberOfIntervalsDelivered = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t attributeId = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
DataModel::List<const uint8_t> intervals;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetMeasurementProfileResponseCommand::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
uint32_t startTime = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
uint8_t status = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t profileIntervalPeriod = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t numberOfIntervalsDelivered = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint16_t attributeId = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t> intervals;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetMeasurementProfileResponseCommand
namespace GetMeasurementProfileCommand {
enum class Fields
kAttributeId = 0,
kStartTime = 1,
kNumberOfIntervals = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetMeasurementProfileCommand::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
uint16_t attributeId = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint32_t startTime = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
uint8_t numberOfIntervals = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::GetMeasurementProfileCommand::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
uint16_t attributeId = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
uint32_t startTime = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
uint8_t numberOfIntervals = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace GetMeasurementProfileCommand
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace MeasurementType {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MeasurementType::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MeasurementType
namespace DcVoltage {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DcVoltage::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DcVoltage
namespace DcVoltageMin {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DcVoltageMin::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DcVoltageMin
namespace DcVoltageMax {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DcVoltageMax::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DcVoltageMax
namespace DcCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DcCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DcCurrent
namespace DcCurrentMin {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DcCurrentMin::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DcCurrentMin
namespace DcCurrentMax {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DcCurrentMax::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DcCurrentMax
namespace DcPower {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DcPower::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DcPower
namespace DcPowerMin {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DcPowerMin::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DcPowerMin
namespace DcPowerMax {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DcPowerMax::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DcPowerMax
namespace DcVoltageMultiplier {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DcVoltageMultiplier::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DcVoltageMultiplier
namespace DcVoltageDivisor {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DcVoltageDivisor::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DcVoltageDivisor
namespace DcCurrentMultiplier {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DcCurrentMultiplier::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DcCurrentMultiplier
namespace DcCurrentDivisor {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DcCurrentDivisor::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DcCurrentDivisor
namespace DcPowerMultiplier {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DcPowerMultiplier::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DcPowerMultiplier
namespace DcPowerDivisor {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::DcPowerDivisor::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace DcPowerDivisor
namespace AcFrequency {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcFrequency::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcFrequency
namespace AcFrequencyMin {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcFrequencyMin::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcFrequencyMin
namespace AcFrequencyMax {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcFrequencyMax::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcFrequencyMax
namespace NeutralCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NeutralCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NeutralCurrent
namespace TotalActivePower {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int32_t;
using DecodableType = int32_t;
using DecodableArgType = int32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TotalActivePower::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TotalActivePower
namespace TotalReactivePower {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int32_t;
using DecodableType = int32_t;
using DecodableArgType = int32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TotalReactivePower::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TotalReactivePower
namespace TotalApparentPower {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TotalApparentPower::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace TotalApparentPower
namespace Measured1stHarmonicCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Measured1stHarmonicCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Measured1stHarmonicCurrent
namespace Measured3rdHarmonicCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Measured3rdHarmonicCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Measured3rdHarmonicCurrent
namespace Measured5thHarmonicCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Measured5thHarmonicCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Measured5thHarmonicCurrent
namespace Measured7thHarmonicCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Measured7thHarmonicCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Measured7thHarmonicCurrent
namespace Measured9thHarmonicCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Measured9thHarmonicCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Measured9thHarmonicCurrent
namespace Measured11thHarmonicCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Measured11thHarmonicCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Measured11thHarmonicCurrent
namespace MeasuredPhase1stHarmonicCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MeasuredPhase1stHarmonicCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MeasuredPhase1stHarmonicCurrent
namespace MeasuredPhase3rdHarmonicCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MeasuredPhase3rdHarmonicCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MeasuredPhase3rdHarmonicCurrent
namespace MeasuredPhase5thHarmonicCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MeasuredPhase5thHarmonicCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MeasuredPhase5thHarmonicCurrent
namespace MeasuredPhase7thHarmonicCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MeasuredPhase7thHarmonicCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MeasuredPhase7thHarmonicCurrent
namespace MeasuredPhase9thHarmonicCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MeasuredPhase9thHarmonicCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MeasuredPhase9thHarmonicCurrent
namespace MeasuredPhase11thHarmonicCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::MeasuredPhase11thHarmonicCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace MeasuredPhase11thHarmonicCurrent
namespace AcFrequencyMultiplier {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcFrequencyMultiplier::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcFrequencyMultiplier
namespace AcFrequencyDivisor {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcFrequencyDivisor::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcFrequencyDivisor
namespace PowerMultiplier {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PowerMultiplier::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PowerMultiplier
namespace PowerDivisor {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PowerDivisor::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PowerDivisor
namespace HarmonicCurrentMultiplier {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int8_t;
using DecodableType = int8_t;
using DecodableArgType = int8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::HarmonicCurrentMultiplier::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace HarmonicCurrentMultiplier
namespace PhaseHarmonicCurrentMultiplier {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int8_t;
using DecodableType = int8_t;
using DecodableArgType = int8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PhaseHarmonicCurrentMultiplier::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PhaseHarmonicCurrentMultiplier
namespace InstantaneousVoltage {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::InstantaneousVoltage::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace InstantaneousVoltage
namespace InstantaneousLineCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::InstantaneousLineCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace InstantaneousLineCurrent
namespace InstantaneousActiveCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::InstantaneousActiveCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace InstantaneousActiveCurrent
namespace InstantaneousReactiveCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::InstantaneousReactiveCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace InstantaneousReactiveCurrent
namespace InstantaneousPower {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::InstantaneousPower::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace InstantaneousPower
namespace RmsVoltage {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsVoltage::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsVoltage
namespace RmsVoltageMin {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsVoltageMin::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsVoltageMin
namespace RmsVoltageMax {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsVoltageMax::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsVoltageMax
namespace RmsCurrent {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsCurrent::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsCurrent
namespace RmsCurrentMin {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsCurrentMin::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsCurrentMin
namespace RmsCurrentMax {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsCurrentMax::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsCurrentMax
namespace ActivePower {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActivePower::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActivePower
namespace ActivePowerMin {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActivePowerMin::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActivePowerMin
namespace ActivePowerMax {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActivePowerMax::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActivePowerMax
namespace ReactivePower {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ReactivePower::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ReactivePower
namespace ApparentPower {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ApparentPower::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ApparentPower
namespace PowerFactor {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int8_t;
using DecodableType = int8_t;
using DecodableArgType = int8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PowerFactor::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PowerFactor
namespace AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriod {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriod::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriod
namespace AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounter {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounter::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounter
namespace RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriod {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriod::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriod
namespace RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriod {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriod::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriod
namespace RmsVoltageSagPeriod {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsVoltageSagPeriod::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsVoltageSagPeriod
namespace RmsVoltageSwellPeriod {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsVoltageSwellPeriod::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsVoltageSwellPeriod
namespace AcVoltageMultiplier {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcVoltageMultiplier::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcVoltageMultiplier
namespace AcVoltageDivisor {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcVoltageDivisor::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcVoltageDivisor
namespace AcCurrentMultiplier {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcCurrentMultiplier::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcCurrentMultiplier
namespace AcCurrentDivisor {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcCurrentDivisor::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcCurrentDivisor
namespace AcPowerMultiplier {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcPowerMultiplier::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcPowerMultiplier
namespace AcPowerDivisor {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcPowerDivisor::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcPowerDivisor
namespace OverloadAlarmsMask {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OverloadAlarmsMask::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace OverloadAlarmsMask
namespace VoltageOverload {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::VoltageOverload::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace VoltageOverload
namespace CurrentOverload {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CurrentOverload::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace CurrentOverload
namespace AcOverloadAlarmsMask {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcOverloadAlarmsMask::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcOverloadAlarmsMask
namespace AcVoltageOverload {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcVoltageOverload::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcVoltageOverload
namespace AcCurrentOverload {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcCurrentOverload::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcCurrentOverload
namespace AcActivePowerOverload {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcActivePowerOverload::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcActivePowerOverload
namespace AcReactivePowerOverload {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AcReactivePowerOverload::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AcReactivePowerOverload
namespace AverageRmsOverVoltage {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AverageRmsOverVoltage::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AverageRmsOverVoltage
namespace AverageRmsUnderVoltage {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AverageRmsUnderVoltage::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AverageRmsUnderVoltage
namespace RmsExtremeOverVoltage {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsExtremeOverVoltage::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsExtremeOverVoltage
namespace RmsExtremeUnderVoltage {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsExtremeUnderVoltage::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsExtremeUnderVoltage
namespace RmsVoltageSag {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsVoltageSag::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsVoltageSag
namespace RmsVoltageSwell {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsVoltageSwell::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsVoltageSwell
namespace LineCurrentPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LineCurrentPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LineCurrentPhaseB
namespace ActiveCurrentPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActiveCurrentPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActiveCurrentPhaseB
namespace ReactiveCurrentPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ReactiveCurrentPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ReactiveCurrentPhaseB
namespace RmsVoltagePhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsVoltagePhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsVoltagePhaseB
namespace RmsVoltageMinPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsVoltageMinPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsVoltageMinPhaseB
namespace RmsVoltageMaxPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsVoltageMaxPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsVoltageMaxPhaseB
namespace RmsCurrentPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsCurrentPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsCurrentPhaseB
namespace RmsCurrentMinPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsCurrentMinPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsCurrentMinPhaseB
namespace RmsCurrentMaxPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsCurrentMaxPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsCurrentMaxPhaseB
namespace ActivePowerPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActivePowerPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActivePowerPhaseB
namespace ActivePowerMinPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActivePowerMinPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActivePowerMinPhaseB
namespace ActivePowerMaxPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActivePowerMaxPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActivePowerMaxPhaseB
namespace ReactivePowerPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ReactivePowerPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ReactivePowerPhaseB
namespace ApparentPowerPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ApparentPowerPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ApparentPowerPhaseB
namespace PowerFactorPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int8_t;
using DecodableType = int8_t;
using DecodableArgType = int8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PowerFactorPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PowerFactorPhaseB
namespace AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhaseB
namespace AverageRmsOverVoltageCounterPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AverageRmsOverVoltageCounterPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AverageRmsOverVoltageCounterPhaseB
namespace AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounterPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounterPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounterPhaseB
namespace RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhaseB
namespace RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhaseB
namespace RmsVoltageSagPeriodPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsVoltageSagPeriodPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsVoltageSagPeriodPhaseB
namespace RmsVoltageSwellPeriodPhaseB {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsVoltageSwellPeriodPhaseB::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsVoltageSwellPeriodPhaseB
namespace LineCurrentPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LineCurrentPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace LineCurrentPhaseC
namespace ActiveCurrentPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActiveCurrentPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActiveCurrentPhaseC
namespace ReactiveCurrentPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ReactiveCurrentPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ReactiveCurrentPhaseC
namespace RmsVoltagePhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsVoltagePhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsVoltagePhaseC
namespace RmsVoltageMinPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsVoltageMinPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsVoltageMinPhaseC
namespace RmsVoltageMaxPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsVoltageMaxPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsVoltageMaxPhaseC
namespace RmsCurrentPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsCurrentPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsCurrentPhaseC
namespace RmsCurrentMinPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsCurrentMinPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsCurrentMinPhaseC
namespace RmsCurrentMaxPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsCurrentMaxPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsCurrentMaxPhaseC
namespace ActivePowerPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActivePowerPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActivePowerPhaseC
namespace ActivePowerMinPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActivePowerMinPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActivePowerMinPhaseC
namespace ActivePowerMaxPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ActivePowerMaxPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ActivePowerMaxPhaseC
namespace ReactivePowerPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ReactivePowerPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ReactivePowerPhaseC
namespace ApparentPowerPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ApparentPowerPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ApparentPowerPhaseC
namespace PowerFactorPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int8_t;
using DecodableType = int8_t;
using DecodableArgType = int8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::PowerFactorPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace PowerFactorPhaseC
namespace AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhaseC
namespace AverageRmsOverVoltageCounterPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AverageRmsOverVoltageCounterPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AverageRmsOverVoltageCounterPhaseC
namespace AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounterPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounterPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounterPhaseC
namespace RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhaseC
namespace RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhaseC
namespace RmsVoltageSagPeriodPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsVoltageSagPeriodPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsVoltageSagPeriodPhaseC
namespace RmsVoltageSwellPeriodPhaseC {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RmsVoltageSwellPeriodPhaseC::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RmsVoltageSwellPeriodPhaseC
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::ElectricalMeasurement::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::MeasurementType::TypeInfo::DecodableType measurementType = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::DcVoltage::TypeInfo::DecodableType dcVoltage = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::DcVoltageMin::TypeInfo::DecodableType dcVoltageMin = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::DcVoltageMax::TypeInfo::DecodableType dcVoltageMax = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::DcCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType dcCurrent = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::DcCurrentMin::TypeInfo::DecodableType dcCurrentMin = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::DcCurrentMax::TypeInfo::DecodableType dcCurrentMax = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::DcPower::TypeInfo::DecodableType dcPower = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::DcPowerMin::TypeInfo::DecodableType dcPowerMin = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::DcPowerMax::TypeInfo::DecodableType dcPowerMax = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::DcVoltageMultiplier::TypeInfo::DecodableType dcVoltageMultiplier = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::DcVoltageDivisor::TypeInfo::DecodableType dcVoltageDivisor = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::DcCurrentMultiplier::TypeInfo::DecodableType dcCurrentMultiplier = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::DcCurrentDivisor::TypeInfo::DecodableType dcCurrentDivisor = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::DcPowerMultiplier::TypeInfo::DecodableType dcPowerMultiplier = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::DcPowerDivisor::TypeInfo::DecodableType dcPowerDivisor = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::AcFrequency::TypeInfo::DecodableType acFrequency = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::AcFrequencyMin::TypeInfo::DecodableType acFrequencyMin = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::AcFrequencyMax::TypeInfo::DecodableType acFrequencyMax = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::NeutralCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType neutralCurrent = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::TotalActivePower::TypeInfo::DecodableType totalActivePower = static_cast<int32_t>(0);
Attributes::TotalReactivePower::TypeInfo::DecodableType totalReactivePower = static_cast<int32_t>(0);
Attributes::TotalApparentPower::TypeInfo::DecodableType totalApparentPower = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::Measured1stHarmonicCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType measured1stHarmonicCurrent = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::Measured3rdHarmonicCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType measured3rdHarmonicCurrent = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::Measured5thHarmonicCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType measured5thHarmonicCurrent = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::Measured7thHarmonicCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType measured7thHarmonicCurrent = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::Measured9thHarmonicCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType measured9thHarmonicCurrent = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::Measured11thHarmonicCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType measured11thHarmonicCurrent = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::MeasuredPhase1stHarmonicCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType measuredPhase1stHarmonicCurrent =
Attributes::MeasuredPhase3rdHarmonicCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType measuredPhase3rdHarmonicCurrent =
Attributes::MeasuredPhase5thHarmonicCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType measuredPhase5thHarmonicCurrent =
Attributes::MeasuredPhase7thHarmonicCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType measuredPhase7thHarmonicCurrent =
Attributes::MeasuredPhase9thHarmonicCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType measuredPhase9thHarmonicCurrent =
Attributes::MeasuredPhase11thHarmonicCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType measuredPhase11thHarmonicCurrent =
Attributes::AcFrequencyMultiplier::TypeInfo::DecodableType acFrequencyMultiplier = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::AcFrequencyDivisor::TypeInfo::DecodableType acFrequencyDivisor = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::PowerMultiplier::TypeInfo::DecodableType powerMultiplier = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::PowerDivisor::TypeInfo::DecodableType powerDivisor = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::HarmonicCurrentMultiplier::TypeInfo::DecodableType harmonicCurrentMultiplier = static_cast<int8_t>(0);
Attributes::PhaseHarmonicCurrentMultiplier::TypeInfo::DecodableType phaseHarmonicCurrentMultiplier = static_cast<int8_t>(0);
Attributes::InstantaneousVoltage::TypeInfo::DecodableType instantaneousVoltage = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::InstantaneousLineCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType instantaneousLineCurrent = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::InstantaneousActiveCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType instantaneousActiveCurrent = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::InstantaneousReactiveCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType instantaneousReactiveCurrent = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::InstantaneousPower::TypeInfo::DecodableType instantaneousPower = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsVoltage::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsVoltage = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsVoltageMin::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsVoltageMin = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsVoltageMax::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsVoltageMax = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsCurrent::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsCurrent = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsCurrentMin::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsCurrentMin = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsCurrentMax::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsCurrentMax = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ActivePower::TypeInfo::DecodableType activePower = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::ActivePowerMin::TypeInfo::DecodableType activePowerMin = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::ActivePowerMax::TypeInfo::DecodableType activePowerMax = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::ReactivePower::TypeInfo::DecodableType reactivePower = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::ApparentPower::TypeInfo::DecodableType apparentPower = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::PowerFactor::TypeInfo::DecodableType powerFactor = static_cast<int8_t>(0);
Attributes::AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriod::TypeInfo::DecodableType averageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriod =
Attributes::AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounter::TypeInfo::DecodableType averageRmsUnderVoltageCounter = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriod::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriod = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriod::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriod = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsVoltageSagPeriod::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsVoltageSagPeriod = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsVoltageSwellPeriod::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsVoltageSwellPeriod = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::AcVoltageMultiplier::TypeInfo::DecodableType acVoltageMultiplier = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::AcVoltageDivisor::TypeInfo::DecodableType acVoltageDivisor = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::AcCurrentMultiplier::TypeInfo::DecodableType acCurrentMultiplier = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::AcCurrentDivisor::TypeInfo::DecodableType acCurrentDivisor = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::AcPowerMultiplier::TypeInfo::DecodableType acPowerMultiplier = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::AcPowerDivisor::TypeInfo::DecodableType acPowerDivisor = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::OverloadAlarmsMask::TypeInfo::DecodableType overloadAlarmsMask = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::VoltageOverload::TypeInfo::DecodableType voltageOverload = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::CurrentOverload::TypeInfo::DecodableType currentOverload = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::AcOverloadAlarmsMask::TypeInfo::DecodableType acOverloadAlarmsMask = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::AcVoltageOverload::TypeInfo::DecodableType acVoltageOverload = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::AcCurrentOverload::TypeInfo::DecodableType acCurrentOverload = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::AcActivePowerOverload::TypeInfo::DecodableType acActivePowerOverload = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::AcReactivePowerOverload::TypeInfo::DecodableType acReactivePowerOverload = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::AverageRmsOverVoltage::TypeInfo::DecodableType averageRmsOverVoltage = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::AverageRmsUnderVoltage::TypeInfo::DecodableType averageRmsUnderVoltage = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsExtremeOverVoltage::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsExtremeOverVoltage = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsExtremeUnderVoltage::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsExtremeUnderVoltage = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsVoltageSag::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsVoltageSag = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsVoltageSwell::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsVoltageSwell = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::LineCurrentPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType lineCurrentPhaseB = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ActiveCurrentPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType activeCurrentPhaseB = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::ReactiveCurrentPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType reactiveCurrentPhaseB = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsVoltagePhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsVoltagePhaseB = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsVoltageMinPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsVoltageMinPhaseB = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsVoltageMaxPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsVoltageMaxPhaseB = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsCurrentPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsCurrentPhaseB = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsCurrentMinPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsCurrentMinPhaseB = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsCurrentMaxPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsCurrentMaxPhaseB = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ActivePowerPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType activePowerPhaseB = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::ActivePowerMinPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType activePowerMinPhaseB = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::ActivePowerMaxPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType activePowerMaxPhaseB = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::ReactivePowerPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType reactivePowerPhaseB = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::ApparentPowerPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType apparentPowerPhaseB = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::PowerFactorPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType powerFactorPhaseB = static_cast<int8_t>(0);
Attributes::AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType averageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhaseB =
Attributes::AverageRmsOverVoltageCounterPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType averageRmsOverVoltageCounterPhaseB =
Attributes::AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounterPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType averageRmsUnderVoltageCounterPhaseB =
Attributes::RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhaseB =
Attributes::RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhaseB =
Attributes::RmsVoltageSagPeriodPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsVoltageSagPeriodPhaseB = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsVoltageSwellPeriodPhaseB::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsVoltageSwellPeriodPhaseB = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::LineCurrentPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType lineCurrentPhaseC = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ActiveCurrentPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType activeCurrentPhaseC = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::ReactiveCurrentPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType reactiveCurrentPhaseC = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsVoltagePhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsVoltagePhaseC = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsVoltageMinPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsVoltageMinPhaseC = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsVoltageMaxPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsVoltageMaxPhaseC = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsCurrentPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsCurrentPhaseC = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsCurrentMinPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsCurrentMinPhaseC = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsCurrentMaxPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsCurrentMaxPhaseC = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::ActivePowerPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType activePowerPhaseC = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::ActivePowerMinPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType activePowerMinPhaseC = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::ActivePowerMaxPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType activePowerMaxPhaseC = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::ReactivePowerPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType reactivePowerPhaseC = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::ApparentPowerPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType apparentPowerPhaseC = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::PowerFactorPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType powerFactorPhaseC = static_cast<int8_t>(0);
Attributes::AverageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType averageRmsVoltageMeasurementPeriodPhaseC =
Attributes::AverageRmsOverVoltageCounterPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType averageRmsOverVoltageCounterPhaseC =
Attributes::AverageRmsUnderVoltageCounterPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType averageRmsUnderVoltageCounterPhaseC =
Attributes::RmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsExtremeOverVoltagePeriodPhaseC =
Attributes::RmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsExtremeUnderVoltagePeriodPhaseC =
Attributes::RmsVoltageSagPeriodPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsVoltageSagPeriodPhaseC = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RmsVoltageSwellPeriodPhaseC::TypeInfo::DecodableType rmsVoltageSwellPeriodPhaseC = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
} // namespace ElectricalMeasurement
namespace TestCluster {
namespace Structs {
namespace SimpleStruct {
enum class Fields
kA = 0,
kB = 1,
kC = 2,
kD = 3,
kE = 4,
kF = 5,
kG = 6,
kH = 7,
struct Type
uint8_t a = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
bool b = static_cast<bool>(0);
SimpleEnum c = static_cast<SimpleEnum>(0);
chip::ByteSpan d;
chip::CharSpan e;
chip::BitMask<SimpleBitmap> f = static_cast<chip::BitMask<SimpleBitmap>>(0);
float g = static_cast<float>(0);
double h = static_cast<double>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace SimpleStruct
namespace TestFabricScoped {
enum class Fields
kFabricSensitiveInt8u = 1,
kOptionalFabricSensitiveInt8u = 2,
kNullableFabricSensitiveInt8u = 3,
kNullableOptionalFabricSensitiveInt8u = 4,
kFabricSensitiveCharString = 5,
kFabricSensitiveStruct = 6,
kFabricSensitiveInt8uList = 7,
kFabricIndex = 254,
struct Type
uint8_t fabricSensitiveInt8u = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Optional<uint8_t> optionalFabricSensitiveInt8u;
DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> nullableFabricSensitiveInt8u;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>> nullableOptionalFabricSensitiveInt8u;
chip::CharSpan fabricSensitiveCharString;
Structs::SimpleStruct::Type fabricSensitiveStruct;
DataModel::List<const uint8_t> fabricSensitiveInt8uList;
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = true;
auto GetFabricIndex() const { return fabricIndex; }
void SetFabricIndex(chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex_) { fabricIndex = fabricIndex_; }
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForWrite(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
CHIP_ERROR EncodeForRead(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, FabricIndex accessingFabricIndex) const;
CHIP_ERROR DoEncode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag, const Optional<FabricIndex> & accessingFabricIndex) const;
struct DecodableType
uint8_t fabricSensitiveInt8u = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Optional<uint8_t> optionalFabricSensitiveInt8u;
DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> nullableFabricSensitiveInt8u;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>> nullableOptionalFabricSensitiveInt8u;
chip::CharSpan fabricSensitiveCharString;
Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType fabricSensitiveStruct;
DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t> fabricSensitiveInt8uList;
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = true;
auto GetFabricIndex() const { return fabricIndex; }
void SetFabricIndex(chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex_) { fabricIndex = fabricIndex_; }
} // namespace TestFabricScoped
namespace NullablesAndOptionalsStruct {
enum class Fields
kNullableInt = 0,
kOptionalInt = 1,
kNullableOptionalInt = 2,
kNullableString = 3,
kOptionalString = 4,
kNullableOptionalString = 5,
kNullableStruct = 6,
kOptionalStruct = 7,
kNullableOptionalStruct = 8,
kNullableList = 9,
kOptionalList = 10,
kNullableOptionalList = 11,
struct Type
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> nullableInt;
Optional<uint16_t> optionalInt;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>> nullableOptionalInt;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan> nullableString;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> optionalString;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan>> nullableOptionalString;
DataModel::Nullable<Structs::SimpleStruct::Type> nullableStruct;
Optional<Structs::SimpleStruct::Type> optionalStruct;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<Structs::SimpleStruct::Type>> nullableOptionalStruct;
DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::List<const SimpleEnum>> nullableList;
Optional<DataModel::List<const SimpleEnum>> optionalList;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::List<const SimpleEnum>>> nullableOptionalList;
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> nullableInt;
Optional<uint16_t> optionalInt;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>> nullableOptionalInt;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan> nullableString;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> optionalString;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan>> nullableOptionalString;
DataModel::Nullable<Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType> nullableStruct;
Optional<Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType> optionalStruct;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType>> nullableOptionalStruct;
DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::DecodableList<SimpleEnum>> nullableList;
Optional<DataModel::DecodableList<SimpleEnum>> optionalList;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::DecodableList<SimpleEnum>>> nullableOptionalList;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
} // namespace NullablesAndOptionalsStruct
namespace NestedStruct {
enum class Fields
kA = 0,
kB = 1,
kC = 2,
struct Type
uint8_t a = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
bool b = static_cast<bool>(0);
Structs::SimpleStruct::Type c;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace NestedStruct
namespace NestedStructList {
enum class Fields
kA = 0,
kB = 1,
kC = 2,
kD = 3,
kE = 4,
kF = 5,
kG = 6,
struct Type
uint8_t a = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
bool b = static_cast<bool>(0);
Structs::SimpleStruct::Type c;
DataModel::List<const Structs::SimpleStruct::Type> d;
DataModel::List<const uint32_t> e;
DataModel::List<const chip::ByteSpan> f;
DataModel::List<const uint8_t> g;
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
uint8_t a = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
bool b = static_cast<bool>(0);
Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType c;
DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType> d;
DataModel::DecodableList<uint32_t> e;
DataModel::DecodableList<chip::ByteSpan> f;
DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t> g;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
} // namespace NestedStructList
namespace DoubleNestedStructList {
enum class Fields
kA = 0,
struct Type
DataModel::List<const Structs::NestedStructList::Type> a;
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::NestedStructList::DecodableType> a;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
} // namespace DoubleNestedStructList
namespace TestListStructOctet {
enum class Fields
kMember1 = 0,
kMember2 = 1,
struct Type
uint64_t member1 = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
chip::ByteSpan member2;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using DecodableType = Type;
} // namespace TestListStructOctet
} // namespace Structs
namespace Commands {
// Forward-declarations so we can reference these later.
namespace Test {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace Test
namespace TestSpecificResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestSpecificResponse
namespace TestNotHandled {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestNotHandled
namespace TestAddArgumentsResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestAddArgumentsResponse
namespace TestSpecific {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestSpecific
namespace TestSimpleArgumentResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestSimpleArgumentResponse
namespace TestUnknownCommand {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestUnknownCommand
namespace TestStructArrayArgumentResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestStructArrayArgumentResponse
namespace TestAddArguments {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestAddArguments
namespace TestListInt8UReverseResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestListInt8UReverseResponse
namespace TestSimpleArgumentRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestSimpleArgumentRequest
namespace TestEnumsResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestEnumsResponse
namespace TestStructArrayArgumentRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestStructArrayArgumentRequest
namespace TestNullableOptionalResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestNullableOptionalResponse
namespace TestStructArgumentRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestStructArgumentRequest
namespace TestComplexNullableOptionalResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestComplexNullableOptionalResponse
namespace TestNestedStructArgumentRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestNestedStructArgumentRequest
namespace BooleanResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace BooleanResponse
namespace TestListStructArgumentRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestListStructArgumentRequest
namespace SimpleStructResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SimpleStructResponse
namespace TestListInt8UArgumentRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestListInt8UArgumentRequest
namespace TestEmitTestEventResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestEmitTestEventResponse
namespace TestNestedStructListArgumentRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestNestedStructListArgumentRequest
namespace TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventResponse {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventResponse
namespace TestListNestedStructListArgumentRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestListNestedStructListArgumentRequest
namespace TestListInt8UReverseRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestListInt8UReverseRequest
namespace TestEnumsRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestEnumsRequest
namespace TestNullableOptionalRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestNullableOptionalRequest
namespace TestComplexNullableOptionalRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestComplexNullableOptionalRequest
namespace SimpleStructEchoRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace SimpleStructEchoRequest
namespace TimedInvokeRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TimedInvokeRequest
namespace TestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequest
namespace TestEmitTestEventRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestEmitTestEventRequest
namespace TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequest {
struct Type;
struct DecodableType;
} // namespace TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequest
} // namespace Commands
namespace Commands {
namespace Test {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Test::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::Test::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace Test
namespace TestSpecificResponse {
enum class Fields
kReturnValue = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestSpecificResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
uint8_t returnValue = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestSpecificResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
uint8_t returnValue = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestSpecificResponse
namespace TestNotHandled {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestNotHandled::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestNotHandled::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestNotHandled
namespace TestAddArgumentsResponse {
enum class Fields
kReturnValue = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestAddArgumentsResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
uint8_t returnValue = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestAddArgumentsResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
uint8_t returnValue = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestAddArgumentsResponse
namespace TestSpecific {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestSpecific::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestSpecificResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestSpecific::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestSpecific
namespace TestSimpleArgumentResponse {
enum class Fields
kReturnValue = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestSimpleArgumentResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
bool returnValue = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestSimpleArgumentResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
bool returnValue = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestSimpleArgumentResponse
namespace TestUnknownCommand {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestUnknownCommand::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestUnknownCommand::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestUnknownCommand
namespace TestStructArrayArgumentResponse {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
kArg2 = 1,
kArg3 = 2,
kArg4 = 3,
kArg5 = 4,
kArg6 = 5,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestStructArrayArgumentResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
DataModel::List<const Structs::NestedStructList::Type> arg1;
DataModel::List<const Structs::SimpleStruct::Type> arg2;
DataModel::List<const SimpleEnum> arg3;
DataModel::List<const bool> arg4;
SimpleEnum arg5 = static_cast<SimpleEnum>(0);
bool arg6 = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestStructArrayArgumentResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::NestedStructList::DecodableType> arg1;
DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType> arg2;
DataModel::DecodableList<SimpleEnum> arg3;
DataModel::DecodableList<bool> arg4;
SimpleEnum arg5 = static_cast<SimpleEnum>(0);
bool arg6 = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestStructArrayArgumentResponse
namespace TestAddArguments {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
kArg2 = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestAddArguments::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
uint8_t arg1 = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t arg2 = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestAddArgumentsResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestAddArguments::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
uint8_t arg1 = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
uint8_t arg2 = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestAddArguments
namespace TestListInt8UReverseResponse {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestListInt8UReverseResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
DataModel::List<const uint8_t> arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestListInt8UReverseResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t> arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestListInt8UReverseResponse
namespace TestSimpleArgumentRequest {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestSimpleArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
bool arg1 = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestSimpleArgumentResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestSimpleArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
bool arg1 = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestSimpleArgumentRequest
namespace TestEnumsResponse {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
kArg2 = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestEnumsResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
chip::VendorId arg1 = static_cast<chip::VendorId>(0);
SimpleEnum arg2 = static_cast<SimpleEnum>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestEnumsResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
chip::VendorId arg1 = static_cast<chip::VendorId>(0);
SimpleEnum arg2 = static_cast<SimpleEnum>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestEnumsResponse
namespace TestStructArrayArgumentRequest {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
kArg2 = 1,
kArg3 = 2,
kArg4 = 3,
kArg5 = 4,
kArg6 = 5,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestStructArrayArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
DataModel::List<const Structs::NestedStructList::Type> arg1;
DataModel::List<const Structs::SimpleStruct::Type> arg2;
DataModel::List<const SimpleEnum> arg3;
DataModel::List<const bool> arg4;
SimpleEnum arg5 = static_cast<SimpleEnum>(0);
bool arg6 = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestStructArrayArgumentResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestStructArrayArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::NestedStructList::DecodableType> arg1;
DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType> arg2;
DataModel::DecodableList<SimpleEnum> arg3;
DataModel::DecodableList<bool> arg4;
SimpleEnum arg5 = static_cast<SimpleEnum>(0);
bool arg6 = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestStructArrayArgumentRequest
namespace TestNullableOptionalResponse {
enum class Fields
kWasPresent = 0,
kWasNull = 1,
kValue = 2,
kOriginalValue = 3,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestNullableOptionalResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
bool wasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<bool> wasNull;
Optional<uint8_t> value;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>> originalValue;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestNullableOptionalResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
bool wasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<bool> wasNull;
Optional<uint8_t> value;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>> originalValue;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestNullableOptionalResponse
namespace TestStructArgumentRequest {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestStructArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
Structs::SimpleStruct::Type arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::BooleanResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestStructArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestStructArgumentRequest
namespace TestComplexNullableOptionalResponse {
enum class Fields
kNullableIntWasNull = 0,
kNullableIntValue = 1,
kOptionalIntWasPresent = 2,
kOptionalIntValue = 3,
kNullableOptionalIntWasPresent = 4,
kNullableOptionalIntWasNull = 5,
kNullableOptionalIntValue = 6,
kNullableStringWasNull = 7,
kNullableStringValue = 8,
kOptionalStringWasPresent = 9,
kOptionalStringValue = 10,
kNullableOptionalStringWasPresent = 11,
kNullableOptionalStringWasNull = 12,
kNullableOptionalStringValue = 13,
kNullableStructWasNull = 14,
kNullableStructValue = 15,
kOptionalStructWasPresent = 16,
kOptionalStructValue = 17,
kNullableOptionalStructWasPresent = 18,
kNullableOptionalStructWasNull = 19,
kNullableOptionalStructValue = 20,
kNullableListWasNull = 21,
kNullableListValue = 22,
kOptionalListWasPresent = 23,
kOptionalListValue = 24,
kNullableOptionalListWasPresent = 25,
kNullableOptionalListWasNull = 26,
kNullableOptionalListValue = 27,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestComplexNullableOptionalResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
bool nullableIntWasNull = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<uint16_t> nullableIntValue;
bool optionalIntWasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<uint16_t> optionalIntValue;
bool nullableOptionalIntWasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<bool> nullableOptionalIntWasNull;
Optional<uint16_t> nullableOptionalIntValue;
bool nullableStringWasNull = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> nullableStringValue;
bool optionalStringWasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> optionalStringValue;
bool nullableOptionalStringWasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<bool> nullableOptionalStringWasNull;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> nullableOptionalStringValue;
bool nullableStructWasNull = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<Structs::SimpleStruct::Type> nullableStructValue;
bool optionalStructWasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<Structs::SimpleStruct::Type> optionalStructValue;
bool nullableOptionalStructWasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<bool> nullableOptionalStructWasNull;
Optional<Structs::SimpleStruct::Type> nullableOptionalStructValue;
bool nullableListWasNull = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<DataModel::List<const SimpleEnum>> nullableListValue;
bool optionalListWasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<DataModel::List<const SimpleEnum>> optionalListValue;
bool nullableOptionalListWasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<bool> nullableOptionalListWasNull;
Optional<DataModel::List<const SimpleEnum>> nullableOptionalListValue;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestComplexNullableOptionalResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
bool nullableIntWasNull = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<uint16_t> nullableIntValue;
bool optionalIntWasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<uint16_t> optionalIntValue;
bool nullableOptionalIntWasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<bool> nullableOptionalIntWasNull;
Optional<uint16_t> nullableOptionalIntValue;
bool nullableStringWasNull = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> nullableStringValue;
bool optionalStringWasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<chip::CharSpan> optionalStringValue;
bool nullableOptionalStringWasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<bool> nullableOptionalStringWasNull;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> nullableOptionalStringValue;
bool nullableStructWasNull = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType> nullableStructValue;
bool optionalStructWasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType> optionalStructValue;
bool nullableOptionalStructWasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<bool> nullableOptionalStructWasNull;
Optional<Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType> nullableOptionalStructValue;
bool nullableListWasNull = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<DataModel::DecodableList<SimpleEnum>> nullableListValue;
bool optionalListWasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<DataModel::DecodableList<SimpleEnum>> optionalListValue;
bool nullableOptionalListWasPresent = static_cast<bool>(0);
Optional<bool> nullableOptionalListWasNull;
Optional<DataModel::DecodableList<SimpleEnum>> nullableOptionalListValue;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestComplexNullableOptionalResponse
namespace TestNestedStructArgumentRequest {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestNestedStructArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
Structs::NestedStruct::Type arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::BooleanResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestNestedStructArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
Structs::NestedStruct::DecodableType arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestNestedStructArgumentRequest
namespace BooleanResponse {
enum class Fields
kValue = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::BooleanResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
bool value = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::BooleanResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
bool value = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace BooleanResponse
namespace TestListStructArgumentRequest {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestListStructArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
DataModel::List<const Structs::SimpleStruct::Type> arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::BooleanResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestListStructArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType> arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestListStructArgumentRequest
namespace SimpleStructResponse {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SimpleStructResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
Structs::SimpleStruct::Type arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SimpleStructResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SimpleStructResponse
namespace TestListInt8UArgumentRequest {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestListInt8UArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
DataModel::List<const uint8_t> arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::BooleanResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestListInt8UArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t> arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestListInt8UArgumentRequest
namespace TestEmitTestEventResponse {
enum class Fields
kValue = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestEmitTestEventResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
uint64_t value = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestEmitTestEventResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
uint64_t value = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestEmitTestEventResponse
namespace TestNestedStructListArgumentRequest {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestNestedStructListArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
Structs::NestedStructList::Type arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::BooleanResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestNestedStructListArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
Structs::NestedStructList::DecodableType arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestNestedStructListArgumentRequest
namespace TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventResponse {
enum class Fields
kValue = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
uint64_t value = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventResponse::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
uint64_t value = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventResponse
namespace TestListNestedStructListArgumentRequest {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestListNestedStructListArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
DataModel::List<const Structs::NestedStructList::Type> arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::BooleanResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestListNestedStructListArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::NestedStructList::DecodableType> arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestListNestedStructListArgumentRequest
namespace TestListInt8UReverseRequest {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestListInt8UReverseRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
DataModel::List<const uint8_t> arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestListInt8UReverseResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestListInt8UReverseRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t> arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestListInt8UReverseRequest
namespace TestEnumsRequest {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
kArg2 = 1,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestEnumsRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
chip::VendorId arg1 = static_cast<chip::VendorId>(0);
SimpleEnum arg2 = static_cast<SimpleEnum>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestEnumsResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestEnumsRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
chip::VendorId arg1 = static_cast<chip::VendorId>(0);
SimpleEnum arg2 = static_cast<SimpleEnum>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestEnumsRequest
namespace TestNullableOptionalRequest {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestNullableOptionalRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>> arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestNullableOptionalResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestNullableOptionalRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>> arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestNullableOptionalRequest
namespace TestComplexNullableOptionalRequest {
enum class Fields
kNullableInt = 0,
kOptionalInt = 1,
kNullableOptionalInt = 2,
kNullableString = 3,
kOptionalString = 4,
kNullableOptionalString = 5,
kNullableStruct = 6,
kOptionalStruct = 7,
kNullableOptionalStruct = 8,
kNullableList = 9,
kOptionalList = 10,
kNullableOptionalList = 11,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestComplexNullableOptionalRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> nullableInt;
Optional<uint16_t> optionalInt;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>> nullableOptionalInt;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan> nullableString;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> optionalString;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan>> nullableOptionalString;
DataModel::Nullable<Structs::SimpleStruct::Type> nullableStruct;
Optional<Structs::SimpleStruct::Type> optionalStruct;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<Structs::SimpleStruct::Type>> nullableOptionalStruct;
DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::List<const SimpleEnum>> nullableList;
Optional<DataModel::List<const SimpleEnum>> optionalList;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::List<const SimpleEnum>>> nullableOptionalList;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestComplexNullableOptionalResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestComplexNullableOptionalRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> nullableInt;
Optional<uint16_t> optionalInt;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>> nullableOptionalInt;
DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan> nullableString;
Optional<chip::CharSpan> optionalString;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan>> nullableOptionalString;
DataModel::Nullable<Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType> nullableStruct;
Optional<Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType> optionalStruct;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType>> nullableOptionalStruct;
DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::DecodableList<SimpleEnum>> nullableList;
Optional<DataModel::DecodableList<SimpleEnum>> optionalList;
Optional<DataModel::Nullable<DataModel::DecodableList<SimpleEnum>>> nullableOptionalList;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestComplexNullableOptionalRequest
namespace SimpleStructEchoRequest {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SimpleStructEchoRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
Structs::SimpleStruct::Type arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::SimpleStructResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::SimpleStructEchoRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace SimpleStructEchoRequest
namespace TimedInvokeRequest {
enum class Fields
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TimedInvokeRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return true; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TimedInvokeRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TimedInvokeRequest
namespace TestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequest {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
Optional<bool> arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = DataModel::NullObjectType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
Optional<bool> arg1;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestSimpleOptionalArgumentRequest
namespace TestEmitTestEventRequest {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
kArg2 = 1,
kArg3 = 2,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestEmitTestEventRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
uint8_t arg1 = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
SimpleEnum arg2 = static_cast<SimpleEnum>(0);
bool arg3 = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestEmitTestEventResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestEmitTestEventRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
uint8_t arg1 = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
SimpleEnum arg2 = static_cast<SimpleEnum>(0);
bool arg3 = static_cast<bool>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestEmitTestEventRequest
namespace TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequest {
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 0,
struct Type
// Use GetCommandId instead of commandId directly to avoid naming conflict with CommandIdentification in ExecutionOfACommand
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
uint8_t arg1 = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
using ResponseType = Clusters::TestCluster::Commands::TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventResponse::DecodableType;
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedInvoke() { return false; }
struct DecodableType
static constexpr CommandId GetCommandId() { return Commands::TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequest::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
uint8_t arg1 = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
}; // namespace TestEmitTestFabricScopedEventRequest
} // namespace Commands
namespace Attributes {
namespace Boolean {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Boolean::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Boolean
namespace Bitmap8 {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap8MaskMap>;
using DecodableType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap8MaskMap>;
using DecodableArgType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap8MaskMap>;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Bitmap8::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Bitmap8
namespace Bitmap16 {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap16MaskMap>;
using DecodableType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap16MaskMap>;
using DecodableArgType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap16MaskMap>;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Bitmap16::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Bitmap16
namespace Bitmap32 {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap32MaskMap>;
using DecodableType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap32MaskMap>;
using DecodableArgType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap32MaskMap>;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Bitmap32::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Bitmap32
namespace Bitmap64 {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap64MaskMap>;
using DecodableType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap64MaskMap>;
using DecodableArgType = chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap64MaskMap>;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Bitmap64::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Bitmap64
namespace Int8u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Int8u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Int8u
namespace Int16u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Int16u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Int16u
namespace Int24u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Int24u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Int24u
namespace Int32u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Int32u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Int32u
namespace Int40u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint64_t;
using DecodableType = uint64_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Int40u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Int40u
namespace Int48u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint64_t;
using DecodableType = uint64_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Int48u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Int48u
namespace Int56u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint64_t;
using DecodableType = uint64_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Int56u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Int56u
namespace Int64u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint64_t;
using DecodableType = uint64_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Int64u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Int64u
namespace Int8s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int8_t;
using DecodableType = int8_t;
using DecodableArgType = int8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Int8s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Int8s
namespace Int16s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Int16s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Int16s
namespace Int24s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int32_t;
using DecodableType = int32_t;
using DecodableArgType = int32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Int24s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Int24s
namespace Int32s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int32_t;
using DecodableType = int32_t;
using DecodableArgType = int32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Int32s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Int32s
namespace Int40s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int64_t;
using DecodableType = int64_t;
using DecodableArgType = int64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Int40s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Int40s
namespace Int48s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int64_t;
using DecodableType = int64_t;
using DecodableArgType = int64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Int48s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Int48s
namespace Int56s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int64_t;
using DecodableType = int64_t;
using DecodableArgType = int64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Int56s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Int56s
namespace Int64s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int64_t;
using DecodableType = int64_t;
using DecodableArgType = int64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Int64s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Int64s
namespace Enum8 {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Enum8::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Enum8
namespace Enum16 {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Enum16::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Enum16
namespace FloatSingle {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = float;
using DecodableType = float;
using DecodableArgType = float;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::FloatSingle::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace FloatSingle
namespace FloatDouble {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = double;
using DecodableType = double;
using DecodableArgType = double;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::FloatDouble::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace FloatDouble
namespace OctetString {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::ByteSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::ByteSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::ByteSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::OctetString::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 10; }
} // namespace OctetString
namespace ListInt8u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ListInt8u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ListInt8u
namespace ListOctetString {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::ByteSpan>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::ByteSpan>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::ByteSpan> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ListOctetString::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ListOctetString
namespace ListStructOctetString {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::TestListStructOctet::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::TestListStructOctet::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ListStructOctetString::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ListStructOctetString
namespace LongOctetString {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::ByteSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::ByteSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::ByteSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LongOctetString::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 1000; }
} // namespace LongOctetString
namespace CharString {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::CharString::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 10; }
} // namespace CharString
namespace LongCharString {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableType = chip::CharSpan;
using DecodableArgType = chip::CharSpan;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::LongCharString::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 1000; }
} // namespace LongCharString
namespace EpochUs {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint64_t;
using DecodableType = uint64_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint64_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::EpochUs::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace EpochUs
namespace EpochS {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint32_t;
using DecodableType = uint32_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint32_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::EpochS::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace EpochS
namespace VendorId {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::VendorId;
using DecodableType = chip::VendorId;
using DecodableArgType = chip::VendorId;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::VendorId::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace VendorId
namespace ListNullablesAndOptionalsStruct {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::NullablesAndOptionalsStruct::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<
chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::NullablesAndOptionalsStruct::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ListNullablesAndOptionalsStruct::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ListNullablesAndOptionalsStruct
namespace EnumAttr {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::SimpleEnum;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::SimpleEnum;
using DecodableArgType = chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::SimpleEnum;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::EnumAttr::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace EnumAttr
namespace StructAttr {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::SimpleStruct::Type;
using DecodableType = chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::StructAttr::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace StructAttr
namespace RangeRestrictedInt8u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint8_t;
using DecodableType = uint8_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RangeRestrictedInt8u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RangeRestrictedInt8u
namespace RangeRestrictedInt8s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int8_t;
using DecodableType = int8_t;
using DecodableArgType = int8_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RangeRestrictedInt8s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RangeRestrictedInt8s
namespace RangeRestrictedInt16u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = uint16_t;
using DecodableType = uint16_t;
using DecodableArgType = uint16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RangeRestrictedInt16u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RangeRestrictedInt16u
namespace RangeRestrictedInt16s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = int16_t;
using DecodableType = int16_t;
using DecodableArgType = int16_t;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::RangeRestrictedInt16s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace RangeRestrictedInt16s
namespace ListLongOctetString {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::ByteSpan>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::ByteSpan>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::ByteSpan> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ListLongOctetString::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ListLongOctetString
namespace ListFabricScoped {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::List<const chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::TestFabricScoped::Type>;
using DecodableType =
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::DecodableList<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::TestFabricScoped::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ListFabricScoped::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ListFabricScoped
namespace TimedWriteBoolean {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::TimedWriteBoolean::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return true; }
} // namespace TimedWriteBoolean
namespace GeneralErrorBoolean {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::GeneralErrorBoolean::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace GeneralErrorBoolean
namespace ClusterErrorBoolean {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::ClusterErrorBoolean::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace ClusterErrorBoolean
namespace Unsupported {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = bool;
using DecodableType = bool;
using DecodableArgType = bool;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::Unsupported::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace Unsupported
namespace NullableBoolean {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<bool>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<bool>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<bool> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableBoolean::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableBoolean
namespace NullableBitmap8 {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap8MaskMap>>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap8MaskMap>>;
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap8MaskMap>> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableBitmap8::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableBitmap8
namespace NullableBitmap16 {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap16MaskMap>>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap16MaskMap>>;
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap16MaskMap>> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableBitmap16::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableBitmap16
namespace NullableBitmap32 {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap32MaskMap>>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap32MaskMap>>;
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap32MaskMap>> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableBitmap32::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableBitmap32
namespace NullableBitmap64 {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap64MaskMap>>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap64MaskMap>>;
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::BitMask<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Bitmap64MaskMap>> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableBitmap64::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableBitmap64
namespace NullableInt8u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableInt8u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableInt8u
namespace NullableInt16u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableInt16u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableInt16u
namespace NullableInt24u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableInt24u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableInt24u
namespace NullableInt32u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableInt32u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableInt32u
namespace NullableInt40u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableInt40u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableInt40u
namespace NullableInt48u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableInt48u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableInt48u
namespace NullableInt56u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableInt56u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableInt56u
namespace NullableInt64u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint64_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableInt64u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableInt64u
namespace NullableInt8s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableInt8s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableInt8s
namespace NullableInt16s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableInt16s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableInt16s
namespace NullableInt24s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableInt24s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableInt24s
namespace NullableInt32s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int32_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int32_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int32_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableInt32s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableInt32s
namespace NullableInt40s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int64_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int64_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableInt40s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableInt40s
namespace NullableInt48s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int64_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int64_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableInt48s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableInt48s
namespace NullableInt56s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int64_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int64_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableInt56s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableInt56s
namespace NullableInt64s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int64_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int64_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int64_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableInt64s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableInt64s
namespace NullableEnum8 {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableEnum8::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableEnum8
namespace NullableEnum16 {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableEnum16::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableEnum16
namespace NullableFloatSingle {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<float>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<float>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<float> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableFloatSingle::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableFloatSingle
namespace NullableFloatDouble {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<double>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<double>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<double> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableFloatDouble::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableFloatDouble
namespace NullableOctetString {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::ByteSpan> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableOctetString::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 10; }
} // namespace NullableOctetString
namespace NullableCharString {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::CharSpan> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableCharString::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
static constexpr size_t MaxLength() { return 10; }
} // namespace NullableCharString
namespace NullableEnumAttr {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::SimpleEnum>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::SimpleEnum>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::SimpleEnum> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableEnumAttr::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableEnumAttr
namespace NullableStruct {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::SimpleStruct::Type>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType>;
using DecodableArgType =
const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableStruct::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableStruct
namespace NullableRangeRestrictedInt8u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableRangeRestrictedInt8u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableRangeRestrictedInt8u
namespace NullableRangeRestrictedInt8s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int8_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int8_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int8_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableRangeRestrictedInt8s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableRangeRestrictedInt8s
namespace NullableRangeRestrictedInt16u {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<uint16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableRangeRestrictedInt16u::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableRangeRestrictedInt16u
namespace NullableRangeRestrictedInt16s {
struct TypeInfo
using Type = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableType = chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t>;
using DecodableArgType = const chip::app::DataModel::Nullable<int16_t> &;
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr AttributeId GetAttributeId() { return Attributes::NullableRangeRestrictedInt16s::Id; }
static constexpr bool MustUseTimedWrite() { return false; }
} // namespace NullableRangeRestrictedInt16s
namespace GeneratedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
} // namespace GeneratedCommandList
namespace AcceptedCommandList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
} // namespace AcceptedCommandList
namespace AttributeList {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
} // namespace AttributeList
namespace FeatureMap {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
} // namespace FeatureMap
namespace ClusterRevision {
struct TypeInfo : public Clusters::Globals::Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
} // namespace ClusterRevision
struct TypeInfo
struct DecodableType
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader, const ConcreteAttributePath & path);
Attributes::Boolean::TypeInfo::DecodableType boolean = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::Bitmap8::TypeInfo::DecodableType bitmap8 =
Attributes::Bitmap16::TypeInfo::DecodableType bitmap16 =
Attributes::Bitmap32::TypeInfo::DecodableType bitmap32 =
Attributes::Bitmap64::TypeInfo::DecodableType bitmap64 =
Attributes::Int8u::TypeInfo::DecodableType int8u = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::Int16u::TypeInfo::DecodableType int16u = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::Int24u::TypeInfo::DecodableType int24u = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::Int32u::TypeInfo::DecodableType int32u = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::Int40u::TypeInfo::DecodableType int40u = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Attributes::Int48u::TypeInfo::DecodableType int48u = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Attributes::Int56u::TypeInfo::DecodableType int56u = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Attributes::Int64u::TypeInfo::DecodableType int64u = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Attributes::Int8s::TypeInfo::DecodableType int8s = static_cast<int8_t>(0);
Attributes::Int16s::TypeInfo::DecodableType int16s = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::Int24s::TypeInfo::DecodableType int24s = static_cast<int32_t>(0);
Attributes::Int32s::TypeInfo::DecodableType int32s = static_cast<int32_t>(0);
Attributes::Int40s::TypeInfo::DecodableType int40s = static_cast<int64_t>(0);
Attributes::Int48s::TypeInfo::DecodableType int48s = static_cast<int64_t>(0);
Attributes::Int56s::TypeInfo::DecodableType int56s = static_cast<int64_t>(0);
Attributes::Int64s::TypeInfo::DecodableType int64s = static_cast<int64_t>(0);
Attributes::Enum8::TypeInfo::DecodableType enum8 = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::Enum16::TypeInfo::DecodableType enum16 = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::FloatSingle::TypeInfo::DecodableType floatSingle = static_cast<float>(0);
Attributes::FloatDouble::TypeInfo::DecodableType floatDouble = static_cast<double>(0);
Attributes::OctetString::TypeInfo::DecodableType octetString;
Attributes::ListInt8u::TypeInfo::DecodableType listInt8u;
Attributes::ListOctetString::TypeInfo::DecodableType listOctetString;
Attributes::ListStructOctetString::TypeInfo::DecodableType listStructOctetString;
Attributes::LongOctetString::TypeInfo::DecodableType longOctetString;
Attributes::CharString::TypeInfo::DecodableType charString;
Attributes::LongCharString::TypeInfo::DecodableType longCharString;
Attributes::EpochUs::TypeInfo::DecodableType epochUs = static_cast<uint64_t>(0);
Attributes::EpochS::TypeInfo::DecodableType epochS = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::VendorId::TypeInfo::DecodableType vendorId = static_cast<chip::VendorId>(0);
Attributes::ListNullablesAndOptionalsStruct::TypeInfo::DecodableType listNullablesAndOptionalsStruct;
Attributes::EnumAttr::TypeInfo::DecodableType enumAttr = static_cast<chip::app::Clusters::TestCluster::SimpleEnum>(0);
Attributes::StructAttr::TypeInfo::DecodableType structAttr;
Attributes::RangeRestrictedInt8u::TypeInfo::DecodableType rangeRestrictedInt8u = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
Attributes::RangeRestrictedInt8s::TypeInfo::DecodableType rangeRestrictedInt8s = static_cast<int8_t>(0);
Attributes::RangeRestrictedInt16u::TypeInfo::DecodableType rangeRestrictedInt16u = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
Attributes::RangeRestrictedInt16s::TypeInfo::DecodableType rangeRestrictedInt16s = static_cast<int16_t>(0);
Attributes::ListLongOctetString::TypeInfo::DecodableType listLongOctetString;
Attributes::ListFabricScoped::TypeInfo::DecodableType listFabricScoped;
Attributes::TimedWriteBoolean::TypeInfo::DecodableType timedWriteBoolean = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::GeneralErrorBoolean::TypeInfo::DecodableType generalErrorBoolean = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::ClusterErrorBoolean::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterErrorBoolean = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::Unsupported::TypeInfo::DecodableType unsupported = static_cast<bool>(0);
Attributes::NullableBoolean::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableBoolean;
Attributes::NullableBitmap8::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableBitmap8;
Attributes::NullableBitmap16::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableBitmap16;
Attributes::NullableBitmap32::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableBitmap32;
Attributes::NullableBitmap64::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableBitmap64;
Attributes::NullableInt8u::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableInt8u;
Attributes::NullableInt16u::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableInt16u;
Attributes::NullableInt24u::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableInt24u;
Attributes::NullableInt32u::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableInt32u;
Attributes::NullableInt40u::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableInt40u;
Attributes::NullableInt48u::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableInt48u;
Attributes::NullableInt56u::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableInt56u;
Attributes::NullableInt64u::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableInt64u;
Attributes::NullableInt8s::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableInt8s;
Attributes::NullableInt16s::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableInt16s;
Attributes::NullableInt24s::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableInt24s;
Attributes::NullableInt32s::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableInt32s;
Attributes::NullableInt40s::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableInt40s;
Attributes::NullableInt48s::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableInt48s;
Attributes::NullableInt56s::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableInt56s;
Attributes::NullableInt64s::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableInt64s;
Attributes::NullableEnum8::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableEnum8;
Attributes::NullableEnum16::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableEnum16;
Attributes::NullableFloatSingle::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableFloatSingle;
Attributes::NullableFloatDouble::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableFloatDouble;
Attributes::NullableOctetString::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableOctetString;
Attributes::NullableCharString::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableCharString;
Attributes::NullableEnumAttr::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableEnumAttr;
Attributes::NullableStruct::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableStruct;
Attributes::NullableRangeRestrictedInt8u::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableRangeRestrictedInt8u;
Attributes::NullableRangeRestrictedInt8s::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableRangeRestrictedInt8s;
Attributes::NullableRangeRestrictedInt16u::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableRangeRestrictedInt16u;
Attributes::NullableRangeRestrictedInt16s::TypeInfo::DecodableType nullableRangeRestrictedInt16s;
Attributes::GeneratedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType generatedCommandList;
Attributes::AcceptedCommandList::TypeInfo::DecodableType acceptedCommandList;
Attributes::AttributeList::TypeInfo::DecodableType attributeList;
Attributes::FeatureMap::TypeInfo::DecodableType featureMap = static_cast<uint32_t>(0);
Attributes::ClusterRevision::TypeInfo::DecodableType clusterRevision = static_cast<uint16_t>(0);
} // namespace Attributes
namespace Events {
namespace TestEvent {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kArg1 = 1,
kArg2 = 2,
kArg3 = 3,
kArg4 = 4,
kArg5 = 5,
kArg6 = 6,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::TestEvent::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = false;
uint8_t arg1 = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
SimpleEnum arg2 = static_cast<SimpleEnum>(0);
bool arg3 = static_cast<bool>(0);
Structs::SimpleStruct::Type arg4;
DataModel::List<const Structs::SimpleStruct::Type> arg5;
DataModel::List<const SimpleEnum> arg6;
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::TestEvent::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
uint8_t arg1 = static_cast<uint8_t>(0);
SimpleEnum arg2 = static_cast<SimpleEnum>(0);
bool arg3 = static_cast<bool>(0);
Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType arg4;
DataModel::DecodableList<Structs::SimpleStruct::DecodableType> arg5;
DataModel::DecodableList<SimpleEnum> arg6;
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace TestEvent
namespace TestFabricScopedEvent {
static constexpr PriorityLevel kPriorityLevel = PriorityLevel::Info;
enum class Fields
kFabricIndex = 254,
struct Type
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::TestFabricScopedEvent::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
static constexpr bool kIsFabricScoped = true;
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
auto GetFabricIndex() const { return fabricIndex; }
CHIP_ERROR Encode(TLV::TLVWriter & writer, TLV::Tag tag) const;
struct DecodableType
static constexpr PriorityLevel GetPriorityLevel() { return kPriorityLevel; }
static constexpr EventId GetEventId() { return Events::TestFabricScopedEvent::Id; }
static constexpr ClusterId GetClusterId() { return Clusters::TestCluster::Id; }
chip::FabricIndex fabricIndex = static_cast<chip::FabricIndex>(0);
CHIP_ERROR Decode(TLV::TLVReader & reader);
} // namespace TestFabricScopedEvent
} // namespace Events
} // namespace TestCluster
} // namespace Clusters
bool CommandNeedsTimedInvoke(ClusterId aCluster, CommandId aCommand);
bool CommandIsFabricScoped(ClusterId aCluster, CommandId aCommand);
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip