blob: 4909a10fc341ebd6fdc7b3ed881e8423c3730e8f [file] [log] [blame]
Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
from abc import abstractmethod
from construct import Struct, Int64ul, Int32ul, Int16ul, Int8ul
from ctypes import CFUNCTYPE, c_void_p, c_uint32, c_uint64, c_uint8, c_uint16, c_ssize_t
import ctypes
import chip.native
import threading
import chip.tlv
import chip.exceptions
import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass
# The type should match CommandStatus in interaction_model/Delegate.h
# CommandStatus should not contain padding
IMCommandStatus = Struct(
"Status" / Int8ul,
"ClusterStatus" / Int8ul,
"EndpointId" / Int16ul,
"ClusterId" / Int32ul,
"CommandId" / Int32ul,
"CommandIndex" / Int8ul,
# The type should match WriteStatus in interaction_model/Delegate.h
IMWriteStatus = Struct(
"NodeId" / Int64ul,
"AppIdentifier" / Int64ul,
"Status" / Int8ul,
"EndpointId" / Int16ul,
"ClusterId" / Int32ul,
"AttributeId" / Int32ul,
# AttributePath should not contain padding
AttributePathIBstruct = Struct(
"EndpointId" / Int16ul,
"ClusterId" / Int32ul,
"AttributeId" / Int32ul,
"DataVersion" / Int32ul,
"HasDataVersion" / Int8ul,
# EventPath should not contain padding
EventPathIBstruct = Struct(
"EndpointId" / Int16ul,
"ClusterId" / Int32ul,
"EventId" / Int32ul,
"Urgent" / Int8ul,
DataVersionFilterIBstruct = Struct(
"EndpointId" / Int16ul,
"ClusterId" / Int32ul,
"DataVersion" / Int32ul,
class AttributePath:
nodeId: int
endpointId: int
clusterId: int
attributeId: int
class EventPath:
nodeId: int
endpointId: int
clusterId: int
eventId: int
urgent: int
class AttributeReadResult:
path: AttributePath
status: int
value: 'typing.Any'
class EventReadResult:
path: EventPath
value: 'typing.Any'
class AttributeWriteResult:
path: AttributePath
status: int
# typedef void (*PythonInteractionModelDelegate_OnCommandResponseStatusCodeReceivedFunct)(uint64_t commandSenderPtr,
# void * commandStatusBuf);
# typedef void (*PythonInteractionModelDelegate_OnCommandResponseProtocolErrorFunct)(uint64_t commandSenderPtr, uint8_t commandIndex);
# typedef void (*PythonInteractionModelDelegate_OnCommandResponseFunct)(uint64_t commandSenderPtr, uint32_t error);
_OnCommandResponseStatusCodeReceivedFunct = CFUNCTYPE(
None, c_uint64, c_void_p, c_uint32)
_OnCommandResponseProtocolErrorFunct = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_uint64, c_uint8)
_OnCommandResponseFunct = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_uint64, c_uint32)
_OnWriteResponseStatusFunct = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_uint32)
_commandStatusDict = dict()
_commandIndexStatusDict = dict()
_commandStatusLock = threading.RLock()
_commandStatusCV = threading.Condition(_commandStatusLock)
_attributeDict = dict()
_attributeDictLock = threading.RLock()
_writeStatusDict = dict()
_writeStatusDictLock = threading.RLock()
# A placeholder commandHandle, will be removed once we decouple CommandSender with CHIPClusters
def _GetCommandStatus(commandHandle: int):
with _commandStatusLock:
return _commandStatusDict.get(commandHandle, None)
def _GetCommandIndexStatus(commandHandle: int, commandIndex: int):
with _commandStatusLock:
indexDict = _commandIndexStatusDict.get(commandHandle, {})
return indexDict.get(commandIndex, None)
def _SetCommandStatus(commandHandle: int, val):
with _commandStatusLock:
_commandStatusDict[commandHandle] = val
def _SetCommandIndexStatus(commandHandle: int, commandIndex: int, status):
with _commandStatusLock:
indexDict = _commandIndexStatusDict.get(commandHandle, {})
indexDict[commandIndex] = status
_commandIndexStatusDict[commandHandle] = indexDict
@ _OnCommandResponseStatusCodeReceivedFunct
def _OnCommandResponseStatusCodeReceived(commandHandle: int, IMCommandStatusBuf, IMCommandStatusBufLen):
status = IMCommandStatus.parse(ctypes.string_at(
IMCommandStatusBuf, IMCommandStatusBufLen))
status["CommandIndex"], status)
@ _OnCommandResponseProtocolErrorFunct
def _OnCommandResponseProtocolError(commandHandle: int, errorcode: int):
@ _OnCommandResponseFunct
def _OnCommandResponse(commandHandle: int, errorcode: int):
_SetCommandStatus(PLACEHOLDER_COMMAND_HANDLE, errorcode)
def _OnWriteResponseStatus(IMAttributeWriteResult, IMAttributeWriteResultLen):
status = IMWriteStatus.parse(ctypes.string_at(
IMAttributeWriteResult, IMAttributeWriteResultLen))
appId = status["AppIdentifier"]
if appId < 256:
# For all attribute write requests using CHIPCluster API, appId is filled by CHIPDevice, and should be smaller than 256 (UINT8_MAX).
with _writeStatusDictLock:
_writeStatusDict[appId] = AttributeWriteResult(AttributePath(
status["NodeId"], status["EndpointId"], status["ClusterId"], status["AttributeId"]), status["Status"])
def InitIMDelegate():
handle = chip.native.GetLibraryHandle()
if not handle.pychip_InteractionModelDelegate_SetCommandResponseStatusCallback.argtypes:
setter = chip.native.NativeLibraryHandleMethodArguments(handle)
setter.Set("pychip_InteractionModelDelegate_SetCommandResponseStatusCallback", None, [
setter.Set("pychip_InteractionModelDelegate_SetCommandResponseProtocolErrorCallback", None, [
setter.Set("pychip_InteractionModelDelegate_SetCommandResponseErrorCallback", None, [
c_uint32, [ctypes.POINTER(c_uint64)])
setter.Set("pychip_InteractionModelDelegate_SetOnWriteResponseStatusCallback", None, [
def ClearCommandStatus(commandHandle: int):
Clear internal state and prepare for next command, should be called before sending commands.
with _commandStatusLock:
_SetCommandStatus(commandHandle, None)
_commandIndexStatusDict[commandHandle] = {}
def WaitCommandStatus(commandHandle: int):
Wait for response from device, returns error code.
ClearCommandStatus should be called before sending command or it will
return result from last command sent.
# commandHandle is null, means we are not using IM
# Note: This should be an error after we fully switched to IM.
if commandHandle == 0:
return None
with _commandStatusCV:
ret = _GetCommandStatus(commandHandle)
while ret is None:
ret = _GetCommandStatus(commandHandle)
return ret
def WaitCommandIndexStatus(commandHandle: int, commandIndex: int):
Wait for response of particular command from device, returns error code and struct of response info.
When device returns a command instead of command status, the response info is None.
ClearCommandStatus should be called before sending command or it will
return result from last command sent.
# commandHandle is null, means we are not using IM
# Note: This should be an error after we fully switched to IM.
if commandHandle == 0:
return (0, None)
err = WaitCommandStatus(commandHandle)
return (err, _GetCommandIndexStatus(commandHandle, commandIndex))
def GetCommandSenderHandle() -> int:
handle = chip.native.GetLibraryHandle()
resPointer = c_uint64()
res = handle.pychip_InteractionModel_GetCommandSenderHandle(
if res != 0:
raise chip.exceptions.ChipStackError(res)
return resPointer.value
def GetAttributeReadResponse(appId: int) -> AttributeReadResult:
with _attributeDictLock:
return _attributeDict.get(appId, None)
def GetAttributeWriteResponse(appId: int) -> AttributeWriteResult:
with _writeStatusDictLock:
return _writeStatusDict.get(appId, None)