blob: eba9dc458383e54fe22df087cd8bc567d7e8a7bf [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
# All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import os
import time
import typing
from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone
import chip.clusters as Clusters
from chip.clusters.Types import Nullable, NullValue
from chip.tlv import uint
from matter_testing_support import (MatterBaseTest, async_test_body, compare_time, default_matter_test_main,
get_wait_seconds_from_set_time, type_matches, utc_time_in_matter_epoch)
from mobly import asserts, signals
from pics_support import parse_pics, parse_pics_xml
from taglist_and_topology_test_support import (TagProblem, create_device_type_list_for_root, create_device_type_lists,
find_tag_list_problems, find_tree_roots, flat_list_ok, get_all_children,
get_direct_children_of_root, parts_list_cycles, separate_endpoint_types)
def get_raw_type_list():
test = Clusters.UnitTesting
struct = test.Structs.SimpleStruct()
struct_type = test.Structs.SimpleStruct
null_opt_struct = test.Structs.NullablesAndOptionalsStruct()
null_opt_struct_type = test.Structs.NullablesAndOptionalsStruct
double_nested_struct_list = test.Structs.DoubleNestedStructList()
double_nested_struct_list_type = test.Structs.DoubleNestedStructList
list_of_uints = [0, 1]
list_of_uints_type = typing.List[uint]
list_of_structs = [struct, struct]
list_of_structs_type = typing.List[struct_type]
list_of_double_nested_struct_list = [double_nested_struct_list, double_nested_struct_list]
list_of_double_nested_struct_list_type = typing.List[double_nested_struct_list_type]
# Create a list with all the types and a list of the values that should match for that type
vals = {uint: [1],
str: ["str"],
struct_type: [struct],
null_opt_struct_type: [null_opt_struct],
double_nested_struct_list_type: [double_nested_struct_list],
list_of_uints_type: [list_of_uints],
list_of_structs_type: [list_of_structs],
list_of_double_nested_struct_list_type: [list_of_double_nested_struct_list]}
return vals
def test_type_matching_for_type(test_type, test_nullable: bool = False, test_optional: bool = False):
vals = get_raw_type_list()
if test_nullable and test_optional:
match_type = typing.Union[Nullable, None, test_type]
elif test_nullable:
match_type = typing.Union[Nullable, test_type]
elif test_optional:
match_type = typing.Optional[test_type]
match_type = test_type
true_list = vals[test_type]
if test_nullable:
if test_optional:
del vals[test_type]
# true_list is all the values that should match with the test type
for i in true_list:
asserts.assert_true(type_matches(i, match_type), "{} type checking failure".format(test_type))
# try every value in every type in the remaining dict - they should all fail
for v in vals.values():
for i in v:
asserts.assert_false(type_matches(i, match_type), "{} falsely matched to type {}".format(i, match_type))
# Test the nullables or optionals that aren't supposed to work
if not test_nullable:
asserts.assert_false(type_matches(NullValue, match_type), "NullValue falsely matched to {}".format(match_type))
if not test_optional:
asserts.assert_false(type_matches(None, match_type), "None falsely matched to {}".format(match_type))
def run_all_match_tests_for_type(test_type):
test_type_matching_for_type(test_type=test_type, test_nullable=True)
test_type_matching_for_type(test_type=test_type, test_optional=True)
test_type_matching_for_type(test_type=test_type, test_nullable=True, test_optional=True)
class TestMatterTestingSupport(MatterBaseTest):
async def test_matter_epoch_time(self):
# Matter epoch should return zero
ret = utc_time_in_matter_epoch(datetime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc))
asserts.assert_equal(ret, 0, "UTC epoch returned non-zero value")
# Jan 2 is exactly 1 day after Jan 1
ret = utc_time_in_matter_epoch(datetime(2000, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc))
expected_delay = timedelta(days=1)
actual_delay = timedelta(microseconds=ret)
asserts.assert_equal(expected_delay, actual_delay, "Calculation for Jan 2 date is incorrect")
# There's a catch 22 for knowing the current time, but we can check that it's
# going up, and that it's larger than when I wrote the test
# Check that the returned value is larger than the test writing date
writing_date = utc_time_in_matter_epoch(datetime(2023, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, timezone.utc))
current_date = utc_time_in_matter_epoch()
asserts.assert_greater(current_date, writing_date, "Calculation for current date is smaller than writing date")
# Check that the time is going up
last_date = current_date
current_date = utc_time_in_matter_epoch()
asserts.assert_greater(current_date, last_date, "Time does not appear to be incrementing")
async def test_type_checking(self):
vals = get_raw_type_list()
for k in vals.keys():
async def test_pics_support(self):
pics_list = ['TEST.S.A0000=1',
' ',
'# comment',
' # comment',
' SPACE.S.A0000 = 1']
pics = parse_pics(pics_list)
# force the parsed pics here to be in the config so we can check the check_pics function = pics
asserts.assert_true(self.check_pics("TEST.S.A0000"), "PICS parsed incorrectly for TEST.S.A0000")
asserts.assert_false(self.check_pics("TEST.S.A0001"), "PICS parsed incorrectly for TEST.S.A0001")
asserts.assert_true(self.check_pics("TEST.S.A000a"), "PICS parsed incorrectly for TEST.S.A000a")
asserts.assert_true(self.check_pics("SPACE.S.A0000"), "PICS parsed incorrectly for SPACE.S.A0000")
asserts.assert_false(self.check_pics("NOT.S.A0000"), "PICS parsed incorrectly for NOT.S.A0000")
# invalid pics file should throw a value error
pics = parse_pics(pics_list)
asserts.assert_false(True, "PICS parser did not throw an error as expected")
except ValueError:
def test_time_compare_function(self):
# only offset, exact match
compare_time(received=1000, offset=timedelta(microseconds=1000), utc=0, tolerance=timedelta())
# only utc, exact match
compare_time(received=1000, offset=timedelta(), utc=1000, tolerance=timedelta())
# both, exact match
compare_time(received=2000, offset=timedelta(microseconds=1000), utc=1000, tolerance=timedelta())
# both, negative offset
compare_time(received=0, offset=timedelta(microseconds=-1000), utc=1000, tolerance=timedelta())
# Exact match, within delta, both
compare_time(received=2000, offset=timedelta(microseconds=1000), utc=1000, tolerance=timedelta(seconds=5))
# Just inside tolerance
compare_time(received=1001, offset=timedelta(), utc=2000, tolerance=timedelta(microseconds=1000))
# Just outside tolerance
compare_time(received=999, offset=timedelta(), utc=2000, tolerance=timedelta(microseconds=1000))"Expected failure case for time just outside of the tolerance failed")
except signals.TestFailure:
# everything in the seconds range
compare_time(received=timedelta(seconds=3600).total_seconds() * 1000000,
offset=timedelta(seconds=3605), utc=0, tolerance=timedelta(seconds=5))
def test_get_wait_time_function(self):
th_utc = utc_time_in_matter_epoch()
secs = get_wait_seconds_from_set_time(th_utc, 5)
asserts.assert_equal(secs, 5)
# If we've pass less than a second, we still want to wait 5
secs = get_wait_seconds_from_set_time(th_utc, 5)
asserts.assert_equal(secs, 5)
secs = get_wait_seconds_from_set_time(th_utc, 5)
asserts.assert_equal(secs, 4)
secs = get_wait_seconds_from_set_time(th_utc, 15)
asserts.assert_equal(secs, 14)
def create_example_topology(self):
"""Creates a limited example of a wildcard read that contains only the descriptor cluster parts list and device types"""
def create_endpoint(parts_list: list[uint], device_types: list[uint]):
endpoint = {}
device_types_structs = []
for device_type in device_types:
device_types_structs.append(Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.DeviceTypeStruct(deviceType=device_type, revision=1))
endpoint[Clusters.Descriptor] = {Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.PartsList: parts_list,
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.DeviceTypeList: device_types_structs,
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.FeatureMap: 0}
return endpoint
endpoints = {}
# Root node is 0
# We have two trees in the root node and two trees in the aggregator
# 2 - 1
# - 3 - 4
# - 5 - 9
# 6 - 7
# - 8
# 10
# 11 (aggregator - all remaining are under it)
# 13 - 12
# - 14 - 15
# - 16
# 17 - 18
# - 19
# 20
# 21
endpoints[0] = create_endpoint([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21], [22])
endpoints[1] = create_endpoint([], [1]) # Just using a random device id, as long as it's not the aggregator it's fine
endpoints[2] = create_endpoint([1, 3], [1])
endpoints[3] = create_endpoint([4, 5], [1])
endpoints[4] = create_endpoint([], [1])
endpoints[5] = create_endpoint([9], [1])
endpoints[6] = create_endpoint([7, 8], [1])
endpoints[7] = create_endpoint([], [1])
endpoints[8] = create_endpoint([], [1])
endpoints[9] = create_endpoint([], [1])
endpoints[10] = create_endpoint([], [1])
endpoints[11] = create_endpoint([12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21], [0xe]) # aggregator device type
endpoints[12] = create_endpoint([], [1])
endpoints[13] = create_endpoint([12, 14], [1])
endpoints[14] = create_endpoint([15, 16], [1])
endpoints[15] = create_endpoint([], [1])
endpoints[16] = create_endpoint([], [1])
endpoints[17] = create_endpoint([18, 19], [1])
endpoints[18] = create_endpoint([], [1])
endpoints[19] = create_endpoint([], [1])
endpoints[20] = create_endpoint([], [1])
endpoints[21] = create_endpoint([], [1])
return endpoints
def test_cycle_detection_and_splitting(self):
# Example topology has no cycles
endpoints = self.create_example_topology()
flat, tree = separate_endpoint_types(endpoints)
asserts.assert_equal(len(flat), len(set(flat)), "Duplicate endpoints found in flat list")
asserts.assert_equal(len(tree), len(set(tree)), "Duplicate endpoints found in tree list")
asserts.assert_equal(set(flat), {11}, "Aggregator node not found in list")
asserts.assert_equal(set(tree), {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21})
cycles = parts_list_cycles(tree, endpoints)
asserts.assert_equal(len(cycles), 0, "Found cycles in the example tree")
# Add in several cycles and make sure we detect them all
# ep 10 refers back to itself (0 level cycle) on 10
cycles = parts_list_cycles(tree, endpoints)
asserts.assert_equal(cycles, [10])
# ep 4 refers back to 3 (1 level cycle) on 3 (will include 2, 3 and 4 in the cycles list)
cycles = parts_list_cycles(tree, endpoints)
asserts.assert_equal(cycles, [2, 3, 4])
# ep 16 refers back to 13 (2 level cycle) on 13 (will include 13, 14 and 16 in cycles)
cycles = parts_list_cycles(tree, endpoints)
asserts.assert_equal(cycles, [13, 14, 16])
# ep 9 refers back to 2 (3 level cycle) on 2 (includes 2, 3, 5, and 9)
cycles = parts_list_cycles(tree, endpoints)
asserts.assert_equal(cycles, [2, 3, 5, 9])
# make sure we get them all
cycles = parts_list_cycles(tree, endpoints)
asserts.assert_equal(cycles, [2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 13, 14, 16])
def test_flat_list(self):
endpoints = self.create_example_topology()
# check the aggregator endpoint to ensure it's ok - aggregator is on 11
asserts.assert_true(flat_list_ok(11, endpoints), "Incorrect failure on flat list")
# Remove one of the sub-children endpoints from the parts list - it should fail
asserts.assert_false(flat_list_ok(11, endpoints), "Incorrect pass on flat list missing a part list entry")
def test_get_all_children(self):
endpoints = self.create_example_topology()
asserts.assert_equal(get_all_children(2, endpoints), {1, 3, 4, 5, 9}, "Child list for ep2 is incorrect")
asserts.assert_equal(get_all_children(6, endpoints), {7, 8}, "Child list for ep6 is incorrect")
asserts.assert_equal(get_all_children(13, endpoints), {12, 14, 15, 16}, "Child list for ep13 is incorrect")
asserts.assert_equal(get_all_children(17, endpoints), {18, 19}, "Child list for ep17 is incorrect")
def test_get_tree_roots(self):
endpoints = self.create_example_topology()
_, tree = separate_endpoint_types(endpoints)
asserts.assert_equal(find_tree_roots(tree, endpoints), {2, 6, 13, 17}, "Incorrect tree root list")
def test_tag_list_problems(self):
# Right now, the whole endpoint list uses the same device id except for ep11, which is an aggregator
# The relevant trees are
# 2 - 1
# - 3 - 4
# - 5 - 9
# 6 - 7
# - 8
# 13 - 12
# - 14 - 15
# - 16
# 17 - 18
# - 19
endpoints = self.create_example_topology()
# First test, everything in every tree has the same device type, so the device lists
# should contain all the device endpoints
_, tree = separate_endpoint_types(endpoints)
roots = find_tree_roots(tree, endpoints)
device_types = create_device_type_lists(roots, endpoints)
asserts.assert_equal(set(roots), set(device_types.keys()), "Device types list does not match roots list")
for root in roots:
asserts.assert_equal({1}, set(device_types[root].keys()), "Unexpected device type found in device type list")
asserts.assert_equal(device_types[2][1], {2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 9}, "device type list for ep 2 is incorrect")
asserts.assert_equal(device_types[6][1], {6, 7, 8}, "device type list for ep 6 is incorrect")
asserts.assert_equal(device_types[13][1], {13, 12, 14, 15, 16}, "device type list for ep 13 is incorrect")
asserts.assert_equal(device_types[17][1], {17, 18, 19}, "device type list for ep 17 is incorrect")
# every single one of these should have the same problem - they have no tags
problems = find_tag_list_problems(roots, device_types, endpoints)
expected_problems = {2, 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 6, 7, 8, 13, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19}
asserts.assert_equal(set(problems.keys()), expected_problems, "Incorrect set of tag problems")
for root in roots:
eps = get_all_children(root, endpoints)
for ep in eps:
expected_problem = TagProblem(root=root, missing_attribute=True,
missing_feature=True, duplicates=set(eps), same_tag=set())
asserts.assert_equal(problems[ep], expected_problem, f"Incorrect problem for ep {ep}")
# Add the feature for every endpoint, but not the attribute
for ep in expected_problems:
endpoints[ep][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.FeatureMap] = 1
problems = find_tag_list_problems(roots, device_types, endpoints)
for root in roots:
eps = get_all_children(root, endpoints)
for ep in eps:
expected_problem = TagProblem(root=root, missing_attribute=True,
missing_feature=False, duplicates=set(eps), same_tag=set())
asserts.assert_equal(problems[ep], expected_problem, f"Incorrect problem for ep {ep}")
# Add empty tag lists
for ep in expected_problems:
endpoints[ep][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList] = []
problems = find_tag_list_problems(roots, device_types, endpoints)
for root in roots:
eps = get_all_children(root, endpoints)
for ep in eps:
expected_problem = TagProblem(root=root, missing_attribute=True,
missing_feature=False, duplicates=set(eps), same_tag=set())
asserts.assert_equal(problems[ep], expected_problem, f"Incorrect problem for ep {ep}")
# Add a tag list on every one of these, but make it the same tag
tag = Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct()
for ep in expected_problems:
endpoints[ep][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList] = [tag]
problems = find_tag_list_problems(roots, device_types, endpoints)
for root in roots:
eps = get_all_children(root, endpoints)
for ep in eps:
expected_problem = TagProblem(root=root, missing_attribute=False,
missing_feature=False, duplicates=set(eps), same_tag=set(eps))
asserts.assert_equal(problems[ep], expected_problem, f"Incorrect problem for ep {ep}")
# swap out all the tags lists so they're all different - we should get no problems
for ep in expected_problems:
tag = Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct(tag=ep)
endpoints[ep][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList] = [tag]
problems = find_tag_list_problems(roots, device_types, endpoints)
asserts.assert_equal(len(problems), 0, "Unexpected problems found in list")
# Remove all the feature maps, we should get all errors again
for ep in expected_problems:
endpoints[ep][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.FeatureMap] = 0
problems = find_tag_list_problems(roots, device_types, endpoints)
for root in roots:
eps = get_all_children(root, endpoints)
for ep in eps:
expected_problem = TagProblem(root=root, missing_attribute=False,
missing_feature=True, duplicates=set(eps))
asserts.assert_equal(problems[ep], expected_problem, f"Incorrect problem for ep {ep}")
# Create a simple two-tree system where everything is OK, but the tags are the same between the trees (should be ok)
# 1 (dt 1) - 2 (dt 2) - tag 2
# - 3 (dt 2) - tag 3
# 4 (dt 1) - 5 (dt 2) - tag 2
# - 6 (dt 2) - tag 3
desc_dt2_tag2 = {Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.FeatureMap: 1,
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.PartsList: [],
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.DeviceTypeList: [Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.DeviceTypeStruct(2, 1)],
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList: [Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct(tag=2)]
desc_dt2_tag3 = {Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.FeatureMap: 1,
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.PartsList: [],
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.DeviceTypeList: [Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.DeviceTypeStruct(2, 1)],
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList: [Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct(tag=3)]
desc_ep1 = {Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.FeatureMap: 0,
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.PartsList: [2, 3],
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.DeviceTypeList: [Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.DeviceTypeStruct(1, 1)],
desc_ep4 = {Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.FeatureMap: 0,
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.PartsList: [5, 6],
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.DeviceTypeList: [Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.DeviceTypeStruct(1, 1)],
new_endpoints = {}
new_endpoints[1] = {Clusters.Descriptor: desc_ep1}
new_endpoints[2] = {Clusters.Descriptor: desc_dt2_tag2}
new_endpoints[3] = {Clusters.Descriptor: desc_dt2_tag3}
new_endpoints[4] = {Clusters.Descriptor: desc_ep4}
new_endpoints[5] = {Clusters.Descriptor: desc_dt2_tag2}
new_endpoints[6] = {Clusters.Descriptor: desc_dt2_tag3}
_, tree = separate_endpoint_types(new_endpoints)
roots = find_tree_roots(tree, new_endpoints)
device_types = create_device_type_lists(roots, new_endpoints)
problems = find_tag_list_problems(roots, device_types, new_endpoints)
asserts.assert_equal(len(problems), 0, "Unexpected problems found in list")
# Create a simple tree where ONE of the tags in the set matches, but not the other - should be no problems
# 1 (dt 1) - 2 (dt 2) - tag 2,3
# - 3 (dt 2) - tag 2,4
desc_dt2_tag23 = {Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.FeatureMap: 1,
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.PartsList: [],
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.DeviceTypeList: [Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.DeviceTypeStruct(2, 1)],
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList: [Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct(
tag=2), Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct(tag=3)]
desc_dt2_tag24 = {Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.FeatureMap: 1,
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.PartsList: [],
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.DeviceTypeList: [Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.DeviceTypeStruct(2, 1)],
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList: [Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct(
tag=2), Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct(tag=4)]
simple = {}
simple[1] = {Clusters.Descriptor: desc_ep1}
simple[2] = {Clusters.Descriptor: desc_dt2_tag23}
simple[3] = {Clusters.Descriptor: desc_dt2_tag24}
_, tree = separate_endpoint_types(simple)
roots = find_tree_roots(tree, simple)
device_types = create_device_type_lists(roots, simple)
problems = find_tag_list_problems(roots, device_types, simple)
asserts.assert_equal(len(problems), 0, "Unexpected problems found in list")
# now both match, but the ordering is different - this SHOULD be a problem
desc_dt2_tag32 = {Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.FeatureMap: 1,
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.PartsList: [],
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.DeviceTypeList: [Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.DeviceTypeStruct(2, 1)],
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList: [Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct(
tag=3), Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct(tag=2)]
simple[3] = {Clusters.Descriptor: desc_dt2_tag32}
problems = find_tag_list_problems(roots, device_types, simple)
# expect this problem reported on both 2 and 3 endpoints
expected_problem = TagProblem(root=1, missing_attribute=False, missing_feature=False, duplicates={2, 3}, same_tag={2, 3})
asserts.assert_true(2 in problems.keys(), "Missing problem report for ep2")
asserts.assert_true(3 in problems.keys(), "Missing problem report for ep3")
asserts.assert_equal(problems[2], expected_problem, "Problem report for simple EP2 is not as expected")
asserts.assert_equal(problems[3], expected_problem, "Problem report for simple EP3 is not as expected")
# Let's check that we're correctly checking all the pieces of the tag
# Different mfgcode
simple[2][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList] = [
simple[3][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList] = [Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct()]
problems = find_tag_list_problems(roots, device_types, simple)
asserts.assert_equal(len(problems), 0, "Unexpected problems found in list")
simple[3][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList] = [
problems = find_tag_list_problems(roots, device_types, simple)
asserts.assert_equal(len(problems), 0, "Unexpected problems found in list")
# Different namespace ids
simple[2][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList] = [
simple[3][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList] = [Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct()]
problems = find_tag_list_problems(roots, device_types, simple)
asserts.assert_equal(len(problems), 0, "Unexpected problems found in list")
# Different labels
simple[2][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList] = [
simple[3][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList] = [Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct()]
problems = find_tag_list_problems(roots, device_types, simple)
asserts.assert_equal(len(problems), 0, "Unexpected problems found in list")
simple[3][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList] = [
problems = find_tag_list_problems(roots, device_types, simple)
asserts.assert_equal(len(problems), 0, "Unexpected problems found in list")
# One tag list is a subset of the other - this should pass
tag1 = Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct(tag=1)
tag2 = Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct(tag=2)
tag3 = Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.SemanticTagStruct(tag=3)
simple[2][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList] = [tag1, tag2]
simple[3][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList] = [tag1, tag2, tag3]
problems = find_tag_list_problems(roots, device_types, simple)
asserts.assert_equal(len(problems), 0, "Unexpected problems found in list")
def test_root_node_tag_list_functions(self):
# Example topology - see comment above for the layout.
# There are 4 direct children of root 0
# node 2, node 6 and node 10 all have device ID 1
# node 11 is an aggregator
endpoints = self.create_example_topology()
expected = {2, 6, 10, 11}
direct = get_direct_children_of_root(endpoints)
asserts.assert_equal(expected, direct, 'Incorrect list of direct children returned from root')
# add a new child endpoint that's an aggregator on EP 20
aggregator_desc = {Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.FeatureMap: 1,
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.PartsList: [],
Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.DeviceTypeList: [Clusters.Descriptor.Structs.DeviceTypeStruct(0xe)],
endpoints[22] = {Clusters.Descriptor: aggregator_desc}
direct = get_direct_children_of_root(endpoints)
asserts.assert_equal(expected, direct, 'Incorrect list of direct children returned from root')
device_type_list = create_device_type_list_for_root(direct, endpoints)
asserts.assert_equal(len(device_type_list), 2, 'Incorrect number of device types returned in root device type list')
expected_device_types = {1, 0xe}
asserts.assert_equal(set(device_type_list.keys()), expected_device_types, 'Unexpected device type list returned')
expected_eps_dt1 = {2, 6, 10}
asserts.assert_equal(set(device_type_list[1]), expected_eps_dt1, 'Unexpected endpoint list for DT1')
expected_eps_dte = {11, 22}
asserts.assert_equal(set(device_type_list[0xe]), expected_eps_dte, 'Unexpected endpoint list for DT 0xe')
problems = find_tag_list_problems(roots=[0], device_types={0: device_type_list}, endpoint_dict=endpoints)
# NONE of the endpoints currently have tags, so they should ALL be reported as having problems
expected_problems = {2, 6, 10, 11, 22}
asserts.assert_equal(set(problems.keys()), expected_problems, "Unexpected problem list returned for root node")
# Let's add correct tags to everything and make sure we get no problems reported.
# the various problems are tested individually in the above test case, so the intent is to ensure this also
# works for the root
for ep in expected_problems:
endpoints[ep][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.TagList] = [
endpoints[ep][Clusters.Descriptor][Clusters.Descriptor.Attributes.FeatureMap] = 1
problems = find_tag_list_problems(roots=[0], device_types={0: device_type_list}, endpoint_dict=endpoints)
asserts.assert_equal(len(problems.keys()), 0, 'Unexpected problems found in root endpoint')
def pics_assert(self, pics: str, support: bool):
asserts.assert_equal(self.check_pics(pics), support,
f'Unexpected PICS value for {pics} - expected {support}, got {self.check_pics(pics)}')
def test_xml_pics(self):
script_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
with open(f'{script_dir}/test_testing/example_pics_xml_basic_info.xml') as f:
pics = parse_pics_xml(
# force the parsed pics here to be in the config so we can check the check_pics function = pics
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A0000', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A0001', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A0002', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A0003', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A0004', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A0005', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A0006', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A0007', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A0008', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A0009', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A000a', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A000b', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A000c', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A000d', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A000e', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A000f', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A0010', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A0011', False)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A0012', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A0013', True)
self.pics_assert('BINFO.S.A0014', False)
self.pics_assert('PICSDOESNOTEXIST', False)
if __name__ == "__main__":