blob: 03f3b7c2a7690152af4f1fa7a2e6bd7b873c3db5 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include <app/EventManagement.h>
#include <app/icd/ICDConfigurationData.h>
#include <app/icd/ICDManager.h>
#include <app/icd/ICDNotifier.h>
#include <app/icd/ICDStateObserver.h>
#include <app/tests/AppTestContext.h>
#include <lib/support/TestPersistentStorageDelegate.h>
#include <lib/support/TimeUtils.h>
#include <lib/support/UnitTestContext.h>
#include <lib/support/UnitTestRegistration.h>
#include <nlunit-test.h>
#include <system/SystemLayerImpl.h>
#include <crypto/DefaultSessionKeystore.h>
using namespace chip;
using namespace chip::app;
using namespace chip::System;
using TestSessionKeystoreImpl = Crypto::DefaultSessionKeystore;
namespace {
// Test Values
constexpr uint16_t kMaxTestClients = 2;
constexpr FabricIndex kTestFabricIndex1 = 1;
constexpr FabricIndex kTestFabricIndex2 = kMaxValidFabricIndex;
constexpr uint64_t kClientNodeId11 = 0x100001;
constexpr uint64_t kClientNodeId12 = 0x100002;
constexpr uint64_t kClientNodeId21 = 0x200001;
constexpr uint64_t kClientNodeId22 = 0x200002;
constexpr uint8_t kKeyBuffer1a[] = {
0x10, 0x11, 0x12, 0x13, 0x14, 0x15, 0x16, 0x17, 0x18, 0x19, 0x1a, 0x1b, 0x1c, 0x1d, 0x1e, 0x1f
constexpr uint8_t kKeyBuffer1b[] = {
0xf1, 0xe1, 0xd1, 0xc1, 0xb1, 0xa1, 0x91, 0x81, 0x71, 0x61, 0x51, 0x14, 0x31, 0x21, 0x11, 0x01
constexpr uint8_t kKeyBuffer2a[] = {
0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26, 0x27, 0x28, 0x29, 0x2a, 0x2b, 0x2c, 0x2d, 0x2e, 0x2f
constexpr uint8_t kKeyBuffer2b[] = {
0xf2, 0xe2, 0xd2, 0xc2, 0xb2, 0xa2, 0x92, 0x82, 0x72, 0x62, 0x52, 0x42, 0x32, 0x22, 0x12, 0x02
class TestICDStateObserver : public app::ICDStateObserver
void OnEnterActiveMode() {}
void OnTransitionToIdle() {}
void OnICDModeChange() {}
TestICDStateObserver mICDStateObserver;
static Clock::Internal::MockClock gMockClock;
static Clock::ClockBase * gRealClock;
class TestContext : public Test::AppContext
static int Initialize(void * context)
if (AppContext::Initialize(context) != SUCCESS)
return FAILURE;
auto * ctx = static_cast<TestContext *>(context);
gRealClock = &SystemClock();
if (ctx->mEventCounter.Init(0) != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
return FAILURE;
ctx->mICDManager.Init(&ctx->testStorage, &ctx->GetFabricTable(), &(ctx->mKeystore), &(ctx->GetExchangeManager()));
return SUCCESS;
static int Finalize(void * context)
auto * ctx = static_cast<TestContext *>(context);
if (AppContext::Finalize(context) != SUCCESS)
return FAILURE;
return SUCCESS;
TestSessionKeystoreImpl mKeystore;
app::ICDManager mICDManager;
TestPersistentStorageDelegate testStorage;
MonotonicallyIncreasingCounter<EventNumber> mEventCounter;
} // namespace
namespace chip {
namespace app {
class TestICDManager
* Advance the test Mock clock time by the amout passed in argument
* and then force the SystemLayer Timer event loop. It will check for any expired timer,
* and invoke their callbacks if there are any.
* @param time_ms: Value in milliseconds.
static void AdvanceClockAndRunEventLoop(TestContext * ctx, uint32_t time_ms)
static void TestICDModeDurations(nlTestSuite * aSuite, void * aContext)
TestContext * ctx = static_cast<TestContext *>(aContext);
// After the init we should be in Idle mode
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ctx->mICDManager.mOperationalState == ICDManager::OperationalState::IdleMode);
AdvanceClockAndRunEventLoop(ctx, secondsToMilliseconds(ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetIdleModeDurationSec()) + 1);
// Idle mode interval expired, ICDManager transitioned to the ActiveMode.
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ctx->mICDManager.mOperationalState == ICDManager::OperationalState::ActiveMode);
AdvanceClockAndRunEventLoop(ctx, ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetActiveModeDurationMs() + 1);
// Active mode interval expired, ICDManager transitioned to the IdleMode.
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ctx->mICDManager.mOperationalState == ICDManager::OperationalState::IdleMode);
AdvanceClockAndRunEventLoop(ctx, secondsToMilliseconds(ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetIdleModeDurationSec()) + 1);
// Idle mode interval expired, ICDManager transitioned to the ActiveMode.
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ctx->mICDManager.mOperationalState == ICDManager::OperationalState::ActiveMode);
// Events updating the Operation to Active mode can extend the current active mode time by 1 Active mode threshold.
// Kick an active Threshold just before the end of the Active interval and validate that the active mode is extended.
AdvanceClockAndRunEventLoop(ctx, ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetActiveModeDurationMs() - 1);
AdvanceClockAndRunEventLoop(ctx, ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetActiveModeThresholdMs() / 2);
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ctx->mICDManager.mOperationalState == ICDManager::OperationalState::ActiveMode);
AdvanceClockAndRunEventLoop(ctx, ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetActiveModeThresholdMs());
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ctx->mICDManager.mOperationalState == ICDManager::OperationalState::IdleMode);
static void TestKeepActivemodeRequests(nlTestSuite * aSuite, void * aContext)
TestContext * ctx = static_cast<TestContext *>(aContext);
typedef ICDListener::KeepActiveFlag ActiveFlag;
ICDNotifier notifier = ICDNotifier::GetInstance();
// Setting a requirement will transition the ICD to active mode.
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ctx->mICDManager.mOperationalState == ICDManager::OperationalState::ActiveMode);
// Advance time so active mode interval expires.
AdvanceClockAndRunEventLoop(ctx, ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetActiveModeDurationMs() + 1);
// Requirement flag still set. We stay in active mode
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ctx->mICDManager.mOperationalState == ICDManager::OperationalState::ActiveMode);
// Remove requirement. we should directly transition to idle mode.
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ctx->mICDManager.mOperationalState == ICDManager::OperationalState::IdleMode);
// Requirement will transition us to active mode.
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ctx->mICDManager.mOperationalState == ICDManager::OperationalState::ActiveMode);
// Advance time, but by less than the active mode interval and remove the requirement.
// We should stay in active mode.
AdvanceClockAndRunEventLoop(ctx, ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetActiveModeDurationMs() / 2);
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ctx->mICDManager.mOperationalState == ICDManager::OperationalState::ActiveMode);
// Advance time again, The activemode interval is completed.
AdvanceClockAndRunEventLoop(ctx, ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetActiveModeDurationMs() + 1);
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ctx->mICDManager.mOperationalState == ICDManager::OperationalState::IdleMode);
// Set two requirements
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ctx->mICDManager.mOperationalState == ICDManager::OperationalState::ActiveMode);
// advance time so the active mode interval expires.
AdvanceClockAndRunEventLoop(ctx, ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetActiveModeDurationMs() + 1);
// A requirement flag is still set. We stay in active mode.
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ctx->mICDManager.mOperationalState == ICDManager::OperationalState::ActiveMode);
// remove 1 requirement. Active mode is maintained
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ctx->mICDManager.mOperationalState == ICDManager::OperationalState::ActiveMode);
// remove the last requirement
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ctx->mICDManager.mOperationalState == ICDManager::OperationalState::IdleMode);
* Test that verifies that the ICDManager is the correct operating mode based on entries
* in the ICDMonitoringTable
static void TestICDMRegisterUnregisterEvents(nlTestSuite * aSuite, void * aContext)
TestContext * ctx = static_cast<TestContext *>(aContext);
typedef ICDListener::ICDManagementEvents ICDMEvent;
ICDNotifier notifier = ICDNotifier::GetInstance();
// Set FeatureMap
// Configures CIP, UAT and LITS to 1
// Check ICDManager starts in SIT mode if no entries are present
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetICDMode() == ICDConfigurationData::ICDMode::SIT);
// Trigger a "fake" register, ICDManager shoudl remain in SIT mode
// Check ICDManager stayed in SIT mode
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetICDMode() == ICDConfigurationData::ICDMode::SIT);
// Create tables with different fabrics
ICDMonitoringTable table1(ctx->testStorage, kTestFabricIndex1, kMaxTestClients, &(ctx->mKeystore));
ICDMonitoringTable table2(ctx->testStorage, kTestFabricIndex2, kMaxTestClients, &(ctx->mKeystore));
// Add first entry to the first fabric
ICDMonitoringEntry entry1(&(ctx->mKeystore));
entry1.checkInNodeID = kClientNodeId11;
entry1.monitoredSubject = kClientNodeId12;
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, CHIP_NO_ERROR == entry1.SetKey(ByteSpan(kKeyBuffer1a)));
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, CHIP_NO_ERROR == table1.Set(0, entry1));
// Trigger register event after first entry was added
// Check ICDManager is now in the LIT operating mode
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetICDMode() == ICDConfigurationData::ICDMode::LIT);
// Add second entry to the first fabric
ICDMonitoringEntry entry2(&(ctx->mKeystore));
entry2.checkInNodeID = kClientNodeId12;
entry2.monitoredSubject = kClientNodeId11;
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, CHIP_NO_ERROR == entry2.SetKey(ByteSpan(kKeyBuffer1b)));
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, CHIP_NO_ERROR == table1.Set(1, entry2));
// Trigger register event after first entry was added
// Check ICDManager is now in the LIT operating mode
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetICDMode() == ICDConfigurationData::ICDMode::LIT);
// Add first entry to the first fabric
ICDMonitoringEntry entry3(&(ctx->mKeystore));
entry3.checkInNodeID = kClientNodeId21;
entry3.monitoredSubject = kClientNodeId22;
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, CHIP_NO_ERROR == entry3.SetKey(ByteSpan(kKeyBuffer2a)));
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, CHIP_NO_ERROR == table2.Set(0, entry3));
// Trigger register event after first entry was added
// Check ICDManager is now in the LIT operating mode
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetICDMode() == ICDConfigurationData::ICDMode::LIT);
// Add second entry to the first fabric
ICDMonitoringEntry entry4(&(ctx->mKeystore));
entry4.checkInNodeID = kClientNodeId22;
entry4.monitoredSubject = kClientNodeId21;
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, CHIP_NO_ERROR == entry4.SetKey(ByteSpan(kKeyBuffer2b)));
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, CHIP_NO_ERROR == table2.Set(1, entry4));
// Clear a fabric
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, CHIP_NO_ERROR == table2.RemoveAll());
// Trigger register event after fabric was cleared
// Check ICDManager is still in the LIT operating mode
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetICDMode() == ICDConfigurationData::ICDMode::LIT);
// Remove single entry from remaining fabric
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, CHIP_NO_ERROR == table1.Remove(1));
// Trigger register event after fabric was cleared
// Check ICDManager is still in the LIT operating mode
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetICDMode() == ICDConfigurationData::ICDMode::LIT);
// Remove last entry from remaining fabric
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, CHIP_NO_ERROR == table1.Remove(0));
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, table1.IsEmpty());
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, table2.IsEmpty());
// Trigger register event after fabric was cleared
// Check ICDManager is still in the LIT operating mode
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetICDMode() == ICDConfigurationData::ICDMode::SIT);
static void TestICDCounter(nlTestSuite * aSuite, void * aContext)
TestContext * ctx = static_cast<TestContext *>(aContext);
uint32_t counter = ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetICDCounter();
uint32_t counter2 = ICDConfigurationData::GetInstance().GetICDCounter();
NL_TEST_ASSERT(aSuite, (counter + 1) == counter2);
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip
namespace {
* Test Suite. It lists all the test functions.
// clang-format off
static const nlTest sTests[] =
NL_TEST_DEF("TestICDModeDurations", TestICDManager::TestICDModeDurations),
NL_TEST_DEF("TestKeepActivemodeRequests", TestICDManager::TestKeepActivemodeRequests),
NL_TEST_DEF("TestICDMRegisterUnregisterEvents", TestICDManager::TestICDMRegisterUnregisterEvents),
NL_TEST_DEF("TestICDCounter", TestICDManager::TestICDCounter),
// clang-format on
// clang-format off
nlTestSuite cmSuite =
// clang-format on
} // namespace
int TestSuiteICDManager()
return ExecuteTestsWithContext<TestContext>(&cmSuite);