blob: 6dbdc86938948870f9bf53e4ccee9d2114942b7e [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022-2023 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <Matter/MTRCSRInfo.h>
#import <Matter/MTRCertificates.h>
#import <Matter/MTRDeviceAttestationInfo.h>
@class MTRDeviceController;
* A representation of the operational certificate chain for a node.
API_AVAILABLE(ios(16.4), macos(13.3), watchos(9.4), tvos(16.4))
@interface MTROperationalCertificateChain : NSObject
- (instancetype)init NS_UNAVAILABLE;
+ (instancetype)new NS_UNAVAILABLE;
- (instancetype)initWithOperationalCertificate:(MTRCertificateDERBytes)operationalCertificate
intermediateCertificate:(nullable MTRCertificateDERBytes)intermediateCertificate
adminSubject:(nullable NSNumber *)adminSubject;
@property (nonatomic, copy) MTRCertificateDERBytes operationalCertificate;
* A nil intermediateCertificate means there is no intermediate.
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) MTRCertificateDERBytes intermediateCertificate;
@property (nonatomic, copy) MTRCertificateDERBytes rootCertificate;
* adminSubject is passed to the device as part of the AddNOC command. A nil
* adminSubject means the node id of the relevant MTRDeviceController will be
* used.
@property (nonatomic, copy, nullable) NSNumber * adminSubject;
API_AVAILABLE(ios(16.4), macos(13.3), watchos(9.4), tvos(16.4))
@protocol MTROperationalCertificateIssuer
* @brief When an MTROperationalCertificateIssuer is set for an
* MTRDeviceController, it will be used to issue operational certificates as
* needed during commissioning.
* Commissioning will pause when
* issueOperationalCertificateForRequest:attestationInfo:completion: is called,
* and resume when the completion is invoked with a non-nil
* MTROperationalCertificateChain. When the completion is invoked with an error,
* commissioning will fail.
* This will be called on the dispatch queue passed as
* operationalCertificateIssuerQueue in the MTRDeviceControllerFactoryParams.
* The csrNonce in the provided MTROperationalCSRInfo will be the nonce that was
* sent in the CSRRequest command, which will be guaranteed, at this point, to
* match the nonce in the CSRResponse command.
- (void)issueOperationalCertificateForRequest:(MTROperationalCSRInfo *)csrInfo
attestationInfo:(MTRDeviceAttestationInfo *)attestationInfo
controller:(MTRDeviceController *)controller
completion:(void (^)(MTROperationalCertificateChain * _Nullable info,
NSError * _Nullable error))completion;
* A way for MTROperationalCertificateIssuer to control whether it wants the
* Matter framework to perform device attestation checks that require trust
* anchors. If this returns NO, then productAttestationAuthorityCertificates
* should be passed in via MTRDeviceControllerFactoryParams, as well as any
* desired additional certificationDeclarationCertificates.
* If this returns YES, then all device attestation checks that require some
* sort of trust anchors are delegated to this MTROperationalCertificateIssuer,
* which can use the arguments passed to
* issueOperationalCertificateForRequest:attestationInfo:controller:completion:
* to perform the checks.
* Specifically, the following device attestation checks are not performed and
* must be done by the MTROperationalCertificateIssuer:
* (1) Make sure the PAA is valid and approved by CSA.
* (2) VID-scoped PAA check: if the PAA is VID scoped, then its VID must match the DAC VID.
* (3) cert chain check: verify PAI is signed by PAA, and DAC is signed by PAI.
* (4) PAA subject key id extraction: the PAA subject key must match the PAA key referenced in the PAI.
* (5) CD signature check: make sure a valid CSA CD key is used to sign the CD.
* This will be read on an arbitrary queue and must not block or call any
* Matter APIs.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) BOOL shouldSkipAttestationCertificateValidation;
MTR_DEPRECATED("MTRNOCChainIssuer is deprecated", ios(16.1, 16.4), macos(13.0, 13.3), watchos(9.1, 9.4), tvos(16.1, 16.4))
typedef void (^MTRNOCChainGenerationCompleteHandler)(NSData * operationalCertificate, NSData * intermediateCertificate,
NSData * rootCertificate, NSData * _Nullable ipk, NSNumber * _Nullable adminSubject, NSError * __autoreleasing * error);
"Please use MTROperationalCertificateIssuer", ios(16.1, 16.4), macos(13.0, 13.3), watchos(9.1, 9.4), tvos(16.1, 16.4))
@protocol MTRNOCChainIssuer <NSObject>
- (void)onNOCChainGenerationNeeded:(CSRInfo *)csrInfo
attestationInfo:(AttestationInfo *)attestationInfo