blob: 0f5015e4711c714e2727cc8523667f8d3ccce1bd [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#import <Matter/Matter.h>
#include <commands/common/Command.h>
#include <commands/common/CredentialIssuerCommands.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include "../provider/OTAProviderDelegate.h"
#pragma once
constexpr const char kIdentityAlpha[] = "alpha";
constexpr const char kIdentityBeta[] = "beta";
constexpr const char kIdentityGamma[] = "gamma";
class CHIPCommandBridge : public Command {
CHIPCommandBridge(const char * commandName)
: Command(commandName)
AddArgument("commissioner-name", &mCommissionerName);
AddArgument("commissioner-nodeId", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mCommissionerNodeId,
"Sets the commisser node ID of the given "
"commissioner-name. Interactive mode will only set a single commissioner on the inital command. "
"The commissioner node ID will be persisted until a different one is specified.");
AddArgument("paa-trust-store-path", &mPaaTrustStorePath,
"Path to directory holding PAA certificate information. Can be absolute or relative to the current working "
"storage-directory", &mStorageDirectory, "This option does nothing. It is here for API compatibility with chip-tool.");
AddArgument("commissioner-vendor-id", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mCommissionerVendorId,
"The vendor id to use for darwin-framework-tool. If not provided, chip::VendorId::TestVendor1 (65521, 0xFFF1) will be "
/////////// Command Interface /////////
CHIP_ERROR Run() override;
// Will convert error to a CHIP_ERROR and call SetCommandExitStatus with the
// result. If a log string is provided, will log that plus the string
// representation of the CHIP_ERROR.
void SetCommandExitStatus(NSError * error, const char * logString = nullptr);
void SetCommandExitStatus(CHIP_ERROR status)
mCommandExitStatus = status;
static OTAProviderDelegate * mOTADelegate;
// Will be called in a setting in which it's safe to touch the CHIP
// stack. The rules for Run() are as follows:
// 1) If error is returned, Run() must not call SetCommandExitStatus.
// 2) If success is returned Run() must either have called
// SetCommandExitStatus() or scheduled async work that will do that.
virtual CHIP_ERROR RunCommand() = 0;
// Get the wait duration, in seconds, before the command times out.
virtual chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const = 0;
// Shut down the command, in case any work needs to be done after the event
// loop has been stopped.
virtual void Shutdown() {}
void SetIdentity(const char * identity);
// This method returns the commissioner instance to be used for running the command.
MTRDeviceController * CurrentCommissioner();
MTRDeviceController * GetCommissioner(const char * identity);
// Will log the given string and given error (as progress if success, error
// if failure).
void LogNSError(const char * logString, NSError * error);
// Clean up any resources allocated by the command. Some commands may hold
// on to resources after Shutdown(), but Cleanup() will guarantee those are
// cleaned up.
virtual void Cleanup() {}
// If true, skip calling Cleanup() when in interactive mode, so the command
// can keep doing work as needed. Cleanup() will be called when quitting
// interactive mode. This method will be called before Shutdown, so it can
// use member values that Shutdown will normally reset.
virtual bool DeferInteractiveCleanup() { return NO; }
// Execute any deferred cleanups. Used when exiting interactive mode.
void ExecuteDeferredCleanups();
static std::set<CHIPCommandBridge *> sDeferredCleanups;
void StopCommissioners();
void RestartCommissioners();
CHIP_ERROR InitializeCommissioner(
std::string key, chip::FabricId fabricId, const chip::Credentials::AttestationTrustStore * trustStore);
void ShutdownCommissioner();
uint16_t CurrentCommissionerIndex();
CHIP_ERROR StartWaiting(chip::System::Clock::Timeout seconds);
void StopWaiting();
CHIP_ERROR MaybeSetUpStack();
void MaybeTearDownStack();
CHIP_ERROR GetPAACertsFromFolder(NSArray<NSData *> * __autoreleasing * paaCertsResult);
// Our three controllers: alpha, beta, gamma.
static std::map<std::string, MTRDeviceController *> mControllers;
// The current controller; the one the current command should be using.
MTRDeviceController * mCurrentController;
std::condition_variable cvWaitingForResponse;
std::mutex cvWaitingForResponseMutex;
chip::Optional<char *> mCommissionerName;
chip::Optional<uint64_t> mCommissionerNodeId;
bool mWaitingForResponse { true };
static dispatch_queue_t mOTAProviderCallbackQueue;
chip::Optional<char *> mPaaTrustStorePath;
chip::Optional<chip::VendorId> mCommissionerVendorId;