blob: 790a66f5c2d6f58f07a8f72f3d2f837b443c1f9f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* @file
* A handler for incoming Invoke interactions.
* Allows adding responses to be sent in an InvokeResponse: see the various
* "Add*" methods.
* Allows adding the responses asynchronously. See the documentation
* for the CommandHandler::Handle class below.
#pragma once
#include "CommandPathRegistry.h"
#include "CommandResponseSender.h"
#include <app/ConcreteCommandPath.h>
#include <app/data-model/Encode.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPCore.h>
#include <lib/core/TLV.h>
#include <lib/core/TLVDebug.h>
#include <lib/support/BitFlags.h>
#include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <lib/support/DLLUtil.h>
#include <lib/support/logging/CHIPLogging.h>
#include <messaging/ExchangeHolder.h>
#include <messaging/Flags.h>
#include <protocols/Protocols.h>
#include <protocols/interaction_model/Constants.h>
#include <system/SystemPacketBuffer.h>
#include <system/TLVPacketBufferBackingStore.h>
#include <app/MessageDef/InvokeRequestMessage.h>
#include <app/MessageDef/InvokeResponseMessage.h>
namespace chip {
namespace app {
class CommandHandler
class Callback
virtual ~Callback() = default;
* Method that signals to a registered callback that this object
* has completed doing useful work and is now safe for release/destruction.
virtual void OnDone(CommandHandler & apCommandObj) = 0;
* Upon processing of a CommandDataIB, this method is invoked to dispatch the command
* to the right server-side handler provided by the application.
virtual void DispatchCommand(CommandHandler & apCommandObj, const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath,
TLV::TLVReader & apPayload) = 0;
* Check to see if a command implementation exists for a specific
* concrete command path. If it does, Success will be returned. If
* not, one of UnsupportedEndpoint, UnsupportedCluster, or
* UnsupportedCommand will be returned, depending on how the command
* fails to exist.
virtual Protocols::InteractionModel::Status CommandExists(const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath) = 0;
* Class that allows asynchronous command processing before sending a
* response. When such processing is desired:
* 1) Create a Handle initialized with the CommandHandler that delivered the
* incoming command.
* 2) Ensure the Handle, or some Handle it's moved into via the move
* constructor or move assignment operator, remains alive during the
* course of the asynchronous processing.
* 3) Ensure that the ConcreteCommandPath involved will be known when
* sending the response.
* 4) When ready to send the response:
* * Ensure that no other Matter tasks are running in parallel (e.g. by
* running on the Matter event loop or holding the Matter stack lock).
* * Call Get() to get the CommandHandler.
* * Check that Get() did not return null.
* * Add the response to the CommandHandler via one of the Add* methods.
* * Let the Handle get destroyed, or manually call Handle::Release() if
* destruction of the Handle is not desirable for some reason.
* The Invoke Response will not be sent until all outstanding Handles have
* been destroyed or have had Release called.
class Handle
Handle() {}
Handle(const Handle & handle) = delete;
Handle(Handle && handle)
mpHandler = handle.mpHandler;
mMagic = handle.mMagic;
handle.mpHandler = nullptr;
handle.mMagic = 0;
Handle(decltype(nullptr)) {}
Handle(CommandHandler * handle);
~Handle() { Release(); }
Handle & operator=(Handle && handle)
mpHandler = handle.mpHandler;
mMagic = handle.mMagic;
handle.mpHandler = nullptr;
handle.mMagic = 0;
return *this;
Handle & operator=(decltype(nullptr))
return *this;
* Get the CommandHandler object it holds. Get() may return a nullptr if the CommandHandler object is holds is no longer
* valid.
CommandHandler * Get();
void Release();
CommandHandler * mpHandler = nullptr;
uint32_t mMagic = 0;
// Previously we kept adding arguments with default values individually as parameters. This is because there
// is legacy code outside of the SDK that would call PrepareCommand. With the new PrepareInvokeResponseCommand
// replacing PrepareCommand, we took this opportunity to create a new parameter structure to make it easier to
// add new parameters without there needing to be an ever increasing parameter list with defaults.
struct InvokeResponseParameters
InvokeResponseParameters(ConcreteCommandPath aRequestCommandPath) : mRequestCommandPath(aRequestCommandPath) {}
InvokeResponseParameters & SetStartOrEndDataStruct(bool aStartOrEndDataStruct)
mStartOrEndDataStruct = aStartOrEndDataStruct;
return *this;
ConcreteCommandPath mRequestCommandPath;
* Whether the method this is being provided to should start/end the TLV container for the CommandFields element
* within CommandDataIB.
bool mStartOrEndDataStruct = true;
class TestOnlyMarker
* Constructor.
* The callback passed in has to outlive this CommandHandler object.
CommandHandler(Callback * apCallback);
* Constructor to override number of supported paths per invoke.
* The callback and command path registry passed in has to outlive this CommandHandler object.
* For testing purposes.
CommandHandler(TestOnlyMarker aTestMarker, Callback * apCallback, CommandPathRegistry * apCommandPathRegistry);
* Main entrypoint for this class to handle an invoke request.
* This function will always call the OnDone function above on the registered callback
* before returning.
* isTimedInvoke is true if and only if this is part of a Timed Invoke
* transaction (i.e. was preceded by a Timed Request). If we reach here,
* the timer verification has already been done.
void OnInvokeCommandRequest(Messaging::ExchangeContext * ec, const PayloadHeader & payloadHeader,
System::PacketBufferHandle && payload, bool isTimedInvoke);
* Checks that all CommandDataIB within InvokeRequests satisfy the spec's general
* constraints for CommandDataIB. Additionally checks that InvokeRequestMessage is
* properly formatted.
* This also builds a registry that to ensure that all commands can be responded
* to with the data required as per spec.
CHIP_ERROR ValidateInvokeRequestMessageAndBuildRegistry(InvokeRequestMessage::Parser & invokeRequestMessage);
* Adds the given command status and returns any failures in adding statuses (e.g. out
* of buffer space) to the caller
CHIP_ERROR FallibleAddStatus(const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath, const Protocols::InteractionModel::Status aStatus,
const char * context = nullptr);
* Adds a status when the caller is unable to handle any failures. Logging is performed
* and failure to register the status is checked with VerifyOrDie.
void AddStatus(const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath, const Protocols::InteractionModel::Status aStatus,
const char * context = nullptr);
CHIP_ERROR AddClusterSpecificSuccess(const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath, ClusterStatus aClusterStatus);
CHIP_ERROR AddClusterSpecificFailure(const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath, ClusterStatus aClusterStatus);
Protocols::InteractionModel::Status ProcessInvokeRequest(System::PacketBufferHandle && payload, bool isTimedInvoke);
* This adds a new CommandDataIB element into InvokeResponses for the associated
* aRequestCommandPath. This adds up until the `CommandFields` element within
* `CommandDataIB`.
* This call will fail if CommandHandler is already in the middle of building a
* CommandStatusIB or CommandDataIB (i.e. something has called Prepare*, without
* calling Finish*), or is already sending InvokeResponseMessage.
* Upon success, the caller is expected to call `FinishCommand` once they have added
* all the fields into the CommandFields element of CommandDataIB.
* @param [in] aResponseCommandPath the concrete response path that we are sending to Requester.
* @param [in] aPrepareParameters struct containing paramters needs for preparing a command. Data
* such as request path, and whether this method should start the CommandFields element within
* CommandDataIB.
CHIP_ERROR PrepareInvokeResponseCommand(const ConcreteCommandPath & aResponseCommandPath,
const InvokeResponseParameters & aPrepareParameters);
[[deprecated("PrepareCommand now needs the requested command path. Please use PrepareInvokeResponseCommand")]] CHIP_ERROR
PrepareCommand(const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath, bool aStartDataStruct = true);
* Finishes the CommandDataIB element within the InvokeResponses.
* Caller must have first successfully called `PrepareInvokeResponseCommand`.
* @param [in] aEndDataStruct end the TLV container for the CommandFields element within
* CommandDataIB. This should match the boolean passed into Prepare*.
* If device has not previously successfully called
* `PrepareInvokeResponseCommand`.
* If writing the values needed to finish the InvokeReponseIB
* with the current contents of the InvokeResponseMessage
* would exceed the limit. When this error occurs, it is possible
* we have already closed some of the IB Builders that were
* previously started in `PrepareInvokeResponseCommand`.
* If TLVWriter attempted to allocate an output buffer failed due to
* lack of memory.
* @return other Other TLVWriter related errors. Typically occurs if
* `GetCommandDataIBTLVWriter()` was called and used incorrectly.
// TODO(#30453): We should be able to eliminate the chances of OOM issues with reserve.
// This will be completed in a follow up PR.
CHIP_ERROR FinishCommand(bool aEndDataStruct = true);
* This will add a new CommandStatusIB element into InvokeResponses. It will put the
* aCommandPath into the CommandPath element within CommandStatusIB.
* This call will fail if CommandHandler is already in the middle of building a
* CommandStatusIB or CommandDataIB (i.e. something has called Prepare*, without
* calling Finish*), or is already sending InvokeResponseMessage.
* Upon success, the caller is expected to call `FinishStatus` once they have encoded
* StatusIB.
* @param [in] aCommandPath the concrete path of the command we are responding to.
CHIP_ERROR PrepareStatus(const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath);
* Finishes the CommandStatusIB element within the InvokeResponses.
* Caller must have first successfully called `PrepareStatus`.
CHIP_ERROR FinishStatus();
TLV::TLVWriter * GetCommandDataIBTLVWriter();
* GetAccessingFabricIndex() may only be called during synchronous command
* processing. Anything that runs async (while holding a
* CommandHandler::Handle or equivalent) must not call this method, because
* it will not work right if the session we're using was evicted.
FabricIndex GetAccessingFabricIndex() const;
* API for adding a data response. The template parameter T is generally
* expected to be a ClusterName::Commands::CommandName::Type struct, but any
* object that can be encoded using the DataModel::Encode machinery and
* exposes the right command id will work.
* @param [in] aRequestCommandPath the concrete path of the command we are
* responding to.
* @param [in] aData the data for the response.
template <typename CommandData>
CHIP_ERROR AddResponseData(const ConcreteCommandPath & aRequestCommandPath, const CommandData & aData)
// TryAddResponseData will ensure we are in the correct state when calling AddResponseData.
CHIP_ERROR err = TryAddResponseData(aRequestCommandPath, aData);
if (err != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
// The state guarantees that either we can rollback or we don't have to rollback the buffer, so we don't care about the
// return value of RollbackResponse.
return err;
* API for adding a response. This will try to encode a data response (response command), and if that fails will encode a a
* Protocols::InteractionModel::Status::Failure status response instead.
* The template parameter T is generally expected to be a ClusterName::Commands::CommandName::Type struct, but any object that
* can be encoded using the DataModel::Encode machinery and exposes the right command id will work.
* Since the function will call AddStatus when it fails to encode the data, it cannot send any response when it fails to encode
* a status code since another AddStatus call will also fail. The error from AddStatus will just be logged.
* @param [in] aRequestCommandPath the concrete path of the command we are
* responding to.
* @param [in] aData the data for the response.
template <typename CommandData>
void AddResponse(const ConcreteCommandPath & aRequestCommandPath, const CommandData & aData)
if (AddResponseData(aRequestCommandPath, aData) != CHIP_NO_ERROR)
AddStatus(aRequestCommandPath, Protocols::InteractionModel::Status::Failure);
* Check whether the InvokeRequest we are handling is a timed invoke.
bool IsTimedInvoke() const { return mTimedRequest; }
* Gets the inner exchange context object, without ownership.
* WARNING: This is dangerous, since it is directly interacting with the
* exchange being managed automatically by mResponseSender and
* if not done carefully, may end up with use-after-free errors.
* @return The inner exchange context, might be nullptr if no
* exchange context has been assigned or the context
* has been released.
Messaging::ExchangeContext * GetExchangeContext() const { return mResponseSender.GetExchangeContext(); }
* @brief Flush acks right away for a slow command
* Some commands that do heavy lifting of storage/crypto should
* ack right away to improve reliability and reduce needless retries. This
* method can be manually called in commands that are especially slow to
* immediately schedule an acknowledgement (if needed) since the delayed
* stand-alone ack timer may actually not hit soon enough due to blocking command
* execution.
void FlushAcksRightAwayOnSlowCommand() { mResponseSender.FlushAcksRightNow(); }
* GetSubjectDescriptor() may only be called during synchronous command
* processing. Anything that runs async (while holding a
* CommandHandler::Handle or equivalent) must not call this method, because
* it might not work right if the session we're using was evicted.
Access::SubjectDescriptor GetSubjectDescriptor() const
return mResponseSender.GetSubjectDescriptor();
friend class TestCommandInteraction;
friend class CommandHandler::Handle;
enum class State : uint8_t
Idle, ///< Default state that the object starts out in, where no work has commenced
Preparing, ///< We are prepaing the command or status header.
AddingCommand, ///< In the process of adding a command.
AddedCommand, ///< A command has been completely encoded and is awaiting transmission.
DispatchResponses, ///< The command response(s) are being dispatched.
AwaitingDestruction, ///< The object has completed its work and is awaiting destruction by the application.
void MoveToState(const State aTargetState);
const char * GetStateStr() const;
* Rollback the state to before encoding the current ResponseData (before calling PrepareCommand / PrepareStatus)
CHIP_ERROR RollbackResponse();
* This forcibly closes the exchange context if a valid one is pointed to. Such a situation does
* not arise during normal message processing flows that all normally call Close() above. This can only
* arise due to application-initiated destruction of the object when this object is handling receiving/sending
* message payloads.
void Abort();
* IncrementHoldOff will increase the inner refcount of the CommandHandler.
* Users should use CommandHandler::Handle for management the lifespan of the CommandHandler.
* DefRef should be released in reasonable time, and Close() should only be called when the refcount reached 0.
void IncrementHoldOff();
* DecrementHoldOff is used by CommandHandler::Handle for decreasing the refcount of the CommandHandler.
* When refcount reached 0, CommandHandler will send the response to the peer and shutdown.
void DecrementHoldOff();
* Allocates a packet buffer used for encoding an invoke response payload.
* This can be called multiple times safely, as it will only allocate the buffer once for the lifetime
* of this object.
CHIP_ERROR AllocateBuffer();
CHIP_ERROR PrepareInvokeResponseCommand(const CommandPathRegistryEntry & apCommandPathRegistryEntry,
const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath, bool aStartDataStruct);
CHIP_ERROR FinalizeLastInvokeResponseMessage() { return FinalizeInvokeResponseMessage(/* aHasMoreChunks = */ false); }
CHIP_ERROR FinalizeIntermediateInvokeResponseMessage() { return FinalizeInvokeResponseMessage(/* aHasMoreChunks = */ true); }
CHIP_ERROR FinalizeInvokeResponseMessage(bool aHasMoreChunks);
* Called internally to signal the completion of all work on this object, gracefully close the
* exchange (by calling into the base class) and finally, signal to a registerd callback that it's
* safe to release this object.
void Close();
* @brief Callback method invoked when CommandResponseSender has finished sending all messages.
static void HandleOnResponseSenderDone(void * context);
* ProcessCommandDataIB is only called when a unicast invoke command request is received
* It requires the endpointId in its command path to be able to dispatch the command
Protocols::InteractionModel::Status ProcessCommandDataIB(CommandDataIB::Parser & aCommandElement);
* ProcessGroupCommandDataIB is only called when a group invoke command request is received
* It doesn't need the endpointId in it's command path since it uses the GroupId in message metadata to find it
Protocols::InteractionModel::Status ProcessGroupCommandDataIB(CommandDataIB::Parser & aCommandElement);
CHIP_ERROR StartSendingCommandResponses();
CHIP_ERROR AddStatusInternal(const ConcreteCommandPath & aCommandPath, const StatusIB & aStatus);
* If this function fails, it may leave our TLV buffer in an inconsistent state. Callers should snapshot as needed before
* calling this function, and roll back as needed afterward.
* @param [in] aRequestCommandPath the concrete path of the command we are
* responding to.
* @param [in] aData the data for the response.
template <typename CommandData>
CHIP_ERROR TryAddResponseData(const ConcreteCommandPath & aRequestCommandPath, const CommandData & aData)
// Return early in case of requests targeted to a group, since they should not add a response.
VerifyOrReturnValue(!IsGroupRequest(), CHIP_NO_ERROR);
InvokeResponseParameters prepareParams(aRequestCommandPath);
ConcreteCommandPath responsePath = { aRequestCommandPath.mEndpointId, aRequestCommandPath.mClusterId,
CommandData::GetCommandId() };
ReturnErrorOnFailure(PrepareInvokeResponseCommand(responsePath, prepareParams));
TLV::TLVWriter * writer = GetCommandDataIBTLVWriter();
VerifyOrReturnError(writer != nullptr, CHIP_ERROR_INCORRECT_STATE);
ReturnErrorOnFailure(DataModel::Encode(*writer, TLV::ContextTag(CommandDataIB::Tag::kFields), aData));
return FinishCommand(/* aEndDataStruct = */ false);
* Check whether the InvokeRequest we are handling is targeted to a group.
bool IsGroupRequest() { return mGroupRequest; }
* Sets the state flag to keep the information that request we are handling is targeted to a group.
void SetGroupRequest(bool isGroupRequest) { mGroupRequest = isGroupRequest; }
CommandPathRegistry & GetCommandPathRegistry() const { return *mCommandPathRegistry; }
size_t MaxPathsPerInvoke() const { return mMaxPathsPerInvoke; }
Callback * mpCallback = nullptr;
InvokeResponseMessage::Builder mInvokeResponseBuilder;
TLV::TLVType mDataElementContainerType = TLV::kTLVType_NotSpecified;
size_t mPendingWork = 0;
chip::System::PacketBufferTLVWriter mCommandMessageWriter;
TLV::TLVWriter mBackupWriter;
// TODO(#30453): See if we can reduce this size for the default cases
// TODO Allow flexibility in registration.
BasicCommandPathRegistry<CHIP_CONFIG_MAX_PATHS_PER_INVOKE> mBasicCommandPathRegistry;
CommandPathRegistry * mCommandPathRegistry = &mBasicCommandPathRegistry;
Optional<uint16_t> mRefForResponse;
chip::Callback::Callback<OnResponseSenderDone> mResponseSenderDone;
CommandResponseSender mResponseSender;
State mState = State::Idle;
State mBackupState;
bool mSuppressResponse = false;
bool mTimedRequest = false;
bool mSentStatusResponse = false;
bool mGroupRequest = false;
bool mBufferAllocated = false;
bool mReserveSpaceForMoreChunkMessages = false;
// If mGoneAsync is true, we have finished out initial processing of the
// incoming invoke. After this point, our session could go away at any
// time.
bool mGoneAsync = false;
} // namespace app
} // namespace chip