blob: 1a6b9b153e080909cb3bb0730642e29d39eea54f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2009-2021 Arm Limited
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
import re
from time import sleep
import pytest
from chip import ChipDeviceCtrl, exceptions
from chip.setup_payload import SetupPayload
from common.utils import *
from packaging import version
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
SHELL_COMMAND_NAME = ["echo", "log", "rand", "ping", "send", "base64", "version",
"ble", "wifi", "config", "device", "onboardingcodes", "dns", "help", "exit"]
WIFI_MODE_NAME = ["disable", "ap", "sta"]
def get_shell_command(response):
return [line.split()[0].strip() for line in response]
def parse_config_response(response):
config = {}
for param in response:
param_name = param.split(":")[0].lower()
if "discriminator" in param_name:
value = int(param.split(":")[1].strip(), 16)
elif "pincode" in param_name:
value = int(param.split(":")[1].strip())
value = int(param.split(":")[1].split()[0].strip())
if "productrevision" in param_name:
param_name = "productrev"
config[param_name] = value
return config
def parse_boarding_codes_response(response):
codes = {}
for param in response:
codes[param.split(":")[0].lower()] = param.split()[1].strip()
return codes
def test_smoke_test(device):
ret = device.wait_for_output("Mbed shell example application start")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 0
ret = device.wait_for_output("Mbed shell example application run")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 0
def test_help_check(device):
ret = device.send(command="help", expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 1
shell_commands = get_shell_command(ret[1:-1])
assert set(SHELL_COMMAND_NAME) == set(shell_commands)
def test_echo_check(device):
ret = device.send(command="echo Hello", expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 1
assert "Hello" in ret[-2]
def test_log_check(device):
ret = device.send(command="log Hello", expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 1
assert "[INFO][CHIP]: [TOO]Hello" in ret[-2]
def test_rand_check(device):
ret = device.send(command="rand", expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 1
assert ret[-2].rstrip().isdigit()
def test_base64_encode_decode(device):
hex_string = "1234"
ret = device.send(command="base64 encode {}".format(
hex_string), expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 1
base64code = ret[-2]
ret = device.send(command="base64 decode {}".format(
base64code), expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 1
assert ret[-2].rstrip() == hex_string
def test_version_check(device):
ret = device.send(command="version", expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 1
assert "CHIP" in ret[-2].split()[0]
app_version = ret[-2].split()[1]
assert isinstance(version.parse(app_version), version.Version)
def test_ble_adv_check(device):
devCtrl = ChipDeviceCtrl.ChipDeviceController()
ret = device.send(command="ble adv start", expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 0
ret = device.send(command="ble adv state", expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 1
assert "enabled" in ret[-2].split()[-1]
assert check_chip_ble_devices_advertising(devCtrl, BLE_DEVICE_NAME)
ret = device.send(command="ble adv stop", expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 0
ret = device.send(command="ble adv state", expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 1
assert "disabled" in ret[-2].split()[-1]
assert not check_chip_ble_devices_advertising(devCtrl, BLE_DEVICE_NAME)
def test_device_config_check(device):
ret = device.send(command="config", expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 2
config = parse_config_response(ret[1:-1])
for param_name, value in config.items():
ret = device.send(command="config {}".format(
param_name), expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 1
if "discriminator" in param_name:
assert int(ret[-2].split()[0], 16) == value
assert int(ret[-2].split()[0]) == value
new_value = int(config['discriminator']) + 1
ret = device.send(command="config discriminator {}".format(
new_value), expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 1
assert "Setup discriminator set to: {}".format(new_value) in ret[-2]
ret = device.send(command="config discriminator", expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 1
assert int(ret[-2].split()[0], 16) == new_value
def test_on_boarding_codes(device):
ret = device.send(command="onboardingcodes", expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 2
boarding_codes = parse_boarding_codes_response(ret[1:-1])
for param, value in boarding_codes.items():
ret = device.send(command="onboardingcodes {}".format(
param), expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 1
assert value == ret[-2].strip()
device_details = dict(SetupPayload().ParseQrCode(
except exceptions.ChipStackError as ex:
assert False
assert device_details != None and len(device_details) != 0
device_details = dict(SetupPayload().ParseManualPairingCode(
except exceptions.ChipStackError as ex:
assert False
assert device_details != None and len(device_details) != 0
def test_wifi_mode(device):
ret = device.send(command="wifi mode", expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 1
current_mode = ret[-2].strip()
assert current_mode in WIFI_MODE_NAME
for mode in [n for n in WIFI_MODE_NAME if n != current_mode]:
ret = device.send(command="wifi mode {}".format(
mode), expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 0
ret = device.send(command="wifi mode", expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 1
assert ret[-2].strip() == mode
def test_wifi_connect(device, network):
network_ssid = network[0]
network_pass = network[1]
ret = device.send(command="wifi connect {} {}".format(
network_ssid, network_pass), expected_output="Done")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 0
ret = device.wait_for_output("StationConnected", 30)
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 0
def test_device_factory_reset(device):
ret = device.send(command="device factoryreset")
ret = device.wait_for_output("Mbed shell example application start")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 0
ret = device.wait_for_output("Mbed shell example application run")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 0
def test_exit_check(device):
ret = device.send(command="exit", expected_output="Goodbye")
assert ret != None and len(ret) > 0