| /* |
| * Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors |
| * All rights reserved. |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| #pragma once |
| |
| #include <controller/ExamplePersistentStorage.h> |
| |
| #include "Command.h" |
| |
| #include <TracingCommandLineArgument.h> |
| #include <commands/common/CredentialIssuerCommands.h> |
| #include <commands/example/ExampleCredentialIssuerCommands.h> |
| #include <credentials/GroupDataProviderImpl.h> |
| #include <credentials/PersistentStorageOpCertStore.h> |
| #include <crypto/PersistentStorageOperationalKeystore.h> |
| #include <crypto/RawKeySessionKeystore.h> |
| |
| #pragma once |
| |
| inline constexpr const char kIdentityAlpha[] = "alpha"; |
| inline constexpr const char kIdentityBeta[] = "beta"; |
| inline constexpr const char kIdentityGamma[] = "gamma"; |
| // The null fabric commissioner is a commissioner that isn't on a fabric. |
| // This is a legal configuration in which the commissioner delegates |
| // operational communication and invocation of the commssioning complete |
| // command to a separate on-fabric administrator node. |
| // |
| // The null-fabric-commissioner identity is provided here to demonstrate the |
| // commissioner portion of such an architecture. The null-fabric-commissioner |
| // can carry a commissioning flow up until the point of operational channel |
| // (CASE) communcation. |
| inline constexpr const char kIdentityNull[] = "null-fabric-commissioner"; |
| |
| class CHIPCommand : public Command |
| { |
| public: |
| using ChipDeviceCommissioner = ::chip::Controller::DeviceCommissioner; |
| using ChipDeviceController = ::chip::Controller::DeviceController; |
| using IPAddress = ::chip::Inet::IPAddress; |
| using NodeId = ::chip::NodeId; |
| using PeerId = ::chip::PeerId; |
| using PeerAddress = ::chip::Transport::PeerAddress; |
| |
| static constexpr uint16_t kMaxGroupsPerFabric = 50; |
| static constexpr uint16_t kMaxGroupKeysPerFabric = 25; |
| |
| CHIPCommand(const char * commandName, CredentialIssuerCommands * credIssuerCmds, const char * helpText = nullptr) : |
| Command(commandName, helpText), mCredIssuerCmds(credIssuerCmds) |
| { |
| AddArgument("paa-trust-store-path", &mPaaTrustStorePath, |
| "Path to directory holding PAA certificate information. Can be absolute or relative to the current working " |
| "directory."); |
| AddArgument("cd-trust-store-path", &mCDTrustStorePath, |
| "Path to directory holding CD certificate information. Can be absolute or relative to the current working " |
| "directory."); |
| AddArgument("commissioner-name", &mCommissionerName, |
| "Name of fabric to use. Valid values are \"alpha\", \"beta\", \"gamma\", and integers greater than or equal to " |
| "4. The default if not specified is \"alpha\"."); |
| AddArgument("commissioner-nodeid", 0, UINT64_MAX, &mCommissionerNodeId, |
| "The node id to use for chip-tool. If not provided, kTestControllerNodeId (112233, 0x1B669) will be used."); |
| AddArgument("use-max-sized-certs", 0, 1, &mUseMaxSizedCerts, |
| "Maximize the size of operational certificates. If not provided or 0 (\"false\"), normally sized operational " |
| "certificates are generated."); |
| AddArgument("only-allow-trusted-cd-keys", 0, 1, &mOnlyAllowTrustedCdKeys, |
| "Only allow trusted CD verifying keys (disallow test keys). If not provided or 0 (\"false\"), untrusted CD " |
| "verifying keys are allowed. If 1 (\"true\"), test keys are disallowed."); |
| AddArgument("trace_file", &mTraceFile); |
| AddArgument("trace_log", 0, 1, &mTraceLog); |
| AddArgument("trace_decode", 0, 1, &mTraceDecode); |
| AddArgument("trace-to", &mTraceTo, "Trace destinations, comma-separated (" SUPPORTED_COMMAND_LINE_TRACING_TARGETS ")"); |
| AddArgument("ble-adapter", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mBleAdapterId); |
| AddArgument("storage-directory", &mStorageDirectory, |
| "Directory to place chip-tool's storage files in. Defaults to $TMPDIR, with fallback to /tmp"); |
| AddArgument( |
| "commissioner-vendor-id", 0, UINT16_MAX, &mCommissionerVendorId, |
| "The vendor id to use for chip-tool. If not provided, chip::VendorId::TestVendor1 (65521, 0xFFF1) will be used."); |
| } |
| |
| /////////// Command Interface ///////// |
| CHIP_ERROR Run() override; |
| |
| void SetCommandExitStatus(CHIP_ERROR status) |
| { |
| mCommandExitStatus = status; |
| // In interactive mode the stack is not shut down once a command is ended. |
| // That means calling `ErrorStr(err)` from the main thread when command |
| // completion is signaled may race since `ErrorStr` uses a static sErrorStr |
| // buffer for computing the error string. Call it here instead. |
| if (IsInteractive() && CHIP_NO_ERROR != status) |
| { |
| ChipLogError(chipTool, "Run command failure: %s", chip::ErrorStr(status)); |
| } |
| StopWaiting(); |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| // Will be called in a setting in which it's safe to touch the CHIP |
| // stack. The rules for Run() are as follows: |
| // |
| // 1) If error is returned, Run() must not call SetCommandExitStatus. |
| // 2) If success is returned Run() must either have called |
| // SetCommandExitStatus() or scheduled async work that will do that. |
| virtual CHIP_ERROR RunCommand() = 0; |
| |
| // Get the wait duration, in seconds, before the command times out. |
| virtual chip::System::Clock::Timeout GetWaitDuration() const = 0; |
| |
| // Shut down the command. After a Shutdown call the command object is ready |
| // to be used for another command invocation. |
| virtual void Shutdown() { ResetArguments(); } |
| |
| // Clean up any resources allocated by the command. Some commands may hold |
| // on to resources after Shutdown(), but Cleanup() will guarantee those are |
| // cleaned up. |
| virtual void Cleanup() {} |
| |
| // If true, skip calling Cleanup() when in interactive mode, so the command |
| // can keep doing work as needed. Cleanup() will be called when quitting |
| // interactive mode. This method will be called before Shutdown, so it can |
| // use member values that Shutdown will normally reset. |
| virtual bool DeferInteractiveCleanup() { return false; } |
| |
| // If true, the controller will be created with server capabilities enabled, |
| // such as advertising operational nodes over DNS-SD and accepting incoming |
| // CASE sessions. |
| virtual bool NeedsOperationalAdvertising() { return mAdvertiseOperational; } |
| |
| // Execute any deferred cleanups. Used when exiting interactive mode. |
| static void ExecuteDeferredCleanups(intptr_t ignored); |
| |
| PersistentStorage mDefaultStorage; |
| // TODO: It's pretty weird that we re-init mCommissionerStorage for every |
| // identity without shutting it down or something in between... |
| PersistentStorage mCommissionerStorage; |
| chip::PersistentStorageOperationalKeystore mOperationalKeystore; |
| chip::Credentials::PersistentStorageOpCertStore mOpCertStore; |
| chip::Crypto::RawKeySessionKeystore mSessionKeystore; |
| |
| static chip::Credentials::GroupDataProviderImpl sGroupDataProvider; |
| CredentialIssuerCommands * mCredIssuerCmds; |
| |
| std::string GetIdentity(); |
| CHIP_ERROR GetIdentityNodeId(std::string identity, chip::NodeId * nodeId); |
| CHIP_ERROR GetIdentityRootCertificate(std::string identity, chip::ByteSpan & span); |
| void SetIdentity(const char * name); |
| |
| // This method returns the commissioner instance to be used for running the command. |
| // The default commissioner instance name is "alpha", but it can be overridden by passing |
| // --identity "instance name" when running a command. |
| ChipDeviceCommissioner & CurrentCommissioner(); |
| |
| ChipDeviceCommissioner & GetCommissioner(std::string identity); |
| |
| private: |
| CHIP_ERROR MaybeSetUpStack(); |
| void MaybeTearDownStack(); |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR EnsureCommissionerForIdentity(std::string identity); |
| |
| // Commissioners are keyed by name and local node id. |
| struct CommissionerIdentity |
| { |
| bool operator<(const CommissionerIdentity & other) const |
| { |
| return mName < other.mName || (mName == other.mName && mLocalNodeId < other.mLocalNodeId); |
| } |
| std::string mName; |
| chip::NodeId mLocalNodeId; |
| uint8_t mRCAC[chip::Controller::kMaxCHIPDERCertLength] = {}; |
| uint8_t mICAC[chip::Controller::kMaxCHIPDERCertLength] = {}; |
| uint8_t mNOC[chip::Controller::kMaxCHIPDERCertLength] = {}; |
| |
| size_t mRCACLen; |
| size_t mICACLen; |
| size_t mNOCLen; |
| }; |
| |
| // InitializeCommissioner uses various members, so can't be static. This is |
| // obviously a little odd, since the commissioners are then shared across |
| // multiple commands in interactive mode... |
| CHIP_ERROR InitializeCommissioner(CommissionerIdentity & identity, chip::FabricId fabricId); |
| void ShutdownCommissioner(const CommissionerIdentity & key); |
| chip::FabricId CurrentCommissionerId(); |
| |
| static std::map<CommissionerIdentity, std::unique_ptr<ChipDeviceCommissioner>> mCommissioners; |
| static std::set<CHIPCommand *> sDeferredCleanups; |
| |
| chip::Optional<char *> mCommissionerName; |
| chip::Optional<chip::NodeId> mCommissionerNodeId; |
| chip::Optional<chip::VendorId> mCommissionerVendorId; |
| chip::Optional<uint16_t> mBleAdapterId; |
| chip::Optional<char *> mPaaTrustStorePath; |
| chip::Optional<char *> mCDTrustStorePath; |
| chip::Optional<bool> mUseMaxSizedCerts; |
| chip::Optional<bool> mOnlyAllowTrustedCdKeys; |
| |
| // Cached trust store so commands other than the original startup command |
| // can spin up commissioners as needed. |
| static const chip::Credentials::AttestationTrustStore * sTrustStore; |
| |
| static void RunQueuedCommand(intptr_t commandArg); |
| typedef decltype(RunQueuedCommand) MatterWorkCallback; |
| static void RunCommandCleanup(intptr_t commandArg); |
| |
| // Do cleanup after a commmand is done running. Must happen with the |
| // Matter stack locked. |
| void CleanupAfterRun(); |
| |
| // Run the given callback on the Matter thread. Return whether we managed |
| // to successfully dispatch it to the Matter thread. If we did, *timedOut |
| // will be set to whether we timed out or whether our mWaitingForResponse |
| // got set to false by the callback itself. |
| CHIP_ERROR RunOnMatterQueue(MatterWorkCallback callback, chip::System::Clock::Timeout timeout, bool * timedOut); |
| |
| |
| CHIP_ERROR StartWaiting(chip::System::Clock::Timeout seconds); |
| void StopWaiting(); |
| |
| std::condition_variable cvWaitingForResponse; |
| std::mutex cvWaitingForResponseMutex; |
| bool mWaitingForResponse{ true }; |
| |
| void StartTracing(); |
| void StopTracing(); |
| |
| chip::Optional<char *> mTraceFile; |
| chip::Optional<bool> mTraceLog; |
| chip::Optional<bool> mTraceDecode; |
| |
| chip::CommandLineApp::TracingSetup mTracingSetup; |
| chip::Optional<std::vector<std::string>> mTraceTo; |
| }; |