| // This IDL was generated automatically by ZAP. |
| // It is for view/code review purposes only. |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for putting a device into Identification mode (e.g. flashing a light). */ |
| server cluster Identify = 3 { |
| enum EffectIdentifierEnum : enum8 { |
| kBlink = 0; |
| kBreathe = 1; |
| kOkay = 2; |
| kChannelChange = 11; |
| kFinishEffect = 254; |
| kStopEffect = 255; |
| } |
| |
| enum EffectVariantEnum : enum8 { |
| kDefault = 0; |
| } |
| |
| enum IdentifyTypeEnum : enum8 { |
| kNone = 0; |
| kLightOutput = 1; |
| kVisibleIndicator = 2; |
| kAudibleBeep = 3; |
| kDisplay = 4; |
| kActuator = 5; |
| } |
| |
| attribute int16u identifyTime = 0; |
| readonly attribute IdentifyTypeEnum identifyType = 1; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct IdentifyRequest { |
| int16u identifyTime = 0; |
| } |
| |
| command access(invoke: manage) Identify(IdentifyRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for switching devices between 'On' and 'Off' states. */ |
| server cluster OnOff = 6 { |
| enum DelayedAllOffEffectVariantEnum : enum8 { |
| kDelayedOffFastFade = 0; |
| kNoFade = 1; |
| kDelayedOffSlowFade = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum DyingLightEffectVariantEnum : enum8 { |
| kDyingLightFadeOff = 0; |
| } |
| |
| enum EffectIdentifierEnum : enum8 { |
| kDelayedAllOff = 0; |
| kDyingLight = 1; |
| } |
| |
| enum StartUpOnOffEnum : enum8 { |
| kOff = 0; |
| kOn = 1; |
| kToggle = 2; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : bitmap32 { |
| kLighting = 0x1; |
| kDeadFrontBehavior = 0x2; |
| kOffOnly = 0x4; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap OnOffControlBitmap : bitmap8 { |
| kAcceptOnlyWhenOn = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute boolean onOff = 0; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| command Off(): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| command On(): DefaultSuccess = 1; |
| command Toggle(): DefaultSuccess = 2; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for controlling devices that can be set to a level between fully 'On' and fully 'Off.' */ |
| server cluster LevelControl = 8 { |
| enum MoveModeEnum : enum8 { |
| kUp = 0; |
| kDown = 1; |
| } |
| |
| enum StepModeEnum : enum8 { |
| kUp = 0; |
| kDown = 1; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : bitmap32 { |
| kOnOff = 0x1; |
| kLighting = 0x2; |
| kFrequency = 0x4; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap OptionsBitmap : bitmap8 { |
| kExecuteIfOff = 0x1; |
| kCoupleColorTempToLevel = 0x2; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute nullable int8u currentLevel = 0; |
| readonly attribute int8u minLevel = 2; |
| readonly attribute int8u maxLevel = 3; |
| attribute OptionsBitmap options = 15; |
| attribute nullable int8u onLevel = 17; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct MoveToLevelRequest { |
| int8u level = 0; |
| nullable int16u transitionTime = 1; |
| OptionsBitmap optionsMask = 2; |
| OptionsBitmap optionsOverride = 3; |
| } |
| |
| request struct MoveRequest { |
| MoveModeEnum moveMode = 0; |
| nullable int8u rate = 1; |
| OptionsBitmap optionsMask = 2; |
| OptionsBitmap optionsOverride = 3; |
| } |
| |
| request struct StepRequest { |
| StepModeEnum stepMode = 0; |
| int8u stepSize = 1; |
| nullable int16u transitionTime = 2; |
| OptionsBitmap optionsMask = 3; |
| OptionsBitmap optionsOverride = 4; |
| } |
| |
| request struct StopRequest { |
| OptionsBitmap optionsMask = 0; |
| OptionsBitmap optionsOverride = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct MoveToLevelWithOnOffRequest { |
| int8u level = 0; |
| nullable int16u transitionTime = 1; |
| OptionsBitmap optionsMask = 2; |
| OptionsBitmap optionsOverride = 3; |
| } |
| |
| request struct MoveWithOnOffRequest { |
| MoveModeEnum moveMode = 0; |
| nullable int8u rate = 1; |
| OptionsBitmap optionsMask = 2; |
| OptionsBitmap optionsOverride = 3; |
| } |
| |
| request struct StepWithOnOffRequest { |
| StepModeEnum stepMode = 0; |
| int8u stepSize = 1; |
| nullable int16u transitionTime = 2; |
| OptionsBitmap optionsMask = 3; |
| OptionsBitmap optionsOverride = 4; |
| } |
| |
| request struct StopWithOnOffRequest { |
| OptionsBitmap optionsMask = 0; |
| OptionsBitmap optionsOverride = 1; |
| } |
| |
| command MoveToLevel(MoveToLevelRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| command Move(MoveRequest): DefaultSuccess = 1; |
| command Step(StepRequest): DefaultSuccess = 2; |
| command Stop(StopRequest): DefaultSuccess = 3; |
| command MoveToLevelWithOnOff(MoveToLevelWithOnOffRequest): DefaultSuccess = 4; |
| command MoveWithOnOff(MoveWithOnOffRequest): DefaultSuccess = 5; |
| command StepWithOnOff(StepWithOnOffRequest): DefaultSuccess = 6; |
| command StopWithOnOff(StopWithOnOffRequest): DefaultSuccess = 7; |
| } |
| |
| /** The Descriptor Cluster is meant to replace the support from the Zigbee Device Object (ZDO) for describing a node, its endpoints and clusters. */ |
| server cluster Descriptor = 29 { |
| bitmap Feature : bitmap32 { |
| kTagList = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| struct DeviceTypeStruct { |
| devtype_id deviceType = 0; |
| int16u revision = 1; |
| } |
| |
| struct SemanticTagStruct { |
| nullable vendor_id mfgCode = 0; |
| enum8 namespaceID = 1; |
| enum8 tag = 2; |
| optional nullable char_string label = 3; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute DeviceTypeStruct deviceTypeList[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute cluster_id serverList[] = 1; |
| readonly attribute cluster_id clientList[] = 2; |
| readonly attribute endpoint_no partsList[] = 3; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** The Binding Cluster is meant to replace the support from the Zigbee Device Object (ZDO) for supporting the binding table. */ |
| server cluster Binding = 30 { |
| fabric_scoped struct TargetStruct { |
| optional node_id node = 1; |
| optional group_id group = 2; |
| optional endpoint_no endpoint = 3; |
| optional cluster_id cluster = 4; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| attribute access(write: manage) TargetStruct binding[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** The Access Control Cluster exposes a data model view of a |
| Node's Access Control List (ACL), which codifies the rules used to manage |
| and enforce Access Control for the Node's endpoints and their associated |
| cluster instances. */ |
| server cluster AccessControl = 31 { |
| enum AccessControlEntryAuthModeEnum : enum8 { |
| kPASE = 1; |
| kCASE = 2; |
| kGroup = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum : enum8 { |
| kView = 1; |
| kProxyView = 2; |
| kOperate = 3; |
| kManage = 4; |
| kAdminister = 5; |
| } |
| |
| enum ChangeTypeEnum : enum8 { |
| kChanged = 0; |
| kAdded = 1; |
| kRemoved = 2; |
| } |
| |
| struct AccessControlTargetStruct { |
| nullable cluster_id cluster = 0; |
| nullable endpoint_no endpoint = 1; |
| nullable devtype_id deviceType = 2; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_scoped struct AccessControlEntryStruct { |
| fabric_sensitive AccessControlEntryPrivilegeEnum privilege = 1; |
| fabric_sensitive AccessControlEntryAuthModeEnum authMode = 2; |
| nullable fabric_sensitive int64u subjects[] = 3; |
| nullable fabric_sensitive AccessControlTargetStruct targets[] = 4; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_scoped struct AccessControlExtensionStruct { |
| fabric_sensitive octet_string<128> data = 1; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_sensitive info event access(read: administer) AccessControlEntryChanged = 0 { |
| nullable node_id adminNodeID = 1; |
| nullable int16u adminPasscodeID = 2; |
| ChangeTypeEnum changeType = 3; |
| nullable AccessControlEntryStruct latestValue = 4; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_sensitive info event access(read: administer) AccessControlExtensionChanged = 1 { |
| nullable node_id adminNodeID = 1; |
| nullable int16u adminPasscodeID = 2; |
| ChangeTypeEnum changeType = 3; |
| nullable AccessControlExtensionStruct latestValue = 4; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| attribute access(read: administer, write: administer) AccessControlEntryStruct acl[] = 0; |
| attribute access(read: administer, write: administer) AccessControlExtensionStruct extension[] = 1; |
| readonly attribute int16u subjectsPerAccessControlEntry = 2; |
| readonly attribute int16u targetsPerAccessControlEntry = 3; |
| readonly attribute int16u accessControlEntriesPerFabric = 4; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster provides attributes and events for determining basic information about Nodes, which supports both |
| Commissioning and operational determination of Node characteristics, such as Vendor ID, Product ID and serial number, |
| which apply to the whole Node. Also allows setting user device information such as location. */ |
| server cluster BasicInformation = 40 { |
| enum ColorEnum : enum8 { |
| kBlack = 0; |
| kNavy = 1; |
| kGreen = 2; |
| kTeal = 3; |
| kMaroon = 4; |
| kPurple = 5; |
| kOlive = 6; |
| kGray = 7; |
| kBlue = 8; |
| kLime = 9; |
| kAqua = 10; |
| kRed = 11; |
| kFuchsia = 12; |
| kYellow = 13; |
| kWhite = 14; |
| kNickel = 15; |
| kChrome = 16; |
| kBrass = 17; |
| kCopper = 18; |
| kSilver = 19; |
| kGold = 20; |
| } |
| |
| enum ProductFinishEnum : enum8 { |
| kOther = 0; |
| kMatte = 1; |
| kSatin = 2; |
| kPolished = 3; |
| kRugged = 4; |
| kFabric = 5; |
| } |
| |
| struct CapabilityMinimaStruct { |
| int16u caseSessionsPerFabric = 0; |
| int16u subscriptionsPerFabric = 1; |
| } |
| |
| struct ProductAppearanceStruct { |
| ProductFinishEnum finish = 0; |
| nullable ColorEnum primaryColor = 1; |
| } |
| |
| critical event StartUp = 0 { |
| int32u softwareVersion = 0; |
| } |
| |
| critical event ShutDown = 1 { |
| } |
| |
| info event Leave = 2 { |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 0; |
| } |
| |
| info event ReachableChanged = 3 { |
| boolean reachableNewValue = 0; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute int16u dataModelRevision = 0; |
| readonly attribute char_string<32> vendorName = 1; |
| readonly attribute vendor_id vendorID = 2; |
| readonly attribute char_string<32> productName = 3; |
| readonly attribute int16u productID = 4; |
| attribute access(write: manage) char_string<32> nodeLabel = 5; |
| attribute access(write: administer) char_string<2> location = 6; |
| readonly attribute int16u hardwareVersion = 7; |
| readonly attribute char_string<64> hardwareVersionString = 8; |
| readonly attribute int32u softwareVersion = 9; |
| readonly attribute char_string<64> softwareVersionString = 10; |
| readonly attribute char_string<16> manufacturingDate = 11; |
| readonly attribute char_string<32> partNumber = 12; |
| readonly attribute long_char_string<256> productURL = 13; |
| readonly attribute char_string<64> productLabel = 14; |
| readonly attribute char_string<32> serialNumber = 15; |
| readonly attribute CapabilityMinimaStruct capabilityMinima = 19; |
| readonly attribute int32u specificationVersion = 21; |
| readonly attribute int16u maxPathsPerInvoke = 22; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Provides an interface for providing OTA software updates */ |
| client cluster OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider = 41 { |
| enum ApplyUpdateActionEnum : enum8 { |
| kProceed = 0; |
| kAwaitNextAction = 1; |
| kDiscontinue = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum DownloadProtocolEnum : enum8 { |
| kBDXSynchronous = 0; |
| kBDXAsynchronous = 1; |
| kHTTPS = 2; |
| kVendorSpecific = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum StatusEnum : enum8 { |
| kUpdateAvailable = 0; |
| kBusy = 1; |
| kNotAvailable = 2; |
| kDownloadProtocolNotSupported = 3; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct QueryImageRequest { |
| vendor_id vendorID = 0; |
| int16u productID = 1; |
| int32u softwareVersion = 2; |
| DownloadProtocolEnum protocolsSupported[] = 3; |
| optional int16u hardwareVersion = 4; |
| optional char_string<2> location = 5; |
| optional boolean requestorCanConsent = 6; |
| optional octet_string<512> metadataForProvider = 7; |
| } |
| |
| response struct QueryImageResponse = 1 { |
| StatusEnum status = 0; |
| optional int32u delayedActionTime = 1; |
| optional char_string<256> imageURI = 2; |
| optional int32u softwareVersion = 3; |
| optional char_string<64> softwareVersionString = 4; |
| optional octet_string<32> updateToken = 5; |
| optional boolean userConsentNeeded = 6; |
| optional octet_string<512> metadataForRequestor = 7; |
| } |
| |
| request struct ApplyUpdateRequestRequest { |
| octet_string<32> updateToken = 0; |
| int32u newVersion = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct ApplyUpdateResponse = 3 { |
| ApplyUpdateActionEnum action = 0; |
| int32u delayedActionTime = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct NotifyUpdateAppliedRequest { |
| octet_string<32> updateToken = 0; |
| int32u softwareVersion = 1; |
| } |
| |
| /** Determine availability of a new Software Image */ |
| command QueryImage(QueryImageRequest): QueryImageResponse = 0; |
| /** Determine next action to take for a downloaded Software Image */ |
| command ApplyUpdateRequest(ApplyUpdateRequestRequest): ApplyUpdateResponse = 2; |
| /** Notify OTA Provider that an update was applied */ |
| command NotifyUpdateApplied(NotifyUpdateAppliedRequest): DefaultSuccess = 4; |
| } |
| |
| /** Provides an interface for downloading and applying OTA software updates */ |
| server cluster OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor = 42 { |
| enum AnnouncementReasonEnum : enum8 { |
| kSimpleAnnouncement = 0; |
| kUpdateAvailable = 1; |
| kUrgentUpdateAvailable = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum ChangeReasonEnum : enum8 { |
| kUnknown = 0; |
| kSuccess = 1; |
| kFailure = 2; |
| kTimeOut = 3; |
| kDelayByProvider = 4; |
| } |
| |
| enum UpdateStateEnum : enum8 { |
| kUnknown = 0; |
| kIdle = 1; |
| kQuerying = 2; |
| kDelayedOnQuery = 3; |
| kDownloading = 4; |
| kApplying = 5; |
| kDelayedOnApply = 6; |
| kRollingBack = 7; |
| kDelayedOnUserConsent = 8; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_scoped struct ProviderLocation { |
| node_id providerNodeID = 1; |
| endpoint_no endpoint = 2; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| info event StateTransition = 0 { |
| UpdateStateEnum previousState = 0; |
| UpdateStateEnum newState = 1; |
| ChangeReasonEnum reason = 2; |
| nullable int32u targetSoftwareVersion = 3; |
| } |
| |
| critical event VersionApplied = 1 { |
| int32u softwareVersion = 0; |
| int16u productID = 1; |
| } |
| |
| info event DownloadError = 2 { |
| int32u softwareVersion = 0; |
| int64u bytesDownloaded = 1; |
| nullable int8u progressPercent = 2; |
| nullable int64s platformCode = 3; |
| } |
| |
| attribute ProviderLocation defaultOTAProviders[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute boolean updatePossible = 1; |
| readonly attribute UpdateStateEnum updateState = 2; |
| readonly attribute nullable int8u updateStateProgress = 3; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct AnnounceOTAProviderRequest { |
| node_id providerNodeID = 0; |
| vendor_id vendorID = 1; |
| AnnouncementReasonEnum announcementReason = 2; |
| optional octet_string<512> metadataForNode = 3; |
| endpoint_no endpoint = 4; |
| } |
| |
| command AnnounceOTAProvider(AnnounceOTAProviderRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster is used to manage global aspects of the Commissioning flow. */ |
| server cluster GeneralCommissioning = 48 { |
| enum CommissioningErrorEnum : enum8 { |
| kOK = 0; |
| kValueOutsideRange = 1; |
| kInvalidAuthentication = 2; |
| kNoFailSafe = 3; |
| kBusyWithOtherAdmin = 4; |
| } |
| |
| enum RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum : enum8 { |
| kIndoor = 0; |
| kOutdoor = 1; |
| kIndoorOutdoor = 2; |
| } |
| |
| struct BasicCommissioningInfo { |
| int16u failSafeExpiryLengthSeconds = 0; |
| int16u maxCumulativeFailsafeSeconds = 1; |
| } |
| |
| attribute access(write: administer) int64u breadcrumb = 0; |
| readonly attribute BasicCommissioningInfo basicCommissioningInfo = 1; |
| readonly attribute RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum regulatoryConfig = 2; |
| readonly attribute RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum locationCapability = 3; |
| readonly attribute boolean supportsConcurrentConnection = 4; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct ArmFailSafeRequest { |
| int16u expiryLengthSeconds = 0; |
| int64u breadcrumb = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct SetRegulatoryConfigRequest { |
| RegulatoryLocationTypeEnum newRegulatoryConfig = 0; |
| char_string<2> countryCode = 1; |
| int64u breadcrumb = 2; |
| } |
| |
| response struct ArmFailSafeResponse = 1 { |
| CommissioningErrorEnum errorCode = 0; |
| char_string<128> debugText = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct SetRegulatoryConfigResponse = 3 { |
| CommissioningErrorEnum errorCode = 0; |
| char_string debugText = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct CommissioningCompleteResponse = 5 { |
| CommissioningErrorEnum errorCode = 0; |
| char_string debugText = 1; |
| } |
| |
| command access(invoke: administer) ArmFailSafe(ArmFailSafeRequest): ArmFailSafeResponse = 0; |
| command access(invoke: administer) SetRegulatoryConfig(SetRegulatoryConfigRequest): SetRegulatoryConfigResponse = 2; |
| fabric command access(invoke: administer) CommissioningComplete(): CommissioningCompleteResponse = 4; |
| } |
| |
| /** Functionality to configure, enable, disable network credentials and access on a Matter device. */ |
| server cluster NetworkCommissioning = 49 { |
| enum NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum : enum8 { |
| kSuccess = 0; |
| kOutOfRange = 1; |
| kBoundsExceeded = 2; |
| kNetworkIDNotFound = 3; |
| kDuplicateNetworkID = 4; |
| kNetworkNotFound = 5; |
| kRegulatoryError = 6; |
| kAuthFailure = 7; |
| kUnsupportedSecurity = 8; |
| kOtherConnectionFailure = 9; |
| kIPV6Failed = 10; |
| kIPBindFailed = 11; |
| kUnknownError = 12; |
| } |
| |
| enum WiFiBandEnum : enum8 { |
| k2G4 = 0; |
| k3G65 = 1; |
| k5G = 2; |
| k6G = 3; |
| k60G = 4; |
| k1G = 5; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : bitmap32 { |
| kWiFiNetworkInterface = 0x1; |
| kThreadNetworkInterface = 0x2; |
| kEthernetNetworkInterface = 0x4; |
| kPerDeviceCredentials = 0x8; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap ThreadCapabilitiesBitmap : bitmap16 { |
| kIsBorderRouterCapable = 0x1; |
| kIsRouterCapable = 0x2; |
| kIsSleepyEndDeviceCapable = 0x4; |
| kIsFullThreadDevice = 0x8; |
| kIsSynchronizedSleepyEndDeviceCapable = 0x10; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap WiFiSecurityBitmap : bitmap8 { |
| kUnencrypted = 0x1; |
| kWEP = 0x2; |
| kWPAPersonal = 0x4; |
| kWPA2Personal = 0x8; |
| kWPA3Personal = 0x10; |
| kWPA3MatterPDC = 0x20; |
| } |
| |
| struct NetworkInfoStruct { |
| octet_string<32> networkID = 0; |
| boolean connected = 1; |
| optional nullable octet_string<20> networkIdentifier = 2; |
| optional nullable octet_string<20> clientIdentifier = 3; |
| } |
| |
| struct ThreadInterfaceScanResultStruct { |
| int16u panId = 0; |
| int64u extendedPanId = 1; |
| char_string<16> networkName = 2; |
| int16u channel = 3; |
| int8u version = 4; |
| octet_string<8> extendedAddress = 5; |
| int8s rssi = 6; |
| int8u lqi = 7; |
| } |
| |
| struct WiFiInterfaceScanResultStruct { |
| WiFiSecurityBitmap security = 0; |
| octet_string<32> ssid = 1; |
| octet_string<6> bssid = 2; |
| int16u channel = 3; |
| WiFiBandEnum wiFiBand = 4; |
| int8s rssi = 5; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute access(read: administer) int8u maxNetworks = 0; |
| readonly attribute access(read: administer) NetworkInfoStruct networks[] = 1; |
| readonly attribute int8u scanMaxTimeSeconds = 2; |
| readonly attribute int8u connectMaxTimeSeconds = 3; |
| attribute access(write: administer) boolean interfaceEnabled = 4; |
| readonly attribute access(read: administer) nullable NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum lastNetworkingStatus = 5; |
| readonly attribute access(read: administer) nullable octet_string<32> lastNetworkID = 6; |
| readonly attribute access(read: administer) nullable int32s lastConnectErrorValue = 7; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct ScanNetworksRequest { |
| optional nullable octet_string<32> ssid = 0; |
| optional int64u breadcrumb = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct AddOrUpdateThreadNetworkRequest { |
| octet_string<254> operationalDataset = 0; |
| optional int64u breadcrumb = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct RemoveNetworkRequest { |
| octet_string<32> networkID = 0; |
| optional int64u breadcrumb = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct ConnectNetworkRequest { |
| octet_string<32> networkID = 0; |
| optional int64u breadcrumb = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct ReorderNetworkRequest { |
| octet_string<32> networkID = 0; |
| int8u networkIndex = 1; |
| optional int64u breadcrumb = 2; |
| } |
| |
| response struct ScanNetworksResponse = 1 { |
| NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum networkingStatus = 0; |
| optional char_string debugText = 1; |
| optional WiFiInterfaceScanResultStruct wiFiScanResults[] = 2; |
| optional ThreadInterfaceScanResultStruct threadScanResults[] = 3; |
| } |
| |
| response struct NetworkConfigResponse = 5 { |
| NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum networkingStatus = 0; |
| optional char_string<512> debugText = 1; |
| optional int8u networkIndex = 2; |
| optional octet_string<140> clientIdentity = 3; |
| optional octet_string<64> possessionSignature = 4; |
| } |
| |
| response struct ConnectNetworkResponse = 7 { |
| NetworkCommissioningStatusEnum networkingStatus = 0; |
| optional char_string debugText = 1; |
| nullable int32s errorValue = 2; |
| } |
| |
| command access(invoke: administer) ScanNetworks(ScanNetworksRequest): ScanNetworksResponse = 0; |
| command access(invoke: administer) AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork(AddOrUpdateThreadNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 3; |
| command access(invoke: administer) RemoveNetwork(RemoveNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 4; |
| command access(invoke: administer) ConnectNetwork(ConnectNetworkRequest): ConnectNetworkResponse = 6; |
| command access(invoke: administer) ReorderNetwork(ReorderNetworkRequest): NetworkConfigResponse = 8; |
| } |
| |
| /** The General Diagnostics Cluster, along with other diagnostics clusters, provide a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrative Node in diagnosing potential problems. */ |
| server cluster GeneralDiagnostics = 51 { |
| enum BootReasonEnum : enum8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kPowerOnReboot = 1; |
| kBrownOutReset = 2; |
| kSoftwareWatchdogReset = 3; |
| kHardwareWatchdogReset = 4; |
| kSoftwareUpdateCompleted = 5; |
| kSoftwareReset = 6; |
| } |
| |
| enum HardwareFaultEnum : enum8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kRadio = 1; |
| kSensor = 2; |
| kResettableOverTemp = 3; |
| kNonResettableOverTemp = 4; |
| kPowerSource = 5; |
| kVisualDisplayFault = 6; |
| kAudioOutputFault = 7; |
| kUserInterfaceFault = 8; |
| kNonVolatileMemoryError = 9; |
| kTamperDetected = 10; |
| } |
| |
| enum InterfaceTypeEnum : enum8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kWiFi = 1; |
| kEthernet = 2; |
| kCellular = 3; |
| kThread = 4; |
| } |
| |
| enum NetworkFaultEnum : enum8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kHardwareFailure = 1; |
| kNetworkJammed = 2; |
| kConnectionFailed = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum RadioFaultEnum : enum8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kWiFiFault = 1; |
| kCellularFault = 2; |
| kThreadFault = 3; |
| kNFCFault = 4; |
| kBLEFault = 5; |
| kEthernetFault = 6; |
| } |
| |
| struct NetworkInterface { |
| char_string<32> name = 0; |
| boolean isOperational = 1; |
| nullable boolean offPremiseServicesReachableIPv4 = 2; |
| nullable boolean offPremiseServicesReachableIPv6 = 3; |
| octet_string<8> hardwareAddress = 4; |
| octet_string IPv4Addresses[] = 5; |
| octet_string IPv6Addresses[] = 6; |
| InterfaceTypeEnum type = 7; |
| } |
| |
| critical event HardwareFaultChange = 0 { |
| HardwareFaultEnum current[] = 0; |
| HardwareFaultEnum previous[] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| critical event RadioFaultChange = 1 { |
| RadioFaultEnum current[] = 0; |
| RadioFaultEnum previous[] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| critical event NetworkFaultChange = 2 { |
| NetworkFaultEnum current[] = 0; |
| NetworkFaultEnum previous[] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| critical event BootReason = 3 { |
| BootReasonEnum bootReason = 0; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute NetworkInterface networkInterfaces[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute int16u rebootCount = 1; |
| readonly attribute int64u upTime = 2; |
| readonly attribute boolean testEventTriggersEnabled = 8; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct TestEventTriggerRequest { |
| octet_string<16> enableKey = 0; |
| int64u eventTrigger = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct TimeSnapshotResponse = 2 { |
| systime_us systemTimeUs = 0; |
| nullable epoch_us UTCTimeUs = 1; |
| } |
| |
| command access(invoke: manage) TestEventTrigger(TestEventTriggerRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| command TimeSnapshot(): TimeSnapshotResponse = 1; |
| } |
| |
| /** The Thread Network Diagnostics Cluster provides a means to acquire standardized diagnostics metrics that MAY be used by a Node to assist a user or Administrative Node in diagnosing potential problems */ |
| server cluster ThreadNetworkDiagnostics = 53 { |
| enum ConnectionStatusEnum : enum8 { |
| kConnected = 0; |
| kNotConnected = 1; |
| } |
| |
| enum NetworkFaultEnum : enum8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kLinkDown = 1; |
| kHardwareFailure = 2; |
| kNetworkJammed = 3; |
| } |
| |
| enum RoutingRoleEnum : enum8 { |
| kUnspecified = 0; |
| kUnassigned = 1; |
| kSleepyEndDevice = 2; |
| kEndDevice = 3; |
| kREED = 4; |
| kRouter = 5; |
| kLeader = 6; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : bitmap32 { |
| kPacketCounts = 0x1; |
| kErrorCounts = 0x2; |
| kMLECounts = 0x4; |
| kMACCounts = 0x8; |
| } |
| |
| struct NeighborTableStruct { |
| int64u extAddress = 0; |
| int32u age = 1; |
| int16u rloc16 = 2; |
| int32u linkFrameCounter = 3; |
| int32u mleFrameCounter = 4; |
| int8u lqi = 5; |
| nullable int8s averageRssi = 6; |
| nullable int8s lastRssi = 7; |
| int8u frameErrorRate = 8; |
| int8u messageErrorRate = 9; |
| boolean rxOnWhenIdle = 10; |
| boolean fullThreadDevice = 11; |
| boolean fullNetworkData = 12; |
| boolean isChild = 13; |
| } |
| |
| struct OperationalDatasetComponents { |
| boolean activeTimestampPresent = 0; |
| boolean pendingTimestampPresent = 1; |
| boolean masterKeyPresent = 2; |
| boolean networkNamePresent = 3; |
| boolean extendedPanIdPresent = 4; |
| boolean meshLocalPrefixPresent = 5; |
| boolean delayPresent = 6; |
| boolean panIdPresent = 7; |
| boolean channelPresent = 8; |
| boolean pskcPresent = 9; |
| boolean securityPolicyPresent = 10; |
| boolean channelMaskPresent = 11; |
| } |
| |
| struct RouteTableStruct { |
| int64u extAddress = 0; |
| int16u rloc16 = 1; |
| int8u routerId = 2; |
| int8u nextHop = 3; |
| int8u pathCost = 4; |
| int8u LQIIn = 5; |
| int8u LQIOut = 6; |
| int8u age = 7; |
| boolean allocated = 8; |
| boolean linkEstablished = 9; |
| } |
| |
| struct SecurityPolicy { |
| int16u rotationTime = 0; |
| int16u flags = 1; |
| } |
| |
| info event ConnectionStatus = 0 { |
| ConnectionStatusEnum connectionStatus = 0; |
| } |
| |
| info event NetworkFaultChange = 1 { |
| NetworkFaultEnum current[] = 0; |
| NetworkFaultEnum previous[] = 1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u channel = 0; |
| readonly attribute nullable RoutingRoleEnum routingRole = 1; |
| readonly attribute nullable char_string<16> networkName = 2; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u panId = 3; |
| readonly attribute nullable int64u extendedPanId = 4; |
| readonly attribute nullable octet_string<17> meshLocalPrefix = 5; |
| readonly attribute NeighborTableStruct neighborTable[] = 7; |
| readonly attribute RouteTableStruct routeTable[] = 8; |
| readonly attribute nullable int32u partitionId = 9; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u weighting = 10; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u dataVersion = 11; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u stableDataVersion = 12; |
| readonly attribute nullable int8u leaderRouterId = 13; |
| readonly attribute nullable SecurityPolicy securityPolicy = 59; |
| readonly attribute nullable octet_string<4> channelPage0Mask = 60; |
| readonly attribute nullable OperationalDatasetComponents operationalDatasetComponents = 61; |
| readonly attribute NetworkFaultEnum activeNetworkFaultsList[] = 62; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| command access(invoke: manage) ResetCounts(): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| } |
| |
| /** Commands to trigger a Node to allow a new Administrator to commission it. */ |
| server cluster AdministratorCommissioning = 60 { |
| enum CommissioningWindowStatusEnum : enum8 { |
| kWindowNotOpen = 0; |
| kEnhancedWindowOpen = 1; |
| kBasicWindowOpen = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum StatusCode : enum8 { |
| kBusy = 2; |
| kPAKEParameterError = 3; |
| kWindowNotOpen = 4; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : bitmap32 { |
| kBasic = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute CommissioningWindowStatusEnum windowStatus = 0; |
| readonly attribute nullable fabric_idx adminFabricIndex = 1; |
| readonly attribute nullable vendor_id adminVendorId = 2; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct OpenCommissioningWindowRequest { |
| int16u commissioningTimeout = 0; |
| octet_string PAKEPasscodeVerifier = 1; |
| int16u discriminator = 2; |
| int32u iterations = 3; |
| octet_string<32> salt = 4; |
| } |
| |
| request struct OpenBasicCommissioningWindowRequest { |
| int16u commissioningTimeout = 0; |
| } |
| |
| timed command access(invoke: administer) OpenCommissioningWindow(OpenCommissioningWindowRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| timed command access(invoke: administer) OpenBasicCommissioningWindow(OpenBasicCommissioningWindowRequest): DefaultSuccess = 1; |
| timed command access(invoke: administer) RevokeCommissioning(): DefaultSuccess = 2; |
| } |
| |
| /** This cluster is used to add or remove Operational Credentials on a Commissionee or Node, as well as manage the associated Fabrics. */ |
| server cluster OperationalCredentials = 62 { |
| enum CertificateChainTypeEnum : enum8 { |
| kDACCertificate = 1; |
| kPAICertificate = 2; |
| } |
| |
| enum NodeOperationalCertStatusEnum : enum8 { |
| kOK = 0; |
| kInvalidPublicKey = 1; |
| kInvalidNodeOpId = 2; |
| kInvalidNOC = 3; |
| kMissingCsr = 4; |
| kTableFull = 5; |
| kInvalidAdminSubject = 6; |
| kFabricConflict = 9; |
| kLabelConflict = 10; |
| kInvalidFabricIndex = 11; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_scoped struct FabricDescriptorStruct { |
| octet_string<65> rootPublicKey = 1; |
| vendor_id vendorID = 2; |
| fabric_id fabricID = 3; |
| node_id nodeID = 4; |
| char_string<32> label = 5; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_scoped struct NOCStruct { |
| fabric_sensitive octet_string noc = 1; |
| nullable fabric_sensitive octet_string icac = 2; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute access(read: administer) NOCStruct NOCs[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute FabricDescriptorStruct fabrics[] = 1; |
| readonly attribute int8u supportedFabrics = 2; |
| readonly attribute int8u commissionedFabrics = 3; |
| readonly attribute octet_string trustedRootCertificates[] = 4; |
| readonly attribute int8u currentFabricIndex = 5; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct AttestationRequestRequest { |
| octet_string<32> attestationNonce = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct CertificateChainRequestRequest { |
| CertificateChainTypeEnum certificateType = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct CSRRequestRequest { |
| octet_string<32> CSRNonce = 0; |
| optional boolean isForUpdateNOC = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct AddNOCRequest { |
| octet_string<400> NOCValue = 0; |
| optional octet_string<400> ICACValue = 1; |
| octet_string<16> IPKValue = 2; |
| int64u caseAdminSubject = 3; |
| vendor_id adminVendorId = 4; |
| } |
| |
| request struct UpdateNOCRequest { |
| octet_string NOCValue = 0; |
| optional octet_string ICACValue = 1; |
| } |
| |
| request struct UpdateFabricLabelRequest { |
| char_string<32> label = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct RemoveFabricRequest { |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct AddTrustedRootCertificateRequest { |
| octet_string rootCACertificate = 0; |
| } |
| |
| response struct AttestationResponse = 1 { |
| octet_string<900> attestationElements = 0; |
| octet_string<64> attestationSignature = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct CertificateChainResponse = 3 { |
| octet_string<600> certificate = 0; |
| } |
| |
| response struct CSRResponse = 5 { |
| octet_string NOCSRElements = 0; |
| octet_string attestationSignature = 1; |
| } |
| |
| response struct NOCResponse = 8 { |
| NodeOperationalCertStatusEnum statusCode = 0; |
| optional fabric_idx fabricIndex = 1; |
| optional char_string<128> debugText = 2; |
| } |
| |
| command access(invoke: administer) AttestationRequest(AttestationRequestRequest): AttestationResponse = 0; |
| command access(invoke: administer) CertificateChainRequest(CertificateChainRequestRequest): CertificateChainResponse = 2; |
| command access(invoke: administer) CSRRequest(CSRRequestRequest): CSRResponse = 4; |
| command access(invoke: administer) AddNOC(AddNOCRequest): NOCResponse = 6; |
| fabric command access(invoke: administer) UpdateNOC(UpdateNOCRequest): NOCResponse = 7; |
| fabric command access(invoke: administer) UpdateFabricLabel(UpdateFabricLabelRequest): NOCResponse = 9; |
| command access(invoke: administer) RemoveFabric(RemoveFabricRequest): NOCResponse = 10; |
| command access(invoke: administer) AddTrustedRootCertificate(AddTrustedRootCertificateRequest): DefaultSuccess = 11; |
| } |
| |
| /** The Group Key Management Cluster is the mechanism by which group keys are managed. */ |
| server cluster GroupKeyManagement = 63 { |
| enum GroupKeySecurityPolicyEnum : enum8 { |
| kTrustFirst = 0; |
| kCacheAndSync = 1; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : bitmap32 { |
| kCacheAndSync = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_scoped struct GroupInfoMapStruct { |
| group_id groupId = 1; |
| endpoint_no endpoints[] = 2; |
| optional char_string<16> groupName = 3; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| fabric_scoped struct GroupKeyMapStruct { |
| group_id groupId = 1; |
| int16u groupKeySetID = 2; |
| fabric_idx fabricIndex = 254; |
| } |
| |
| struct GroupKeySetStruct { |
| int16u groupKeySetID = 0; |
| GroupKeySecurityPolicyEnum groupKeySecurityPolicy = 1; |
| nullable octet_string<16> epochKey0 = 2; |
| nullable epoch_us epochStartTime0 = 3; |
| nullable octet_string<16> epochKey1 = 4; |
| nullable epoch_us epochStartTime1 = 5; |
| nullable octet_string<16> epochKey2 = 6; |
| nullable epoch_us epochStartTime2 = 7; |
| } |
| |
| attribute access(write: manage) GroupKeyMapStruct groupKeyMap[] = 0; |
| readonly attribute GroupInfoMapStruct groupTable[] = 1; |
| readonly attribute int16u maxGroupsPerFabric = 2; |
| readonly attribute int16u maxGroupKeysPerFabric = 3; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| |
| request struct KeySetWriteRequest { |
| GroupKeySetStruct groupKeySet = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct KeySetReadRequest { |
| int16u groupKeySetID = 0; |
| } |
| |
| request struct KeySetRemoveRequest { |
| int16u groupKeySetID = 0; |
| } |
| |
| response struct KeySetReadResponse = 2 { |
| GroupKeySetStruct groupKeySet = 0; |
| } |
| |
| response struct KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse = 5 { |
| int16u groupKeySetIDs[] = 0; |
| } |
| |
| fabric command access(invoke: administer) KeySetWrite(KeySetWriteRequest): DefaultSuccess = 0; |
| fabric command access(invoke: administer) KeySetRead(KeySetReadRequest): KeySetReadResponse = 1; |
| fabric command access(invoke: administer) KeySetRemove(KeySetRemoveRequest): DefaultSuccess = 3; |
| fabric command access(invoke: administer) KeySetReadAllIndices(): KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse = 4; |
| } |
| |
| /** An interface for configuring and controlling pumps. */ |
| server cluster PumpConfigurationAndControl = 512 { |
| enum ControlModeEnum : enum8 { |
| kConstantSpeed = 0; |
| kConstantPressure = 1; |
| kProportionalPressure = 2; |
| kConstantFlow = 3; |
| kConstantTemperature = 5; |
| kAutomatic = 7; |
| } |
| |
| enum OperationModeEnum : enum8 { |
| kNormal = 0; |
| kMinimum = 1; |
| kMaximum = 2; |
| kLocal = 3; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap Feature : bitmap32 { |
| kConstantPressure = 0x1; |
| kCompensatedPressure = 0x2; |
| kConstantFlow = 0x4; |
| kConstantSpeed = 0x8; |
| kConstantTemperature = 0x10; |
| kAutomatic = 0x20; |
| kLocalOperation = 0x40; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap PumpStatusBitmap : bitmap16 { |
| kDeviceFault = 0x1; |
| kSupplyFault = 0x2; |
| kSpeedLow = 0x4; |
| kSpeedHigh = 0x8; |
| kLocalOverride = 0x10; |
| kRunning = 0x20; |
| kRemotePressure = 0x40; |
| kRemoteFlow = 0x80; |
| kRemoteTemperature = 0x100; |
| } |
| |
| info event SupplyVoltageLow = 0 { |
| } |
| |
| info event SupplyVoltageHigh = 1 { |
| } |
| |
| info event PowerMissingPhase = 2 { |
| } |
| |
| info event SystemPressureLow = 3 { |
| } |
| |
| info event SystemPressureHigh = 4 { |
| } |
| |
| critical event DryRunning = 5 { |
| } |
| |
| info event MotorTemperatureHigh = 6 { |
| } |
| |
| critical event PumpMotorFatalFailure = 7 { |
| } |
| |
| info event ElectronicTemperatureHigh = 8 { |
| } |
| |
| critical event PumpBlocked = 9 { |
| } |
| |
| info event SensorFailure = 10 { |
| } |
| |
| info event ElectronicNonFatalFailure = 11 { |
| } |
| |
| critical event ElectronicFatalFailure = 12 { |
| } |
| |
| info event GeneralFault = 13 { |
| } |
| |
| info event Leakage = 14 { |
| } |
| |
| info event AirDetection = 15 { |
| } |
| |
| info event TurbineOperation = 16 { |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s maxPressure = 0; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u maxSpeed = 1; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u maxFlow = 2; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s minConstPressure = 3; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s maxConstPressure = 4; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s minCompPressure = 5; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s maxCompPressure = 6; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u minConstSpeed = 7; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u maxConstSpeed = 8; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u minConstFlow = 9; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u maxConstFlow = 10; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s minConstTemp = 11; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s maxConstTemp = 12; |
| readonly attribute PumpStatusBitmap pumpStatus = 16; |
| readonly attribute OperationModeEnum effectiveOperationMode = 17; |
| readonly attribute ControlModeEnum effectiveControlMode = 18; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s capacity = 19; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u speed = 20; |
| attribute access(write: manage) nullable int24u lifetimeRunningHours = 21; |
| readonly attribute nullable int24u power = 22; |
| attribute access(write: manage) nullable int32u lifetimeEnergyConsumed = 23; |
| attribute access(write: manage) OperationModeEnum operationMode = 32; |
| attribute access(write: manage) ControlModeEnum controlMode = 33; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for configuring the measurement of temperature, and reporting temperature measurements. */ |
| server cluster TemperatureMeasurement = 1026 { |
| readonly attribute nullable temperature measuredValue = 0; |
| readonly attribute nullable temperature minMeasuredValue = 1; |
| readonly attribute nullable temperature maxMeasuredValue = 2; |
| readonly attribute int16u tolerance = 3; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for configuring the measurement of pressure, and reporting pressure measurements. */ |
| server cluster PressureMeasurement = 1027 { |
| bitmap Feature : bitmap32 { |
| kExtended = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s measuredValue = 0; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s minMeasuredValue = 1; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s maxMeasuredValue = 2; |
| readonly attribute int16u tolerance = 3; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s scaledValue = 16; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s minScaledValue = 17; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16s maxScaledValue = 18; |
| readonly attribute int16u scaledTolerance = 19; |
| readonly attribute int8s scale = 20; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for configuring the measurement of flow, and reporting flow measurements. */ |
| server cluster FlowMeasurement = 1028 { |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u measuredValue = 0; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u minMeasuredValue = 1; |
| readonly attribute nullable int16u maxMeasuredValue = 2; |
| readonly attribute int16u tolerance = 3; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| /** Attributes and commands for configuring occupancy sensing, and reporting occupancy status. */ |
| client cluster OccupancySensing = 1030 { |
| enum OccupancySensorTypeEnum : enum8 { |
| kPIR = 0; |
| kUltrasonic = 1; |
| kPIRAndUltrasonic = 2; |
| kPhysicalContact = 3; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap OccupancyBitmap : bitmap8 { |
| kOccupied = 0x1; |
| } |
| |
| bitmap OccupancySensorTypeBitmap : bitmap8 { |
| kPIR = 0x1; |
| kUltrasonic = 0x2; |
| kPhysicalContact = 0x4; |
| } |
| |
| readonly attribute OccupancyBitmap occupancy = 0; |
| readonly attribute OccupancySensorTypeEnum occupancySensorType = 1; |
| readonly attribute OccupancySensorTypeBitmap occupancySensorTypeBitmap = 2; |
| attribute access(write: manage) optional int16u PIROccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay = 16; |
| attribute access(write: manage) optional int16u PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay = 17; |
| attribute access(write: manage) optional int8u PIRUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold = 18; |
| attribute access(write: manage) optional int16u ultrasonicOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay = 32; |
| attribute access(write: manage) optional int16u ultrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay = 33; |
| attribute access(write: manage) optional int8u ultrasonicUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold = 34; |
| attribute access(write: manage) optional int16u physicalContactOccupiedToUnoccupiedDelay = 48; |
| attribute access(write: manage) optional int16u physicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedDelay = 49; |
| attribute access(write: manage) optional int8u physicalContactUnoccupiedToOccupiedThreshold = 50; |
| readonly attribute command_id generatedCommandList[] = 65528; |
| readonly attribute command_id acceptedCommandList[] = 65529; |
| readonly attribute event_id eventList[] = 65530; |
| readonly attribute attrib_id attributeList[] = 65531; |
| readonly attribute bitmap32 featureMap = 65532; |
| readonly attribute int16u clusterRevision = 65533; |
| } |
| |
| endpoint 0 { |
| device type ma_rootdevice = 22, version 1; |
| |
| binding cluster OtaSoftwareUpdateProvider; |
| |
| server cluster Descriptor { |
| callback attribute deviceTypeList; |
| callback attribute serverList; |
| callback attribute clientList; |
| callback attribute partsList; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster AccessControl { |
| emits event AccessControlEntryChanged; |
| emits event AccessControlExtensionChanged; |
| callback attribute acl; |
| callback attribute extension; |
| callback attribute subjectsPerAccessControlEntry default = 4; |
| callback attribute targetsPerAccessControlEntry default = 3; |
| callback attribute accessControlEntriesPerFabric default = 4; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster BasicInformation { |
| emits event StartUp; |
| emits event ShutDown; |
| emits event Leave; |
| callback attribute dataModelRevision default = 10; |
| callback attribute vendorName; |
| callback attribute vendorID; |
| callback attribute productName; |
| callback attribute productID; |
| persist attribute nodeLabel; |
| callback attribute location default = "XX"; |
| callback attribute hardwareVersion default = 0; |
| callback attribute hardwareVersionString; |
| callback attribute softwareVersion default = 0; |
| callback attribute softwareVersionString; |
| callback attribute manufacturingDate default = "20210614123456ZZ"; |
| callback attribute partNumber; |
| callback attribute productURL; |
| callback attribute productLabel; |
| callback attribute serialNumber; |
| callback attribute capabilityMinima; |
| callback attribute specificationVersion; |
| callback attribute maxPathsPerInvoke; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 3; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster OtaSoftwareUpdateRequestor { |
| emits event StateTransition; |
| emits event VersionApplied; |
| emits event DownloadError; |
| callback attribute defaultOTAProviders; |
| ram attribute updatePossible default = 1; |
| ram attribute updateState default = 0; |
| ram attribute updateStateProgress; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command AnnounceOTAProvider; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster GeneralCommissioning { |
| ram attribute breadcrumb default = 0x0000000000000000; |
| callback attribute basicCommissioningInfo; |
| callback attribute regulatoryConfig default = 0; |
| callback attribute locationCapability default = 0; |
| callback attribute supportsConcurrentConnection default = 1; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command ArmFailSafe; |
| handle command ArmFailSafeResponse; |
| handle command SetRegulatoryConfig; |
| handle command SetRegulatoryConfigResponse; |
| handle command CommissioningComplete; |
| handle command CommissioningCompleteResponse; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster NetworkCommissioning { |
| ram attribute maxNetworks; |
| callback attribute networks; |
| ram attribute scanMaxTimeSeconds; |
| ram attribute connectMaxTimeSeconds; |
| ram attribute interfaceEnabled; |
| ram attribute lastNetworkingStatus; |
| ram attribute lastNetworkID; |
| ram attribute lastConnectErrorValue; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 2; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command ScanNetworks; |
| handle command ScanNetworksResponse; |
| handle command AddOrUpdateThreadNetwork; |
| handle command RemoveNetwork; |
| handle command NetworkConfigResponse; |
| handle command ConnectNetwork; |
| handle command ConnectNetworkResponse; |
| handle command ReorderNetwork; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster GeneralDiagnostics { |
| emits event BootReason; |
| callback attribute networkInterfaces; |
| callback attribute rebootCount default = 0x0000; |
| callback attribute upTime default = 0x0000000000000000; |
| callback attribute testEventTriggersEnabled default = false; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 0x0002; |
| |
| handle command TestEventTrigger; |
| handle command TimeSnapshot; |
| handle command TimeSnapshotResponse; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster ThreadNetworkDiagnostics { |
| callback attribute channel; |
| callback attribute routingRole; |
| callback attribute networkName default = "0"; |
| callback attribute panId default = 0x0000; |
| callback attribute extendedPanId default = 0x0000000000000000; |
| callback attribute meshLocalPrefix; |
| callback attribute neighborTable; |
| callback attribute routeTable; |
| callback attribute partitionId; |
| callback attribute weighting; |
| callback attribute dataVersion; |
| callback attribute stableDataVersion; |
| callback attribute leaderRouterId; |
| callback attribute securityPolicy; |
| callback attribute channelPage0Mask default = "0x0000"; |
| callback attribute operationalDatasetComponents; |
| callback attribute activeNetworkFaultsList; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0x0000; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command ResetCounts; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster AdministratorCommissioning { |
| callback attribute windowStatus default = 0; |
| callback attribute adminFabricIndex default = 1; |
| callback attribute adminVendorId default = 0; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 1; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command OpenCommissioningWindow; |
| handle command OpenBasicCommissioningWindow; |
| handle command RevokeCommissioning; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster OperationalCredentials { |
| callback attribute NOCs; |
| callback attribute fabrics; |
| callback attribute supportedFabrics; |
| callback attribute commissionedFabrics; |
| callback attribute trustedRootCertificates; |
| callback attribute currentFabricIndex; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command AttestationRequest; |
| handle command AttestationResponse; |
| handle command CertificateChainRequest; |
| handle command CertificateChainResponse; |
| handle command CSRRequest; |
| handle command CSRResponse; |
| handle command AddNOC; |
| handle command UpdateNOC; |
| handle command NOCResponse; |
| handle command UpdateFabricLabel; |
| handle command RemoveFabric; |
| handle command AddTrustedRootCertificate; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster GroupKeyManagement { |
| callback attribute groupKeyMap; |
| callback attribute groupTable; |
| callback attribute maxGroupsPerFabric; |
| callback attribute maxGroupKeysPerFabric; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| callback attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| |
| handle command KeySetWrite; |
| handle command KeySetRead; |
| handle command KeySetReadResponse; |
| handle command KeySetRemove; |
| handle command KeySetReadAllIndices; |
| handle command KeySetReadAllIndicesResponse; |
| } |
| } |
| endpoint 1 { |
| device type ma_pump = 771, version 1; |
| |
| binding cluster OccupancySensing; |
| |
| server cluster Identify { |
| ram attribute identifyTime default = 0x0; |
| ram attribute identifyType default = 0x2; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 2; |
| |
| handle command Identify; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster OnOff { |
| ram attribute onOff default = 0x00; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 4; |
| |
| handle command Off; |
| handle command On; |
| handle command Toggle; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster LevelControl { |
| ram attribute currentLevel default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute minLevel default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute maxLevel default = 0xC8; |
| ram attribute options default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute onLevel; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 1; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 5; |
| |
| handle command MoveToLevel; |
| handle command Move; |
| handle command Step; |
| handle command Stop; |
| handle command MoveToLevelWithOnOff; |
| handle command MoveWithOnOff; |
| handle command StepWithOnOff; |
| handle command StopWithOnOff; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster Descriptor { |
| callback attribute deviceTypeList; |
| callback attribute serverList; |
| callback attribute clientList; |
| callback attribute partsList; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| callback attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster Binding { |
| callback attribute binding; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 1; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster PumpConfigurationAndControl { |
| ram attribute maxPressure; |
| ram attribute maxSpeed; |
| ram attribute maxFlow; |
| ram attribute minConstPressure; |
| ram attribute maxConstPressure; |
| ram attribute minCompPressure; |
| ram attribute maxCompPressure; |
| ram attribute minConstSpeed; |
| ram attribute maxConstSpeed; |
| ram attribute minConstFlow; |
| ram attribute maxConstFlow; |
| ram attribute minConstTemp; |
| ram attribute maxConstTemp; |
| ram attribute pumpStatus default = 0; |
| ram attribute effectiveOperationMode default = 0; |
| ram attribute effectiveControlMode default = 0; |
| ram attribute capacity; |
| ram attribute speed; |
| ram attribute lifetimeRunningHours default = 0x000000; |
| ram attribute power; |
| ram attribute lifetimeEnergyConsumed default = 0x00000000; |
| ram attribute operationMode default = 0x00; |
| ram attribute controlMode default = 0x00; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 31; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 4; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster TemperatureMeasurement { |
| ram attribute measuredValue default = 0x8000; |
| ram attribute minMeasuredValue default = 0x8000; |
| ram attribute maxMeasuredValue default = 0x8000; |
| ram attribute tolerance default = 0; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 4; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster PressureMeasurement { |
| ram attribute measuredValue default = 0x0000; |
| ram attribute minMeasuredValue; |
| ram attribute maxMeasuredValue; |
| ram attribute tolerance default = 0; |
| ram attribute scaledValue default = 0x0000; |
| ram attribute minScaledValue default = 0; |
| ram attribute maxScaledValue default = 0; |
| ram attribute scaledTolerance default = 0; |
| ram attribute scale default = 0; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 3; |
| } |
| |
| server cluster FlowMeasurement { |
| ram attribute measuredValue default = 0x0000; |
| ram attribute minMeasuredValue; |
| ram attribute maxMeasuredValue; |
| ram attribute tolerance default = 0; |
| callback attribute generatedCommandList; |
| callback attribute acceptedCommandList; |
| callback attribute attributeList; |
| ram attribute featureMap default = 0; |
| ram attribute clusterRevision default = 3; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |