blob: ea15c0174f33b9372c8feab46448475a65887fb3 [file] [log] [blame]
syntax = "proto3";
import 'pw_protobuf_protos/common.proto';
package chip.rpc;
// This may eventually contain more attributes.
message BooleanStateState {
bool state_value = 1;
message BooleanStateSetRequest {
uint32 endpoint_id = 1;
bool state_value = 2;
message BooleanStateSetResponse {
uint64 event_number = 1;
message BooleanStateGetRequest {
uint32 endpoint_id = 1;
message BooleanStateGetResponse {
BooleanStateState state = 1;
service BooleanState {
// Set will return generated event number (caused by change) if all supported fields are successfully applied, any
// unsupported fields will be ignored.
rpc Set(BooleanStateSetRequest) returns (BooleanStateSetResponse){}
// Get will populate all of the supported boolean state cluster state fields
// with the current values.
rpc Get(BooleanStateGetRequest) returns (BooleanStateGetResponse){}