blob: 32f0b9bf61a2cfc15cf13e7d20e4335cc60b476d [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env -S python3 -B
# Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import logging
import os
import signal
import subprocess
import sys
import time
DEFAULT_CHIP_ROOT = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..'))
class TestDriver:
def __init__(self):
self.app_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(DEFAULT_CHIP_ROOT, 'out',
'linux-x64-all-clusters-ipv6only-no-ble-no-wifi-tsan-clang-test', 'chip-all-clusters-app'))
self.run_python_test_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), ''))
self.script_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
DEFAULT_CHIP_ROOT, 'src', 'python_testing', ''))
if not os.path.exists(self.app_path):
msg = 'chip-all-clusters-app not found'
raise FileNotFoundError(msg)
if not os.path.exists(self.run_python_test_path):
msg = ' script not found'
raise FileNotFoundError(msg)
if not os.path.exists(self.script_path):
msg = ' script not found'
raise FileNotFoundError(msg)
def get_base_run_python_cmd(self, run_python_test_path, app_path, app_args, script_path, script_args):
return f'{str(run_python_test_path)} --app {str(app_path)} --app-args "{app_args}" --script {str(script_path)} --script-args "{script_args}"'
def run_test_section(self, app_args: str, script_args: str, factory_reset_all: bool = False, factory_reset_app: bool = False) -> int:
# quotes are required here
cmd = self.get_base_run_python_cmd(self.run_python_test_path, self.app_path, app_args,
self.script_path, script_args)
if factory_reset_all:
cmd = cmd + ' --factoryreset'
if factory_reset_app:
cmd = cmd + ' --factoryreset-app-only''Running cmd {cmd}')
process = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, shell=True, bufsize=1)
return process.wait()
def kill_process(app2_process):
logging.warning("Stopping app with SIGINT")
def main():
# in the first round, we're just going to commission the device
base_app_args = '--discriminator 1234 --KVS kvs1'
app_args = base_app_args
base_script_args = '--storage-path admin_storage.json --discriminator 1234 --passcode 20202021'
script_args = base_script_args + ' --commissioning-method on-network --commission-only'
driver = TestDriver()
ret = driver.run_test_section(app_args, script_args, factory_reset_all=True)
if ret != 0:
return ret
# For this test, we need to have a time source set up already for the simulated no-internal-time source to query.
# This means it needs to be commissioned onto the same fabric, and the ACLs need to be set up to allow
# access to the time source cluster.
# This simulates the second device, so its using a different KVS and nodeid, which will allow both apps to run simultaneously
app2_args = '--discriminator 1235 --KVS kvs2 --secured-device-port 5580'
script_args = '--storage-path admin_storage.json --discriminator 1235 --passcode 20202021 --commissioning-method on-network --dut-node-id 2 --tests test_SetupTimeSourceACL'
ret = driver.run_test_section(app2_args, script_args, factory_reset_app=True)
if ret != 0:
return ret
# Now we've got something commissioned, we're going to test what happens when it resets, but we're simulating no time.
# In this case, the commissioner hasn't set the time after the reboot, so there should be no time returned (checked in test)
app_args = base_app_args + ' --simulate-no-internal-time'
script_args = base_script_args + ' --tests test_SimulateNoInternalTime'
ret = driver.run_test_section(app_args, script_args)
if ret != 0:
return ret
# Make sure we come up with internal time correctly if we don't set that flag
app_args = base_app_args
script_args = base_script_args + ' --tests test_HaveInternalTime'
ret = driver.run_test_section(app_args, script_args)
if ret != 0:
return ret
# Bring up app2 again, it needs to run for the duration of the next test so app1 has a place to query time
# App1 will come up, it is simulating having no internal time (confirmed in previous test), but we have
# set up app2 as the trusted time source, so it should query out to app2 for the time.
app2_cmd = str(driver.app_path) + ' ' + app2_args
app2_process = subprocess.Popen(app2_cmd.split(), stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr, bufsize=0)
# Give app2 a second to come up and start advertising
# This first test ensures that we read from the trusted time source right after it is set.
app_args = base_app_args + ' --simulate-no-internal-time --trace_decode 1'
script_args = base_script_args + ' --tests test_SetAndReadFromTrustedTimeSource --int-arg trusted_time_source:2'
ret = driver.run_test_section(app_args, script_args)
if ret != 0:
return ret
# This next test ensures the trusted time source is saved during a reboot
script_args = base_script_args + ' --tests test_ReadFromTrustedTimeSource'
ret = driver.run_test_section(app_args, script_args)
if __name__ == '__main__':