blob: 6d172767662a69fcb45862c8c4560a1285ec9e9d [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2024 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
#include "BridgedDevice.h"
#include <memory>
namespace bridge {
class BridgedDeviceManager
BridgedDeviceManager() = default;
* @brief Initializes the BridgedDeviceManager.
* This function sets up the initial state of the BridgedDeviceManager, clearing
* any existing devices and setting the starting dynamic endpoint ID.
void Init();
* @brief Adds a device to a dynamic endpoint.
* This function attempts to add a device to a dynamic endpoint. It tries to find an available
* endpoint slot and retries the addition process up to a specified maximum number of times if
* the endpoint already exists. If the addition is successful, it returns the index of the
* dynamic endpoint;
* Ensures that the device has a unique id:
* - device MUST set its unique id if any BEFORE calling this method
* - if no unique id (i.e. empty string), a new unique id will be generated
* - Add will fail if the unique id is not unique
* @param dev A pointer to the device to be added.
* @param parentEndpointId The parent endpoint ID. Defaults to an invalid endpoint ID.
* @return uint16_t The index of the dynamic endpoint if successful, nullopt otherwise
std::optional<uint16_t> AddDeviceEndpoint(std::unique_ptr<BridgedDevice> dev,
chip::EndpointId parentEndpointId = chip::kInvalidEndpointId);
* @brief Removes a device from a dynamic endpoint.
* This function attempts to remove a device from a dynamic endpoint by iterating through the
* available endpoints and checking if the device matches. If the device is found, it clears the
* dynamic endpoint, logs the removal, and returns the index of the removed endpoint.
* If the device is not found, it returns -1.
* @param dev A pointer to the device to be removed.
* @return int The index of the removed dynamic endpoint if successful, -1 otherwise.
int RemoveDeviceEndpoint(BridgedDevice * dev);
* @brief Gets a device from its endpoint ID.
* This function iterates through the available devices and returns the device that matches the
* specified endpoint ID. If no device matches the endpoint ID, it returns nullptr.
* @param endpointId The endpoint ID of the device to be retrieved.
* @return BridgedDevice* A pointer to the device if found, nullptr otherwise.
BridgedDevice * GetDevice(chip::EndpointId endpointId) const;
* @brief Gets a device from its ScopedNodeId.
* This function iterates through the available devices and returns the device that matches the
* specified ScopedNodeId. If no device matches the ScopedNodeId, it returns nullptr.
* @param scopedNodeId The ScopedNodeId of the device to be retrieved.
* @return BridgedDevice* A pointer to the device if found, nullptr otherwise.
BridgedDevice * GetDeviceByScopedNodeId(chip::ScopedNodeId scopedNodeId) const;
* @brief Removes a device from a dynamic endpoint by its ScopedNodeId.
* This function attempts to remove a device and the associated dynamic endpoint by iterating through
* the available device and checking if the device matches the specified ScopedNodeId. If the device is
* found, it removes the dynamic endpoint.
* @param scopedNodeId The ScopedNodeId of the device to be removed.
* @return uint16_t of the index of the removed dynamic endpoint if successful, nullopt otherwise.
std::optional<uint16_t> RemoveDeviceByScopedNodeId(chip::ScopedNodeId scopedNodeId);
* Finds the device with the given unique id (if any)
BridgedDevice * GetDeviceByUniqueId(const std::string & id);
friend BridgedDeviceManager & BridgeDeviceMgr();
* Creates a new unique ID that is not used by any other mDevice
std::string GenerateUniqueId();
static BridgedDeviceManager sInstance;
chip::EndpointId mCurrentEndpointId;
chip::EndpointId mFirstDynamicEndpointId;
std::unique_ptr<BridgedDevice> mDevices[CHIP_DEVICE_CONFIG_DYNAMIC_ENDPOINT_COUNT + 1];
* Returns the public interface of the BridgedDeviceManager singleton object.
* Applications should use this to access features of the BridgedDeviceManager
* object.
inline BridgedDeviceManager & BridgeDeviceMgr()
return BridgedDeviceManager::sInstance;
} // namespace bridge