blob: 0a21244f342194d4e1b457142ddc41bd136c723f [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "WifiInterfaceAbstraction.h"
#include "silabs_utils.h"
#include "wfx_host_events.h"
#include <app/icd/server/ICDServerConfig.h>
#include <lib/support/CHIPMem.h>
#include <lib/support/CHIPMemString.h>
#include <lib/support/CodeUtils.h>
#include <lib/support/logging/CHIPLogging.h>
#include <platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
using namespace chip;
using namespace chip::DeviceLayer;
namespace {
constexpr uint8_t kWlanMinRetryIntervalsInSec = 1;
constexpr uint8_t kWlanMaxRetryIntervalsInSec = 60;
constexpr uint8_t kWlanRetryIntervalInSec = 5;
uint8_t retryInterval = kWlanMinRetryIntervalsInSec;
osTimerId_t sRetryTimer;
// TODO: Remove this when the full abstraction is implemented
#ifdef RS911X_WIFI
// Thread for the WLAN RSI
osThreadId_t sWlanThread;
constexpr uint32_t kWlanTaskSize = 2048;
uint8_t wlanStack[kWlanTaskSize];
osThread_t sWlanTaskControlBlock;
constexpr osThreadAttr_t kWlanTaskAttr = { .name = "wlan_rsi",
.attr_bits = osThreadDetached,
.cb_mem = &sWlanTaskControlBlock,
.cb_size = osThreadCbSize,
.stack_mem = wlanStack,
.stack_size = kWlanTaskSize,
.priority = osPriorityAboveNormal7 };
#endif // RS911X_WIFI
* Notifications to the upper-layer
* All done in the context of the RSI/WiFi task (rsi_if.c)
void RetryConnectionTimerHandler(void * arg)
wfx_rsi_power_save(RSI_ACTIVE, HIGH_PERFORMANCE);
if (wfx_connect_to_ap() != SL_STATUS_OK)
ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "wfx_connect_to_ap() failed.");
} // namespace
// TODO: Remove this when the full abstraction is implemented
#ifdef RS911X_WIFI
* @fn sl_status_t wfx_wifi_start(void)
* @brief
* Called from ConnectivityManagerImpl.cpp - to enable the device
* Create the RSI task and let it deal with life.
* @param[in] None
* @return Returns SL_STATUS_OK if successful,
* SL_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
sl_status_t wfx_wifi_start(void)
VerifyOrReturnError(!(wfx_rsi.dev_state & WFX_RSI_ST_STARTED), SL_STATUS_OK);
wfx_rsi.dev_state |= WFX_RSI_ST_STARTED;
// Creating a Wi-Fi driver thread
sWlanThread = osThreadNew(sl_matter_wifi_task, NULL, &kWlanTaskAttr);
VerifyOrReturnError(sWlanThread != NULL, SL_STATUS_FAIL);
ChipLogProgress(DeviceLayer, "sl_matter_wifi_task created successfully");
return SL_STATUS_OK;
* @fn void wfx_enable_sta_mode(void)
* @brief
* driver enable the STA mode
* @param[in] None
* @return None
void wfx_enable_sta_mode(void)
wfx_rsi.dev_state |= WFX_RSI_ST_STA_MODE;
* @fn bool wfx_is_sta_mode_enabled(void)
* @brief
* driver enabled the STA mode
* @param[in] None
* @return mode
bool wfx_is_sta_mode_enabled(void)
bool mode;
mode = !!(wfx_rsi.dev_state & WFX_RSI_ST_STA_MODE);
return mode;
* @fn void wfx_get_wifi_mac_addr(sl_wfx_interface_t interface, sl_wfx_mac_address_t *addr)
* @brief
* get the wifi mac address
* @param[in] Interface:
* @param[in] addr : address
* @return
* None
void wfx_get_wifi_mac_addr(sl_wfx_interface_t interface, sl_wfx_mac_address_t * addr)
VerifyOrReturn(addr != nullptr);
*addr = (interface == SL_WFX_SOFTAP_INTERFACE) ? wfx_rsi.softap_mac : wfx_rsi.sta_mac;
*addr = wfx_rsi.sta_mac;
* @fn void wfx_set_wifi_provision(wfx_wifi_provision_t *cfg)
* @brief
* Driver set the wifi provision
* @param[in] cfg: wifi configuration
* @return
* None
void wfx_set_wifi_provision(wfx_wifi_provision_t * cfg)
VerifyOrReturn(cfg != nullptr);
wfx_rsi.sec = *cfg;
wfx_rsi.dev_state |= WFX_RSI_ST_STA_PROVISIONED;
* @fn bool wfx_get_wifi_provision(wfx_wifi_provision_t *wifiConfig)
* @brief
* Driver get the wifi provision
* @param[in] wifiConfig: wifi configuration
* @return return false if successful,
* true otherwise
bool wfx_get_wifi_provision(wfx_wifi_provision_t * wifiConfig)
VerifyOrReturnError(wifiConfig != nullptr, false);
VerifyOrReturnError(wfx_rsi.dev_state & WFX_RSI_ST_STA_PROVISIONED, false);
*wifiConfig = wfx_rsi.sec;
return true;
* @fn void wfx_clear_wifi_provision(void)
* @brief
* Driver is clear the wifi provision
* @param[in] None
* @return None
void wfx_clear_wifi_provision(void)
memset(&wfx_rsi.sec, 0, sizeof(wfx_rsi.sec));
wfx_rsi.dev_state &= ~WFX_RSI_ST_STA_PROVISIONED;
ChipLogProgress(DeviceLayer, "Clear WiFi Provision");
* @fn sl_status_t wfx_connect_to_ap(void)
* @brief
* Start a JOIN command to the AP - Done by the wfx_rsi task
* @param[in] None
* @return returns SL_STATUS_OK if successful
sl_status_t wfx_connect_to_ap(void)
VerifyOrReturnError(wfx_rsi.sec.ssid_length, SL_STATUS_INVALID_CREDENTIALS);
VerifyOrReturnError(wfx_rsi.sec.ssid_length <= WFX_MAX_SSID_LENGTH, SL_STATUS_HAS_OVERFLOWED);
ChipLogProgress(DeviceLayer, "connect to access point: %s", wfx_rsi.sec.ssid);
WfxEvent_t event;
event.eventType = WFX_EVT_STA_START_JOIN;
return SL_STATUS_OK;
#if SLI_SI917
* @fn sl_status_t wfx_power_save(rsi_power_save_profile_mode_t sl_si91x_ble_state, sl_si91x_performance_profile_t
* @brief
* Implements the power save in sleepy application
* @param[in] sl_si91x_ble_state : State to set for the BLE
sl_si91x_wifi_state : State to set for the WiFi
* @return SL_STATUS_OK if successful,
* SL_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
sl_status_t wfx_power_save(rsi_power_save_profile_mode_t sl_si91x_ble_state, sl_si91x_performance_profile_t sl_si91x_wifi_state)
return (wfx_rsi_power_save(sl_si91x_ble_state, sl_si91x_wifi_state) ? SL_STATUS_FAIL : SL_STATUS_OK);
#else // For RS9116
* @fn sl_status_t wfx_power_save(void)
* @brief
* Implements the power save in sleepy application
* @param[in] None
* @return SL_STATUS_OK if successful,
* SL_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
sl_status_t wfx_power_save(void)
return (wfx_rsi_power_save() ? SL_STATUS_FAIL : SL_STATUS_OK);
#endif /* SLI_SI917 */
#endif /* SL_ICD_ENABLED */
* @fn void wfx_setup_ip6_link_local(sl_wfx_interface_t whichif)
* @brief
* Implement the ipv6 setup
* @param[in] whichif:
* @return None
void wfx_setup_ip6_link_local(sl_wfx_interface_t whichif)
* TODO: Implement IPV6 setup, currently in sl_matter_wifi_task()
* This is hooked with MATTER code.
* @fn bool wfx_is_sta_connected(void)
* @brief
* called fuction when driver is connected to STA
* @param[in] None
* @return returns ture if successful,
* false otherwise
bool wfx_is_sta_connected(void)
bool status = (wfx_rsi.dev_state & WFX_RSI_ST_STA_CONNECTED) > 0;
return status;
* @fn wifi_mode_t wfx_get_wifi_mode(void)
* @brief
* get the wifi mode
* @param[in] None
* @return return WIFI_MODE_NULL if successful,
* WIFI_MODE_STA otherwise
wifi_mode_t wfx_get_wifi_mode(void)
if (wfx_rsi.dev_state & WFX_RSI_ST_DEV_READY)
* @fn sl_status_t sl_matter_wifi_disconnect(void)
* @brief
* called fuction when STA disconnected
* @param[in] None
* @return return SL_STATUS_OK if successful,
* SL_STATUS_FAIL otherwise
sl_status_t sl_matter_wifi_disconnect(void)
sl_status_t status;
status = sl_wifi_platform_disconnect();
wfx_rsi.dev_state &= ~WFX_RSI_ST_STA_CONNECTED;
return status;
* @fn bool wfx_have_ipv4_addr(sl_wfx_interface_t which_if)
* @brief
* called fuction when driver have ipv4 address
* @param[in] which_if:
* @return returns ture if successful,
* false otherwise
bool wfx_have_ipv4_addr(sl_wfx_interface_t which_if)
VerifyOrReturnError(which_if == SL_WFX_STA_INTERFACE, false);
return ((wfx_rsi.dev_state & WFX_RSI_ST_STA_DHCP_DONE) > 0);
* @fn bool wfx_have_ipv6_addr(sl_wfx_interface_t which_if)
* @brief
* called fuction when driver have ipv6 address
* @param[in] which_if:
* @return returns ture if successful,
* false otherwise
bool wfx_have_ipv6_addr(sl_wfx_interface_t which_if)
VerifyOrReturnError(which_if == SL_WFX_STA_INTERFACE, false);
// TODO: WFX_RSI_ST_STA_CONNECTED does not guarantee SLAAC IPv6 LLA, maybe use a different FLAG
return ((wfx_rsi.dev_state & WFX_RSI_ST_STA_CONNECTED) > 0);
* @fn bool wfx_hw_ready(void)
* @brief
* called fuction when driver ready
* @param[in] None
* @return returns ture if successful,
* false otherwise
bool wfx_hw_ready(void)
return (wfx_rsi.dev_state & WFX_RSI_ST_DEV_READY) ? true : false;
* @fn int32_t wfx_get_ap_info(wfx_wifi_scan_result_t *ap)
* @brief
* get the access point information
* @param[in] ap: access point
* @return
* access point information
int32_t wfx_get_ap_info(wfx_wifi_scan_result_t * ap)
return wfx_rsi_get_ap_info(ap);
* @fn int32_t wfx_get_ap_ext(wfx_wifi_scan_ext_t *extra_info)
* @brief
* get the access point extra information
* @param[in] extra_info:access point extra information
* @return
* access point extra information
int32_t wfx_get_ap_ext(wfx_wifi_scan_ext_t * extra_info)
return wfx_rsi_get_ap_ext(extra_info);
* @fn int32_t wfx_reset_counts(void)
* @brief
* get the driver reset count
* @param[in] None
* @return
* reset count
int32_t wfx_reset_counts(void)
return wfx_rsi_reset_count();
* @fn bool wfx_start_scan(char *ssid, void (*callback)(wfx_wifi_scan_result_t *))
* @brief
* called fuction when driver start scaning
* @param[in] ssid:
* @return returns ture if successful,
* false otherwise
bool wfx_start_scan(char * ssid, void (*callback)(wfx_wifi_scan_result_t *))
// check if already in progress
VerifyOrReturnError(wfx_rsi.scan_cb != nullptr, false);
wfx_rsi.scan_cb = callback;
VerifyOrReturnError(ssid != nullptr, false);
wfx_rsi.scan_ssid_length = strnlen(ssid, std::min<size_t>(sizeof(ssid), WFX_MAX_SSID_LENGTH));
wfx_rsi.scan_ssid = reinterpret_cast<char *>(chip::Platform::MemoryAlloc(wfx_rsi.scan_ssid_length));
VerifyOrReturnError(wfx_rsi.scan_ssid != nullptr, false);
chip::Platform::CopyString(wfx_rsi.scan_ssid, wfx_rsi.scan_ssid_length, ssid);
WfxEvent_t event;
event.eventType = WFX_EVT_SCAN;
return true;
* @fn void wfx_cancel_scan(void)
* @brief
* called function when driver cancel scaning
* @param[in] None
* @return
* None
void wfx_cancel_scan(void)
/* Not possible */
ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "cannot cancel scan");
#endif /* SL_WFX_CONFIG_SCAN */
#endif // RS911X_WIFI
* @fn sl_matter_wifi_task_started(void)
* @brief
* Wifi device started notification
* @param[in]: None
* @return None
void sl_matter_wifi_task_started(void)
sl_wfx_startup_ind_t evt;
sl_wfx_mac_address_t mac;
// Creating a timer which will be used to retry connection with AP
sRetryTimer = osTimerNew(RetryConnectionTimerHandler, osTimerOnce, NULL, NULL);
VerifyOrReturn(sRetryTimer != NULL);
memset(&evt, 0, sizeof(evt)); = SL_WFX_STARTUP_IND_ID;
evt.header.length = sizeof evt;
evt.body.status = 0;
wfx_get_wifi_mac_addr(SL_WFX_STA_INTERFACE, &mac);
memcpy(&evt.body.mac_addr[0], &mac.octet[0], MAC_ADDRESS_FIRST_OCTET);
PlatformMgrImpl().HandleWFXSystemEvent(WIFI_EVENT, (sl_wfx_generic_message_t *) &evt);
* @fn void wfx_connected_notify(int32_t status, sl_wfx_mac_address_t *ap)
* @brief
* For now we are not notifying anything other than AP Mac -
* Other stuff such as DTIM etc. may be required for later
* @param[in] status:
* @param[in] ap: access point
* @return None
void wfx_connected_notify(int32_t status, sl_wfx_mac_address_t * ap)
sl_wfx_connect_ind_t evt;
VerifyOrReturn(status == SUCCESS_STATUS);
memset(&evt, 0, sizeof(evt)); = SL_WFX_CONNECT_IND_ID;
evt.header.length = sizeof evt;
#ifdef RS911X_WIFI = wfx_rsi.ap_chan;
memcpy(&evt.body.mac[0], &ap->octet[0], MAC_ADDRESS_FIRST_OCTET);
PlatformMgrImpl().HandleWFXSystemEvent(WIFI_EVENT, (sl_wfx_generic_message_t *) &evt);
* @fn void wfx_disconnected_notify(int32_t status)
* @brief
* notification of disconnection
* @param[in] status:
* @return None
void wfx_disconnected_notify(int32_t status)
sl_wfx_disconnect_ind_t evt;
memset(&evt, 0, sizeof(evt)); = SL_WFX_DISCONNECT_IND_ID;
evt.header.length = sizeof evt;
evt.body.reason = status;
PlatformMgrImpl().HandleWFXSystemEvent(WIFI_EVENT, (sl_wfx_generic_message_t *) &evt);
* @fn void wfx_ipv6_notify(int got_ip)
* @brief
* notification of ipv6
* @param[in] got_ip:
* @return None
void wfx_ipv6_notify(int got_ip)
sl_wfx_generic_message_t eventData;
memset(&eventData, 0, sizeof(eventData)); = got_ip ? IP_EVENT_GOT_IP6 : IP_EVENT_STA_LOST_IP;
eventData.header.length = sizeof(eventData.header);
PlatformMgrImpl().HandleWFXSystemEvent(IP_EVENT, &eventData);
* @fn void wfx_ip_changed_notify(int got_ip)
* @brief
* notification of ip change
* @param[in] got_ip:
* @return None
void wfx_ip_changed_notify(int got_ip)
sl_wfx_generic_message_t eventData;
memset(&eventData, 0, sizeof(eventData)); = got_ip ? IP_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP : IP_EVENT_STA_LOST_IP;
eventData.header.length = sizeof(eventData.header);
PlatformMgrImpl().HandleWFXSystemEvent(IP_EVENT, &eventData);
* @fn void wfx_retry_connection(uint16_t retryAttempt)
* @brief
* During commissioning, we retry to join the network MAX_JOIN_RETRIES_COUNT times.
* If DUT is disconnected from the AP or device is power cycled, then retry connection
* with AP continously after a certain time interval.
* @param[in] retryAttempt
* @return None
void wfx_retry_connection(uint16_t retryAttempt)
// During commissioning, we retry to join the network MAX_JOIN_RETRIES_COUNT
if (/*BaseApplication::sAppDelegate.isCommissioningInProgress()*/ true)
if (retryAttempt < MAX_JOIN_RETRIES_COUNT)
ChipLogProgress(DeviceLayer, "wfx_retry_connection : Next attempt after %d Seconds", kWlanRetryIntervalInSec);
if (osTimerStart(sRetryTimer, pdMS_TO_TICKS(CONVERT_SEC_TO_MS(kWlanRetryIntervalInSec))) != osOK)
ChipLogProgress(DeviceLayer, "Failed to start retry timer");
// Sending the join command if retry timer failed to start
if (wfx_connect_to_ap() != SL_STATUS_OK)
ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "wfx_connect_to_ap() failed.");
ChipLogProgress(DeviceLayer, "Connect failed after max %d tries", retryAttempt);
/* After disconnection or power cycle the DUT
* At the telescopic time interval device try to reconnect with AP, upto WLAN_MAX_RETRY_TIMER_MS intervals
* are telescopic. If interval exceed WLAN_MAX_RETRY_TIMER_MS then it will try to reconnect at
if (retryInterval > kWlanMaxRetryIntervalsInSec)
retryInterval = kWlanMaxRetryIntervalsInSec;
if (osTimerStart(sRetryTimer, pdMS_TO_TICKS(CONVERT_SEC_TO_MS(retryInterval))) != osOK)
ChipLogProgress(DeviceLayer, "Failed to start retry timer");
// Sending the join command if retry timer failed to start
if (wfx_connect_to_ap() != SL_STATUS_OK)
ChipLogError(DeviceLayer, "wfx_connect_to_ap() failed.");
ChipLogProgress(DeviceLayer, "wfx_retry_connection : Next attempt after %d Seconds", retryInterval);
retryInterval += retryInterval;