blob: 1f1dffb8fa78882bae3ff62fdc2344f41940c90b [file] [log] [blame]
{%- macro encode_value(source, encodable, depth) -%}
{%- if encodable.is_nullable and encodable.is_optional -%}
{{encode_value(source, encodable.without_nullable().without_optional(), depth + 1)}}?
{%- elif encodable.is_nullable -%}
{{encode_value(source, encodable.without_nullable(), depth + 1)}}?
{%- elif encodable.is_optional -%}
{{encode_value(source, encodable.without_optional(), depth + 1)}}?
{%- elif encodable.is_list -%}
List<{{encode_value(source, encodable.without_list(), depth + 1)}}>
{%- elif encodable.is_struct -%}
{%- set struct = encodable.get_underlying_struct() -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro encode_value_without_optional(source, encodable, depth) -%}
{%- if encodable.is_nullable -%}
{{encode_value_without_optional(source, encodable.without_nullable(), depth + 1)}}?
{%- elif encodable.is_list -%}
List<{{encode_value_without_optional(source, encodable.without_list(), depth + 1)}}>
{%- elif encodable.is_struct -%}
{%- set struct = encodable.get_underlying_struct() -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro encode_value_without_optional_nullable(source, encodable, depth) -%}
{%- if encodable.is_list -%}
List<{{encode_value_without_optional_nullable(source, encodable.without_list(), depth + 1)}}>
{%- elif encodable.is_struct -%}
{%- set struct = encodable.get_underlying_struct() -%}
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro encode_tlv(encodable, tag, name, depth) %}
{%- if encodable.is_optional and encodable.is_nullable -%}
{{name}}?.let {
{{encode_tlv(encodable.without_optional().without_nullable(), tag, name, depth + 1)}}
{%- elif encodable.is_optional -%}
{{name}}?.let {
{{encode_tlv(encodable.without_optional(), tag, name, depth + 1)}}
{%- elif encodable.is_nullable -%}
{{name}}?.let {
{{encode_tlv(encodable.without_nullable(), tag, name, depth + 1)}}
{%- elif encodable.is_list -%}
for (item in {{name}}.iterator()) {
{{encode_tlv(encodable.without_list(), "AnonymousTag", "item", depth + 1)}}
{%- elif encodable.is_struct -%}
{{name}}.toTlv({{tag}}, tlvWriter)
{%- else -%}
tlvWriter.put({{tag}}, {{name}})
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro decode_tlv(source, encodable, tag, depth) %}
{%- if encodable.is_nullable -%}
if (!tlvReader.isNull()) {
{{decode_tlv(source, encodable.without_nullable(), tag, depth + 1)}}
} else {
{%- elif encodable.is_optional -%}
if (tlvReader.isNextTag({{tag}})) {
{{decode_tlv(source, encodable.without_optional(), tag, depth + 1)}}
} else {
{%- elif encodable.is_list -%}
{%- set encodablewithoutlist = encodable.without_list() -%}
buildList<{{encode_value(source, encodablewithoutlist, depth + 1)}}> {
while(!tlvReader.isEndOfContainer()) {
add({{decode_tlv(source, encodablewithoutlist, "AnonymousTag", depth + 1)}})
{%- elif encodable.is_struct -%}
{%- set struct = encodable.get_underlying_struct() -%}
{{}}Cluster{{}}.fromTlv({{tag}}, tlvReader)
{%- else -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro contextSpecificTag(field) -%}
ContextSpecificTag(TAG_{{ | constcase}})
{%- endmacro -%}
{%- macro contextSpecificTag1(tag_value) -%}
{%- endmacro -%}
* Copyright (c) 2023 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package matter.controller.cluster.clusters
import java.util.logging.Level
import java.util.logging.Logger
import java.time.Duration
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.Flow
import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.transform
import matter.controller.MatterController
import matter.controller.ReadRequest
import matter.controller.ReadData
import matter.controller.ReadFailure
import matter.controller.ReadResponse
import matter.controller.SubscribeRequest
import matter.controller.SubscriptionState
import matter.controller.ByteSubscriptionState
import matter.controller.ShortSubscriptionState
import matter.controller.IntSubscriptionState
import matter.controller.LongSubscriptionState
import matter.controller.FloatSubscriptionState
import matter.controller.DoubleSubscriptionState
import matter.controller.CharSubscriptionState
import matter.controller.BooleanSubscriptionState
import matter.controller.UByteSubscriptionState
import matter.controller.UShortSubscriptionState
import matter.controller.UIntSubscriptionState
import matter.controller.ULongSubscriptionState
import matter.controller.StringSubscriptionState
import matter.controller.ByteArraySubscriptionState
import matter.controller.WriteRequest
import matter.controller.WriteRequests
import matter.controller.WriteResponse
import matter.controller.AttributeWriteError
import matter.controller.InvokeRequest
import matter.controller.InvokeResponse
import matter.controller.model.AttributePath
import matter.controller.model.CommandPath
import matter.controller.cluster.structs.*
import matter.tlv.AnonymousTag
import matter.tlv.ContextSpecificTag
import matter.tlv.Tag
import matter.tlv.TlvParsingException
import matter.tlv.TlvReader
import matter.tlv.TlvWriter
{% set typeLookup = idl | createLookupContext(cluster) %}
class {{}}Cluster(private val controller: MatterController, private val endpointId: UShort) {
{%- set already_handled_command = [] -%}
{%- for command in cluster.commands | sort(attribute='code') -%}
{%- if command | isCommandNotDefaultCallback() -%}
{%- set callbackName = command | javaCommandCallbackName() -%}
{%- if callbackName not in already_handled_command %}
class {{callbackName}}(
{%- for field in (cluster.structs | named(command.output_param)).fields %}
val {{ | lowfirst_except_acronym}}: {{encode_value(cluster, field | asEncodable(typeLookup), 0)}}
{%- if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{% if already_handled_command.append(callbackName) -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endfor %}
{%- set already_handled_attribute = [] -%}
{% for attribute in cluster.attributes | rejectattr('definition', 'is_field_global_name', typeLookup) %}
{%- set encodable = attribute.definition | asEncodable(typeLookup) -%}
{%- set interfaceName = attribute | javaAttributeCallbackName(typeLookup) -%}
{%- if interfaceName not in already_handled_attribute %}
{%- set valueType = encode_value(cluster, encodable, 0) -%}
class {{interfaceName}}(
val value: {{valueType}}
sealed class {{interfaceName}}SubscriptionState {
data class Success(
val value: {{valueType}}
) : {{interfaceName}}SubscriptionState()
data class Error(val exception: Exception) : {{interfaceName}}SubscriptionState()
object SubscriptionEstablished : {{interfaceName}}SubscriptionState()
{% if already_handled_attribute.append(interfaceName) -%}
{#- This block does nothing, it only exists to append to already_handled_attribute. -#}
{%- endif -%}
{%- endif -%}
{% endfor -%}
{% for command in cluster.commands | sort(attribute='code') -%}
{%- set callbackName = command | javaCommandCallbackName() %}
suspend fun {{ | lowfirst_except_acronym}}(
{%- if command.input_param -%}
{%- for field in (cluster.structs | named(command.input_param)).fields -%}
{{ | lowfirst_except_acronym}}: {{encode_value(cluster, field | asEncodable(typeLookup), 0)}}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif -%}
timedInvokeTimeout: Duration {%- if not command.is_timed_invoke -%}? = null {%- endif -%}
{%- if command | hasResponse -%}
: {{callbackName}} {
{%- else %} {
{%- endif %}
val commandId: UInt = {{command.code}}u
val tlvWriter = TlvWriter()
{%- if command.input_param -%}
{% for field in (cluster.structs | named(command.input_param)).fields %}
{%- set encodable = field | asEncodable(typeLookup) %}
val TAG_{{ | constcase}}_REQ: Int = {{field.code}}
{{encode_tlv(encodable, "ContextSpecificTag(TAG_" + | constcase + "_REQ)", | lowfirst_except_acronym, 0)}}
{%- endfor -%}
{%- endif %}
val request: InvokeRequest =
CommandPath(endpointId, clusterId = CLUSTER_ID, commandId),
tlvPayload = tlvWriter.getEncoded(),
timedRequest = timedInvokeTimeout
val response: InvokeResponse = controller.invoke(request)
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Invoke command succeeded: ${response}")
{%- if command | hasResponse %}
val tlvReader = TlvReader(response.payload)
{%- set struct = cluster.structs | named(command.output_param) -%}
{%- for field in struct.fields %}
val TAG_{{ | constcase}}: Int = {{field.code}}
{% set encodable = field | asEncodable(typeLookup) -%}
{%- if encodable.is_optional or encodable.is_nullable-%}
var {{ | lowfirst_except_acronym}}_decoded: {{encode_value(cluster, field | asEncodable(typeLookup), 0)}} = null
{%- else -%}
var {{ | lowfirst_except_acronym}}_decoded: {{encode_value(cluster, field | asEncodable(typeLookup), 0)}}? = null
{%- endif %}
{% endfor %}
while (!tlvReader.isEndOfContainer()) {
val tag = tlvReader.peekElement().tag
{% for field in struct.fields %}
if (tag == ContextSpecificTag(TAG_{{ | constcase}})) {
{%- set encodable = field | asEncodable(typeLookup) -%}
{%- if encodable.is_optional or encodable.is_nullable -%}
{{ | lowfirst_except_acronym}}_decoded =
if (tlvReader.isNull()) {
} else {
{{decode_tlv(cluster, encodable, "tag", 0)}}
{%- else -%}
{{ | lowfirst_except_acronym}}_decoded = {{decode_tlv(cluster, encodable, "tag", 0)}}
{%- endif -%}
{% endfor %}
else {
{% for field in struct.fields %}
{% set encodable = field | asEncodable(typeLookup) -%}
{% if not encodable.is_optional and not encodable.is_nullable %}
if ({{ | lowfirst_except_acronym}}_decoded == null) {
throw IllegalStateException("{{ | lowfirst_except_acronym}} not found in TLV")
{%- endif %}
{% endfor %}
return {{callbackName}}(
{%- for field in (cluster.structs | named(command.output_param)).fields %}
{{ | lowfirst_except_acronym}}_decoded{% if not loop.last %},{% endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{% endfor -%}
{% for attribute in cluster.attributes | sort(attribute='code') %}
{%- set interfaceName = attribute | javaAttributeCallbackName(typeLookup) %}
{%- set attribute_id = "ATTRIBUTE_ID_" + | upper %}
{%- set encodable = attribute.definition | asEncodable(typeLookup) %}
{%- if attribute.definition is is_field_global_name(typeLookup) and encodable.is_optional -%}
suspend fun read{{ | upfirst }}Attribute(): {{interfaceName}}? {
{%- else -%}
suspend fun read{{ | upfirst }}Attribute(): {{interfaceName}} {
{%- endif -%}
val ATTRIBUTE_ID: UInt = {{attribute.definition.code}}u
val attributePath = AttributePath(
endpointId = endpointId,
clusterId = CLUSTER_ID,
attributeId = ATTRIBUTE_ID
val readRequest = ReadRequest(
eventPaths = emptyList(),
attributePaths = listOf(attributePath)
val response =
if (response.successes.isEmpty()) {
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Read command failed")
throw IllegalStateException("Read command failed with failures: ${response.failures}")
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Read command succeeded")
val attributeData =
response.successes.filterIsInstance<ReadData.Attribute>().firstOrNull {
it.path.attributeId == ATTRIBUTE_ID
requireNotNull(attributeData) {
"{{ | capitalize }} attribute not found in response"
// Decode the TLV data into the appropriate type
val tlvReader = TlvReader(
val decodedValue: {{encode_value(cluster, encodable, 0)}} = {{decode_tlv(cluster, attribute.definition | asEncodable(typeLookup), "AnonymousTag", 0)}}
{% if attribute.definition is is_field_global_name(typeLookup) %}
return decodedValue
{%- else %}
return {{interfaceName}}(decodedValue)
{%- endif %}
{% if attribute.is_writable %}
{%- set encodable = attribute.definition | asEncodable(typeLookup) -%}
{%- set attribute_id = "ATTRIBUTE_ID_" + | upper %}
suspend fun write{{ | upfirst }}Attribute(
value: {{ encode_value_without_optional_nullable(cluster, encodable, 0) }},
timedWriteTimeout: Duration {%- if not attribute.requires_timed_write -%}? = null {%- endif -%}
) {
val ATTRIBUTE_ID: UInt = {{attribute.definition.code}}u
val tlvWriter = TlvWriter()
{%- set encodable = attribute.definition | asEncodable(typeLookup) %}
{%- if encodable.is_optional -%}
{%- set encodable = encodable.without_optional() %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if encodable.is_nullable -%}
{%- set encodable = encodable.without_nullable() %}
{%- endif %}
{%- set tag = contextSpecificTag(attribute) %}
{{encode_tlv(encodable, "AnonymousTag", "value", 0)}}
val writeRequests: WriteRequests =
requests = listOf(
attributePath = AttributePath(
clusterId = CLUSTER_ID,
attributeId = ATTRIBUTE_ID
tlvPayload = tlvWriter.getEncoded()
timedRequest = timedWriteTimeout
val response: WriteResponse = controller.write(writeRequests)
when (response) {
is WriteResponse.Success -> {
logger.log(Level.FINE, "Write command succeeded")
is WriteResponse.PartialWriteFailure -> {
val aggregatedErrorMessage =
response.failures.joinToString("\n") { failure ->
"Error at ${failure.attributePath}: ${failure.ex.message}"
response.failures.forEach { failure ->
logger.log(Level.WARNING, "Error at ${failure.attributePath}: ${failure.ex.message}")
throw IllegalStateException("Write command failed with errors: \n$aggregatedErrorMessage")
{% endif %}
{%- if attribute.is_subscribable %}
{%- set encodable = attribute.definition | asEncodable(typeLookup) %}
{%- set encodable_was_optional = encodable.is_optional or encodable.is_nullable %}
suspend fun subscribe{{ | upfirst }}Attribute(
minInterval: Int,
maxInterval: Int
): Flow<{{interfaceName}}SubscriptionState> {
val ATTRIBUTE_ID: UInt = {{attribute.definition.code}}u
val attributePaths = listOf(
endpointId = endpointId,
clusterId = CLUSTER_ID,
attributeId = ATTRIBUTE_ID
val subscribeRequest: SubscribeRequest = SubscribeRequest(
eventPaths = emptyList(),
attributePaths = attributePaths,
minInterval = Duration.ofSeconds(minInterval.toLong()),
maxInterval = Duration.ofSeconds(maxInterval.toLong())
return controller.subscribe(subscribeRequest).transform { subscriptionState ->
when (subscriptionState) {
is SubscriptionState.SubscriptionErrorNotification -> {
emit({{interfaceName}}SubscriptionState.Error(Exception("Subscription terminated with error code: ${subscriptionState.terminationCause}")))
is SubscriptionState.NodeStateUpdate -> {
val attributeData =
subscriptionState.updateState.successes.filterIsInstance<ReadData.Attribute>().firstOrNull {
it.path.attributeId == ATTRIBUTE_ID
requireNotNull(attributeData) {
"{{ | capitalize }} attribute not found in Node State update"
// Decode the TLV data into the appropriate type
val tlvReader = TlvReader(
val decodedValue: {{encode_value(cluster, encodable, 0)}} = {{decode_tlv(cluster, attribute.definition | asEncodable(typeLookup), "AnonymousTag", 0)}}
{% if encodable_was_optional-%}
decodedValue?.let {
{% else -%}
{%- endif %}
SubscriptionState.SubscriptionEstablished -> {
{% endif -%}
{%- endfor %}
companion object {
private val logger = Logger.getLogger({{}}
const val CLUSTER_ID: UInt = {{cluster.code}}u