blob: 4eea088891109f6fb71976b5a30f3a55f5ff1888 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021-2023 Project CHIP Authors
* All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#include <lib/core/OTAImageHeader.h>
#include <map>
#include <platform/nxp/k32w/common/OTATlvProcessor.h>
#include <src/app/clusters/ota-requestor/OTADownloader.h>
#include <src/app/clusters/ota-requestor/OTARequestorInterface.h>
#include <src/include/platform/CHIPDeviceLayer.h>
#include <src/include/platform/OTAImageProcessor.h>
* OTA hooks that can be overwritten by application.
* Default behavior is implemented as WEAK symbols in platform OtaHooks.cpp.
* This hook is called at the end of OTAImageProcessorImpl::Init.
* It should generally register the OTATlvProcessor instances.
extern "C" CHIP_ERROR OtaHookInit();
* This hook is called at the end of OTAImageProcessorImpl::HandleApply.
* The default implementation saves the internal OTA entry structure and resets the device.
extern "C" void OtaHookReset();
* This hook is called at the end of OTAImageProcessorImpl::HandleAbort.
* For example, it can be used to schedule a retry.
extern "C" void OtaHookAbort();
namespace chip {
class OTAImageProcessorImpl : public OTAImageProcessorInterface
using ProviderLocation = chip::OTARequestorInterface::ProviderLocationType;
CHIP_ERROR Init(OTADownloader * downloader);
void Clear();
//////////// OTAImageProcessorInterface Implementation ///////////////
CHIP_ERROR PrepareDownload() override;
CHIP_ERROR Finalize() override;
CHIP_ERROR Apply() override;
CHIP_ERROR Abort() override;
CHIP_ERROR ProcessBlock(ByteSpan & block) override;
bool IsFirstImageRun() override;
CHIP_ERROR ConfirmCurrentImage() override;
CHIP_ERROR ProcessHeader(ByteSpan & block);
CHIP_ERROR ProcessPayload(ByteSpan & block);
CHIP_ERROR SelectProcessor(ByteSpan & block);
CHIP_ERROR RegisterProcessor(uint32_t tag, OTATlvProcessor * processor);
Optional<ProviderLocation> & GetBackupProvider() { return mBackupProviderLocation; }
static void FetchNextData(uint32_t context);
static OTAImageProcessorImpl & GetDefaultInstance();
//////////// Actual handlers for the OTAImageProcessorInterface ///////////////
static void HandlePrepareDownload(intptr_t context);
static void HandleFinalize(intptr_t context);
static void HandleApply(intptr_t context);
static void HandleAbort(intptr_t context);
static void HandleProcessBlock(intptr_t context);
void HandleStatus(CHIP_ERROR status);
* Called to allocate memory for mBlock if necessary and set it to block
CHIP_ERROR SetBlock(ByteSpan & block);
* Called to release allocated memory for mBlock
CHIP_ERROR ReleaseBlock();
* Call AbortAction for all processors that were used
void AbortAllProcessors();
MutableByteSpan mBlock;
OTADownloader * mDownloader;
OTAImageHeaderParser mHeaderParser;
OTATlvProcessor * mCurrentProcessor = nullptr;
OTADataAccumulator mAccumulator;
std::map<uint32_t, OTATlvProcessor *> mProcessorMap;
Optional<ProviderLocation> mBackupProviderLocation;
} // namespace chip