blob: 28c3cff862cdd13623e4705ac9392c1c530e6b0e [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016-2021, Cypress Semiconductor Corporation (an Infineon company) or
# an affiliate of Cypress Semiconductor Corporation. All rights reserved.
# This software, including source code, documentation and related
# materials ("Software") is owned by Cypress Semiconductor Corporation
# or one of its affiliates ("Cypress") and is protected by and subject to
# worldwide patent protection (United States and foreign),
# United States copyright laws and international treaty provisions.
# Therefore, you may use this Software only as provided in the license
# agreement accompanying the software package from which you
# obtained this Software ("EULA").
# If no EULA applies, Cypress hereby grants you a personal, non-exclusive,
# non-transferable license to copy, modify, and compile the Software
# source code solely for use in connection with Cypress's
# integrated circuit products. Any reproduction, modification, translation,
# compilation, or representation of this Software except as specified
# above is prohibited without the express written permission of Cypress.
# reserves the right to make changes to the Software without notice. Cypress
# does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of the
# Software or any product or circuit described in the Software. Cypress does
# not authorize its products for use in any products where a malfunction or
# failure of the Cypress product may reasonably be expected to result in
# significant property damage, injury or death ("High Risk Product"). By
# including Cypress's product in a High Risk Product, the manufacturer
# of such system or application assumes all risk of such use and in doing
# so agrees to indemnify Cypress against all liability.
# read patch.elf and generate linker directive file
# call with "perl <args> patch.elf out=<*.ld>"
# the "patch.elf" is parsed to determine where to start the application memory
# the "out=<*.ld>" file is the output linker script
# arguments:
# SRAM_BEGIN_ADDR=0x123456, SRAM_LENGTH=0x1234: start and length of SRAM section for app code and data
# NUM_PATCH_ENTRIES=256: used to calculate reserved space in SRAM for patch entries
# ISTATIC_BEGIN=0x123456, ISTATIC_LEN=0x1234: start and length of static section data, typically encrypted keys
# PRAM_OBJ=abc.o;def.o;ghi.o: code/rodata for patch ram
# XIP_LEN=0x1234, XIP_OBJ=abc.o;def.o;ghi.o: execute in place area for on-chip-flash starting at 0x504000, contains code and rodata from listed object files
# UNUSED_BEGIN=0x123456, UNUSED_LEN=0x1234: start and length of an UNUSED section defined to avoid loading anything into
# DIRECT_LOAD=1: indicates RAM download rather than FLASH
# overlay=overlays.ld: a linker script snippet generated for an overlay section
# ram is extended with PRAM (taking from patch space) or XIP (taking from on-chip-flash, code or rodata only)
# .dsp_pram_section is for dsp download (libraries/codec_ak4679_lib/akm4679_dsp_*.h)
# look up for memory map and section input/output information
my $mem_lut = {
".app_xip_area" => {
"sections" => [
# argument XIP_OBJ will add section matches $(XIP_OBJ)(.text.* .gnu.linkonce.t.* .rodata .constdata* .rodata.* .gnu.linkonce.r.* )
# special section for Position Independent trampoline functions.
"mem_type" => "xip_section",
"pre" => ["xip_area_begin"],
"post" => ["spar_irom_end","xip_area_end"],},
".setup" => {
"sections" => [
"mem_type" => "ram",
"pre" => [],
"post" => [],},
".text" => {
"sections" => [
"PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_start = .);",
"KEEP (*(SORT_BY_INIT_PRIORITY(.init_array.*) SORT_BY_INIT_PRIORITY(.ctors.*)))",
"KEEP (*(.init_array EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtbegin.o *crtbegin?.o *crtend.o *crtend?.o ) .ctors))",
"PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_end = .);"],
"mem_type" => "ram",
"pre" => [],
"post" => [],},
".text.mbedtls" => {
"sections" => [
"mem_type" => "ram",
"pre" => [],
"post" => [],
".rodata" => {
"sections" => [
"mem_type" => "ram",
"pre" => [],
"post" => ["spar_irom_end"],},
".data" => {
"sections" => [
"mem_type" => "ram",
"pre" => ["spar_iram_begin", "spar_iram_data_begin"],
"post" => ["spar_iram_data_end"],},
".bss" => {
"sections" => [
"mem_type" => "ram",
"pre" => ["spar_iram_bss_begin"],
"post" => ["spar_iram_bss_end", "spar_iram_end"],},
".unused" => {
"sections" => [
"mem_type" => "unused",
"pre" => ["unused_iram_begin"],
"post" => ["unused_iram_end"],},
".aon" => {
"sections" => [
"mem_type" => "aon",
"pre" => ["aon_iram_begin"],
"post" => ["aon_iram_end"],},
".static_area" => {
"sections" => [
"mem_type" => "static_section",
"pre" => ["static_area_begin"],
"post" => ["static_area_end"],},
".pram_rodata" => {
"sections" => [
"mem_type" => "pram",
"pre" => [],
"post" => ["pram_area_end"],},
".log_section" => {
"sections" => [
"mem_type" => "log_section",
"pre" => [],
"post" => [],},
my $xip_extra_in = [
"PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_start = .);",
"KEEP (*(SORT_BY_INIT_PRIORITY(.init_array.*) SORT_BY_INIT_PRIORITY(.ctors.*)))",
"KEEP (*(.init_array EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtbegin.o *crtbegin?.o *crtend.o *crtend?.o ) .ctors))",
"PROVIDE_HIDDEN (__init_array_end = .);",
sub main
my $param;
# print "args: @ARGS\n";
foreach my $arg (@ARGV) {
if($arg =~ /\.elf$/) {
$param->{'elf'} = $arg;
if($arg =~ /\.sym$/) {
$param->{'sym'} = $arg;
elsif($arg =~ /^ISTATIC_BEGIN=(\w+)/) {
$param->{'ISTATIC_BEGIN'} = hex($1);
elsif($arg =~ /^ISTATIC_LEN=(\w+)/) {
$param->{'ISTATIC_LEN'} = hex($1);
elsif($arg =~ /^UNUSED_BEGIN=(\w+)/) {
$param->{'UNUSED_BEGIN'} = hex($1);
elsif($arg =~ /^UNUSED_LEN=(\w+)/) {
$param->{'UNUSED_LEN'} = hex($1);
elsif($arg =~ /^AON_AREA_END=(\w+)/) {
$param->{'AON_AREA_END'} = hex($1);
elsif($arg =~ /^SRAM_BEGIN_ADDR=(\w+)/) {
$param->{'SRAM_BEGIN_ADDR'} = hex($1);
elsif($arg =~ /^SRAM_LENGTH=(\w+)/) {
$param->{'SRAM_LENGTH'} = hex($1);
elsif($arg =~ /^PATCH_RAM_OBJ=(.*)/) {
$param->{'PATCH_RAM_OBJ'} = $1;
my @patch_ram_obj = split ";", $1;
my @patch_ram_o;
foreach my $obj (@patch_ram_obj) {
$obj =~ s/^\./\*/;
$obj .= " (.text.* .gnu.linkonce.t.* .rodata .constdata* .rodata.* .gnu.linkonce.r.*)";
push @patch_ram_o, $obj;
unshift @{$mem_lut->{'.pram_rodata'}->{sections}}, @patch_ram_o;
elsif($arg =~ /^NUM_PATCH_ENTRIES=(\d+)/) {
$param->{'NUM_PATCH_ENTRIES'} = $1;
elsif($arg =~ /^DIRECT_LOAD=(\d)/) {
$param->{'direct_load'} = $1;
elsif($arg =~ /^BTP=(.*)/) {
$param->{'btp'} = $1;
elsif($arg =~ /^FLASH0_BEGIN_ADDR=(\w+)/) {
$param->{'FLASH0_BEGIN_ADDR'} = hex($1);
elsif($arg =~ /^FLASH0_LENGTH=(\w+)/) {
$param->{'FLASH0_LENGTH'} = hex($1);
elsif($arg =~ /^XIP_DS_OFFSET=(\w+)/) {
$param->{'XIP_DS_OFFSET'} = hex($1);
$param->{'xip'} = 1;
push @{$mem_lut->{'.app_xip_area'}->{sections}}, @{$xip_extra_in};
elsif($arg =~ /^XIP_LEN=(\w+)/) {
$param->{'XIP_LEN'} = hex($1);
elsif($arg =~ /^XIP_OBJ=(.*)/) {
my @xip_obj = split ";", $1;
my @xip_o;
foreach my $obj (@xip_obj) {
$obj =~ s/^\./\*/;
$obj .= " (.text.* .gnu.linkonce.t.* .rodata .constdata* .rodata.* .gnu.linkonce.r.*)";
push @xip_o, $obj;
unshift @{$mem_lut->{'.app_xip_area'}->{sections}}, @xip_o;
elsif($arg =~ /^APP_DS2_LEN=(\w+)/) {
$param->{'APP_DS2_LEN'} = hex($1);
elsif($arg =~ /^DS_LOCATION=(\w+)/) {
$param->{'DS_LOCATION'} = hex($1);
elsif($arg =~ /^OTA_UPGRADE_STORE=(\w+)/) {
$param->{'OTA_UPGRADE_STORE'} = $1;
elsif($arg =~ /^overlay=(.*)$/) {
$param->{'overlay'} = $1;
warn "overlay is $1\n";
elsif($arg =~ /^out=(.*)/) {
$param->{'outfile'} = $1;
if(defined $param->{btp} && defined $param->{FLASH0_BEGIN_ADDR} && defined $param->{FLASH0_LENGTH}) {
open(my $BTP, "<", $param->{btp}) || die "Could not open *.btp file \"$param->{btp}\", $!";
while(defined(my $line = <$BTP>)) {
if($line =~ /\s*(\w+)\s*\=\s*(0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)/) {
$param->{$1} = hex($2);
elsif($line =~ /\s*(\w+)\s*\=\s*([0-9]+)/) {
$param->{$1} = int($2);
close $BTP;
# override ConfigDSLocation if DS_LOCATION provided on command line
if(defined $param->{ConfigDSLocation} && defined $param->{DS_LOCATION}) {
$param->{ConfigDSLocation} = $param->{DS_LOCATION};
my $section_lut = {};
if(defined $param->{elf}) {
my $sections = [];
my $stringtable = {};
my $sym_str_tbl = {};
my $symbol_entries = [];
parse_elf($param->{elf}, $sections, $stringtable, $sym_str_tbl, $symbol_entries, 1);
#printf "got %d sections\n", scalar(@{$sections});
foreach my $section (@{$sections}) {
if(!defined $section->{name}) {
#print "section name index $section->{sh_name}\n";
#printf("%s\n", $stringtable->{$section->{sh_name}}) if defined $section->{sh_name};
$section->{name} = $stringtable->{$section->{sh_name}};
$section_lut->{$section->{name}} = $section;
#printf "section %s: start 0x%x len 0x%x\n", $section->{name}, $section->{sh_addr}, $section->{sh_size};
elsif(defined $param->{sym}) {
# using sym file, so fake reading section headers from elf
open(my $SYM, "<", $param->{sym}) or die "Could not read $param->{sym}, $!\n";
while(defined(my $line = <$SYM>)) {
if($line =~ /(\w+)\s*=\s*0x([0-9A-Fa-f]+)/) {
last if $1 eq "END_SECTION_INFO";
$section_lut->{$1} = { sh_addr => hex($2) };
close $SYM;
$param->{SRAM_START_ADDR} = $section_lut->{first_free_section_in_SRAM}->{sh_addr}
if defined $section_lut->{first_free_section_in_SRAM}->{sh_addr};
$param->{SRAM_START_ADDR} = $section_lut->{FIRST_FREE_SECTION_IN_SRAM}->{sh_addr}
if defined $section_lut->{FIRST_FREE_SECTION_IN_SRAM}->{sh_addr};
# for DIRECT_LOAD, add app code after init sections (including SlimBoot)
$param->{SRAM_START_ADDR} = $section_lut->{POST_INIT_SECTION_IN_SRAM}->{sh_addr}
if defined $section_lut->{POST_INIT_SECTION_IN_SRAM}->{sh_addr} &&
defined $param->{direct_load} && $param->{direct_load};
die "Ram start undefined\n" if !defined $param->{SRAM_START_ADDR};
output_ld($section_lut, $param);
sub output_ld
my ($sections, $param) = @_;
my ($ram_start, $ram_begin, $ram_end, $ram_len,
$rom_start, $rom_begin, $rom_end, $rom_len,
$aon_begin, $aon_end, $aon_len,
$xip_start, $xip_len);
$rom_start = $sections->{CODE_AREA}->{sh_addr} if defined $sections->{CODE_AREA};
die "Could not locate CODE_AREA in patch elf\n" if !defined $rom_start;
$ram_start = $param->{SRAM_START_ADDR};
my $num_patches = $param->{NUM_PATCH_ENTRIES};
$num_patches = 256 if !defined $num_patches;
$ram_begin = $param->{SRAM_BEGIN_ADDR};
$ram_end = $ram_begin + $param->{SRAM_LENGTH};
die "Could not locate data ram start in patch elf\n" if !defined $ram_begin;
die "Could not locate data ram end in patch elf\n" if !defined $ram_end;
if (defined $sections->{FIRST_FREE_SECTION_IN_PROM}) {
$rom_begin = $sections->{FIRST_FREE_SECTION_IN_PROM}->{sh_addr};
$rom_end = $sections->{PATCH_CODE_END}->{sh_addr};
die "Could not locate code ram start in patch elf\n" if !defined $rom_begin;
die "Could not locate code ram end in patch elf\n" if !defined $rom_end;
if(defined $sections->{FIRST_FREE_SECTION_IN_AON}) {
$aon_begin = $sections->{FIRST_FREE_SECTION_IN_AON}->{sh_addr};
$aon_end = $sections->{AON_AREA_END}->{sh_addr};
$aon_end = $param->{AON_AREA_END} if !defined $aon_end;
die "Could not locate aon ram start in patch elf\n" if !defined $aon_begin;
die "Could not locate aon ram end in patch elf\n" if !defined $aon_end;
my $patch_replace_area = $num_patches * 4;
$ram_len = $ram_end - $ram_start - $patch_replace_area;
$rom_len = $rom_end - $rom_begin if defined $rom_begin;
$aon_len = $aon_end - $aon_begin if defined $aon_begin;
# $(QUIET)$(XCC) -E -x c -P $(addprefix -D,$(LINK_LOC_FLAGS)) -I $(dir $(ELF_OUT)) -o $@ $<
$param->{ISTATIC_BEGIN} = $param->{ISTATIC_BEGIN} if defined $param->{ISTATIC_BEGIN};
$param->{ISTATIC_LEN} = $param->{ISTATIC_LEN} if defined $param->{ISTATIC_LEN};
$param->{'direct_load'} = 0 if !defined $param->{direct_load};
open(my $OUT, ">", $param->{outfile}) || die "ERROR: Cannot open $param->{outfile}, $!";
print $OUT "OUTPUT_FORMAT (\"elf32-littlearm\", \"elf32-bigarm\", \"elf32-littlearm\")\n";
print $OUT "SEARCH_DIR(.)\n";
# print $OUT "/* @ARGV */\n";
# print $OUT "/*\n";
# foreach my$key (sort(keys(%{$param}))) {
# print $OUT "$key => $param->{$key}\n";
# }
# print $OUT "*/\n";
if(defined $rom_start) {
print $OUT sprintf "/* pram_patch_begin=0x%06X pram_patch_end=0x%06X pram_end=0x%06X */\n", $rom_start, $rom_begin, $rom_end;
print $OUT sprintf "/* ram_patch_begin=0x%06X ram_patch_end=0x%06X ram_end=0x%06X */\n", $sections->{SRAM_AREA}->{sh_addr}, $ram_start, $ram_end;
if(defined $aon_len) {
print $OUT sprintf "/* aon_patch_begin=0x%06X aon_patch_end=0x%06X aon_end=0x%06X */\n", $sections->{AON_AREA}->{sh_addr}, $aon_begin, $aon_end;
if(defined $aon_len) {
print $OUT sprintf "/* app_ram_begin=0x%06X app_ram_end=0x%06X */\n", $ram_start, $ram_start+$ram_len;
if(defined $param->{FLASH0_BEGIN_ADDR} && defined $param->{FLASH0_LENGTH}) {
print $OUT sprintf "/* FLASH0_BEGIN_ADDR=0x%06X FLASH0_LENGTH=0x%06X */\n", $param->{FLASH0_BEGIN_ADDR}, $param->{FLASH0_LENGTH};
if(defined $param->{DLConfigSSLocation}) {
print $OUT sprintf "/* FLASH0_SS=0x%06X */\n", $param->{DLConfigSSLocation};
if(defined $param->{DLConfigVSLocation}) {
print $OUT sprintf "/* FLASH0_VS=0x%06X */\n", $param->{DLConfigVSLocation};
if(defined $param->{ConfigDSLocation}) {
print $OUT sprintf "/* FLASH0_DS=0x%06X */\n", $param->{ConfigDSLocation};
if(defined $param->{ConfigDS2Location}) {
if(defined $param->{APP_DS2_LEN}) {
$param->{ConfigDS2Location} = $param->{FLASH0_BEGIN_ADDR} + $param->{FLASH0_LENGTH} - $param->{APP_DS2_LEN};
print $OUT sprintf "/* FLASH0_DS2=0x%06X */\n", $param->{ConfigDS2Location};
if(defined $param->{ConfigDSLocation}) {
my $store = $param->{ConfigDS2Location} - $param->{ConfigDSLocation};
$param->{'OTA_UPGRADE_STORE'} = 'off_chip_sflash' if !defined $param->{OTA_UPGRADE_STORE};
$store /=2 if $param->{OTA_UPGRADE_STORE} eq 'on_chip_flash';
print $OUT sprintf "/* UPGRADE_STORAGE_LENGTH=0x%06X (%s) */\n", $store, $param->{OTA_UPGRADE_STORE};
print $OUT "MEMORY\n";
print $OUT "{\n";
print $OUT sprintf "\tram (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x%X, LENGTH = 0x%X\n", $ram_start, $ram_len;
if(defined $aon_len) {
print $OUT sprintf "\taon (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x%X, LENGTH = 0x%X\n", $aon_begin, $aon_len;
if(defined $param->{UNUSED_LEN}) {
print $OUT sprintf "\tunused (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x%X, LENGTH = %d\n", $param->{UNUSED_BEGIN}, $param->{UNUSED_LEN};
if(defined $param->{ISTATIC_BEGIN}) {
print $OUT sprintf "\tstatic_section (r) : ORIGIN = 0x%X, LENGTH = 0x%X\n", $param->{ISTATIC_BEGIN}, $param->{ISTATIC_LEN};
if(defined $param->{xip}) {
$xip_start = $param->{ConfigDSLocation} + $param->{XIP_DS_OFFSET};
$xip_len = $param->{XIP_LEN};
$xip_len = $param->{FLASH0_LENGTH} - ($xip_start - $param->{ConfigDSLocation}) if !defined $xip_len;
print $OUT sprintf "\txip_section (rx) : ORIGIN = 0x%X, LENGTH = 0x%X\n", $xip_start, $xip_len;
if(defined $param->{PATCH_RAM_OBJ}) {
print $OUT sprintf "\tpram (rwx) : ORIGIN = 0x%X, LENGTH = 0x%X\n", $rom_begin, $rom_end - $rom_begin;
print $OUT sprintf "\tlog_section (r) : ORIGIN = 0x81000004, LENGTH = 0x100000\n";
print $OUT "}\n";
print $OUT "EXTERN(spar_irom_begin spar_irom_end spar_irom_length);\n";
print $OUT "EXTERN(spar_iram_begin spar_iram_end spar_iram_length);\n";
print $OUT "EXTERN(spar_iram_data_begin spar_iram_data_end spar_iram_data_length);\n";
print $OUT "EXTERN(spar_iram_bss_begin spar_iram_bss_end spar_iram_bss_length);\n";
print $OUT "EXTERN(spar_irom_data_begin);\n";
print $OUT "EXTERN(aon_iram_end);\n" if defined $aon_len;
print $OUT "EXTERN(xip_area_begin);\n" if defined $xip_start;
print $OUT "EXTERN(xip_area_end);\n" if defined $xip_len;
print $OUT "PROVIDE(spar_irom_length = spar_irom_end - spar_irom_begin);\n";
print $OUT "PROVIDE(spar_iram_length = spar_iram_end - spar_iram_begin);\n";
print $OUT "PROVIDE(spar_iram_data_length = spar_iram_data_end - spar_iram_data_begin);\n";
print $OUT "PROVIDE(spar_iram_bss_length = spar_iram_bss_end - spar_iram_bss_begin);\n";
print $OUT "SECTIONS\n";
print $OUT "{\n";
printf $OUT sprintf "\tspar_irom_begin = 0x%X;\n", $ram_start;
# print "\t#include \"spar_ram_overlays.ld\"\n";
if(defined $param->{overlay}) {
open(my $OVER, "<", $param->{overlay}) || die "Could not open overlay *.ld file \"$param->{overlay}\", $!";
while(defined(my $line = <$OVER>)) {
print $OUT $line;
close $OVER;
output_section('.text.mbedtls', $mem_lut, $OUT);
# if objects are assigned to XIP, match their .text and .rodata
output_section('.app_xip_area', $mem_lut, $OUT) if defined $param->{xip};
# When direct loading, don't overlap init code with dynamic allocation.
output_section('.setup', $mem_lut, $OUT);
output_section('.pram_rodata', $mem_lut, $OUT) if defined $param->{PATCH_RAM_OBJ};
output_section('.text', $mem_lut, $OUT);
output_section('.rodata', $mem_lut, $OUT);
output_section('.data', $mem_lut, $OUT);
# Nothing to load because it is loaded from EEPROM/SF at boot.
print $OUT "\tspar_irom_data_begin = spar_iram_data_begin;\n";
output_section('.bss', $mem_lut, $OUT);
if(!$param->{direct_load}) {
# Place the setup area after bss so that when dynamic allocation occurs
# after spar setup, it will reclaim the RAM taken up by the setup function.
output_section('.setup', $mem_lut, $OUT);
output_section('.aon', $mem_lut, $OUT) if defined $aon_len;
output_section('.static_area', $mem_lut, $OUT) if defined $param->{ISTATIC_BEGIN};
output_section('.log_section', $mem_lut, $OUT);
print $OUT "}\n";
sub output_section
my ($name, $lut, $fh, $pre, $post) = @_;
my $info = $lut->{$name};
die "Could not find ld table entry for $name\n" if !defined $info;
my $align = "ALIGN (4)";
$align = "" if $name eq '.text';
print $fh "\t$name : $align\n\t{\n";
print $fh "\t\tCREATE_OBJECT_SYMBOLS\n";
foreach my $sym (@{$info->{pre}}) {
print $fh "\t\t$sym = .;\n";
foreach my $sect (@{$info->{sections}}) {
print $fh "\t\t$sect\n";
foreach my $sym (@{$info->{post}}) {
print $fh "\t\t$sym = .;\n";
print $fh "\t} >$info->{mem_type}\n";
# print "\n";