Introduce TC-DA-1.7 Python test (#21775)

- Test TC-DA-1.7 is very error-prone with chip-tool due to
  large amount of complex manual operations on manual log
  extractions of certificate values.

Fixes #21735

This PR:
- Adds a version of TC-DA-1.7 in Python
- **Touches no C++ SDK code**

Testing done:

- Ran the test as it could be done by an end-user, passed on Linux
  and on ESP32

To run:

- Build all-clusters app Linux:
  - `scripts/examples/ examples/all-clusters-app/linux out/debug/standalone chip_config_network_layer_ble=false`
  - In a shell, run: `clear && rm -f kvs1 && out/debug/standalone/chip-all-clusters-app --discriminator 3840 --KVS kvs1`
- Build the Python environment, activate it, then run the test
  - `./scripts/ -m platform -i separate`
  - `. ./out/python_env/bin/activate`
  - Run the test: `rm -f admin_storage.json && python src/python_testing/ -m on-network -d 3840 -p 20202021`
    - Add `--bool-arg allow_sdk_dac:true` to the end of the command line if running against a device that
      has DACs chaining to SDK PAAs (which are forbidden by TC-DA-1.7 step 4 check 2)
diff --git a/ b/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d36aa4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#    Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
+#    All rights reserved.
+#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#    limitations under the License.
+from matter_testing_support import MatterBaseTest, default_matter_test_main, async_test_body
+from matter_testing_support import hex_from_bytes, bytes_from_hex
+from chip.interaction_model import Status
+import chip.clusters as Clusters
+import logging
+from mobly import asserts
+from pathlib import Path
+from glob import glob
+from cryptography.x509 import load_der_x509_certificate, SubjectKeyIdentifier, AuthorityKeyIdentifier, Certificate
+from cryptography.exceptions import InvalidSignature
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
+from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.serialization import PublicFormat, Encoding
+from typing import Optional
+    bytes_from_hex("78:5C:E7:05:B8:6B:8F:4E:6F:C7:93:AA:60:CB:43:EA:69:68:82:D5"),
+    bytes_from_hex("6A:FD:22:77:1F:51:1F:EC:BF:16:41:97:67:10:DC:DC:31:A1:71:7E")
+def load_all_paa(paa_path: Path) -> dict:
+"Loading all PAAs in %s" % paa_path)
+    paa_by_skid = {}
+    for filename in glob(str(paa_path.joinpath("*.der"))):
+        with open(filename, "rb") as derfile:
+            # Load cert
+            paa_der =
+            paa_cert = load_der_x509_certificate(paa_der)
+            # Find the subject key identifier (if present), and record it
+            for extension in paa_cert.extensions:
+                if extension.oid == SubjectKeyIdentifier.oid:
+                    skid = extension.value.key_identifier
+                    paa_by_skid[skid] = (Path(filename).name, paa_cert)
+    return paa_by_skid
+def extract_akid(cert: Certificate) -> Optional[bytes]:
+    # Find the authority key identifier (if present)
+    for extension in cert.extensions:
+        if extension.oid == AuthorityKeyIdentifier.oid:
+            return extension.value.key_identifier
+    else:
+        return None
+class TC_DA_1_7(MatterBaseTest):
+    @async_test_body
+    async def test_TC_DA_1_7(self):
+        # Option to allow SDK roots (skip step 4 check 2)
+        allow_sdk_dac = self.user_params.get("allow_sdk_dac", False)
+"Pre-condition: load all PAAs SKIDs")
+        conf = self.matter_test_config
+        paa_by_skid = load_all_paa(conf.paa_trust_store_path)
+"Found %d PAAs" % len(paa_by_skid))
+"Step 1: Commissioning, already done")
+        dev_ctrl = self.default_controller
+"Step 2: Get PAI of DUT1 with certificate chain request")
+        result = await dev_ctrl.SendCommand(self.dut_node_id, 0, Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Commands.CertificateChainRequest(2))
+        pai_1 = result.certificate
+        asserts.assert_less_equal(len(pai_1), 600, "PAI cert must be at most 600 bytes")
+        self.record_data({"pai_1": hex_from_bytes(pai_1)})
+"Step 3: Get DAC of DUT1 with certificate chain request")
+        result = await dev_ctrl.SendCommand(self.dut_node_id, 0, Clusters.OperationalCredentials.Commands.CertificateChainRequest(1))
+        dac_1 = result.certificate
+        asserts.assert_less_equal(len(dac_1), 600, "DAC cert must be at most 600 bytes")
+        self.record_data({"dac_1": hex_from_bytes(dac_1)})
+"Step 4 check 1: Ensure PAI's AKID matches a PAA and signature is valid")
+        pai1_cert = load_der_x509_certificate(pai_1)
+        pai1_akid = extract_akid(pai1_cert)
+        if pai1_akid not in paa_by_skid:
+  "DUT1's PAI (%s) not matched in PAA trust store" % hex_from_bytes(pai1_akid))
+        filename, paa_cert = paa_by_skid[pai1_akid]
+"Matched PAA file %s, subject: %s" % (filename, paa_cert.subject))
+        public_key = paa_cert.public_key()
+        try:
+            public_key.verify(signature=pai1_cert.signature, data=pai1_cert.tbs_certificate_bytes,
+                              signature_algorithm=ec.ECDSA(hashes.SHA256()))
+        except InvalidSignature as e:
+  "Failed to verify PAI signature against PAA public key: %s" % str(e))
+"Validated PAI signature against PAA")
+"Step 4 check 2: Verify PAI AKID not in denylist of SDK PAIs")
+        if allow_sdk_dac:
+            logging.warn("===> TEST STEP SKIPPED: Allowing SDK DACs!")
+        else:
+            for candidate in FORBIDDEN_AKID:
+                asserts.assert_not_equal(hex_from_bytes(pai1_akid), hex_from_bytes(candidate), "PAI AKID must not be in denylist")
+"Step 5: Extract subject public key of DAC and save")
+        dac1_cert = load_der_x509_certificate(dac_1)
+        pk_1 = dac1_cert.public_key().public_bytes(encoding=Encoding.X962, format=PublicFormat.UncompressedPoint)
+"Subject public key pk_1: %s" % hex_from_bytes(pk_1))
+        self.record_data({"pk_1": hex_from_bytes(pk_1)})
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    default_matter_test_main()