blob: 69db80607ae15a38b29eb91789e344ca0cf3035c [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#pragma once
#import "Foundation/Foundation.h"
#import "MTRBaseDevice.h"
#include <app/BufferedReadCallback.h>
#include <app/ClusterStateCache.h>
#include <app/ConcreteAttributePath.h>
#include <app/EventHeader.h>
#include <app/MessageDef/StatusIB.h>
#include <app/ReadClient.h>
#include <app/ReadPrepareParams.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPError.h>
#include <lib/core/CHIPTLV.h>
#include <lib/core/DataModelTypes.h>
#include <memory>
* This file defines a base class for subscription callbacks used by
* MTRBaseDevice and MTRDevice. This base class handles everything except the
* actual conversion from the incoming data to the desired data and the dispatch
* of callbacks to the relevant client queues. Its callbacks are called on the
* Matter queue. This allows MTRDevice and MTRBaseDevice to do any necessary
* sync cleanup work before dispatching to the client callbacks on the client
* queue.
* After onDoneHandler is invoked, this object will at some point delete itself
* and destroy anything it owns (such as the ReadClient or the
* ClusterStateCache). Consumers should drop references to all the relevant
* objects in that handler. This deletion will happen on the Matter queue.
* The desired data is assumed to be NSObjects that can be stored in NSArray.
typedef void (^DataReportCallback)(NSArray * value);
typedef void (^ErrorCallback)(NSError * error);
typedef void (^SubscriptionEstablishedHandler)(void);
typedef void (^OnDoneHandler)(void);
class MTRBaseSubscriptionCallback : public chip::app::ClusterStateCache::Callback {
MTRBaseSubscriptionCallback(DataReportCallback attributeReportCallback, DataReportCallback eventReportCallback,
ErrorCallback errorCallback, MTRDeviceResubscriptionScheduledHandler _Nullable resubscriptionCallback,
SubscriptionEstablishedHandler _Nullable subscriptionEstablishedHandler, OnDoneHandler _Nullable onDoneHandler)
: mAttributeReportCallback(attributeReportCallback)
, mEventReportCallback(eventReportCallback)
, mErrorCallback(errorCallback)
, mResubscriptionCallback(resubscriptionCallback)
, mSubscriptionEstablishedHandler(subscriptionEstablishedHandler)
, mBufferedReadAdapter(*this)
, mOnDoneHandler(onDoneHandler)
virtual ~MTRBaseSubscriptionCallback()
// Ensure we release the ReadClient before we tear down anything else,
// so it can call our OnDeallocatePaths properly.
mReadClient = nullptr;
chip::app::BufferedReadCallback & GetBufferedCallback() { return mBufferedReadAdapter; }
// We need to exist to get a ReadClient, so can't take this as a constructor argument.
void AdoptReadClient(std::unique_ptr<chip::app::ReadClient> aReadClient) { mReadClient = std::move(aReadClient); }
void AdoptClusterStateCache(std::unique_ptr<chip::app::ClusterStateCache> aClusterStateCache)
mClusterStateCache = std::move(aClusterStateCache);
// Report an error, which may be due to issues in our own internal state or
// due to the OnError callback happening.
// aCancelSubscription should be false for the OnError case, since it will
// be immediately followed by OnDone and we want to do the deletion there.
void ReportError(CHIP_ERROR aError, bool aCancelSubscription = true);
void OnReportBegin() override;
void OnReportEnd() override;
// OnEventData and OnAttributeData must be implemented by subclasses.
void OnEventData(const chip::app::EventHeader & aEventHeader, chip::TLV::TLVReader * apData,
const chip::app::StatusIB * apStatus) override = 0;
void OnAttributeData(const chip::app::ConcreteDataAttributePath & aPath, chip::TLV::TLVReader * apData,
const chip::app::StatusIB & aStatus) override = 0;
void OnError(CHIP_ERROR aError) override;
void OnDone(chip::app::ReadClient * aReadClient) override;
void OnDeallocatePaths(chip::app::ReadPrepareParams && aReadPrepareParams) override;
void OnSubscriptionEstablished(chip::SubscriptionId aSubscriptionId) override;
CHIP_ERROR OnResubscriptionNeeded(chip::app::ReadClient * apReadClient, CHIP_ERROR aTerminationCause) override;
void ReportData();
NSMutableArray * _Nullable mAttributeReports = nil;
NSMutableArray * _Nullable mEventReports = nil;
DataReportCallback _Nullable mAttributeReportCallback = nil;
DataReportCallback _Nullable mEventReportCallback = nil;
// We set mErrorCallback to nil before calling the error callback, so we
// make sure to only report one error.
ErrorCallback _Nullable mErrorCallback = nil;
MTRDeviceResubscriptionScheduledHandler _Nullable mResubscriptionCallback = nil;
SubscriptionEstablishedHandler _Nullable mSubscriptionEstablishedHandler = nil;
chip::app::BufferedReadCallback mBufferedReadAdapter;
// Our lifetime management is a little complicated. On errors that don't
// originate with the ReadClient we attempt to delete ourselves (and hence
// the ReadClient), but asynchronously, because the ReadClient API doesn't
// allow sync deletion under callbacks other than OnDone. While that's
// pending, something else (e.g. an error it runs into) could end up calling
// OnDone on us. And generally if OnDone is called we want to delete
// ourselves as well.
// To handle this, enforce the following rules:
// 1) We guarantee that mErrorCallback is only invoked with an error once.
// 2) We guarantee that mOnDoneHandler is only invoked once, and always
// invoked before we delete ourselves.
// 3) We ensure that we delete ourselves and the passed in ReadClient only
// from OnDone or from an error callback but not both, by tracking whether
// we have a queued-up deletion.
std::unique_ptr<chip::app::ReadClient> mReadClient;
std::unique_ptr<chip::app::ClusterStateCache> mClusterStateCache;
bool mHaveQueuedDeletion = false;
OnDoneHandler _Nullable mOnDoneHandler = nil;