blob: bc201b3300709418eea8fe00421ced7e200ecfbf [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2021 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "lib/support/CHIPMem.h"
#include "lib/support/CodeUtils.h"
#include "lib/support/ScopedBuffer.h"
#include <access/AuthMode.h>
#include <lib/support/Defer.h>
#include <transport/SecureSession.h>
#include <transport/SecureSessionTable.h>
namespace chip {
namespace Transport {
Optional<SessionHandle> SecureSessionTable::CreateNewSecureSessionForTest(SecureSession::Type secureSessionType,
uint16_t localSessionId, NodeId localNodeId,
NodeId peerNodeId, CATValues peerCATs,
uint16_t peerSessionId, FabricIndex fabricIndex,
const ReliableMessageProtocolConfig & config)
if (secureSessionType == SecureSession::Type::kCASE)
if ((fabricIndex == kUndefinedFabricIndex) || (localNodeId == kUndefinedNodeId) || (peerNodeId == kUndefinedNodeId))
return Optional<SessionHandle>::Missing();
else if (secureSessionType == SecureSession::Type::kPASE)
if ((fabricIndex != kUndefinedFabricIndex) || (localNodeId != kUndefinedNodeId) || (peerNodeId != kUndefinedNodeId))
// TODO: This secure session type is infeasible! We must fix the tests
if (false)
return Optional<SessionHandle>::Missing();
(void) fabricIndex;
SecureSession * result = mEntries.CreateObject(*this, secureSessionType, localSessionId, localNodeId, peerNodeId, peerCATs,
peerSessionId, fabricIndex, config);
return result != nullptr ? MakeOptional<SessionHandle>(*result) : Optional<SessionHandle>::Missing();
Optional<SessionHandle> SecureSessionTable::CreateNewSecureSession(SecureSession::Type secureSessionType,
ScopedNodeId sessionEvictionHint)
Optional<SessionHandle> rv = Optional<SessionHandle>::Missing();
SecureSession * allocated = nullptr;
auto sessionId = FindUnusedSessionId();
VerifyOrReturnValue(sessionId.HasValue(), Optional<SessionHandle>::Missing());
// We allocate a new session out of the pool if we have space in it. If we don't, we need
// to run the eviction algorithm to get a free slot. We shall ALWAYS be guaranteed to evict
// an existing session in the table in normal operating circumstances.
if (mEntries.Allocated() < GetMaxSessionTableSize())
allocated = mEntries.CreateObject(*this, secureSessionType, sessionId.Value());
allocated = EvictAndAllocate(sessionId.Value(), secureSessionType, sessionEvictionHint);
VerifyOrReturnValue(allocated != nullptr, Optional<SessionHandle>::Missing());
rv = MakeOptional<SessionHandle>(*allocated);
mNextSessionId = sessionId.Value() == kMaxSessionID ? static_cast<uint16_t>(kUnsecuredSessionId + 1)
: static_cast<uint16_t>(sessionId.Value() + 1);
return rv;
SecureSession * SecureSessionTable::EvictAndAllocate(uint16_t localSessionId, SecureSession::Type secureSessionType,
const ScopedNodeId & sessionEvictionHint)
VerifyOrDieWithMsg(!mRunningEvictionLogic, SecureChannel,
"EvictAndAllocate isn't re-entrant, yet someone called us while we're already running");
mRunningEvictionLogic = true;
auto cleanup = MakeDefer([this]() { mRunningEvictionLogic = false; });
ChipLogProgress(SecureChannel, "Evicting a slot for session with LSID: %d, type: %u", localSessionId,
(uint8_t) secureSessionType);
VerifyOrDie(mEntries.Allocated() <= GetMaxSessionTableSize());
// Create a temporary list of objects each of which points to a session in the existing
// session table, but are swappable. This allows them to then be used with a sorting algorithm
// without affecting the sessions in the table itself.
// The size of this shouldn't place significant demands on the stack if using the default
// configuration for CHIP_CONFIG_SECURE_SESSION_POOL_SIZE (17). Each item is
// 8 bytes in size (on a 32-bit platform), and 16 bytes in size (on a 64-bit platform,
// including padding).
// Total size of this stack variable = 17 * 8 = 136bytes (32-bit platform), 272 bytes (64-bit platform).
// Even if the define is set to a large value, it's likely not so bad on the sort of platform setup
// that would have that sort of pool size.
// We need to sort (as opposed to just a linear search for the smallest/largest item)
// since it is possible that the candidate selected for eviction may not actually be
// released once marked for expiration (see comments below for more details).
// Consequently, we may need to walk the candidate list till we find one that is.
// Sorting provides a better overall performance model in this scheme.
// (#19967): Investigate doing linear search instead.
SortableSession sortableSessions[CHIP_CONFIG_SECURE_SESSION_POOL_SIZE];
unsigned int index = 0;
// Compute two key stats for each session - the number of other sessions that
// match its fabric, as well as the number of other sessions that match its peer.
// This will be used by the session eviction algorithm later.
ForEachSession([&index, &sortableSessions, this](auto * session) {
sortableSessions[index].mSession = session;
sortableSessions[index].mNumMatchingOnFabric = 0;
sortableSessions[index].mNumMatchingOnPeer = 0;
ForEachSession([session, index, &sortableSessions](auto * otherSession) {
if (session != otherSession)
if (session->GetFabricIndex() == otherSession->GetFabricIndex())
if (session->GetPeerNodeId() == otherSession->GetPeerNodeId())
return Loop::Continue;
return Loop::Continue;
auto sortableSessionSpan = Span<SortableSession>(sortableSessions, mEntries.Allocated());
EvictionPolicyContext policyContext(sortableSessionSpan, sessionEvictionHint);
ChipLogProgress(SecureChannel, "Sorted sessions for eviction...");
const auto numSessions = mEntries.Allocated();
ChipLogDetail(SecureChannel, "Sorted Eviction Candidates (ranked from best candidate to worst):");
for (auto * session = sortableSessions; session != (sortableSessions + numSessions); session++)
"\t%ld: [%p] -- Peer: [%u:" ChipLogFormatX64
"] State: '%s', NumMatchingOnFabric: %d NumMatchingOnPeer: %d ActivityTime: %lu",
static_cast<long int>(session - sortableSessions), session->mSession,
session->mSession->GetPeer().GetFabricIndex(), ChipLogValueX64(session->mSession->GetPeer().GetNodeId()),
session->mSession->GetStateStr(), session->mNumMatchingOnFabric, session->mNumMatchingOnPeer,
static_cast<unsigned long>(session->mSession->GetLastActivityTime().count()));
for (auto * session = sortableSessions; session != (sortableSessions + numSessions); session++)
if (session->mSession->IsPendingEviction())
ChipLogProgress(SecureChannel, "Candidate Session[%p] - Attempting to evict...", session->mSession);
auto prevCount = mEntries.Allocated();
// SessionHolders act like weak-refs on a session, but since they do still add to the ref-count of a SecureSession, we
// cannot actually tell whether there are truly any strong-refs (SessionHandles) on this session because if we did, we'd
// avoid evicting it since it's pointless to do so.
// However, we don't actually have SessionHolders implemented correctly as weak-refs, requiring us to go ahead and 'try' to
// evict it, and see if it still remains in the table. If it does, we have to try the next one. If it doesn't, we know we've
// earned a free spot.
// See #19495.
auto newCount = mEntries.Allocated();
if (newCount < prevCount)
ChipLogProgress(SecureChannel, "Successfully evicted a session!");
auto * retSession = mEntries.CreateObject(*this, secureSessionType, localSessionId);
VerifyOrDie(session != nullptr);
return retSession;
VerifyOrDieWithMsg(false, SecureChannel, "We couldn't find any session to evict at all, something's wrong!");
return nullptr;
void SecureSessionTable::DefaultEvictionPolicy(EvictionPolicyContext & evictionContext)
// This implements a spec-compliant sorting policy that ensures both guarantees for sessions per-fabric as
// mandated by the spec as well as fairness in terms of selecting the most appropriate session to evict
// based on multiple criteria.
// See the description of this function in the header for more details on each sorting key below.
evictionContext.Sort([&evictionContext](const SortableSession & a, const SortableSession & b) -> bool {
// Sorting on Key1
if (a.mNumMatchingOnFabric != b.mNumMatchingOnFabric)
return a.mNumMatchingOnFabric > b.mNumMatchingOnFabric;
bool doesAMatchSessionHintFabric =
a.mSession->GetPeer().GetFabricIndex() == evictionContext.GetSessionEvictionHint().GetFabricIndex();
bool doesBMatchSessionHintFabric =
b.mSession->GetPeer().GetFabricIndex() == evictionContext.GetSessionEvictionHint().GetFabricIndex();
// Sorting on Key2
if (doesAMatchSessionHintFabric != doesBMatchSessionHintFabric)
return doesAMatchSessionHintFabric > doesBMatchSessionHintFabric;
// Sorting on Key3
if (a.mNumMatchingOnPeer != b.mNumMatchingOnPeer)
return a.mNumMatchingOnPeer > b.mNumMatchingOnPeer;
// We have an evicton hint in two cases:
// 1) When we just established CASE as a responder, the hint is the node
// we just established CASE to.
// 2) When starting to establish CASE as an initiator, the hint is the
// node we are going to establish CASE to.
// In case 2, we should not end up here if there is an active session to
// the peer at all (because that session should have been used instead
// of establishing a new one).
// In case 1, we know we have a session matching the hint, but we don't
// want to pick that one for eviction, because we just established it.
// So we should not consider a session as matching a hint if it's active
// and is the only session to our peer.
// Checking for the "active" state in addition to the "only session to
// peer" state allows us to prioritize evicting defuct sessions that
// match the hint against other defunct sessions.
auto sessionMatchesEvictionHint = [&evictionContext](const SortableSession & session) -> int {
return session.mSession->GetPeer() == evictionContext.GetSessionEvictionHint() &&
(!session.mSession->IsActiveSession() || session.mNumMatchingOnPeer > 0);
int doesAMatchSessionHint = sessionMatchesEvictionHint(a);
int doesBMatchSessionHint = sessionMatchesEvictionHint(b);
// Sorting on Key4
if (doesAMatchSessionHint != doesBMatchSessionHint)
return doesAMatchSessionHint > doesBMatchSessionHint;
int aStateScore = 0, bStateScore = 0;
auto assignStateScore = [](auto & score, const auto & session) {
if (session.IsDefunct())
score = 2;
else if (session.IsActiveSession())
score = 1;
score = 0;
assignStateScore(aStateScore, *a.mSession);
assignStateScore(bStateScore, *b.mSession);
// Sorting on Key5
if (aStateScore != bStateScore)
return (aStateScore > bStateScore);
// Sorting on Key6
return (a->GetLastActivityTime() < b->GetLastActivityTime());
Optional<SessionHandle> SecureSessionTable::FindSecureSessionByLocalKey(uint16_t localSessionId)
SecureSession * result = nullptr;
mEntries.ForEachActiveObject([&](auto session) {
if (session->GetLocalSessionId() == localSessionId)
result = session;
return Loop::Break;
return Loop::Continue;
return result != nullptr ? MakeOptional<SessionHandle>(*result) : Optional<SessionHandle>::Missing();
Optional<uint16_t> SecureSessionTable::FindUnusedSessionId()
uint16_t candidate_base = 0;
uint64_t candidate_mask = 0;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= kMaxSessionID; i += 64)
// candidate_base is the base session ID we are searching from.
// We have a 64-bit mask anchored at this ID and iterate over the
// whole session table, setting bits in the mask for in-use IDs.
// If we can iterate through the entire session table and have
// any bits clear in the mask, we have available session IDs.
candidate_base = static_cast<uint16_t>(i + mNextSessionId);
candidate_mask = 0;
uint16_t shift = static_cast<uint16_t>(kUnsecuredSessionId - candidate_base);
if (shift <= 63)
candidate_mask |= (1ULL << shift); // kUnsecuredSessionId is never available
mEntries.ForEachActiveObject([&](auto session) {
uint16_t shift = static_cast<uint16_t>(session->GetLocalSessionId() - candidate_base);
if (shift <= 63)
candidate_mask |= (1ULL << shift);
if (candidate_mask == UINT64_MAX)
return Loop::Break; // No bits clear means this bucket is full.
return Loop::Continue;
if (candidate_mask != UINT64_MAX)
break; // Any bit clear means we have an available ID in this bucket.
if (candidate_mask != UINT64_MAX)
uint16_t offset = 0;
while (candidate_mask & 1)
candidate_mask >>= 1;
uint16_t available = static_cast<uint16_t>(candidate_base + offset);
return MakeOptional<uint16_t>(available);
return NullOptional;
} // namespace Transport
} // namespace chip