blob: 37bb1d673f615af61a8ce225ed337fdba7813486 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (c) 2020 Project CHIP Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* Copyright (c) 2020 Silicon Labs
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// This file is generated by Simplicity Studio. Please do not edit manually.
// This c file provides stubs for all callbacks. These stubs
// will be used in the case where user defined implementations
// of the callbacks have not been provided.
#include "af.h"
#include <assert.h>
//#include "hal/hal.h"
/** @brief On/off Cluster Server Post Init
* Following resolution of the On/Off state at startup for this endpoint,
* perform any additional initialization needed; e.g., synchronize hardware
* state.
* @param endpoint Endpoint that is being initialized Ver.: always
void emberAfPluginOnOffClusterServerPostInitCallback(uint8_t endpoint) {}
/** @brief Add To Current App Tasks
* This function is only useful to sleepy end devices. This function will note
* the passed item as part of a set of tasks the application has outstanding
* (e.g. message sent requiring APS acknwoledgement). This will affect how the
* application behaves with regard to sleeping and polling. Until the
* outstanding task is completed, the device may poll more frequently and sleep
* less often.
* @param tasks Ver.: always
void emberAfAddToCurrentAppTasksCallback(EmberAfApplicationTask tasks) {}
/** @brief Allow Network Write Attribute
* This function is called by the application framework before it writes an
* attribute in response to a write attribute request from an external device.
* The value passed into this callback is the value to which the attribute is to
* be set by the framework.
Example: In mirroring simple metering data
* on an Energy Services Interface (ESI) (formerly called Energy Service Portal
* (ESP) in SE 1.0).), a mirrored simple meter needs to write read-only
* attributes on its mirror. The-meter-mirror sample application, located in
* app/framework/sample-apps, uses this callback to allow the mirrored device to
* write simple metering attributes on the mirror regardless of the fact that
* most simple metering attributes are defined as read-only by the ZigBee
* specification.
Note: The ZCL specification does not (as of this
* writing) specify any permission-level security for writing writeable
* attributes. As far as the ZCL specification is concerned, if an attribute is
* writeable, any device that has a link key for the device should be able to
* write that attribute. Furthermore if an attribute is read only, it should not
* be written over the air. Thus, if you implement permissions for writing
* attributes as a feature, you MAY be operating outside the specification. This
* is unlikely to be a problem for writing read-only attributes, but it may be a
* problem for attributes that are writeable according to the specification but
* restricted by the application implementing this callback.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param clusterId Ver.: always
* @param attributeId Ver.: always
* @param mask Ver.: always
* @param manufacturerCode Ver.: always
* @param value Ver.: always
* @param type Ver.: always
EmberAfAttributeWritePermission emberAfAllowNetworkWriteAttributeCallback(uint8_t endpoint, EmberAfClusterId clusterId,
EmberAfAttributeId attributeId, uint8_t mask,
uint16_t manufacturerCode, uint8_t * value, uint8_t type)
/** @brief Attribute Read Access
* This function is called whenever the Application Framework needs to check
* access permission for an attribute read.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param clusterId Ver.: always
* @param manufacturerCode Ver.: always
* @param attributeId Ver.: always
bool emberAfAttributeReadAccessCallback(uint8_t endpoint, EmberAfClusterId clusterId, uint16_t manufacturerCode,
uint16_t attributeId)
return true;
/** @brief Attribute Write Access
* This function is called whenever the Application Framework needs to check
* access permission for an attribute write.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param clusterId Ver.: always
* @param manufacturerCode Ver.: always
* @param attributeId Ver.: always
bool emberAfAttributeWriteAccessCallback(uint8_t endpoint, EmberAfClusterId clusterId, uint16_t manufacturerCode,
uint16_t attributeId)
return true;
/** @brief Groups Cluster Clear Group Table
* This function is called by the framework when the application should clear
* the group table.
* @param endpoint The endpoint. Ver.: always
void emberAfGroupsClusterClearGroupTableCallback(uint8_t endpoint) {}
/** @brief Clear Report Table
* This function is called by the framework when the application should clear
* the report table.
EmberStatus emberAfClearReportTableCallback(void)
/** @brief Scenes Cluster ClearSceneTable
* This function is called by the framework when the application should clear
* the scene table.
* @param endpoint The endpoint. Ver.: always
void emberAfScenesClusterClearSceneTableCallback(uint8_t endpoint) {}
/** @brief Key Establishment Cluster Client Command Received
* This function is called by the application framework when a server-to-client
* key establishment command is received but has yet to be handled by the
* framework code. This function should return a bool value indicating whether
* the command has been handled by the application code and should not be
* further processed by the framework.
* @param cmd Ver.: always
bool emberAfKeyEstablishmentClusterClientCommandReceivedCallback(EmberAfClusterCommand * cmd)
return false;
/** @brief Cluster Init
* This function is called when a specific cluster is initialized. It gives the
* application an opportunity to take care of cluster initialization procedures.
* It is called exactly once for each endpoint where cluster is present.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param clusterId Ver.: always
void emberAfClusterInitCallback(uint8_t endpoint, EmberAfClusterId clusterId) {}
/** @brief Cluster Security Custom
* This callback is fired when determining if APS encryption is required for a
* cluster outside of the specification's required clusters. In other words,
* for the Smart Energy profile this would be a cluster beyond the list that
* normally requires APS encryption.
* @param profileId The profile ID Ver.: always
* @param clusterId The cluster ID Ver.: always
* @param incoming Whether this is an incoming or outgoing message. Ver.:
* always
* @param commandId The ZCL command ID being sent/received. Ver.: always
bool emberAfClusterSecurityCustomCallback(EmberAfProfileId profileId, EmberAfClusterId clusterId, bool incoming, uint8_t commandId)
// By default, assume APS encryption is not required.
return false;
/** @brief Configure Reporting Command
* This function is called by the application framework when a Configure
* Reporting command is received from an external device. The Configure
* Reporting command contains a series of attribute reporting configuration
* records. The application should return true if the message was processed or
* false if it was not.
* @param cmd Ver.: always
bool emberAfConfigureReportingCommandCallback(const EmberAfClusterCommand * cmd)
return false;
/** @brief Configure Reporting Response
* This function is called by the application framework when a Configure
* Reporting Response command is received from an external device. The
* application should return true if the message was processed or false if it
* was not.
* @param clusterId The cluster identifier of this response. Ver.: always
* @param buffer Buffer containing the list of attribute status records. Ver.:
* always
* @param bufLen The length in bytes of the list. Ver.: always
bool emberAfConfigureReportingResponseCallback(EmberAfClusterId clusterId, uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t bufLen)
return false;
/** @brief Default Response
* This function is called by the application framework when a Default Response
* command is received from an external device. The application should return
* true if the message was processed or false if it was not.
* @param clusterId The cluster identifier of this response. Ver.: always
* @param commandId The command identifier to which this is a response. Ver.:
* always
* @param status Specifies either SUCCESS or the nature of the error that was
* detected in the received command. Ver.: always
bool emberAfDefaultResponseCallback(EmberAfClusterId clusterId, uint8_t commandId, EmberAfStatus status)
return false;
/** @brief Discover Attributes Response
* This function is called by the application framework when a Discover
* Attributes Response or Discover Attributes Extended Response command is
* received from an external device. The Discover Attributes Response command
* contains a bool indicating if discovery is complete and a list of zero or
* more attribute identifier/type records. The final argument indicates whether
* the response is in the extended format or not. The application should return
* true if the message was processed or false if it was not.
* @param clusterId The cluster identifier of this response. Ver.: always
* @param discoveryComplete Indicates whether there are more attributes to be
* discovered. true if there are no more attributes to be discovered. Ver.:
* always
* @param buffer Buffer containing the list of attribute identifier/type
* records. Ver.: always
* @param bufLen The length in bytes of the list. Ver.: always
* @param extended Indicates whether the response is in the extended format or
* not. Ver.: always
bool emberAfDiscoverAttributesResponseCallback(EmberAfClusterId clusterId, bool discoveryComplete, uint8_t * buffer,
uint16_t bufLen, bool extended)
return false;
/** @brief Discover Commands Generated Response
* This function is called by the framework when Discover Commands Generated
* Response is received.
* @param clusterId The cluster identifier of this response. Ver.: always
* @param manufacturerCode Manufacturer code Ver.: always
* @param discoveryComplete Indicates whether there are more commands to be
* discovered. Ver.: always
* @param commandIds Buffer containing the list of command identifiers. Ver.:
* always
* @param commandIdCount The length of bytes of the list, whish is the same as
* the number of identifiers. Ver.: always
bool emberAfDiscoverCommandsGeneratedResponseCallback(EmberAfClusterId clusterId, uint16_t manufacturerCode, bool discoveryComplete,
uint8_t * commandIds, uint16_t commandIdCount)
return false;
/** @brief Discover Commands Received Response
* This function is called by the framework when Discover Commands Received
* Response is received.
* @param clusterId The cluster identifier of this response. Ver.: always
* @param manufacturerCode Manufacturer code Ver.: always
* @param discoveryComplete Indicates whether there are more commands to be
* discovered. Ver.: always
* @param commandIds Buffer containing the list of command identifiers. Ver.:
* always
* @param commandIdCount The length of bytes of the list, whish is the same as
* the number of identifiers. Ver.: always
bool emberAfDiscoverCommandsReceivedResponseCallback(EmberAfClusterId clusterId, uint16_t manufacturerCode, bool discoveryComplete,
uint8_t * commandIds, uint16_t commandIdCount)
return false;
/** @brief Eeprom Init
* Tells the system to initialize the EEPROM if it is not already initialized.
void emberAfEepromInitCallback(void) {}
/** @brief Eeprom Note Initialized State
* Records the state of the EEPROM so that an intelligent driver (like the
* EEPROM plugin) can re-initialize the driver prior to any calls to it.
* @param state The state of the EEPROM, false=re-initalization needed,
* true=no-re-init needed Ver.: always
void emberAfEepromNoteInitializedStateCallback(bool state) {}
/** @brief Eeprom Shutdown
* Tells the system to shutdown the EEPROM if it is not already shutdown.
void emberAfEepromShutdownCallback(void) {}
/** @brief Groups Cluster Endpoint In Group
* This function is called by the framework when it needs to determine if an
* endpoint is a member of a group. The application should return true if the
* endpoint is a member of the group and false otherwise.
* @param endpoint The endpoint. Ver.: always
* @param groupId The group identifier. Ver.: always
bool emberAfGroupsClusterEndpointInGroupCallback(uint8_t endpoint, uint16_t groupId)
return false;
/** @brief External Attribute Read
* Like emberAfExternalAttributeWriteCallback above, this function is called
* when the framework needs to read an attribute that is not stored within the
* Application Framework's data structures.
All of the important
* information about the attribute itself is passed as a pointer to an
* EmberAfAttributeMetadata struct, which is stored within the application and
* used to manage the attribute. A complete description of the
* EmberAfAttributeMetadata struct is provided in
* app/framework/include/af-types.h
This function assumes that the
* application is able to read the attribute, write it into the passed buffer,
* and return immediately. Any attributes that require a state machine for
* reading and writing are not really candidates for externalization at the
* present time. The Application Framework does not currently include a state
* machine for reading or writing attributes that must take place across a
* series of application ticks. Attributes that cannot be read in a timely
* manner should be stored within the Application Framework and updated
* occasionally by the application code from within the
* emberAfMainTickCallback.
If the application was successfully able to
* read the attribute and write it into the passed buffer, it should return a
* value of EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS. Ensure that the size of the externally
* managed attribute value is smaller than what the buffer can hold. In the case
* of a buffer overflow throw an appropriate error such as
* EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_SPACE. Any other return value indicates the
* application was not able to read the attribute.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param clusterId Ver.: always
* @param attributeMetadata Ver.: always
* @param manufacturerCode Ver.: always
* @param buffer Ver.: always
* @param maxReadLength Ver.: always
EmberAfStatus emberAfExternalAttributeReadCallback(uint8_t endpoint, EmberAfClusterId clusterId,
EmberAfAttributeMetadata * attributeMetadata, uint16_t manufacturerCode,
uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t maxReadLength)
/** @brief External Attribute Write
* This function is called whenever the Application Framework needs to write an
* attribute which is not stored within the data structures of the Application
* Framework itself. One of the new features in Version 2 is the ability to
* store attributes outside the Framework. This is particularly useful for
* attributes that do not need to be stored because they can be read off the
* hardware when they are needed, or are stored in some central location used by
* many modules within the system. In this case, you can indicate that the
* attribute is stored externally. When the framework needs to write an external
* attribute, it makes a call to this callback.
This callback is very
* useful for host micros which need to store attributes in persistent memory.
* Because each host micro (used with an Ember NCP) has its own type of
* persistent memory storage, the Application Framework does not include the
* ability to mark attributes as stored in flash the way that it does for Ember
* SoCs like the EM35x. On a host micro, any attributes that need to be stored
* in persistent memory should be marked as external and accessed through the
* external read and write callbacks. Any host code associated with the
* persistent storage should be implemented within this callback.
All of
* the important information about the attribute itself is passed as a pointer
* to an EmberAfAttributeMetadata struct, which is stored within the application
* and used to manage the attribute. A complete description of the
* EmberAfAttributeMetadata struct is provided in
* app/framework/include/af-types.h.
This function assumes that the
* application is able to write the attribute and return immediately. Any
* attributes that require a state machine for reading and writing are not
* candidates for externalization at the present time. The Application Framework
* does not currently include a state machine for reading or writing attributes
* that must take place across a series of application ticks. Attributes that
* cannot be written immediately should be stored within the Application
* Framework and updated occasionally by the application code from within the
* emberAfMainTickCallback.
If the application was successfully able to
* write the attribute, it returns a value of EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS. Any
* other return value indicates the application was not able to write the
* attribute.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param clusterId Ver.: always
* @param attributeMetadata Ver.: always
* @param manufacturerCode Ver.: always
* @param buffer Ver.: always
EmberAfStatus emberAfExternalAttributeWriteCallback(uint8_t endpoint, EmberAfClusterId clusterId,
EmberAfAttributeMetadata * attributeMetadata, uint16_t manufacturerCode,
uint8_t * buffer)
/** @brief Find Unused Pan Id And Form
* This function is called by the framework to search for an unused PAN id and
* form a new network. The application should return EMBER_SUCCESS if the
* operation was initiated successfully.
EmberStatus emberAfFindUnusedPanIdAndFormCallback(void)
/** @brief Get Current App Tasks
* This function is only useful to sleepy end devices. This function will
* return the set of tasks the application has outstanding. These tasks affect
* how the application behaves with regard to sleeping and polling.
EmberAfApplicationTask emberAfGetCurrentAppTasksCallback(void)
return 0;
/** @brief Get Current Poll Control
* This function will retrieve the current poll control that the system is using
* for the current network. This is determined by examining all the scheduled
* events and obtaining the most restrictive poll control context across all
* events. The most restrictive poll control is EMBER_AF_SHORT_POLL followed by
EmberAfEventPollControl emberAfGetCurrentPollControlCallback(void)
/** @brief Get Current Poll Interval Ms
* This function is only useful to end devices. This function will return the
* current poll interval (in milliseconds) for the current network. This
* interval is the maximum amount of time a child is currently waiting between
* polls of its parent.
uint32_t emberAfGetCurrentPollIntervalMsCallback(void)
return 0;
/** @brief Get Current Poll Interval Qs
* This function is only useful to end devices. This function will return the
* current poll interval (in quarter seconds) for the current network. This
* interval is the maximum amount of time a child is currently waiting between
* polls of its parent.
uint32_t emberAfGetCurrentPollIntervalQsCallback(void)
return 0;
/** @brief Get Current Sleep Control
* This function will retrieve the current sleep control that the system is
* using. This is determined by examining all the scheduled events and
* obtaining the most restrictive sleep control context across all events. The
* most restrictive sleep control is EMBER_AF_STAY_AWAKE followed by
EmberAfEventSleepControl emberAfGetCurrentSleepControlCallback(void)
/** @brief Get Current Time
* This callback is called when device attempts to get current time from the
* hardware. If this device has means to retrieve exact time, then this method
* should implement it. If the callback can't provide the exact time it should
* return 0 to indicate failure. Default action is to return 0, which indicates
* that device does not have access to real time.
uint32_t emberAfGetCurrentTimeCallback(void)
return 0;
/** @brief Get Default Poll Control
* This function will retrieve the default poll control for the current network
* as previously set by emberAfSetDefaultPollControlCallback(). The default
* poll control will limit whether the network can long poll.
EmberAfEventPollControl emberAfGetDefaultPollControlCallback(void)
/** @brief Get Default Sleep Control
* This function will retrieve the default sleep control the system is using as
* previously set by emberAfSetDefaultSleepControlCallback(). The default sleep
* control will limit whether the device can sleep.
EmberAfEventSleepControl emberAfGetDefaultSleepControlCallback(void)
/** @brief Get Endpoint By Index
* Get the endpoint number based on the passed index. By default the framework
* handles this by managing endpoints based on the precompiled configuration
* defined in AppBuilder. This callback can override this behavior at runtime
* and provide additional endpoints or different data than the compiled values.
* If the index is overridden than the callback shall return true and set the
* endpointReturn parameter accordingly. A value of 0xFF means the endpoint
* doesn't exist at that index.
Otherwise false must be returned by the
* callback and the default framework behavior will be executed. This is only
* applicable to the SOC devices.
* @param index The index of the endpoint. Ver.: always
* @param endpointReturn The value of endpoint. Ver.: always
bool emberAfGetEndpointByIndexCallback(uint8_t index, uint8_t * endpointReturn)
return false;
/** @brief Get Endpoint Description
* This callback is called by the framework whenever it receives a ZDO request
* to enumerate the details about an endpoint. By default the framework
* provides the information based on the precompiled endpoint information as
* defined in AppBuilder. This callback can override that behavior at runtime
* and return different information. If the endpoint information is being
* overridden then the callback must return true. Otherwise it should return
* false, which allows the framework to perform its default behavior. This is
* only applicable to SOC devices.
* @param endpoint The endpoint number that is being queried. Ver.: always
* @param result This is a pointer to a data structure where the endpoint
* information is written if the callback is providing the information. Ver.:
* always
bool emberAfGetEndpointDescriptionCallback(uint8_t endpoint, EmberEndpointDescription * result)
return false;
/** @brief Get Endpoint Info
* This function is a callback to an application implemented endpoint that
* operates outside the normal application framework. When the framework wishes
* to perform operations with that endpoint it uses this callback to retrieve
* the endpoint's information. If the endpoint exists and the application can
* provide data then true shall be returned. Otherwise the callback must return
* false.
* @param endpoint The endpoint to retrieve data for. Ver.: always
* @param returnNetworkIndex The index corresponding to the ZigBee network the
* endpoint belongs to. If not using a multi-network device, 0 must be
* returned. Otherwise on a multi-network device the stack will switch to this
* network before sending the message. Ver.: always
* @param returnEndpointInfo A pointer to a data struct that will be written
* with information about the endpoint. Ver.: always
bool emberAfGetEndpointInfoCallback(uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t * returnNetworkIndex, EmberAfEndpointInfoStruct * returnEndpointInfo)
return false;
/** @brief Get Form And Join Extended Pan Id
* This callback is called by the framework to get the extended PAN ID used by
* the current network for forming and joining. The extended PAN ID used for
* forming and joining is not necessarily the same extended PAN ID actually in
* use on the network.
* @param resultLocation Ver.: always
void emberAfGetFormAndJoinExtendedPanIdCallback(uint8_t * resultLocation) {}
/** @brief Get Long Poll Interval Ms
* This function is only useful to end devices. This function will return the
* long poll interval (in milliseconds) for the current network. This interval
* is the maximum amount of time a child will wait between polls of its parent
* when it is not expecting data.
uint32_t emberAfGetLongPollIntervalMsCallback(void)
return 0;
/** @brief Get Long Poll Interval Qs
* This function is only useful to end devices. This function will return the
* long poll interval (in quarter seconds) for the current network. This
* interval is the maximum amount of time a child will wait between polls of its
* parent when it is not expecting data.
uint32_t emberAfGetLongPollIntervalQsCallback(void)
return 0;
/** @brief Get Short Poll Interval Ms
* This function is only useful to sleepy end devices. This function will
* return the short poll interval (in milliseconds) for the current network.
* This interval is the maximum amount of time a child will wait between polls
* of its parent when it is expecting data.
uint16_t emberAfGetShortPollIntervalMsCallback(void)
return 0;
/** @brief Get Short Poll Interval Qs
* This function is only useful to sleepy end devices. This function will
* return the short poll interval (in quarter seconds) for the current network.
* This interval is the maximum amount of time a child will wait between polls
* of its parent when it is expecting data.
uint16_t emberAfGetShortPollIntervalQsCallback(void)
return 0;
/** @brief Get Source Route Overhead
* This function is called by the framework to determine the overhead required
* in the network frame for source routing to a particular destination.
* @param destination The node id of the destination Ver.: always
uint8_t emberAfGetSourceRouteOverheadCallback(EmberNodeId destination)
return 0;
/** @brief Get Wake Timeout Bitmask
* This function is only useful to sleepy end devices. This function will
* return the wake timeout bitmask for the current network. The bitmask
* determines which tasks will timeout automatically and which tasks require
* manual removal from the task list.
EmberAfApplicationTask emberAfGetWakeTimeoutBitmaskCallback(void)
return 0;
/** @brief Get Wake Timeout Ms
* This function is only useful to sleepy end devices. This function will
* return the wake timeout (in milliseconds) for the current network. This
* timeout is the maximum amount of time a child will wait for a task in the
* wake bitmask to finish. While waiting, the device will short poll.
uint16_t emberAfGetWakeTimeoutMsCallback(void)
return 0;
/** @brief Get Wake Timeout Qs
* This function is only useful to sleepy end devices. This function will
* return the wake timeout (in quarter seconds) for the current network. This
* timeout is the maximum amount of time a child will wait for a task in the
* wake bitmask to finish. While waiting, the device will short poll.
uint16_t emberAfGetWakeTimeoutQsCallback(void)
return 0;
/** @brief Hal Button Isr
* This callback is called by the framework whenever a button is pressed on the
* device. This callback is called within ISR context.
* @param button The button which has changed state, either BUTTON0 or BUTTON1
* as defined in the appropriate BOARD_HEADER. Ver.: always
* @param state The new state of the button referenced by the button parameter,
* either ::BUTTON_PRESSED if the button has been pressed or ::BUTTON_RELEASED
* if the button has been released. Ver.: always
void emberAfHalButtonIsrCallback(uint8_t button, uint8_t state) {}
/** @brief Incoming Packet Filter
This is called by
* the Packet Handoff plugin when the stack receives a packet from one of the
* protocol layers specified in ::EmberZigbeePacketType.
The packetType
* argument is one of the values of the ::EmberZigbeePacketType enum. If the
* stack receives an 802.15.4 MAC beacon, it will call this function with the
* packetType argument set to ::EMBER_ZIGBEE_PACKET_TYPE_BEACON.
* implementation of this callback may alter the data contained in packetData,
* modify options and flags in the auxillary data, or consume the packet itself,
* either sending the message, or discarding it as it sees fit.
* @param packetType the type of packet and associated protocol layer Ver.:
* always
* @param packetData flat buffer containing the packet data associated with the
* packet type Ver.: always
* @param size_p a pointer containing the size value of the packet Ver.: always
* @param data auxillary data included with the packet Ver.: always
EmberPacketAction emberAfIncomingPacketFilterCallback(EmberZigbeePacketType packetType, uint8_t * packetData, uint8_t * size_p,
void * data)
/** @brief Initiate Inter Pan Key Establishment
* This function is called by the framework to initiate key establishment with a
* remote device on a different PAN. The application should return
* EMBER_SUCCESS if key establishment was initiated successfully. The
* application should call ::emberAfInterPanKeyEstablishmentCallback as events
* occur.
* @param panId The PAN id of the remote device. Ver.: always
* @param eui64 The EUI64 of the remote device. Ver.: always
EmberStatus emberAfInitiateInterPanKeyEstablishmentCallback(EmberPanId panId, const EmberEUI64 eui64)
/** @brief Initiate Key Establishment
* This function is called by the framework to initiate key establishment with a
* remote device. The application should return EMBER_SUCCESS if key
* establishment was initiated successfully. The application should call
* ::emberAfKeyEstablishmentCallback as events occur.
* @param nodeId The node id of the remote device. Ver.: always
* @param endpoint The endpoint on the remote device. Ver.: always
EmberStatus emberAfInitiateKeyEstablishmentCallback(EmberNodeId nodeId, uint8_t endpoint)
/** @brief Initiate Partner Link Key Exchange
* This function is called by the framework to initiate a partner link key
* exchange with a remote device. The application should return EMBER_SUCCESS
* if the partner link key exchange was initiated successfully. When the
* partner link key exchange completes, the application should call the given
* callback.
* @param target The node id of the remote device. Ver.: always
* @param endpoint The key establishment endpoint of the remote device. Ver.:
* always
* @param callback The callback that should be called when the partner link key
* exchange completse. Ver.: always
EmberStatus emberAfInitiatePartnerLinkKeyExchangeCallback(EmberNodeId target, uint8_t endpoint,
EmberAfPartnerLinkKeyExchangeCallback * callback)
/** @brief Inter Pan Key Establishment
* A callback by the key-establishment code to indicate an event has occurred.
* For error codes this is purely a notification. For non-error status codes
* (besides LINK_KEY_ESTABLISHED), it is the application's chance to allow or
* disallow the operation. If the application returns true then the key
* establishment is allowed to proceed. If it returns false, then key
* establishment is aborted. LINK_KEY_ESTABLISHED is a notification of success.
* @param status Ver.: always
* @param amInitiator Ver.: always
* @param panId Ver.: always
* @param eui64 Ver.: always
* @param delayInSeconds Ver.: always
bool emberAfInterPanKeyEstablishmentCallback(EmberAfKeyEstablishmentNotifyMessage status, bool amInitiator, EmberPanId panId,
const EmberEUI64 eui64, uint8_t delayInSeconds)
return true;
/** @brief Interpan Send Message
* This function will send a raw MAC message with interpan frame format using
* the passed parameters.
* @param header Interpan header info Ver.: always
* @param messageLength The length of the message received or to send Ver.:
* always
* @param message The message data received or to send. Ver.: always
EmberStatus emberAfInterpanSendMessageCallback(EmberAfInterpanHeader * header, uint16_t messageLength, uint8_t * message)
/** @brief Key Establishment
* A callback by the key-establishment code to indicate an event has occurred.
* For error codes this is purely a notification. For non-error status codes
* (besides LINK_KEY_ESTABLISHED), it is the application's chance to allow or
* disallow the operation. If the application returns true then the key
* establishment is allowed to proceed. If it returns false, then key
* establishment is aborted. LINK_KEY_ESTABLISHED is a notification of success.
* @param status Ver.: always
* @param amInitiator Ver.: always
* @param partnerShortId Ver.: always
* @param delayInSeconds Ver.: always
bool emberAfKeyEstablishmentCallback(EmberAfKeyEstablishmentNotifyMessage status, bool amInitiator, EmberNodeId partnerShortId,
uint8_t delayInSeconds)
return true;
/** @brief On/off Cluster Level Control Effect
* This is called by the framework when the on/off cluster initiates a command
* that must effect a level control change. The implementation assumes that the
* client will handle any effect on the On/Off Cluster.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param newValue Ver.: always
void emberAfOnOffClusterLevelControlEffectCallback(uint8_t endpoint, bool newValue) {}
/** @brief Main Init
* This function is called from the application's main function. It gives the
* application a chance to do any initialization required at system startup. Any
* code that you would normally put into the top of the application's main()
* routine should be put into this function. This is called before the clusters,
* plugins, and the network are initialized so some functionality is not yet
* available.
Note: No callback in the Application Framework is
* associated with resource cleanup. If you are implementing your application on
* a Unix host where resource cleanup is a consideration, we expect that you
* will use the standard Posix system calls, including the use of atexit() and
* handlers for signals such as SIGTERM, SIGINT, SIGCHLD, SIGPIPE and so on. If
* you use the signal() function to register your signal handler, please mind
* the returned value which may be an Application Framework function. If the
* return value is non-null, please make sure that you call the returned
* function from your handler to avoid negating the resource cleanup of the
* Application Framework itself.
void emberAfMainInitCallback(void) {}
/** @brief Main Start
* This function is called at the start of main after the HAL has been
* initialized. The standard main function arguments of argc and argv are
* passed in. However not all platforms have support for main() function
* arguments. Those that do not are passed NULL for argv, therefore argv should
* be checked for NULL before using it. If the callback determines that the
* program must exit, it should return true. The value returned by main() will
* be the value written to the returnCode pointer. Otherwise the callback
* should return false to let normal execution continue.
* @param returnCode Ver.: always
* @param argc Ver.: always
* @param argv Ver.: always
bool emberAfMainStartCallback(int * returnCode, int argc, char ** argv)
// NOTE: argc and argv may not be supported on all platforms, so argv MUST be
// checked for NULL before referencing it. On those platforms without argc
// and argv "0" and "NULL" are passed respectively.
return false; // exit?
/** @brief Main Tick
* Whenever main application tick is called, this callback will be called at the
* end of the main tick execution.
void emberAfMainTickCallback(void) {}
/** @brief Scenes Cluster Make Invalid
* This function is called to invalidate the valid attribute in the Scenes
* cluster.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
EmberAfStatus emberAfScenesClusterMakeInvalidCallback(uint8_t endpoint)
/** @brief Mark Buffers
* This function is called when the garbage collector runs. Any buffers held by
* the application must be marked.
void emberAfMarkBuffersCallback(void)
// emMarkBuffer(&bufferUsed);
/** @brief Message Sent
* This function is called by the application framework from the message sent
* handler, when it is informed by the stack regarding the message sent status.
* All of the values passed to the emberMessageSentHandler are passed on to this
* callback. This provides an opportunity for the application to verify that its
* message has been sent successfully and take the appropriate action. This
* callback should return a bool value of true or false. A value of true
* indicates that the message sent notification has been handled and should not
* be handled by the application framework.
* @param type Ver.: always
* @param indexOrDestination Ver.: always
* @param apsFrame Ver.: always
* @param msgLen Ver.: always
* @param message Ver.: always
* @param status Ver.: always
bool emberAfMessageSentCallback(EmberOutgoingMessageType type, uint16_t indexOrDestination, EmberApsFrame * apsFrame,
uint16_t msgLen, uint8_t * message, EmberStatus status)
return false;
/** @brief Ncp Init
* This function is called when the network coprocessor is being initialized,
* either at startup or upon reset. It provides applications on opportunity to
* perform additional configuration of the NCP. The function is always called
* twice when the NCP is initialized. In the first invocation, memoryAllocation
* will be true and the application should only issue EZSP commands that affect
* memory allocation on the NCP. For example, tables on the NCP can be resized
* in the first call. In the second invocation, memoryAllocation will be false
* and the application should only issue EZSP commands that do not affect memory
* allocation. For example, tables on the NCP can be populated in the second
* call. This callback is not called on SoCs.
* @param memoryAllocation Ver.: always
void emberAfNcpInitCallback(bool memoryAllocation) {}
/** @brief Ncp Is Awake Isr
* This function is called IN ISR CONTEXT. It notes that the NCP is awake after
* sleeping. Care should be taken to do minimal processing in this ISR handler
* function.
void emberAfNcpIsAwakeIsrCallback(void) {}
/** @brief Network Key Update Complete
* This is called by the framework when a network key update operation started
* by the trust center is complete.
* @param status Ver.: always
void emberAfNetworkKeyUpdateCompleteCallback(EmberStatus status) {}
/** @brief Ota Bootload
* The platform specific routine to bootload the device from a ZigBee
* over-the-air upgrade file.
* @param id A pointer to the structure that contains the information about what
* OTA image to bootload. Ver.: always
* @param ncpUpgradeTagId The tag ID of the upgrade data that will be used to
* bootload the device. Ver.: always
uint8_t emberAfOtaBootloadCallback(const EmberAfOtaImageId * id, uint16_t ncpUpgradeTagId)
// Please implement me
emberAfCorePrintln("Not supported.");
return 1;
/** @brief Ota Client Bootload
* This callback is fired when the OTA Client recevies a command to bootload the
* newly downloaded OTA image. This callback will perform the platform specific
* to bootload their device.
* @param id This is the identifier relating to the image that has been
* downloaded and is ready for bootload. Ver.: always
void emberAfOtaClientBootloadCallback(const EmberAfOtaImageId * id)
// Any final preperation prior to the bootload should be done here.
// It is assumed that the device will reset in most all cases.
// Please implement me.
/** @brief Ota Client Custom Verify
* This callback is executed by the OTA client after the signature verification
* has successfully completed. It allows the device to do its own custom
* verification of the image (such as verifying that the EBL is intact).
* @param newVerification This indicates if a new verification should be
* started. Ver.: always
* @param id This is ID of the image to be verified. Ver.: always
EmberAfImageVerifyStatus emberAfOtaClientCustomVerifyCallback(bool newVerification, const EmberAfOtaImageId * id)
// Manufacturing specific checks can be made to the image in this function to
// determine if it is valid. This function is called AFTER cryptographic
// checks have passed. If the cryptographic checks failed, this function will
// never be called.
// The function shall return one of the following based on its own
// verification process.
// 1) EMBER_AF_IMAGE_GOOD - the image has passed all checks
// 2) EMBER_AF_IMAGE_BAD - the image is not valid
// 3) EMBER_AF_IMAGE_VERIFY_IN_PROGRESS - the image is valid so far, but more
// checks are needed. This callback shall be re-executed later to
// continue verification. This allows other code in the framework to run.
/** @brief Ota Client Download Complete
* This callback indicates that the OTA client has completed the download of a
* file. If the file has been completely downloaded and cryptographic checks
* have been turned on, then those will be performed prior to this callback and
* that outcome included in the 'success' result. On failure, this callback is
* merely informative, and the return type is ignored. On succesful download,
* this callback allows the client to perform any additional verification of the
* downloaded image and return that result to the OTA server.
* @param success This indicates the success or failure of the download and
* cryptographic verification process (if applicable). Ver.: always
* @param id This is the image identifier information that corresponds to the
* download result. Ver.: always
bool emberAfOtaClientDownloadCompleteCallback(EmberAfOtaDownloadResult success, const EmberAfOtaImageId * id)
// At this point the image has been completely downloaded and cryptographic
// checks (if applicable) have been performed.
if (!success)
emberAfOtaBootloadClusterPrintln("Download failed.");
return true; // return value is ignored
// This is for any additional validation that needs to be performed
// on the image by the application.
// The results of checks here will be returned back to the OTA server
// in the Upgrade End request.
return true;
/** @brief Ota Client Incoming Message Raw
* This callback is for processing incoming messages for the Over-the-air
* bootload cluster client. ZCL will not process the message and instead hand
* the raw over the air data to the callback for its own processing.
* @param message A pointer to the structure containing the message buffer and
* other information about it. Ver.: always
bool emberAfOtaClientIncomingMessageRawCallback(EmberAfClusterCommand * message)
return false;
/** @brief Ota Client Start
* This callback should be called when the profile specific registration has
* completed successfully. It will start the client's state machine that will
* find the OTA server, query it for the next image, download the image, wait
* for the bootload message, and kick off the bootload.
void emberAfOtaClientStartCallback(void) {}
/** @brief Ota Client Version Info
* This function is called by the OTA client when a new query will occur to the
* server asking what the next version of firmware is. The client can inform
* the cluster software as to what information to use in the query (and
* subsequent download).
* @param currentImageInfo This is the information to use in the next query by
* the client cluster code. It contains the manufacturer ID, image type ID, and
* the firmware version to be specified in the query message sent to the server.
* Ver.: always
* @param hardwareVersion This is a pointer to the hardware version to use in
* the query. If no hardware version should be used, then
* EMBER_AF_INVALID_HARDWARE_VERSION should be used. Ver.: always
void emberAfOtaClientVersionInfoCallback(EmberAfOtaImageId * currentImageInfo, uint16_t * hardwareVersion)
// Customer will fill in the image info with their manufacturer ID,
// image type ID, and current software version number.
// The deviceSpecificFileEui64 can be ignored.
// It may be necessary to dynamically determine this by talking to
// another device, as is the case with a host talking to an NCP device.
// However, this routine will be called repeatedly so it may be wise
// to cache the data!
/* This is commented out since the #defines below are not defined.
if (currentImageInfo != NULL) {
memset(currentImageInfo, 0, sizeof(EmberAfOtaImageId));
currentImageInfo->manufacturerId = EMBER_AF_MANUFACTURER_CODE;
currentImageInfo->imageTypeId = EMBER_AF_IMAGE_TYPE_ID;
currentImageInfo->firmwareVersion = EMBER_AF_CUSTOM_FIRMWARE_VERSION;
if (hardwareVersion != NULL) {
/** @brief Ota Page Request Server Policy
* This callback is called by the OTA server page request code when it wants to
* determine if it is allowed for an OTA client to make a page request. It is
* only called if page request support has been enabled on the server. It
* should return EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS if it allows the page request, and
* EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_UNSUP_CLUSTER_COMMAND if it does not want to allow it.
uint8_t emberAfOtaPageRequestServerPolicyCallback(void)
/** @brief Ota Server Block Size
* This function provides a way for the server to adjust the block size of its
* response to an Image block request by a client.
* @param clientNodeId The node Id of OTA client making an image block request.
* Ver.: always
uint8_t emberAfOtaServerBlockSizeCallback(EmberNodeId clientNodeId)
// This function provides a way for the server to potentially
// adjust the block size based on the client who is requesting.
// In other words if we are using source routing we will limit
// data returned by enough to put a source route into the message.
// Image Block Response Message Format
// Status Code: 1-byte
// Manuf Code: 2-bytes
// Image Type: 2-bytes
// File Ver: 4-bytes
// File Offset: 4-bytes
// Data Size: 1-byte
// Data: variable
EmberApsFrame apsFrame;
uint8_t maxSize;
apsFrame.options = EMBER_APS_OPTION_NONE;
if (emberAfIsCurrentSecurityProfileSmartEnergy())
maxSize = emberAfMaximumApsPayloadLength(EMBER_OUTGOING_DIRECT, clientNodeId, &apsFrame);
return maxSize;
/** @brief Ota Server Incoming Message Raw
* This callback is for processing incoming messages for the Over-the-air
* bootload cluster server. ZCL will not process the message and instead hand
* the raw over the air data to the callback for its own processing.
* @param message A pointer to the structure containing the message buffer and
* other information about it. Ver.: always
bool emberAfOtaServerIncomingMessageRawCallback(EmberAfClusterCommand * message)
return false;
/** @brief Ota Server Query
* This callback is fired when the OTA server receives a query request by the
* client. The callback lets the server application indicate to the client what
* the 'next' version of software is for the device, or if there is not one
* available.
* @param currentImageId This is the current software image that the client
* hase. Ver.: always
* @param hardwareVersion If this value is non-NULL, it indicates the hardware
* version of the client device. If NULL, the client did not specify a hardware
* version. Ver.: always
* @param nextUpgradeImageId This is a pointer to a data structure containing
* the 'next' software version for the client to download. Ver.: always
uint8_t emberAfOtaServerQueryCallback(const EmberAfOtaImageId * currentImageId, uint16_t * hardwareVersion,
EmberAfOtaImageId * nextUpgradeImageId)
// If a new software image is available, this function should return EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS
// and populate the 'nextUpgradeImageId' structure with the appropriate values.
// If no new software image is available (i.e. the client should not download a firmware image)
// then the server should return EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_NO_IMAGE_AVAILABLE.
/** @brief Ota Server Send Image Notify
* This callback is an indication to the OTA server that it should send out
* notification about an OTA file that is available for download.
* @param dest The destination of the image notify message. May be a broadcast
* address. Ver.: always
* @param endpoint The destination endpoint of the image notify message. May be
* a broadcast endpoint. Ver.: always
* @param payloadType The type of data the image notify message will contain. 0
* = no data. 1 = Manufacturer ID. 2 = Manufacturer ID and the image type ID.
* 3 = Manufacturer ID, image type ID, and firmware version. Ver.: always
* @param queryJitter The percentage of nodes that should respond to this
* message, from 1-100. On receipt of this message, each recipient will
* randomly choose a percentage and only query the server if their percentage is
* below this value. Ver.: always
* @param id The image information that will be put in the message. The data
* within this struct that will be appended to the message is determined by the
* previous 'payloadType' argument. Ver.: always
bool emberAfOtaServerSendImageNotifyCallback(EmberNodeId dest, uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t payloadType, uint8_t queryJitter,
const EmberAfOtaImageId * id)
return false;
/** @brief Ota Server Upgrade End Request
* This function is called when the OTA server receives a request an upgrade end
* request. If the request indicated a successful download by the client, the
* server must tell the client when and if to upgrade to the downloaded image.
* @param source The node ID of the device that sent the upgrade end request.
* Ver.: always
* @param status This is the ZCL status sent by the client indicating the result
* of its attempt to download the new upgrade image. If the status is not
* EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS then this callback is merely informative and no
* response mesasge will be generated by the server. Ver.: always
* @param returnValue If the server returns true indicating that the client
* should apply the upgrade, this time value indicates when in the future the
* client should apply the upgrade. Ver.: always
* @param imageId This variable indicates the software version that the client
* successfully downloaded and is asking to upgrade to. Ver.: always
bool emberAfOtaServerUpgradeEndRequestCallback(EmberNodeId source, uint8_t status, uint32_t * returnValue,
const EmberAfOtaImageId * imageId)
// If the status value is not EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS, then this callback is
// merely informative and no response message will be generated by the server.
// If the server wants the client to NOT apply the upgrade, then it should
// return false.
// If the server wants the client to apply the upgrade, it should return true
// and set the 'returnValue' parameter to when it wants the client to
// apply the upgrade. There are three possible values:
// 0 = Apply the upgrade now
// 0xFFFFFFFF = Don't apply yet, ask again later.
// (anything-else) = Apply the upgrade X minutes from now.
*returnValue = 0;
return true;
/** @brief Ota Storage Check Temp Data
* This callback will validate temporary data in the storage device to determine
* whether it is a complete file, a partially downloaded file, or there is no
* file present. When a complete or partial file is found it will return
* respectively. In that case, the currentOffset, totalImageSize, and
* newFileInfo will be populated with data. When EMBER_AF_OTA_STORAGE_ERROR is
* returned, no temporary data is present.
* @param currentOffset A pointer to a value that will be written with the
* offset within the total file size that has been successfully stored in the
* storage device. This will indicate how much data has been currently
* dowloaded. Ver.: always
* @param totalImageSize A pointer to a value that will be written with the
* total image size of the OTA file when a download has completed. This does
* not indicate how much data has actually been downloaded currently. Ver.:
* always
* @param newFileInfo This is the image id of the temporary file data stored in
* the storage device. Ver.: always
EmberAfOtaStorageStatus emberAfOtaStorageCheckTempDataCallback(uint32_t * currentOffset, uint32_t * totalImageSize,
EmberAfOtaImageId * newFileInfo)
// If the image data cannot be successfully verified, an error should be returned.
/** @brief Ota Storage Clear Temp Data
* This function clears any existing temp data that was downloaed. It is used
* immediately prior to downloading a raw image over the air.
EmberAfOtaStorageStatus emberAfOtaStorageClearTempDataCallback(void)
// If the image data cannot be stored, an error should be returned.
/** @brief Ota Storage Close
* This callback shuts down the ZigBee Over-the-air storage module.
void emberAfOtaStorageCloseCallback(void)
// Please implement me.
/** @brief Ota Storage Driver Download Finish
* This callback defines the low-level means by which a device records the final
* offset value of the download image.
* @param offset The value of the final offset of the image download. Ver.:
* always
void emberAfOtaStorageDriverDownloadFinishCallback(uint32_t offset)
// The storage driver and the rest of the OTA bootload code will not function correctly unless it is implemnted.
// Please implement me.
/** @brief Ota Storage Driver Init
* The initialization code for the OTA storage driver.
bool emberAfOtaStorageDriverInitCallback(void)
// The storage driver and the rest of the OTA bootload code will not function correctly unless it is implemnted.
// Please implement me.
return false;
/** @brief Ota Storage Driver Invalidate Image
* This callback invalidates the image stored on disk so that it will not be
* bootloaded, and it will not be a valid image that is in the middle of
* downloading.
EmberAfOtaStorageStatus emberAfOtaStorageDriverInvalidateImageCallback(void)
// The storage driver and the rest of the OTA bootload code will not function correctly unless it is implemnted.
// Please implement me.
/** @brief Ota Storage Driver Prepare To Resume Download
* This callback allows the underlying storage driver to prepare to resume the
* OTA file download. For example, the driver may exceute a page erase to
* insure the next page is ready to be written to.
EmberAfOtaStorageStatus emberAfOtaStorageDriverPrepareToResumeDownloadCallback(void)
/** @brief Ota Storage Driver Read
* This callback defines the low-level means by which a device reads from the
* OTA storage device.
* @param offset The address offset from the start of the storage device where
* data is to be read. Ver.: always
* @param length The length of the data to be read from the storage device.
* Ver.: always
* @param returnData A pointer where the data read from the device should be
* written to. Ver.: always
bool emberAfOtaStorageDriverReadCallback(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, uint8_t * returnData)
// The storage driver and the rest of the OTA bootload code will not function correctly unless it is implemnted.
// Please implement me.
return false;
/** @brief Ota Storage Driver Retrieve Last Stored Offset
* This callback defines the low-level means by which a device retrieves the
* last persistently recorded download offset. This may be different than last
* actual download offset.
uint32_t emberAfOtaStorageDriverRetrieveLastStoredOffsetCallback(void)
// The storage driver and the rest of the OTA bootload code will not function correctly unless it is implemnted.
// Please implement me.
return 0;
/** @brief Ota Storage Driver Write
* This callback defines the low-level means by which a device reads from the
* OTA storage device.
* @param dataToWrite A pointer to the data that will be written to the storage
* device. Ver.: always
* @param offset The address offset from the start of the storage device where
* data will be written. Ver.: always
* @param length The length of the data to be written to the storage device.
* Ver.: always
bool emberAfOtaStorageDriverWriteCallback(const uint8_t * dataToWrite, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length)
// The storage driver and the rest of the OTA bootload code will not function correctly unless it is implemnted.
// Please implement me.
return false;
/** @brief Ota Storage Finish Download
* This function indicates to the storage module that the download has finished.
* @param offset The final offset of the downloaded file (i.e. the total size)
* Ver.: always
EmberAfOtaStorageStatus emberAfOtaStorageFinishDownloadCallback(uint32_t offset)
/** @brief Ota Storage Get Count
* This callback returns the total number of ZigBee Over-the-air upgrade images
* stored in the storage module.
uint8_t emberAfOtaStorageGetCountCallback(void)
return 0;
/** @brief Ota Storage Get Full Header
* This callback populates the EmberAfOtaHeader structure pointed to by the
* returnData with data about the OTA file stored in the storage module.
* @param id This is a pointer to the image id for the OTA file to retrieve
* information about. Ver.: always
* @param returnData This is a pointer to the location of the structure that
* will be populated with data. Ver.: always
EmberAfOtaStorageStatus emberAfOtaStorageGetFullHeaderCallback(const EmberAfOtaImageId * id, EmberAfOtaHeader * returnData)
// If the requested image cannot be found, then an error shouldb e returned.
/** @brief Ota Storage Get Total Image Size
* This function returns the total size of the ZigBee Over-the-air file with the
* passed parameters. If no file is found with those parameters, 0 is returned.
* @param id A pointer to the image identifier for the OTA file to retrieve
* information for. Ver.: always
uint32_t emberAfOtaStorageGetTotalImageSizeCallback(const EmberAfOtaImageId * id)
// On failure this should return an image size of zero.
return 0;
/** @brief Ota Storage Init
* This callback initializes the ZigBee Over-the-air storage module.
EmberAfOtaStorageStatus emberAfOtaStorageInitCallback(void)
/** @brief Ota Storage Iterator First
* This callback lets you walk through the list of all OTA files by jumping to
* the first file in the list maintained by the storage module. If there is no
* file then emberAfOtaInvalidImageId is returned.
EmberAfOtaImageId emberAfOtaStorageIteratorFirstCallback(void)
// It is expected that the storage module maintain its own internal iterator that the 'first' and 'next' functions will
// manipulate.
// If there are no images at all, this function should return the invalid image id.
return emberAfInvalidImageId;
/** @brief Ota Storage Iterator Next
* This callback lets you walk through the list of all OTA files by jumping to
* the next file in the list maintained by the storage module. If there is no
* next file then emberAfOtaInvalidImageId is returned.
EmberAfOtaImageId emberAfOtaStorageIteratorNextCallback(void)
// It is expected that the storage module maintain its own internal iterator that the 'first' and 'next' functions will
// manipulate.
// If there are no more images, this function should return the invalid image id.
return emberAfInvalidImageId;
/** @brief Ota Storage Read Image Data
* This callback reads data from the specified OTA file and returns that data to
* the caller.
* @param id This is a pointer to the image id for the OTA file to retrieve data
* from. Ver.: always
* @param offset This is the offset relative to the start of the image where the
* data should be read from. Ver.: always
* @param length This is the length of data that will be read. Ver.: always
* @param returnData This is a pointer to where the data read out of the file
* will be written to Ver.: always
* @param returnedLength This is a pointer to a variable where the actual length
* of data read will be written to. A short read may occur if the end of file
* was reached. Ver.: always
EmberAfOtaStorageStatus emberAfOtaStorageReadImageDataCallback(const EmberAfOtaImageId * id, uint32_t offset, uint32_t length,
uint8_t * returnData, uint32_t * returnedLength)
// If the requested image cannot be found, then an error should be returned.
/** @brief Ota Storage Search
* This callback searches through the list of all images for one that matches
* the passed parameters. On success an image identifier is returned with a
* matching image. On failure emberAfInvalidImageId is returned.
* @param manufacturerId The ZigBee assigned identifier of the manufacturer
* contained in the OTA image being searched for. Ver.: always
* @param imageTypeId The image type identifier contained in the OTA image being
* searched for. Ver.: always
* @param hardwareVersion This is a pointer to the hardware version that will be
* used in the search. If the pointer is NULL, hardware version will not be
* considered when searching for matching images. If it points to a value, the
* search will only consider images where that value falls between the minimum
* and maxmimum hardware version specified in the OTA file. If no hardware
* version is present in an OTA file but the other parameters match, the file
* will be considered a match Ver.: always
EmberAfOtaImageId emberAfOtaStorageSearchCallback(uint16_t manufacturerId, uint16_t imageTypeId, const uint16_t * hardwareVersion)
// If no image is found that matches the search criteria, this function should return the invalid image id.
return emberAfInvalidImageId;
/** @brief Ota Storage Write Temp Data
* This function writes to the temporary data in the storage device at the
* specified offset. It is used when downloading a raw image over the air.
* @param offset The location within the download image file where to write the
* data. Ver.: always
* @param length The length of data to write. Ver.: always
* @param data A pointer to the temporary data that will be written to the
* storage device. Ver.: always
EmberAfOtaStorageStatus emberAfOtaStorageWriteTempDataCallback(uint32_t offset, uint32_t length, const uint8_t * data)
// If the image data cannot be stored, an error should be returned.
/** @brief Outgoing Packet Filter
This is called by
* the Packet Handoff plugin when the stack prepares to send a packet from one
* of the protocol layers specified in ::EmberZigbeePacketType.
* packetType argument is one of the values of the ::EmberZigbeePacketType enum.
* If the stack receives an 802.15.4 MAC beacon, it will call this function with
* the packetType argument set to ::EMBER_ZIGBEE_PACKET_TYPE_BEACON.
* The implementation of this callback may alter the data contained in
* packetData, modify options and flags in the auxillary data, or consume the
* packet itself, either sending the message, or discarding it as it sees fit.
* @param packetType the type of packet and associated protocol layer Ver.:
* always
* @param packetData flat buffer containing the packet data associated with the
* packet type Ver.: always
* @param size_p a pointer containing the size value of the packet Ver.: always
* @param data auxillary data included with the packet Ver.: always
EmberPacketAction emberAfOutgoingPacketFilterCallback(EmberZigbeePacketType packetType, uint8_t * packetData, uint8_t * size_p,
void * data)
/** @brief Partner Link Key Exchange Request
* This function is called by the framework on SOC platforms when a remote node
* requests a partner link key exchange. The application should return
* EMBER_SUCCESS to accept the request or any other status to reject it. On
* network coprocessor platforms, this function will not be called because the
* NCP handles partner link key exchange requests based on the binding policy.
* @param partner The EUI of the remote node. Ver.: always
EmberZdoStatus emberAfPartnerLinkKeyExchangeRequestCallback(EmberEUI64 partner)
/** @brief Partner Link Key Exchange Response
* This function is called by the framework when a remote node requests a
* partner link key exchange. The application should return true to accept the
* request or false to reject it. On network coprocessor platforms, this
* function will not be called because the NCP handles partner link key exchange
* requests based on the binding policy.
* @param sender The EUI of the remote node. Ver.: always
* @param status The ZDO response status. Ver.: always
void emberAfPartnerLinkKeyExchangeResponseCallback(EmberNodeId sender, EmberZdoStatus status) {}
/** @brief Performing Key Establishment
* This function is called by the framework to determine if the device is
* performing key establishment. The application should return true if key
* establishment is in progress.
bool emberAfPerformingKeyEstablishmentCallback(void)
return false;
/** @brief Get Distributed Key
* This callback is fired when the Network Steering plugin needs to set the distributed
* key. The application set the distributed key from Zigbee Alliance thru this callback
* or the network steering will use the default test key.
* @param pointer to the distributed key struct
* @return true if the key is loaded successfully, otherwise false.
* level. Ver.: always
bool emberAfPluginNetworkSteeringGetDistributedKeyCallback(EmberKeyData * key)
return false;
/** @brief Get Node Type
* This callback allows the application to set the node type that the network
* steering process will use in joining a network.
* @param state The current ::EmberAfPluginNetworkSteeringJoiningState.
* @return An ::EmberNodeType value that the network steering process will
* try to join a network as.
EmberNodeType emberAfPluginNetworkSteeringGetNodeTypeCallback(EmberAfPluginNetworkSteeringJoiningState state)
return ((emAfCurrentZigbeeProNetwork->nodeType == EMBER_COORDINATOR) ? EMBER_ROUTER : emAfCurrentZigbeeProNetwork->nodeType);
/** @brief Get Power For Radio Channel
* This callback is fired when the Network Steering plugin needs to set the
* power level. The application has the ability to change the max power level
* used for this particular channel.
* @param channel The channel that the plugin is inquiring about the power
* level. Ver.: always
int8_t emberAfPluginNetworkSteeringGetPowerForRadioChannelCallback(uint8_t channel)
return emberAfMaxPowerLevel();
// Ifdef out the attribute change callback, since we implement it in
// DataModelHandler
#if 0
/** @brief Post Attribute Change
* This function is called by the application framework after it changes an
* attribute value. The value passed into this callback is the value to which
* the attribute was set by the framework.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param clusterId Ver.: always
* @param attributeId Ver.: always
* @param mask Ver.: always
* @param manufacturerCode Ver.: always
* @param type Ver.: always
* @param size Ver.: always
* @param value Ver.: always
void emberAfPostAttributeChangeCallback(uint8_t endpoint, EmberAfClusterId clusterId, EmberAfAttributeId attributeId, uint8_t mask,
uint16_t manufacturerCode, uint8_t type, uint8_t size, uint8_t * value)
/** @brief Post Em4 Reset
* A callback called by application framework, and implemented by em4 plugin
void emberAfPostEm4ResetCallback(void)
/** @brief Pre Attribute Change
* This function is called by the application framework before it changes an
* attribute value. The value passed into this callback is the value to which
* the attribute is to be set by the framework. The application should return
* ::EMBER_ZCL_STATUS_SUCCESS to permit the change or any other ::EmberAfStatus
* to reject it.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param clusterId Ver.: always
* @param attributeId Ver.: always
* @param mask Ver.: always
* @param manufacturerCode Ver.: always
* @param type Ver.: always
* @param size Ver.: always
* @param value Ver.: always
EmberAfStatus emberAfPreAttributeChangeCallback(uint8_t endpoint, EmberAfClusterId clusterId, EmberAfAttributeId attributeId,
uint8_t mask, uint16_t manufacturerCode, uint8_t type, uint8_t size,
uint8_t * value)
/** @brief Pre Cli Send
* This function is called by the framework when it is about to pass a message
* constructed over CLI to the stack primitives for sending. If the function
* returns true it is assumed that the callback has consumed and processed the
* message. The framework will not do any further processing on the message.
* If the function returns false then it is assumed that the callback has
* not processed the message and the framework will continue to process
* accordingly.
* @param apsFrame The structure containing the APS frame Ver.: always
* @param source Source Node Id Ver.: always
* @param destination Destintion Node Id Ver.: always
* @param message Pointer to the message payload Ver.: always
* @param messageLength Length of the message payload Ver.: always
bool emberAfPreCliSendCallback(EmberApsFrame * apsFrame, EmberNodeId source, EmberNodeId destination, uint8_t * message,
uint16_t messageLength)
return false;
/** @brief Pre Command Received
* This callback is the second in the Application Framework's message processing
* chain. At this point in the processing of incoming over-the-air messages, the
* application has determined that the incoming message is a ZCL command. It
* parses enough of the message to populate an EmberAfClusterCommand struct. The
* Application Framework defines this struct value in a local scope to the
* command processing but also makes it available through a global pointer
* called emberAfCurrentCommand, in app/framework/util/util.c. When command
* processing is complete, this pointer is cleared.
* @param cmd Ver.: always
bool emberAfPreCommandReceivedCallback(EmberAfClusterCommand * cmd)
return false;
/** @brief Pre Message Received
* This callback is the first in the Application Framework's message processing
* chain. The Application Framework calls it when a message has been received
* over the air but has not yet been parsed by the ZCL command-handling code. If
* you wish to parse some messages that are completely outside the ZCL
* specification or are not handled by the Application Framework's command
* handling code, you should intercept them for parsing in this callback.
* This callback returns a Boolean value indicating whether or not the message
* has been handled. If the callback returns a value of true, then the
* Application Framework assumes that the message has been handled and it does
* nothing else with it. If the callback returns a value of false, then the
* application framework continues to process the message as it would with any
* incoming message.
Note: This callback receives a pointer to an
* incoming message struct. This struct allows the application framework to
* provide a unified interface between both Host devices, which receive their
* message through the ezspIncomingMessageHandler, and SoC devices, which
* receive their message through emberIncomingMessageHandler.
* @param incomingMessage Ver.: always
bool emberAfPreMessageReceivedCallback(EmberAfIncomingMessage * incomingMessage)
return false;
/** @brief Pre Message Send
* This function is called by the framework when it is about to pass a message
* to the stack primitives for sending. This message may or may not be ZCL,
* ZDO, or some other protocol. This is called prior to
any ZigBee
* fragmentation that may be done. If the function returns true it is assumed
* the callback has consumed and processed the message. The callback must also
* set the EmberStatus status code to be passed back to the caller. The
* framework will do no further processing on the message.
If the
* function returns false then it is assumed that the callback has not processed
* the mesasge and the framework will continue to process accordingly.
* @param messageStruct The structure containing the parameters of the APS
* message to be sent. Ver.: always
* @param status A pointer to the status code value that will be returned to the
* caller. Ver.: always
bool emberAfPreMessageSendCallback(EmberAfMessageStruct * messageStruct, EmberStatus * status)
return false;
/** @brief Pre Ncp Reset
* This function will be called prior to the reset of the NCP by the host.
void emberAfPreNcpResetCallback(void) {}
/** @brief Pre ZDO Message Received
* This function passes the application an incoming ZDO message and gives the
* appictation the opportunity to handle it. By default, this callback returns
* false indicating that the incoming ZDO message has not been handled and
* should be handled by the Application Framework.
* @param emberNodeId Ver.: always
* @param apsFrame Ver.: always
* @param message Ver.: always
* @param length Ver.: always
bool emberAfPreZDOMessageReceivedCallback(EmberNodeId emberNodeId, EmberApsFrame * apsFrame, uint8_t * message, uint16_t length)
return false;
/** @brief Read Attributes Response
* This function is called by the application framework when a Read Attributes
* Response command is received from an external device. The application should
* return true if the message was processed or false if it was not.
* @param clusterId The cluster identifier of this response. Ver.: always
* @param buffer Buffer containing the list of read attribute status records.
* Ver.: always
* @param bufLen The length in bytes of the list. Ver.: always
bool emberAfReadAttributesResponseCallback(EmberAfClusterId clusterId, uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t bufLen)
return false;
/** @brief Read Reporting Configuration Command
* This function is called by the application framework when a Read Reporting
* Configuration command is received from an external device. The application
* should return true if the message was processed or false if it was not.
* @param cmd Ver.: always
bool emberAfReadReportingConfigurationCommandCallback(const EmberAfClusterCommand * cmd)
return false;
/** @brief Read Reporting Configuration Response
* This function is called by the application framework when a Read Reporting
* Configuration Response command is received from an external device. The
* application should return true if the message was processed or false if it
* was not.
* @param clusterId The cluster identifier of this response. Ver.: always
* @param buffer Buffer containing the list of attribute reporting configuration
* records. Ver.: always
* @param bufLen The length in bytes of the list. Ver.: always
bool emberAfReadReportingConfigurationResponseCallback(EmberAfClusterId clusterId, uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t bufLen)
return false;
/** @brief Scenes Cluster Recall Saved Scene
* This function is called by the framework when the application should recall a
* saved scene.
* @param endpoint The endpoint. Ver.: always
* @param groupId The group identifier. Ver.: always
* @param sceneId The scene identifier. Ver.: always
EmberAfStatus emberAfScenesClusterRecallSavedSceneCallback(uint8_t endpoint, uint16_t groupId, uint8_t sceneId)
/** @brief Registration Abort
* This callback is called when the device should abort the registration
* process.
void emberAfRegistrationAbortCallback(void) {}
/** @brief Registration
* This callback is called when the device joins a network and the process of
* registration is complete. This callback provides a success value of true if
* the registration process was successful and a value of false if registration
* failed.
* @param success true if registration succeeded, false otherwise. Ver.: always
void emberAfRegistrationCallback(bool success) {}
/** @brief Registration Start
* This callback is called when the device joins a network and the registration
* process should begin. The application should return EMBER_SUCCESS if the
* registration process started successfully. When registration is complete,
* the application should call emberAfRegistrationCallback with an indication of
* success or failure.
EmberStatus emberAfRegistrationStartCallback(void)
/** @brief Remote Delete Binding Permission
* This function is called by the framework to request permission to service the
* remote delete binding request. Return EMBER_SUCCESS to allow request,
* anything else to disallow request.
* @param index index to an Ember binding table entry Ver.: always
EmberStatus emberAfRemoteDeleteBindingPermissionCallback(uint8_t index)
return EMBER_SUCCESS; // default
/** @brief Remote Set Binding Permission
* This function is called by the framework to request permission to service the
* remote set binding request. Return EMBER_SUCCESS to allow request, anything
* else to disallow request.
* @param entry Ember Binding Tablet Entry Ver.: always
EmberStatus emberAfRemoteSetBindingPermissionCallback(const EmberBindingTableEntry * entry)
return EMBER_SUCCESS; // default
/** @brief Remove From Current App Tasks
* This function is only useful to sleepy end devices. This function will
* remove the passed item from the set of tasks the application has outstanding
* (e.g. message sent requiring APS acknwoledgement). This will affect how the
* application behaves with regard to sleeping and polling. Removing the item
* from the list of outstanding tasks may allow the device to sleep longer and
* poll less frequently. If there are other outstanding tasks the system may
* still have to stay away and poll more often.
* @param tasks Ver.: always
void emberAfRemoveFromCurrentAppTasksCallback(EmberAfApplicationTask tasks) {}
/** @brief Scenes Cluster Remove Scenes In Group
* This function removes the scenes from a specified group.
* @param endpoint Endpoint Ver.: always
* @param groupId Group ID Ver.: always
void emberAfScenesClusterRemoveScenesInGroupCallback(uint8_t endpoint, uint16_t groupId) {}
/** @brief Report Attributes
* This function is called by the application framework when a Report Attributes
* command is received from an external device. The application should return
* true if the message was processed or false if it was not.
* @param clusterId The cluster identifier of this command. Ver.: always
* @param buffer Buffer containing the list of attribute report records. Ver.:
* always
* @param bufLen The length in bytes of the list. Ver.: always
bool emberAfReportAttributesCallback(EmberAfClusterId clusterId, uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t bufLen)
return false;
/** @brief Reporting Attribute Change
* This function is called by the framework when an attribute managed by the
* framework changes. The application should call this function when an
* externally-managed attribute changes. The application should use the change
* notification to inform its reporting decisions.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param clusterId Ver.: always
* @param attributeId Ver.: always
* @param mask Ver.: always
* @param manufacturerCode Ver.: always
* @param type Ver.: always
* @param data Ver.: always
void emberAfReportingAttributeChangeCallback(uint8_t endpoint, EmberAfClusterId clusterId, EmberAfAttributeId attributeId,
uint8_t mask, uint16_t manufacturerCode, EmberAfAttributeType type, uint8_t * data)
/** @brief Scan Error
* This is called by the framework on behalf of the form-and-join library to
* notify the application if an error occurs while scanning. See form-and-join
* documentation for more information.
* @param status The status of the scan. Ver.: always
void emberAfScanErrorCallback(EmberStatus status) {}
/** @brief Security Init
* This callback is called by the framework to give the application a chance to
* modify the security settings of the node during network initialization.
* Depending on the context when this callback is called, the pointer to the
* initial security state may be NULL, which means the initial security state
* can no longer be modified as the node is already operating on the network.
* @param state Ver.: always
* @param extended Ver.: always
* @param trustCenter Ver.: always
void emberAfSecurityInitCallback(EmberInitialSecurityState * state, EmberExtendedSecurityBitmask * extended, bool trustCenter) {}
/** @brief Key Establishment Cluster Server Command Received
* This function is called by the application framework when a client-to-server
* key establishment command is received but has yet to be handled by the
* framework code. This function should return a bool value indicating whether
* the command has been handled by the application code and should not be
* further processed by the framework.
* @param cmd Ver.: always
bool emberAfKeyEstablishmentClusterServerCommandReceivedCallback(EmberAfClusterCommand * cmd)
return false;
/** @brief Set Default Poll Control
* This function will set the default poll control for the current network to
* control whether or not it can long poll.
* @param control Ver.: always
void emberAfSetDefaultPollControlCallback(EmberAfEventPollControl control) {}
/** @brief Set Default Sleep Control
* This function will set the default behavior of a sleeping device to control
* whether or not it must stay awake. A device that stays awake does not sleep
* at all. Otherwise, the device can sleep between events when appropriate.
* @param control Ver.: always
void emberAfSetDefaultSleepControlCallback(EmberAfEventSleepControl control) {}
/** @brief Set Form And Join Extended Pan Id
* This callback is called by the framework to set the extended PAN ID used by
* the current network for forming and joining. The extended PAN ID used for
* forming and joining is not necessarily the same extended PAN ID actually in
* use on the network.
* @param extendedPanId Ver.: always
void emberAfSetFormAndJoinExtendedPanIdCallback(const uint8_t * extendedPanId) {}
/** @brief Set Long Poll Interval Ms
* This function is only useful to end devices. This function will set the long
* poll interval (in milliseconds) for the current network. This interval is
* the maximum amount of time a child will wait between polls of its parent when
* it is not expecting data.
* @param longPollIntervalMs Ver.: always
void emberAfSetLongPollIntervalMsCallback(uint32_t longPollIntervalMs) {}
/** @brief Set Long Poll Interval Qs
* This function is only useful to end devices. This function will set the long
* poll interval (in quarter seconds) for the current network. This interval is
* the maximum amount of time a child will wait between polls of its parent when
* it is not expecting data.
* @param longPollIntervalQs Ver.: always
void emberAfSetLongPollIntervalQsCallback(uint32_t longPollIntervalQs) {}
/** @brief Set Short Poll Interval Ms
* This function is only useful to sleepy end devices. This function will set
* the short poll interval (in milliseconds) for the current network. This
* interval is the maximum amount of time a child will wait between polls of its
* parent when it is expecting data.
* @param shortPollIntervalMs Ver.: always
void emberAfSetShortPollIntervalMsCallback(uint16_t shortPollIntervalMs) {}
/** @brief Set Short Poll Interval Qs
* This function is only useful to sleepy end devices. This function will set
* the short poll interval (in quarter seconds) for the current network. This
* interval is the maximum amount of time a child will wait between polls of its
* parent when it is expecting data.
* @param shortPollIntervalQs Ver.: always
void emberAfSetShortPollIntervalQsCallback(uint16_t shortPollIntervalQs) {}
/** @brief Set Source Route Overhead
* This function is called by the framework when it has information about the
* source route overhead to a particular destination. The application may use
* this information to cache the source route overhead.
* @param destination The node id of the destination Ver.: always
* @param overhead The overhead in bytes Ver.: always
void emberAfSetSourceRouteOverheadCallback(EmberNodeId destination, uint8_t overhead) {}
/** @brief Set Time
* This callback should be implemented, if the device has access to real time
* clock, and has an ability to update that clock. The application framework
* expects to be passed the utcTime which is the number of seconds since the
* year 2000. Default implementation does nothing. Note: This function used to
* take time in year, month, day, hour, min, sec. We have changed this to
* utcTime in order to conserve code space.
* @param utcTime Ver.: always
void emberAfSetTimeCallback(uint32_t utcTime) {}
// Ifdef out emberAfOnOffClusterSetValueCallback, since it's implemented by
// on-off.c
#if 0
/** @brief On/off Cluster Set Value
* This function is called when the on/off value needs to be set, either through
* normal channels or as a result of a level change.
* @param endpoint Ver.: always
* @param command Ver.: always
* @param initiatedByLevelChange Ver.: always
EmberAfStatus emberAfOnOffClusterSetValueCallback(uint8_t endpoint, uint8_t command, bool initiatedByLevelChange)
/** @brief Set Wake Timeout Bitmask
* This function is only useful to sleepy end devices. This function will set
* the wake timeout bitmask for the current network. The bitmask determines
* which tasks will timeout automatically and which tasks require manual removal
* from the task list.
* @param tasks Ver.: always
void emberAfSetWakeTimeoutBitmaskCallback(EmberAfApplicationTask tasks) {}
/** @brief Set Wake Timeout Ms
* This function is only useful to sleepy end devices. This function will set
* the wake timeout (in milliseconds) for the current network. This timeout is
* the maximum amount of time a child will wait for a task in the wake bitmask
* to finish. While waiting, the device will short poll.
* @param wakeTimeoutMs Ver.: always
void emberAfSetWakeTimeoutMsCallback(uint16_t wakeTimeoutMs) {}
/** @brief Set Wake Timeout Qs
* This function is only useful to sleepy end devices. This function will set
* the wake timeout (in quarter seconds) for the current network. This timeout
* is the maximum amount of time a child will wait for a task in the wake
* bitmask to finish. While waiting, the device will short poll.
* @param wakeTimeoutQs Ver.: always
void emberAfSetWakeTimeoutQsCallback(uint16_t wakeTimeoutQs) {}
/** @brief Start Move
* This function is called to initiate the process for a device to move (rejoin)
* to a new parent.
bool emberAfStartMoveCallback(void)
return false;
/** @brief Start Search For Joinable Network
* This function is called by the framework to search for joinable networks and
* join a network. The application should return EMBER_SUCCESS if the operation
* was initiated successfully.
EmberStatus emberAfStartSearchForJoinableNetworkCallback(void)
/** @brief Stop Move
* This function is called to cancel a previously scheduled move (rejoin) to a
* new parent.
void emberAfStopMoveCallback(void) {}
/** @brief Scenes Cluster Store Current Scene
* This function is called by the framework when the application should store
* the current scene. If an entry already exists in the scene table with the
* same scene and group ids, the application should update the entry with the
* current scene. Otherwise, a new entry should be adde to the scene table, if
* possible.
* @param endpoint The endpoint. Ver.: always
* @param groupId The group identifier. Ver.: always
* @param sceneId The scene identifier. Ver.: always
EmberAfStatus emberAfScenesClusterStoreCurrentSceneCallback(uint8_t endpoint, uint16_t groupId, uint8_t sceneId)
/** @brief Trust Center Join
* This callback is called from within the application framework's
* implementation of emberTrustCenterJoinHandler or ezspTrustCenterJoinHandler.
* This callback provides the same arguments passed to the
* TrustCenterJoinHandler. For more information about the TrustCenterJoinHandler
* please see documentation included in stack/include/trust-center.h.
* @param newNodeId Ver.: always
* @param newNodeEui64 Ver.: always
* @param parentOfNewNode Ver.: always
* @param status Ver.: always
* @param decision Ver.: always
void emberAfTrustCenterJoinCallback(EmberNodeId newNodeId, EmberEUI64 newNodeEui64, EmberNodeId parentOfNewNode,
EmberDeviceUpdate status, EmberJoinDecision decision)
/** @brief Trust Center Keepalive Abort
* This callback is called when the device should abort the trust center
* keepalive process.
void emberAfTrustCenterKeepaliveAbortCallback(void) {}
/** @brief Trust Center Keepalive Update
* This callback is called when the device finishes registration (successfully
* or otherwise) and the trust center keepalive process must be updated. If the
* keepalive process has not been started, then it is started. Otherwise if the
* keepalive is in the process of searching for the TC, it will process the
* result of that Trust Center search operation.
* @param registrationComplete Ver.: always
void emberAfTrustCenterKeepaliveUpdateCallback(bool registrationComplete) {}
/** @brief Unused Pan Id Found
* This is called by the framework on behalf of the form-and-join library to
* notify the application of the PAN id and channel found following a call to
* ::emberScanForUnusedPanId(). See form-and-join documentation for more
* information.
* @param panId Ver.: always
* @param channel Ver.: always
void emberAfUnusedPanIdFoundCallback(EmberPanId panId, uint8_t channel) {}
/** @brief Write Attributes Response
* This function is called by the application framework when a Write Attributes
* Response command is received from an external device. The application should
* return true if the message was processed or false if it was not.
* @param clusterId The cluster identifier of this response. Ver.: always
* @param buffer Buffer containing the list of write attribute status records.
* Ver.: always
* @param bufLen The length in bytes of the list. Ver.: always
bool emberAfWriteAttributesResponseCallback(EmberAfClusterId clusterId, uint8_t * buffer, uint16_t bufLen)
return false;
/** @brief Zigbee Key Establishment
* A callback to the application to notify it of the status of the request for a
* Link Key.
* @param partner partner The IEEE address of the partner device. Or all zeros
* if the Key establishment failed. Ver.: always
* @param status The status of the key establishment. Ver.: always
void emberAfZigbeeKeyEstablishmentCallback(EmberEUI64 partner, EmberKeyStatus status) {}
* @brief Called whenever the radio is powered off.
void halRadioPowerDownHandler(void) {}
* @brief Called whenever the radio is powered on.
void halRadioPowerUpHandler(void) {}
* @brief Called whenever the microcontroller enters/exits a idle/sleep mode
* @param enter True if entering idle/sleep, False if exiting
* @param sleepMode Idle/sleep mode
void halSleepCallback(bool enter, SleepModes sleepMode) {}
// These functions / constants are added to avoid ld failure when building with GN
// They should be removed if we have zcl updates and nolonger need this or causing other errors
bool emberAfIsCurrentSecurityProfileSmartEnergy(void)
return false;
const EmberAfOtaImageId emberAfInvalidImageId;
const EmAfZigbeeProNetwork * emAfCurrentZigbeeProNetwork = NULL;
void emberAfPluginUpdateTcLinkKeyZigbeeKeyEstablishmentCallback(EmberEUI64 partner, EmberKeyStatus status) {}
void emberAfPluginNetworkSteeringMarker(void) {}