| /* |
| * |
| * Copyright (c) 2022 Project CHIP Authors |
| * |
| * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| * You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| * |
| * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| * |
| * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| * limitations under the License. |
| */ |
| |
| // module headers |
| #import <Matter/Matter.h> |
| |
| #import "MTRErrorTestUtils.h" |
| #import "MTRTestKeys.h" |
| #import "MTRTestResetCommissioneeHelper.h" |
| #import "MTRTestStorage.h" |
| |
| // system dependencies |
| #import <XCTest/XCTest.h> |
| |
| // TODO: Disable test005_DoBDXTransferAllowUpdateRequest until PR #26040 is merged. |
| // Currently the poll interval causes delays in the BDX transfer and |
| // results in the test taking a long time. |
| #ifdef ENABLE_TEST_005 |
| #undef ENABLE_TEST_005 |
| #endif |
| |
| static const uint16_t kPairingTimeoutInSeconds = 10; |
| static const uint16_t kTimeoutInSeconds = 3; |
| static const uint16_t kTimeoutWithUpdateInSeconds = 60; |
| static const uint64_t kDeviceId1 = 0x12341234; |
| static const uint64_t kDeviceId2 = 0x12341235; |
| // NOTE: These onboarding payloads are for the chip-ota-requestor-app, not chip-all-clusters-app |
| static NSString * kOnboardingPayload1 = @"MT:-24J0SO527K10648G00"; // Discriminator: 1111 |
| static NSString * kOnboardingPayload2 = @"MT:-24J0AFN00L10648G00"; // Discriminator: 1112 |
| |
| static const uint16_t kLocalPort = 5541; |
| static const uint16_t kTestVendorId = 0xFFF1u; |
| static const uint16_t kOTAProviderEndpointId = 0; |
| |
| static MTRDevice * sConnectedDevice1; |
| static MTRDevice * sConnectedDevice2; |
| |
| // Singleton controller we use. |
| static MTRDeviceController * sController = nil; |
| |
| // Keys we can use to restart the controller. |
| static MTRTestKeys * sTestKeys = nil; |
| |
| static NSString * kOtaDownloadedFilePath1 = @"/tmp/chip-ota-requestor-downloaded-image1"; |
| |
| static NSNumber * kUpdatedSoftwareVersion = @5; |
| |
| static NSString * kUpdatedSoftwareVersionString = @"5.0"; |
| |
| @interface MTROTAProviderTestControllerDelegate : NSObject <MTRDeviceControllerDelegate> |
| @property (nonatomic, readonly) XCTestExpectation * expectation; |
| @property (nonatomic, readonly) NSNumber * commissioneeNodeID; |
| @end |
| |
| @implementation MTROTAProviderTestControllerDelegate |
| - (id)initWithExpectation:(XCTestExpectation *)expectation commissioneeNodeID:(NSNumber *)nodeID |
| { |
| self = [super init]; |
| if (self) { |
| _expectation = expectation; |
| _commissioneeNodeID = nodeID; |
| } |
| return self; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)controller:(MTRDeviceController *)controller commissioningSessionEstablishmentDone:(NSError * _Nullable)error |
| { |
| XCTAssertEqual(error.code, 0); |
| |
| NSError * commissionError = nil; |
| [sController commissionNodeWithID:self.commissioneeNodeID |
| commissioningParams:[[MTRCommissioningParameters alloc] init] |
| error:&commissionError]; |
| XCTAssertNil(commissionError); |
| |
| // Keep waiting for onCommissioningComplete |
| } |
| |
| - (void)controller:(MTRDeviceController *)controller commissioningComplete:(NSError *)error |
| { |
| XCTAssertEqual(error.code, 0); |
| [_expectation fulfill]; |
| _expectation = nil; |
| } |
| |
| @end |
| |
| typedef void (^QueryImageCompletion)( |
| MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterQueryImageResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error); |
| typedef void (^ApplyUpdateRequestCompletion)( |
| MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterApplyUpdateResponseParams * _Nullable data, NSError * _Nullable error); |
| typedef void (^BlockQueryCompletion)(NSData * _Nullable data, BOOL isEOF); |
| |
| typedef void (^QueryImageHandler)(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, |
| MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterQueryImageParams * params, QueryImageCompletion completion); |
| typedef void (^ApplyUpdateRequestHandler)(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, |
| MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterApplyUpdateRequestParams * params, ApplyUpdateRequestCompletion completion); |
| typedef void (^NotifyUpdateAppliedHandler)(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, |
| MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterNotifyUpdateAppliedParams * params, MTRStatusCompletion completion); |
| typedef void (^BDXTransferBeginHandler)(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, NSString * fileDesignator, |
| NSNumber * offset, MTRStatusCompletion completion); |
| typedef void (^BDXQueryHandler)(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, NSNumber * blockSize, NSNumber * blockIndex, |
| NSNumber * bytesToSkip, BlockQueryCompletion completion); |
| typedef void (^BDXTransferEndHandler)(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, NSError * _Nullable error); |
| |
| @interface MTROTAProviderDelegateImpl : NSObject <MTROTAProviderDelegate> |
| @property (nonatomic, nullable) QueryImageHandler queryImageHandler; |
| @property (nonatomic, nullable) ApplyUpdateRequestHandler applyUpdateRequestHandler; |
| @property (nonatomic, nullable) NotifyUpdateAppliedHandler notifyUpdateAppliedHandler; |
| @property (nonatomic, nullable) BDXTransferBeginHandler transferBeginHandler; |
| @property (nonatomic, nullable) BDXQueryHandler blockQueryHandler; |
| @property (nonatomic, nullable) BDXTransferEndHandler transferEndHandler; |
| @end |
| |
| @implementation MTROTAProviderDelegateImpl |
| - (void)handleQueryImageForNodeID:(NSNumber *)nodeID |
| controller:(MTRDeviceController *)controller |
| params:(MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterQueryImageParams *)params |
| completion:(QueryImageCompletion)completion |
| { |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| |
| if (self.queryImageHandler) { |
| self.queryImageHandler(nodeID, controller, params, completion); |
| } else { |
| XCTFail(@"Unexpected attempt to query for an image"); |
| [self respondNotAvailableWithCompletion:completion]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| - (void)handleApplyUpdateRequestForNodeID:(NSNumber *)nodeID |
| controller:(MTRDeviceController *)controller |
| params:(MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterApplyUpdateRequestParams *)params |
| completion:(ApplyUpdateRequestCompletion)completion |
| { |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| |
| if (self.applyUpdateRequestHandler) { |
| self.applyUpdateRequestHandler(nodeID, controller, params, completion); |
| } else { |
| XCTFail(@"Unexpected attempt to apply an update"); |
| [self respondWithErrorToApplyUpdateRequestWithCompletion:completion]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| - (void)handleNotifyUpdateAppliedForNodeID:(NSNumber *)nodeID |
| controller:(MTRDeviceController *)controller |
| params:(MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterNotifyUpdateAppliedParams *)params |
| completion:(MTRStatusCompletion)completion |
| { |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| |
| if (self.notifyUpdateAppliedHandler) { |
| self.notifyUpdateAppliedHandler(nodeID, controller, params, completion); |
| } else { |
| XCTFail(@"Unexpected update application"); |
| [self respondErrorWithCompletion:completion]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| - (void)handleBDXTransferSessionBeginForNodeID:(NSNumber *)nodeID |
| controller:(MTRDeviceController *)controller |
| fileDesignator:(NSString *)fileDesignator |
| offset:(NSNumber *)offset |
| completion:(MTRStatusCompletion)completion |
| { |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| |
| if (self.transferBeginHandler) { |
| self.transferBeginHandler(nodeID, controller, fileDesignator, offset, completion); |
| } else { |
| XCTFail(@"Unexpected attempt to begin BDX transfer"); |
| [self respondErrorWithCompletion:completion]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| - (void)handleBDXQueryForNodeID:(NSNumber *)nodeID |
| controller:(MTRDeviceController *)controller |
| blockSize:(NSNumber *)blockSize |
| blockIndex:(NSNumber *)blockIndex |
| bytesToSkip:(NSNumber *)bytesToSkip |
| completion:(BlockQueryCompletion)completion |
| { |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| |
| if (self.blockQueryHandler) { |
| self.blockQueryHandler(nodeID, controller, blockSize, blockIndex, bytesToSkip, completion); |
| } else { |
| XCTFail(@"Unexpected attempt to get BDX block"); |
| completion(nil, YES); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| - (void)handleBDXTransferSessionEndForNodeID:(NSNumber *)nodeID |
| controller:(MTRDeviceController *)controller |
| error:(NSError * _Nullable)error |
| { |
| if (self.transferEndHandler) { |
| self.transferEndHandler(nodeID, controller, error); |
| } else { |
| XCTFail(@"Unexpected end of BDX transfer"); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| - (void)respondNotAvailableWithCompletion:(QueryImageCompletion)completion |
| { |
| __auto_type * responseParams = [[MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterQueryImageResponseParams alloc] init]; |
| responseParams.status = @(MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderOTAQueryStatusNotAvailable); |
| completion(responseParams, nil); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)respondBusyWithDelay:(NSNumber *)delay completion:(QueryImageCompletion)completion |
| { |
| __auto_type * responseParams = [[MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterQueryImageResponseParams alloc] init]; |
| responseParams.status = @(MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderOTAQueryStatusBusy); |
| responseParams.delayedActionTime = delay; |
| completion(responseParams, nil); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)respondAvailableWithDelay:(NSNumber *)delay |
| uri:(NSString *)uri |
| updateToken:(NSData *)updateToken |
| completion:(QueryImageCompletion)completion |
| { |
| __auto_type * responseParams = [[MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterQueryImageResponseParams alloc] init]; |
| responseParams.status = @(MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderOTAQueryStatusUpdateAvailable); |
| responseParams.delayedActionTime = delay; |
| responseParams.imageURI = uri; |
| // TODO: Figure out whether we need better |
| // SoftwareVersion/SoftwareVersionString/UpdateToken bits. |
| responseParams.softwareVersion = kUpdatedSoftwareVersion; |
| responseParams.softwareVersionString = kUpdatedSoftwareVersionString; |
| responseParams.updateToken = updateToken; |
| completion(responseParams, nil); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)respondWithErrorToApplyUpdateRequestWithCompletion:(ApplyUpdateRequestCompletion)completion |
| { |
| [self respondErrorWithCompletion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| completion(nil, error); |
| }]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)respondToApplyUpdateRequestWithAction:(MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderOTAApplyUpdateAction)action |
| completion:(ApplyUpdateRequestCompletion)completion |
| { |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterApplyUpdateResponseParams alloc] init]; |
| params.action = @(action); |
| params.delayedActionTime = @(0); |
| completion(params, nil); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)respondErrorWithCompletion:(MTRStatusCompletion)completion |
| { |
| [self respondErrorWithCode:MTRErrorCodeGeneralError completion:completion]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)respondErrorWithCode:(MTRErrorCode)code completion:(MTRStatusCompletion)completion |
| { |
| [self respondError:[NSError errorWithDomain:MTRErrorDomain code:code userInfo:nil] completion:completion]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)respondError:(NSError *)error completion:(MTRStatusCompletion)completion |
| { |
| completion(error); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)respondSuccess:(MTRStatusCompletion)completion |
| { |
| completion(nil); |
| } |
| |
| - (NSData *)generateUpdateToken |
| { |
| const size_t dataSize = 16; |
| const size_t randomBytesAtOnce = sizeof(uint32_t); |
| XCTAssertEqual(dataSize % randomBytesAtOnce, 0); |
| NSMutableData * data = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:16]; |
| for (unsigned i = 0; i < dataSize / randomBytesAtOnce; ++i) { |
| uint32_t randomBytes = arc4random(); |
| [data appendBytes:&randomBytes length:randomBytesAtOnce]; |
| } |
| return [NSData dataWithData:data]; |
| } |
| |
| @end |
| |
| static MTROTAProviderDelegateImpl * sOTAProviderDelegate; |
| |
| /** |
| * Helper that, given a raw image, creates an image-with-header from it, drives |
| * a BDX transfer, etc. |
| */ |
| @interface MTROTAProviderTransferChecker : NSObject |
| |
| - (instancetype)initWithRawImagePath:(NSString *)rawImagePath |
| nodeID:(NSNumber *)nodeID |
| applyUpdateAction:(MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderOTAApplyUpdateAction)applyUpdateAction |
| testcase:(XCTestCase *)testcase; |
| |
| @property (nonatomic, readonly) XCTestExpectation * queryExpectation; |
| @property (nonatomic, readonly) XCTestExpectation * bdxBeginExpectation; |
| @property (nonatomic, readonly) XCTestExpectation * bdxQueryExpectation; |
| @property (nonatomic, readonly) XCTestExpectation * bdxEndExpectation; |
| @property (nonatomic, readonly) XCTestExpectation * applyUpdateRequestExpectation; |
| @property (nonatomic, readonly) XCTestExpectation * notifyUpdateAppliedExpectation; |
| @end |
| |
| @implementation MTROTAProviderTransferChecker |
| |
| - (instancetype)initWithRawImagePath:(NSString *)rawImagePath |
| nodeID:(NSNumber *)nodeID |
| applyUpdateAction:(MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderOTAApplyUpdateAction)applyUpdateAction |
| testcase:(XCTestCase *)testcase |
| { |
| if (!(self = [super init])) { |
| return nil; |
| } |
| |
| _queryExpectation = [testcase expectationWithDescription:@"handleQueryImageForNodeID called"]; |
| _bdxBeginExpectation = [testcase expectationWithDescription:@"handleBDXTransferSessionBeginForNodeID called"]; |
| _bdxQueryExpectation = [testcase expectationWithDescription:@"handleBDXQueryForNodeID called"]; |
| _bdxEndExpectation = [testcase expectationWithDescription:@"handleBDXTransferSessionEndForNodeID called"]; |
| _applyUpdateRequestExpectation = [testcase expectationWithDescription:@"handleApplyUpdateRequestForNodeID called"]; |
| _notifyUpdateAppliedExpectation = [testcase expectationWithDescription:@"handleNotifyUpdateAppliedForNodeID called"]; |
| |
| NSString * imagePath = [rawImagePath stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"raw-image" withString:@"image"]; |
| |
| // Find the right absolute path to our ota_image_tool.py script. PWD should |
| // point to our src/darwin/Framework, while the script is in |
| // src/app/ota_image_tool.py. |
| NSString * pwd = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] environment][@"PWD"]; |
| NSString * imageToolPath = [NSString |
| pathWithComponents:@[ [pwd substringToIndex:(pwd.length - @"darwin/Framework".length)], @"app", @"ota_image_tool.py" ]]; |
| |
| NSTask * task = [[NSTask alloc] init]; |
| [task setLaunchPath:imageToolPath]; |
| [task setArguments:@[ |
| @"create", @"-v", @"0xFFF1", @"-p", @"0x8001", @"-vn", [kUpdatedSoftwareVersion stringValue], @"-vs", |
| kUpdatedSoftwareVersionString, @"-da", @"sha256", rawImagePath, imagePath |
| ]]; |
| NSError * launchError = nil; |
| [task launchAndReturnError:&launchError]; |
| XCTAssertNil(launchError); |
| [task waitUntilExit]; |
| XCTAssertEqual([task terminationStatus], 0); |
| |
| NSData * updateToken = [sOTAProviderDelegate generateUpdateToken]; |
| |
| __block NSFileHandle * readHandle; |
| __block uint64_t imageSize; |
| __block uint32_t lastBlockIndex = UINT32_MAX; |
| |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.queryImageHandler = ^(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, |
| MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterQueryImageParams * params, QueryImageCompletion completion) { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(nodeID, nodeID); |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.queryImageHandler = nil; |
| [sOTAProviderDelegate respondAvailableWithDelay:@(0) uri:imagePath updateToken:updateToken completion:completion]; |
| [self.queryExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.transferBeginHandler = ^(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, NSString * fileDesignator, |
| NSNumber * offset, MTRStatusCompletion completion) { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(nodeID, nodeID); |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(fileDesignator, imagePath); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(offset, @(0)); |
| |
| readHandle = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForReadingAtPath:fileDesignator]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(readHandle); |
| |
| NSError * endSeekError; |
| XCTAssertTrue([readHandle seekToEndReturningOffset:&imageSize error:&endSeekError]); |
| XCTAssertNil(endSeekError); |
| |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.transferBeginHandler = nil; |
| [sOTAProviderDelegate respondSuccess:completion]; |
| [self.bdxBeginExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.blockQueryHandler = ^(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, NSNumber * blockSize, |
| NSNumber * blockIndex, NSNumber * bytesToSkip, BlockQueryCompletion completion) { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(nodeID, nodeID); |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(blockSize, @(1024)); // Seems to always be 1024. |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(blockIndex, @(lastBlockIndex + 1)); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(bytesToSkip, @(0)); // Don't expect to see skips here. |
| // Make sure we actually end up with multiple blocks. |
| XCTAssertTrue(blockSize.unsignedLongLongValue < imageSize); |
| |
| XCTAssertNotNil(readHandle); |
| uint64_t offset = blockSize.unsignedLongLongValue * blockIndex.unsignedLongLongValue; |
| NSError * seekError = nil; |
| [readHandle seekToOffset:offset error:&seekError]; |
| XCTAssertNil(seekError); |
| |
| NSError * readError = nil; |
| NSData * data = [readHandle readDataUpToLength:blockSize.unsignedLongValue error:&readError]; |
| XCTAssertNil(readError); |
| XCTAssertNotNil(data); |
| |
| BOOL isEOF = offset + blockSize.unsignedLongValue >= imageSize; |
| |
| ++lastBlockIndex; |
| |
| if (isEOF) { |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.blockQueryHandler = nil; |
| } |
| |
| completion(data, isEOF); |
| |
| if (isEOF) { |
| [self.bdxQueryExpectation fulfill]; |
| } |
| }; |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.transferEndHandler = ^(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(nodeID, nodeID); |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.transferEndHandler = nil; |
| [self.bdxEndExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.applyUpdateRequestHandler = ^(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, |
| MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterApplyUpdateRequestParams * params, ApplyUpdateRequestCompletion completion) { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(nodeID, nodeID); |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(params.updateToken, updateToken); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(params.newVersion, kUpdatedSoftwareVersion); // TODO: Factor this out better! |
| |
| XCTAssertTrue([[NSFileManager defaultManager] contentsEqualAtPath:rawImagePath andPath:kOtaDownloadedFilePath1]); |
| |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.applyUpdateRequestHandler = nil; |
| [sOTAProviderDelegate respondToApplyUpdateRequestWithAction:applyUpdateAction completion:completion]; |
| [self.applyUpdateRequestExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| if (applyUpdateAction == MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderOTAApplyUpdateActionProceed) { |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.notifyUpdateAppliedHandler = ^(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, |
| MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterNotifyUpdateAppliedParams * params, MTRStatusCompletion completion) { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(nodeID, nodeID); |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(params.updateToken, updateToken); |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(params.softwareVersion, kUpdatedSoftwareVersion); |
| |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.notifyUpdateAppliedHandler = nil; |
| [sOTAProviderDelegate respondSuccess:completion]; |
| [self.notifyUpdateAppliedExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| } |
| |
| return self; |
| } |
| @end |
| |
| @interface MTROTAProviderTests : XCTestCase |
| @end |
| |
| static BOOL sStackInitRan = NO; |
| static BOOL sNeedsStackShutdown = YES; |
| |
| @implementation MTROTAProviderTests |
| |
| + (void)tearDown |
| { |
| // Global teardown, runs once |
| if (sNeedsStackShutdown) { |
| // We don't need to worry about ResetCommissionee. If we get here, |
| // we're running only one of our test methods (using |
| // -only-testing:MatterTests/MTROTAProviderTests/testMethodName), since |
| // we did not run test999_TearDown. |
| [self shutdownStack]; |
| } |
| } |
| |
| - (void)setUp |
| { |
| // Per-test setup, runs before each test. |
| [super setUp]; |
| [self setContinueAfterFailure:NO]; |
| |
| if (sStackInitRan == NO) { |
| [self initStack]; |
| } |
| |
| XCTAssertNil(sOTAProviderDelegate.queryImageHandler); |
| XCTAssertNil(sOTAProviderDelegate.applyUpdateRequestHandler); |
| XCTAssertNil(sOTAProviderDelegate.notifyUpdateAppliedHandler); |
| XCTAssertNil(sOTAProviderDelegate.transferBeginHandler); |
| XCTAssertNil(sOTAProviderDelegate.blockQueryHandler); |
| XCTAssertNil(sOTAProviderDelegate.transferEndHandler); |
| } |
| |
| - (void)tearDown |
| { |
| // Per-test teardown, runs after each test. |
| [super tearDown]; |
| |
| // Reset all handlers so tests don't interfere with each other. |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.queryImageHandler = nil; |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.applyUpdateRequestHandler = nil; |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.notifyUpdateAppliedHandler = nil; |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.transferBeginHandler = nil; |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.blockQueryHandler = nil; |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.transferEndHandler = nil; |
| } |
| |
| - (MTRDevice *)commissionDeviceWithPayload:(NSString *)payloadString nodeID:(NSNumber *)nodeID |
| { |
| XCTestExpectation * expectation = |
| [self expectationWithDescription:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Commissioning Complete for %@", nodeID]]; |
| __auto_type * deviceControllerDelegate = [[MTROTAProviderTestControllerDelegate alloc] initWithExpectation:expectation |
| commissioneeNodeID:nodeID]; |
| dispatch_queue_t callbackQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.chip.device_controller_delegate", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL); |
| |
| [sController setDeviceControllerDelegate:deviceControllerDelegate queue:callbackQueue]; |
| |
| NSError * error; |
| __auto_type * payload = [MTRSetupPayload setupPayloadWithOnboardingPayload:payloadString error:&error]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(payload); |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| [sController setupCommissioningSessionWithPayload:payload newNodeID:nodeID error:&error]; |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ expectation ] timeout:kPairingTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| return [MTRDevice deviceWithNodeID:nodeID controller:sController]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)initStack |
| { |
| sStackInitRan = YES; |
| |
| __auto_type * factory = [MTRDeviceControllerFactory sharedInstance]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(factory); |
| |
| __auto_type * storage = [[MTRTestStorage alloc] init]; |
| sOTAProviderDelegate = [[MTROTAProviderDelegateImpl alloc] init]; |
| |
| __auto_type * factoryParams = [[MTRDeviceControllerFactoryParams alloc] initWithStorage:storage]; |
| factoryParams.port = @(kLocalPort); |
| factoryParams.otaProviderDelegate = sOTAProviderDelegate; |
| factoryParams.shouldStartServer = YES; |
| |
| BOOL ok = [factory startControllerFactory:factoryParams error:nil]; |
| XCTAssertTrue(ok); |
| |
| __auto_type * testKeys = [[MTRTestKeys alloc] init]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(testKeys); |
| |
| sTestKeys = testKeys; |
| |
| // Needs to match what startControllerOnExistingFabric calls elsewhere in |
| // this file do. |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTRDeviceControllerStartupParams alloc] initWithIPK:testKeys.ipk fabricID:@(1) nocSigner:testKeys]; |
| params.vendorID = @(kTestVendorId); |
| |
| MTRDeviceController * controller = [factory createControllerOnNewFabric:params error:nil]; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(controller); |
| |
| sController = controller; |
| |
| sConnectedDevice1 = [self commissionDeviceWithPayload:kOnboardingPayload1 nodeID:@(kDeviceId1)]; |
| sConnectedDevice2 = [self commissionDeviceWithPayload:kOnboardingPayload2 nodeID:@(kDeviceId2)]; |
| } |
| |
| + (void)shutdownStack |
| { |
| sNeedsStackShutdown = NO; |
| |
| MTRDeviceController * controller = sController; |
| XCTAssertNotNil(controller); |
| |
| [controller shutdown]; |
| XCTAssertFalse([controller isRunning]); |
| |
| [[MTRDeviceControllerFactory sharedInstance] stopControllerFactory]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test000_SetUp |
| { |
| // Nothing to do here; our setUp method handled this already. This test |
| // just exists to make the setup not look like it's happening inside other |
| // tests. |
| } |
| |
| - (XCTestExpectation *)announceProviderToDevice:(MTRDevice *)device |
| { |
| dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * responseExpectation = |
| [self expectationWithDescription:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"AnnounceOTAProvider to %@ succeeded", device]]; |
| |
| __auto_type * params = [[MTROTASoftwareUpdateRequestorClusterAnnounceOTAProviderParams alloc] init]; |
| params.providerNodeID = [sController controllerNodeID]; |
| params.vendorID = @(kTestVendorId); |
| params.announcementReason = @(MTROTASoftwareUpdateRequestorOTAAnnouncementReasonSimpleAnnouncement); |
| params.endpoint = @(kOTAProviderEndpointId); |
| |
| __auto_type * cluster = [[MTRClusterOTASoftwareUpdateRequestor alloc] initWithDevice:device endpointID:@(0) queue:queue]; |
| [cluster announceOTAProviderWithParams:params |
| expectedValues:nil |
| expectedValueInterval:nil |
| completion:^(NSError * _Nullable error) { |
| XCTAssertNil(error); |
| [responseExpectation fulfill]; |
| }]; |
| |
| return responseExpectation; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test001_ReceiveOTAQuery |
| { |
| // Test that if we advertise ourselves as a provider we end up getting a |
| // QueryImage callbacks that we can respond to. |
| __auto_type * device = sConnectedDevice1; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * queryExpectation = [self expectationWithDescription:@"handleQueryImageForNodeID called"]; |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.queryImageHandler = ^(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, |
| MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterQueryImageParams * params, QueryImageCompletion completion) { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(nodeID, @(kDeviceId1)); |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| [sOTAProviderDelegate respondNotAvailableWithCompletion:completion]; |
| [queryExpectation fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Advertise ourselves as an OTA provider. |
| XCTestExpectation * announceResponseExpectation = [self announceProviderToDevice:device]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ queryExpectation, announceResponseExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.queryImageHandler = nil; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test002_ReceiveTwoQueriesExplicitBusy |
| { |
| // Test that if we advertise ourselves as a provider and respond BUSY to |
| // QueryImage callback, then we get a second QueryImage callback later on |
| // that we can then respond to however we wish. |
| __auto_type * device = sConnectedDevice1; |
| |
| XCTestExpectation * queryExpectation1 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"handleQueryImageForNodeID called first time"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * queryExpectation2 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"handleQueryImageForNodeID called second time"]; |
| const uint16_t busyDelay = 1; // 1 second |
| |
| __block QueryImageHandler handleSecondQuery; |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.queryImageHandler = ^(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, |
| MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterQueryImageParams * params, QueryImageCompletion completion) { |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.queryImageHandler = handleSecondQuery; |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(nodeID, @(kDeviceId1)); |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| [sOTAProviderDelegate respondBusyWithDelay:@(busyDelay) completion:completion]; |
| [queryExpectation1 fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| handleSecondQuery = ^(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, |
| MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterQueryImageParams * params, QueryImageCompletion completion) { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(nodeID, @(kDeviceId1)); |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| [sOTAProviderDelegate respondNotAvailableWithCompletion:completion]; |
| [queryExpectation2 fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Advertise ourselves as an OTA provider. |
| XCTestExpectation * announceResponseExpectation = [self announceProviderToDevice:device]; |
| |
| // Make sure we get our queries in order. Give it a bit more time, because |
| // there will be a delay between the two queries. |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ queryExpectation1, queryExpectation2 ] timeout:(kTimeoutInSeconds + busyDelay) enforceOrder:YES]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ announceResponseExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test003_ReceiveSecondQueryWhileHandlingBDX |
| { |
| // In this test we do the following: |
| // |
| // 1) Advertise ourselves to device1. |
| // 2) When device1 queries for an image, claim to have one. |
| // 3) When device1 tries to start a bdx transfer, stall it and advertise to device2. |
| // 4) When device2 queries for an image, claim to have one. Since we are |
| // in the middle of doing BDX with device1, this actually responds with Busy. |
| // 5) Error out of the device1 transfer. |
| // 6) Wait for device2 to query us again. |
| __auto_type * device1 = sConnectedDevice1; |
| __auto_type * device2 = sConnectedDevice2; |
| |
| __block XCTestExpectation * announceResponseExpectation2; |
| XCTestExpectation * queryExpectation1 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"handleQueryImageForNodeID called first time"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * queryExpectation2 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"handleQueryImageForNodeID called second time"]; |
| XCTestExpectation * queryExpectation3 = [self expectationWithDescription:@"handleQueryImageForNodeID called third time"]; |
| |
| const uint16_t busyDelay = 1; // 1 second |
| NSString * fakeImageURI = @"No such image, really"; |
| |
| __block QueryImageHandler handleThirdQuery; |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.queryImageHandler = ^(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, |
| MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterQueryImageParams * params, QueryImageCompletion completion) { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(nodeID, @(kDeviceId1)); |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| [sOTAProviderDelegate respondAvailableWithDelay:@(0) |
| uri:fakeImageURI |
| updateToken:[sOTAProviderDelegate generateUpdateToken] |
| completion:completion]; |
| [queryExpectation1 fulfill]; |
| }; |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.transferBeginHandler = ^(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, NSString * fileDesignator, |
| NSNumber * offset, MTRStatusCompletion outerCompletion) { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(nodeID, @(kDeviceId1)); |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| |
| // Don't actually respond until the second requestor has queried us for |
| // an image. We need to reset queryImageHandler here, so we can close |
| // over outerCompletion. |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.queryImageHandler = ^(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, |
| MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterQueryImageParams * params, QueryImageCompletion innerCompletion) { |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.queryImageHandler = handleThirdQuery; |
| sOTAProviderDelegate.transferBeginHandler = nil; |
| |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(nodeID, @(kDeviceId2)); |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| |
| // We respond UpdateAvailable, but since we are in the middle of |
| // handling OTA for device1 we expect the requestor to get Busy and |
| // try again. |
| [sOTAProviderDelegate respondAvailableWithDelay:@(busyDelay) |
| uri:fakeImageURI |
| updateToken:[sOTAProviderDelegate generateUpdateToken] |
| completion:innerCompletion]; |
| [sOTAProviderDelegate respondErrorWithCompletion:outerCompletion]; |
| [queryExpectation2 fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| announceResponseExpectation2 = [self announceProviderToDevice:device2]; |
| }; |
| |
| handleThirdQuery = ^(NSNumber * nodeID, MTRDeviceController * controller, |
| MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderClusterQueryImageParams * params, QueryImageCompletion completion) { |
| XCTAssertEqualObjects(nodeID, @(kDeviceId2)); |
| XCTAssertEqual(controller, sController); |
| |
| [sOTAProviderDelegate respondNotAvailableWithCompletion:completion]; |
| [queryExpectation3 fulfill]; |
| }; |
| |
| // Advertise ourselves as an OTA provider. |
| XCTestExpectation * announceResponseExpectation1 = [self announceProviderToDevice:device1]; |
| |
| // Make sure we get our queries in order. Give it a bit more time, because |
| // there will be a delay between the two queries. |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ queryExpectation1, queryExpectation2, queryExpectation3 ] |
| timeout:(kTimeoutInSeconds + busyDelay * 3) |
| enforceOrder:YES]; |
| |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ announceResponseExpectation1, announceResponseExpectation2 ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| - (void)test004_DoBDXTransferDenyUpdateRequest |
| { |
| // In this test we do the following: |
| // |
| // 1) Create an actual image we can send to the device, with a valid header |
| // but garbage data. |
| // 2) Advertise ourselves to device. |
| // 3) When device queries for an image, claim to have one. |
| // 4) When device tries to start a bdx transfer, respond with success. |
| // 5) Send the data as the BDX transfer proceeds. |
| // 6) When device invokes ApplyUpdateRequest, respond with Discontinue so |
| // that the update does not actually proceed. |
| __auto_type * device = sConnectedDevice1; |
| |
| // First, create an image. Make it at least 4096 bytes long, so we get |
| // multiple BDX blocks going. |
| const size_t rawImageSize = 4112; |
| NSData * rawImagePiece = [@"1234567890abcdef" dataUsingEncoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; |
| XCTAssertEqual(rawImageSize % rawImagePiece.length, 0); |
| NSMutableData * fakeImage = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:rawImageSize]; |
| while (fakeImage.length < rawImageSize) { |
| [fakeImage appendData:rawImagePiece]; |
| } |
| NSString * rawImagePath = @"/tmp/ota-test004-raw-image"; |
| |
| [[NSFileManager defaultManager] createFileAtPath:rawImagePath contents:fakeImage attributes:nil]; |
| |
| __auto_type * checker = |
| [[MTROTAProviderTransferChecker alloc] initWithRawImagePath:rawImagePath |
| nodeID:@(kDeviceId1) |
| applyUpdateAction:MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderOTAApplyUpdateActionDiscontinue |
| testcase:self]; |
| // We do not expect the update to actually be applied here. |
| checker.notifyUpdateAppliedExpectation.inverted = YES; |
| |
| // Advertise ourselves as an OTA provider. |
| XCTestExpectation * announceResponseExpectation = [self announceProviderToDevice:device]; |
| |
| // Make sure we get our callbacks in order. Give it a bit more time, because |
| // we want to allow time for the BDX download. |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ checker.queryExpectation, checker.bdxBeginExpectation, checker.bdxQueryExpectation ] |
| timeout:(kTimeoutWithUpdateInSeconds) enforceOrder:YES]; |
| |
| // Nothing really defines the ordering of bdxEndExpectation and |
| // applyUpdateRequestExpectation with respect to each other, and nothing |
| // defines the ordering of announceResponseExpectation with respect to _any_ |
| // of the above expectations. |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ checker.bdxEndExpectation, checker.applyUpdateRequestExpectation, announceResponseExpectation ] |
| timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| |
| // We are not expecting checker.notifyUpdateAppliedExpectation to actually |
| // be called fulfilled, but we still need to wait on it here. Since we set |
| // inverted = YES, on it, this is basically a no-op, except for making |
| // XCTest not complain about unwaited expectations. |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ checker.notifyUpdateAppliedExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| |
| // TODO: Enable this test when PR #26040 is merged. Currently the poll interval causes delays in the BDX transfer and |
| // results in the test taking a long time. With PR #26040 we eliminate the poll interval completely and hence the test |
| // can run in a short time. |
| #ifdef ENABLE_TEST_005 |
| - (void)test005_DoBDXTransferAllowUpdateRequest |
| { |
| // In this test we do the following: |
| // |
| // 1) Check if the ota image file and raw image file required for this test exist. |
| // 2) Advertise ourselves to device. |
| // 3) When device queries for an image, pass the image path for the ota file generated beforehand as a pre-requisite |
| // 4) When device tries to start a bdx transfer, respond with success. |
| // 5) Send the data as the BDX transfer proceeds. |
| // 6) Confirm the downloaded ota image matches the raw image file that was generated before the test was run as a pre-requisite |
| // 7) When device invokes ApplyUpdateRequest, respond with Proceed so that the update proceeds |
| // 8) Wait for the app to restart and wait for the NotifyUpdateApplied message to confirm the app has updated to the new version |
| |
| // This test expects a pre-generated raw image at otaRawImagePath. |
| NSString * otaRawImagePath = @"/tmp/ota-test005-raw-image"; |
| |
| // Check if the ota raw image exists at kOtaRawImagePath |
| XCTAssertTrue([[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:otaRawImagePath]); |
| |
| __auto_type * device = sConnectedDevice1; |
| |
| __auto_type * checker = |
| [[MTROTAProviderTransferChecker alloc] initWithRawImagePath:otaRawImagePath |
| nodeID:@(kDeviceId1) |
| applyUpdateAction:MTROTASoftwareUpdateProviderOTAApplyUpdateActionProceed |
| testcase:self]; |
| |
| // Advertise ourselves as an OTA provider. |
| XCTestExpectation * announceResponseExpectation = [self announceProviderToDevice:device]; |
| |
| // Make sure we get our callbacks in order. Give it a bit more time, because |
| // we want to allow time for the BDX download. |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ |
| checker.queryExpectation, checker.bdxBeginExpectation, checker.bdxQueryExpectation, checker.bdxEndExpectation |
| ] |
| timeout:(kTimeoutWithUpdateInSeconds) enforceOrder:YES]; |
| |
| // Nothing really defines the ordering of bdxEndExpectation and |
| // applyUpdateRequestExpectation with respect to each other. |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ checker.applyUpdateRequestExpectation, checker.notifyUpdateAppliedExpectation ] |
| timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds |
| enforceOrder:YES]; |
| |
| // Nothing defines the ordering of announceResponseExpectation with respect |
| // to _any_ of the above expectations. |
| [self waitForExpectations:@[ announceResponseExpectation ] timeout:kTimeoutInSeconds]; |
| } |
| #endif // ENABLE_TEST_005 |
| |
| - (void)test999_TearDown |
| { |
| __auto_type * device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(kDeviceId1) controller:sController]; |
| ResetCommissionee(device, dispatch_get_main_queue(), self, kTimeoutInSeconds); |
| |
| device = [MTRBaseDevice deviceWithNodeID:@(kDeviceId2) controller:sController]; |
| ResetCommissionee(device, dispatch_get_main_queue(), self, kTimeoutInSeconds); |
| [[self class] shutdownStack]; |
| } |
| |
| @end |